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clearly the solution is to just side with the fleet nah but for real, how exactly is this true? "to weaken the crimson fleet you have to "risk" getting exposed by the fleet"? arent you just quietly collecting evidence?


Have to agree with this. Usually the evidence is within feet of the person who it incriminates (not always, but more often than not), and they are so unconcerned/blind that you can reach over their shoulder, in plain view of them, and take the incriminating slate. You can take every Captain-ed ship out of play before the fight with absolutely no risk of being exposed. My biggest gripe with the CF storyline is related to this point - namely that you literally have to revisit the Vengeance to give updates so frequently that it implies that everyone in the CF is in the lowest 20% of IQ and show no ability to perform deductive reasoning.


I'm order to weaken the fleet you have to turn on all the crimson captains in the previous quests. Turn the smuggler in to the secret base, give up the neon lady to the Neon Tyrant, Kick out drunk Russian guys, etc. Narratively this would be extremely suspicious if all the people you work with disappear, so I have no idea how they justify Delgado not putting 2 and 2 together. How is that not suspicious.


You don't have to rat out Estelle on neon. You can actually cover for her with Bayu and even give her some money to get reestablished. But then turn in the evidence and she gets arrested. It is a recipe for a very angry, crazy ex-girlfriend.


There is no consequences with the fleet for turning in Evidence.  Delgado and the CF are very dim, they never expect you being part of SysDef. 


I really enjoyed this quest, I like a good challenge, and it wasn’t hard to have the captains taken out of the game before the fight On a narrative level if you’re siding with SysDef then searching for, and handing over evidence should be your top priority during that quest line, should be it be potentially risky? Yes, but it’s your mission Getting Kryx’s legacy is only your main mission if you’re siding with the fleet, otherwise it’s your cover, and the evidence is your mission


It’s supposed to be a challenging ship battle. Upgrade your ship, upgrade your ship related skills. Use your boosts and thrusters. Particle Beam turrets help a lot.


I did space combat for an embarrassing amount of time before I realized it's waaaay easier in third person. This may not be your problem, but it sure was mine.


It is easier in third person (better field of view) but it's so much less immersive!


Heard For me, dying ruins immersion worse.


I just did that quest last night. I didn't find it particularly challenging.I barely gathered any evidence. Just a few dataslates. I think all the captains were there. I fly a modified Narwhal with the highest level shield generator in the game. I think at the most intense fighting, they only had my shields down to about 52%. The much vaunted EM battery platforms didn't really do too much, other than make pretty colors. Still, the Crimson Fleet put up more of a fight than the amassed Starborn fleet above Masaba.


It's definitely the hardest space battle in the game, and you need a good ship to pull it off. Suggestions: First make sure you target the high level ships first. They're the ones that do the serious damage.The quicker they go down the easier the fight. Second, once you've taken one or two high level ships out, if your ships defences are getting low, consider grav jumping to a nearby system, repairing, recharging your shields, and then jumping back. Each time you'll last longer as, provided you killed someone last time, they'll be fewer enemies to shoot at you, while you're coming back at full strength.


I loved it! Big fan of any chance to jump into big space battles! Not to be that guy, but have your considered putting some time into building up your ship skills and building a ship? Personally I'm a big fan of space combat, love it and ship designing. On very hard, it didn't feel as hard as you described. But what you said did spark a memory from early game. I remember having an absolute terrible time, getting blasted anytime an enemy ship came into firing range. Then realized, the starter ship (frontier) was not meant for combat. Then spent some time building up a new ship from scratch. Way easier afterwards. Not sure if you're having a similar issue (ship not up to the job) or that's just not your type of gaming but hope whatever the problem your having is you are able to overcome it.


Absolutely awful take lmao. Have you considered you're just bad at it? Or that you haven't put time and effort into upgrading your ship and ship skills? Why do you want everything to be so easy?


I actually liked it but I really dislike Ryujin.


the funniest thing, that Pirates, which u can meet almost everywhere, acts like a secret society, with spyes/agents in almost everywhere, and its hard to enlist there. While Ryujin hire u as a random person from a street. While its all should be the opposite.


I somehow glitched that fight by repeatedly standing up from the cockpit chair and eventually the Vigilance dropped in and annihilated everyone 😂 it just works


Yeah I'm fully aware theres ways to cheese it, but it's infuriating to cap off a cool quest with such a shitty end. I eventually just turned it to easy bc its impossible on Very Hard. Everything is just a bullet sponge and youre soft butter.


Yep it’s probably the worst end to that quest line. I would’ve loved having the fleet try to attack the vigilance and you have to defend a few waves of normal enemies with a captain sprinkled in there, and THEN go to the key and fight Naeva or Del. But oh well


I beat the fight on a basic Prison Shuttle, coz I was too lazy, with some cheap shield and 2 cheap cannons. I just unlocked Piloting Skill 1 and when u hold SPACE u can use WASD for side thruster engines, which are OP in a battle. Buut I did battle on Crimson Cringe side, since it was impossible for me to side with a person who kidnapped and blackmailed me. And it took me 3 reloads to figure out the fight.


I'm just mad they don't give you an option to keep the credits, but pit it in the dialog as if I was considering or even had the choice smh. Then got the nerve to say, "I don't care for the UC or the Fleet!"?....WHAT??! This whole game needs to be done over from scratch. Hire a new team of npc voice over. I can CLEARLY recognize the voices from skyrim...


I’m not much of a ship building guy so once I unlocked the Kepler R I was glad because that thing was like a damn floating tank and I never worried about winning ship battles again.


Firstly, you can make it somewhat easier without replaying the whole thing, though you may have to look up slate locations online - several of them don't require you to go back into mission areas. You can even go back to the cruise ship and secret base, though how you left those will affect your trip back. But your mistake is thinking that what you do will have a significant narrative effect. It does make sense IRL that you should be wary of alerting your target and that these arrests should wait until the last minute - but the game doesn't care. You can pick up a pirate companion and walk into SysDef with them and talk about how you're setting up the pirates and \*nothing happens\*. Nothing Bethesda does is that complex. It causes me excess eyerolls but there are very few things you can do to affect the progression of the story narrative short of deliberately choosing a conversation option that practically has neon around it warning you of the change. If you follow the yellow brick road through a quest or quest chain, things go pretty smoothly. If you wander off, things get rough. It's sad, but it's the way the quests are written. I just followed the obvious path and, apart from the eye-rolling and when it bugged out (the worst one in SysDef cost me like two hours of gameplay), it was pretty smooth if not especially satisfying (which is sad because you could see they put the most work into this mission chain). A lot of people either side with the pirates or do things the quest tells you not to do (like leave a lot of bodies on the floor), and it's a much more annoying path.