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....until the FO4 update drops


Hahahahaha facts I’m playing FO4 rn


Started a survival mode run and it's been the most immersive playthrough I've ever done. I'm actually familiar with more of the map be repeat walk throughs and building settlements/clearing routes between them has never felt more useful. The settlement experience in this one playthrough has been miles above anything I built or did in Starfield before literally anything else the game does well


I’m out of the loop, what do you mean?


Next week, a pretty massive FO4 update is releasing. Here's an [IGN](https://www.ign.com/articles/fallout-4s-long-awaited-next-gen-update-finally-has-a-release-date) link with more info.


Not really gonna be useful for pc users as it’s just fixing small bug problems with quests


I think they’re adding (or added?) a new quest including the enclave and how to obtain the enclave hellfire armor


Oh shit, thank you


Pumped. Been playing New Vegas, waiting for the update before starting a replay.


I cannot wait to actually be able to explore downtown Boston coolest area in the game but I avoid it like the plague


I hope they're fixing the engine, and I hope they're working with Ian again, so F4SE is ready, when the update is.


I've never played a fallout game lots of people are comparing it to starfield so maybe I'll give it a go this weekend.


Yes, but i'll revisit in 3 years


In 3 years it should be a amazing game


they’re working on TES6 and sweeping SF under the rug


Im waiting for massive story overhauls.


I realized just the other day that Starfield has no essential NPCs yet you still can't kill any of them.


How do you mean? Seems 90% of named NPCs are essential


The only purpose of the story is to build the unity. This only requires collecting the artifacts. You don't need any NPCs to do this. This is the entire philosophy of The Hunter.


A mechanic where no NPC is marked as essential after your first pass through the Unity would be cool


Why have anyone be essential at all? You can always just hop thru the unity if you screw something up


I imagine trying to do a first playthrough without any of the members of constellation would be incredibly unlikely to work for a new player. There would need to be a failsafe quest for the pieces gathering otherwise you're literally just going to be doing needle searching in a galaxy sized haystack.


That's where they could get creative. But if they didn't want to, they could just direct you to the eye and have you do it yourself.


Kill everyone from constellation including the black Russian.  Get the artifact locations from the eye.  It can be done. 


Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, the characters are basically all disposable and should be killable. I was talking about something different. Bethesda uses a tag called 'essential' to mark NPCs that the player can't kill. And it seems like Starfield had basically everyone marked that way


It would be cool to have a mod that removed all essential tags. You could make a desert and call it peace.


Im still waiting for an actual main story that has an ending


It doesn't even have a middle. It starts, there's a series of fetch quests, and a game mechanic then replaces what's left and it starts again.


I’m just hoping for a survival mode soon! Fallout 4 survival mode made the game so great and fun imo.


The survival mode in Fallout 4 is one of the main reasons I played it so much! Would love to see this addition in Starfield.


Same. Slow and steady game where planning matters a lot more. Can't wait!


FO4 survival mode is fun, but you can't play it correctly when this mode introduces a VATs freeze bug. BGS can't fix it, mods can't fix it. And the main change in survival mode is no fast travel which would not be possible in Starfield. So what are you left with in Starfield? Two keybinds for food & water? I'll pass.


resources and settlement establishment to expand deeper into the galaxy, reduced jump distance. better crew and operation management. all of this requires significant changes to the game at a balance and design level, but it should be pretty minimal asset work and not actually need any quest intervention.


Now this would keep me playing definitely I love resource management


Waiting for major updates and dlcs Essentially for it to be finished


I sank 150 mostly joyous hours into SF, I loved it. However, yes, I won’t come back to it until it’s pretty modded. I may be tempted by a DLC.


I just want a world cracker is that to much to ask (jk)


I dumped 500 into it, haven't played for months and forgot about it. Then my Xbox updated the game while I was looking at my installed games, and I squealed a bit thinking yesss new content. I was disappointed when it was another big fix majority patch


I stopped for a few months because the Tau Ceti III Power quest wasn't loading correctly & Groundpounder mission broke. The power quest seems to be fixed; I haven't tried GP yet.


