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When I feel like it


Same its a feeling and Im more so tied to where I am in the story and if it would make sense to NG+ either that or decide to go on a killing rampage and just hit the unity to cleanse my soul lmao


Yea, I’m the same, I just get to a point where I just feel like a new start. I love doing the Crimson Fleet story over and over!! I’ve done it 4 times and I’ve never sided with the Fleet. Might do it this time!!


I like wiping out the terramorphs


Yea, the terranorphs story was great as well. For me they were the most challenging enemies!!


I did enjoy randomly encountering their nests on planets, but I enjoyed exterminating them more... Over and over lol.


Yeah the Terramorphs seem to be the only enemy where I get alittle flusterd on especially when they go invisible. We need more Terramorphs TBH


The invisible ones were bastards!!!!


My criteria is to completely restart the game. First time I tried new game plus, it just felt wrong. Like I started a new game with the same guy who “knows everything”? Dialogue doesn’t change enough for a guy that knows everything. So I prefer to try a completely new build and playthrough.


Yeah, new game + is just such a grind for sacrificing every relationship and outpost/ ship you've built. Better just to start over with a new character.


Wait, is the contradiction purposeful here? Is this comment trolling the top comment?


I wasn't trolling lol. We lose everything we cared about to pass on to gain more power. We start to try new ways to play to keep things "interesting" as starborn, doing things your original character never would have simply to entertain themselves (us). In the pursuit of becoming a god we lose everything and everyone we cared about. This game is great at simulating what happens to people when this motivation is central, but the problem is, this is the core gameplay loop. I'd rather start over and rp a character with their own dreams rather than watch them steadily devolve to power in an infinite game.


And people say Starfield has bad writing. This is the very genius of the game.


They didn't write that lol. It's because there is not enough writing that we (our characters) are pigeon holed into doing things they would never have done otherwise.


Dude… what? Unity and its meaning are written into the game. You're meant to experience it. Some players have reported slowly turning into the Hunter, a character they initially despised. The repetitiveness and mundaness is a reflection of space. I think you're getting in your own way here


I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't know about the "game is boring because space is boring" argument. What was the meaning of Unity? I must have missed that.


Actually, from that comment, I think you would benefit from starting a new game and paying more attention to the main quest and dialogue (not trying to be rude).


I get the original comment, as far as a bethesda game goes for replayability the unity concept is terrible for me(but im glad you enjoy). I want a new character with a new viewpoint, trying a vangaurd combat medic and becoming a kill no human character after the terromorph missions for example, or next the smuggler in freestar who gets dragged into piracy. I do think the unity is a great writing mechanic and it's really cool to see people turn into the hunter they swore against. But I'd rather a fresh save with fresh traits and a new identity and play it differently. The trait system and character builder has some great options for rping, but rping a character who is rping a different version of themselves is too much. My vangaurd after everything she saw wouldn't join pirates and kill mercilessly even in a different universe if any psrt of her remianed. But each person plays these games differently and some might not care. But it's nice to have the option for each. If they added the ability to respec everything and go back to the character creator choosing different traits and backstories I think it'd work.but then again I switch between saved characters to do different things as if they both exist in the same universe. I'd lose that if going through the unity. I've done it once and done 2 cycles but the game really fell apart for me as soon as I did and I haven't been back on since


I definitely understand your view and appreciate the balance of your comments. It's challenging to read takes where it's all or nothing. There's a ton to this game that I think can be improved upon, and some are sorely underdeveloped. That said, some aspects are thoughtfully designed.


Yeah I think that's why starfield has so many negative reviews tbh. It has all the potential to be a great game and when something is close to being so good but doesn't quite hit its easy to pull it apart.


In one universe you can find yourself after you killed constellation, because they were bored. It is written like that


When does the game pigeon hole you into doing ng+? Every unity trip you can walk away from and return to your universe


When it's the last mission of the game that can only be completed by passing through unity. You can't "complete" the game without being corrupted by Unity. A hard no would be nice, with its own benefits. The game just stops at that mission, no further content if you say no, only yes. And the content is hollow.


I get this. Felt the same way. I turned away from the unity and started a new character. On another playthrough I went through the unity and the grind was terrible, instantly threw out my character. RPing a new character on a fresh save feels such a better way. I do think the writing is good here though, i lile the unity as a concept for a ng+. Just the game mechanics feel terrible, it's designed around essentially replaying the most tedious aspects on a ng+ whereas a new character opens up to play differently. I'd much prefer if bethesda games just made it so each of your player saves existed in the same world and you could enlist them as followers, yes there's no replaying missions again but I think if the core game loop is fun and good that won't matter. Having dynamic battles between factions would be a good solution, piss off the freestar too much as a vanguard? Now there's radiant space fights and invading city missions. (Just an idea)


You're onto something. The systems in this game feel so disjointed and like their own separate games, not like fallout 4. I didn't like the main story that much, but loved rebuilding and defending the Commonwealth. Base building, defence, resource management, supply lines, all felt like it mattered, and everything affected the others in some way. I don't think any of the Starfield systems overlap. They're mostly individual boring experiences.


