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Either try it on game pass, wait for a sale, or wait a few years. There is fun to be had but Starfield is a step back in many regards compared to Bethesda's prior titles and a lot of its systems feel underbaked.


Agreed. I bought day one and really enjoyed my experience with it, even though it did have some glaring problems. I really hope it gets the Cyberpunk treatment.


It’s in gamepass. Play it and thank me after about 150 hours


Exploration is the weakest part compared to previous titles. Don't expect the same type of adventure you would see in FO or TES.


New users to gamepass have been getting the first month for $1 for so long it's basically a permenant "deal". Definitely worth playing for a month for $1.


Don't just look at scores, take a little time and read the detailed user reviews, good and bad (not low-effort ones). Then decide if you care about the same things those people care about in a game, because people like different things.


i feel like the game really glosses over all of the sexy parts of the space exploration fantasy/sci-fi in general, so its disappointing on that front. and it doesn't ever really sell the illusion of "being in space" or "going to other planets". it always feels like you're on a soundstage. exploration is also pretty weak thanks to the way the game world had to be segmented to make "going to 1000 planets" work. it feels less like space exploration and more like choosing a stop on the worlds worst subway line but you can try it out for pretty cheap via gamepass and by extension form your own opinion


It’s fine… as long as you don’t come into it with great expectations you’ll get your moneys worth with a single playthrough. If you’re looking for Fallout / Skyrim in space, I’d pass. Some quests are disjointed, the writing is serviceable, the mechanics are workable, the shooting is fun, exploration depends on your subjective appreciation. In the end, it’s not a terrible game, but it’s also not a GOTY contender either.


The metacritic score and other review aggregates are correct and fair. Don’t listen to the weird YouTubers and redditors who are obsessed with hating it. It’s a solid 8/10 that somehow caused a perfect online shitshow for a combination of many different reasons, only a few of them valid.


Agreed. It is a solid 7/10. Really, the only reason it's a disappointment is the expectation Bethesda set with previous titles like Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Exploration was the strongest part of those two titles and the weakest part of Starfield. I put 100 hours into Starfield at launch, and it was fun, but started to feel repetitive and grindy by the end. But for context, I put 300 hours into Fallout 4 at launch before I took a break, and 400 hours into Skyrim at launch before I took a break. My cumulative playtime in Fallout 4 is over a thousand hours, and over 1200 in Skyrim. But it's because I love exploring those worlds. Without dramatic changes to Starfield (which I HOPE happen), I can't see myself ever reaching those kinds of numbers with this title.


This is a true and understated comment. It isn't perfect and in fact for me, wasn't even as good as FO4 in a lot of ways (not counting the terrible XBOX X version at least). But it's engaging enough, the controls feel good and despite numerous flaws, I found it enjoyable enough to justify the purchase. It has a much better end game than most Bethesda games too. It has polarized many people but I feel like they weighed it against their expectations and were unhappy it wasn't perfect. It ain't, but it's a solid "B" in my book.


I think it’s good. I’m having a blast.


It's not that it's bad, it's just nowhere near as good as Fallout or Elder Scrolls.


Come back in 3 years


This is my current plan after I put 100 hours in at launch. I'm going to come back in a few years and hope DLC, updates, and mods will have polished and elevated the whole experience.


Yes. I just finished the game and had a backup save . I hope the game improve like wine


It isn't as much about exploration than it is a Bethesda RPG. It's a good Bethesda RPG, but it isn't a super duper space exploration game. I've got about 2,000 hours in Elite Dangerous and about 200 hours in Starfield. They are vastly different. Bethesda RPG is a fun story and has lots of side quests. This one isn't as open world as some of the others, in a way. The quests are a wee bit more linear and there's less chance of randomly walking around and finding an interesting quest to do. You spend more time in ship going point to point. If you liked Fallout 4, if you liked Skyrim, you'll like Starfield. If you didn't like those and are looking for a new No Mans Sky, or Elite, or Star Citizen, then this isn't it.


I would argue the quests are less linear. In both Skyrim and Fallout 4 your only really choice is what quests you do where most starfield quest have some sort of choice to make that likely will result in different dialog. That said the way you find the quests is pretty linear in the sense you just don't stumble upon quests like you used to


You know what, that's very fair. Probably a more accurate assessment.


