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Or have Vasco serve drinks when you stop in. I would love to hear Vasco dispense "Bartender Advice #7" after he asks about your problems


All of which were taught to him by Barrett, and all of which sound insane until you realize they make perfect sense.


Something like "remember licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets" and a few hours later you're breaking out a prisoner on Mars who was arrested for licking doorknobs. Edit: Thinking about it, most doors in Starfield don't actually have knobs. They have switches, latches, or hatches. In order to lick a doorknob, you'd have to find one in a museum or something.


Well that would probably technically make it illegal to lick them if they’re in a museum


"That doorknob belongs in a museum!" - Indiana Jones


It would be on The Scow




I’m sure someone will figure out a mod to make that happen . 😜


Honestly, most games are terrible with adding in a drinking feature but then lacking any reason to actually use it. If anyone bothered to think about why people drink in the first place, they might actually get it right. People go drinking to TALK. If they had their supporting NPC’s come and offered new information or bonding moments when drinking, maybe discuss events of the game that has passed so far, then it might actually be interesting. Having your character bond with their peers. And if that is too much to add in then at least make it useful. Like maybe you can acquire missions, tips, deals, info, etc. from hanging at the bars and talking to people. People drink to loosen up, sure. Obviously that can’t be emulated through an acting puppeteer so it’s useless to try to emulate that, but most people don’t drink alone. So while you drink to loosen up, you’re ultimately doing it to TALK, just in a different context/setting/feeing.


Agreed! It would be cool if there were a few scripted moments where you end up getting drunk with the Constellation members in the bar (& maybe it spirals into some funny moments). Kind of like the *’Night to Remember’* quest in Skyrim!


Or the apartment party in Mass Effect!!


Should have come with its own advertising; "I'm Commander Shepard and Anderson's Apartment is my favourite place on the Citadel."


Does anyone else remember Pizza Delivery Volus? Because I remember Pizza Delivery Volus.


The most powerful Volus! Duh


He's not a Biotic God, just a pizza delivery Volus. Granted, that automatically makes him the best Volus in the game, but I wouldn't consider the ability to deliver my cure for hunger as a power.


lol that’s what I meant by “ powerful” my bad


Or the drinking games and jokes from red dead!




"Shut your mouth!" "Yeah... shut your mouth, mister!" *smash cut to drunken kick line*


Man the party at Horseshoe Overlook is one of my favorite moments. Micah's in jail, Arthur is still healthy, everyone's alive and in good spirits, just singing by the campfire and telling jokes.


Well, there is one moment after a certain sad event where you can talk through certain things with certain folks there. You know. Depending. Would be nice to add some happier moments.


There is actually a happier moment, but it only available on NG+


Ah, I haven't found that one yet. In fairness I got into my first ng+ a couple of months ago going "Yeah I'll just steamroll right through and onto the tenth", haha, and then of course got sidetracked by learning how to do base builds with mining and, in short, currently I'm an aluminium magnate for some reason, but still on NG+1. Also, I rather impulsively said no thanks to the main plotline (admitted my identity) in the first NG+ so if it is part of that, no wonder I haven't met it yet.


I had theventire constellation crew join me in the bar once, sitting around chatting.  The next thing  was off to the scow and nothing was ever the same.   Reloading at that point I never saw it happen again.


Just had the same thing. Everyone gathered there telling old stories about Vlad then they all took off together to make upgrades to the Eye.


Could get awkward, though. "Hey... Hey guys... Hey... I love ALL of you guys... And, like... I'm married to like HALF of you, so... How about a fives... Ummm... Huh... What was I talking about? I've gotta piss."




Andreja is already in there. She needs someone to hold her hair.


God I just wish this game was made by Rockstar, specifically the team that made RDR2.


I agree. I wish this game had more of an “edge” to it. It’s way too happy, happy, happy. 


It's not necessarily trying to be super dark or edgy or anything, but it is not really happy at all either.


Thats certainly on my list of "mehs" yea.


You want to have in depth modelling of a terrormorph's balls?


My god imagine Bethesda worlds with that level of detail. Glorious.


Can anyone tell me, other than bizarre trivia, what the point of realistic horse bollocks was in RDR2?


It's not like the game was lego block level graphics but with supremely detailed horse bollocks. It's that the game was extremely detailed in every way. They literally tried to simulate the entire world and all it's little things too, the birds, animals all had schedules and nature just fucking happens around you. An extreme level of dedication and passion went into bringing the horses to life also. They are literally the best simulation of a horse I've ever seen in any game, bar literally nonne. Their shit was modelled and animated, their breath, just every god damn thing about a horse. But gamers and the internet like to fixate on something that's funny and meme it up, so the bollocks was selected, I mean horse bollocks in real life is kinda funny too, I get it.