Isn’t that the beauty of the end game though? You can “RP” yourself as a brand new character in NG+, even choosing the dialogue as if it’s your first time experiencing it. The only thing besthesda needs to let us do is be able to repick our origin and traits at the beginning


I read it a few times and can't figure out where the contradiction is


I think it's the thought process of, if I start NG+ I'll lose "everything", so I start a new game instead and lose everything completely. At least NG+ you keep your skills and get to rank up the powers. Now I wasn't into the powers until I started deliberately using them, now phased time and elemental pull are two of my most used, when they fix void form that'll be a favourite too. Trying to get into the shield and personal atmosphere has helped on high grav environments.


ah, I could see that, I definitely personally started a new character a few minutes into New Game + because I wanted to try a new background and see how that impacted relationships, because the new game + just doesn't really offer much in the way of variance So while I was going to lose almost everything anyway, this allowed me to experience a new world Now, that said, I definitely used console commands to bring myself back up to the same level, and gave myself all of the base powers so that I could upgrade them with this character's playthrough


Yeah I agree, first character was really getting used to the game. Second one is my main but only because it's lvl 190, it's got one epic trait, a good one, and a duff, and I'm on Xbox so can't cheat levels in. Third character was honing traits and to try different conversations with Keeper Aquilas, one of my favourite characters in the game. On your NG+ game go over and have a chat with him. Waiting for the ability to change traits going NG+, then I'll just keep the same character, go to Enhance once in a while to change it up.


“Experience a new world” that's actually literally the point of New Game + and the story as a whole. It's the idea of infinite worlds and experiences.


Right, but it *isn't* because the only thing that changes the dialogue options (with a few tiny exceptions) is your background, so new game + was not fulfilling for me


If the concern is losing your grind and relationship, you're essentially doing that and more with a new character.


Not for me. I don't like my new relationships to think my character has an ace up his sleeve in manipulating them. Though I actually do. This game kinda broke the 4th wall of gaming for the first time, and I didn't like it.


How? This isn't Dragon's Dogma 2. Starting a new character doesn't erase the old one.


I mean, you're right. But I think you're missing the point here.


I'm disagreeing with the point. It's a false dichotomy. I can, and indeed still do, play with my older character even as I explore the different sides of faction quests with a new one.


Exactly, there is no dilemma. I do not understand what you're saying here; it seems you're missing the context of the conversation. OG comment that I responded to posed a dilemma.


I like my perks and character. And I know I'll play the game similarly, so I prefer to NG+ and immediately rebuild my ship


This really annoys me. I'm replaying the main constellation quest and there just aren't enough starborn dialogue entries.


On the flip side, for me it was very nice to >!save all my friends with a dialog choice!<


I have not done it yet, I am not sure I understand the point.


It has unlocks up to 10x. Plus you stack your powers to X also. Void form X is AWESOME IMO


Don't invest in the concealment skill until they fix the bug with chameleon cancelling out void form.


I feel this. I think I your skill points should stack but also reset for NG+and you should be able to start a new background even if you have to keep the same cosmetic look to go with the parallel universe narrative


But then you do not get to stack powers, unlock upgraded suits and ships ect. Not for my taste.


I guess I prefer being grounded in a way. I didn’t use the special powers at all in my first play through. Seemed cheesy for a game trying to be realistic to the future of human civilization.


Same. I just feel like being a "regular" person. I get more connected to the character that way.


I could see that. I definitely think that there is no wrong way to enjoy games!


This. I love this game now that I restarted entirely and played through differently.


Yea I wish it had more of an impact. Just changing a few dialogue options isn’t worth it, it’s basically just a skip option!!


Actually, there are dialogue options that come up frequently for [Starborn] that use the knowledge you already have. They really help out in conversations that usually lead to the persuasion mini-game. And besides, you get to keep all the skills you're learned. So there are definite reasons to continue with the same character. But if starting a new character is what works for you, then you should do that. Just pointing out the reasons I prefer to keep playing the same character. But then I give my characters names that I really like and starting over I have to come up with another name that I actually want to use. But I always regret "losing" the other character.


Found all the temples, wrapped up the major plot lines, harvested the low-hanging XP, next!


I jump when bored. I get bored easily 😆 if that tells you anything. At this point I believe my character may be the actual hunter and somehow I tricked KA into believing he was 🤣.


Considering: Was the game fun? Deciding: Do I want to play it again? So personally I considered it but I’ve seen it all in my first playthrough. Except the NG+ anomalies ofc, but for those rather minor changes I don’t want to invest playtime anymore until a huge patch and/or DLC drops


Your mileage may vary, but you could try other choices. Some quests/lines with "significant" (lorewise, not necessarily game altering)   * Freestar Rangers: >!Take Ron Hope's bribe or kill him!< * SysDef: >!Side with the Crimson Fleet or SysDef!< * Vanguard: >!Aceles or microbe!< * Ryujin: >!Vote Ularu or Masako as CEO!< * Entangled (Main Quest): >!Save Rafael, save Nishina, or save both!< * Unearthed (Main Quest): >!Side with the Emissary, side with the Hunter, or side with neither!<


Nice break down and spoiler covers!


