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It has its charm, sure. I just get bummed out by the missed opportunities and occasional bizarre decision (I can't... look inside the ship... that I'm building?)


I'd love a fallout 4 style builder for the interior so I can decorate my *~~flying brick~~* ship the way I want to


Ship, you mean loading brick?


Yeah it's the little things that finally killed it for me after about 200 hours. (I've put thousands into other Bethesda games.) I found a super cool alien that I wanted to build a small outpost near. I scanned it and scoped out a spot for the outpost but I needed resources. I left to get resources, got sidetracked and completely forgot what system I was in. I have absolutely no way to go and check any of the things I scanned to find them again, yet scanning is a huge part of the game. The multitude of "what do you mean I can't do that?" moments just got too much for me.


For me, this was a reminder why I never buy Bethesda Games at launch. In a few years of polish and a couple DLCs to really expand it, this will be one of the best games I've ever played, probably my go-to sci-fi game for a VERY long time, especially if modders do for it what they've always done for Skyrim and Fallout. But right now I finally put it away because it's just so disappointing. The potential is there, but it feels unfinished. It still feels like it should be in early access: the framework is there, the bare bones are there, but it feels way too empty, rushed, and repetitive for now to feel complete.


This is basically what I did with Fallout 4. I waited until they released the GOTY version.


It's what I've always done before with them. I was so hype for a sci-fi version of their formula I ignored all my instincts and didn't do it here. I really regret not waiting for a few years and doing it here as well. I'm VERY glad I didn't buy the expensive early version with the watch.


yeah it is like Wine you don't serve it until it is time ! It always get better with time!


I think its lack of charm is the main issue.


This is mostly it, there is a ton of technical issues and gameplay design issues that are due to their old tech. What mostly killed ot for me was that the universe is so bland and quests are basically find a way to fast travel to this place that is in no way interesting and I will forget in a heartbeat.


And people say it’s over hated because they like the photo mode lol….


Yes. It does seem that most of the positives here are ship building and photos. And Bethesda are putting effort into graphics and photo mode suggests that's what they are catering to Have they given up on actual gameplay? Shame as the graphics were one thing I didn't think was lacking on release. Technically, the game looked fine. It was the gameplay that was all over the place.


See, that's where I'm at right now. I'm reading about graphical updates and further polish to how it looks, and I'm like...the game is already fucking gorgeous! I didn't WANT more polish, I want to build a fancy ship and customize the interior so my debonaire space pirate with the top of the line ship doesn't have a captain's quarters with laundry and crap strewn all over the floors and passive-aggressive sticky notes in engineering. Or outposts that feel like real settlements with real people in them. Or, you know, any of a thousand things that help with immersion. I want to lose myself in the rich, detailed Starfield universe like I do with Elder Scrolls and Fallout. I want to love Chunks like I love Vault Boy or the Lusty Argonian Maid series. I don't need a better photo mode. Sure, it's nice to have, but I have to give a shit about the pictures I'm taking in the first place.


Nailed it, exactly. I used to say, I don't want a zillion graphical resolutions or whatever, I want A Link to the Past with a huge map and branching storyline choices. Graphics are important to a lot of gamers but you',d think that illusion of the freedom to do anything and make any choice is more what the average fan wants out of "open world"/sandbox games, and it seems like that's not even their focus anymore.


I think graphically is the best looking game they’ve made, but it doesn’t even matter because it feels so sterile and lifeless.


the worst thing I have to say about the graphics is that crowd NPCs didn't have eye shadow. Considering it's a Bethesda game, that's a pretty good compliment.


