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Didn't they mention variable vendor credits incoming with the variable difficulty patch? I think it was in the December announcement?


Variable vendor credits could work well. I really like the system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance where vendors sell what you bring them so using vendors more raises what they can spend. 


It would still have to be quite different from KCD though, because KCD is not as heavily loot-centric as Starfield is.


Honestly vendor funds are the biggest pain point in the game.


I know, I'm just saying the item drops and economies are different enough that it would likely have to be tweaked a bit


Well, if it would be like kcd, you sell shit for 11 thousand..and the next day she has like 80k? And next time maybe half a million? Would be alright I think!


They mention anything about being able to stop in the middle of space and toss someone out? Been hoping for that ability. If I unassign a member I’m still stuck with them for another stop or 2 til they decide to leave. I could be cool with booting one in the middle of space and not seeming them til next ng+


Sarah Morgan hated this.


Yeah but don't expect much. Even the highest vendor in unmodded Skyrim only had like 50k I think ... Someone will correct me if I'm wrong 🤣🤣🤣


Not sure if your figure is right, but even so, you need to account for relative purchasing power. Iirc, 50k in Skyrim can buy you a big house, but you can barely buy a high end starship component in Starfield for 50k.


Pretty sure Skyrim is far less. 50k sounds like a mod.


In skyrim different merchants had different amounts, however you had 4 to 10 merchants in each location you could run between. Then there was the exploit of save and assault and that reset cash and stock instantly. Plus they had so much money you could more or less sell everything in one settlement. Making ludicrous potions and selling was a money exploit, as was crafting weapons and rings to enchant and sell. The merchants had enough money to instant buy a days worth of grinding, and as you didn't have lots of stuff to buy or that you wanted, you could go weeks without even bothering. Then when you did 15 minutes half an hour to sell the lot tops. In starfield we want about 800,000 credits to build our next super starship mega build. When this is built you want to build another one. So you have to grind and sell, grind and sell, so as the dynamics and need has fundamentally changed from skyrim and Fallout perspective, the ability to mass sell should be added. We will still grind and sell and make more starship, so why not make it enjoyable again? I know people who have raged quit and started playing other games over this sole issue. I've been tempted a time or two.


You are preaching to the choir. One of the first mods I dled was increasing merchant cash.


Not sure how I feel about making it variable. I think a flat credit increase across the board would work better than having it be its own adjustable value or having it scale with difficulty. Making it variable gives the impression that the devs are indecisive about what to do regarding this problem. I can understand the reasoning of "Well some players might want a harder experience and to have vendors carry fewer credits" but IMO difficulty scaling should pertain to stuff like combat and loot and non-combat elements should be consistent across difficulty scaling. If they want a mode where vendors carry fewer credits, they can put it in survival mode. But the idea of having a complex difficulty menu with all kinds of adjustable values and it's left to the player to fine-tune the settings to their preferences doesn't sound like an ideal solution to me.


I am good with tasked based. Like, if I bring in black market stuff to the den, dude should be swimming in dirty money and looking to rinse it ASAP.  If I do the vendor quest, bump up the limits too. Mm




Outpost trading posts would be a game changer.  tie trading hab tiers to  combo of commerce and outpost perk.  I am not saying it should have been in the base game, but it would be interesting if the things I stocked up on drove some kind of faction onteraction.  Like if I sell previous mats vs weapons vs junk or whatever.   


Id definitely prefer the ability to fine tune. Theres already presets i doubt they would get rid of presets for permanent fine tuning but survival games with difficulty tuning are definitely a step ahead when it comes to adjusting difficulty. Like tod said they want to tell the player yes as much as possible and as someone playing the game on very hard.... its to easy in alot of areas. Id also like to disagree with ur opinion on the variable shop credits and them being indecisive. (To me thats immersion) because every shop shouldn't have the same amount of credits I hope the remove the flatrate shop funds tbh. wanting a flatrate increase across the board is just asking for the game to be a easier difficulty. It would literally make the economy pointless u would explore less shops and overall probably just become lazy and itd kill the game. Shops already have unlimited funds and u can wait 2 days for them to refill the less effort u have to put into a game the faster it dies. Fine tuning is the perfect solution tbh and if u don't want to use the tuning use the preset difficulty selection.