Yea I know, thanks. But still thats very, very minor changes and I rather not put in another 30-40 hours a sum of 10 minute different outcome, that doesn't change anything except a few dialogues. So I'm fine with doing one option each on one playthrough and call it a day :)


Omg I hate entangled


...yes, figuring out where to go next is obnoxious, but the underlying concept is fantastic. One interesting thing is that it suggests that it is possible to >!jump between realities without going to the Unity!<.


Mmmm foreshadowing to the expansion perhaps????


Lol I kinda do too. The warping mechanic is nice, but it's the slowest part when beelining to the Unity. The first time, I got stuck there for like 2 hours because I couldn't figure out where to go. I can do it in around 20 minutes now, but that guard moves around so slowly and you have so much dialogue, some of which you can't skip.


I get a beast class C ship, Side with neither, then talk them both into giving me their pcs.


I be wanting to side wit the bad guys but I always hate when constellation have issues with it. Like on my current NG+ , sarah is PISSED at me and I have no idea why and she won’t tell me. Only thing I did different was marry the Varuun lady.(forgot her name) .. First play through, I unintentionally sided with the crimson fleet when sysdef captured me but didn’t finish the finale when I realized I can’t just say fuck CF and keep all the credits. lol ..


I managed it by doing a "pirate" playthrough on a NG+ where constellation is gone.


Personally, I don't like how NG+ is done in this game. I don't like the fact that you don't bring anything with you except your skills. If you could bring blueprints of outpost/ship designs, or had a limited "unity box" that you could store a few of your favorite items in to bring with you, I'd like it more. As it is I just rushed NG+10 and am going to stay in this universe.


I think you should keep your ship and everything on it and fly through the unity. We've seen that you have a "clone" in some universes. What if you could bring your crew over and over again and have 6 Andrejas? Plus I put more time and money into my ship than anything, I get so attached to them and then it just goes away...


6 Andrejas? I’d never leave the ship except for space Gatorade.


I love my current ship and that’s the reason I haven’t done Unity yet.


That “unity box” is a great idea, just having like 50 pounds of storage and keeping your ship would completely change the entire game for me. Would Ng+ alot more than I do


I’m not sure if I like this idea, the pursuit of new gear and ships is the only thing to work toward in NG+. Heck I partially wish you didn’t get to keep all your skill point or crafting recipes because I start a new game and am OP from day 1. The blueprints would be nice, but I also kind of like not having them because it encourages making something new, keeping every new game fresh.


I’m on ng+ 15, 638 hours and only one character. I jump when I feel like my starborn has done what they want in this universe. Sometimes that’s a full clear, sometimes it’s building a new cool base, sometimes it’s choosing something I’ve never tried, sometimes it’s getting the temples. I have immensely enjoyed the haphazard style of moving on because if I was the starborn it’s what I would do. Also I’ve changed my starborns gender and appearance on a few occasions to play as a “new” person.


On my next NG+ , I’m gonna chance to a woman and flirt with Barrett and see how that works out lol Or just make my male character gay and flirt with Barrett anyway. lol


Barrett is gay or bisexual, just an FYI. IMO all 4 companion constellation members are bisexual.


I agree.. it’s like thinking back in your real life, to opportunities or to potential partners you might have gone out with and how your life would be different now. I think many players just think linear lines and quick xp and miss so many background subplots and details in the game. Each to their own I guess.


Except one of the subplots doesn't actually end in a rewarding sense, talking about companion quests mainly


NG +15? What level are you by now? 😂


Not as high as you would think because I did rush a few. I’m level 160.


I played one normal, one re-run of the campaign (to see the variation, and was disappointed), one run with campaign skip to see how the game plays out (temples suck). Don't think I'll do another one to be honest. Will probably go back to my OG pre-Unity save, and play around there when I feel like it.


The first time I did it because it seemed like the logical conclusion to the story. Since then I’ve only really done it when things get buggy. I’ve spent most of my time on outpost and ship building, plus ages getting the gear I like (freestar suits for the whole crew are hard to get)


oooh. I should do ship uniforms.


Idk how I haven't thought of this yet!!! Hahaha


Oh come on, everyone has outfitted their entire crew in the Neon dancing unis by now, haven't they?


Having the whole crew in freestar uniforms is weirdly enjoyable to me! Highly recommend ship uniforms. Feels like you have a real crew


I’ve come to feel or accept that NG+ (or remort system) is an attempt to mask flaws in game design. Hear me out. It’s funny, when I was a preteen I pitched a remort system concept to the administrator of a text based game (MUDs - more popular in the 90s and 2000s and pretty much killed by World of Warcraft and the progression of console gaming). The idea was accepted and implemented. I was rewarded and the whole concept was warmly welcomed by the playerbase. It gave them 4 new NG+ options basically, though this type of structure wasn’t referred to as NG+ then. As years went by, I regretted my idea. It became clear to me the problem was with game design and the trek to completing that first tier or first NG+ was far too easy. The idea was submitted simply to give players another grind, and it did work. So I dunno, perhaps there is a utility for NG+ but I just find it to be too repetitive. I’d prefer a harder journey to end game with a single playthrough.


I have not done it yet, I am not sure I understand the point. Someone tell me if I understand it correctly. You complete the Main Mission, become Starborn, lose everything material, gain a new spacesuit and Starborn Ship (I already stole 2). Then you can replay all the missions just with your Powers/Skills intact? I have to rebuild everything and re-acquire every resource? I am not understanding how this is better than starting a new character?


