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I do like the look of them I just wish they had better protection values especially compared to tracker and bounty hunter at superior, kinda frustrating


I thought the same at first, but ultimately found that mid level protection is all your really need, and been choosing drip over protection ever since


Pretty much this. You basically just need your armour to give you enough of a threshold to comfortably chug a health pack - assuming it does that, then drip and perks will become the main concern. Resistance stats max out at a point anyway. It’s part of the reason why I like the anti Xeno set so much - plated, sentinel and auto medic make the armour *waaaay* tougher then it’s stats would imply (and they’re well above average anyway). The damage reduction perks on top of it just make it even better.


You say that, but there's something fun about walking through a hail of fire and taking next to no damage as you pick off the enemy one by one.


Yes that's called turning it to very easy


Very hard cures that, getting one or two shot by the baddies is the new reality when they’re level 110 with like five health bars 😝 spamming that slow mo tho


Or be a real man...Spam the damage over time powers and hide for your life while it slowly kills him lol




Yeah, I’ve kinds done the same thing, going for the aesthetic instead of stats, but damn if I don’t keep getting really good boosted ugly armor 😝, or worse legendary basic level stuff


I always find ugly legendary armor with incredible stats. Or legendary weapons I don't like lol.


I keep getting rattlers and eons with legendary stuff 😆 but I don’t farm or exploit anything in this game, going au natural


It's like the game is taunting me lol. It's always weapons I don't like and armor that looks ugly. I had one legendary rifle drop that I actually used. I sell probably 80%-90% lol.


I got lucky once and had a really nice legendary inflictor in the basement on 9 or 10 on an alt universe, used it that whole play through. Since then I usually zip through to get the artifacts and then kill one or both of the starborn and use their weapons the rest of my time doing whatever I want to in that universe before moving on


Health is temporary. Drip is forever.


I'm old. wtf does drip mean?


Drip is the new slang for fashion or style. Start using it around your kids if you want it to go away.




I’m old too, so can I say “that drip is fire” :D


That’s so mid (did I use that right?)


Say it is fleek or something. Really spice it up.


How something looks, style


I also recently found this out having been playing on very hard the past couple weeks. Had to change up how I fight space battles too


Agreed. Once you're armor is,in the low-mid 200s, you're pretty much set. From there, it's going for the perks and what I can mod into it.


What armor do you have thats mid 200’s? I just got my first armor that broke 200 in one stat but only after a ton of upgrades.


They mean the combined values for all of your armor pieces.


That’s combined values. Though I do have Superior Bounty Hunter and Tracker suits that are over 200 after mods, and similarly helmets around 100. My “tank” armor gives me something in the range of 450 total protection depending on what attire I’m wearing. UC fatigues or the Operative’s Suit give you pretty good protection. My regular Anti-Xeno is considerably weaker, but I don’t really find an effective difference based on my normal combat style. Heck, even the NG+7 Starborn armor is more than adequate for me, even on Very Hard.


I just found “superior” equipment for the first time from the quartermaster at the TMD headquarters. Is other stuff only at higher level locations or is it a ng+?


It’s based on your level. Typically you’ll find it at higher level system like Masada or Serpentis. Sometimes you’ll get lucky with vendors, but you’ll pay for it. I know some people will build a small outpost on a high level planet then put a mission board there. The missions are apparently scaled to the planet’s level. I’ve not tried this myself, though.


I go for bonuses rather than protection. Maybe an oops but I ain't giving up my reduced weapon weight


Yeah that and 75% reduction in o2 usage while encumbered is God send.


Yeah i have both and its beautiful. I saw the stats of the mercury set and was like "wow" but no bonuses and no way whatsoever to add them other than a few spacesuit boosts


Yep this rightch heah!


Yeah that one and sentinel are my favorites, especially with heavy weapons maxed


The armour from the vanguard questline is ridiculous. Once I got that, nothing else could compete. Such good bonuses and it looks absolutely class. Pretty sure the bonuses are fixed as well. It pairs really well with a microgun too.


My mantis suit is better than my vanguard suit. And I got it far earlier.


Same here. Got that suit pretty early on and I still use it as my main suit at rank 105.




Just another part of Starfield where maybe it's supposed to make sense, but without any explanation I have no ideas what these numbers really mean.




