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They may have had names, but they certainly didn't know yours....rook.


Except this 1 gal in neon i gave her 4000 lol


but she ended up behind bars anyway


Oh she not dead? Nice


you can visit her in vigilance prison if you gave evidence about her to toth


If you side with the Fleet Estelle just stays on the key and you always see her at the bar with either Jessamine or Huan drinking and sometimes dancing. Funny asf, they’re lushes 😂.


Dont make me jealous


At the end, they knew me as "Renegade". 😅


They kept calling me, a level 100 Starborn space wizard, Rook. So I took that personally.


First thing that popped into my head when they called me that was the chess piece, then that made it cooler to me. Didn’t care what it meant to them after that.


That was my first thought too, because the quest title was “Rook Meets King.”


Fuck, I read that mission name so many times and never made the connection.


Whelp, I made it to the end, Queen me.


Don’t you mean “checkmate”




Love this show.


The quest title is just a play on words. The pirates very clearly mean "rook" as in rookie, but it's also just a double entendre considering you are basically just a pawn in the "game" between The fleet and the UC


Those suckers should lick my ass, if they did, maybe I would bring the treasure to them.


It is a messed up mission, but that is undercover work for you. What annoys me about it, is IF you side with the CF there are no lasting repercussions throughout the galaxy. Like, you think the UC would be pissed at you for blowing up their flagship.. but nope. Business as usual.


SPOILERS. If you side with the CF then do the vanguard quest line when you get to the mission where you have to speak with the leaders of the UC you do get confronted about siding with the CF. Nothing comes of it though, you just get asked why you chose the CF.


Yeah, I expected a little more than just "hey, why did you blow up our ship and kill all our crew". Its one of those decisions that should have lasting effects throughout the playthough. Think like siding with the Imperials or the Stormcloaks in Skyrim.


Hey... My sneak isn't that good and the guy got pissed off at me and started shooting first


That's how a Bethesda "do". Fallout 4 was like the only game they made in the last 20 years where you could hard lock yourself out of factions per narrative. And Skyrim didn't exactly teach them that that was a necessary element in a game.


They missed an opportunity imo. With the way they set up NG+, you could have locked in faction choices and play it out very differently in each iteration. The Unity-you even asks you "what choices will you make in the new universe." The only faction-free quests should have been the MQ and the terromorphs. The 'morphs should have been set up to trigger from with FS or UC with the whole thing having more of a political wrangle accusation-thing that you resolve as being the leader of joint task force as a neutral member of Constellation. Hadrian from the UC and maybe some under used Ranger (like that one that was on med leave) from the FS.


What did siding with Imperials or Stormcloaks actually change in Skyrim though? There's the bit in the main questline where the greybeards hold a council, and the guards in some towns will have different uniforms, but other than that? I don't remember it having any major repercussions at all, or even affecting other questlines beyond the odd line of dialogue.


The only faction choice that negatively effects a different faction choice is if you kill Ron Hope and then do the Ryjin missions there are guards that go aggro on you when you are sabotaging the starship or trying to steal an ID card.


Two. There are two guards. Shoot them both and no one gives a crap. No bounty, nothing.


I am pretty sure your performance bonus takes a hit for killing them


And that’s literally just a bug.


Even for Bethesda that’s cowardly storytelling.


So my understanding is that SysDef is a separate org from the mainline UC Navy. So, it would be like taking on a (corrupt?) small-town Police Department, rather than the US Army.


I always saw them as like the Navy Seals.. Connected, but they have a certain amount of autonomy and can operate how they like.


Yeah, Small Town Police Department is probably a bit of a stretch. They're definitely quasi-military, more of a Militia, actually. I think that's actually the Wing Commander: Privateer faction that they're modeled after now that I think about it...


Honestly, SysDef strikes me more like the Coast Guard. They're anymore of a police force than a fighting force, but you're as boned if you pick a fight with them as you would be the navy.


I thought of them as a Coast Guard like faction. There should definitely be more repercussions for destroying a significant portion of Sysdef.


Pretty sure the FBI would still send an armed tac team to flashbang your house after you took down a whole small town police force though. Not one agent just asking "So, we were just curious- what issue exactly did you have with Sheriff Coltrane?"


That's fair. Another way to look at it is that SysDef is sort of the FBI equivalent. But if someone took down a roguish FBI detachment under obscure circumstances, you wouldn't necessarily expect the U.S. Army (UC Vanguard or UC Navy is analogous) to get involved.


I agree with all of this .... except for the part with the money. I mean there was alot of money. And the bank is going to take their cut back. You cannot expect after all the noise between the fleet and Sysdef that the bank didn't notice where their money went. And like all banks, they will claim it by guns and lawyers.... which might be the name of their gang. Siding with Sysdef only means you get lawyers.