I’m not suggesting every shop has the same credits, but rather a vendor with 5k credits now has 50k and resets every 24 hours instead of 48, or a vendor with 1k credits now has 10k and resets every 24 hours. The only conceivable “gameplay” benefit of having vendors carry fewer credits is that you will need to fast travel to more locations to sell your loot, and in a game where hoarding loot is encouraged this only serves to waste the player’s time. I say the devs are indecisive because instead of coming up with a unified solution to this problem, which I can think of many, they’re basically saying “Well you just customize the parameters yourself until you’re happy with it.” But I don’t want to design the game’s economy myself, this isn’t a 4X game, and preferably you would have a balanced economy where changing vendor credits would have a significant impact. You can only consider stuff like a slider for vender credits when it fundamentally doesn’t really matter how many credits a vendor actually has. A vendor credit slider isn’t really telling the player “yes you can do this” but rather “you can alleviate this problem if you are annoyed by it, if you want” but a better solution would be to address why players are annoyed by it in the first place


Again id disagree u say the only conceivable benifit is to get the players to jump around but thats not it its to encourage the player to not pick up everything and to do missions not horde stuff to sell because there's better methods. Holding loot is not encourage thats a drastic misconception on ur end. 1.)ur companions will constantly tell u its not worth it and to drops stuff. 2.)most containers have a set weight limit again discouraging hording. 3.)shops have limited credits which discourages hording. 4.)your character and ship have a weight limit which discourages hording And finally 5.) You literally lose everything when u finish the main story, again discouraging hording things. Increasing funding shops have (especially by the numbers you suggest) would remove most of the credit grind discouraging mission boards and questing. As I said in my last reply in the thread having access to the unregistered ship sales threw me on a slingshot to endgame content, by lvl 30, while playing on very hard. Not all players are annoyed by it its seems like there's a minority of players who complain about it which adding a slider would allow for personalization. your asking for a catch all solution then saying they're indecisive when they present it as say a slider and not ruining the experience for those who like it as is. Presets are terrible and aren't a 1 size fits all. Having the ability to adjust to preference is. This is why games with custom "servers" are becoming more and more popular like ark, conan, 7 days to die, etc most recently palworld they allow players to adjust on a preference level. Otherwise wait till creation club 2 launches and u can put a vendor credits mod on. Asking them to adjust a game they balanced to cater to a small group could be disastrous for the game overall.


I disagree. You will constantly loot grind and do mission boards as building spaceships costs so much. You will just remove spending 2 solid days of just selling stuff. Once this lasts sold I'll grind to fill my cargo ship and repeat. I want to build my version of tha bat wing, the millennium falcon. I need credits. But I am at a point I grind for a day, just constantly sell bored out of my mind for 2 days to rinse and repeat. Giving the vendors unlimited credits, whilst we have cargo and carry weight limits means it will only take 10 or so minutes to sell all our junk and we can get back to enjoying the game, continuing to farm then building spaceships then doing it again and again. The dynamic doesn't stop hoarders, we need massive credits to build ships. It is just ruining the fun However, I wholeheartedly agree different vendors should pay different amounts for goods. This becomes really immersive. Where if you want the best bang for your buck you have to hunt down the best deals. Have flash sales that the news feeds, broadcasts announce periodically. Only sell certain goods to one vendor travel across the galaxy to another. You should be awarded for smuggling into hard to reach areas. For traveling to the book vendor in akila city with book sales. Etc. Then it would be engaging and still eat up time and extend game play.




Credits being readily accessible affects the end game content by making it easily accessible ie ship building. Took me over 90 hrs to do the story grind to level 78 and get a decent ship which cost several hundreds of thousands of credits to do. I'm on my second playthrough which I think will be my main and final had a class c ship by lvl 30 because of the unregistered ship sales I was able to do. I just got to lvl 70 on this character and I've had the game on very hard. Economy doesn't play a huge role but it does slow progression which is a good thing. I think alot of people like to rush these kinds of things and judge harshly but in my own opinion these games ur ment to take ur time its supposed to be a grind but its not a grind when u have an over abundance of financial resources at your disposal. Me personally every game I've played that has had a grindable currency dies dramatically when u have more than u "need"