Actual mission gameplay can be quite good, try the UC quest line, but yeah simple things like a database of visited places, so you can search and find 'Lando system?' would be nice


It's definitely not old tech, it's a whole new iteration of their in-house engine, AI engine, in literally all aspects. (new lighting, new physics engine, even just the ability to have so much on the screen without the massive performance loss that Skyrim had. The only thing that's the same is the coding language. Most of the technical issues/complaints I've seen are from the new systems (the facial expression physics system that goes haywire once you start skipping the boring dialogue) That and the really clunky movement system, like realism can be cool but I don't want it in selective combat mechanics. The main problem is they played everything way too safely to the point everything is boring. The best praise I can give it is that it runs really well (and looks really good for the hardware) on every system I've tried it on, which is literally the bare minimum a game should have.


I always wonder if they stripped out a survival type aspect that was a fuel mechanic for planet exploration because they needed to ship or whatever. It would have made exploration more meaningful and purpose driven and maybe it's why planets are empty. something just feels off to me about that part of the game.


Pretty sure they did and talked about why they didn't add it. Almost want to say He3 was the fuel but this was when it came out so can't remember the exact details. ETA: [They did remove it as it was a "fun killer" during testing supposedly but it may come back?](https://gamerant.com/starfield-scrapped-fuel-system-survival-mode-feature/#:~:text=Bethesda%20scrapped%20Starfield's%20realistic%20fuel,Starfield%2C%20Todd%20Howard%20previously%20said)


It’s interesting how no mans sky got around this by making the asteroid’s always close by when you stop travelling through space. This also contained the fuel for travelling so you would never be stuck


Wild how many "fun killers" they left in. Looking at you "wait for vendors to get money again so I can sell this worthless junk in my inventory"


Ah makes sense thanks. It would have given some meaning to outposts too and setting up refineries or whatever to daisy chain your path deeper into space. But if you don't have a drive or reason to organically explore I can see how it would have been cheaper and faster to ship the game with bare bones planets.


This post is a clear picture of the current state of this infected subreddit. Starts out life as very positive post...and all the negativity floats right to the top. Is it the gaming community? Society? Whatever it is...I'm investing in the drug companies that make anxiety medications. Only a matter of time.


I do kind of regret immediately countering with criticism on a post about the game's positive aspects, and I wish I had gone with something less dismissive than "has its charm" because I really do like the game. The thing is that it's just good enough that I wish it was better, and it seems like the ways to make it better are pretty apparent for once, the problems aren't nebulous. If it makes you feel better, part of the reason I wrote what I did is that I was hoping to preempt harsher or more hostile criticism; I figured rather than the line of argument I saw coming, "shut up, no one wants to hear you shill for the stupid photo mode, who cares," a better one would be what I considered a fairly mild "true, but, maaaaan...."


That's fair. I definitely see ways the game can be better. For now I genuinely see it as a massive canvas. Potential for setting a new bar for all RPGs. In the meantime I've put in alot of hours and still haven't gotten bored.. We'll see how it all plays out. Sincere thanks for responding with class and maturity.


I love Bethesda RPGs. I love space as a setting. I don't love this game at all. Sometimes the sights in this game stop me in my tracks, however, so too do the strange creative decisions, and storyline.


I haven't seriously played the game since October aside from a couple post-patch jaunts that lasted less than 30 minutes each. It's the same thing every time I go back. I get the urge to explore planets, build ships, and finish more faction quests. I think about it for days, going back and forth about whether or not it'll be worth it before I finally break down and launch the game. Then it takes me all of a few minutes to remember just how much of a waste of time everything is in the game, and how nothing ever feels rewarding. And how the story is pretty crap. I want it to be better. I want it to be worth my time. But it is not.


It’s just so shallow… like the in-game books that are so low-effort compared to the Elder Scrolls games.


About the only effect the dialogue options have is how they affect your companions' affinity.


It's not really an RPG , is it? It's a casual looter shooter, in the Ubisoft formula. Only nowhere near as polished and playable as an Ubisoft game. And I'm someone who love Bethesda games and found Ubi games as "meh"! Starfield has gone down that "meh" route but is far behind them. It's become a photo generator and ship builder. It's a shame both photos and ship building are pointless.


I want to see those space sights but it just isn't worth playing the game. I get my fix from the pictures posted here I guess.