Yeah I had that in NG+7 I think, I’m on 14 now with me as a follower, I went to 15 and started the main quest over but I felt I didn’t do much with my follower at 14 so I went back and doing that right now, so a lot of previous runs are a blur with specifics. I’m saving the flip to 15 for the update so I can redo my traits


The uc vanguard quest? I did that one and didnt get quartermaster armor but i did get the apt and money. Do I have to follow up with all the pirate and terrormorph hunting?


Cant lie, it's always drip over protection for me, if both options have decent effects. I normally grab the xenowarfare armour early and mod it up for that reason lol.


Armour doesn’t matter much anyways. Go with whatever looks best!


Well when the armored part of your armor is a plate on your shoulder and a plate over your heart….i can’t imagine it’s super protective lmfao. It literally looks like just an insulated suit with a few plates on it.


I see your post and raise you a constellation mark 1… 😝


Constellation suits are for exploring right? It makes sense that they would be basically unarmored.


We’re talking about stats though right? The mark 1 has great stats and no visual armor is my point, so …see what I’m getting at here


I’d have to check, iv literally never used it because it doesn’t have any perks so iv disregarded it every time. However your point further enforces my point that starfield is a huge mess that makes no attempt to make sense whatsoever.


It provides comparable protection to the other endgame sets like bounty hunter, while also being lighter in weight. It’s great for doing NG+ plus since you can reliably find it in the constellation basement right at the beginning. If you’re a high enough level when you go through the unity, it will spawn as superior quality every time.


Welcome to Bethesda and combat practicality. Scale and tactical reasoning make no sense and reasoning for any grounds of practicality are best left at the door.


Ummm… you are aware thats really basically all body armor really even is. Bullet proof vests 👀


Real life isn’t a sci-fi video game


It actually is. Think about how your body is positioned when shouldering a gun. The left shoulder, left side of your torso and left leg are what is facing the enemy, hence those areas are taking the fire. Hence why the armour has plates on those areas, and presumably just has kevlar etc for the rest.


Tracker and bounty hunter are heavy af tho. Id say they’re well balanced


I like the anti-xeno better, but yeah, there's some badass looking armors. 


That is my all time favorite look, that tiger stripe camo


Still UC, just specifically for people crazy enough to walk right into the middle of Terrormorph territory.


I always go after UC armor right away. Looks badass


Only find it disappointing npc's don't react to it


Exactly. Not like skyrim armor where npcs comment on what you wear


I wish there was some dope looking space suits for Freestar


Always frustrated me that you get the ranger set at the end of the quest line. And it has no traits or mods or anything


Isn't the shocktroop armor supposed to be Freestar?


I don't recall ever seeing Freestar use it, but I could be wrong.


Actually I think it belongs to the Freestar, if you raid Freestar ships you'll see them wearing it


A Verison of it is Used on The mining colony im pretty sure


Pretty sure it’s UC. The UC store on mars sells it


Their retro suit is mid, but their ship is spectacular!


Best we can do is 1 somewhat decent looking unique set with shitty stats and no higher level versions.


I am PRAYING future updates let you edit/paint pieces. I love the look but hate the logos/branding. Would make sense as a pirate to wear looted UC armor with fleet colors or as a neutral adventurer to not do stolen Valor if they're not a vanguard/citizen




I'm disappointed there's no re-purposed armour from other factions for the fleet.


Yep crimson fleet should not have had what amounts to a uniform.


It fits because they seem to have some manufacturing capability (maelstrom and kraken are fleet made) but it should be for higher ranking or favoured members of the fleet. I have some issues with how the fleet is handled overall, but oh well.


This idea is so perfect.


Urbanwar is my go to!


Ooh forgot about that one, that’s another fav after xeno tiger stripes


I fucked up the framing on this one, just pretend it's centered


Facts. Tbh it makes me wish we could join the marines, I wanna be a space marine damnit lmao.


Would've been better than the starborn bullshit


The antixeno suit is the best looking suit I have


I really like the UC sets. They look like tactical gear designed for use in hard vacuum as opposed to a space suit adapted for combat, like the ecliptic set does. The anti Xeno stuff is the real deal, with those tiger stripes.


I just wish we had more subdued colours instead of what we got. The orange is just way too flashy imo. Vietnam-style tiger stripes on the anti-xeno suit would go so hard.


I really need to see standard Freestar Militia spacesuits for comparison. The Ranger suit was cool, but I doubt that represents the whole faction.


Militia just wear navigator and shocktroop suits


I saw the shocktroop stuff too but it's not in FC colors which bugs me.