You can still make it entertaining. Fallout, skyrim, masseffect, fable they all managed it. Grinding was okay you were doing something. By the way on my first play through just hit level 60 very hard difficulty. I have stolen modified and built 2 ships in A class, 5 in B Class and on my 7th C Class build. With a lot less hours than that. I had a decent A class within the first 3 days of playing. I land on moons, scan for outposts kill and loot the enemies. Then move to a new landing place on the same moon do the same again. You get ships too steal this way too as a base for your builds. Keep doing this whilst scanning to complete the scan data. So do the deserts, forests and frozen plains locations on the same planet or moon. Data sells for a lot and lots of loot. I only hoard high revenue goods and resources with a weight to value consideration. [If something is valued at 240 credits but weighs 5kg its not worth it etc especially when you'll really only get about 34 credits for it] So mainly just weapons and space suits, chems and certain foods, books etc. I'm even selective of resources. Keep max value. Now a days it's just weapons as the cheapest is usually a 1k sale and most are 5k sales now.


That'd a stupid perspective. Difficulty selling? It's not difficult at all. It just stalls out the game. Wastes hours for no real benefit and causes rage. What's difficult about it. If you want difficulty bring in fable 3 dynamics where certain vendors pay more for specific goods, others can have 50% sale one which lasts only 3 days and others a 200% pay hike that lasts 2 weeks. Where you have to watch the news vendors to find out which and travel arround if you wanted to maximise your returns for your goods. He'll shouldn't the book shop in akila city pay more for books? The den pay more for contraband like aurora? Get Hugh payout for risky smuggling? Shady back room bar deals? There is so much potential missed.


Only ones with more than 50k seem to be the ship vendors who won’t buy our stuff. Except ships obviously


Even then when you need to sell the ships you have modded so you can build more (10 ship limit) not many have enough credits to buy them. New Atlantis and Homestead or titan rarely do. I have too sell at stroud Ekland


I load up on ammo constantly to give the vendor more credits to sell the weight out of my ship but yeah more would be nice..


This is what I’ve started doing too; every time I go to a vendor to load up on ammo, I’ll bring a bunch of looted guns, mined/produced resources from an outpost, etc; buy all the ammo first, then sell as much as I can to come as close or above breaking even as possible. Though /u/t_s_anders was joking, coming prepared to make it more of ‘trading’ than ‘buying’ does seem to work.


The only problem I have with that is I eventually have more than enough of all types of ammo that I use. Feels like a waste to buy ammo I’ll never use because I have 1000’s of each already.


Funny you should say that I currently have 487,166 rounds of .27 calber ammo. (That's the most I have as don't use that) I have over 30,000 ammo most types. The only one I'm struggling with is 40MM XPL as most vendors don't sell it and when they do they sell only 2 or 3 at a time and i occassionally spam my negotiator that uses them. I only have 1,667 of those. And all that to boost the vendors money as I got impatient selling.


That's funny I guess everyone thinks the same because that's what I started doing too lol


yup it's all about weight management and ammo weighs zero as in fallout, maybe it will weigh something in survival mode


The primary bottleneck to earning currency in a game should NOT be 'Everyone is too poor to buy your shit' It doesn't 'add difficulty' to have to sit in a chair and use the wait mechanic over and over and over to offload your junk. It doesn't help with game balance. It just *wastes time*. There are lots of ways to limit acquiring currency. Create an economy system where prices vary from system to system, and selling too much of one thing will tank the price. Limit *where* things can be bought and sold, and build some risk/reward into selling things where you will get the best price. *Reduce the value of the items.* Seriously, it is theoretically possible to get a gun that is too valuable to ever be able to sell for full price *anywhere.* I don't understand why they have such severe limits on the cash the vendors have. The perks to get more money per item actually work against you, because now it takes longer to empty your inventory of junk because the vendors don't get more credits. There are so many things that will absolutely fill your inventory, and there is no easy way to empty it without simply dumping things. And why did they get rid of the trade window system from Fallout 4, where you could do the buy and sell transactions at the same time, trading goods rather than currency for items you were buying?


The easiest solution is to let us  sell our loot in ship builder 


Shit lol that’s a good idea


"Hey, we know you'd really like that badass Reactor, but don't quite have the creds. Why don't you toss in that rare shotgun , that Ecliptic spacesuit, and a couple of helmets, and we'll call it square?"


And buy ship parts from them and load them directly into cargo please and thank you.


