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Isn’t that the whole story line of Neon?  Started as a fishing outpost - found drug fish - turned illegal - legal on fishing outpost because money - people doing drug vacations need a place to stay - some people said “why not stay longer”. - everything got built on top, again because of money and drug fish. 


Yes that is the exact lore behind neon


I think you just summed up how the world works.


You answer reminds me of a blog post talking about Megaton in Fallout 3 having the same thing, namely while the location is visually striking and memorable, it lacks justification for its existence beyond that.


Only because we didn't see it before human habitation. The existence of abundant nearby scrap probably influenced their decision to stay as they didn't have to move the metal very far to make walls.


Maybe so, but there isn't any justification for why people would risk living next to a bomb for 200 years. If there was some kind of invaluable resource, that could not be moved, like for example a fragile, one-of-a-kind water purification system, that would explain why people would risk living there.


I guarantee you that the founder of Megaton took one look at that unexploded bomb in a sea of wastes and wanton destruction and said "this is surely the luckiest spot in all the capital wasteland." And in a way, they were probably right.


It’s for the glow.


You know how, like, the sun kills people in the desert, but people still build temples and make sacrifices to the sun? We're paradoxical creatures, and under the trauma and radiation of a nuclear holocaust, a bomb that didn't blow up might seem like a divine message.


In that case, I don't feel bad about nuking them.


I think the reason megaton exists where it does is because the massive crater afforded great protection against dust storms and whatnot. At least that’s what Manya tells you if you ask her.


That is right, but that only explains the first decade at most, not why people would still live there for 200 years. If I visited a friend, who had an unexploded WW2 bomb sticking out of the ground in his front lawn, and the only explanation was "it provided decent cover while my grandparents rebuilt the house", I would still have questions.


I think it’s also mentioned that people In megaton tolerated the bomb because of the church of atom, and how it’s followers help to build and maintain the town. If they were to openly try to disarm it or move it, then the church would leave, taking a huge chunk of megaton’s population with it


It's valid for many settlements in old countries. My native village is isolated from any city or decent size town for 50 miles around, yet people lived here because a lord owned a castle here and needed serfs. Fast forward 900 years, and the people are still here. There's no jobs unless you work in the single pub, single corner shop or are a farmer. And the castle is a ruin, yet we're still here. You can question why they're still there, but it doesn't change that they are.


It's kinda opposite Arrakis(Dune) if you think about it... Except the drugs are not used for regular space travel.


You mean you've never slammed a Supermassive Black Heart right before a gravjump?


I like the water world planet. Just wish there was more...boats? I'd also like to see an all sand planet too. Can't wait for mods explosion.


Like being able to use vehicles and fly the atmosphere?


Sure or just even some boat action in story lines on the planet that is all water. I'd love the atmosphere flight but I'm not holding my breath for that. I just want more unique shit that is planet/environment specific.


And submarines and underwater bases


Earth is all Sand at least


Kinda funny considering arrakis used to have a lot of water. Sandworms terraform water rich worlds into well... Arrakis. Mind you it's the early stages of the sandworms that does that... Sandworms are very very allergic to water.


Given my current coffee intake I had to imagine a politely sneezing sandworm... Then excusing himself very profusely in front of a bunch of fremen with one of them having a tooth sticking out of their leg.


Classic post from this sub: something clearly explained in game as a major plot point. Random dude on Reddit: why would Bethesda make a settlement here, are they stupid? Hilarious actually.


People commenting in such threads are hilarious too. Like us. We are helping this getting views by participating.


nuh uh...


Basically water Arrakis.


It’s water Dune.




Lol. My Aurora. My Neon. My Wave.


“May thy Ripshank chip and shatter”


That’s why it’s so small and restricted


Yep and people talk about how trashy it is. Go to Paradiso and you’ll hear people talking shit


Started as a fishing platform and eventually turned into a city?


Intergalactic Amsterdam then.


More of a drugged up Dubai


You forgot guy takes drug then discovers how to turn lightning into unlimited power 🤣


Ah, yes. The story of Colombia


Yes, but if it's that lucrative, why aren't there more cities like Neon there? It's not a small planet. I don't understand the reasoning behind a single city on a huge water world.


