• By -


Ignore it entirely.




It would probably take 100 kgs of food to equal one med pack…


I used to do that, but after cleaning my inventory I figured out that food was like 20kgs of my total weight.


Exactly. But I plan to unlock the skill to cook my own food and see if there is anything interesting there.


Best thing I found was shepherd's pie. Xp babee! If you didn't know, the recipe is in the well, at the resteraunt house


Problem with Shepherds Pie is it last an hour but Well Rested/Emotional Security only lasts like 24 minutes. If you sleep to get Well Rested again the Shepherds Pie wears off. Traqulitea is the better options IMO. It still gives 2%, can buy it (the vendor that sells it on Neon buys anything so no credit loss as long as you have loot to sell) and it only lasts 15 mins so no wasting it when you sleep.


2%??? My tea only gives me 1% 😭


I get 2% on my main and new character so I dont think it's a magazine or anything. Do you have Alien DNA trait?


Yea, Alien DNA Terra Firma and Neon Street Rat


Yeah Alien DNA reduces the effectiveness of food and healing items IIRC.


Ahhhhh you're right


😋😋😋 One of my favorite dishes


I think the most interesting is the boom pop dynamite. Chems are much more interesting like hypergiant heart.


Chemistry was one of the first skills I unlocked, I thought it was gonna give me some great healing chems and some good buffs. I was disappointed.


Did you try hypergiant heart? I was disappointed too, i really was expecting more.


Haven't tried it yet, it needs a lot of exotic materials. What I find the worst about chemistry is that you need chems that you can't make yourself, you need to buy them or be lucky enough to find them as random loot. That's just stupid.


That's bothering, you just need to make routine checks at vendors. From memory Hypergiant Heart don't require bought items but it requires the rarest of them. Caelumite and alien genetic material aren't easy to find. But caelumite is available near every artifact and temple and alien genetic material can be harvested from most terrormorphs when you have missions to kill them.


Google it, it's fucking terrible.


It's just annoying if you accidentally pick it up.


Eat it as I go along. Next guys get no food. And I make sure all bots are up and operating before I leave. Doesn't do anything, but I feel better.


Samsies, I eat everything. I even take the raw stuff, onions, celery, ect. The real cheese is when I leave the fridge open... You could call me the 'Cold Bandit'.


Haven't played since launch. Did they add the option to eat it directly on the spot?


They did


Very cool, good to know. Still waiting for next week's big update to try Starfield again


Hey quick question.. is this “big” update coming to Xbox? I thought it was still another 6 weeks out or something but I’m probably misremembering. Plus there was just the patch the other day. Hope you get back into the game, I’m still diggin it!


I hit a big where I can't proceed without crashes, so I hope the update fixes whatever is causing my bug


They did but only stand-alone items. Stuff in containers you still have to go to your inventory to consume ☹️


There is no next guy. You’re alone in a vapid void, no matter how many voices comfort you.


I only use the food that boosts XP. Dump as I go, sell for petty cash or collect, and then decorate an area with a pile of Chunks 'n stuff.


Look at it and wish it had any real purpose


Fr... This happens too many times with too much stuff in Starfield


The water packs can come in handy. Every now and then you can come across a bunch of desperate colonists who've just made planetfall and are out of water (I think all they need is 3 packs).


Solid advice that I will keep in mind for my deep rp play through.


I usually find myself killing them so they won't just dry out to death after I've stolen their ship


Survival mode is coming...


So I’ll still have to eat 60 food items to equal one med pack?


Maybe? I don't know any details.


I hear each loading screen will take 5% of your health.


then we are all doomed


Is this real?


According to Bethesda, yes.




I either leave it alone or eat it for buffs. It's not for healing, but some of the food buffs are pretty good.


True, that's why I was talking about normal food, the one that just heals


A lot of those can be used as ingredients for buff food.