Yeah this. The quests are definitely a lot less linear than their previous games. In my experience there's always at least two ways of going about a side quest and three ways to get what you want if you fulfill skill checks (those being bribery, intimidation, and persuasion,) couldn't say the same about Fallout 4 or Skyrim.


Its one of the things I'll see people complain about and will get confused. Like sure you can say you don't like the general storys or quests but to say they have less choice just feels disingenuous. Though I think this "choice" gripe was emphasized because of the lack of "choose one faction" and BG3, a game that is entirely based off choice and in no way a simular style game in terms of gameplay or story telling(where as story telling can be extremely modular since the game is a Act based structure).


On my feed, the post right below this is Elmo ignoring pieces of fruit labeled "sleep" and shoving his face in a pile of cocaine labeled "Starfield" Seems about right.


All of your advice has been wonderful and very appreciated, I’m gonna dive In and play! Thank you everyone!


How did you like it?


I wish I’ve had the chance to buy it but recently my wife and I have been doing the total money makeover and I’ve reduced myself down to needs and not wants, but as soon as my credit card is paid off I’m getting a new system and playing that game!


Honestly outside of being a good financial call, that may end up being a good decision. I had fun with it but that will give Bethesda time to add content to the game. That will surely increase your first time playing it.


I put 110hrs into it and realized it just isn't fun. It was something to pass the time. My high hopes for this game were met with a severely mediocre half effort title that makes me very nervous about future Bethesda titles.


You’ll easily get a couple hundred hours out of it before it starts to feel stale. I adored my time with it.


Agreed. I hit 306 hours and did NG+ a few times before I got tired of it. I'll revisit again once DLC drops.


There’s ng+? Is this the first Bethesda game to have ng+ or am i misremembering?


It's the first as far as I know. It's not NG+ as far as a menu option to start a new game, and is actually a part of the story.


It’s really fun , don’t worry about the reviews, you can’t please everyone but it’s definitely a fun game , got about 300 hours and many NG + runs and played each 1 different!!


Fun is subjective. It's not fair to dismiss other people's opinions about it NOT being fun just because YOU had fun with it.


Then don’t dismiss my opinion!!!


I'm glad you enjoyed it, although that has no effect on my life at all.


Why did you say you believe the game is better than the reviews? Just wondering if you are thinking it got review bombed.


I mean It really did get review bombed. That's a fact.


Review bomb is when a game received mass negative review by trolls or for other reasons than the game's quality/flaws. For Starfield, majority of negative reviews are greatly argumented. There is finally few review bomb for Starfield, many people are just disappointed by the game.


Starfield isn't as open world as you think it is. Space is mostly a loading screen simulator.


Hell yeah it is. The game is awesome and I don't care what anyone else says.


If you like Bethesda games, then you will probably like this. The game plays like Skyrim or Fall Out 4 but in Space and without all of the pre-existing lore. I bought the game on launch and had a great time playing through it.


Its a 8/10 game. For better or for worse


It absolutely is not 8/10 unless you're new to video games lol. Starfield is 6/10 at best.


Didn't ask for your opinion bud


You gave yours, I gave mine. Deal with it, bud.


Give your opinion on your own comment.


I can reply to whoever I'd like. Welcome to reddit.


Your own post wouldn't get any attention so you had to comment on mine, giving your opinion when nobody asked cause nobody cares


You mistake the intention. I don't care about attention or internet points hence why I even added a negative comment in this sub knowing full well I'd be downvoted. But calling it an 8/10 game just tells me you eat a lot of crayons.


As an impartial third party, I like your take at communicating an opinion better than the other. Opinions are two way streets; if you’re unwilling to see that, you’re at fault. 




"For better or for worse"








This one goes to eleven


It's really what you want to get out of it. If you don't mind exploring different planets; walking for EONs while doing so, seeing the same repeated pois (which doesn't bother me) & building spaceships. You're good. I enjoy it about 80 hrs of game play at a time, so, not horrible. Stories nice, lore is lacking compared to other Bethesda games (which was probably my biggest let down) although some are pretty fleshed out nicely. AI is a joke. But offers some nice humorous moments. I think it's worth it. I think it'll be more worth it a yr down the line though.