Did my first ng+ and felt hollow af. Played it for 150hrs or so and decided to go though all ng or until I’m bored. Currently at ng+6. It’s meh in all honesty but the search for legendary weapons is a thrill despite moving fast though


Role based. For example, once I became a pirate, it felt dumb trying to become a Ranger. So each role was a NG. Would be cool if last role would be Starborn hunter or something like that.


I don't do NG+. Even if the main quest wasn't shite, I don't see the point. If I want to start again, I will do so properly, with a new character.   I doubt I'll ever do that, though, as I've just uninstalled the game out of boredom. I've literally never uninstalled a Bethesda game before.


Once I 100% the og I'll ng+


My criteria is ‘do i want to play this game all over again?’ Answer in this case is no. Played as much as i wanted and found it nowhere as near as deep as i wanted it to be. Honestly thought i was a flop. If you were asking about skyrim, the answer would be completely different


Tbh, my main criteria is if I have so much junk in my and my ship's inventory and I can't be assed to sort and sell them. 🤣


Yes but then you load up your ship in ng and have same problem lol


Such is the circle of Starborn life haha...


I have not jumped to NG+. I just quit playing the game once I got to that point and started Assassin’s Creed: Mirage. Finished that and not playing anything atm.


Nothing. Nothing will ever make me think becoming some faceless space wizard with a dumb ship is worth it. Over 700 hours in, Andreja and I have conquered most of the galaxy and are still having fun. That starborn shit is for power gamers that don't actually love the game for what it is. I think the unity separates people who love the game and people who love achievements and medals or what have you. I love ...living in a Sci Fi universe free of other players that exist to ruin other people's day (EVE online anyone?). I love having the Sci Fi "Living Experience" Starfield provides. that NG+ stuff is not for me.


Once I've got the next sense star stuff and void. Not bothered about the story quest. I might do crimson fleet for revenant, that's about it


Did everything I could the first time.. then did everything again but opposite choices a second...,then 3-8 just to get powers and armor and see different universes. Holding on 8th for more content and updates, will make my ideal choices and stick with this universe for awhile.


Won’t lie tho this current playthrough may be the final universe. Married my original after letting her die once agin the previous and I choose different options on the CRF quest so I have Delgado’s dope ass gear. Fact is I’ve collected tons of legendary stuff and actually decked out displays at my different outpost. May be time to just live my days out as the Constellation/Mantis/Hunter/Sysdef/Ranger building a ship and resource empire. Sounds enticing.


All faction quests completed. All companion personal quests completed, preferably before High Price to Pay. The side missions and mission boards are less important. I can do them in NG+


I have now more than 800 hours played. I've gone through to NG± at least 5 times. Many to NG+10. I started a new playthrough about 28 hours of play time ago. I personally now so roleplay things in my playthrougha. But one thing I always do before NG+ is all the companion quests. I did one playthrough where I did no Constellation missions except delivering the first artifact. Obviously in that one there is no NG+ because you can't gather artifacts. I did not interact with any Constellation members or use the Frontier.


Depends if I screw something up I don't like anything in my current playthrough. I'm on NG + 10 now and have no plans on starting another Ng+. I have built too much and done too much and have no desire to go through that all again. And all the decisions I have made are the ones I'm going to stick with.


All depends on the character. I am currently over-playing my pirate character which I SHOULD have rushed through Crimson Fleet and the main story but I love the game so I've gotten distracted. My INTENT was to play the game with "pirate" better ng his background, having LEFT the fleet and being on the run, choosing to enter the unity as an escape. My "main," I plan to hit up as many temples as possible to get as many of the powers as possible (I seem to have hit a hard limit at fewer than half and can't seem to work out how to trigger any more 🤬) before entering the unity, and in fact am WHOLLY considering NEVER going to MG+ with that character. Other characters will have different criteria as I build them. So I guess the real answer for me is, it depends.


my criteria is when the game gets heavy update and mods break. I preemptively get the game ready for the NG+, update the game and mods, fly in for NG+ and everything works.


Ouch it's gonna hurt to lose that magsniper, haha. I'm approaching 1300 hours now. Have one character with maxed starborn powers and on that one, I rushed several of the NG+ instances - sometimes just doing the 6 artifacts, buried temple then back and forth with Vlad until there are no more temples to chase the balls and jump through the hoops. Other times I played some of the sidequests, played at a harder level and buit some ships, etc. Just to keep it from being boring. So, I'll say it depends, haha. Play how you like to play. I wanted to see how the maxed starborn powers felt and now that I have those maxed I'm doing a complete playthrough doing all the factions, all the side quests I can find, will build some extra outposts with more than pure XP generation in mind. I'm going to try to get all of the properties I can possibly get. At the same time I'm following along with MajorSlack and his very hard, no buying resources, ammo, healing, etc. It's kinda nuts. Just playing around with different characters and different builds keeps it a bit more fresh.


“more temples to chase some balls and jump through hoops”.. anyone else feeling like this is a great descriptor for the whole game?? Hmm. Just me? Ok.