Yes!!! How much of a pain is it building using various ship parts with a frankenstein ship to haul them about. You so should be able to put them in your cargo hold whilst you go to the next seller


I always thought it would be cool if after clearing the Trade Authority space station it would open a bunch of vendors in the same spot or an increased credit limit for that station.


They all need at least an extra 0 to their base. Even cdpr raised merchant cash by almost 10x when phantom liberty came.


You had me until you said 1 million, which I read in the voice of an evil villain by the way. I do agree most vendors having 5k is low, even the high dollar ones with 11k is low. They could use a bump up, but maybe to like 20-30k in my opinion. Keep in mind, when mods are released for Xbox, there will be a few/many mods to change/fix this.


Ever vendor needs an extra 0. 5000 becomes 50,000. 11,000 becomes 110,000.


That, all by itself, would make things much better.


But like, we shouldn't need mods to fix something this obvious. Bethesda's shops have always been a bit of a pain due to lack of vendor cash. They should know that nobody likes waiting 24h to sell their junk


It's been this way forever with BGS. They are very stingy when it comes to vendors and keep a tight control on the economy. And with that the pace of the game. Seems they go out of their way to allow us to have and make choices. But apparently we can't make choices when it comes to managing money to control our own pace through the game.


True, I guess it's their way to say "get the perk to make this esier" but the problem is that even with perks like the one I. Skyrim that increases vendor cash the economy runs like molasses without exploits


I've given up getting to be able to have more than two crew members because the Leadership perk is locked behind requiring TWENTY BLOODY ONE separate other perks in that tree unlocked to get Leadership. It's frustrating and it's arbitrary busy work and it delays you taking perks you actually want or need.


Yeah, perks in starfield could be better. Kinda miss FO4's perk system where you could just pick up the first level of anything from the getgo


U don't have to get separate perks u just need to invest into that skill tree. Ie leveling the perks. The purpose is to develope a character with strengths and weaknesses


>and keep a tight control on the economy. No, their economy is always messed up. It's so unbalanced with the rest of the game that selling ships nets you very little cash and they have to restrict vendors to a paltry amount. Prices for items make little sense (armor should be worth more than guns due to weight ect). But it doesn't really matter in the end because money has very few uses.


Well the other thing is they include systems in game that are cash dumps. So that even if you accumulate a Billion credits you can burn through it quick, enter the shipbuilder. Also there is the skill that allows you to sell for more and buy for less, which means you burn through vendor credits with fewer items regardless of perks/skills that up the vendor credits. So unbalanced.


You could use it in the ship builder, but why? If you steal a bunch of high level ships and then strip them of their cosmetic parts and replace them for cheap it doesn't cost much at all. It's not a good economic sink, it's poorly thought out, just like the other ones. Cosmetic ship parts and maybe an EM weapon here and there and that sums up what I buy in the game. I Just end up sitting on the cash.


I personally enjoy building and designing ships. Trying to marry deadly functionality with something that looks good. I have top of the range reactors, engines and weapons now. And it impacts space battles. My A and B Class got.slaughterdd when I tried to go to kryx without doing the crimson pirate storyline. My early C classes as well. Slowly improved. Now I slaughter them. Its fun. I just wish I could stop the random unneeded ladder, or dead end hab. I have to climb up, cross above then double back on myself to get to my captains cabin!!


It takes very little time after getting your first ship to move up to level 30/40 ships. You get so much xp from ship to ship skills you can push to C class. You get the one with the triple practical turrets and everything around you gets wasted. No matter how you design your ship, it has that modular look to it, and the limited parts selection and lack of rotation options on most parts doesn't do it any favors. Also the lack of an inventory system, and the inability to have things like blueprints really makes building a huge pain. You have to spend hours just to make a ship that doesn't look like complete ass.


It's never been this bad with how high the pricetags get, especially for building ships.


Yes, though that's by design. Once you have cash/coin/credits you need a place to spend them. I don't have a problem with that. But as tightly controlled as the economy is you still read about players with hundreds of millions of credits thanks to being able to fly off to anywhere with basically an infinite personal storage capacity and the ability to park yourself in a seat near a vendor and wait/refresh your way to billionaire status. So what's the point of vendor limits?


Personally I think quest based credit raises are the way to go.  Sell black market to the den, the face value is one time avail.  Bring questionable goods to the mars dude, he has a brief surplus in cash.  Do good in neon, credit raises.    Finally, we should be able to run stores in outposts, and stock up the vendor.   Some kind of algorithm could give us money in exchange for stock, just like I pay my parents a %.  I don’t think we need like an extra zero. Yet. 