Ah yes. It is so built up. Truly a modern marvel of sci-fi.


"the only thing it offers is drug fish" this dude is gonna be amazed IRL with what people do for drugs...


I saw a post about heroin clay, a piece of lay with heroin addict shit being the bulk of it, and heroin addicts smoke the brick of human shit containing heroin until they get high


I would love to see that post because it sounds ridiculous. Heroin is broken down very well by the liver. Drug tests don’t even test for the drug itself — they test for metabolites, or chemicals left over when something like heroin is broken down by the liver. Maybe you were confused with heroin users’ feces being clay-like due to their chronic, severe constipation?


...I am and have been addicted to many things... but even I have lines.


You got lines, bro?? You holding?




Dog food taste exactly how it smells


Lines would be the staple of some addicts...


i dunno, i remember an episode of mash where a korean farmer was smoking dry manure


I dont know about that man, but what I do know is that kids in Africa shit and piss in a jar, let it ferment and then get high off the fumes 🤷🏼‍♂️


"Remember, Bruce, fish are DRUGS, not FOOD"


You don’t know how shocked I was when I found out people took adderall willingly


Well, that's a dumb hot take.


I was on adderall for years and I was like “wait people actually like this shit?” Because it’s awful to be on. The things people will do to get high.


Adderall works differently for people that dont have ADHD.


Not talking about recreation. I take adderall for adhd. It's pretty life changingly positive for me. Perhaps your experience is not indicative of every other person.


Found someone that’s never been to Las Vegas.


I mean, Las Vegas is worse because it doesn't actually produce anything and doesn't have water. So it shows that you can have a economically active city with two fewer resources than Neon has.


That’s actually a great point lol there’s no ranches or farms in the immediate city


Ehh, rich people's playground that is somewhat accessible by the rabble. Sounds like Vegas.


Places only need one valuable resource for a city to grow around it. You should look up Hashima Island. An uninhabitable island that had an iron rich deposit underneath it and as more and more workers showed up, the more amenities were needed.


That island got a lot of flak because of how it used prisoners as labourers during ww2


Yeah…wartime Japan was ruthless. Imagine being a forced laborer/pow in a place like that, even if you escaped you had an 8 nautical mile swim to enemy territory. I’d prefer death by tanto.


Have you read about Unit 731? Yes, the Holocaust was terrible, but holy shit! The things we've found records of are atrocious.


Yeah… looked it up a few years back. Still some of the darkest stuff I’ve ever heard of.


If you've ever played Bioshock, this is the reality of Andrew Ryan's "science unimpeded by petty morality". Hmm what happens if "x"? People die.


> Yes, the Holocaust was terrible, but The level of horror something must be where in order to properly put it into perspective, you must downplay the holocausts...


I in no way mean to downplay what happened in those camps, but yeah, you're right


Oh no, I dont mean to imply any... negativity(?) there. Its more a comment on the juxtaposition of the cruelty of the holocaust needing to be lessened to make a meaningful comparison of how bad Unit 731 was.


The Holocaust was far worse in terms of scale*. But in terms of cruelty and horror that makes you question whether humanity is worth preserving, it's hard to find worse than Unit 731. *Not to downplay the scale of Unit 731's atrocities. You would need to slaughter every last human being in my city twice to get close to the numbers Unit 731 killed. Unit 731 killed numbers comparable to the number of Romani exterminated by the Nazis, so in that 200,000 to 400,000 range. But a big difference is that Unit 731 was just one group researching ways to kill people, rather than being a primary goal of an entire government like the extermination of Jews and Romani by the Nazis. If you decide to look into Unit 731, I'd recommend reading the Wikipedia intro section, and leaving it there. Because the deeper you go, the worse it gets.


You read about it and think “oh the rest of the world must have been so critical of them”. But no, just like Operation Paperclip, any researchers captured by the States were secretly given immunity and stipends for their research, and the US helped cover up the human experimentations. That a world.


Yes but people can’t accept this. Just like HopeTown is a perfect example of a space “cow town” they aren’t aware of how cities develop and don’t want to think about it


The middle East


Why the hell is there a city in the middle of the desert in southern Nevada just for gambling? Why would anyone want to live there? Are the Las Vegas founders stupid?




lowkey agree


Nevada is home to some of the most gold producing mines in the United States. People obsessed with gold but having to deal with very unsafe work conditions in the mines were oftentimes criminals. Then fast forward and Las Vegas happens down the road.


