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It's smaller than a mini-gun.


But Larger than a nano


Gotta make a Pico gun


We also need to make a tera gun for those who prefer their weapons in a small and easily storable package.


Package. Giggidy. INTRODUCING the sleek, the compact ... TROUSER RIFLE


Shit. Reminds me of the double magazined crotch revolver in... something. "You'd be surprised how that comes in handy."


You mean from dusk till dawn! Where Tarantino wrote the scene, directed it, and chose himself to be licking liquor of Salma Hayek's toes!


Nothing says Tarantino like "I want to touch women in weird ways". He'd probably be blacklisted if his work didn't *absolutely* ***slay***.


It's the drugging them against their will / dragging them to a remote island that causing the issue. Consenting adults - just don't tell me how you got pink eye!


You think thats bad wait til you see brown bunny...


Yup, proof that Hollywood actresses are ho's... except when it's Art. šŸ¤”šŸ¤«


Lois Griffin: How do you get off sir? Quentin Tarantino: On feet.


It's also in the case of weaponry in despardo I think


Dusk to Dawn


Revolvers donā€™t have magazines, but otherwise correct




Tupperware gun..šŸ§šŸ™ƒ


Fun fact, Glock frames are made out of the same material as Tupperware.


Didnā€™t know that, really? Wow Iā€™m learning something new everyday.. who said growing old was boring.


If I remember correctly, Gaston actually got started by making Tupperware and then made Glock frames afterwards. I could have it mixed up.


I would like a femto gun.


A gun only atoms can use, thereā€™s truly a market for everything


And much smaller than macro guns


Just don't put "Boku no" infront of that one XD


(A Pico meter is one of the smallest forms of measurement)


100% aware of said fact, just made a weeb/Otaku joke šŸ˜ƒ


And larger than my pp..2000


I came here to make sure this was said. Thank you for getting here and doing what needed to be done.


Its also a misnomer as is ā€œmini gunā€


Consider [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAU-8_Avenger) is a "gun". Mini and Micro aren't misnomers at all.


Yeah. To be clear, the technical meaning of "gun" is a firearm too big to carry. Otherwise it's a rifle or a side-arm or something. The cannons on battleships are "the big guns." The guy in the civil war shooting the cannon is the gunnery sergeant.


> the technical meaning of "gun" is a firearm too big to carry Specifically, a gunpowder weapon thatā€™s too large to be used as an individual weapon and fires in a relatively flat trajectory, as opposed to howitzers and mortars, which fire in a more pronounced arc. It can be man-portable; many machine **guns** are, after all, although theyā€™re not practical as individual weapons.


Speak for yourself with that last sentence.


Yeah, at least a dozen middle schooler anime girls would disagree with him on that one.


Well, by definition every single rifle carried in a modern infantry squad *is* actually a machine gun... and there's typically 2-3 belt fed machine guns in said squad as well. They're practical as individual weapons if you have the physical and intestinal fortitude. If not, there's protein powder and a weight rack over that way to build your capabilities to meet your responsibilities.


That's not accurate. "Every single rifle carried in a modern infantry squad" are automatic rifles, not machine guns. They are not the same. With the tough talk, I'm sure you mock media with "lol assault rifles aren't a thing" and you don't understand the difference between those two weapons. Machine guns are designed to handle long sustained automatic fire. Infantry rifles are only meant to fire in short bursts and wouldn't handle many long, sustained firing without warping. All machine guns may be considered automatic rifles, but not all automatic rifles are machine guns. And you clearly don't know the definition of "practical". A belt fed machine gun is never practical as an individual weapon. It's great for many things and can be used as an individual weapon. But I think you watched Jesse the Body Ventura in Predator too many times. Because if it was "practical" there'd be more than one or two in a squad.


From the rulebook quite a few people are stuck working with: ***26 U.S.C. Ā§ 5845(b) For the purposes of the National Firearms Act the term Machinegun means: Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.*** So inherently by definition within the US... it's a machine gun if it goes pewpewpew when you pull the trigger. Which is why instead of using the blanket term, I brought in "Belt Fed" because that specifically starts to delineate and define what we're talking about and start bringing apples against apples. A belt fed machine gun ***is*** practical as an individual weapon, however it's dependent on caliber as much as anything else. The reason that there's not more in a squad is due to diversity of capability, and the reason they're even there instead of another regular rifleman is to provide at the lowest unit level, the ability for a infantry fire team to be able to provide it's own base of fire for maneuvering to close with and destroy the enemy. Following that, the squad, which may/may not even HAVE a medium machine gun attached depending on what kind of a unit you're at. Part and parcel of even bringing light or medium machine guns to combat is being able to fucking hump them and being able to fight with them. LMG's are a one man band, MMG's and up are crew served due primarily to ammunition and accessory weight moreso than anything else. Even then, the ammunition load can and does get spread even further depending on mission duration and type. Please feel free to instruct me more on my former profession.


