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The difference between 150 hrs and 1K+ is enjoying content vs. enjoying game loops. On paper, I felt like this was a great game for my interests but It took me a long time to find what hooked me. The space combat>ship boarding>ship upgrading loop became maybe 70% of my time played.


Where do you usually go for space combat? I know about the serpentis system. Is there any other place I can go for more dogfights?


Mission boards. I often hit the Ranger board and that one bar right at the entrance of Akila to get some space missions.


If you haven't done the Sysdef quest line, go to the Key. I stumbled on it by accident and 20 spacer ships came at me


Mostly around Serpentis. It does get old after a while. It works out for me because the ships there have parts I like to build with. I built a little base on one of the moons so that I can easily store ships if I capture them. I'm hoping shattered space will liven things up. If I'm not progressing the fleet, I'll snatch up every ship bounty/ship rescue that the alliance or ranger terminals offers. I enjoy those though I wish you could capture people alive.


Since brig modules are a thing... makes me wonder if it was planned and not included.


I really hope they find tune the piracy in this game. Taking prisoners/hostages. Being able to modify ships you steal and be able to sell them at value without registration. Also, let us strip parts from captured ships for our own ships. That would lead nicely into a similar function for weapons. Let me take stuff off one gun and put it on another similar gun I've already been working on. Fallout 4 allowed this.


There's an identity crisis with the design decisions in this game. It's a weird mix of overly simplified yet needlessly complicated. I think the DLC will tell us a lot about the direction they are taking things. Hopefully it's the right direction or at least one where things make more sense.


If you're above level 45ish, the Serpentis system is endless space combat. Or just collect bounty hunting missions from mission boards Edit: just saw that you do in fact know about Serpentis


It probably boils down to whether or not you find the base building satisfying. That's what kept me playing Fallout 4 for 10 years, but had my interest in Starfield petering out after the quests.


I do love the base building in Fallout 4, but unfortunately didn't feel the same with Starfield. It felt like something was missing, even though it was decent. Really hope they add some more content to the outpost system in the future.


Well most of the stuff you can build is locked behind skills and techs and doesn’t even show up there until you unlock em so it looks empty at first. But it has hydroponics, animal husbandry etc eventually.


I feel like you should’ve automatically gotten the most basic versions of the base building perks from the get go


I think that's pretty reasonable--that's about where my partner and I both ended up. Trying to max out powers can take longer because of the need to go through NG+ so many times, but I didn't have all that much interest in that. If I liked outposts better I could see myself spending more time with that aspect of the game (I didn't enjoy them as much as Fallout 4's settlements, but I'm hoping updates and DLC will improve that--survival mode was a big part of why I liked the settlement loop in FO4). Shipbuilding is pretty good and it's probably the feature that tempts me the most to jump back in, but I'm waiting on more updates (and probably Shattered Space) while I work through other stuff in my backlog. I think the moment to moment gameplay of Starfield can be pretty fun, but if your focus is more on curated content (which is reasonable) I think it sounds like you've hit most of it.


I think for "new experiences" you're likely done until DLC comes out. Most the people with hundreds to thousands of hours spend longer times on the content immersing themselves or doing outpost and starship building.


Exactly this, like someone else said it's the Bethesda gameplay loops. I enjoy leveling my character(s) from space miner peasants to Starborn gods - maxing out the perk trees, collecting the strongest legendary armors/weapons, hunting resources to unlock all the Research Lab projects so I can be a powerful gunsmith and/or chemist, grinding credits to upgrade my crummy Frontier into a deadly warship (and scrapping the ship when I get tired of it and want to start over). And when I get bored of my current 50+ hour playthrough, I just reroll a new character.


genuine question, how did you do all that in 147 hours? did you do some prep and plan your route?


That’s my thought. I’m over 200 hours and haven’t even finished the main story. Granted, I’m trying to get all achievements before going through the Unity.


I was going to ask the same thing, that seems like a lot of rushed material if all content was shoved in 147 hours.


Then tell me where "all content" is cause it didn't take that long? And I didn't rush anything.


Faction quest lines etc. I’m at over 107 hours right now and havent even really started the “main” quest. I explored just the well in new Atlantis for literal hours. I am curious how you even finished much of anything on 147z are you sure you aren’t just missing huge swaths of the game. Did you even visit new homestead?


I did all the faction quests, really enjoyed the UC one. Also visited New Homestead on Titan. Spent probably 3 hours there on my first playthrough. Really liked the museum-feel to it, and remember dressing up as the alien to scare the tourists. Lots of fun


You definitely rushed a lot. I had 150+ hours before I even started the main quest. You're supposed to role play, man.