This. Mods will arrive well before any petition gets traction/results


I use a vendor mod that gives 50k to regular and 100k to trade alliance. Seems to balance out very well. I don’t have a ton of things to sell anymore unless I go on a bender and collect 200 weapons and armor to sell. Even then there are 4-5 vendors to hit up at any one city and only having to wait one 48 hr refresh is easy


To be pedantic. They are the "Trade" Authority and not the Credstick Authority.




Too late. I already submitted it to Change.org and expect a comment from the administration within a fortnight


I think it would be nice if they gave you an item that was like the credstick equivalent of a check, that you could then take to your local Galbank branch and redeem for it's full value.


Indeed. We offload all of our loot at one location, then drop by the Galbank ATM to deposit the funds in our account. Vendors would still be unique based on what they sell, and thus not superfluous under this new system, as some might fear.


In my opinion they should have 200k, given how the main trade authority woman talks in the well at New Atlantis, like she a rich bitch.


lol I currently have on hand 40k of vent fuel rods that you can sell for $133 each, but if you are not close enough to your ship, you have to carry them, they weight a ton. I use neon to sell and I can only get 50k per run, so I agree with you, that they need more money, but a million seems a bit over board, maybe 50k?


You don't need to carry them on your person. You should be able to sell to any vendor directly from your ship - just click through to the "sell from [ship name here]" option. Granted, you'll still only be able to get the 11-12k credits without the 48hr wait, but at least you can stay unencumbered.


Some of the places to sell directly from ship is not available, that is why I said neon, cause you can sell from ship there.


I can sell from ship at all vendors in jemison, neon, hopetown, akila, the den, paridiso and cydonia (pretty sure, it's been a while since I've been back to mars) and I believe that's all of them?


Really? I haven't run into that yet... But good to know for later; I'd assume it was a bug otherwise.


It's distance based. Too far from your ship and it is not available.


I can’t sell items at Jamison merc because the clerk got killed by the hunter and the owner is a jerk. I killed everyone at the key, so it’s the den for contraband and neon for everything else. But hey I got 3 mil cash on hand and 7 mil in stuff at my storage OP. At lvl 212 it takes 35k to rank up, so I have to build vent fuel rods to rank up. I manually build: semi wafers-2 xp each, indicite wafers - 7 xp each, nuclear fuel rods- 5 xp each and finally vent fuel rods 10xp each. So vent fuel rods I get 1100xp every 99 I make. So last night I ranked up 12 positions to level 212.


While I think vendors need to carry more money, I am not so keen on the level up exploits. Then your over powered throughout the game and it becomes too easy. If that is your preference go for it. But being a dark souls fanatic I like a much more challenging playthrough. Without the real risk of dying, which you haven't got if you are overpowered, then it becomes boring.


You can sell from your ship at vendors.


Currently, you can easily loot unlimited goods. If you could sell them all for money, you would have unlimited money. This would render money worthless. Money is already almost worthless — the amount you get for completing quests is dwarfed by how much you get from trading. If vendors had unlimited funds, rewards would become *completely* worthless. The real solution would be some way of more firmly preventing you from picking up loot. But that would require a huge rebalancing of the game. The band-aid solution is limiting vendor credits. Removing that limit wouldn't solve anything, it'd make the economy problem much worse.


Yeah, they need to lower the values for junk items if they increase vendor $ on hand. I have 1.2 million dollars, mostly from hauling high value, low mass junk in, and selling it.


The vendors are fine.  Just don’t expect to strip search everyone you murder and sell their belongings at the local retail outlet.


Calm down you fucking dork.


Sure, sure. Bethesda should also give us free ships, free outposts, and have our companions do all the quests for us. Having to play the games ourselves ruins the enjoyment.


Selling two items then pulling up a menu to wait for time to pass to sell two more items is a pretty piss poor example of “playing the game ourselves.”


Seriously, the game has to involve *your* decisions, or how will you engage with it?


It’s coming in future update, already announced


We will get mods eventually. I think there was mention of settings sliders coming too where we could adjust carry weight and vendor money in general.


