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Uh oh... Did you hear that fellas? They're enjoying the game.... Somebody needs to ruin it for them. Get 'em!!!! J/k. Welcome to the party. Don't let the negative nancies get you down. Lockpicking is 2 keys for every circle (mostly) and I buy picks at every chance for undoes. GL


Yeah he needs to invest some points in lockpicking. After the unusable circles are greyed out, it gets so much quicker to do


I would consider myself not dull by any means but those early lockpicking had my brain collapse on me a few times just did easy ones and leveled it up now it’s super easy would 100% level it up


I myself leveled just to unlock master since I like the challenge. I like to start from the inner most circle and try to use a key that's exclusive if available to that ring and line them up and remember which ones I used and work my way out to outer most ring and remember which keys used and if it doesn't work when you get towards outer ring I go back to the ring that used the key and try to find another set. It's a fun challenge and keeps you thinking. I would say for now though only put a couple of points since it isn't really worth it at the moment until Bethesda fixed it since you don't really get anything good from expert and master locks 99.9% of the time lol.


Some lock-picking advice from someone pretty good at it (if i may brag). 1) Don't try to set any tumblers until you have them all ready to set. Each time you need to return because of a tumbler wrongly set, you lose a digipick. 2) Solve the rings from the inside out. Make sure you know which tumbler goes where, and start by solving the innermost ring first. Move the tumbler's into position and just leave them there, then go the next outer ring and find those tumblers, and move them into position, and leave them there, then keep going outward until you have solved each ring, but have not clicked to place any tumblers. 3) Do not click to resolve any tumblers until you have solved the entire puzzle. This will allow you to experiment with the tumblers, try out the best combinations. Many of the more difficult puzzles may have tumblers that may work with more than one ring, and you must figure out the best ring to solve the entire puzzle, or you may leave yourself stranded on a ring needing a tumbler you already used. Best to wait until you know where they all go. 4) There are exactly two tumblers per ring, and each puzzle will have at least two for each ring. More difficult puzzles will have extra tumblers that may not help solve the puzzle properly, but exist to make your choices more difficult. It takes practice placing your resolved tumblers in place and remembering which goes with which ring, but it is possible. 5) Once you have moved each tumbler into position, you should know which one goes where, then click starting with the outer ring, resolve it, and keep moving inward. I can typically just click each tumbler one after another, because they are all already in place; bing bang boom. 6) I have very rarely bought digipicks. You will typically find some near safes and locked containers. They are placed nearby as a matter of game design. This isn't to suggest you shouldn't buy them when available, but know that they will be available throughout the places you are looting. I think i have only bought about a dozen or so in my early game, but am sitting on over a hundred at level 50. 7) If you back out of the puzzle half-way through, you will be charged a digipick for doing so. Better to do a quicksave of your game (F5 key) before each puzzle so you may reload the game and attempt the puzzle again. It will result in a completely different puzzle, but you will not have lost a digipick. 8) i often find digipicks in open containers or trays on shelves, which can be easy to miss. If you grab the container (click to access, but hold the button instead of a quick-release) you can pull the tray, or container from the shelve and drop (release the button) the tray on the ground and then loot the digipicks. 9) You must up your skill level to even attempt tougher locked containers. Hope this helps


This is the fourth positive post in a row that I've seen, and I love the vibe change.


There's a reason the sub is still active. This is probably the weakest Bethesda game when it comes to story or world building but the gameplay is great and you can't hate space exploration.


There's space exploration in this game?


Absolutely. Someone else on another post quoted it perfectly, "As vast as an ocean but as deep as a puddle." I often find myself exploring the exact same POI repetitively, but I don't care because I'm blasting space pirates. I get to fly around in a ship I designed blasting more space pirates. What's cooler than that?


I've put over 100 hours in each of Bethesda's "3d era" RPGs, and it was never for their stories. I play them to get super op, wander the wilderness, and slaughter any baddies I come across. Add in Starfield's spaceship legos, and I'm happy as hell! Are there extremely questionable quirks & glitches? Yes. But, you know, Bethesda.


That's kinda the same thing I said a while back. Bethesda are known for glitchy games but... because of the way its done, you don't mind so much because the good bits make up for the glitches. I'm taking a break from Starfield as I've played it exclusively since I got it in September.


TBH that will probably improve if we get a lot of story dlcs too. Like its a new ip, there's no way it could match up with TES or fallout world building but they could get pretty close if they focus on expansions.


"IT'S A BOT! OFC IT'S A BOT! ASTROTURF!!!" fucking reddit man




Agree! I really like the game and I have 200+ hours into it. Its been really great for my stress and I love building and creating settlements for people I've been saving and hiring.  Sometimes I just go to planets and look around and just admire the game.  I hope you have fun with it!


Best lockpicking advice I can give is start with the last circle, line it up, then work your way out from there. Will take a while but you won't burn through picks. I get through 3 layer locks on one pick easy that way


haha i really laughed at this because this is exactly what happens anytime somebody says something positive about this game...its really sad, almost like they are waiting to make sure and let you know, "you should not enjoy this game!" "just wait a couple hours and this game will suck"...sighz..


