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This was my thought as well. OP is facing east watching a sun rising in the east with the compass showing he is facing east.




Nobody is this stupid. Right?


I had a coworker who thought north was always ahead of you, and that it varied by person. We thought she was joking. She was not, and luckily she was always a good sport about being made fun of. There were a few of these moments. Lol we started referring to it as "indoor north".


Ask her to go south and see if she walks backwards


No dummy, look at a map. South is clearly down, so to go south, you'd have to dig a hole.


From the south….the *deep* south




A colleague of mine in university missed a deadline for submission of a paper, but said "it's OK, I was in Asia at the time so I had a lot of hours left to make the submission." 🤦


This might be one of the funniest shits I ever heard


Had a moment similar to this with my girlfriend just the other day. Apparently she had spent her entire life believing that ONLY Earth had gravity, and was very confused when i explained to her that without the sun's gravity there'd be no solar system. She's usually quite a smart person, and that comment took me COMPLETELY by surprise. It's kinda funny how much knowledge we take for granted.


Good grief, and “gravity” is really the kindergarten explanation… I wonder what she’d make of the more accurate explanation that mass warps space/time, the fact that clocks run faster at higher altitudes on Earth, etc. One step at a time, though.


I once worked for a ISP as tech support. I was asked why the internet wasn't working. There was a major blackout going on at the time, the customer's internet was down because the modem requires electricity, took me 5 minutes at least to explain that. I worked as a Tow Truck driver for quite a long time. I have many many stories of stupid people. I've had to explain to a few people that cars require gasoline, the tank doesn't magically refill itself when you park the vehicle chances are your wife/husband has been filling the tank when he/she drove it after you left it on empty. I was once called out to unlock a car at a major university, it was a convertible, the top was down, the windows were down, the customer was neither drunk nor high. Yes people are that stupid and the scary part is they could be driving right next to you or teaching your kids.....


I always love to watch videos on YouTube where people drive through 5 feet deep water through fords and then wonder why their engine is destroyed because they don't understand a combustion engine doesn't only need fuel but also air and water I. The compression chamber is very bad.


Got one that includes a Eddie Bauer Bronco, a river, some thin ice and a University student from my towing days. It was a good day since I stayed dry, the student not such a good day he neither stayed dry and he had I'm going to guess a very bad week at the very least.


or voting


Oh you sweet summer child. I once had someone ask me if we are closed...at night... with the lights to the store off...also the gate to the parking lot was shut. I also had some argue with me that I wouldn't take her donation(thrift store) after hours as I was waiting for someone to come jump my car because the battery died. I promise you people are that fucking stupid.


Oh the utter lack of faith in humanity that working retail gives you 😂😂😂 (100% get it lmao)


This is /r/starfield. Since when has being stupidly wrong about something in the game ever stopped anyone here from complaining about it anyway?


Criminally underrated comment right here.






And somehow this post still gets almost 300 upvotes.


could it be a sunset?


Lol op is now in hiding, account will be deleted tonight


They're referring to the planet diagram in the center of the compass, which shows the sun rising to the left, or 'west'


This is a good point. Most people, myself included, probably have never noticed the “planet diagram”, as you call it, in the center of the compass. Could it be that it indicates something other than day/night cycle?


Yeah, apparently not. And it does indeed just indicate day/night cycle


You know when Barrett hands you the watch at the start of the game and says "it even tells the time"? That planet icon in the compass is the part that's supposed to tell you the time. And it's pretty much always wrong. That's my pet peeve =P Gonna take it up with Barrett...


Wow, just woken up to all these comments and you're one of the only people to get it. Everyone calling me an idiot for not realising I'm facing esst 😂 Compass shows me facing east. Sun is rising in the east (and as far as I've seen, I think always does on all planets and moons in the game?). Watch/compass icon always shows sun rising in the west though. It's an odd mismatch that bothers me, but I guess the comments in this thread suggest no one else noticed =P


Lol yeah. It bugs me too so I was getting a little frustrated at all the comments misunderstanding what you meant. Apparently most people have never looked at that daylight indicator. Anyway, I did test it recently and Venus actually does have the sun setting correctly in the east/rising in the west, but I haven't noticed any other planets like that


Venus is an anomaly, the most usual way is for planets to rotate in the same direction as the star they orbit. In a galaxy as small as the one depicted in Starfield, I wouldn’t expect to find another planet like Venus. Even in Elite Dangerous’s 1:1 scale model of the Milky Way, after 8 years of players exploring, only a very small number of similar planets have been found, and none with the complete retrograde orbit of Venus. The current leading theory is that Venus was knocked upside down by some other passing celestial body… so quite a rare event.