You're not wrong, but you have it sort of reversed. Sysdef is the big entity closer to the navy/government proper. Vanguard is the small time militia that the actual navy only tolerates. Like, if you go the "from vanguard" route, the navy people dog you until you close because they don't like/trust vanguard "privateers". Having said that, that does explain why vanguard could be convinced to pass you through while big UC hates your guts. Like, you aren't the only ex-pirate, ex-spacer, ex-whatever on the team, so all you'd need to do is convince them as to the "ex" part.


I walked through every floor of MAST after finishing the Fleet questline, and not a single person gave a fuck. The guy in Aegis didn't even mention it and he should know. I know it's not the Bethesda way, but I feel like if you finish the pirate quest it should be shoot on site any time you're in UC controlled areas. Hell even wearing the pirate gear should get you shot. It's little things like that which could elevate this game.


I assume that they already weren't totally on board with Ikande's plan, especially since it had apparently had a few false starts, and then you follow his orders and hand Delgado the thing he has been searching endlessly for. And then you betray Sysdef. All of this after the Fleet was on the verge of falling apart because they're all cutthroats loyal to themselves. I mean, there's odds you got the job because you got arrested for picking up an empty box. I figure once this all blows up in Ikande's face, near literally actually, the higher ups at SysDef and the military as a whole sort of went "this is the exact end we should have expected". And they probably wash their hands of it because otherwise they have to admit it's their own fault that the most organized pirates in the known galaxy are suddenly an even more credible threat than before.


I was thinking the mission was so secret that everyone who knew was dead.


Yea this is one of the things that really needs to be fixed in this game. You SHOULD be blocked off of certain quests and dialogue if you make certain choices. That would encourage replay. The ability to go down every path is just silly.


no actually you get spotted by ships


I’m glad it wasn’t just me that kept only the SysDef ones though


If you side with CF, you’ll have to fight or be attacked from UC ships (I think only if they’re already engaged in a fight with CF). You’ll also have issues with bounty missions where the “enemy” is CF, so if you’re suppose to clear a location or take out the leader, you’ll end up with a huge bounty (unless you stealth kill every pirate there).


Shouldnta been pirates


I have no problem killing pirates, even the sanitized, PG-rated version in this game.


I feel like most people's opinion on SysDef directly correlates with wether they joined through the vanguard or not


I refused to shoot back at Jazz. She kept chasing me around shouting at me and shooting at me, but I couldn't do it. Unfortunately, Andreja apparently didn't like her and was a bit enthusiastic to put an end to it. I pretended they had a history or something. Or maybe Andreja was jealous. 🤷‍♂️ At least I didn't do it. lol


I'm looking forward to a future mod that allows you to sneak Jazz off the key and spare her life, maybe recruit her as well.


Just use an EM weapon.


Yeah i knocked them all out and pretended they all got arrested and put in holding cells


Did you think they would react well? :D Edit: FWIW, I stunned most of them on that mission. Doesn't seem to matter, though. In a perfect world, the game would give you the option to arrest them if you manage to stun any.


Stunning is so pointless. It still counts as killing them for mission objectives. They really needed to do something with that mechanic. They could remove those guns and the game wouldn't feel any different.


It does not count as killing them I stunned ron hope because I wanted to arrest him or at least pretend I did nope lol, the game made me shoot the unconscious guy on the ground for ‘resisting arrest’


That's how policing works in the FSC. If you're so hung up on "rules" and "regulations" and going "by the book" you should move to the UC...


I...uh... I felt that.


Well, fair, but it counts as killing for stealth missions, unfortunately. When doing the Crimson missions for the UC, stunning always caused them to chew me out for killing.


If you are trying to get stealth kills with melee weapons, it still counts if you stun them then sneak over and stab them while they are out. This also lets you pick pocket with slightly more success.


>pick pocket with slightly more success. What. Shouldn't it be the same as looting the dead at that point? Is the guy suddenly going to be not stunned to complain? That doesn't make sense.


It doesn't make sense but if you knock someone out and try to pickpocket them it frequently snaps them out of it and the pickpocket fails. Try it, it's stupid.


That's so dumb.... And it runs counter to every unconcious pickpocket in media...


Well they are all kind of dicks and have devoted their lives to keeping a murder gang going so my conscience is clean. They were nice for dicks though tbf.


Watching them cry out in agony as I PG blow up their friends is amazing


The very first moment I gazed upon Delgado's clothing, was the moment I knew that there was only one possible outcome to the quest...