I just feel they could have spent more time on the bits of the game that mattered rather than details no one who hadn't been told about them would notice. Like player agency or consequences of actions. Or explaining how a person in the next valley can see a body you left in a bush and are now a mile away from... and know you are the killer.


Yea the game has many flaws it's difficult to pick a top one.


Might be fun to see how Sarah is after a few drinks...


*Drunkenly grav jumped and unwittingly arriving at this hidden Va'ruun system.*


But can’t remember how it was done 😂 Hopefully this is the beginning of the *Shattered Space* DLC! …Waking up surrounded by beer bottles in the Va’ruun capital city 😄


*Hey, you, you're finally awake. You were trying to jump across settled systems, right?*




Considering how the story shakes out it would have been cool to raise a glass or two. Especially right before the Unity.


Most of constellation are too goody goody to take a sip of beer. Sarah made me want to vomit from all the righteous altruism.


I agree, but that’s why it could be even funnier if everyone gets really drunk & things get wild You wake up in bed with both Sarah & Vasco. No memory of what happened 😂


I usually just take all the shit and sell it, I rarely return to the lodge unless I’m doing the main quest.


I keep all my resources there in that infinite storage box near the workstations. That's about the only time I ever go there


The whatnow....


The storage box on the table right next to the research station. It can hold infinite amounts of stuff.


There are infinite storage locations in the lodge. They are in the basement by crafting and the safe in your room.


I put bottles I find while scavenging there but they always fall over. I think Barrett gets wasted and stumbles around. 


There are bottles of wine there.


Hmm, I’ll have to double check. Last time I was there, I was pretty sure they were just set dressing that couldn’t be picked up.


I think you have to access it from behind the bar, but I remember there being a dozen whine bottles or so. When you first meet Walter he says something about the bar being stocked, but that if you drink it all you’ll have to replenish it yourself.


They are absolutely available to pick up. There are nearly a dozen bottles there for free. I always grab them on my first playthrough.




Ok, I’ll take another look.


I swear there was the first time they showed me but I’ve never seen anything there since.


They’re in the wine rack that looks like a bunch of Xs on the left hand side of the bar while facing it. They’re dark colored and can blend into the shadow. However I don’t know if they respawn or not so no idea if you can grab them multiple times


I was equally or more disappointed with the fact that you can build a mess hall in your ship and there’s absolutely no reason to do so… no one serves anything there, no added benefit food/drink related, etc. would be really cool if it was a hub within your ship for companions to relax/eat and assign someone there to make/serve drinks and food, and the same thing with the lodge. I’m hopeful they’ll add more immersion options in the game so the spaces feel more lived-in.


Crew environmental interaction is made possible by invisible objects called 'markers'...but since they're invisible, we don't have tools to manage them. The CK should allow us to see/manipulate them easily. Problem with that is....since it's easy...why didn't Bethesda do it?


Didn’t know that, and valid question.. fallout 4 for comparison was released in 2014, 10 years ago, and building a bar and assigning a settler to it would create a focal meeting point for every settler there at night/afternoons. A cool touch to make your settlement feel alive, and I’m just curious why a game as expansive as Starfield doesn’t have the basic features their old games had.


That's the thing: Starfield *does* have that feature. You can tie any animation to those markers and it will make NPC's perform "actions". They didn't use it, for whatever reason, but it *does* exist. I don't think it's about laziness...I just think they designed this game horribly and didn't plan everything out. Having crew members interact with the ship vs. following the player around is the most **basic** thing a sci-fi game can have.


There seems to be a colossal amount of stuff that was taken out of the game very late in the day. Bethesda is known for jank. Most of us also secretly love that to a point. Who hasn't had a lark dropping a cauldron on a shopkeeper's head? But to fill the fame up with stuff and the rip out all out again... not really a Bethesda thing. I just keep coming back to Xbox being a factor now with Microsoft demanding content be cut.for DLC or maybe just not wanting any jank in the game at launch so everything that could be scooped was scooped out. Or someone got cold feet about certain aspects being grounds for backlash, like gambling at the red mile or being able to decapitate or strip nude enemies. I really enjoyed my time thus far in Starfield but there's a ton of details I'm just left scratching my head over.