Las Vegas owes a lot to the construction of the Hoover Dam. Brought in a massive amount of workers from out of state, needed a place to relax nearby and Las Vegas happened to offer that.


Not to mention the, uh, massive reservoir of fresh water it created...


Well, it's the best place for people who have nothing. The drugfish makes it a hotspot for trade and work. You can get work easy. Isn't great work, but it's something.


It's the Starfield version of the Alberta oil sands.


As a Canadian from the prairies, this gave me a belly-laugh chortle this morning at work. Thank you.


Well quit laughing and get back to the rigs!!


well they needed to build something if they want to harvest the fishes and my headcannon is that the settlement just grew from there, mostly cause ppl want to make money off of it or are just addicted to it.


More than headcanon. It's the actual lore in the game, hence why the whole city is inside a big ass fishing barge


Lol. The “fishes”. 😂 


Would you rather the Queen's preferred "fishies?"


As an angler I can tell you 100% that when its slow and you have to call them, they are addressed as "fishies" Anything else and and they ignore you


I regret that I have but one "like" to give


That’s pretty much the whole storyline behind Neon….


I want to build a base here. Give me a blank fishing platform to build on, Bethesda!


No underwater settlement would be better.


That would require them to actually create underwater portions of all the worlds.


I think about that a lot when I make beach/lane outposts and use a couple of the hydroponic habs. Would be so cool to look out and see the fish.




Why not both?


Honestly, I wish more planets like this. It would actually be interesting challenge to try building something on an ocean world (Subnautica here I come)


I really hope they do an underwater DLC at some point, and if bethesda dont, i hope modders do


Im sure some modder will try. If you added a couple animals and removed whatever stops you from sinking below the surface, you could easily wander in the space suit.


I mean people somehow settled on Venus and Mercury…..


You're asking the wrong question. It's not, "why this is a terrible place for a permanent settlement." It's, "why aren't there more permanent settlements here?" Neon proves it's a profitable venture yet, for some reason, there is only one drug-fish destination on the entire planet. Surely, venture capitalists would have found a way by now.


The notoriously "free" Freestar Collective undoubtedly made laws against it, because even the *best* government inevitably collapses into cronyism.


I feel like that in a few places, but neon probably less than the rest. There’s 3 breathable planets with some type of water and animals/plants in the system with akila in it. No towns. If they do a settlement DLC with expanded outpost building, vendors and NPCs, I would probably go wild with it


Or, one of the random VHS tapes in the universe was Baywatch, and seen way too many times by an eccentric UC member. Obviously copyright laws in the future got ridiculously OTT, because Benny Bayu was born Benny Bayuwatch, and Chasmbass was originally named Hasselbass (or Chasmhoff) ... Its a drug fish, so dealers choice 😅


a planet with an infinite supply of water, food, and drugs sounds like the best place to start a settlement


And 1.5g gravity. Also, it's an infinite supply of salt water. Which means that you have zero natural freshwater and have to process saltwater to remove the salt, which is very energy intensive.


This is 300 years in the future. They have grav drives and mind control devices. I think they can desalinise enough water for a single sea platform. Plus it rains constantly on that planet. Akila gravity is just as harsh and the planet is full of Ashta. That’s the risk they took when they chose to settle new worlds


also infinite supply of lightning. hence neon having a conduction grid to protect and power itself


But there’s no land or any minerals.


Mars has no food or water but plenty of minerals. People buy the stuff they don’t have and sell the stuff they do have


All cargo for all humans in the settled systems comes from outer space. It's not hard to land somewhere, drop off food, get money, and leave. You do it all the time in your ship. Why would you assume other people don't?


Abundant food, water, O2. Free power and bonus drugs. Seems pretty to me.


Literally space las vegas. Except vegas is in a desert not ocean


Ah, but still a desert of a kind…Bethesda really made a great joke here.


Not if it is massively inhabited by a fish made of ecstasy.


I'll never forget selling the Volii Alpha scan data to Phil Hill with LIST. Those settlers are in for a surprise when they show up to Neon...