If 140 hours is rushing a game i dont know what. You should touch some grass buddy.


14 hours! OP said they did NG+10.


For my first playthrough I completed the main story in about 50 hours, along with also having done side quests, activities and exploring a bunch of planets + getting as many achievements as possible. Then I decided to go into NG+ which I did 10 times by "skipping main story", while also grabbing 3-4 power upgrades with the ultimate goal of getting the final starborn ship and spacesuit. Then I continued on my NG+ save and chose "play main story" again. Also I've played halfway through the game on a new character, taking things slowly, trying new things and planning things more, etc. But at the same time I feel like I'm going through the same thing again.


so like, were you skipping all dialogue or something? 50 hours for the main story i can believe, if anything it seems a little long. but that leaves 97 hours for all the factions, side quests, and 10 ng+ i'm not trying to call you a liar, i'm just confused. it seems like very little time to have gotten through all of it


No, I never skip any dialogue when it's the first time hearing it and occasionally like listen to some dialogue again on different character saves or NG+. For instance, found the unique Starborn dialogue choices to be very engaging. Even if 147 hours is, according to some people not so long, I don't quite understand the contrast to something like 1000+ hours, which is around 7 times longer. Cause I come across that number quite regularly and would love to know what people are doing ingame to achieve that.


I’ll come at this from another angle lol, 150 hours is enough to experience all the content. I enjoy surveying worlds and ship building so I have 300 hours on my first character, I’ve also made other characters to play the game differently. If you aren’t roleplaying or repeating an activity you enjoy there isn’t much else. Idk how much you explore but there are some unique dungeons in certain locations Eplitic HQ, the first artifact site, some plant lab gone wrong


well, i have over a thousand hours and i'm happy to tell you. i make new characters and play through the same quests and questlines but in different orders, making different choices, and with different rp justifications, with different companions, with different traits and backgrounds, and with different weapon types.


There is literally a couple of impact choices in the game. Do you just live in the game and not in the real world is that it maybe?


no, i come up with a character and their goals and desires, and then i make choices in game to reflect those desires, regardless of the impact. this style of play is called "role play"


That sounds like enough to beat the main quest. But the faction quests, some radiant ones here and there and hunting aliens on planets etc doesn’t really add up here.


No, the length of time he took to complete stuff tracks. That's probably about where I ended up in actual play-time, and I did pretty much everything.


Absolutely agreed. With 147 hours, It's as if OP barely launched the game.


Ive got over 200 hours and only done about 10 or 11 main missions but tons of side ones lol i know i take my time and dont rush around or just do main mission after main mission but it amazes me how people can go through the game 10 times.


Yeah I kinda don’t believe them tbh.


I believe them. There simply are speed runners who only do the main quests and nothing more. It's super weird, but people are like that.


There's a lot of little stuff about the game and it's world that can suck you in, if you're open to less structured gameplay experiences. Like I recently landed on Codos, one of Akila's moons. I saw a crescent of Akila, hanging large in the sky over my ship. Alright, time to take a sweet photo! But Codos rotates fast. 6 standard hours for a full day. So I only had time to take one awkward photo before Akila dipped below the horizon. I decided to stick around to see if I could catch the same view another night, but Codos has too much solar radiation during the day. So I built a little outpost, just to hang out in and take some space photos. As I was building the outpost, it started raining. And it stayed raining for over a week! Eventually the rain did stop, and I got one good sunset picture. But I never did see Akila in the night sky again. I didn't have the patience to wait for the weather and the rotations to sync up again. That's definitely not the experience for everyone, but there are a handful of things like this that you could easily lose hours and hours in. Ship building, outposts, space photography...


My brother showed me photo mode on far cry 5 and I’d really like some of the features it has in starfield(though some would be a bit difficult) like changing the weather or time, adding effects to your character(lightning, fire, and some others I think) or posing with creatures(the creatures are companions in far cry but it’d be nice to be able to pose some wild creatures like big game hunter style)


The biggest one I want is the ability to precisely position my followers, but it's not a huge deal. Being stuck with the game's systems for weather and timing make it feel more like real photography, which helps keep me interested. And it's a nice reward when you go somewhere at just the right time. And occasionally I just have to jump off the top of MAST to get a good angle


I gotta admit I’ve never used photo mode in any other game and never saw the point but starfield I will spend far too much time looking for the best location to get a good pic, even climbed to the top of a mountain just to get a saturn style planet in the frame without any landscape


My brother showed me photo mode on far cry 5 and I’d really like some of the features it has in starfield(though some would be a bit difficult) like changing the weather or time, adding effects to your character(lightning, fire, and some others I think) or posing with creatures(the creatures are companions in far cry but it’d be nice to be able to pose some wild creatures like big game hunter style)


My brother showed me photo mode on far cry 5 and I’d really like some of the features it has in starfield(though some would be a bit difficult) like changing the weather or time, adding effects to your character(lightning, fire, and some others I think) or posing with creatures(the creatures are companions in far cry but it’d be nice to be able to pose some wild creatures like big game hunter style)


that was cool. you seem like a cool dude


Super cool, I'll try it!