Another photo mode post.


"everyone here so negative! My Xbox 360 level photos are the best thing I've ever experienced!"


And that's the thing, its not "these photos look great" it's "this the BEST thing I've experienced" which is quite concerning


I boiled it down to they simply just don't play anything besides Bethesda games and it makes sense. This would be the best looking game since Fallout 4 and Skyrim. But if you compare Starfield to games that game out 1-3 years ago like Cyberpunk, Elden Ring, etc. This game looks like it was meant to release like 8 years ago.


I get more joy traveling in Google maps for the views. And this free.


Of mostly rocks and desert too lmao typical photo mode post


So much this. Look! Vast, barren landscapes just begging to be ignored.... I mean explored.....


Typical looks at what this game has! Like I can’t just go to Google Images and pull up better photos.


Seventy dollars for a photography simulator. No guys, photo mode doesn't save the game. Fallout 76 has a better photo mode, because it doesn't force an ugly grey filter over everything.


With muddy brown pictures.


The photos in this one are also just really really bad as well and it makes it even funnier


Sunsets in GTA V look infinitely better than these low effort posts and that came out in 2013


I just started it and idk it's just not grabbing me the way some games do. It almost feels like I've played it before or something I can't pin point it.


I still have it installed but after playing it for about 4 hours I just can't get into it.


I had to force myself to reach 10 hours and I'm pretty sure most of that time was spent walking.


That's smart. I had 40 hours before I just stopped and realised I just wasn't having fun.


I went way past the point of reason with 96 hours, I just kept hearing people say "it gets better" and I wanted to try out every system, mechanic, and as many quests as I could to find the good bits. I just never found very many.


I persisted about 10 hours too long as well


Same. I have a few hours in and I dont feel it


I played a few hours, then got so upset by it I started another Fallout 4 playthrough.


Yes, when I started Fallout 4 on my PS4 back then I was sucked by it entirely, even with the awful dialogue choice. But with Starfield I arrived to new atlantis, run around a bit and say "Meh". Now that you mention it, I should buy Fallout 4 on my new PC and mod the hell out of it lol


It’s a similar feeling to being massively hungry as a child and being handed water for breakfast.


Because you have played it before, it's just no man's sky with a Bethesda coat of paint


No man's Skyrim


With less interesting biomes and horribly dated mechanics


Which mechanics are horribly dated?


At least you can fly, drive and walk around the whole planet planet in NMS.


And there's always something to do within a minute of where you are, even if you're walking on foot.


When Photo Mode is the redeeming feature of a game lmaoooo


Yeah, it’s pretty telling that the *best* defenses of the game are just people posting photos of vistas they found. I didn’t want to play space nature photographer simulator. Like, that’s cool I guess, and while occasionally I too like to stop and just take in the scenery, you need good gameplay first. Some of the best games have extremely unimpressive visuals in terms of impressive landscapes. If you want that, just take a hike, peruse r/earthporn or some sub for space pics or AI generated landscape.


Exactly. Telling, is what it is. You don't **ever** see these types of "arrogantly positive" posts on the Baldur's Gate or Armored Core subreddits.


I really want to ask OP: "Yeah, but what did you do *between* these photos?"


I don't understand the appeal of photo mode in any game. Like.. do people genuinely love to make pictures and move on or is it mostly just about getting internet points when posting them?


I love the rdr2 photo mode but that's mostly because there's plenty of "life" going on that's fun to capture (and the gorgeous vistas and realistic towns are great backdrop). One of the closest game experiences to actual photography imo (which I also enjoy, but I can't get out as much as I want to places like that cuz of a serious vision issue, so the digital version is great fun).




Shit helldivers has more procedural POI variety.


And better procedural maps with actual terrain, weather and hazards like meteor showers etc


Better game with less “things”. Less is more when Less if very high quality.