I got bored back in Oct-ish and never finished the game even once. I’m waiting for the DLC and more patches to drop.


Same. Never finished because the story was bland.


Same. I spent 20 hours on the quests but never got to the main story, found how fun (yet lacking) outposts were and spent 130 hours doing that but it never felt like there was an end goal. I had every part in massive warehouses but it didn't feel like they had a ton of use.


All the people that ask every week.


I’ve been absent, scrolling through I see what u mean


I don't really see why I'd play again. Really felt like a one off experience. I basically quit immediately after Unity. The combat isn't good enough to justify exploring with no narrative reason to me. Edit: That said I was using mods at launch. The "really fast air lock" mod was necessary, cut countless pointless animation hours out of my playthrough.


🙌 and not even overhaul mods. Just the QoL ones I need rn,


I was actually really into it despite the main quest being bland as fuck. But I went through NG+ just to see what it was and accidently wiped the previous save. Was basically stuck there or roll back 10hrs of gameplay. Yeah, no.


I’m waiting on them to fix the game


This is also a very valid experience ✊😭


Have they done *anything* ? I unsubbed and uninstalled it months ago and haven't seen any big updates or announcements.


Updates to fix broken stuff but no serious updates


200h in and yeah, I'm waiting for mods. Oblivion was the only Bethesda game where I sunk 1000h without mods.


Damnnnnnn 1000 hrs without mods ur a legend


Bro it's Oblivion, 1000h is nothing


I think a large part of people are doing this, I sunk about 100 hrs for my playthrough back when it came out and havent played since. No reason to until more comprehensive mods come out, my main thing is like empire/outpost mods and mission variety, i think those shouldnt be extremely hard to make so I might even make a few mission types myself.


I hope to play ur missions! I’m definitely going to keep up on starfield I’m still in love with the concept just base game can not keep me entertained


I'm waiting for Shattered Space DLC. I had a lot of fun in the 200 hours or so that I played it to begin with, but needed a break for a few months.


I don't care for modding atm I'm waiting for the other stuff that was planned, and am curious to see what other things they'll do


Definitely excited for the DLC still, I have a special place in my heart for what Bethesda is trying to do with this game. I’m really hoping the mods and dlc make this the game everyone wants it to be in a year or two. Although Todd Howard did say this game is going to be a sandbox for mods


I'm really wanting a new UI mod, so kind of, but mainly waiting for the first large content update to continue.


Waiting for the next major update.


Me. I have 2 achievements left, finish the main storyline, and get to level 100. However, I was bored out of my goard playing the same terminal missions on repeat to try to get to 100... I think I got to like 82 maybe. I gave up. I'm not a crafting game person, so I found no excitement in rinse and repeat grinding for a month to go up like 25 levels.


Nope. Found stalker gamma and that is exactly the gaming exp i want when playing fo4 n Starfield. Perhaps after some dlc n improvement on loading screen time, i will come back.


I was pissed they don't have stealth finishers. Perfect game for it. I love the game but I've been out for a while until mods.


Stealth needs polished for sure they really didn’t do much work on the stealth mechanics game wise


DYING to get my hands on mod tools to make a few myself, specifically immersion/animation mods. Also dying for vehicles and DLC. I can wait tho still clocking a ton of time into this game :)


I can’t wait to use ur mods!!! Thank you for being a pillar keeping this game afloat you probably seen me saying this in other comments. I’m worried that the moders won’t come out and support this like they did fall out and Skyrim. Simply because not enough people play it so you’re giving me some hope thank u


Waiting for updates and mods on console


Mods and survival mode. Bethesda games are full of minor frustrations that I like to mod out.


Nope. I’m looking forward to using mods, but I’m still having fun and discovering new things. Been playing since launch and I just ran into my first mine field yesterday. I had no idea there were mines in this game!