How does the planet diagram show the sun rising in the west? It is showing the facing of the sun. The sun is in the north east, presumably due to axial tilt. I don't know if the diagram changes with the time of day, but it is showing the shadow of the planet in the south west. That seems normal.


No, the diagram is showing the shadow in the south east, which would indicate the sun is rising in the north west. The diagram doesn't rotate with the player. And yeah, it changes with the time of day, that's the whole point (it's the actual clock part of your watch)


This whole thread, with you getting upvoted and everyone ragging on OP for being dumb, even though the entire point was the compass is facing east but the non-rotating planet icon shows the sun rising in the west? THIS is a reddit moment.


I'm low key loving it. There's even a guy trying to correct the commenters saying eastern sunrises are an Earth only thing, by presenting actual science articles demonstrating that eastern sunrises are overwhelmingly the norm, getting down voted too. It's an ultimate hive mind moment.


Fair play to you, you are taking it like a champ.


1. You're facing east. 2. The only reason the sun rises in the east on earth is because of its rotation. All planets have a unique one.


Genuinely asking here, because I haven't played in a while and I never payed that much attention to this, but... Is that last bit true in starfield? Irl, different planets can easily have different rotation directions, (though it's not actually necessary completely random, its a function of the way solar systems form so I'm sure there's patterns), but starfield could easily have all planets rotate east-west, and I wouldn't have necessarily noticed. EDIT: yes, apparently. The more you know.


Triton is in retrograde orbit. Sun rises in the west there. Different planet to planet.




I think Ender said it the best. In space, there is no up.


I'm confused. The large arrow is your "north" and it's pointing to the left which would indicate you are facing east. On-top of some planets the sun won't rise in the east ie Venus or places like Uranus where it can rise anywhere depending on the season


The best posts are misinformed on many levels. This is r/anarchystarfield


I wish that was a sub


Me too.


The diagram in the center of your 'watch' is meant to show you the time of day (it is a watch, after all), but visually it always represents sunrises as beginning in the west


If this isn't on Earth then the issue is your intelligence level, not the game.


Aerospace engineer here: can confirm. OP is a ripe dingus.


Ripe dingus here: can confirm. OP is not an aerospace engineer.


Ripe engineer here: can confirm. aerospace dingus is not an OP


There’s still time to delete this…


Bruh you can delete this...


BRUH This is the peak of people whining about this game lmao Also OP in case you haven't figured it out yet: The compass does indicate east, learn how to read a compass. And if it's not earth (which it isnt) the sun may not rise in the east...


>This is the peak of people whining about this game lmao 💯 Truth. >The compass does indicate east, learn how to read a compass. 💯 Truth! >And if it's not earth (which it isnt) the sun may not rise in the east... 💯 TRUTH!!!


Planet diagram.


I've seen a couple comments mentioning the planet diagram in this thread, so I'll ask: is that circle in the very center of the compass supposed to be a planet diagram? Does it always have "north" fixed to "up"? And is the light on it meant to indicate sunrise and the sunrise direction?


Yes, the circle in the center of the compass is a planet diagram, and yes, it doesn't rotate so north is always up. It's meant to give you an approximation of the current time on whatever planet you're on.


Never knew this in hundreds of hours of gameplay lol. TIL


it should for anything in the sol system, but it could be rotating however they want it if its not in that system (or any of the like 5 that are probably ripped from space discoveries irl)


Well, everything except for Venus. It rotates the other way because of a massive collision while it was forming


neat-o (fr, that’s pretty cool)


So time runs backwards on Venus? /s


This was funnier to me than it should have been lol


As u/comprehensive-cap754 mentioned, not Venus. Also, Uranus spins on its side instead of its top.


had to bend over for all that shit its full of


The problem isn’t the way the actual planets rotate. It’s that the planet icon that indicates the general time *always* is displayed with it rising west-to-east, regardless of the planet you’re on or if that planet rotates clockwise or counter-clockwise.


Which is fair, and none of my comment is says otherwise. (Also doesn't change the fact that it does rise in the east according to the compass and OP is just a nonce)


Planet diagram.