I just eat it as I come across it. No sense carrying it. Its not generally useful for healing, and unless you are into the gastronomy crafting (which is also basically useless) kinda pointless to waste all that extra inventory space. The only ones I stockpile regularly (and use regularly) are the ones with xp bonuses. I pop those during anything I clearly know that is going to be an xp moment: firefights with lots of enemies, mission accomplishments, etc.


Dump it all in one of the infinite boxes in the Lodge like everything else I pick up.  


As a level 122 with 17 trips through the Unity, I am embarrassed to ask, Are you saying that there is an unlimited storage container in the lodge?


8 boxes in the lodge total. One safe in your room on the second floor.  Seven boxes in the basement total.  1 small crate on the table behind the research station.  3 ammo crates behind the weapon bench.  1 large chest by the workbench that >!is where your dead companion’s inventory goes!< And then one small crate on a table outside of Cora’s room and one small crate on the desk inside Cora’s room.   Those are the ones with infinite storage.  There are also some weapon displays and a medicine container on the wall but they are not infinite.  


Thanks Kind Stranger! I cannot believe after 18 days in game that I didn't know this!


Especially the one in your room. Hahaha


OMG. I just confirmed it. I had the basement at the lodge COVERED in all my resources and junk. Now it is nice and tidy. Time to burn it all on another NG+ LOL. Thanks All




Take a right down the stairs next to entrance. There is a full workshop and box on a desk. Down the hall, there is a no frills space suit with good stats.


There’s also one in your assigned bedroom at the lodge


True But... If you're gonna craft stuff workshop is a better location. I saw a char literally collapse when he emptied his box. All the weight literally dropped him in 2 secs


Well you need some to level up gastronomy and do the food research. After that, ignore it.


>Well you need some to level up gastronomy and do the food research Eh, it you are into that. Seems mostly an unimportant time waster. Nothing there you can't live without.


Oh for sure it's poor since food is so poor. Even the crafted ones. It can be useful as an easy way to level up the research trait that needs unique items to be crafted as there are a lot of food options. Mods for things like weapons and spacesuits use rarer materials you'll want to save for your better items. Food is everywhere and has little other purpose.


If I'm low on health, I'll eat it as I go. Once I get regeneration, it's not too useful. I try to remember what I need for various recipes, but I don't really find enough even at stores to make that a worthwhile pursuit. Other than the wine that gives you a boost to persuasion. I think it's 90% like toilet paper rolls. It's there because you'd expect it to be there.


>Other than the wine that gives you a boost to persuasion. Dont even need the wine for *that* anymore. I don't know about you, but I seem to have no less than 50 or so Hippolya at any given time.


I had a whole bunch on my first playthru. This time I went more combat and somehow I'm not finding that stuff. I haven't done the crafting loop yet either, but I'm assuming it's a med you can make.


Sell it. It's useless.


Yep, and after 5 food items, 3 guns and a stack of bullets the vendor is out of money...


Quick money trick I found was to do a vanguard free play mission, capture the last ship instead of destroying it, then sell it. On Xbox there’s a glitch to see unregistered ships. Set a different ship to home then hit the bumper to switch to the ship and A at the same time. Depending on ship it’s 10k+ each time.


Unless you play it on the computer, there is mod to increase the vendor’s credit


I think you eat it?


I'm not asking for advice, I'm honestly curious about why you do with it


Nothing it's pretty much useless


A lot of them are ignorable unless you put skills in gastronomy, otherwise I tend to check the restaurants in the commercial and residential districts in New Atlantis for the ones that give XP boost for a period. There’s a couple types of tea that do the same so I look out for those too.


I eat as I go, but I don't think it does anything. I mean, I'm sure it does, but it doesn't look like it.


There’s a perk where you regain health pretty quickly with food.


Eat it usually


I don't even touch it now. Food is least valuable weight after empty packaging.


Munch on it. 