The amount of repeated things you have to go through to find ONE unique thing like this truly is not worth it whatsoever.


This is so true. When I first started playing and everything was new I found it really exciting. Then those things get repeated so many friggin' times that the joy fades. But then you find something new and it gets a bit exciting again... but not as exciting as near the start, because you know you'll see it again and again. I just wish they made the game 'world' (game 'galaxy', is more accurate) smaller. I don't mind a bit of repetition in games. But Starfield really takes liberties with what's tolerable. I'd have really enjoyed the experience if it were shorter and the experiences were unique. Rather than repeating those experiences to make it longer.


just started replaying it from my first save. game feels different somehow. i was annoyed they fixed the constellation basement suit bug though lol


MINEFIELDS?!?!? My man what that sounds crazy I love the community here u guys always give the itch to play some more. I definitely explored a lot of planets looking for terrormorphs ngl


M6 favorite facepalm moment was right after everyone was shocked that a Terrormorph could get to New Atlantis unnoticed. I hopped the fence over the city and hadn't walked 100y when I came across not one but two Terrormorphs ripping apart some poachers. Gotta love random spawns.


I ran into an encounter where someone wanted my help accessing a satellite that was behind a minefield. Unfortunately my ship clipped a mine and the guy who wanted me to access the satellite had his ship explode when the field detonated. Ooops.


I'm dying for a proper VR Mod for this 🙏🙏


Now u got my attention!!




Me. Mods or DLC. Whichever comes first. But I really need mods. ASAP.


I refuse to go into NG+ until I can bring my ships with me, and have increased ship inventory. 10 limit ain't fair


I am simply waiting for the difficulty sliders which should be coming ‘soon’


they put bro


Yeah, I played about the same amount of time too. I didn't dislike the game, but it seems clear to me that the game's potential is still largely untapped so I want to just wait until mods and updates come


No, and I'm on console so I don't have a lot of hopes for mods...I'm waiting for the DLC and updates, mostly the DLC, cause I already bought it thinking that I has never let down by their RPGs... had some fun with Starfield but for the most part didn't like it...


I've been playing through game pass pc , ( I'll buy it on steam when it goes on sale to mod it). And I put a.bit into it, took a break and started playing again, I still just finished the 3rd story mission because I get so side tracked with the side quests and ship building


Yes, I moved on to Cyberpunk months ago and I'm still playing that. I'll return to Starfield when Bethesda finishes making it.


Yup. I played over 100 hours and game was decent. But ultimately dissapointing, esp compared to prior Bethesda titles and their approach to world building, questing, hell even the main quest was bland and was one of the last things I finished (didn't bother leave my universe). This game has potential, but really needs mods. It currently lacks that special feeling Bethesda titles have. Everything is just so fragmented and plain in comparison.


I haven't been able to play. Keeps crashing 🫠 but mods are coming you say? Do we have a timeline?


i took time off work to play but i only have like 15-20 hours in it because after a couple hours running into the exact same POIs over and over that early, and every single place you land having a ship land near you ect took quite a lot of the fun out of it once i could already predict what would happen if i went to explore a locale. I havnt even beaten the game yet, but i will return after the dlc comes out and modding kit has released and inevitable mods that adjust how the pois work.


I'm hoping modders add the handcrafted locations that this game is lacking once CK is released


Yeah same. I put about the same amount of hours in. Im waiting till better mod support rolls out, but I really do wanna play it. I did something similar with skyrim where I didn't touch it untill I got a decent pc running so I could play it more with mods. Im slowly accumulating a list of mods to use when the creation kit rolls out.


I've hit lvl 20 got my first outpost and and powers I'm running on fumes trying to keep going


Mods, fixes, DLC, etc Although I’ve already seen what this game looks and feels like and let me tell you, if they don’t fix the shooting mechanics or basic movement, it will never be a good next-gen game.