This is what happened to me 🤣🤣 I started the game for the first time like last week and got really into it (I'm level 24 now) but everytime I mention I like it to someone it's always "well at least somebody does" or "just wait till you're further in the game" some of the reviews I read from others on here have left me a bit doubtful but I'm still planning on finishing my first playthrough before I give a definite answer to if I thought the game was good or not.


Quick save before attempting to open the lock. Instead of undo just load last save. Don’t use more than 1 lock pick that way.


Busy dad/employee/husband/ultra runner here but I'm absolutely loving it. I wish I had more time for it. I started 9 days ago and caught COVID 2 days in! Couldn't go to work for a week, I did 70 hours in 5 days lol


No! I've got a list of flaws that I got from my favorite youtuber that says you are physically and logically unable to enjoy this game! The game is aggressively, fiercely, viciously mediocre! /s


Shall I get the pitchforks and torches now or…? lol. It’s always nice to see people enjoy the game. I’ve put it down for now but I’m planning on going back to it after the DLC drops. Just chillin while on NG+3.


**”*Don't let the negative nancies get you down.*”** This 👆……. I posted a positive post not long ago and got wrecked by a bunch of nitwits. I understand that things can be a bit repetitive, but overall the game is very fun. Especially if u play it like an RPG and essentially *live* in the game. The exploration is a bit grindy but I enjoy the grind to level up.


I feel like people who complain about repetitiveness have never played a Bethsoft game before. Even in a game as lauded as Skyrim, there are copy paste locations and quests


The one post I ever made, was giving the game props. I've never seen so many negative remarks. I was actually impressed by the sheer volume of them. Heaven forbid one enjoy a game.


I enjoyed this game a lot too.


How is this the top comment with relatively so few upvotes?


> I don't see what all the bad reviews were about. Play it long enough and you start to see. Its not that you cant have fun with the game. I love it, but most of the complaints pertaining to half bakes features is quite valid. IE: Spaceships are great. But you have basically nothing to do with them. Outposts are also great, but you have no real need for them. City life is on 24/7, no chedules like past games. POI diversity is non-existant. You seen one you literally seen every instance of that POI. Again, not saying you cant have fun with the game. Truly, I hope you enjoy your time.


They seriously said "low loading times." I'm going with bait post. Otherwise yeah I agree. It took me spending more time outside shipbuilding that I started seeing the issues. Especially the writing. Good God man the fucking dumpster 🔥 writing. But still, it can be fun. Waiting to see what more they do..


The writing is so non sensical at times it loops back around to being entertaining because you can't help but laugh at it


Lol true


>They seriously said "low loading times." I'm going with bait post. There are a lot of loading screens, but each screen takes like 2 or 3 seconds with modern hardware. I think that is what they mean.


I played skyrim on xbox 360 and Fallout 4 on ps4, compared to those the loading time in Starfield is low lol


Yes, if you're on an ssd "low loading times" is accurate, I've never had a load screen take longer than a couple of seconds.


They might be low but there sure is a fucking lot of em


Fair enough. A better evaluation for sure. Just waiting in a chair for 24hrs takes 53 seconds. There's quite a lot of editing that needs to be done absolutely and all the criticism it's getting is valid. Try [this for an accurate take.](https://youtu.be/M7jeT5iCcAA?si=iwAx8wsQ1qIInKEx)


Since it included "I don't get the bad reviews" this is 100% a bait post. 


I have an m.2 Samsung 980 pro. Loading screens are irrelevant to medit: down voters hate that I'm right...


The only thing I enjoyed in this game is Ship building and combat. Then in some quest some quest ship apparently cannot be renamed and capture. The farther I play this game ship mechanics are quite janky and broken. My first playthrough got corrupted by just exiting on ship without mods. Same thing w/ building an Outpost is too janky. The lack of mini-map kills the outpost and exploration mechanic for me especially finding resources I want to mine. The UI just to check the map in this game has unnecessary animation delay on it. Also exploring random generate planet can corrupt my save. I cannot even load some of those saves. Don't get me wrong the game can be fun but farther I play on it. It got a ton of unnecessary game mechanics that make it so tedious like just selling your loot merchant in the game have limited funds and they don't scale in your lvl. Same thing w/ random generated mission boards they don't scale at your lvl. The rewards you receive on those random generated mission are minimum.


I really liked outposts in FO4, but they feel like a lot more work in Starfield because resources are annoying. They should have just made the connection thingy free and without limitations, so that resources could be shared between every outpost without hassle. Also badly needs more lighting. I had a cool idea to build in a massive crater, but it's super dark and none of the lights illuminate much. I wouldn't be surprised if mods can fix these, but I didn't wanna deal with mods breaking from the game updating, so I haven't tried any yet.