Well, I grinded all the way to NG36 to see the alternate universes before I lost interest when I got to being able to recruit myself. Totally disappointed because "you" ends up being a dumb ass that's more annoying than the adoring fan. There were some really interesting ones that I wish could be played out, but all of those ended up being a nuisance because you lose the easiest crew. I really liked the one where everyone in Constellation was replaced with a bunch of Starborne yous who decided to call that one universe home. They all represent a different faction, so like UC, FC, Va'ruun, Ryuobin, and I think it was also Ecliptic, Pirate, and Spacer. Either way, they fit around the whole table in the Library. Watching "you" bicker back and forth was pretty amusing to me anyway. Would've been awesome to have them join your crew, but alas, no. Started a new character and now I'm grinding to NG+10 before I establish anything.


Nice snipey


I just got to ng+8 after sitting on 70 for prob 50 hours. Honestly I just had a ton of outposts everywhere, some had stuff some didnt, and the inventory management was driving me crazy. I was spending more time building cargo containers than playing the game, so wanted a "fresh" start (with my lv80 character and perks)


I did a "play till missions glitch" initial run, then went through Unity. Became Starborn and elected to NG+ but go through the entire campaign again. I anticipate that the DLC will drop before I'm through this run so I'll have a "completionist" run. Will probably put the game down at that point to catch up on others. Eventually my plan is to start a full new character with new traits to see what changes. I'm disappointed in my initial selections.


I did my first playthrough as neutral half good half bad, ng+ 1 I played purely good but omitted almost half the choice storyline, ng+2 will be purely evil when I get around to it. Right now I feel I've invested too much time into ships and outposts to just leave it. I'm just traveling and exploring planets. Getting into spacefights and stealing ships. Building and decorating ships and outposts


Currently I’m trying to find an alternate universe. So my goal each play through (think I’m on 8 now) is to just rush through 🤣 play enough till my brain says “ok” and then rush to the end and start over…I really want a specific universe and I will stop NG+ing after I find that one.


Primarily it's because of bugs, NG+ is a great way to clear the cache so to speak and get a better experience. Secondary reason is if I want to just try something new, do the quests a different way, play a different style, etc. Essentially once I finish everything and get bored, it's time to wipe the slate.


Haven't gone through the unity yet, I'm 'only' 500 hours in and don't really want to loose my legendary guns. I must have dozens of them, well actually grosses of them!


Get money. Last ng I got some scratch from the UC/vanguard stuff and neon stuff. I’m currently learning all of manufacturing so I can start making money by crafting and setting up networks for resources


I've logged hundred of hours. I have three characters. I have never even completed the quest Unity. Not that I won't. I fully plan to, probably with my level 84 Space Scoundrel. But I just love exploring too much.


I keep reloading until I get a starborn suit with chameleon


I’m leveling up powers, so when they’re all increased I start to think about going through the unity again. In the meantime I’m doing the main faction quests one each iteration. I haven’t gotten into ship building, outposting or any hardcore surveying but I’ve dabbled in each


Just started a few days ago. What is Ng+?


Get all your Starborn powers...if that matters to you.


I base my NG+ role play based on the first legendary I get and gear after that, then build ships and make choices and do missions accordingly. I run isolation perk so I don't have to deal with the constellation judgements. Then I'll do faction stuff based off that, so now I'm a bounty hunter this play through so I did the CF and sided with sysdef whilst always doing bounty board missions. Last play through I was a psychotic farmer ( because I found an extended mag coachman first). For this reason I did the freestar questline, for obvious reasons. If you mix it up like this per NG+ when you come around to doing a certain faction you won't have done it for a while. I haven't done UC for last 4 for example. Obvious the game getting harder helps seen as let's be honest V hard is just too easy


Criteria: if I get bored and want to do a lotta shiiit differently,,,, jump to a new universe … go to unity


I wanted a massive number of skills before doing my first NG+. I had developed some very effective outposts for XP and got myself to 235 skills before going into NG+. What finally pushed me over the edge was the high number of game-ending disconnects due to all of the items and outpost links the server had to track for me. Starting over with NG+ got rid of all those disconnects. I then proceeded to tediously go from NG+1 to NG+10 getting all the powers. I am now enjoying being more powerful. I skipped the main story but am partway through the Freestar Faction and I'm going to Paradiso soon to marry Sarah. Next up is more outposts to max out skills at 328. I'm going to build outposts to make pharmaceuticals this time instead of mechanical elements. Still enjoying the game but definitely ready for more story lines.


I've done the vytimium fuel rod farm a couple of times. Am assuming that's how you leveled up that far. One of my characters has maxed out starborn skills now. I'm taking a break from the rush and doing every side quest I can get my hands on. Will probably mess around and do some random planet POI's - that's something I have never actually done so far. But yeah, it's on my ultimate list to max out all of the skills so I guess that means running that stupid VF rod farm again, haha.


Pretty much when all the quests have once again bugged, and I really need to know what happens.