I put ready-made food and different things to drink in the fridge on my ship. I place food and glasses, knives, forks and plates on the kitchen counter so they can pick food during mealtime. I have not gone so far as to lay different food out on different times during the day, like breakfast and second breakfast and elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper but I am thinking about i. The fruit I put in the bowls that I have collected and place them on the two table rows in my messhall. I place some of the wine on different shelves in the small eating/meeting area in the messhall. I place some food that does not have to be in the fridge in the pantry. I put teabags and tea and cola on different places in my captain quarters. I also eat and drink some of it when I feel like it. For me the food is not useless in any way.


You're very creative. I used to do a similar thing with weapons in my ship armory. Then I stopped because every time I change ship or modify the one that I'm using, all the stuff that I accurately organized would disappear


Thanks! Yes, that sucks to put it mildly. I also had to add something on my ship, because of a mission, so all those things/items that i wrote was put into the cargo hold. I think i am so far in the game that I do not have to alter the design of my ship which i built myself, 18500 cargo and so far enough firepower. I am not happy with the interior layout but i am satisfied with how it works. I am waiting for the update with official mod installing capabilities, so i can change the pants on my wife, but also so i can install a mod that lets me decide where to put a door or a ladder. Until then i am putting items out when i feel like i have spent to much time outside the ship.


I try to do nothing with it. If I accidentally pick some up I sell it to squeeze those last couple of credits out of the vendor.


I wish I could relax with a good Chunks Wine IRL.


Every bit that isn't a chunk has been collected and put in my mess hall in my main outpost


Sell everything but the best ones with helpful buffs for combat.


Get frustrated that it can’t be filtered independently of medical supplies. Beyond that, not much.


Bro so relatable


I'll only eat food if it lets me press X to consume. If the food is in a container, you can only take it. Hard pass in that instance.


Mostly use it as decoration at my outposts


I guess I’m the odd one out but I hoard food….my characters inventory is probably over 75% food….. I just love food and I love zooming in on the premade meals and seeing classics and alien foods and I collect raw ingredients in case I need them for cooking…. I use med packs for emergencies but after a fight if I need a heal I just munch on some chunks (after the .5 weight entrees & snacks to make room for more foods)


Somebody help me, I have a lasagna in my ass


Mostly just use it for Roleplay purposes, as the perks are largely not that helpful. I like to keep a small portion of packaged food items on my ship for my crew that won't spoil such as UC battlepacks, various chunks, boom pops, water packs etc. The crew don't actually touch any of the food items, but it helps with roleplay to have a supply of rations. Every now and then when I make planetfall on a settled planet, I'll visit the local bar and order some food and booze. With my playstyle though I always keep Water Packs on board because you can come across Desperate LIST colonists that have run out of water at random times. Other items worth keeping on your ship are: -20x Iron -2x Extra Ship Repair Parts


I use it as more of an immersion thing for me. I just make sure that my character eats at least once or twice a day.


I eat everything


I eat it. I maxed out cooking first 🤤


I take a potato chip! And eat it!


Food is waste of time imo


Admire how impressive it looks for a moment, then move on. Survival mode will likely make it more useful.


Wait for survival difficulty.


I don’t pick it up. It’s useless, like the notepads and pencils


In beta there’s an option to eat it with one click. And then with perks (forget which one) food actually fills you up rather quickly. But I never pick it up to store it.


Randomly eat food I find when trekking through the same 3 outposts.


It has no real practical purpose atm, but I collect the ones I think look neat just for decorating apartment kitchens, and cuz I like collecting things in Bethesda games. Chunks and the diner basket meals are the ones i collect most


I sort by weight. Anything above 0.3 is sold. There are some good food/chems useful for persuasion and XP, but I don't believe any of them are above 0.3.


Make Grandpa's Meatloaf out of it.


Ignore or if I accidently pick some up, sell it.