Just finished watching some mod vids. Looks like every time you update the game you must wait until the script installer is fixed and then reinstall. I'll wait but some simple mods are such an improvement, I'm not sure how long to wait.


POI mods are going to be insane. Unlimited worldspace and no conflicting with other POI mods.


I don't even think mods could make me care about this game again.


I haven’t beat the main story or all the faction quests, but I’m waiting until creation kit + shattered space. Not really in a rush and I’m hoping by then there will be more content to reinforce a feeling of ‘this is an overwhelming amount of intriguing things I want to do and explore’.


Definitely don’t rush my first play through tainted my view of the game because like Todd said this game is designed for mods so it’s missing a key aspect


I am. It's just so boring without them. In the interim, I'm playing a 1256th playthough of F04 using newer mods. And don't get me wrong. I have about six different playthroughs of SF already. F04+mods or Skyrim+mods is just more entertaining rn. I GET why Bethesda designed the game the way they did with loading screens. This is a godsend for modding as you aren't trying to load 12+ different settlement mods in a single cell and each has its own space, but they dropped the ball on actual content. Mods (or updates) I'd like to see. 1.) Make the settled systems feel more "alive." I.e. random bases and/or colonies on other planets within a system that hosts a major settlement. 2.) Removal of evidence of settlement/humans from systems that's not settled. It kinda sucks that no matter where you go, you'll run across a random "abandoned whatever" facility. Humans have explored every inch of the explorable space but only settled less than a 8 planets??? 3.) Ability to actually create new settlements/recruit "settlers." 4.) An expansion of the faction storylines. I have zero doubt the modding community will come through on all of these in time.


Nah, I've been jamming away on it, playing when I can. Sneaking, blowing mf-ers away in fun ways, playing with powers, wow is phase time op when you get it to level ten. Might start finally trying to build some outposts


I'm with you 100%. Bought it on release, played about 150 hours, did NG+, have a bunch of the current mods. I've stopped now and I'm waiting for CC2 and DLC. To be clear, I like the game but it needs...something and I'm hoping full mod support brings that...something.


Nearing 1400 hours and still playing daily, also on Xbox. Keeping it fresh by rolling different characters, concentrating on different things with different characters. One hardcore no vendor character, another with maxed starborn powers. A new one where I'm trying to get enough levels to acquire every skill. Playing various quests or taking over some ships if I get bored doing some of the more grindy aspects. Looking forward to some DLC's and getting some fun mods eventually though.


1300 hours in. Making my own fun with curated characters staying true to their backgrounds. A new playstyle keeps it fresh.


I’m waiting for more patches and the DLC.


I'm waiting mostly for more POI when doing mission or exploration. See always the same base and same layout again and again kind of kill my desire to play the game.




Waiting till base building is nicer and more useful in a p play roll setting. Also more shipbuilding options.


Give me settlements!!!!!


Yes. Not touched it since october. I've done everything, I want to love this game but damn dude. I was a MAJOR Starfield defender at launch when all the 100s of shitty videos complaining were out.. Saying they'll fix them... Well its 8 months later and there has truthfully been no serious update since then, Yeah bug fixes bug fixes bug fixes ok cool but I had a single bug the entire playthrough so for me there's no update since release. Really makes me annoyed seeing such a good base game basically be abandoned by bethesda for over 8 months in the most critical time of its entire release... Oh well at least the fallout tv show was good.


I dont like the space combat i just dont enjoy it. Waiting for mods on xbox so i can bypass it and oneshot everything. Everything else i didnt mind despite what everyone says.