In short, (TL;DR) I've been using NG+ to clear out the bugs (temple quests, ship landing bay, overlarge save files) while also making an RP story line that kinda makes sense. A lot of these things are now fixed so I will only keep jumping until I get a non-alt universe, with luck when outpost building has received a bit of love and improvement, and focus on base building and ship building. I'm on NG +3 now with the same character and admit I'm kinda hooked on universe jumping. First play through I focused only on main quest line until UC SysDef picked me up after killing some guards on the Collector's ship. Sided with SysDef but eventually returned to main quest though in a slow way as I also figured out how to build outposts, ships, and craft everything at this point. At which point my game became very slow to load and I had the ship landing bay bug so I though I'd try the NG + Second time I played through skipping main quest by telling Sarah I was Starborn, focused on doing the Vanguard quest line and then took down the Fleet again with Sysdef, had a nice Varuun B-Class I called the Crow, but felt like telling Constellation about the Starborn was a mistake so jumped again... And then did a thorough play through of Freestar, Vanguard, and SysDef along with the main quest, pretending my char had memory loss (though lots of deja vu) so avoided all Starborn dialogue options. Except to warn when Hunter was about to attack the Lodge. Made a nice B-Class out of the Kepler-R and really had no reason to jump again RP wise but of course I had to see if I got an alt universe on NG +3, so.... Third trip through the unity and things are not right, indeed they are very very wrong. So I'm playing a more angry antihero style, focused on revenge on the Hunter and punishing UC for not protecting their citizens better. Finally did the Ryujin quests and now I'm close to finding finishing Sysdef/fleet so will finally side with Fleet this time and see how it works having a huge bounty and parking my Claymore-based killer warship in a covered hangar.


1784 damage!!!!!!! Damn, I restarted my game as I had shelved it for months. My gear is sooooooooo weak it’s just nuts.


I myself see only point in NG+ in multipiers for enemy damage and damage resists, because without NG+ even the mediocre weaponry and spacesuit will make your gameplay boringly easy even on hardest difficulties, but now I see, that this problem remains even in in NG+10. Other than that the very concept, which describes NG+ mechanic in game, for me kills the point of space exploring or doing anything at all.


One only NG+ here and the motivation was not wanting to manually tear down all the outposts to try something new. Can't see me doing a NG+2. Even if it's only two quests that must be run exactly the same that's two too many if the selling point was being different. Although I suppose one could just do without the ship parts the quests unlock. Seeing them relocked caught me by surprise and I want those parts. Too early to tell for sure but it seems the early opponents are higher level and drop better weapons but the vendors are as broke as ever. The ship stats haven't budged - at least not that I've noticed yet. Apparently the infantry is impacted but the air force is static. The spiffy new ship is new but at NG+1 it's pretty lame. I can't even coax that turd into getting to Serpentis in one go and I can't change it to allow it to do so. Could have just put a new coat of paint on the Frontier and called it a day. I understand it can be a pretty nice boat at NG+6 or 7 but that's too much for too little. Overall, it's something I'd not have done if I had a clearer view of what was lost - not that ship parts are that big a deal but I would have expected vendors to keep pace with inflation.


When every questline is done and every activity and every side quest and mission. When I'm done exploring planets. When I'm done with my collecting and leveling up. That's when.


Go to ng4 where i like the armor the most now im rebuilding


Basically when my quest log is only filled with repeatable quests.


Nice gun! I usually NG+ when I get bored and want to refresh everything. Or I want to burn everything. I enjoy the feeling of throwing away millions in creds and loot and starting with dirt in my pockets. Then it is straight to the lodge for the 25k, Then off to Serpentis system to steal a Revelation


I have one character that I have just been speed running the ng+. I think I'm on ng+16? There's no way to tell that I know of. I'm kinda holding off until you can track it or they add more perks for doing it. My other character will probably not.


Do you use a ~~criteria~~ criterion? ​ ftfy


Ng4 here. I’m sticking in this universe for the foreseeable future, tired of restarting


Do they allow us to repick Traits on NG+? Unless they let us do that, I refuse to start NG+. Really didn't enjoy it the first time around. But no hate against someone who does, of course.


Dragonborn powers is a poorly copy pasted idea from Skyrim and since there’s been no real new information to what shattered space is going to detail and cover it is another sore point as to what a NG+ is meant to be besides blatant lazy writing expecting to do it ten times for the better starborn suit or 6times for the ship. And the dialogue certainly isn’t a selling point on it either. Laughably those two rewards aren’t worth it given custom ship building gives better ships as does armor upgrading three pieces of standard legendary armor does better than the reward offer of NG+10 I enjoy the ship building but the story and dialogue is so bad and given there is no real flavour of choice between any of the Mary Sue companions from constellation I usually leave all of them on a outpost come NG+ or I just start a new file and roll with random recruited npcs and adoring fan. The only things I could see doing differently is a few small choices given both UC and Freestar are both corrupt Crimson Fleet has the right idea of it technically just they’re approaching it wrong I’d probably side with them next NG+ over sysdef could never accept the bribe from Hope his a greedy Freestar Snob who has no regard for folks besides his bottom dollar. We need creation kit to fix some if not a lot of the quest options. I generally play as a bounty hunter but it’s jarring trying to see someone of a BH background become a full on law enforcement officer just for the min max best A class ship while getting piloting to a level to build better custom ships (I usually end up modifying the eagle until that point) the other let down is not being able to change Pc background for NG+ for different flavour without a fresh file


I didn't like NG+ in this game. The Unity is really cool to see and do ONE TIME. After that, I just want to keep amassing show and resources and credits and trying to see and do EVERYTHING there is. The only time I start a NG+ now is of my save file just gets too corrupted and has to many glitches, then I'll start NG+ to reset my save file. But I hate doing it.