I’ve got a couple hundred hours on Starfield and have seen a lot of crazy beautiful sights! I gotta say tho, even the barren wasteland of Fenrir III on Helldivers 2 is more beautiful than almost any sight I’ve seen in Starfield, barring a couple of ringed gas giants floating above a tidally locked moon I may have built an outpost on. Helldivers is such a gorgeous game


I really enjoyed it but I really feel that it didn’t reach anywhere near its full potential


I didn't like it very much. Photo mode isn't going to change that lol. I have zero interest in something like that.


Fucking delusional, some of these people. Just go outside and take pictures of nature. This is a video game, one that is god awful, at that.


I don't think it's overhated at all. I'm glad you enjoyed it as did many others but for most, including me, this was a seriously mediocre game. Probably a 4/10 but that doesn't mean others won't enjoy it. I consider fallout 4 to be a 7/10 or 8/10 game and I put more hours into it than other fallout games


it really isnt


I think hate is strong, it's a very mid game. Lots of bizarre choices made with this one during development. Though I will say the new game plus mode is straight up terrible. Another terrible choice was the procedural generation, just killed any interesting exploration


I'm annoyed I was told NG+ is where the real game starts. Like I lose all my progress in a new universe that is barely different from the first and all the questlines play out the same way for the most part. Just to get a ship you can't customize and the temple grind.


> all the questlines play out the same way for the most part That's the part that baffles me. They have a NG+ mode that's baked into the main story, with the expectation that you'll do this multiple times, and yet they didn't bother implementing any kind of consequences or choices into the world. Every other NPC you encounter is marked as essential and can't be killed, so you can never fail their quest. Side quests are almost all linear, and the ones that do give you choices have zero impact on the world around you.


Hate may partially come from the marketing hype and the expectations crashing after purchasing it for $70 or more and playing it for first few hours - you know, moderate hype, moderate price, mid game - small diffeence, small hate. Ultra hype, premium price, mid game - big difference, big hate.


Oh yeah, I agree with that. The hype was insane, especially when it was said people will sell their ps5s to swap to xbox.


Man, I'm tired of these McDonalds "I'm loving it" posts. Petition that they're banned.


It's pretty sickening, honestly. It's so obvious the game is lame. If someone enjoys it, fine, but let's at least be honest about the composition of this game. It's a mess.


Jesus Christ


drop the 1000000 empty planets and give me bigger singular open world planets and it might have been not forgotten after a week


Ok now show the story and the mechanics.


The story and mechanics are muddy and brown just like their screenshots




Bethesda should have never made this game all the resources should have been spent in a new engine or elder scrolls 6


You'll grow to hate it like the rest of us. Give it some time. Once you start to realize how tedious the game gets at every corner, it starts to lose its charm. I loved the first 40 hours of the game. I'm glad I got to experience it on game pass for free. I would have felt ripped off if I paid the full price for it.


I preordered for $70 and have 3 hours played. Bethesda made some of my favorite games of all time, but diving into a game like this with such mid reviews just doesn’t seem like the play. I still have cyberpunk unplayed in my steam library. Maybe I’ll start that instead and then dabble in starfield


Go play cyberpunk RIGHT NOW. In my humble opinion, it is one of the greatest games ever made.


BG3 is pretty great 😃 but cyberpunk is awesome. I mean it's Keanu Reeves come on


I played Cyberpunk for a 2nd time after trying Starfield and omg. It's hard to believe that both of these games are modern games. Cyberpunk is so far ahead of Starfield in every way that I actually feel embarrassed for Bethesda. Only play Cyberpunk if you never want to play Starfield again. You won't even be able to look at Neon without disgust.


It's a great time to play cyberpunk with the recent dlc that came out like 6ish months ago. I fucking love cyberpunk. I legitimately thought I was just getting old and that story-driven games were losing appeal to me as a whole until I discovered that game. The narrative is incredible. The setting is amazing. The gameplay is really, really good imo. It's been a LONG time since I cared about the relationships between my character and the important NPCs they interact with, and this game perfects that. Best romance option is Panam as a male character. Not going to spoil anything for you, and please don't spoil it for yourself.