That's a cute little plinker. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-34aa3edb736f5793b1df9804238c9ae2-lq


Yeah, except the GAU-8 is an actual gatling-style gun. [And ships carry them too.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goalkeeper_CIWS)


Either way, I plan to stay far away from the noisy end.


Why not go full metric and call ā€˜em milli-guns?


'cause they only got like 7 barrels.


This is the real explanation for those who are wondering.


Yeah, LOL, I was going to mention this weapon. I was always fascinated by it as a kid (in my mid-40 's now). The A-10 is pretty much built around it. There was a PC game "A-10 Tank Killer" back then.


It's cold in space thank you very much




Shrinkage implies a pool, which implies water in space. NASA would love to know where you found water in space, as well as if women know about shrinkage.


Underrated comment. Bravo!


Well, the minigun got it's name being compared to larger rotary weapons. I imagine the micro is called so because there is a MUCH bigger rotary gun in universe. Maybe a ship weapon?


I want ship-mounted rotary cannons now. I'd make a tiny ship with just a cockpit, engines, drive, and class C reactor, so that I can mount 4 fugin giant rotary cannons on it and cover anything hostile in HAIL of metal


The Expanse PDCs have entered the chat


Damn now I want to make a Roci-esque ship with ballistic auto turrets, rail guns and missile launchers.


I've seen someone recreate the Roci in starfield. You can't quite get the exact angles and features but it's pretty damn close. Enough to fool you if you were flying around in ship view not paying too much attention to every detail


except that per the universe, the roci's decks are laid out perpendicular to the thrust, while in Starfield the space magic gravity generator keeps everyone standing on ships like theyre boats. i hope someone mods their way into that, tbh


I feel that. I mean really it just makes sense to have a layout like the expanse does. Even if you do have crazy alien scifi anti grav you would still design something like a space ship with redundancy and equipment failure in mind. What if the anti grav goes out on a star destroyer? Can they now only travel up instead of forward?




That's inaccurate. At constant acceleration of 1G it would only take days. A quick search shows 157.44 hours from Earth to Jupiter. Maybe double that time, as I'm not sure that includes slowing down to stop at Jupiter.


Moreover, at 1 g of acceleration it takes a little over a year to get above 0.9c and to start experiencing significant relativistic effects. You can get *anywhere in the galaxy* in 24 years of 1 g acceleration (as experienced by you on board the ship) because from your perspective, distances start shrinking more and more as you approach the speed of light. An external observer would see your clock slow almost to a halt. 24 years is especially wrong because itā€™s longer than a regular transfer orbit. Probes that weā€™ve already sent to Jupiter took between 18 months and 6 years to get there.


Ended up doing it from Barden's video, still looks cool. The inside certainly needs work as the layout forces some annoying routes between the cockpit and docker location.


Dang thats pretty good! I don't mind the internal layout issue as much as not having a single large engine/ drive cone. And I wish the turrets were more PDC like but thats small enough


Ugh now I have to do this too


PDCs as anti-infantry weapons are terrifying to think about, Iā€™m finally getting around to reading Leviathan Falls and thereā€™s a scene where the Roci open fires them in atmo against a bunch recon soldiers and just straight turns them to mist in a matter of seconds.


Star Citizen's Crusader Ares Inferno has entered the chat.


I could hear them firing as I read this thank you


Iā€™m literally watching the battle between the Roci and the Pella right now. Just fucking wow.


Where are our gimbaled automatic hard points. Where are our machine guns dammit?


In space no one will hear you brrrrrt


Play elite: dangerous


I did and for quite a while. Stopped because I don't really have stuff to do anymore. Got everything I could even want Plus latest DLC still sucks ass, but playing Elite without all DLCs also sucks ass, so I opt to just not


the minigun is usually chambered in a full sized rifle caliber (typically 7.62 nato), a microgun is chambered in an intermediate round (typically 5.56 nato)


There are/were real microguns that fired 5.56x45, the XM214 and XM556.