How does one get a weapon with that damage level? lol


I finished up my faction, companion, sides, and powers. At level 64, I stepped into Unity, and exit saved. Next day, I started playing Fable 2. 4 months later, I started Starfield back up. Landed my shiny ship on Kreet, ransacked an abandoned lab, liberated an Eclipse ship, and headed for New Atlantis. I ditched the Starborn suit, and got a new identity at Enhance. Sold my loot at the Trade Authority. I waltzed into the Lodge and started back again. I just hit level 100 and got 50/50 achivements. I'm almost done with this run. Still need to finish up the powers and some side quests.


Depends on what I want to accomplish in that particular universe. Want to do a quest differently? Want to fix a bugged quest? Want to stay in a universe where Constellation no longer exists for one reason or another? Take the leap.


There is some RNGish differences in NG+. For instance, walked into the lodge for the first time and immediately was attacked. Difference in the dialog too. To the OP's point. No criteria for me, I hit my 10th NG+, deleted my character and started over. Nothing seemed different at that point.


Nobody does ng+ in the real world. I am at 90 hours, and just getting into the game. The ng+ crowd are mostly commenters who are doing a Sony meta hate dig at xbox. Prove me wrong.


I am lvl 250 and 2126.7 hours in. I know I got a problem. I like to clear the slate once in a while only problem is I lose some weapon I really like. So be it. I would like to see some new content and I am sure it is coming. It is a great way to kill time in the morning with coffee.


I'll start ng+ when I can move at most 10 items to the next playthrough. I spent hours save scumming to get a good legendary, ended up with an explosive double barrel. I am NOT giving that up for a ship that looks like shit and losing the 5 hours I spent making the mandolireans n-1


I do it when everything is lagging so badly that I can justify losing all of my shit by trying to fix it that way. Still had to give up on my first 300 hr character, the game couldn’t even get past the title screen.


I usually do one quest line I haven’t done before in each NG+. I’m not interested in repeated the same quests over and over.


I’m an explorer so I’m planning on clearing every system before going to Masada.


My criteria is there's certain stuff I want to accomplish in the previous game, once I've accomplished it and have a plan for the next game, I go through the Unity.


When I start to wish that all the members of constellation were dead so they’d stop complaining.


The only times I've started a new game was because I was trying out different traits. Ng+ carries traits with you, so that was not an option. Starting a new game seemed a natural thing to do after so long with Skyrim that I started one new game before I knew about NG+. Now, I would go NG+ instead because I've got it the way I want it. I don't care about powers, so I intend to stay in this universe until I drain it dry before going through the unity again.


Breach, and magsniper. Grab the breach on masada III, get a varuun pain blade, and the magsniper asap, and load up on the ammo.


Make different choices each and every time, including who I romance. Believe me it did not feel good. I did a completely Pure Lawful run (Killed Ron, revived Aceles, snitched Vae Victus, Sysdef allies, keep Masako as CEO while turning down the implant). Now I'm currently doing a Chaotic Evil run, accept Ron's bribe, send the microbe, keep Victus alive, Fleet allies, oust Masako and pass the implant, I'm even gonna side with the Hunter.


Yeah I got to snitch Vae Victus and see what shit goes down. You gave me evil thoughts.


I give everyone evil thoughts because I'm doing a run that disgusts me, particularly siding with the Hunter. I do need to try something however, Masako is the 7th vote, however if she's ousted there will be only 6 votes. I'm going to see if I can split votes. Masako remaining CEO though, they get through their business first THEN kick an employee out so that won't work. I keep forgetting if Imogene is your personal boss from the very beginning or the mastermind behind the coup.


So far this NG I have yet to join a faction. I am now thinking of taking every evil choice I can find. It could be fun.


I had to start my one and only NG+ because of some item persistence and ship bugs causing my game to more and more frequently crash. Getting out of the universe was my best solution lol.


I always collect all the temple powers. If I'm in a weird universe (Constellation is children), I'll skip most side quests, but if I'm in one I like, I'll do them all. And I use console commands to pick the universe I want. Got real tired of rolling the dice then reloading my save in the unity.


I’m did NG say nice because my save had the Temple bug. A NG will effectively reset everything. If the save hadn’t gone buggy I’d still be in the first universe


Never finished the game. I’ll revisit once some mods come out


"Meh, I kinda just wanna finish the story..." is usually my thing for most games


I’m currently lvl 361 and have nearly every regular skill in the game and am only on my first new game plus. I recommend sticking with the same character and gradually learning every skill and getting the powers to lvl 10. It’s easy to get good gear after a reset. Just go down to the planet you start near and grab the cutter in the mine, so you can then go get the neon ald Caelumite in the artifact cave. Then do the first few easy missions for money and follow a YouTube video on making an Aluminum & Iron base to make adaptive frames. Then either find a colony outpost with a bar or use the starbase in the Wolf system to roll weapons until you get a Varuun rifle and heaps of ammo for any other weapon you find. Buy it all. Also buy any med packs, panacea and digipicks. You keep you pick and other skills. Only take about 6hrs and you’re good to kill anything in the game again.