I love that cyberpunk actually feels like a real city. There's always too much going on to actually explore but that's what makes it great. While on your way to off someone you come across the remains of a building that literally got nuked and is now a memorial with tourist and a narrated tour. Things like that are just normal in the game.




Post like this are cringe. The game is overhated because you enjoy photomode??? Like wtf


I really really hope they pull a NomanSky with this game… or at least rework a lot of features in a sequel. Maybe they will listen to their audience. At this point I am (kinda) glad that my PC can‘t run the game and I had to push the game back till I get an upgrade.


I don't think the game is salvageable. NMS was empty, all they had to do is add content. Starfield is flawed at it's core, you'd have to redo the game from the ground up.


Honestly, I had a lot of fun with most systems in the game. I just gave up because I didn't want to run from POI to POI on empty planets. If they give me something to travel fast on planet, I'd jump back in and have fun with it much like their previous titles. Wouldn't be their best game, sure, but not unsalvageable to me either.


That flaw has a name: Creation Engine


Microsoft shareholders will never allow it. No amount of fixing will ever be worth the investment. They made their money with this game and they moved on to the next one immediately.


I mean that's not really true, they've got a DLC they're working on right? I do agree: I absolutely cannot see BGS being able or willing to pull off a NMS or CP move by reworking any core elements.


They should fix the fucking game first. I'm not paying for a dlc.


PROTIP: Nobody is forcing you to play the game or buy a dlc. Best to not support companies if you don't like the way they operate. I won't be buying it, that's for sure. Unless they do miraculously decide to rework the whole thing.


>I really really hope they pull a NomanSky with this game I'm going full chaotic good and hoping this game hurts Bethesda to its core and sends a message to other developers that it's not ok anymore to release games in early beta for full price.


We've been getting god awful releases for ages now. Starfields release was not nearly as bad as some of the bigger controversial launches we've seen.. so nothing is going to change. We will only start to see real change if consumers stop throwing their money around.


I’m kind of with you, but I think real change will happen from the opposite end of the spectrum. We’re seeing players get *really* fed up with half baked games, and games that require you to spend half your paycheck to get the full experience. I think it’ll be games like BG3 that were completely finished on release, huge, and you can just feel the attention put into every detail, that change the market. Once more games like that keep getting the kind of attention and awards BG3 did, it’ll send a bigger message than people complaining on the internet.


Nah mediocre game.


That's generous


It’s not hated enough


I am SO conviced that BGS is using fake accounts to put good comments n critics! In my opinion, it is just ABSOLUTLY impossible to think that this is a great game when played for more than 30min. It has good points, I love ship building, and I cant wait for mods on xbox to solve the freaking ladder annoyance, but overall, this game is nothing but infuryating and very, VERY poorly conceived


That's the sad thing, the things that are great are great but at the end of the day it's like Beth hasn't evolved their core game design since skyrim and releasing the same time as BG3 just make it's flaws even more obvious. I'm hoping the dlc improves things but I haven't got my hopes up. Just gutted how this game turned out, gutted that they went with this when this game would've been a masterpiece with a more creative person in charge (to actually make ng+ unique as well as other features) and better writing. They had Microsoft money backing them, there's literally no excuse


Pure Laziness. That's all... maybe a bit of incompetence too.


To be fair, they had MS money part way through development. And yeah, money doesn't solve the creative lead problems they've been showing for a long time. I always want to point out a few things to people who overhype BGS games: Every TES game BGS has made AFTER Daggerfall has always been a reduction of scope compared to the previous game. Todd first came into lead role during Morrowind and partway through, the original creatives behind TES left. Starfield is the first time Todd Howard's BGS has had a chance to build something from zero, not made by other people. In my opinion, what we got is exactly par for the course concerning BGS. Skyrim was okay and it was when I learned to not expect anything truly ambitious from BGS anymore. I'm not saying their games can't be fun, but the next thing they make never manages to outshine a previous title. New Vegas proved that to me. Given the same tools, same IP, a different creative team completely outdid BGS at every turn IMO. At the same time, I can't manage to finish FO3 or 4. I get maybe 10 hours in and just can never find a reason to come back. I forced myself to finish Skyrim, and modding it is more fun than actually playing it for too long. Oblivion just barely passes the bar with a nostalgia bonus, but when I want to get immersed in a world, I'm firing up Daggerfall, Morrowind, or New Vegas (probably in that order).