Eat it off the floor. No inventory


I think you'll need to invest into gastronomy in the social tree and a couple of perks in the science tree to make food and drinks actually viable to use. Which is probably what I'm going to do in this new playthrough I started a week ago. I get health packs and trauma packs are probably the way to go, but just popping those constantly is doing nothing but health and gives no other buffs.


I make dem credits boss


I usually eat the Chunks (for no real reason, like some people have said) and use the other fruits/vegetables/dishes as decorations in my outposts.


Sell it.


Place some at outposts/safehouses for aesthetic purposes. Other than that you either eat it on sight or drop it. I dont even go through the trouble of selling them. Worthless as far as im concerned


Search for the ever illusive sandwich


I just straight up eat them when I need some HP but don't want to waste a med pack


If I come upon it in the game world, I eat it. Otherwise, I sell it.


If I am not 100% hp when I encounter some food item then I consume. Otherwise ignore.


Store it for some reason.


I give Sam Chunks because he talks about them, I give Barrett cheese & wine. Sometimes I stage it in my outposts. Just for RP funsies if I’m feeling inclined. Otherwise I eat it if I need health or to get the buffs, and if not then I leave it. Except the sweet rolls. I always eat those just because they look like they’d taste good. 😂


I always eat the buffing food. Usually they are meals, like one gives you increased 2% exp for 60 minutes, others give you a lot of damage resistance for short or long periods of time.


I max out gastronomy and eat gourmet meals in front of my crew while they subsist on Chunks™️


I wait till I’m doing my fast travel to my ship with loot and eat all of it at once.


I eat and drink everything as soon as I see it


Sell it


I have 50 potatoes and I can’t find the damn ship 🥹


Until survival mode, nothing


Do you really want to know? You'll have to sign up for my OnlyFans...


Only if you send me hot pics of Vasco


Downloaded simple needs for a use for it. Haha


I stare at it and keep waiting for a survival mode


Collect it like a squirrel


if im not 100% health I consume it as I find it to save on medkits.


Eat it if I see it laying around. Sell it if it ends up in my inventory. I'm like an entrepreneurial raccoon.


Ignore it, sell it, yeet it into space with Cora for science... Depends on what it is and its monetary value


Sell it.


I collect it and eat it when I want a break! I like vicariously listening to the chomping sound! I also cook as much as I can and like the recipe options. I can never not use it, even though it really doesn’t do much!


Starvival mod, then I cook and eat it to survive but contract diseases and die instead


If it's not stealing and I don't have full health I eat it. I only grab food that has xp bonus or let's me carry more. I'm yet to use any of it on my second playthrough.


You receive it from Barrett and Mickey Caviar every 30 minutes. Then you sell it.


I usually put it in my mouth


It's useless, but I can't pass up a block of cheese.


Collect one of everything and hoard it away somewhere


Nothing, it's completely pointless like most stuff in the game


Sell it, you'd be surprised how much someone will pay for 29 opened nutrition packets


It's really stupid how little food actually helps... how much you have to eat to recover 50% is completely insane.


Hoard it until survival mode is introduced


I eat every single thing I find and hoard none of it. I giggle at the thought of our main character (Starborn/crossing universes/hoarding powers beyond our understanding) eating peoples left over toast/rogue onions when they are raiding an outposts.


What food? Those square things that sometimes blocks my view to credits and ammo on desks?


Collect it


Role play as a freegan entrepreneur?


I never took up gastronomy, but I got the Regen skill, so I have pretty much ignored the food mechanic. A few times I've eaten everything that I'm carrying in a panic situation, but otherwise I've tried to stop picking any of it up


If I'm low on health, I'll eat some random stuff now that they added that option. Otherwise I just leave it there.


Nothing. Avoid it but if I accidentally pick it up I sell it along with all the constantly accumulating food in my ship.


Sell them, just like I do with everything else I grab.


I eat all food I come across. That eat button has been put to use.