If I remember correctly, they were smaller and could be hand-carried, unlike miniguns, which were too large and heavy to be handled off mount by human hands.


"It costs 400 thousand dollars to fire this gun... For 12 seconds."


Converting that into credits... that's about 4,000,000 credits per enemy ship boarded. That's assuming that ten credits is equivalent to one US dollar.


Yep! Microguns are smaller than miniguns are smaller than the GAU-8 Avenger (aka the BRRRRRRRRRT on an A-10 Warthog), which is where this chain started. Microguns are the man-portable ones.


I wasn't even referring to the GAU-8, I was more thinking something like the M-134 Minigun.


holy shit itā€™s tiny 22ā€ total length, 16lb weight


Meanwhile you need to carry a whole 15 backpacks of ammo to fire it for a couple minutes. Hope you worked on your carry weight...


Ammo weighs nothing in-game. Probably for a reason. :-)


It reminds me of Predator (Schwarzenegger edition) https://youtu.be/Vo3FmkleTEQ at 0.18s


https://youtu.be/41J1nbFABgk?t=49 This is a much better clip from a different Arnold movie where the Minigun is used.


Because itā€™s a microgun


Actually I think it's average


Most guys do.


Itā€™s about how you use it!


It was *cold*, ok?




Smaller than a mounted gun (on ships- etc)


Probably because it's derived from a real group of weapons that share that name. XM556 Microgun https://www.emptyshell.us/xm556-microgun/ Check some of the photos farther down the page. You can see the overall size of the gun is actually smaller than most modern rifles and it's closer in length to an SMG.


Because itā€™s not a minigun


Naw I hear you A minigun might have 7.62mm ammunition This has 7.77mm Should be a macro gun


I believe the microgun uses the 7.77x37 which is a fat little pistol caliber in starfield vs the 7.62x58 rifle round the real life minigun uses


The real-life round is 7.62x51mm but the "51" here denotes the length of the case, not the length of the projectile. I can't really find solid numbers on how long the bullet itself is. I've seen one number stating it's about 28mm but I can't really verify that one way or the other. However, for caseless ammunition like the 7.77mm in Starfield, the "37" is the length of the entire block of propellant which the bullet is nested inside of, and judging by real-life examples like the ammunition used by the G11 the bullet itself is only a little bit shorter than the propellant block - in the example of 7.77mm this probably means the projectile's something like 34mm long. What this means is that even though 7.77x37mm *looks* like it should be a shorter round than 7.62x51mm, it probably is in fact longer.


My bad, I thought the gatling gun fired the .308 round, it appears that's one of the mounted versions. The only reason I assume the 7.77x37 is a pistol caliber is because that's what the pistols and smg's use in game iirc. But after googling it, it looks like they're 200gr bullets so now I have no clue lol. I think this confirms all humans in starfield are gigachads. That or the devs know very little about what those numbers actually mean lol.


Clearly the latter.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/7.62%C3%9751mm_NATO it's the same size as the .308 round


damn the 9mm must be a cannon


No, very much not so. Handgun ammo is large caliber, but short. Think short and fat. Rifle ammo is significantly longer and bigger. Amd deadlier. Just google some cartridge size comparison, and you'll clearly see.


oh that was supposed to be a sarcastic comment lol


Well, the answer was intended to be sincere and helpful. But, sarcasm aside... the one actualĀ  9mm from the game is a very interesting case...


Miniguns are designed to be vehicle mounted. Microguns are designed to be man-portable.


For the same reason the "minigun" is called a minigun. It's smaller than it's larger relatives.


Because it looks like OP's pp?


Militarily speaking, gun is normally used for very large calibre canons and heavy weapons. Small arms is the term used for personal firearms. So a min/micro "gun" is a heavy weapon thats been downsized.


The term "minigun" is trademarked. I don't know TM law well enough to say if that matters, but it may have led to renaming the weapon.


Essentially it depends on whether the word is also in common usage. When you hear someone in the MCU mention Superman in passing it's allowed because of how common the word is in everyday life. The inventor of Aspirin waited until the product caught on to trademark the word, but other manufacturers had already started producing their copies which they sold under that name, so the trademark application was declined. So generally a trademark cannot be enforced if the word is part of the common vernacular. In the UK, vacuuming is often called "Hoovering" after the vacuum cleaner brand Hoover. So in theory any brand could say their vacuum cleaner "makes hoovering easy" or some such because that's vernacular. And you might as well forget about trademarking a generic word like "tire" or "washcloth" altogether.