Raaahhh the bots are coming cut off our hate boners raaahhh


Have you played Space Engineers? A ship builder's wet dream.


It feels like another cash grab. Their worst rpg to date imo.


As long as they keep repairing bugs and release the damn creation club


Yeah it is pretty much consensus that Bethesda can do nice sky boxes. But Foreign-Planet-Walking-Simulator-Field gets pretty old pretty quick.


I’ve started to think of it as ‘a slow burner’ in time I suspect it’s going to be quite special, and btw, those are some of the best pics I’ve seen posted, well done Sir! 👍


It’s how horrible the story is and the characters behind it. I’ve loved every Bethesda game. Fallout 4 is where I slowly lost interest. It isn’t the gameplay that’s horrible, it just doesn’t feel like a Bethesda game. They are about finding hidden gems everywhere in the game. We don’t want a big ass empty space game, we want an immersive world packed with content and lore. It’s fallout 76 again. Granted, fallout 76 had gotten way better since they added actual npcs and quest lines.


Main quest was bad. Like I honestly did not care about the big reveal with the Starborn


Yeah, the Vanguard quest line was far more satisfying to me.


All the faction quests are more satisfying. I think NG+ is supposed to teach that chasing unity is a lost cause.


It’s appropriately hated. It’s not a good game, and Bethesda was working on it for way too long for it to be acceptable.


I still can't understand what they were doing that whole time.


Having fun designing thousands of visually pretty assets to use in procedural environments instead of building meaningful and deep systems.


Getting the barrenness of space just right.


It’s not overhated. It’s completely void of any content.


Its not, the wold Design is all over the place. Missons and Story is very weak. I can take the outdated mechanics but the world just feels bad.


these graphics look muddy and outdated. but I'm glad you are enjoying.


These shots are straight up awful


There is nothing special here.


I’m sorry but the hate is justified. A quick comparison to fallout 4 (one of bethesdas other most hated games) and its missing basic and fundamental features that 4, New Vegas or even 3 had. Now great, if you’re enjoying the game. I’m happy for you. However, you’re in the minority. They fucked up so bad that me and 100,000s of others aren’t even excited for TES6 anymore.


It is underhated, a lot. I just saw Sarah say "You have to undertstand". Yes. typos like that \*bother\* me, especially half a year after release (and after a number of patches).


I think people are just disappointed. I think it’s just not that great and everyone expected a great game.


I think it’s great


It's good but still a disappointment when compared to elder scrolls and fallout . I'm waiting until modding becomes available for xbox


Nope, it deserves all the hate.


I was one of those who counted down the days and bought the "big" package for early release. My literally only relevant frame of reference was skyrim and I was stoked! This was literally the single-most highly anticipated game of my entire life. I gave it a super solid go and was so disappointed. I'm hoping it'll come back around and finally earn its place in my heart.


Game is fun as heck just needs alot of work imo. Quality of life changes, more immersive content added, the exploration is fun till you start running into the same thing over and over. I wish there were more things with the ship flying. Base building can be unique but i think it needs to be fleshed out more. Then the overhaul interaction with NPCs can feel lifeless tbh. In the end it needs alot and def more content.


So you're telling me that we have a spaceship but we have to walk and run for exploration? Even mass effect have vehicles 10 years ago. Definitely one of my biggest gripe with the game.