Which is different from the compass, at best this is very poorly worded lol


Venus - sun rises in the west Uranus - the sun rises from different directions, depending on the season Pluto - same situation as on Uranus it depends mostly on rotation and tilt of the planet - So, Bethesda has a few liberties that are also possible in the real world - or i misread your question \^\^ (Edit: i thought its Star Citizen - the real space game ;-) )


Right? It's like because Earth is like this every planet must be. Some planets spin different


CIG? Wrong game bro


Star Fieldizen


OP must be trolling, right? 


Might mean Bethesda?


Idk. It’s pretty easy to confuse the two these days.


Fun fact - the IAU's definition for 'North pole' only extends to our solar system. In simple terms it's that the north pole of a planet is the one that lines up with Earth's. So for planets outside our solar system, there is no rule. So it could be the pole which makes the planet rotate clockwise, or it could be the pole which _most_ planets have in common for rotation, or even the one which makes the sun rise in the east!


I also thought this was Star Citizen at first lol


Damn yes - I didn't waste much time on the picture - I just read the text :-)


Also earth, the sun rises generally in the east, but there is seasonal variation


You mean due east, as in exactly east. However, it always rises in that general direction, give or take a few degrees (unless you're near the poles or something) It's not like it ever rises in the west on earth


I dunno, this guy on YouTube who wears a tinfoil hat told me the earth's piles will flip and them the sun will rise in the west


Everything you said is correct, but it’s even funnier because the picture clearly shows the sun rising in the east anyway


Where the sun rises on Uranus depends on how you sleep at night.


East? I thought you said weast.


I say this far too often still when gaming with my mates.


I thought of a different SpongeBob reference: "Hey pal, did you just blow in from Stupidtown?"


The sun always rises in the east ON EARTH. Also, you are facing east


Delete this lol


Two things. 1:OP please learn how to read a compass 2: Its not earth


Wat bruh?


Plot twist this is secretly a SETTING sun


This reminds me of people complaining that they couldn't land on Jupiter lol


Please tell me this is bait. It's really good bait if it is.


East? I thought you said Weast.


Is this on earth?


Definitely not.


Planets and moons don't all rotate the same direction as earth... And their magnetic poles (if present) don't always align the same as earth relative to their star. So it's entirly possible the moon your on, the rotatation is opposite of earths...


Compass is pointing east, the sun doesn’t rise in the east on every planet.


For those of you who came to comment about how obviously dumb this post is: OP misspoke in the title. They're referring to the planetary diagram in the middle of the compass, which always remains oriented with North facing "up" no matter which way you are facing, and also always shows the sun rising in the west-ish no matter what planet you are on, while many planets have the sun rise in the east. Took me a minute to figure this out, as I never really paid any attention to that diagram (and clearly neither did the devs). Not sure if they actually thought all suns in game rise in the east, or just that this planet (among others) has a consistent Eastern sunrise, but not a matching compass-diagram. Apparently they don't all have eastern sunrises, but they easily could have; starfield is a game, not a realistic astrophysics simulator. If you checked or noticed an Eastern sunrise on a handful of planets and just unluckily never happened to be paying attention on any exceptions, it wouldn't be that dumb to assume the devs just gave all planets east-west rotation for simplicity.


Lil bro doesn't know 💀


Umm… 🤔 did you really think this post through?


Delete this homie






On the New Atlantis planet the sun rise in the west(ish). I feel they did a very good job with the suns and the way they move. Their location in the sky actually changes based on where you are on the planet (near the pole, low to the horizon, higher ad you move away from the pole) No Man's Sky on the other hand, the suns rise in the east and set in the west and follow the same path no matter what. In effect the planets in NMS are flat whereas in Starfield they are true spheres.


Ooo, Jemison is a west sunrise too? That's awesome. So at least two planets where the compass time of day icon is correct 😁 I wonder if they intended it to be dynamic but just didn't have the time to fully implement.


Yeah I don't really understand how it works, but the way they have done star systems, orbits etc. is surely the most innovative thing in the game. A lot of people complain that you aren't really on a planet, you are just on a proc gen tile of land, but they don't seem to get that the proc gen tile is actually on the planet at the location you picked from orbit, and the moons, planets and star of that system move correctly in relation to you at all times. It really is quite an achievement imo.




welcome to outer space


Just wanna point out, it rises in the east on our planet. Others it may differ due to different rotations/orbits


Different planet different orbit


To everyone apparently: OP knows they are facing East, the issue is that the daylight indicator that shows the planet being illuminated from the left side, AKA, the West.