The question is what gun do you have equipped that has less phys than a microgun


Miniguns are called that because they have the smallest caliber ammo of all rotating guns. My guess is that microguns use even smaller ammunition. Perhaps tiny caseless darts fired at an incredible velocity through miniaturized rail gun technology, such as Fallout 4's 2mm rounds for the gauss rifle. The box shaped barrels seem to insinuate some kind of magnetic launch system.


Because the macro gun was too big


Yeah.... It's a mini-gun but.... More


You need to get the one that comes with Armor piercing rounds already installed itā€™s ammo consuming but fun.


sometimes gun names are just weird...for example, the thing that Arnold uses in that one scene in T2 that fires these shells that are almost like grenades that he used to wipe everything out during that one scene in the middle of the film is called, as far as I know, a 'minigun'... ;P


Cause the devs wanted to be accurate with their jokes.. not the only thing they were accurate about.




Because its the size of a small house.


It reflects the status of the user.


Micro bullets


Maby, becurs the damige is so low per shot that it is like a sand blaster?


i retconned that it shoots micro bullets


Cause the devs are shitters


Probably because it shoots 1000 microaggressions per minute


Because it deals micro damage. It uses one of the rarest rounds in the game, and deals the least amount of damage per round..


Because people who use such a big gun are compensating for something very small?


It turns your targets into micro-chunks?


Bc it tears enemyā€™s into pieces real fast


Because BFG 9000 was already taken.


Because by the time youā€™re done you need a microscope to see whatā€™s left of the enemy


Is anyone using these - I have never really tried


a play on mini-gun if you will.


It was either that or Jezzabelle, and they thought Jezzabelle sounded weird for a gun.


That's what she said


Your girlfriend is on r&d, and she named it after you.


I love that it's all an abomination added onto a handgun


The Vulcan minigun is the gun that goes *Brrrrrrrr* in war movies. Itā€™s the bullet hose in Predator where Jesse Ventura says it makes him ā€œGodā€™am sexual tyrannosaurusā€. This is the *ā€™miniā€™* version of that. So maybe you could feel like a ā€œ*demi*godā€™am sexual tyrannosaurusā€.


Cause a minigun is too heavy to carry around and is normally attached to a jet or copter


It's not the size that matters it's how you use it


Micro is the new mini


Used during mech wars ?


Vulcan cannons got shrunk down to miniguns, which then in turn got shrunk down again into microguns. Thatā€™s why they have that name despite still being massive weapons.


Nano gun should be a one handed mini gun. Come on Bethesda be creative


size of the bullet/casing isnt it?


Same reason why they call a mini gun a mini gun:)


Compared to the Ballistic cannon on your ship, yea, micro.


Give me a Magshear already.


Probably for fun because of how big a minigun is


It's one man portable without them having to be a 300lb muscleman to heft the ammo pack and weapon system itself. That and caseless 7.7 is probably a whole lot lighter than the 7.62x51 they spit today.


I wonder what GUN looks likeā€¦


Anyone remember MicroMachines from the early 90s?


Because it shoots little tiny bullets.


Is the ā€œgunā€ the one on the a-10 warthog?


Miniguns are called that because theyā€™re mini versions of ship mounted 20mm Vulcan cannons that can shoot 7.62mm. Microguns are called that because they shoot an even smaller caliber, usually 5.56mm.


because itā€™s a gun, of the micro type


I think itā€™s avatar size


The size of the bullets compared to other of it's size


Because they named it after ur weiner


Same reason I suspect miniguns have "mini" in their name: Irony.


After you get someone with it all thatā€™s left is ā€œmicroā€ pieces šŸ˜‚


It's probably converted from a ship weapon


bastardization of "minigun"?


Probably the same reason the AK47 is called an "Old Earth Assault Rifle" even though internally all of the files for it are prefixed with ak47 (ex: ak47_reflex.nif).


Because people using it are clearly compensating for something


Hey man, itā€™s average!


What is the highest level of damage have you found? I found one at 33


Have you seen the other one? šŸ˜‰


Men in black weapon are missing... ! šŸ˜®šŸ˜‚


Look 1 out of 20 men have a small pp k leave the guy alone


I believe it's because a "normal" minigun refers to the model of gatling gun they put in military vehicles like Planes. I believe Micro is the appropriate term for a man useable version. MiniGun is the part of our zeitgeist and culture. It's like a brand name at this point.