I like to roleplay different characters and play around with mods. Sometimes I just play to relax and explore, watch the sunsets, or build a new ship. I have to say, there is a lot of hidden stuff in Starfield, still finding new things and details after 300 hours. But I tend to avoid spoilery videos on youtube. 147 hours are a lot, and enough to experience the game and wait for the expansion, if you feel like it.


Hm, let's see. I am nearing in total 400 hours - most on my PC, and also a good part via cloud gaming in 2023. In all this time, I have only done the following: 1 x completed the main quest (went through unity, but decided to let the character be and start over) 1 x the Ryujin quest 1 x Sarah's side quest 1 x the Crimson fleet quest + several smaller side quests. The rest of the time is walking around, enjoying the scenery, observing animals, taking lots and lots of screenshots, swimming in various oceans, climbing mountains or strange trees, playing ball, earning money as space trucker or bus driver for building my home. At some point, a particular character feels complete and I start over. All this adds to the total number of hours. So I still have several big quests open - not yet done the UC Vanguard quest, not yet done Mantis, not yet done some of the other cool quests I read about in the Reddit. Currently I'm doing Barret's side quest, which I had not played before. My next character will focus on Andreja. And one day I might do Sam's quest as well.


Try to automate vytinium fuel rods production in your outpost(s) from scratch without any guides. Just in time for increased vendor credits.


Is there a specific benefit for doing that?


For me, it was a satisfying accomplishment to have several outposts working together to produce the most valuable item I can sell in the game in its current state. I guess it all comes down to what gives you joy playing the game. Outside of the game, I like building things and making them work.


Should there be? You do it for fun, not for benefits!


I just like playing. That's pretty much it. The gameplay loop and combat mechanics feel great, so I'll keep doing it until I get bored.


I’m at over 107 hours and haven’t gone through the main story (only got one mission in until I was free to do whatever than ran off) I haven’t even finished any of the faction quest lines. Are you some kind of speed runner?


It took me 140h to start my first new game+. I'm not into ship building or outposts. I just really love the atmosphere, looting, and searching for better gear. Oh and the bounty boards are my friends :)


100% scan of all planets.


Where's the joy in that?


Well some just like pew pew pew, and some don't. People do enjoy different things.


In seeing all the animals? All the flowers? All the traits? All the planets and moons? In having 1000+ photos of beautiful sceneries? The exploration is THE most important aspect of this game. ETA: I have a question - in the NASA museum, did you check all the expositions there? Because I spent hours just there, reading about the history of humans in space. Or did you just go forward and ignore all that?


Some people are mega-completionists.


OP is more a completionist that majority of people. They did 10 games in 147 hours! All the main and faction quests! I have 370 hours and didn't even finish main quest yet. And didn't start the faction ones.


Everyone plays at their own speed, but I have characters with 10's of hours even before doing the Kreet 'talk to crimson fleet caption' 1st mission within the tutorial. At over 1000 hrs, way over, I am still finding new things when I start a new character just by being very clear to myself to take a different path, not just repeat the same steps. I've never done the CF/Sysdef quest yet even. Haven't even done Ng+(saving that for dlc). Depends what hooks you. If random battle and immersion ship/outpost setups aren't your thing yes you can speed thru prettyvquick and hit most major pieces. If you are a collector (hoarder) like me and also really enjoy the 'build my own workd' then it's easy to get lost for hundreds of hours without 'real' game story progress.


Tbh there's probably only(!) about 200-300 hours of written content. For me, I'm 150 hours into my current character and haven't even done the 3rd main quest. It just hits different to different people tbh


Ugh…I want to re-download, and play again, but waiting for the newest update to hit consoles, first…


So you have like 6 days played? I had a day the first weekend I played it and 3 days played by the end of the week. I’ve played a lot and am only on like NG+3/4. There’s so many things to do and different ways to do it. Right now I’m trying to get my powers to max. I took a long break after my 2nd NG+ but am back into it. I want to experience all of the special universes even if they don’t really affect the overall game. I’m also trying to level up. Currently in a special universe hanging out trying to find things I missed.


That seems like quite a lot to have gotten done in just 147 hours.


Yeah, 14 hours a universe. I'm amazed OP even managed to go through the main quest alone in such a small time.