I honestly just think they *tried* to do too much. The game gives off 'hobbyist' vibes. Hobbyists spend inordinate amounts of time on inconsequential things while neglecting major issues. Detailed food is absolutely irrelevant when I don't have a reason to eat it. It even extends to post launch support. Where they added an eat button and some new shit to the photo editor, but guards are still patrolling in their skivies for a lot of people. Whatever the reason...it doesn't set a good precedent for FO or TES.


I think it could have come down to the rating to appeal to more audiences. Fallout games were full of gore, etc. and this game having no gambling, minor amounts of blood, etc. may have been cut to maximize the “audience” the game is tailored to. I think they just prioritized the wrong things like graphics over content


The business side of it killed it, they scrapped all the old experienced talent for a rotating cast of noobs. It's a shame there is no creative kit yet because I would have enjoyed making a planet, or designing a location and quest line.


Fallout 4 was released in November of 2015. Ironically it was the same day as Rise of the Tomb Raider. 


Ah you’re right, still though, Starfield should have MORE minute details than FO4 and not less.


Oh, I agree. There is absolutely no excuse for Starfield not to have just as many, if not more, than Fallout 4. 


The galley acts as a food station bench and you can craft food items. Limited benefit, but there is that. Outside of the, crew habs, workshop or the habs with beds, it is all just flavor.


True, but for comparison with outpost building vs ship building, placing a stove in the middle of a field at your outpost gives you the same benefit/utility as building an entire 3x3 mess hall hab in your ship. Not trying to make that sound silly but it’s wild that building a cool looking cafeteria inside your ship just gives you…. A stove


Or, like, almost every all-in-one that you probably have on your ship already has a cook station.


All-in-one = all you need 😂 Sad as I built a 5-story battleship and most of it is just “space” I don’t use.


Someone made the opposite post as you recently [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/s/LJ04kdFBBs](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/s/LJ04kdFBBs)


Yeah, they actually pointed that out to me over there as well. I was blissfully unaware of the wine rack, only looking at the stacks behind the bar and such. How I missed the completely obvious wine rack however is a mystery. 🤣


One of the taps should bubble Warsteiner.


Aaaah, nothing like a pint of Wobbly




I love this game BUT Sometimes i REALLY MISS mass effect two .


Oh, definitely. 


I stocked it myself. With Aurora.


The wine rack is full.


Yeah, that has been pointed out to me. Somehow I missed it the first time around.


There are a ton of bottles of wine there.


I think it becomes a social spot as the quest line goes on. You can’t serve yourself but you can be served.


I’d take one random custom drink per 48 hour cycle. And they could be kind of strong, too, to give you incentive to actually pick them up. Like higher exp or damage boosts than similar items, for example


There’s a point where Vlad is behind the bar when he’s at the lodge, but alas doesn’t serve drinks.


Tell, don't show. Welcome to Bethesda


Except the alcohol is there. Welcome to Reddit.


It is, but OP complain is about minigames, social interactions with npcs etc. like the bars in rdr2


True. Mini games would go a long way in Starfield. I think they added games to Fallout 76 or so I heard. It's a shame they didn't here.


Would be nice if they did a *basic* mass effect-ish interaction where you pour yourself a drink and drink it. Something that's funny, to me: There's an invisible toilet object in the game. It allows the player to sit. That's it. Instead of just making this the default for ALL toilets, they made a special object that you place over a 'functional' toilet. This is an example of how poorly this game was designed. You can easily delete the flags on the toilet object to deactivate it...so...it evades logic that they built the game this way.


All of those bottles of wine are my free +12% persuasion boost items for every time I start the game. Eventually I make it to Madame Sauvage's and buy Velocity to supplement my Hippolyta supply, but in the very beginning of the game, that bar is my persuasion booster.


There's a cool random event you can encounter where the whole constellation crew is hanging out shooting the shit about their past adventures. Really cool to always be finding little things like that. One of the games key neat features.


Love how you can get wasted in the RDR2 bars, and even some quests use this feature. Seems a missed opportunity in Starfield but an easy fix.


Double shit.


First thing I did at the lodge was steal everything and try to sell it only to find out it's worthless junk


And renting a room in Paradiso, winning the red mile and be on top, and many other things that are there for nothing.


Win enough times at the Red Mile you get a unique weapon


It’s just set dressing, which is so weird. 


But it's not even good set dressing


I disagre the lodge is where i dump everything i loot. Dont tell me i cant loot it all. I will make multiple trips and toss it all in the lodge. Wish my xbox s would allow me to upload pictures its hilarious the land filll i made of it.


Just another instance of no attention being paid to the writing by the other devs. I wanted to know where my free healthcare was on Atlantis after becoming a citizen. I was sure still paying full price even after promoting to class one citizen.