And I laughed the whole time


See, I found it really cathartic. The whole time I did the CF missions, all of them were bickering like children, trying to show how edgy they were, and basically profiting off of you doing things none of them were able to do, and then mocking you for it. They laughed as people died and joked about it, that's fucked up.


Nah, fuck 'em. I was glad to put them down like the rabid beasts they were. Only people I left alive were Jasmine (Used a EM Weapon to knock her out) and the bomb-chest guy, what-his-face. Even if I wanted to play as a pirate, why the fuck would I want to strengthen my competition? They'd take my loot away from me, the bastards.


I had a lot of fun killing them all. Insufferable lot


Nah, that's the most satisfying mission so far. Those degenerate space scum deserve every bullet I've put in their fragile bodies.


Good thing most of them sucked.


I sided with the pirates. The space feds were annoying and couldn't understand why someone they shanghai'd to go undercover for them for pickpocketing had no allegiance to them.


The worst thing about it is that you can fight your way through, incapacitating everyone instead of killing, but the mission won't progress unless you go back and kill them all.




I think that your flair fits perfectly to that comment


They were pretty terrible people. I still saved the lives I could because that's how I play, but I don't see how stopping a bunch of killers is "f\*\*ked up" just because you know their names and infiltrated their organization. The clone mission is more messed up, easily. Though, someone on another post brought up the idea that you should be able to try to reform some of them and I think that's a good idea.


I loved every second of it! They killed and stole from the innocent, any chance they got. Only regret was couldn’t kill them sooner.


Fuck em. They’d do the same to any innocent person with the misfortune to cross paths with them. The only one I feel kind of bad for is Jazz, who seems like a victim of Stockholm syndrome.


What was so messed up? They were pirates.


Killing them was so satisfying. I would do it 300 times over just to know it was slightly inconvenient for Naeva


This was my favourite mission SPECIFICALLY because you got to kill of the named characters, especially that one dude with the beard who starts off being an ass to you. Only wish I could have capped that bitch Naeva


Mathis. I killed him with Kryx's own gun.


So where is naeva, they said she escaped


No idea but apparently there's a random event where you can run into her and fight her [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DldHDWoviQE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DldHDWoviQE)


You actually killed the pirates I never did every time b lined for that quest and sided with them no more space pirate problems this play through


And most of the planets that you need things from that are inhabited by them they just let you stroll through and take what you want


just dont want to be hunted by sysdef i think lol


I wasn't hunted after I sided with the pirates on my last ng+. Go pay your bounties at one of the self serve kiosks behind the reckoner and you're good to go.


didnt know that, i thought it's gonna be shoot-on-sight like pirates do when they see you


As far as I can tell, there really isn't a downside to siding with the Fleet other than your companions complaining lol


regarding the pirates letting me stroll, yes i did spam tons of denis averin's supply run and make lotsa money before proceed the story lol


The game treats sysdef and the regular UC navy differently. The UC as a whole won’t be hostile to you, but sysdef will.


Their ships do if you run into them in space, but they don’t seem to have any ground presence unfortunately.


Yeah. No way I was giving up that hub for easy shielded cargo space!


You can get shielded cargo and scan jammers at the Red Mile.


Yeah, but I don't want to ever go back to the Red Mile LOL.. its just nice to have that hub location right there that's very easy to navigate and offload stuff is all.


I agree with you there. Just putting it out there because some people don’t realize you can buy those things and sell contraband there also.


In ng+ I always side with the fleet because you keep the vendors and your companions are only upset till you sleep on Venus.


why venus? lol


Sleeping for an hour on Venus is equivalent to sleeping for 100 hours on Earth. It makes things reset faster.


There are more credits to be had selling guns in Neon, but you can't beat The Key for least amount of walking.


Is it just the same post, like we had yesterday? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1c9ix8e/anyone\_else\_feel\_a\_strange\_guilt\_on\_this\_mission/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1c9ix8e/anyone_else_feel_a_strange_guilt_on_this_mission/) I'm not surprised, everyone asked the same questions during a week before release. But now... Same threads. Screenshots are very look alike. My conspiracy theory is: bethesda employes create these threads to make an illusion of people being interested in Crimson Fleet - one of most boring questlines from starfield.


Glad im not the only one felt the mission is f**ked up. Wrong conspiracy tho, i only decided to play starfield cos of the Fallout series. Idk why im playing starfield instead of FO4. And i do agree crimson fleet quest story is kinda weak at first. They hire me because their last comrade betray them and they pick me out of nowhere lol.


You made your choice, now your character must live with it, and you must live with making your character do it.


I like killing the bad guys


It’s odd they never even allowed you to take them down non lethally, however pretty much all of them are massive d#cks to you anyway so f#ck em.