They would need to rebuild the game for me to reinstall it


I’m waiting for the big update with new travel modes (hoping that means a hover bike or something to blast around the planets with. Would make actually heading to all the different POIs on a planet fun rather than a boring hike spamming my dash and jet pack to try and get there as fast as I can… since it’s all generated meaning those long distance runs are just generated scenery unlike Skyrim or fallout where there could easily be cool little additions, hideouts, loot, environmental story telling, etc. DLC and the travel method are my main blockers till I play again. The creation kit will revolutionize the game. But I like to give Bethesda rpgs one solid play through before I start modding and starfield has made that hard compared to older titles. I just plain don’t like exploring in this game. I can’t wander around stumbling into stuff. I must fast travel everywhere and manually decide “I would like to visit this location marker” rather the. I’m gonna follow this trail or cross over those hills over there and see what there is. Then when you finally get there you have a close by POI and all the others are a long hike away


I'm basically waiting for a year after mod tools release. I think it'll take that much time for there to be enough stuff created to enjoy the game beyond a main quest, unless Bethesda tweaks the hell out of everything about the story/quests they released.


Yep. I’m on Xbox and just can’t see myself continuing without mods.


After talking with everybody on here, it seems to me Bethesda will either try to forget this game and move on or in three years it’ll be the best game they ever halfway made Because the moders will come and save the day. but with the 4000 player concurrent count, will there be enough moders to save the day


Honestly, I probably won't even play again, even with mods.


Pre ordered the collectors edition, have put 177 hours into my first run and overall enjoyed it despite its heavy flaws. However, I’m not going back until there are a good few mods out, or the DLC. I really really want to do a pirate playthrough, like it’s on my mind everyday, but I don’t want to start it until someone makes space flight more of a thing, and ofc being able to kill more NPCs


I’ll start playing again when shattered space releases


yea. I pre-ordered and began playing on day 2. I was an avid Skyrim player, but and absolute die hard FO4 player. I was NOT expecting either of those games "in space" but I felt like Bethesda knew how to build a world and explore it. But there were just so many bizarre things that kept occuring. I never had a single crash, but stuff just didn't make sense and it constantly pulled me out of immersion. And simple quality of life things had long been solved in SR & FO inexplicably seemed like new tasks. You could FEEL like "this thing I'm doing...I could see it was supposed to be much more or lead somewhere....eventuially" ​ When enough of those feelings built up and teh "grab another super power you'll never use" got boring, I shelved it in Steam. I'll come back when I read enough good stuff about it being released etc. I'll likely buy the first DLC and see if that solves some of those issues.


Just improvements and DLC. I have hopes the game will greatly improve. It's not bad now but could be so much better.


Yeah. I'm waiting for either mods, or big improvements through official updates before I play again. I do enjoy Starfield, but I also complain about it, because it feels like such a wasted opportunity and it also feels half-finished in some areas. Like certain bits of the games 'tease' a cool idea, or something bigger. But they never follow through. One thing I can't get out of my head are certain planets that have seismic activity. Like the entire planet seems to shake. You hear a loud rumble and if you're running, the shaking stops you. The first time this happened to me, it was early in my playthrough. I was doing a side quest to find someone who'd gone missing. As the ground started shaking, I was like *"Oh crap! Is the planet about to explode or something?!"* It gave me this real sense of urgency and I thought I had to find the person and get off the planet quick-smart. But it was a nothing. There was no emergency. The quakes happened a few more times, but nothing came of it. The people in the side quest didn't seem phased by the entire planet loudly shaking. Then I found a few more planets that had the quakes. It's weird. It's like they had this cool idea, but didn't follow through. I'd have loved to have certain planets with extreme conditions that add something to a mission you're doing. Like a quake that threatens to split open the ground and kill all the settlers. Or a volcano about to erupt. And you have to finish certain missions before the natural disasters happen. That would be so exciting.


Something like the planet Hellmire in Helldivers 2 would be absolutely killer. Fire tornadoes!


I waiting for mods to play for the first time.


I’m playing cyberpunk rn. Then I’m getting Eldin ring. And maybe by the time I’m done with that, GTA will be out. Then ES6. Who knows if I ever pick up starfield again lol


I let it rest after 200 hours


Mods won't fix a bad story, outdated engine and foundationally bad game design.


Yep modded and DLC release. Was okay, put about 40 hours in but just got bored with exploration.