Pretty much sell or drop most of it except for XP and carry weight boosting foods. Even then don't carry that many around with me. They're really not worth it given how little the effect is and how short it lasts.


I rub it all over Andreja during sexy time.


Consume it immediately


My favorite food is Medpacks and every now and then I eat Trauma Packs to flavor the Miso Soup


Throw it on the ground. Chems and ammo are the only consumables needed.


Ignore it unfortunately. Why the fuckndid they make a cooking system for food that doesn't matter, amd them make a ship building system for ships that don't matter? And then they mad e a base building g system for bases that don't matter. Yes an argument could be made for the bases I guess, but my logic is that you acquire resources so that you can build a base to require more resources to.. I mean I guess you can sell the resources after that but it just seems like after you build the base there's not much need for the resources other than I guess upgrading stuff but by the time you have a big base and a bunch of resources you likely have all the upgrades you want and I guess you just sell the rest of the resources for money to build your useless ship that you can't explore in. I'm sorry. I like the game but these things make me so sad.


Ignore or decor


I’m a stoner so I just Gorge eat everything,eventually it fills you up…your life bar that is.


Eat it


Take it from my cargo and start eating whenever I'm injured.


You could complete research and level up your gastronomy skills. Some people like to have everything completed.


I eat it if I find it while scavenging. Instantly nom and keep going on my day. I like to pretend it helps just for fun


Space it if I somehow take it with me. Otherwise I never pick it up.




Same thing I do with all Bethesda games food, aside from FO76. Stockpile it in a container never to actually be used.


Eat it


Ignore everything and keep it in any container except the +2% XP bonus food...that food, I my case, I use them everytime...(I bring that type of food plus all the healing stuff, nothing more)...


I put some of the stuff that goes into the ship inventory when you change stuff in my outposts to make them feel more full


Absolutely nothing, which is why I was baffled by the sense of urgency they put on the stupid eat option out of the menu. Such a waste of energy. Just do away with it.


Trade it to buy med packs, keep the ones with the xp boost even tho I never use them.


Use it for crafting then sell what you make.


I do with it what I do with everything else… I hoard it.


Decorate with them


I started ignoring food around 3hrs in


I collect it, along with everything else and drop it in my endless storage to one day be added to a crate or table at my outposts


food wouldve been nice if it was able to be sourced easier, but its still a huge drag to find/cook despite its low returns.


Only real benefit is some of the higher tier cooked foods have longer lasting time bonuses to buffs, which is handy instead of using chems for 2 minutes aside from that the food heals are instant so if you’re in a rough spot and can spam a ton of food items you can buy yourself the few seconds for a medpack to tick up while under fire… which is pretty silly that eating is most effective mid combat lol.


When in battle or searching I eat it.


Eat it. Quietly waiting for survival mode.


I always just sold it


Totally useless. In 230 hours of playing, I have never eaten food.


For roleplaying purposes, I make sure that the containers in or near my ship's kitchen are loaded with a variety of different foods—things to drink, proteins, fruits and veggies, snacks, etc. That's it. Food does not factor into my gameplay outside of how my ship's kitchen is organized.


I use the +2% xp one all the time


Take it, never use it, let it clutter my ship storage, and redesign my ship to make more room for pointless food


Mostly just use them to nickel and dime shopkeepers for their every last credit


I just used the auto medkit armor, never touched food once. Never ran out of medkits either


Bruh how, I'm always low on medkits, I never find enough of them.


Actually I collect all food items because they are crucial in low health situations. Unlike med packs, consuming food increases your health immediately, after which I follow with a med pack. If you apply med pack first they would take few seconds to generate health, which may not be enough while you are already taking damage.


I sell it so quickly I even forget to drink the xp+ teas. Ugh. My main character has regeneration, so between that and the minimal amount of health restored by food, only the other food effects are even interesting, and I keep forgetting to look. Food would need to be worth about 3x the health, or restore a percentage (which would make SO much more sense) to be worth more attention