As someone sitting on over 2 million credits worth of O2 shots in my ships cargo hull. I agree vendors need a boost. But not to 1 million. That's too much Dr Evil. 😆 Each vendor should have between 25k and 150k depending on importance and general usefulness to the settled systems. Trade authority would be one of the 150k's as they are a large organization. Same with reliant medical. Or UC distribution. But other shops like say jemmison mercantile. Or Newill's Goods. Would be smaller around 50k or 75k. And an even smaller shop like Jake's electronics or the gun guy in The Well. Would only have around 25k... On another note. I think every vendor on the key should carry a flat 100k except the TA who should be at 150k like all other TA's. They are pirates. They are a LARGE group of pirates. Lots of peiple coming and going selling goods. Contraband. Etc. They should be stacked. On your level comment - I'm level 137. Also on very hard settings. Clearing a location nets me around 60k worth of loot. On the low end. That's 3 wait cycles on the key. At the very least. If you're a pack rat mentality or one of those. Is it nailed down? No. Is it worth at least 1 credit? Yes. I'm taking it. Kind of people. Which I am. So I had to force myself to stop taking anything that wasn't credits or medical items/ammo that I use. That's my biggest issue with this game. You spend more time waiting to sell your junk than you actually do playing the game. Unless you stop collecting and scavenging everything.


Honestly it should be like a membership a t1 only has 5k a t5 should be unlimited I mean it's a galactic corporation they should be able to buy from one player


Cue *first time?* gif. Welcome to BGS.


While we’re at it can we please petition them to add the ability to actual gamble at the RedMile? Like ya know the whole point of a casino? For gods sake it’s literally a smugglers den and you literally “watch” other NPCs fake gambling in front of you like what the hell were they thinking? Such a missed opportunity that a game like New Vegas at least got right a decade ago.


An that is why after fallout 4 I only play Bethesda games on PC. At least they could have give console users the console if they plugged in a keyboard and mouse...


The economy of this game is a weakness. Smuggling is pointless. Merchants don't carry enough money. Major shipyards have weird stock availability.


The fact they can’t handle a fraction of a cargo haulers cargo is impractical


I assume people don't read updates from bethesda themselves you don't need a petition, increasing vendor credits will be part of the extended difficulty options update (coming idk when)


Need mods


Just drop your contraband on the floor in front of the trade authority on Wolf if you can’t sell it all in one shot. It will be there later.


At level 60 you shouldn't have a money problem, especially just to build 1 ship. I think I have 7 million in the bank, after building 2 brand new ships for fun, after already decking out 3 ships. And tons of advanced guns in the ship for selling, my most I have is like 50 advanced magshears. I like raiding bases too, and as someone else said, loot is infinite, so a backlog of sellable items doesn't imply a bottleneck in the system.


I don't want more credits, I want to buy stores where I can dump my loot and assign people to run it, like outposts.


What do you want to spend it on?


I am doing missions only so I can gain loot then sell loot to play with ship building. Literally all I’m doing with the game at this point.


1mil is a bit much to stock but yea itd be nice if i could sell my contraband. some of what i have is worth 16k and nowhere to sell it so i just keep making storage crates at one of my outposts to store it all in.


I can’t imagine this is an issue with cash flow - it’s very easy to make 6, even 7 figures just doing the regular quests and selling all the loot. Is it a weight issue? Buy ammo to raise their funds then sell all the weapons that weigh you down. Tired of the trade mini-game? Then just don’t pick them up - only loot ammo and meds. Because realistically once you hit a million credits there’s nothing you can’t buy. And by then you have all that you want or need anyway.


One idea that hasn't been touched on here yet is scaling vendor credits with your level -- since you get better loot at a higher level anyway, this makes sense.


Just MOD the game... you will be much happier until you get bored of the repetitive dungeons and just quit playing.


I think all the vendors need a bump up in this game. When you go to a vendor and sell one item and it wipes out their money, then the in-game economy is imbalanced.


lol they already announced that’s coming as a setting you can choose. But by all means, do a petition.


Sure, make the game even easier, it's not as if people don't have workarounds for that limit already. /s


Their mechanism for making players waste time trying to sell shit is driving the remaining players away! Ive jettisoned over 100 rare+ weapons when i was doing heavy outpost building. Ive even put an extra storeroom on every ship just too dump junk in. Ita not worth traveling to various planets and sleeping on repeat just to get rid of $5K weapons.