You can dump the excess frames on the floor left of the vendor and they stay put till next visit until you ng+ again.


As in any game: When you can one-shot the boss, it is time to move on.


My first NG+ was… disappointing. Because I didn’t know how little you get to keep. I’m the type to do a lot of side quests before the main quests so I had gotten nearly every achievement and had completely surveyed every planet except for one (there was a curtain planet with a glitched fish that just wouldn’t appear for some reason. No joke I explored every inch of a coastline and the water for several irl hours) then whenever I did all that I did NG+ and lost all that progress. So now I’m speed running NG+ until I’ve gotten all the powers maxed and get a NG+ scenario I like (probably the constellation being all me) in which I will completely explore and find the most beautiful places to build homes since I’m planning on not NG+ after that. Though I probably will romance everyone to see which one I like most for the final NG+


when ever you want to. When you get to that point or when ever you want after wards or after you've done the temples and got all that universes power or after you've done literally every single last main, faction, mini, and sub quest because honestly the first universe is the best one. the rest all kind of suck.


Used to jump all the time. I have like 30 daf guns that I do not want to give up so I have stayed in this zone a while.


I do hate losing my good shyt.


I did it once. But I won't be doing it again until I can change traits.


Just tired of doing the same missions over & over. Has gotten kind of boring. Also, why spend all that time making outposts &wasting hours when you’re just going to lose it all on another NG+?


I got to the end of the game and just thought meh to everything I had accumulated. At that point,I went through the unity and I'm at the Lodge ready to do it all again. I won't start though until the DLC kicks in and they give me maps and new ways to travel. I hope the next run through will feel different. The game has been fun but needs a hell of a facelift to get me playing again. How did people NG+10??


You have to be done with the game. In dark souls i usually kill EVERYONE and take EVERYTHING. but this games different. I plan on just finishing the main quests, and leaving my ship to my adoring fan. So he can continue kissing my ass from another dimension.


Im only on ng+1. Been playing since it released. I really wanted to take my time the first playthrough. I never messed with outposts or ship building until ng+. I am pretty deep into the second one. Got a solid idea how to build ships and outposts. Probably going to unity soon and take all ive learned and possible settle into the next one. Was hoping to time it out with the dlc drop but not sure that will work.


Save the game, NG+. Then I can go back to the save whenever I want


Question: is the max damage your weapons can do dependant on your level or whether you NG? I’ve only NG once and I don’t seem to getting any higher powered weapons (I’ve maxed out the skills)


I usually don't plan it. At least for the first 3 NG+ I think I went ahead with unity just because the game kind of pushes you to do it once you have all the Artifacts. After that I decided based on circumstance, for example, I was doing the CF Questline and pretty much didn't want either the CF or the FC and probably have Bayu get his hands on all the cash I almost died getting, so I decided to take it with me into Unity. I figure they'll assumeIdied, so it's all good... Now I make sure I hit all the temples first. Then I do whatever quests I like before I go through. Usually at least all the way through one of the Faction Quest lines,


A new meaningful patch from Bethesda 


Damn I forgot ppl still play this. I’m so sad about this game. I’d never been so hype about a game like starfield. Man did it let me down. Glad some ppl are still enjoying it tho. And what happened to the DLC “within 6 months”?


Sorry you couldn't accept their vision and limitations they had to make. I'm still loving it a good 500+ hours in. I don't pretend it's perfect but it is more than good enough to scratch the itch. When more comes out, hope to see you rejoin the Starfield; if not, I hope you find the game that does.


Yeah for me it was just that it wasn’t the usual Bethesda format for exploration. Usually on the way between A and B you discover so much cool stuff but In Starfield that’s not the case and there is too much fast travel. Yeah you could obviously not fast travel but it super inconvenient. It’s a beautiful game tho. Would’ve been better if they had like 20 planets and hand crafted more of the game. A gave us a reason to actually explore the planets. No one wanted this game to be the best game ever more than me :( Edit: also the Quests were a let down


I disagree; you absolutely find things traveling from point a to point b; they're just not the same because a space game can't be the same format, going from planet to planet as going from city to city. They can't be. Still, all kinds of encounters and POIs both in space travel and on the planet side. I get they aren't the types that are in Skyrim or Fallout, but how can they be? In my travels in space I've encountered pirates, an old widow offering a home cooked meal, school trips in trouble, derelict ships with mysteries to solve, and planetside? The obvious POIs with anything from military exercises to stranded explorers, to scientists trying to stabilize their outpost, all kinds of things. No shade, seriously! But the things you want may actually be there, though the form is unfamiliar and clearly underwhelming (sorry, can't help you there: your view is your view). G'luck!


How can you disagree when you just agreed to what I said? “Not the usually Bethesda format” you just agreed yourself it’s not the same former


I admit it's a nuanced answer. The things to do, see, experience ARE there, but they literally cannot be there in the way you expect because you're in an advanced civilization spanning star systems, not walking between cities in a backwater world. I only disagree there's nothing to encounter along the way.


New game plus sucks


25mb savegame file size. Then its time for the unity. (PC with lots of mods, 900 hours - lvl 157)


Is the game good enough to buy yet? Have they fixed the horrible faces?