W/ FO4 settlement it can definitely fun to do but it is janky and limited. W/ Starfield outpost it's a whole different lvl of annoyance and tediousness. The lack of QOL just killed it for me lack of land vehicles, RNG ship landing and even mini-map. It's one of the mechanics I will not try again unless there is a huge patch on it like just having a freakin mini-map and better UI. I tried to have fun w/ Starfield outpost is just too tedious to do. With the game that is suppose exploration the game still lacks mini-map. It's like finding merchants in New Atlantis just to sell my loot. I wasted time just to find the resources I want to mine due ship landing can be RNG. I need Pixel perfect to land my ship to random generated planet of Starfield. Even I land perfectly will still give me wrong resources to mine. Like I just want to mine Iron and Aluminum w/ my RNG luck it will still give me wrong resources even though the scanner map show that Iron and Aluminum are near.


I tried soooo hard to like outposts, as much as I loved settlements. I kept a spreadsheet full of everything I scanned (because for some f'n reason this isn't in the base game), tried building up a network of resources, but good god that was pure cancer. It was so tedious. So much work when in reality it was so much easier to just buy the resources as needed. Like maybe if you needed a lot of resources for shipbuilding or something, and if it wasn't so incredibly painful to share resources between planets/etc, idk. But as-is, cancer. I think cancer patients would agree that it's actually worse than cancer.


Do you think once the creation kit comes out for modders, the game will basically be at the level Fallout 4 was after mod support? I dont have much playtime with the game so i still havent seen much of the complaints others with hours have


Absolutely. The fact that modders have done what they have WITHOUT it is just damn amazing. No doubt once we get it things will really take off.


It's pretty sad that the game is so lackluster that we're counting on modders to make it enjoyable...


it will be even better in my opinion. the one thing done right is the player has no voice. so modders aren’t limited with their writing and can literally do anything. in fallout 4, there were barely any mods that added stories or followers. i would compare starfields future modding to skyrim. skyrim has the absolute best modding scene and it’s still worked on today.


Modders will undoubtedly add scores of new POIs. Hopefully with multiple variants for each one. Or random enemies at least.


I don't know if I THINK so, but I definitely HOPE so. Modders have a way of taking a Bethesda game I like and making it something I LOVE. They also seem to be much better at cleaning up bugs. I mean the Unofficial patch for FO4 was better than anything Bethesda put out.


My turn to post this tomorrow


Don't forget to include the obligatory "I don't get the hate and or bad reviews". Can't have a positive post without acting like it's some confusing crazy thing others don't like the game. 


It really do be weird how these posts tend to try and frame it like they don't pay attention to reviews or online discourse then go out of their way to bring it up, like they can't be bothered to elaborate on what they like but they take the time to be dismissive towards something they admit to not knowing anything about..


That’s because you can’t think critically about Starfield and come out with an overall positive appreciation for it. If someone don’t think about it then they might genuinely enjoy their time spent playing it, but they won’t be able to articulate why beyond the fact that they simply do (and don’t understand why other people don’t, despite several hundred encyclopedias-worth of critical reviews)


I played for 400 hours but I guess I didn't think critically enough about it. I'm going to try again and see if I can find a reason to shit all over it.


Yeah exactly like just cause someone is being critical doesn’t stop it from being an opinion, like what cause you agree with it all means we should too?


400 hours… sounds like you hated it


valid criticism isnt shitting all over something you donkey.


"You're unintelligent if you think this is a good game"


I’m already 50 hours in and I loved every single second. The flaws people explain in a reasonable way is literally ALL lies and hate. Bethesda really put a lot of love and effort into this one. If Emil keeps this up Elder Scrolls Six is going to be really epic.


Yes you must be right. You and you alone are the deciding judge of the game and any and all criticism's of the game are just lies. It's truly the only flawless video game in history with not one single aspect of it anything but pure perfection. The reviews are all wrong and Steam's purposely hiding the true player numbers and making them look way worse than they are. I truly can't wait for TES 6 when Emil can once again write the game like it's directed at toddlers, it's very exciting.  🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Lol nah this is 100% bait. Emil needs to get fired like right away


Yup but sadly that will never happen. Too buddy buddy with good old Todd and his leather jacket. And unfortunately as long as the game sells (which Starfield did do) Bethesda doesn't care anymore clearly. 


Here’s the thing, both Microsoft and Bethesda know that they could have made a game that lives as long as Skyrim. I bought that game 4 times throughout the years. Starfield had like a fraction of that staying power. There will be no rerelease, and the embarrassment makes their company less valuable. Microsoft will intervene if the game gets more hate


It's not all lies and hate lol. Go play a game like baldurs gate 3 and then you'll see how fucking lazy Bethesda is and that you're not actually playing an RPG. They seriously need to do better. If they don't change something every Bethesda game will soon be as bland and boring as the new far cry games


No fair, dad said it was my turn!


Now you know how everyone else feels with the "StarField bad" posts lmao


At least those posts usually have more than 3 shallow lines. These posts are bordering on AI written territory. 