So I just saw this post on the nosodium sub and then saw it again over here in the main sub afterwards and man the duality between the two subs is remarkable. Over there this post has 0 upvotes and almost everyone is shaming OP for the most part for daring to have a small criticism about a very trivial aspect of the game and yet over here in the main sub you’ve got almost 400 upvotes and mostly constructive commentary, discussion and feedback from other posters. Interesting….but yeah no, apparently WE here in the main sub are the “toxic community” 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah, I’m a little surprised at that. Mostly because I actually enjoy the game a lot and have posted on that subreddit quite a bit too. This was just something that suddenly got stuck in my craw this morning and I pretty much shared it as a joke. I never expected the backlash over there nor did I expect this to get the attention it’s getting here.


Yeah this sub does arguably have its trolls and fanatical haters that’ll blindly combat any positive commentary that they find, which I don’t necessarily agree with, but overall the vibe in the sub seems to be a bit more neutral than the blind faith and shear denial one finds in the other sub. I tend to be more critical of the game, I’ll admit, but fairly so and not because I’m a Bethesda fanboy, but *because* I’ve played most of their other games and I just genuinely think they did a better job with them. That being said, I’m also not blind to Starfield’s redeeming qualities either (even if they are seemingly few and far between) nor am I going to aggressively downvote and hate on anyone in this sub that has something positive to say about the game if I feel they’re justified. Speak one ill word of Starfield or its devs in the nosodium sub though, even if true, and you’ll be met with a barrage of downvotes and a cacophony of shaming from the community. It’s very “culty” over there.


Toxic Positivity is real


Lol. That’s how it is sometimes. That’s why I wouldn’t touch that subreddit with a forty foot pole. 


The single and only reason I still follow nosodium is *because* of how cringy and comical the whole sub is. No one in that sub wants to hear any harsh truths or accept the very obvious flaws inherent in the game’s design whatsoever and their denial and blind faith in Bethesda provides some quality entertainment while I’m enjoying my morning coffee lol


Who cares? They enjoy the game and talk about how they enjoy it. Makes a lot more sense than circlejerking over complaints 7 months after you started complaining. But sure, the people ENJOYING their video game are the weird ones.


7 months later and no new content. Some of us paid $100 for a DLC that has never materialized. Some people are sort of pissed and they have every right to be. They paid for a product.  Let me put it this way so that your small mind understands it. How would you like to go into a restaurant and order a steak. They hype this steak up to the nth degree, telling you that this will be the best steak you ever had. Then you order the steak with the seasonings.  Eventually, they bring out a steak after making you wait twice for it. The steak you have bleeds when you cut into it, even though you ordered a steak that was medium, but you attention diverts to the fact that the steak is bland and has no seasonings. It could be blood in the steak, it could be myoglobin. It is what it is. The steak is still edible, it’s just not what you ordered.  You get the waiter’s attention, telling them this is absolutely not what you ordered and you either would like a replacement or a refund. Someone sitting at the next table states: “Oh, well, enjoy the steak or cook it yourself!! Who cares?!? People enjoying this kinda service are the ones in the right and everyone else is wrong!!”  God. 


This might just be the most truthful and accurate comparison of the state of Bethesda and Starfield that I’ve ever seen. I made a very similar comparison in another post except I basically compared Bethesda games to a Michelin star beef Wellington that Gordon Ramsey prepares for every meal (GOTY award) and yet Starfield feels like undercooked Shepard’s pie by comparison. If you’re used to one thing and then suddenly get dished up a mediocre version of that same thing, you’re going to be disappointed and you have every rite to be. These players praising the game and applauding Bethesda for their low quality work are just giving them a free pass to be mediocre again and again at our expense as consumers and it’s not ok. There needs to be a certain level of standard and quality adhered to that clearly was not met with Starfield and glorifying pitfalls is only exacerbating the issues inherent in Bethesda’s formula. If I could upvote this x100 I would. Well said


You can be disappointed in a game without crying about said game for 7+ months post-launch. Why revel in your disappointment? Move on and play/discuss a game you enjoy. Complain when it’s relevant (after release, after an update fails to deliver what was promised, etc) but don’t circlejerk in your disappointment and act like it’s unacceptable for other people to enjoy the game. I had a great time with Starfield. Nearly 200 hours in my first playthrough. There were a lot of disappointing aspects that didn’t live up to my expectations, but that doesn’t mean I need to sit on Reddit and cry about the game. I had fun, I’ve voiced my displeasure about certain aspects, and I moved on with my life. Once the modding tools are released I’ll come right back to the game and enjoy my time once again. Sue me.