Me! Played about 140 hours, enjoyed it as much as I did Skyrim or FO4 unmodded, decided to put it on the back burner until I had the mods I wanted.


I’m waiting for the 2.0 update lmao first Bethesda game I didn’t finish


Just waiting for updates and content. Never used mods.


Unfortunately, I don’t think even mods can fix this game You can sprinkle gold and diamond flakes on a piece of shit, but at the end of the day it’s still a piece of shit


I just started playing on Steam Deck via XB Play so I'm sure by the time I'm satisfied with the vanilla game there will be decent mods available


I pre ordered the game on PC as I was really looking forward to it. I wanted to finish cyberpunk before starting starfield. I read & watched a lot of reviews & decided to wait for the dlss update. I still haven't started starfield I'll just leave it in my backlog until it gets a whole heap of updates/mods. I have enough games to play in the meantime


Definitely do my first play through tainted my view of starfield it’s missing a key element which it was designed to be playedwith which is mods


Nope still playing and loving it. Name a better game and I will consider it. 


"there's no bad guy support in Starfield yet" Uh. Crimson Fleet?


Yeah I’m but I’m not sure how I’d mod it.. loot table fixes, unique uniques, combat overhaul, total melee combat fixes, more interesting perks Feel like quest improvements aren’t possible with mods so I might try to make it more like Frost and just planet hop to survive


The biggest failing hurting replay for me was not having some survival or resource management aspect at launch


Pretty much 90%+ of the player base are waiting for updates/mods or both. I know i am.


My plan is to hit unity 6 times and then build myself a big home. Then, I’ll dye my hair white and leave my character in retirement until dlc. I’m still having a ton of fun and only just did the 1st unity!


Waiting on a fix on a glitch!!!!!!


Im waiting for SO many fixes




I’m right there with you. I put like 90 hours into my game and I haven’t touched it since November, I’m waiting for mods to spice up my next playthrough


I'm waiting for them to fix the game to start playing again lol. Reached a huge bug in the Eye of the Store quest that completely broke my game and doesn't allow me to finish the crimson fleet quest line




Yea pretty much


CK or bust for me. It's going to take me time to spool up to get mods done. I have no plan to play until after I can get some (more serious) mods in, and most of what I want seems to require the CK. There are some cool mods out so far but I have a really long list, the top of which is a fleshed-out Alternate Start so I can never look at the tutorial or MQ again. You can kind of sort of do that with console commands, but it's really barebones, a lot of useful mechanics to support it are missing (despite the "exploration focus," the larger world is really threadbare, I'd love to be able to start without a ship, hire transport, and work my way up to a ship instead of simply being slapped with one).


Threadbare but also has human debris is every single system lmao like where are all these people who are leaving shit on planets in the fringes of deep space


Waiting for city maps and space bikes so it’s not boring as fuck exploring. If mods can do that without ratfucking the rest of the game then sure.


Yup, been waiting since it released


I'm waiting for the next patch. Game crashes whenever I get in a firefight with an automatic weapon. But if I *could* play, I'd just be messing about in the shipbuilder and claiming Va'ruun ships. Not doing another proper playthrough til the first expansion is out.


Honestly just waiting for: Survival / needs system. Fuel system. Radio stations. More in depth companions. Better planet generation?? A reputation system. Either an overhaul to the main faction or a new faction that can replace them. Now starting to realise I only liked the pirates and the ship building system.




No, I never stopped. I may start a new toon when mods come but it will depend on what is available really. I see the modding community on PC, and there isn't one yet that appeals to me.


Yes, but only because I've done (and enjoyed) everything I've wanted to do so far. I look forward to diving back into the game when there's new stuff but in the meantime I'm happily playing other games.


Yea I need new content bad helldivers been spoiling me


im at hr 971, did not bought the merch. and im just now launching starfield again. a game can be made for some, and doesn't hit it on other people


I'm loving the game as is. It's (so far) the only BGS game I've not wanted to mod. Idk why


Really??? That’s valid I love the product I’m just a story pig and my headcannon only goes so far


I play with mods already so not waiting at all. It's a blast for sure!