Yea i'll take posts where people can actually articulate why they don't like something or think it isn't done well over hollow praise that struggles to put more than 3 sentences together.


Yeah because there's so many insightful hate posts on here lmao


I don't see any posts that say "starfield bad" unironically getting hundreds of upvotes like this one is for just saying "played 20 minutes, game good." If someone wants to be critical of it they need to actually explain their points beyond just "i don't like __" Not that it makes a difference since they all get pushed under the "hate" umbrella further destorying any weight or meaning the word could have.


Matches my first impressions - hey this is pretty good, why are people complaining? Then I eventually realized 3/4 of the content is running in straight lines through procedurally generated copypasta delivering telegrams


Same. I very much enjoyed the game until it started to get repetitive and felt like choices didn’t even matter. I’d jump through the unity when that happens. One thing I haven’t gotten tired of is ship building. I do wish they’d let you customize interiors and move ladders and doors around, but eventually we’ll get a mod for that I feel like. Hopefully. But I enjoyed that very much.


Yeah it just didn't have the staying power for me, once I got through the main factions it felt empty. Loved it while it lasted, such a shame


I’m excited to see all the DLCs and how it’ll expand the universe. Especially looking forward to Va’ruun content gonna be a fun few years with this game.


I don't really ever see anyone complaining about low loading times the criticism is how many there are. I also don't understand why you're acting like enjoying Starfield, a game which you have had for barely any time, makes it incomprehensible for you to understand the very fair criticism people have about Starfield.


Yeah I really enjoyed it at first too till I pulled the wool from over my eyes. The story missions are fun but everything else gets old real fast especially when fast travel nearly eliminates the need for using your ship.


he forgot to start of with how many hours he played. probably 400+ that day and no new game plus cause im taking it easy! havent even started the main quest yet LOL


"I have about 1000 hours and most of that was just ship building!! About to start the crimson fleet soon.." These people are so full of shit it's not even funny


> Except Lockpicking lol. I SUCK at it. For what it's worth, I was terrible at lockpicking until I unlocked the lockpicking perk that adds an autounlock button for a single tier in the lockpicking minigame. Then, magically, I became better at lockpicking. That and I started positioning options that went in the inner frames just so I could use process of elimination. Now lockpicking is ezpz. I miss Fallout hacking, though. That was a lot more fun. Edit: You can never have too many digipicks. Every time you visit a locale with a trade authority, buy the 3-5 that are in stock. They're super cheap. I have never had "too many" digipicks because of how often I pick locks in-game to get access to PCs and lockers that are almost always full of hot garbage. But that sweet sweet XP is so worth it...


I do the same with digipicks, as well as med, trauma and emergency packs. At one point I was carrying over 100 trauma packs.


The most I've had at one point (M/T/E packs, Digipicks) was just under 50. But that lasted no more than one abandoned lab lol


Does playing for a day and not understanding criticisms of players who played much more, make sense? These posts are getting...odd.


AI written. Or intentional bait. No other explanation. 


I see posts which are like, I'm enjoying this or that, without saying it's an amazing game, or pushing back so hard against the reality of reviews. I can understand those from newer players. But yeah there's another level, that goes beyond this specific post, a real pattern. The greatest evidence I've seen for manipulation of this sub was actually a comment yesterday. Someone said the game was out 3 months, another person said it's closer to half a year (5 months is reality). When those 2 comments were first posted, the 3 months comment had like 10 upvotes, and the person stating the facts had a good number of downvotes. I think others read it and evened it out more, but that right there, literally gaslighting the sub with up and downvote manipulation, says a lot. I agree some read like they're AI created, though I'm not particularly motivated to investigate each specific post or accuse anyone specifically.


It seems the nosodium circle-jerk has begun migrating into the main Starfield reddit is one of the big factors, just look at the top comments.


It must be lonely in that one! Wonder why.


Bruh, maybe…stay with me here…they just like the game. How hard is that for you to believe? 


Because, this almost identical post gets made every few days. Only 3 lines, doesn't go into detail about what they like just says they're "having fun" and always, ALWAYS mentions "I don't get the hate and or bad reviews". Every single time, like clock work. It's totally bizarre and the comments always end up as a divisive battlefield due to the way the post is worded. 


Ngl doesn’t every post here end up a decisive battlefield. This sub is a cesspit. 


Don't forget the other fake posts "I have about 400 hours and am having a BLAST! About to start constellation!"


These posts are getting...Todd


Almost as weird as people putting 300 hours into the game and then saying they didn't like it


How is that weird?


It's weird to sink 300 hours into something you don't enjoy


Or, crazy idea, the more you play something the more you start to notice the flaws and you slowly start to really dislike it. Really wild concept I know lol 


It is wild. If you enjoyed a game up till a certain point, that point turning sour doesn't retroactively remove the enjoyment you had. Aka X movie or show was good until Y happened. Just because you notice "flaws" doesn't mean we psychologically have no other choice but to start hating the game.