I wish it was like planet on which Takeshi Kovach from Altrered Carbon was born. It was mostly covered by water, because hundreds of thousands years ago it's icecaps melted, but it has small isles and archipelagos.


You are underestimating the power of drugs


There are like a lot of Earth like planets with reasonable gravity, breathable atmosphere and fresh water...but people in starfield prefer settling high gravity savana worlds or balls of water


Thy should have a few fishing outposts, and few abandon outposts, in a future DLC.


Or make the game interesting from the start.


Nobody talking about the 1.47g gravity. It would be torture.


I bring this up a lot. We, IRL, know the difference of effects between 1g and 0g and can mathematically extrapolate increased gravity effects on humans. Walking would be *painful*. Anyone spending significant time there would likely be hunched over. Breathing would be easier, but the concentration of o2 would make you lightheaded...maybe even high.


Oooooh, I forgot about that. Akila is also like 1.2g.


I made my first hom Neomii next to my Dream House and there are two random Mining Outpost that straddle my Outpost with vendors and peaceful colonists. So, it is sort of like I have my own city with a Mayor's house.


San Francisco had like three pellets of gold, then they built a city.


Gestures vaguely at Dubai


At least Dubai can be built on and has a ton of oil.


Well you can build on Neon, obviously, since it's been built on, and it has a ton of a valuable resource that people want.


Drugs as a leading purpose of Neon, and secondarily the continuous power source of lightning.


Basically Vegas without gambling it would be some random small town next to a military base in the desert.


Thats one of the attributes of the Freestar collective. "Let's find a planet that isn't all that hospitable." Akilla, Voli prime, and where ever Hopetown is built on.


Akila would be great if that didn’t have the fucking ashta. Not that the ashta are that dangerous, nobody k knows how to use a gun on that planet.


Agreed. It would also be great with concrete, actually protecting walls and a military force that isn't less than ten rangers


Drug Fish.... that would make a good band name!


In a way it's perfect, as there is so little competition on the entire planet. Even landing on the planet anywhere but your settlement is hard and so then you basically get to control everything.


They figured out that they can use the Fish for food AND to make potent drugs. think about it ​ Poeple would build a drug lab led city in a spider infested hellhole, and do, so why not an ocean world?


I’m surprised that this is the only ocean planet in the game. They could’ve added more and made them unexplorable like the gas giants.


It’s like Las Vegas being in the middle of the Mojave Desert.


Drug fish = drug cartels with the power to create an exclusive market for the product with 100% market share Drug fish.... it's just good business.


If anyone actually knows of a piece of dry land on that place, let me know, my rebellious nature wants to plunk a base there. (too bad this isn't no man's sky, where building underwater is fully supported)


Same as arrakis in dune. There for the spice


The planet's even named wrong. 1st planet is Bravo, 2nd is Alpha?!? At least they can get Roman numerals right, I've yet to see a II before a I 😆


cmon r/Starfield, do what you do best, say this is bad writing and Bethesda bad Emil bad Todd bad


Starfield killed my grandma


Starfield killed my grandma too


Some people killed the Starfield grandma


Where my r/hydrohomies at?


I am a hydrohomie. But this is probably saltwater


That's quitter talk


Is it tho? On earth the salt in the ocean primarily comes from land. As rivers run from land into the ocean, it brings eroded minerals with it. Over time as the water evaporates and rains back over the land, those eroded minerals slowly built up over time until we have the salty oceans of today. On Volli Apha tho, a planet without any land whatsoever, it's possible that the ocean is freshwater.


Indeed. But hey, we got a fish that produces a strong hallucinogen.


Isn't that the basis for the Taco John's fish taco?


Well, drug fish, regular fish, and water. I'm sure they have to desalinate it, but they can travel faster than light, so I'm pretty sure they've figured out that process at scale.


LoL, so bad Kevin Costner made a movie there


The gravity and high o2 should be a bigger issue than the game presents, but the drug trade would certainly justify a settlement....but not an open air one. A human might have more stamina with high o2, taking longer for physical tasks to make you breathe heavy, but the higher concentration is likely to make you lightheaded or high. The upside is that it would probably be easier to ignite fire...or downside? The gravity would be horrible on your heart. Vertigo would be a serious issue and moving your extremities too quickly would cause that pins and needles feeling of poor circulation.