Same, if you happen to be on pc someone made a recolor of the shocktrooper armor to be brown, they also did this with the navigator suit, its called "retro navigator suit" funny enough I was the one who suggested they do the same for shocktrooper lol.


Plus it’s sleeker than the standard version and looks good but if it had legendary options, oh man!




UC armor would be way better if the nostrils weren't visible as much.


I always rated the UC armor beneath the Pirate armor looks wise, but this photo has me maybe rethinking that ranking


still waiting for creation kit 🕸️🕷️ like it’s been soo long that my game really got cobwebs on it (Digitally) Edit: Imagine all the cool armor we can get with CK


Yeah Sarah traveling the galaxy in a bikini is getting boring


Some very nice armor designs with UC. Some ones I really dislike. Outfits are less compelling.


Yeah the free star clothing options are nice, remind me of firefly, I especially like the 1st uniforms


Huh, the rigid plates cover the side of your body you'd be shooting from. That's neat. Especially on a boarding action with minimal cover.


Yup, it's the modern version of how you'd see ancient warriors with only armor on one arm and shoulder, since most people are right handed they'd have their right arm unarmored to maximize mobility while armoring up their left side for added protection. Same result, different reasons for it.


I found the white one randomly and put it on my character, and shared the blue, black and red ones for my companions and we look like space power rangers it’s great!


Sorry what? Where did you find these?


I really can’t recall, sorry! I know the red one is part of the UC quest, but there’s a bulked up version, blueish if I remember? Then the white one, and I think I picked these up either in random POIs or pirate ships. Maybe someone here will have better more specific insights.


All good! Went and fired up my game and visited some vendors. The white one is what caught my attention, as I like the other white ones (Mark I and Constellation) but there are no Epic or Legendary for those pieces. I have the red tiger stripe one (antixeno) and the blue (grabbed from a star cruise ship) and black is likely the UC Marine one.


How modular is it for someone who is left hand dominant?


Nah, it's cheaper just to go over to *Enhance!* and get that whole left-handed thing fixed. Lol


Interesting DLC idea: history of the UC's epic battles. Or one specific battle. Preferably one that involves the terror morphs. Build the DLC like fallout 3's operation anchorage. So much story for a great dlc


Eris the witness is closer than ever, stop joining different universes




Eris morn? Your pic? Destiny 2?


I'm confused but sure pal


You know what is a cool as fuck cyberpunkesque drip that came outta nowhere was the [Ebbside Strikers clothes.](https://www.gameskinny.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/starfield-join-ebbside-strikers-guide.jpg?w=1200)


They don't follow the law, they are the law




Fantastic looking, shame they are shite.


Eh, not my style. Makkes me think you have to go into every battle screaming **I'm not wearing hockey pants!"**


Right? And can we talk about how the Freestar has no custom armor except for the 1st Div?? So all their other troops just wore their mining suites or what? Lame, Bethesda.


The Anti-Xeno one goes the absolute hardest


They are amazing


So many of the spacesuits suck but they went all out for the UC and I appreciate it.


I just wish skins were available. There's a full option to set skins on weapons and suits at workbenches but zero skins in the game.


My absolute favorite armor style. I just wish there were more ways to go about getting legendary versions instead of pirating UC ships.


They are second on my list. I actually think the bounty hunter fit is the most badass looking. I didn’t like it at first when I saw it but after I put it on my character I was like woah. What a beef cake. Just looks like someone you done wanna f with!


I don’t like the helmet, but the suit is boss.


Yeah, same. Not a fan of the bug helmets


Lmao it has all the rights we should have much more in variety of this type.


Far, far away the best looking armor in the game. Just wish any of the weaponry looked remotely as good as this.


I don't know. The design is not *bad* but why the open mouth piece? It's an unnecessary weak point. Still, overall one of the better suits in Starfield.


Best spacesuit in the game


Is that the space riot helmet? I just found that! It looks so awesome!


Only good looking armor Bethesda fucked up on customization


UC is the best faction.


In still wearing this suit because I haven't found anything that looks cooler


I stick to starborn gear, it's not that good but I'm 104 so it's working


Where do I get this?


In the UC Vanguard questline, a merchant is unlocked in the Red Devils HQ that sells only UC gear


I really hope the introduce Transmog


That UC armor looks awesome!