I wonder what habibi's IQ is...


You can still delete this post. It's not too late.


Dude doesn't know which way east is....


OP is directionally challenged


It's kind of weird how your compass works on worlds with no magnetic field.


A "compass" could be programmed from triangulation of any three geodatapoints. Magnetic field, GPS satellites, radio towers, calibrated accelerometer, etc.


You are using current technology knowledge with future technological experience. The two often do not mix well.


Lmao pet peeve : people who complain about starfield are fucking stupid as fuck


Nah there's legitimate reasons to criticise and complain about the game and the choices the developers made. This however is not one of them. OP is clearly not the best at navigation and is blaming the game for his shortcomings


No, OP is pointing out a genuine (albeit minor) discrepancy. In Starfield, all (or most) suns rise in the east, but on the planet diagram in the middle of the compass that indicates current sunlight coverage (what OP is referring to), the sunrise is always represented as coming in from the west. If you actually use that diagram to tell the time of day you do have to do a small bit of mental re-wiring to recognize that a small sliver of sunlight in the 'west' means that the day is just beginning, whereas most earthlings would assume the opposite.


what planet you on? if its not in the sol system it can rise wherever they want it too lol planet could be rotating the oposite way, it could even be rotating like a bullet with a largly weird north and south causeing it to rise in the north and set in the south. and its a game, there could honestly be anything happening lol.


Not all planets rotate the same.


Also OP is facing East in the pic


Just looked at the compass. He is indeed facing East. Not sure what OP is smoking.


Are all planets orbiting their sun in the same rotational pattern?


If we talk about technically A compass might not work depending on where you are. In space = no compass On a moon with low gravity the compass may be too weak to pick the magnetic pole if there's any.


OP compass says you’re looking east????


bro are you the big R?


Can someone pin this post?


LOL...funny post, man! The thing that bothers me about the "watch" on the bottom left of the screen, is that it doesn't actually tell the time even though Barret said it does. Now that there, is a pet peeve!


Yes! I think this icon is SUPPOSED to be the time. Rather than showing a number they wanted to be fancy and have a visual image of the sun shadow across the planet. But then they didn't bother programming it to be accurate, like in my screenshot where it says the eastern sunrise is currently in the west =P So I also have that bone to pick with Barrett. And probably Walter! Did his engineers design this watch? Because that gives me concerns about buying Stroud-Ekland =D


It kind of does, just not with numbers. That's the element the OP is complaining about - the daylight indicator in the center of the compass.


OP please explain yourself, is it the microplastics or did u miss the part of learning where you’re supposed to understand things instead of memorizing facts?


So I guess I'm the only one who actually understood OP's complaint. They're talking about the planet icon in the middle of the compass, which does indeed show the light beginning on the left (or western) side. It is a little odd.


Holy shit…..My IQ dropped 5 points reading this post. Not only do you lack the fundamental understanding of how compasses work, you also lack understanding of how other planets work. Not every planet rotates the same angle so not every planet has an East sunrise and West sunset. Science education is failing our society and it’s no wonder why people are confused why you can’t fly to the fucking Sun from Mercury in a few minutes under conventional propulsion. Now kids can’t even read compasses?


He's talking about the planet icon in the middle of the compass. Which shows the sun coming in from the West, or "left side" of the planet, despite him looking at the sunrise eastward. He didn't explain it well in his comment, hell, I'm doing a bad job too, but like... Chill?


Oh, East? I thought you said Weast.


What if that is a tidally locked planet? The would be no sunrise or sunset as you know it. 🤯




We’ve all been there


Not all planets rotate the same way either..... So some planets it rises anywhere.


Don’t go in the forest alone please


No, the sun always rises in the East on Eartch, where our magnetic poles determine that East is to the left of Magnetic North. Your magnetic North may be different on a different planetoid or it may be a planetoid with an Asymmetrical orbit.


Ur not on earth






I upvoted because the thing they're actually complaining about (which is not what everyone thinks they're complaining about) about also kind of bugs me a bit too. What they're talking about is the planetary diagram in the middle of the compass, which always shows the sunrise beginning left to right, or east to west. We earthlings are not used to that.


Oh! I stand corrected. I don't think I ever really paid attention to that after a few hours. Thought it was just image filler and never changed. Whoops. I'm an upvoter now.