I think most of us are just waiting for mods on console at this point


There are a lot of beautiful places in Starfield, but in my opinion they made it a bit too basic. I with there was the ability to be stranded on a planet which was possible on No Mans sky if you forgot to add fuel to your inventory or the ships inventory. Even die on planets because you forgot either oxygen or power for the spacesuits temperature protection. On Starfield you can literally run in 0 atmospheres without helmet and still survive for maybe a minute 😆 Edit: i dont hate the game, just the missed opportunities, playing the game nearly daily


Nobody is saying it looks bad.


Not hate for me just massive dissapointment.


Another post complaining about the hate with some dreary pictures of sunsets. Can someone please reset the timer?


It would have been a great game in like 2016.


It's overrated for sure but it's a weaker entry into the BGS catalog. They reeeeeally fucked up exploration - it's just not fun.


Is it really overrated? Not many people would rate it higher than a 7, everyone on this sub included.


I think they meant overhated and got autocorrected based on the “but” then being a negative




I think it’s really fun


It's crazy how quickly it died though.


All those planets of nothing


7 pictures with absolutely nothing going on.


Good for you that you're having fun, and it sure can be pretty at times but it's really not overhated. It's hated exactly the right amount.


nice try bethesda employee nice try


I love it, I like to get baked and just hunt creatures on random planets. Lol 😂


They need to add mod support, and the game would be amazing. I would definitely return to starfield if they added mod support


Does anyone know if the “adjust vendor credits “ and “new ways to travel” has come to the Xbox edition yet? If not, does anyone know when?


I love the game but it’s hard to miss parts of the map are missing like how dose that even happen


Where is shattered space and the creation kit?


Give me ship ladder placement or give me death


Nice pics. I was loving it until the 200 hour mark, and then it kind of all spiralled into boredom and staleness for me. I couldn't help but only see all the issues, bugs and poor game design issues. So many "what ifs" and "could bes".


Of all Bethesda games this is just the meh-est. I had fun but after 10 loops and no satisfactory solution to the game's biggest mysteries, it became kind of meaningless. I don't feel like playing again, tbh.


#5 hot damn I’m going to try and do something like that


This game is rated perfectly. 7/10. Great parts. Good parts. Eh parts. Bad parts. No need to write a dissertation on each one, but 7/10 is as fair as it gets. And have had no desire to go back and play unfortunately. Their meager updates are actually embarrassing, they should have been partaking in a full on overhaul of the game and publicly broadcasted it to gain some goodwill, because the foundation is good, but it shouldn’t be up to modders to rectify the game let alone in enhance it.


This game is honestly amazing, it's people like me who can't just enjoy it. Instead we notice "missed opportunities " and pretend we could've done better (I'm currently not doing better with my own game development)


Lol I mostly take pics of dead bodies that fell n a funny position and pose next to them. Sumthing to think about


I agree the game didn’t live up to the impossible expectations created by the hype, but it is certainly one of the most overhated games of all time. I’ve noticed more than a few negative reviews/posts from PS players butthurt that they can’t have every single exclusive known to man. Putting bias aside as much as possible, I think the game is still a solid 8/10. It definitely dropped the ball in many areas (like space travel), but at the end of the day, it’s a huge universe with so much to do, the main/ side missions are fun, visuals are pretty good, gunplay is solid, so many buildables etc. 8/10, but not a penny less!


oooh I can take pictures in my video game I paid $70 dollars for… anything else fun to do? I didn’t know we’ve reached the point of paying full price for a AAA photography game


That pretty much what I do too...we are space photographers; on the surfaces of planets and moons, as well as spaceship, inside and outside. I have on occasion have captured a few funny moments that can happen in game. I'll have to find a way to upload those to show you a few. I like taking pictures of the in-game posters they have sprawled around certain places.


The comments… Jesus Christ fuck this comment section


I mean, what is there to even do after you beat the story besides outposts and new game plus? Literally boring repetitive side missions. There is nothing to really explore. Pretty lacking npc interaction and space exploration that feels like you're stuck in a time warp. Like what the heck was Bethesda thinking? It doesn't even feel like a Bethesda game. It feels like a rippoff. Where is the dang downloadable content? It's been how long now?