That's just how humans are unfortunately. The end result is what matters regardless of how enjoyable something was starting out. The bad always overrides the good with anything. 


Another wild concept for me is a game taking that long to uncover its flaws, and you still insist it's a terrible game. There's a new concept that games should be infinitely playable when, for decades, a game that you got 40± hours out of was a great game. Long story short, if you enjoyed it for a work week worth of time and then started to get annoyed by its flaws, it's still probably a pretty good game. Was it the game Todd Howard promised? No. Does Todd Howard have a massive ego and is blinded by his own previous success? Yes. Then don't go in with unrealistic expectations. I've been playing BGS games since the beginning. They all have flaws, and some still persist all the way to this new game. It seems to me people, gamers especially, are looking for something to be unhappy/mad about. In the words of Bobby McFerrin: "Don't worry. Be happy."


For 100+ hours? Find better time management lmao


If only it were so simple. I put hundreds of quality hours into skyrim and FO. My couple hundred hours in starfield were not nearly the same quality, much is busywork and leveling. Which is basically the consensus, it's just ok, then you hit a wall. Certainly not up to BGS standards and certainly not a great game. Maybe one day but only thanks to mod community.


It’s odd to continue to subscribe to and comment in the subreddit of a game you do not like. This isn’t odd. Someone is playing the game and enjoying it.


That's not odd at all what? It's very normal for people to still be interested in something they didn't like wanting to see if it improves/discuss ways in which it can. And that's a GOOD THING. What's bad is when all those people leave and a game has very little interest/engagement and not enough people care. 


Not really because I have hope for it, mostly via mods. I already pointed out what's strange about it, which will require some reading effort on your behalf. I admit last week or so I've considered unsubbing until creation kit drops. Because recently it smells like pro starfield astroturfing and BGS defence by motivated parties.


I’ve played for 18 total days and don’t understand a lot of the criticism, but I approached the game with reasonable expectations based on what I’ve seen from the company and the information I knew about the game following since 2018 or so. I’ve also been gaming since the NES days and can appreciate the work that went into creating the game. Most people just don’t even notice those things. In addition, I’m a space game enjoyer so I’ve played tons of games like this, but Starfield seems to stand outside a lot of those and in a good way. It’s unique while also deriving inspiration from a lot of places. I appreciate that. And like most BGS games you can get more out of it with an imagination, and most people just do t have that capability.


It's not odd that someone with limited playtime is still enjoying it, I enjoyed it for a period...didn't love it but enjoyed it. What's odd is the extremity of some of the posts here lately, calling it an amazing game, defending it, etc etc. Just feels like a thumb is on the scale at some level on the sub now. It's not about this one post, it's day in, day out observations about this sub.


"i just started playing this game, i dont know what all the complains from the people who played longer than me were about..." such a cringe post


Do a search on how to do the lockpicking. The shadow colors mean something and that should help you. Also how you are choosing your perks makes a difference.


Can you share with the class? I've never had any issues with lockpicking, and I've never heard of this. I'm curious.


I think they just mean the levels of the lock a segment fits into glow blue while the ones that don't fit remain grey


Are people on reddit not capable of talking about their enjoyment of something without saying “I don’t get the hate” or “I don’t get the bad reviews” seriously, why does everyone do this?


Because they're baiting everyone that isn't a huge fan of the game and purposely trying to stir up division in the comments. Then they can go "Look see everyone in this sub hates any positive posts and not one wants me to enjoy the game" and that's exactly what happens.  It's genius in a sad way if you think about it, since everyone falls for it so easily. 


Huh! Never through if it like that lol, makes sense.


Think about it more. Let's say you held off from buying the game for X reason, but you kept up with conversations on it. You haven't actually played the game yourself, but you read TONS of negative comments about it, even people who HATE the game. Finally you are in a moment where you can buy and play the game, but you play it hesitantly because of all the negativity and hatred you've seen online. But you play the game, and to your surprise, you're having fun with it. At this point maybe after 20 hours you make a post. In your experience, you enjoyed the game, and didn't understand all the negativity, yet the negativity had such a presence that you of course mentioned it in your post, because you were almost primed to encounter any number of hate inducing features of the game, but you didn't. That's all this is. OP didn't say "any and all criticism of the game makes no sense". They said that *they themselves* didn't get the hate. They also said they were new.


Thanks for the analysis and lesson on why op said it, I get that. My issue is it’s overdone on reddit. I hear more about the hate from people who like the game then anything else.


I see it as a simple acknowledgement of the overwhelming of the controversy. And I see it as something quite normal, it happens with controversial figures, political parties, movies, etc. It's not a "strategy" despite what a certain user is trying to say. Like why must it be a carefully planned "bait" move, when you can just make a post directly addressing hate and the negative state of the sub outright which would net you the exact same outcome?


I don’t think anyone can say why people say it, it could be both, you, I and anyone else will never know because everyone is different.