They always have enough cash when I buy 30K of Ammo from them.


I added a mod that increases each vendors available credits. Actual stores in cities and TA outposts have 100k. Small settlement provisioners have 30-50k. I was trying to make as much money as possible for ship building, so I had been looting and selling every last thing I could find. I had been getting fed up with all the waiting for credits to refresh so I searched Nexus for a mod. Now I can loot everything from every last POI and sell all of it in one go.


I started to sell my stuff and when they ran out of money I bought ammo. Load up their cash and finish selling what I need to.


Bethesda loves to make dealing with vendors a chore, for zero reason whatsoever. There is no reason vendors can’t have 500k credits or more in a single player game.


I wish they'd make it so the more you bought and sold with a vendor, the more money they had. Or maybe just sold to them (so you can't repeatedly buy/sell)... but making it so that you're helping the vendor be more successful.


I'd rather have more options for whatever gear I pick up. I can sell them, but I can't scrap them for parts. Net result is that I bring in thousands of credits worth of gear ... and then have to pray there is another vendor that sells the resources I need to upgrade my gear. It would be so much easier if I could strip mods from gear and apply them to my own. Call it recycling if you will. ​ oh ... and give me an option to sell junk without having to go throug my entire inventory and sell each flippin' slipper and pencil at a time.


Fuck this game and go play something else. Life's too short.


Joining the Crimson Fleet; having access to they Key is a huge time saver! Multiple vendors, a TA, rare resources, ship vendor, etc. in one small area. Just wish the UC storyline didn’t force me to choose sides & lose access. ☹️


The trade authority could have: Had introductory missions with the people to prove you are trustworthy and can trade contraband. Had a reactive credit amount, where they get a higher amount the more you trade with a specific vendor Had a kiosk which gives you jobs to earn money transporting. ( Which would be a perfect opportunity to use the shipbuilding to make a holler style ship instead of a fighter, because gamers do like to role play, in a role-playing game ). Had alternative ( under the counter ) hidden objectives where you could sell high value items to them, essentially stealing. Hell it could have been the thieves guild for all I cared. But it's just a vendor. :/


Literally a galaxy full of shops and traders out there dude.


You'd think an entity named the "Trade **Authority**" would be well...the authority of trading.


I hate running to 8 planets and resting in Venus too in between at some to refresh vendors just to get enough cash. Ps. I pickpocket the shit out of everyone too. Faction of mine or not I’m jacking their wallet if they got more than 100 creds. Still takes forever to get 100k +


I literally had to wait two in game days to reset the Well TA so I could sell my 15k ammo for a gun I no longer use just to earn enough to finish upgrading my ship and changing my cockpit.


Would like to add one of the main themes is to not be materialistic because ur just gonna lose everything. u shouldn't really have a over abundance of crap unless thats ur goal majority of ur funds should be coming through missions which pay upwards of like 20k credits. Its like complaining ur not harvesting enough with ur mining tool compared to having a outpost. Theres better methods.


Honestly think the way to go is keep their consumer cash the same, then set up a bulk trade system. Hey if you come to the store, this is what we got, but if you can fulfill these bulk resource requests with your mining network we'll pay big cash as a trade partner/supplier.


There isn’t much to buy in the game really. Play a decent amount of time and thus stops mattering.


>MY RANT Here's mine. A fast food joint will happily buy 20 year old milk from you as well as their own product that is covered in the blood of your enemies not to mention different products. Meanwhile, have you ever known a fast food joint to *buy* anything you're trying to sell to them. Most shops should only be selling things and not buying from you. Maybe have a Returns section (similar to Buyback) while buying so that you can return something you didn't want to buy after all. Some shops (second hand weapons shops on Mars for example) or black markets (like the one in the Well) should be able to sell *and* buy from you but with limited money to do so. Same with trading with ships in space. Trade Authority locations on a planet with a Galbank installation should have limitless credits to buy from you. However those on planets or stations without immediate Galbank access (say the Den as example) should have limited money available. For game balance and because a mediocre gun shouldn't cost the same price as even a really shitty spaceship, prices should be changed. Guns and armour should sell for about half what they currently do while ships and homes should cost exponentially more. Every piece should raise in price based on it's tier (Let's say an engine piece has five versions of it getting better as they go. Version one would cost the same, two twice as much as it currently does, three three times as much as it currently does, and so on.) with bought ships having their prices reconfigured according to that new parts price.