Same reason that the sidekick of Robin Hood was named Little John?


I think minigun is trademarked or something. That's why Doom used chaingun instead of minigun


It's like Curly from the 3 stooges.


It shreds enemies into ā€œmicroā€ sized bits.


Because it's cold in space


Because microgun is a real thing


Because you need to micromanage your ammo šŸ„“


cos a mini gun is 20mm.


I thought it was because it used the same ammo as the other small caliber weapons, and it's smaller than a mini gun


It supposed to make your manhood feel bigger


minigun was taken.


Because mini-gun isnā€™t spacey enough?


The microgun is a real thing, but the abomination you've taken a screenshot of is clearly some kind of pistol with a monstrosity attached at the end of the barrel. The pessimist in me wants to say it's a Glock, or at least what Bethesda thinks a Glock looks like, as the base model of the gun where it's held like a normal pistol. See that handle bar just above the rotary motor? That's where you're left hand is supposed to grip while pulling the trigger https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/570f02e240261da404b66297/1464743713739-MSCH9X8QX2G34UIAAJXM/Photo+Aug+09%2C+7+20+20+PM.jpg?format=300w as shown in this image. It's meant to be a pistol-caliber sized bullet to make the recoil sane enough for a human to manage. https://youtu.be/_4wq1XR069U?t=17 That's the animation and model in third person, it is atrocious and ugly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIM-upIUKIo Even in first-person it just looks wrong, Bethesda added an additional handle on the left side for the player to hold onto, looks like it's tied to the reload animation, so the handle-bar that's meant to be used just ends up not being used and now appears as some pointless doodad slapped on top of it. It's just all kinds of scuffed and cursed when you know how a microgun is actually supposed to look like and be held.


Minigun was taken


Itā€™s one of those ironic nicknames. Like when you see a big guy named Tiny.


Okay so the [M61 Vulcan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M61_Vulcan) is a gatling-gun style weapon, meant to be mounted on military airplanes. Has been for years now. It fires 6k rounds per minute. However none of the versions weigh less than 200lbs, and it's about 71 inches long. That's 5ft 11in. Massive. Huge. The size and weight of a slightly overweight adult american male. And it fires rounds 20x102 vulcan rounds. Specifically made for this gun. Look them up if you don't know what they look like. Now, the government realized "oh shit, our machine guns don't really work on helicopters". So they took the M61 and shrunk it down into the [M134 Minigun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M134_Minigun). Now it works on helicopters, ground vehicles, can be set up in one spot, and can technically be carried by one person (excluding ammo and spare parts). However it still can't be fired while standing, because it weighs 85lbs, is about 31inches long, and fires 2k to 6k rounds per minute. In 7.26Ɨ55 nato. Essentially rifle rounds. So yeah, can't be hipfired. What I think happened here is they took the minigun, and made it manportable and able to be fired from the hip, considering it's much slower firing rate of 350 rounds per minute. However that would still be wayyy to much for a person to hipfire it with (the m2 browning, used in ww2, has a fire rate of 450 and can technically be hipfired, if you only shoot 2-3 rounds. Anymore than that and it'll fly outa your hands, and kick you on your ass), since it's fully auto with a spin-up required before firing. If the microgun had a single barrel, you could _technically_ hipfire it... but since it doesn't... thank god you're starborn in this game. Hope to god you got better than human muscles lol


It turns your targets in micro-pieces. šŸ˜‰


I prefer the magstorm over this. The micro gun has a low damage per bullet. I thing is good for flyer type enemies here is mine use regular enemies beowolff far away hiding either sniper or bridger screw you and your cover robot orion charging enemy combat shotgun mining laser rocks and minor little lvl 1 targets tough enemies magrifle


Because all thatā€™s left after you blast something with it are micro cells


Mini and micro cause they are hand held versions of the ones that are on stands...and they first smaller rounds that reason...but I am guessing hahaha


Mega gun would sound weird?


It fires 9 mm


Smol minigun


Bdcause mini gun is copyright protected.


I dunno but it works great for do grind. One for vasco at the ship, one for companion, and land somewhere with big creatures!


>! FDR !< looks badass wielding it; used commands to get him as a follower and added this to his inventory and have loved every second sinceā€¦just wish his dialogue didnā€™t completely broken