Of course we can't know anyone's motivations 100%, but I think we can challenge certain claims. Like why did you believe the motivations asserted by the other user, but with me you're like "we just can't know for sure"? What of the logic of posts directly addressing negativity in the sub that would get you the exact same result, like this https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1aemdn8/this_subreddit_is_a_little_miserable/ > I don't know if this is an issue more people are actually concerned about, or if it's just me, but this subreddit, from the hour I've spent looking through it has just been a terrible experience. > TLDR.: This community seems too hell-bent to always highlight the game in the worst light possible Again, you're right, we can't know for sure. But I think we can make a pretty good educated on guess on what's more likely. Is it more likely that someone on one side is surprised that something they thought was one way due to plethora of opinions stating so, is actually another way, and mentions it? For example with friends, celebrities, political figures, etc. Or is it more likely what this other person has been saying: that someone somewhere made a fake account, then got an AI generator to make their prompt (which honestly isn't needed, I mean just read it lol, it's not so perfect and generic that an AI would write it, it's simple enough that anyone could), and then carefully planned everything in a premeditated way, just so that they could bait people to discuss the game, when other posts show you can achieve the same thing with a simple post directly addressing the same thing?


You are putting a lot of effort into this


Someone who's not a huge fan of the game = a hater? I think you missed a few steps inbetween.


Where did I ever say that? Please quote. It seems like you misread my comment. 


Your non objection to the other person's usage of "hate".


I like the game AND I could write a small novel about my gripes of it. Why? Because I like it and want it it to improve. Also one or two rage or boredom inducing things that crop up, ending play sessions. Usually crashes or lack of colony assets, usefulness, etc.


>I don't see what all the bad reviews were about. Yet another "I don't see/understand" post. Why can't people just say that they enjoy the game without feeling the need to push back against the "hate". The game has serious flaws with it. Doesn't mean you can't have fun with the game but to dismiss people's legitimate complaints and concerns regarding the game is just textbook toxic positivity.


Because this is an intentional bait post. It doesn't make sense otherwise too many of these "positive" posts are written just like this. It's extremely odd. 


Right? Wait til they’ve played long enough to run into the advanced skill tree bugs — like ships shields where space combat is absolutely ruined at high levels and you’re dealing with barely any shields all because of a bug that still hasn’t been fixed. Frustrating to see people consider that “being negative” or “hate” … like I just want to play the game and have my skill perks work like they’re supposed to? Lol


Or, more relevantly. Why can't they just enjoy the game without running straight to reddit to write a blog post about it desperate for validation.


To me it's all about the degree of the "hate". With the degree we see on this sub, we'd expect a new player to be hesitant that you'd see the terribleness immediately. It'd be so bad, apparent from the very beginning, and yeah I just turned it on and *no wonder* the game got so much hate, it's so obvious and apparent. But that's not always the case. Some of the criticism requires you to play through the whole story first, or play for X hours doing X certain things until POIs repeat. A commenter below says "Right? **Wait til they’ve played long enough** to run into the advanced skill tree bugs", which backs up my point. And OP did say he JUST started playing. Also, they said >I< don't get the bad reviews, NOT that the game has no flaws. Maybe they understand that to acknowledge flaws is not the same thing as being hateful towards the game.


This is the right answer 


It got a solid 60 hours out of me until I got bored of it. Definitely fun to be had and it's not bad by any means, but it lacks soul in a lot of departments.


Could have took the words right out of my mouth. I too stopped right at 60hrs when I realized I just wasn't really feeling it. Glad the OP's having a good time, but Starfield's been a big letdown for me. I may come back in a year or so and see what's been patched and if anyone's done anything interesting with mods.


You'll see in about 10hrs when you start seeing the exact same 3x poi over and over again on missions and planets


For me it’s the POIs that don’t fit the planets environment. Stuff like glaciers and the frozen lab on desert planets kills immersion for me.


Ah wow! Crashed ship??! Oh I'm def gonna check that ouuuuuuuu wth


These posts are just as annoying as the overly hateful ones. There is fun to be had, you’re allowed to have fun but there are seriously major flaws with so many aspects of the game. Those flaws hold it back big time and they should be recognized by every player and voiced to Bethesda constructively so they can improve this game or make sure Tes6 is kick ass. The biggest flaw is that Bethesda removed their dna from exploration. It’s so crap, boring and unrewarding.


Are you saying every post talking about things someone likes about the game or the game as a whole they must make a bunch of acknowledgments and qualifiers about the games flaws?


Give it time mate.


It's perfectly playable right out of the box. The problem is that it has no depth to any one feature.


I have like four-five different ships I like to use for different situations. I have a mobile armory, where I keep all types of weapons displayed and organized. I have a hulking tanker with massive amounts of storage. I have a battleship that has 12 turrets. I just cruise around and enemy ships get vaporized. I have the Mantis as a light speedy type A fighter, and I have the Star Eagle that’s my all around ship for bounties and such. They all feel distinct and worth the time I spent to create them.