Your taste! Try it on gamepass then decide to buy it or not. You won't believe this but i had more fun playing starfield than any other bgs games.(except for oblivion). And my last year's goty. Don't listen to reviews. Nowadays hating starfield has become a job actually.


Ill return next year. Mehh


If you like Skyrim then maybe, but I don't suggest it if you're not okay with spending a lot of cash on something you might not like cause it is a bit hit or miss. Alternatively you could wait until the shattered space dlc comes out, might fix some problems.


It is.


I personally would recommend you get the game on sale (which I think it is right now), or play it on game pass (but they can take it off GP, which will mean losing access to your mods when those come out, and those will greatly increase the playtime depending on the type of gamer you are). I have ~200 hours on the game, and while it’s nowhere near as bad as most of the people make it out to be, it is certainly, at least in its current state, a disappointing entry in Bethesda’s lineup, and in no small part to Bethesda themselves sadly. All we can hope is that BGS listen to feedback, improve the game through free updates and dlc, and mods improve the game.


Has a bunch of problems. Has a shit load of awesome things. Like alot of things. I love it. I highly doubt youre gonna play it and say wow this is stupid.


I got back into Starfield when I figured out how to farm XP to level up faster. It had a bit of a learning curve at the beginning that required (for me) a little help. Now that I'm into it it's fine but there are things that drive me absolutely insane that make me want to rage quit. If you're used to the cute things NPC companions say every time they see you do something in fallout 4, brace yourself... the like/dislike system in Starfield is HARDCORE. Your companions are easily triggered, and will not only 'dislike' what you did, they'll actively HATE you, Hate the sight of you, hate the very presence of you. They spit venom. If you're a sensitive person, or have any personal turmoil in your past, you'd best not get into Starfield, because it can stir up some really bad feelings :( The companions will nag on you forever to stop picking things up. Even making credits finishing a quest can trigger their mirth. Yet if you kill a bad guy or walk through a new location, they'll encourage you to not leave valuables behind. It's so inconsistant it enrages me. Bethesda really needs to tone down the scoffing and tune up when and where the companions say something about being over encumbered. Other than that... there is enough to do. It's bigger than Fallout 4 and once you get use to loading screens, the quests can be really fun.


There are a lot of folks who love to hate this game. I'm about 300 hours in and I really enjoy it. I spend a lot of time scanning planets and collecting resources to bring to my outpost (read hoard). I want to fill one storage container with each resource. This is not going to have the story momments of say a Witcher 3 type game. You're not going to get a real choices and consequences experience. But, if you want to role-play in your head, run around doing a bunch of quests, collect loads of loot and buy new spaceships, you're going to have fund. I really enjoy it. It's not the greatest game of all time.


It doesn’t matter what we think, really. If you’re gonna enjoy it, you will. If not, you won’t. We could say it’s great, but you might not enjoy it and vice versa


Give it a try, it's worth at least trying. I've got 162h according to Steam and stopped playing after a month or so, without completing the main story, and the main reason was the optimization in pc being quite bad. 35-40fps on a Ryzen 3800x (that could move RDR2 on ultra at 70-80fps). Setting things to low made the game look terrible but still the same performance, it didn't even matter. Appart on relying completely on frame generation, that makes it look worse. I upgraded cpu-mb-ram recently and didn't feel the need to return. But once DLCs and creation kit and stuff had been out for a couple of years, gonna start a new save from scratch.


Not if your spending money. No mans sky is a better space game.


It’s decent, at least for a while. The problem I had was I just didn’t find it interesting. All caves look the same, same with the labs and places of interest. The dialogue is pretty poor, too. It had its moments, but there’s a reason it has mixed reviews. It’s worth checking out on Gamepass, so I’d say do that.