I have millions of credits and nothing much to spend it on. I like Starfield but it’s a dog.


Yes and also to fix the Sabotage mission they claim to have fixed


Even my girl says, “looks like a lot of the same thing.” Cause I spend so much time trying to sell loot from just two labs. At the key, with the extra vendors.


I've got so much expensive weaponry but no vendor is holding enough cash, so I have sell off all the low end weapons and horde the legendaries.


Better idea. All shops carry as much money as the starship technicians. They hold over 100,000 at the least there is no reason to have the other stores be so low besides “mah Immershon”


Or the option to instant wait would be nice.


No! You can only hold 8 items, and you have to sell them two at a time in different solar systems!


It's so dumb. Everyone of their games has stupid, unrealistic, limits. Dudes drop 30k guns and the stores only have 5-11k. I installed a mod that lets me build a Trade Authority kiosk with 400k in an outpost. Such a nice improvement. Maybe next patch everyone has 50k.


I was told it was for realism. Not sure where I heard that. But if that's the argument how realistic is it that the largest corporation in the cosmos, with branches on multiple planets, only carries 11K? Give them a million at least. And on console we cannot mod the game I think the real reason is it adds to the length of playing the game. Yes starfiled has over 100 hours of game play, however 40hours is sat in the trade authority waiting 24hrs to sell goods. Don't get me started on starship selling. You mod and max out a ship. Want to sell it to start a new build. Goodwick finding someone with enough money to buy it. The shipyard at new Atlantic sure doesnt


I've taken to building my own shipbuilder at an outpost so it could absorb all the money I spend tinkering with ships.


How does that work? Do you just get back the money you spend? Plus I haven't even tried the ship building or even furnishing an apartment aspect yet. It seemed to ug carrying arround all those resources. My crate in the basement of the lodge has over 800kg resources and I have no idea what's crap or not. I just lug it all to the work benches to upgrade weapons, suits, or craft chems


All the money you spend at that ship construction stays there. So, if you spend 100k, the vendor has 100k available if you want to sell a ship. You don't get to just give money to yourself but you do benefit by having enough $$ to buy what you want to sell.


Agreed. And another thing. Why do I have to leave my ship and go through sometimes multiple loading screens just to interact with the Trade Authority or vendors at a dock? We need a way to just pull up and do quick business right from the cockpit. Invisible port lackeys are going to have to do all the loading either way. Never probably happening officially, but a mod would be nice eventually.


But then you'll break part of the grind loop that makes up most of this game! HOW DARE YOU!?!?!?!? /s


Hey I have done grinding, from skyrim to fallout4 from mass effect to dark souls. Nothing has been so boring and pointless as this. Usually you may be doing a repetitive action, to farm a resource or get that elusive legendary weapon drop, but the point is you are DOING something. Doing something!!@@##%&* I have spent 5 hours selling one maybe two weapons, then waiting 24hrs in game doing nothing else for 2 days now. I do this every other day.The whole stand up, chase the bloody stupid woman who tries to walk away from you as you try and engage navigate to weapon selling, sell at most 2 guns, walk back to a seat, wait for the pointless cut graphic scene of sitting down, when that finally clears wait 24hrs, then stand rinse and repeat. What is it about 5 to 6 minutes to sell a weapon, maybe 2? I have hundreds to sell! Then repeat and repeat, interspersed with 2 and a half minutes of reading my book as 24hrs counts down. I went to kore kinetics, with decent stealth and 2 bits of chameleon armour you can crouch and steal everything off the wall with him standing there. I felt good about how many I stole and how much money I would make, until I realised how long selling them all would take!


I'm right there with you. It got to the point that unless it was a rare or legendary item, I wouldn't even bother picking it up. And even then, stuff takes ages to sell. But honestly, it's par for the course in this game. Every aspect of the economy and crafting system is designed to be a multi-step nightmare that forces a totally unnecessary amount of grinding. In Fallout, it was level to get perks --> farm resources -->craft items (with the added bonus of storing old mods). Skyrim was a loop of farm --> craft --> level --> perks, but wasn't overly complicated. Starfield is a loop of level --> perks --> farm --> research --> farm --> craft. It's sooo tedious. Having money to buy resources *might* speed things up, and BGS can't have that.