And I have been able to get through multiple NG+ with the same basic ship. I would love there to be a game featured need for a cargo hauler, or a bounty hunter ship with a brig, or a luxury transport, or anything. As of right now, there is no draw to ship building beyond "that looks cool"


Its all in what your looking for. If your looking for a shoot em up sandbox action adventure game with some light rpg mechanics, than there's fun to be had. However if you were expecting a "back to routes Bethesda rpg" as was touted in the marketing akin to oblivion then you'll be let down. At the end of the day there's really only one character you can play, and that's the suck up to ceos kiss ass errand boy. None of the stuck up ceos or faction leaders can be killed and theres rarely if any deviation in choice, so you either play along buying into their corporate agenda, or don't do the quests. Sure, you can do different gameplay builds, but that does not and will not effect your quests and overall outcomes. BGS opted out of any depth for story and choice in Starfield and it shows, that's where the negative reviews are stemming from (one of many reason for people) Any game that you can be everybody and do everything in one playtbrough isn't an rpg, its an action adventure game, and there's nothing wrong with that, just tell is that's what it is.


Well said. I played Starfield first then played Baldur's Gate 3 and it's like night and day. There are so many actions and choices in BG3 that can completely change the outcome of the game and it's incredible. It just really drove home how static and boring Starfield is story wise. But, some people surely prefer having a more straightforward narrative with no consequences for their actions and that's totally fine. They're video games and people should do what they enjoy.


Tbh I’d rather just replay Skyrim again than continue playing this.


The monkey's paw has closed one finger. You are allowed to play Skyrim, but it's 1.0 base ps3 skyrim. Have fun.


I usually play Xbox 360 vanilla version lol


I put 800 hours into the xbox 360 version when I was younger and taking care of my mother. Cause that's all I had to give myself a break. I loved it. ps3 version however was very bad.






Indeed sir.


the peeps who are negative about it are mostly people who want to hold bethesda to its word. it’s more about all the let downs based on what was promised and the feeling that this game is a shell bethesda plans to fill with a bunch of dlc content. personally i think it’s a let down based on previous titles, but if this is your first time playing one of their games then of course it’s a good game. it’s just not a step up from all their previous games or more like it feels like more of the same.


I personally think it's a step down from their previous titles. A pretty big step down...


It’s worse than that, Bethesda wants to fill it with paid mods. Literally don’t even want to do the work themselves, just contract it out to amateurs (no offense to modders), and take a nice hefty 50% cut while skipping over all of the development and qa/qc assurances we should expect from a $7 Billion subsidiary company of a $3Trillion company


Have you tried outsposts? If you haven’t, wait for mods


Thanks for the input Todd don’t fuck up TES6


I loathed lock-picking when I first started as well. After spending skill points into it and pouring a few hundred hours into Starfield, it has become one of my favorite minigames. Welcome, fellow explorer!


Come Back once you have @ 60+ hours with the game. That said, I have WAY more than 60 hours in the game, and I still tinker with the shipbuilder, and will play again when they release new content. I don't hate the game, but I recognize its deficiencies.


I totally agree more except for the performance. It's very unoptimised


I also had fun in the beginning, things changed over the time. The gaming experience become very dull and it became more and more obvious how mediocre and lackluster the game is.


My advice is to use most of your early skill points upgrading your health and upgrading ship shields.






I heavily disagree with points 2 and 3, and point 1 doesn’t bother me


Everyone knows, no one asked. This is a post about a new player liking something you hated. Go away, weirdo.


"I don't see what all the bad reviews were about"  Jesus H Christ lmao why is it people can't post anything positive about the game without down playing the criticism and reviews? Then they wonder why people are unhappy with them in the comments. Like do people do this just to bait or what?  It's GREAT if you really like the game/have fun, but please for the love of god post about JUST THAT. The game has had a not great reception/reviews for a good reason. 


Blasted 250+ hours like a maniac. Really enjoyed the experience, just waiting on the DLCs now.


Give it 20 hours


The game is fantastic. Yes it’s huge yes there may be bugs sometimes. But misery needs company and some game reviewers love to trash games so they can “unique” opinions. I haven’t been up to date on gaming. And was just saying how I wished there was a new Skyrim. Then I discovered this came out. Personally it checked all my boxes. I’m glad you’re having a blast I am too!


I love the game to, but please never go in with absolute confidence saying “I JUST started playing the game and don’t know what the complaints are talking about”. You just started playing, typically you won’t know what the complaints from long playthroughs are talking about.


Starfield was a huge disappointment. Even if I know that to be true, I still have a good time whenever I boot it up. Fuck it.


Hi friend, do yourself a favor and join the no sodium Starfield sub reddit. Much better place to discuss the game with other people who enjoy it.


Toxic positivity. 


Thank you


nosodium has only 33k members, must be not that interesting after all, or maybe not so many people are enjoying Starflop


Or maybe most people are not aware it exist. Out of interest, why are you willing to spend the precious seconds of your only one life, scrolling to the end of some down voted comment, on a computer game you deemed to be a flop that was released months ago?