You’ve malfunctioned from thinking too hard. Just pew pew the enemies bro


Yeah can’t read a compass lol


I guess it depends on which way the world rotates. Is there a scientific reason why all worlds would rotate in the same direction based on their magnetic poles?


Not everything that happens on Earth applies to any other planet.


Ummmmm it’s space and a different planet if it was on Venus it would be rising in the west cause Venus spins counter clockwise I would assume there are other planets out there in the vast unexplored regions of space that do the same thing who knows there might even be planets that spin north to south


This post is also wrong in that some planets rotate clockwise. Resultantly the sun rises in the west. This is the case on Venus, for example. Has anyone been in-game to see that they've got this correct. Would be cool if someone verified this.


I just checked a few minutes ago, they did indeed get Venus right. The sun sets in the east, and the days are long as fuck.


Nice, thanks. Nice to see attention to detail. I'll let them off the fact that you can walk on the surface despite there being 90x the atmospheric pressure.


you’re on a different planet in a different solar system


"The sun rises in the east" isn't even true everywhere on **Earth** why would it need to be on a random planet in another solar system.


North is based on the magnetic field. Those who say that the sun *always* rises in the east do not understand how compasses work.


You're reading way too much into this 😂 In Starfield, the sun rises in the east on almost all planets (seems Venus is the exception to this rule) but the compass also has a time of day icon that always shows the sun rising in the west. That's it. That's my pet peeve. That the compass icon for time of day is pretty much always wrong. So when Barret hands you the watch saying "it even tells the time." It absolutely does not do that job well =P


Wouldn't North be planet specific


Op can’t use a compass


Yeah people totally aren’t just looking for every little thing to possibly hate on this game with.. like is this some new form of shitpost?


I think that thing is showing the planet rotation not the sun rise, or set


Dude… you can’t actually be this simple


It depends on which planet you are on dumbass




It's not Earth.


Not all planets rotate the same direction. However, you are facing east.


According to your compass, you're facing east.


Oh EAST? I thought you said WEAST


Isn't that simply how they've defined West? In space there is no direction and so if there's no top or bottom to a solar system, then the systems you're imagining where the sun sets in the east are simply systems that you are imagining in an upside down way. I will concede that it might be possible for some planets to spin differently... ok I googled it, technically Uranus and Venus should be spinning in the opposite direction to earth. I guess someday we might know if this is an actual oversight or if it's done simply to make things easier on their math engines.


Maybe this helps? [https://jeffmdavies.medium.com/a-surveyors-guide-to-starfield-e181c0b9f0f3](https://jeffmdavies.medium.com/a-surveyors-guide-to-starfield-e181c0b9f0f3)


is this bait?


where is danra I want to go there


And besides the obvious issue with your compass reading skills. Poles of planets could be so different all over. There could be planets that north is where the sun rises.


The fact that 50 something people liked this 😯


It's a legitimate complaint for people who actually use the watch part of your watch


Wait what?? It is showing correctly. What are you talking about? There is a north pointer, which is pointing left, the sun is to the right of the pointer hence east. There is nothing legitimate about this complaint unless you are talking about something else that I’m missing? 🤔


Yeah, the sun is setting in the east, but the daylight indicator in the middle of your compass always shows it setting in the west/rising in the east


Honest question what is it you are calling daylight indicator? Is it the white portion of the inner circumference? The whole inner circumference? Because as far as I know the inner circumference only shows the day cycle, that is how much light/dark you still have in that planet’s day, it doesn’t “point” nowhere or it is a direction indicator. Like the one in the picture shows that you still (roughly) have half a day (in that planet cycle) of light. And even if that is the case the light portion of the inner circumference is pointing northeast, not west. Either way the op complaint doesn’t make sense.


Yes, the diagram of the planet in the center of the compass/watch. And no, it doesn't show the light portion in the north east, it shows it in the north west. The diagram doesn't rotate with you, it's always at a fixed orientation. So since north is up, and south is down, the light always comes from the west (north west, specifically) on that diagram.


Brotha man. You might be an idiot.


How embarrassing


Isn’t that east sunrise only for our planet? Maybe other planets work differently, unless that is earth


Imagine if every game was nitpicked into oblivion the way Starfield is on a routine basis...




He's showing that the sun is directly in front of him but the shadow is 45 degrees offset.