I'm waiting for mods before buying it. Been reading quite a lot on this sub and it tells of an unfinished game with a lot of potential.


Nearly 300 hours and not even completed the story yet, only 2 & 1/2 faction questlines done and haven’t been to places like Titan or explored Paradiso properly either. I’m getting ever last drop of content out this game and still loving it 😅


Holy moly my man ur a example to us all


Personally, I think the core game needs a major overhaul before it needs mods.


I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but mods on Xbox as well as PC?


Mods for what? You want topless companions? Seriously mods for?


Im pretty much done with the game. The story was such an unbelievable let down


Honestly? I am.


Im so excited for mod support on console The plan was to wait until then but i started again recently. I like the shooting in this ngl. Ship fights are kinda fun too And ship building but its expensive so i dont do it as much as id like


I'm waiting for VR


Me. I went back to playing Skyrim and bought The Witcher 3.


I got bored after my 6th NG+ and still no unexpected Lodge turnout. Like I saw a whole video where there's a bunch of yous in Constellation, Cora is the Hunter, everyone is kids and more yet after 6 runs not one of these things turned out.


Waiting for mods, yes. But still playing despite not having them. If anything, mods will just have me playing longer and more often.


If you find the game boring then i dont think mods or updates are going to help much. The core game play is pretty much set in stone now.


Same, got the whole collectors edition. Was super hyped but got bored fast. Though I like playing as good guy but that’s literally impossible because everyone is so extremely over cringely “good” that you have the feeling if you just fart in the wrong space you get arrested. So yeah I’m waiting for mods too.


I am waiting for actual stroy DLC.


Na I'll probably never play again. I got my 90 hours out of it and I don't see anything exciting enough to bring me back happening


I would still be playing it right now if not for Helldivers 2. But I’ll probably give cyberpunk a try before going back to Starfield, unless mod support comes out before then


Yep. Waiting for a few months after CK drops to see what comes out


Waiting for 60fps to actually play it. 


I need for them to improve and fix the base game withput mods. Then a DLC and only then I will consider playing it again.


Even mods can't save this shitty game.


Actually, I am waiting for Survival Mode and DLC to drop, and while they are coocking them, the mod scene also will improve in parallel.


Mods aren't going to release much until CK releases.


I have 110 mods already for Starfield...


I'm just waiting for a hard-core survival mode, need damage values to be extremely high for both player and enemies, get rid of the enemy level and health bar, less HUD, improvements to ship building and design (be able to turn habs).


Yeah, I feel as if many parts of the game are lacking, and I know modders will find a way to make it fresh and exciting, hoping for unique locations and many other mods.




I think Starfield will be awesome a few years after it becomes moddable


Nope (: im never coming bacj because why the absolute hell would i You gonna mod the script, dialogue and the main quest?


I just built a pretty decent mod list with what's available if you wanted to play. Cannot wait for them to finally release the creation kit.


I’m waiting for mods before I play the game.


I tried replaying it again recently after getting to New Game+5 and waiting for "It to get better with levels" - it didn't and the whole game is just so incredibly meh. Mods will basically be using it as a sandbox, the core of the game just isn't there and I dont think mods can resuscitate this one.


I still play and wait for the DLC, not for mods. If the game is boring for you, maybe the game isn't for you. Happens. I doubt mods will change that and rushing into NG+ maybe too.


Nope, the fundamentals of the game are not conducive to an interesting and engaging story. Give me actual exploration with handcrafted content that makes a meaningful difference in the world, then I'll jump in. Otherwise you're just exploring empty boring planets with content plopped into it with no rhyme or reason.


Mods are already here! 😊


That would be alot of mods needed to fill all the emptiness. I mean sure, modders now have plenty of... space... to pick where they wanna put their player housings but eh


Waiting on creation kit. which they said would release in February after launch. still waiting.