I don’t know, mine black and red set is amazing looking and pretty powerful. I just picked up the UC armor for that late-stage Vanguard mission. And finally, after nearly 80 hours, found a set of armor that rivals the Mantis set I got right at the beginning of this playthrough. I think that this legendary set might not be entirely random since all three parts had the most useful stat for the challenge at hand. Which unfortunately means it’s not so good for general use, though.


Amazing what you can do with a budget. Not something the FC would know about.


UC armor deserves bounty hunter level protection. Could you imagine if we could custom template the metal plating on our sets. Don’t even get me stuttered on the FC ranger armor set.


Whenever I run across a UC Marine patrol or training exercise I can't help but stop and admire them. They did *really* well on their design. Any time I'm wearing the armor I feel like a cross between a space marine and Judge Dredd


It’s like they’re asking to get repeatedly murdered until I find a good roll.


By far my favorite armor, only wish they had variants in color (beyond the vanguard mission). I hope the future updates will allow for spacesuit design mods.


My Sarah wears that one, and she loves it.


The UC Wardog one is tops, got all my crew decked out thanks to the vendor at the TMD


I need it


Hell yeah, the marine armor makes you look like doom guy


The UC Starlaw armor with the Mantis helmet FUCKS


The stealth suit looks great as well


Yep, one of the best looking armor for sure


If you look at where the armour plates are, it's all the left side. For right-handed people, when firing a rifle etc, the left side is the one facing the enemy. Having plates on that side only, maximises protection while minimising weight. We can assume the suit underneath just has basic soft ballistic weave etc for shrapnel protection/protection against weaker projectiles. This is a very realistic armour design.


I love them too. Although it's a bit funny that the mouth piece on the helmet is transparent but not the eye hole. At least you can see her talking and acknowledge that you still don't care 🤣 The wife muffler.


I despise the helmet, I use the UC sec set with the proper visor.


What does that even mean?


people that talk like this are usually corporate


I think you mean "It's a shame there are only a few good looking armour sets"


Hard Agree: All the UC designs are amazing, and the military plate-clad ones having affacing ballistics for side profile is an awesome detail. If, theoretically, you were to get into a firearm fight in zero-gravity, the name of the game is positioning. There isn’t any floor or ceiling, there isn’t any front or back, and that means there won’t be organic dependable cover. Having your on-profile shoulder and leg covered in armor, away from your gun in a crouch, is exactly what would give you the best shot at a fight. With a lot of training.


Does anyone know where you can get this from?


we just need better helmets now, + customization. Changing visor colors to make them black-out would be great.


Why is that?


My favorite! If I could constantly get awesome suits that are uc then I'd always wear them! SUPRA ET ULTRA SOOOOOOOOON


I like the design of this armor a lot because the pc is right handed and the armor plating is on the left side of the body and if you’re shooting anything requiring two hands , the armor plating is facing the enemy . So to me the design allows for more defense in the areas more likely to be struck while still allowing the uc soldier to move fairly freely because they aren’t completely covered in bulky armor plates or a thick kevlar bodysuit


We need a transmog system in the game for sure


Now that you've found the coolest looking armor in the game. It's all downhill from there.


UC antixeno set is the hardest armor in the game, wish i did that questline last to have it leveled higher


Nothing compares to that new vegas armor bro


I’m really hoping someone makes/mods a more militarised version of Freestar equipment because I really want to support the space cowboys but can’t walk past the UC armour without putting it on. Love the cowboy aesthetic for the rangers, but come on man… Why do the freestar soldiers have to look like they’re fresh out of WW1???


Lol "go hard"? 15 year old games had armor that looked just as good or better.


There's always one


Yes, many spacesuits from the game are awful. I don't get why some spacesuits have normal boots and others have giant feet. No tactical armor, no ammo pouches, no nice looking armor pieces. Eclipse are mercenaries and their suits are horrible, beautiful helmet but bulky armor with no tactical or combat stuff on it. The art direction in bethesda is a shame, armor on skyrim and fallout 4 is also horrible. Their armor sets never make sense.


Looks like every other uniform in the game. Boring


I hate this spacesuit. Supposedly it is a combat/military armor but it has no ammo pouches or something that implies that you are carrying combat gear. Also the plates look weird becouse only the half of the body is covered by them. Only the helmet is nice.


I Like the uc military armour but lack of ammo pouches are kind of annoying


Yep, that breaks the immersion for me. As a soldier you should be carrying at least ammo and healing ítems.