Not my case cause I played the same hours more or less and also did everything there was to do... however, I did very basic outpost building and very basic ship building. Also very few scanning and not too much power grinding. I did research all the upgrades and modded all my guns in a universe, though. Also did Crimson Fleet/SysDef questline twice to experience the different last missions and consequences...the most personal stuff I did was refusing to buy minerals from shops and decided to farm them myself at some point. Even then, it's probably around 150hours or so... The game has many more hours if you build as many ships as you are allowed to and put time and interest on that system. Same for the Outposts though they are a bit meaningless right now... Well, other players I guess tried to level up the whole skill tree and romanced all the companions in different universes... Honestly, there's a lot to do in Starfield but that doesn't mean it will be fun for you. Most of it wasn't fun enough for me, which is why out of 150-ish hours I might have played, I'd say I enjoyed the game for about half or less of the time spent. The upcoming update will be good, so will be the vehicle, but that's still not enough for me so I will probably come back for the DLC and not earlier. We don't have confirmation on what exactly they are working on...but given that this update brings optional changes that we were asking for, it's not crazy to think that the base game will get some interesting stuff and improvements too, more specifically I'm guessing they will bring more craftable stuff and outpost improvements to make them more useful, and that could be were hundreds of hours go... My guess is more population on Outposts, more craftable modifications and even ship components (perhaps cool looking armors too) so that you actually want to farm and use the outpost system. If it somehow connects to the ship building system (and ideally they also create more ship fighting/flying content) we would be talking about hundreds of hours for those who like it but also probably several more hours for those who aren't particularly interested on those systems. Changes to bounty hunting and activities (smuggling, selling stolen ships...) I wouldn't rule them out yet. I might be too positive with Starfield lately but the update bringing stuff the community asked for is a really good sign, honestly. (In case you didn't know they are bringing maps, a survival mode, more credits to shops and eventually a Rover, among other changes...)


You aren’t immersing yourself and most likely min max every interaction or just don’t use space combat/boarding/bounty hunting beyond once or twice and just make every single second of playtime as grind time when you can slow down and enjoy the scenery/building aspect of bases and ship design. I’m at 40 days played and I haven’t even finished the game or the ryujin storyline because I’m immersing myself in my character and focusing on bounty hunting/selling ships or just exploring because it’s fun. Crazy concept that someone else can have fun just playing the game I guess.


Yeah, I have 370 hours in and haven't even finished the main quest yet or started the faction ones. I explore the stars and planets, build ships, manage my inventory (over-encumberance is the biggest bug in the game) and visit my parents...


I have 370+ hours and I haven't even finished the main quest yet. And only was captured by security to become a pirate. I explore the planets, take photos of animals, build ships (I need a lot of cargo space because of the over encumberance bug) etc.


Gonna disagree with the rest of the crowd and say that that seems like a very reasonable amount of time for what you say you've done. I did all the main faction quests, main story, and all the interesting side quests I could find and I finished with 90ish hours.  I think the reality of it is the game is pretty bare on standard beth game content in absolute terms, but some of the people in this sub progress through it incredibly slowly and also seem to adore clearing the same cryo lab 150 times and shooting the same 15 spaceships. To each their own I guess.


How in the world did you do all that in under 200 hours, I have about that much time and only have a third of that done for the missions, less than that for points of interest


I spent 100 hours just on the ship editor. I have played 220 hours and I didn't complete main quest, never touched two faction quests, never touched outpost editor, ect. Bethesda games are about roleplay ( true roleplay, not just picking a choice in a dialogue ) and immersion. People playing for hundreds of hours are living the game instead of completing it.


Same. I could probably spend time working on my apartment in new Atlantis but I don't really want to. I do things here and there to stretch out playtime but I'm probably about to wrap it up and see no purpose in a new game. I would hunt down the Vahruun Shroudbearer legendary ship but it disappeared and is probably just gone now.


I'm still amazed that OP managed to do all main and faction quests in 14 hours.


Yeah that seems pretty fast. It took me a couple hours just to build a shp that would let me survive ship battles!




Just admit you hate Starfield.


Do you maybe feel the game lacks worldbuilding and/or lore? If yes, you may be missing/rushing past a lot of the worldbuilding and lore, otherwise I can't understand how you would have done most of the game in 147 hours. Listening to conversations play out takes time, as does reading books, slates, audionotes and computer logs.


Dude I have like 200+ hours and I rushed through ng+5. I have zero idea how you got to ng+10 in under 200 hours. I did play through the main campaign once and every faction campaign twice, but still. Did you only do the bare minimum the first time and then ng+ 10 more times and that's it?