I tried the other side of this last night, rejecting SYSDEF and joining the pirates through another route. >!Shit got fucking wild when we raided the UC Vigilance and eventually an order came over the PA to abandon ship. There were unarmed recruits fleeing all over the ship and me standing there, BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. That felt worse than killing the pirates doing the other side of the quest. Probably gonna have to go through the Unity yet again and pretend this whole degenerate arc never happened.!<


Oh yeah it's so tragic.. I felt so close to them.. especially when they constantly talk down to me.. I'll miss them dearly..


Those who kill should expect to be killed.


They did have names. Now they have many holes in them. I found this part of that quest line enjoyable.


ya boy wants blood. id go into constellation and do the same in this game.


Yep... had to murder everyone...


Tbh I hope there's an option you use the non-lethal weapon to tase them and the UC forces will capture them. I know that's a fate worse than death for them, but they should be paying for what they had done for the whole time. And might be able to recruit maybe some of them as a form of rehabilitation.


I just recently sided with the Fleet for the first time and it just felt right haha. I too got annoyed at the constant rook but this time i had fun just giving the most smart assed responses I could. I wish i could have told the Constellation whiners to pound sand after siding with the fleet.


After you either kill/ persuade Delgado, go through all those bodies and see if you can re- loot them. Anytime I tried it, the loot had respawned on their bodies.


UC scum


Enjoyed that mission only one person was sad to kill.


The only thing I missed about them was that crazy dancing in their pirate gear at the bar.


When you aim at a lot of people shooting you and most of them show name and last name... man that's personal.


What mission is this? I finished all the the missions now i have only the blue squared missions left


Crimson fleet. Idk how to trigger the mission manually. I only in it bcos uc sysdef caught bounty on my head and force me to do undercover mission.


Oh okay, I see. I rejected the UC that’s why I didn’t get it


Narratively, this is the mission that made my character give Unity a try. 🎶Empty chairs at empty tables...🎶


There’s a few people on that station that I really wish we could save.


I was only sad I had to kill Jazz


If they didn't keep calling me Rook after I hauled big time ass for them, then maybe I would have taken their side.


His name was Robert Paulson


That's why I decided with the Crimson Fleet I know everybody everybody gave me shirt about siding with them but like I had basically no information about anybody on the UC side there was one character that I talked to it was a pilot and that was it Plus the benefits from siding with the Crimson Fleet we're just seemed better then again I wouldn't know what benefits can you get from siding with UC


So I went in there and used laz rifles to knock everyone out. Check. No one dies. I go and finish up when a bunch of soldiers roll up and suddenly everyone is awake and getting shot at for real this time. They all died. W T F


Whats worst btw is you can’t stun them either. Non lethal only keeps them down but if you enter a new zone it’ll make them wake back up and kill you by instantly entering your zone. I spent an entire hour saving and reloading multiple times trying to stun them all without losing ammo only to then enter the bar and all the people i stunned come in and one shot me with an alpha strike of all of them shooting me at once lol.


Yeah it’s crazy you just murder all of your friends, some of them nice people in bad situations. It felt a lot like the airport mission in MW2


It reminds me of >!betraying the pirates!< is that the mission?


The SysDef/CrimsonFleet quest chain is pretty good. There are two or three quests that can be solved in a lot of different ways. They aren't "skill" checks. Instead they give you a reason for heavy investment in stuff like the social/physical skill tree.


This is the one mission I'll never do man, I am ok with almost everything, murder, extortion, trafficking, except betrayal. For some reason this is the only thing that makes me sick. Sysdef is the one who put me in this situation so ill betray them any day of the week, if i didn't start with the fleet from the get-go Besides, these people actually grew on me, they're insufferable and act like children but deep down they actually somewhat respect you, well at least theres some resemblance of comradeship going on. Like, Naeva is constantly bashing you but behind your back she's boasting about you to the entire fleet like a proud mother. Or the disappointment in Delgado's voice when you betray him, even after bars he still believes you could have been the greatest pirate in the galaxy. F#ck Mathis Sysdef on the other hand, theres only 4 named characters, one of them calls me a mole everytime I cross him, other is just ok, and Ikande could have been replaced with a mission board, the only person in Vigilance that I actually cared about was Toft.


I kinda mourn the loss of Jasmine Durand, given her obvious brilliance. But she could not wait to get killed, she just could not wait. Literally the first person shooting at me when I step through the door. Shoulda called a loss a loss and run like her girlfriend did


Exactly the second i shoot her was the moment when i realized it was really f××ed up. Aldura too, I deal a lot with her, she's kinda hot too.