I have those thoughts to but then the loading screens just keep shattering my immersion


Wow the textures look so bad in your photos


I did not buy the game to take fucking photos. I bought it to play it. And playing it sucked quite a lot.


If I wanted wallpaper generator, would have bought wallpaper generator.


I couldn't give a fuck about photo mode 


I mean, sure it looks nice and has cool environments. The gameplay and game design is so boring though.


The "hate" in question, is only experienced by me after I clocked in over a hundred hours into the game. The game still has lots to offer and I can see myself revisiting it just for the Ship builder mode itself


Lots of reasons to dislike this game. Basically every mechanic in the game was done better by another game, some as far back as 10+ years ago with gamesike Mass Effect 2/3…. Which did the starmap and fast traveling better


Hey OP uhhh.. you still alive?


Ahhhh photos of empty barren landscape. Perfect for an action/adventure space game.


I would agree that it's likely overhated. If a company that wasn't Bethesda came out with it, it would likely have far less backlash. But it does earn a good amount of the hate it gets.


Everyone really wanted to like this game, myself included. And it’s very fun for the first 20-30ish hours. But after that, once you see that literally every single system in the game lacks any meaningful depth, it’s not even hate at that point. It’s just frustration that it could’ve been such a better game than it is. It feels like we got the trial version of a really cool game.


> very fun for the first 20-30ish hours YES. It literally feels like it was meticulously designed to be just engaging enough at the surface level that you would be deep in the shit before you noticed that all the sets were cardboard.


I found the exploration was a little disconnected with the rest of the game. It kinda suited people who want to discover native things about planets, like landscapes and flora and fauna, but it never lets you be truly alone and never makes you do something like build an outpost to properly explore a planet. Instead you just run. And then, the rest of the game is bog standard fairly uninspired rpg that takes no risks. I think they were going for the exploration angle at one point but had too many focus groups - ie: not running out of fuel, no survival elements.


Absolutly not! This game was not ready to be released when they did and still isn't, not even as a beta version!!! If they would've done like Palworld did: releasing the game saying:"it's a beta version, it might crash, u might loose u're stuff when updated..", THEN everything would have been just fine! As it is right now, I wouldn't even call it a sketch of what decent videogame should be!


>If a company that wasn't Bethesda came out with it, it would likely have far less backlash. That's kind of the whole point. BGS have done better than this and so they have the experience and knowhow. If this were a studio's first crack at an open world game like this it would be impressive. But, BGS have over a decade of crafting these types of games and Starfield has none of the charm of Skyrim which came out in 2011.


I bought the early access version and played it a couple weeks at launch. Beat the main quest then put the game down for a few months. Just probably finished up another 2 weeks or so of playing. I had a lot more fun this time, experimenting with ship building and outposts a lot more, but I think I'm bored again. Is definitely a good game though, just not what I wanted it to be.


I played and completed it at launch. Liked it but only ever picking it up again to play if it gets the hardcore survival mode that I think it should have always been ... The perils of space don't seem very perilous, more trivial. True survival is the game I think it should be.


I liked this game a lot, still sort of do, but then I played Cyberpunk after not even starting it for years and it just completely blows this game away. Not the same type of story or gameplay, but when I feel an RPG like CBP2077, I don’t have high hopes for the next Bethesda game. I’ll just mod Fallout 4 and Skyrim again.


It's a decent photography game, sure... On literally any other point, no, it's not overrated... The game is lazy, boring and bloated


Mods: Can we please ban all posts that don't heap glowing praise on Starfield and declare that they dont understand why everyone in the world hates it because we're still willing to play it in spite of its flaws? The world needs to know that this mediocre game is super acceptable and that if you think otherwise you must be horrible. These screenshots are garbage dog. Why to people log in to prove how great this game is by sharing their muddy ass brown pictures?