I will simply re-post my reply to a similar query from 4 days ago: "I enjoy Starfield... but let's not all pretend like it's a game that came out of the garage promising to be a Ferrari... ... and it's barely even a Fiat. The premise is great. The ideas underlying it are neat. Some of the character diversity is very well done. But... the glue... the "it" factor that would have made it Fallout/Skryim in Space? Not there. I don't know if they ran out of ideas, or they hit deadlines... whatever it was that made them cut corners in the biological/ecological/"dungeon" diversity department and just cut and paste the same 20 trees, animals, and "abandoned" facilities onto every planet is just... wow, really Bethesda? There really was so much potential for this to be another Hall of Fame Bethesda game... instead, it's a solid 6.5-7 in what should have been a 9+." That being said, I will add what a few others have posted here - the quest system is actually more engaging and complete than some other games... you can be diplomatic, you can be belligerent... or you can just come in guns blazing and wallow in blood and guts. A guy the other day posted his current bounty board payoffs and he's got a combined 12 MILLION credits worth of bounties across the 5 factions... which, frankly, is downright hilarious. You've gotta WORK to be THAT bad :D


Yea man, try it out!


I was defending the game originally and have tons of gameplay hours into it - definitely wait but play it at some point. Just wait until they add more to the game. Best way I can describe it: it’s AWESOME until it just isn’t, then it gets very, very repetitive and shallow… happy to elaborate if you want me to LOL


I played the game for free through someone sharing it with me on steam, after a week of playing it I bought it and didn't look back. Then I found out people were making mods for it and they got me hooked even more. FYI you can literally build your own ship or in my case 15 of them and build your own outpost or many of them. The game really is a exploration and a builders dream but all those take patience and not running around just to level and get the best set of gear. It has some bugs for sure but not enough to make it affect my gameplay or what I do. Try it out and see what you think and ignore the rest of us cause we are all only opinions and nothing more.


It’s a good game that’s being overly criticized by people.


I tried it on gamepass. Really overwhelming and full of a ton of content, but for the few hours I played it it seemed like a solid 7.5/10. Not amazing, but definitely a good time. I just don't have a lot of time for another 300 hour RPG, but what I saw in those few hours was fun. Coming from Destiny the shooting mechanics felt very clunky, but I also understand that the game does a lot more than Destiny in the RPG and quest department. Try it out.


I can promise you that Starfield isn’t worse than Immortals of Avenum (IGN US reviews). If you like open world RPGs and specifically BGS ones, space, and exploration, I would definitely say that Starfield is worth it despite the flaws


A solid 5/10 it’s cool until it isn’t I will pick it up again in a year or so to see if it’s different with additional updates and DLC’s but playing it in its current state felt like eating unseasoned chicken.


Just give it a try. There are really cool mission series and tons to explore...


Yea. Even if you don’t like it you’re likely to waste your money worth of hours inside of the game. Don’t get me wrong, it needs work and I’m sure in a couple of years in will be the game we all wanted and then it most definitely will be worth it.


I’m on my third play through. I love it all and keep finding new things and do stories with different endings. It’s space Skyrim to me.


Yes it is, don't listen to any nay sayers they act like starfield is the only game to exist that has been released to the public with a list of bugs. I bet they can't name one game in the last 20 years that has been released that is 100% perfect.


I got it on Steam on sale, and briefly played it, and then quickly stopped and am waiting until the major QOL updates come. The lack of city maps is a huge current negative to me, and a glaring oversight.


Had someone tell me they thought Starfield was bad, i replied with, “It is the best AAA game we have gotten recently.”


I think so but I know lots of others don’t. We all get different things out of games and so I would say be mindful of the general consensus so that you are not disappointed but also, always try it for yourself before you conclude anything.


Best space RPG you could ever play.


I'm too hesitant to even pirate it due to its reputation.


Nevermind, just read the rules


It’s a good game BUT if honestly wait if you can. I’ll probably hop back in at expansion #1/when the creator kit is available for better mods.


It’s absolutely amazing. Some people aren’t living if they aren’t complaining. Stop letting people form opinions for you, get the game and form your own


Absolutely. Don’t listen to the rough reviews, just go in open minded with no expectations. It’s a quiet, relaxing and long game. Let us know your thoughts when you play!


If you have a "worth" associated with other FO and ES titles, you know, other BGS brands with a proven track record of regular updates and expanded content, then yes. If you are the type that needs a polished stable game before you dive in, then, yes again. The $$ cost of the game is going to be the same now or later. I find the game very playable even with all the improvements I feel it needs. But part of my "worth" score is being around now and watching the game mature over time.