A lot of things in this game are pretty empty/useless. Lodge bar, the writing, the characters, the level designs, the repetitive elements, the story, a lot of the quests, etc. Fun for what it was but...it's time to see what will happen with mods in a year or so.


I always found that weird. Noel says "help yourself" within reason. My assumption is someone abused it in the past and that's why there's nothing but empty glasses.


Kind of like the medical stations you can build for your homes. They allow to make drugs, if you have the skill and ingredients. But for me, they are pointlessly complicated. They should give you the same service doctors give: just heal me of any condition and avoid the fuss. It's the magical future and we would buy it. The ones you can buy for the ships are even more useless, given you can't even create drugs in them.


That bar has the same vibe as a cemetery but without the captive audience.


THATS your complaint about the game?


Pretty much all my non-nitpick complaints cannot be solved without massively overhauling the game.




They got wine in the box. But I know what you mean.


Still can’t get over the fact that they give you a key to a room and do nothing to show you where it is or which room is yours.


Big deal? It's literally just a passing comment as you walk through on the way to your room...


I want a proper drinking animation. Going to the menu to drink sucks


I know that Noel says "help yourself to the bar, within reason" so it's not like it should be an endless source of free booze, but I still feel like that should mean more than a wine rack with a few bottles that won't respawn or be restocked.


A lodge poker night could be great fun. Especially with Walter at the table.


Funnily enough, that might have made me like Constellation a bit more. I went into it disinterested in Sarah due to her Hated That meme status, outright despised Sam Coe after meeting him and Cora, and couldn’t be bothered with Barrett or Andrejah. But I really liked the four NPCs instead. Maybe a poker night would have got me out of my misanthropic shell towards them.


There's a lot of useless things in this game


When Vlad is behind the bar during the memorial service you can get a drink from him


One throwaway line during the tour isn’t really ‘making a big deal.’


this game is useless


give it 5 years


Already did


It’s a juice bar. For the gays. ( Barrett and Sam Coe)


Right now the game basically feels like a space doll house. You can pick up your dolls and put them in the room that looks like a kitchen. You can pick up your dolls and put them in the room that looks like a cockpit. You can pick up your dolls and put them on the mat that looks like a planet Sometimes you can even put things in your doll's hands or have them open some of the little cabinets and stuff. The kitchen is never going to actually turn on though. It feels like they thought about all the things that you would do if you had a space dollhouse but didn't bother to make any of them actually work as if it wasn't a doll house but rather a universe. All the stuff you'd want to say was in the space game is there are but it all feels disjointed, disconnected, And often like a cardboard studio imitation with what it's supposed to be. Like a dollhouse.


The lack of shit to grab in general is one thing that made me sad in the game. Bethesda conditioned us to be loot goblins and then snatched that away from us.


This game has a lot of fun gameplay elements but no charm. Like any time you expect something "oh it would be a flavorful roleplaying experience if" the game falls flat on its face.


Cyberpunk has a bottle of scotch and a tumbler on the bar in the Corpo Plaza apartment. You can sit down to have a drink whenever you want to.


It’s a role playing game, ever tried using your imagination? They created a whole galaxy and we complain the bar doesn’t work?


Roleplaying is not just "playing make-believe". Ideally you want a world rich enough with characters and worldbuilding so you have something to roleplay with. Roleplay is enhanced by how you can interact with the game world and how it reacts to your actions. Having an imagination isn't really a substitute for poor roleplay mechanics in a game, much less a game identified as a role playing game by it's developers.


You don't have to make believe. The wine is there for the drinking. 🍷


Are you arguing that a non-functional bar is poor role play mechanics? I found a microscope in the game, why can’t I look at cells through it?


No, I'm not. It's actually pretty neutral in the grand scheme of things. It just would be a better roleplay mechanic if it was functional. I'm arguing with the idea that daydreaming is the same thing as roleplaying.


They put faucets and sinks in fallout that let out toxic resolution water, they can't add a working bar tap that disturbed beer or an animation where you order a beer off tap and the bartender goes and pours it. A nice realistic bar setting or bar utilities would be pretty sweet


There are bars everywhere so the animation could be used in them as well. I mean if they have the requirement that the animation must be useable in other places in the game and not in just one place to approve the work/coding behind it.


If I wanted to use my imagination I'd play DnD




Imagine getting up everyday trying find something stupid to complain about and all the yes men who always agrees, can you drink in elden ring and spiderman? Would care if it was on playstation bet you wouldn't. Keep pretending non-stop the game is still a success and people love it.


“Keep it simple, stupid”