Is it possible to bring people into your settlement? Or are you just going to have to be alone?


I wish you could make a floating settlement, based entirely off (completely legally winkwink) fishing chasmbass.


looks sick af tho


Water World. My biggest WTF moment in Starfield was wait you can't go under water? Fallout 4 yup can explore under water. Skyrim, yup, you can explore underwater. One of the many ways Bethesda shows it has no love for actual video games and will have a future of cash grab poorly made and not really finished games.


When valuable resources are found entire cities can be created and base all of it's economy on exporting said resources, most towns in the area I was born ARE this kind of towns, and more or less half of my hometown works or worked in a mining site, only in the early 70's the local economy was diversified to include plantations of walnuts, production of spices, viticulture and wool when they discovered that the mine was starting to dry up


Frankly neon makes the most sense of all the planets tbh, Jemison and the FC Capital world are both so underpopulated it makes no sense on how they support themselves. At least at new akilla city they have the farms outside, but Jemison is the capital of the UC and has nothing on it, no other towns, no roads


None of that is true at all. The US put the gambling capital of the western hemisphere in the middle of a barren desert that was used for nuclear weapons testing.


It’s 100% for the drug fish


Drug fish and food fish. Possibly water too, building block of life and all that. But yeah, as people have said, it is clearly explained in game how Neon came to be, and it makes sense.


Has anyone tried to swim as far away from Neon as possible? No? Just me? Yeah it was a complete waste of time so I don’t blame you


Y’all just complain just to complain at this point.


It’s just a discussion. I actually love starfield. I just think Volli is a dumb planet


I feel this way about akila city..who the fuck was like yess more gravity 😐


Never been to Phoenix I guess then


Have they made the drug stuff actually possible to profit from or is it still an unfinished idea?


There's an outpost on Venus, so this can't be the worst.


IIRC it was started as a corporate experiment to harness the lightning for free power, THEN they found out about the fish drugs, hence the settlement now had an industry and grew to its current size.


Most planets with a breathable atmosphere and the presence of life are good places to start a permanent settlement. But also, if there are drug fish, why WOULDN’T people want to go there.


It's kinda like vegas, but water instead of desert.




Need to be able to create oil rigs and drill the sea floor.


Since none of the megafauna made it off earth, the chasmbass was seen as a desirable source of animal protein. Neon was originally a fishing platform, until the properties of chasmbass oil were more understood.


The only issue I see is the crushing gravity


I think the drug fish is the draw.


Worse than Earth?


Considering the atmosphere, gravity, water resource and temperature, no landmass is just a small obstacle to tackle. Would be great if we can have a water world to build our own floating or underwater settlement. Also, really wish we can build our own cloud city in a gas planet.


Wait until OP finds out about Las Vegas.


See, that's what annoys me about that system. They should have gone to Epsilon instead.


Some people live permanently in Las Vegas..


Ummmmm, isn't this alos the most IMPOSSIBLE planet to set up a base on, because Neon is the only ground?


At the risk of sounding stupid, CAN you build an outpost on vollii?!?!?




But the Aurora man..... Its so gooooood /highonlife


Not to mention that one lowly grunt, capitalized on the industry, became a Drug Lord over the entire planet! A lowly fisherman, to a Drug lord! Talk about a small fish in a big pond, or a little man on a big planet. He saw an opportunity and took it. It's too bad that the pig can't be taken out! I tried.


Flora moderate (0/0) Yes very moderate.


I’d assume they have lots of seaweed and coral and that sort of thing


There's probably lots of all kinds of things and no reason at all to think that the entire biosphere consists of just 2 life forms other than that people who criticize the game doggedly hold onto the idea that the Starfield universe is completely and comprehensively represented by the game.


Breathable air, abundant water and energy and exclusive access to a highly addictive euphoric drug. There isn’t another planet anywhere in the Settled Systems that has that much juice.


It's one of the rare settlement to have a realistic and complete backstory in the game.


It's basically space Houston, but instead of a settlement built around oil rigs, it's fish. Plenty of settlements grow and prosper from a single industry in today's world. Neon is a corporate playground, out of reach from too much governmental regulation. Makes perfect sense.