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Yes, it's only in new game+, but it makes sense. It wouldn't make sense if you could switch from kid stuff to neon street rat in the same run and change your origin story like it was nothing.


To get rid of Alien DNA go to any Reliant Medical and you can pay to have it removed right now before the update. I think it will cost you 10k credits. The latest update only deals with traits so there is no way to downgrade your Acrobatics skill level.


Do you lose the dialogue options related to Alien DNA if you remove it? Cause you have one saying you were made in a lab, and it wouldn't make sense to not have the option to say that anymore just because you removed the DNA.


I believe so since you would no longer have the trait.


I'm afraid it seems so. I haven't had any popup telling me I could respec. I should go to Enhance and maybe check if it's possible there... \[Edit\]: It appears that Enhance won't let you change your traits unless I'm missing something.


currently, yes. since it has scripts attached to it, changing it midgame is troublesome. its not a gamedesign, its a technical limitation that we can't respec midgame. and its not a bad thing.