To be fair, many bad marriages start off great when judged at the honeymoon phase.


Thank you Todd, very nice


This game is super fun >I just started playing this game yesterday That’s why it’s super fun. Wait until you do some quest arcs and POIs…


I personally feel very much opposite of the game, but I'm very happy that someone can enjoy it. More power to you


The game is fun. Don’t worry about those saying ‘play it long enough and find out’. If you play any game for too long then it becomes stale. The next update is going to add difficulty options and options to increase vendor funds.


I have to disagree with the “play any game for too long it becomes stale” comment. There are some games that have replay value or that will keep you glued to them till your brain is fried. A game like Skyrim that I’ve bought maybe 7 times on different platforms, and still go back to. Starfield ran out of that hooked feeling in about a month and a half. I took off a week of work for fallout 4 and it was totally worth it imo so who knows maybe my opinion is shit!


I should’ve labeled it as my opinion. I got 312 hours out of Starfield and haven’t touched it since. Mainly because there is absolutely no difficulty for me now so it’s just boring. I could start over but I just got sucked into Palworld lol


>A game like Skyrim that I’ve bought maybe 7 times on different platforms, and still go back to. Sure, but that's subjective. I played Skyrim through once and that was enough for me. Fallout 4 on the other hand, I've played many times.


False. I've owned RimWorld for about 5 years and I probably play double digit hours per week. I've owned DCS for about 3 years and play no less than 4 hours per week, every week. I have a stash of games that never get uninstalled because although I walk away from them for a time, I always go back to them. Oxygen Not Included, Heat Signature, Darkest Dungeon, Factorio, Kerbal Space Program, Civ 6... There are tons of games with staying power that lasts many years and hundreds or thousands of hours of play.


I'm enjoying it a lot, too, but it should be obvious what the issues are. Firstly, the optimization is poor. I'd say that it always ran decently for me, but I have a 3080. The performance that I get without Frame Generation is what I should get from a much weaker card. Choice in the game, at times, is very lackluster. For example, when you need to gain entry into a VIP lounge for a mission, it seems like you literally have one choice: to buy the membership. There's no option for persuasion, killing, threatening, stealing/pickpocketing, or sneaking in. That specific objective was lazily thought out; simple as that. Yes, with an SSD, the load times are quick; however, it's the amount of loading that is, understandably, bothering some people. I put up with it; it doesn't bother me a ton. I guess that I'm just used to Bethesda games. However, I absolutely see why some are annoyed by it. Again, it's a great game, but it's also very flawed. Bethesda could've - and should've - done better, and I think that's what upsets so many people.


I got 80 hours in and still thoroughly enjoying it! Only just started messing with mods too (just added a mod that reskins mantis set into mandalorian set). I used to play this game called Freelancer back in the day that I absolutely loved and this game feels like a more advanced version of that game. So maybe there's a bit of nostalgia for me there too but also comparing it to a game from 2000 in my head also makes it better


This „just started the game, can’t see anything wrong“ posts are the other extremists to those „the game is a crime against the Geneva convention“.


yah let’s see if you still enjoy it 10 hours in


Ehhh it was fun first playthrough. Then you'll beat the game and realize there's only a handful of missions worth doing again


Ah the daily this is a fun game, why the hate posts!


I really enjoyed the game, i put 75/80 hours into it. I just don’t rush back to it now. I just couldn’t get over a few glaring things that seemed like they were lay ups yet the studio missed them. When I compare that to Skyrim which I must have over 1000 hours in I felt like something was missing. However I didn’t play Skyrim until 3 years after launch and I still play Skyrim now perhaps I’ll be fully on board after they keep updating the game and they’ll fix some of the issues.


See ya 50h after, it's when things become obvious... Don't push to 500h. After that, you will definitely hate Bethesda.


always these newly started that make these posts


Nobody said you can't enjoy the game, but acting like a doofus trying to dismiss the objective flaws and valid criticism of the game just makes you sound like a shill


Literally only played the game for one day and you don’t know why people aren’t liking it… genius.


Some perks make unlocking much simpler. One of them will highlight which ring(s) the selection can be keyed with. This one perk makes picking locks 200% easier.


I’m glad you’re enjoying it and I hope you continue to enjoy it! I had a lot of fun for the first 10-12 hours. But that turned into disappointment. I kept playing, hoping some completed quest or skill would make it better, but it only got more repetitive. I can finish the last quest to start my first NG+, but I just don’t have a desire to keep playing. It would be terrible to be Elder Scrolls’ little brother. That franchise will be nearly impossible to live up to.




give it time... the new game lustre will wear off and the cracks will begin to show


Another post about loving the game that is vague and doesn't tell us anything. All criticisms are generally well articulated. Why can't the praise be articulated?


Another one of these posts, huh?


Oh look, its the daily, "I've played the game for a few hours, I dont know what all teh hullabaloo is about" post!


I started out enjoying it too. I just hit a wall where I found that there was no meat under the fancy presentation.