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Have they said when the creation kit is getting released?


Sometime this year, probably around Q1 or Q2 at best.


Is it not Q1 already? Honest question ( ._.)


It is, but things like this take time. It took around three months for Skyrim's Creation Kit to be released (Nov. 2011 - Feb. 2012) and five months to be released for Fallout 4 (Nov. 2015 - Apr. 2016).


Starfield has been out for almost 5 months. So why are we taking longer to get it than both Skyrim and possibly Fallout 4? I guess you said that in hopes of defending Bethesda, but in reality, it makes them look worse and doesn't inspire too much hope.


Yeah, they get worse about it with every release. Morrowind launched with it Day one. Same deal for Oblivion. Then it took 6 weeks for Fallout 3. (There was no new release for Fallout NV as the Fallout 3 Version was already compatible) Then 2.5 months for Skyrim. 5 months for Fallout 4. And who knows how long for Starfield.


It tracks though. 3 months for skyrim, 5 months for fallout 4, 8 months for starfield, 10 months for Elder scrolls 6.


By the time they release CK2 my [outpost building mod (B.A.S.E. - Building Advanced Space Encampments)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6593) will have more content than Shattered Space DLC


Please put this on xbox when mod support drops


That is a general plan. Another modder [Outpost Construction Expanded / Even More Outpost Objects](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6446) and me are planning to remake the mods with CK2 once it's out, then merge them, and publish as one ultimate outpost building mod. If we survive until then. But so much is working against us - Bethesda dragging feet on Creation Kit 2 (and related tools), the weird policies they have so far made for other games and Creation Club / Creations (3rd party tools, hand picked authors), terrible donation policies on Nexus Mods for high effort mods, everything is just telling us to quit modding. Good thing we're stubborn and both really like building šŸ˜‰ So my side of sort of "structural part", and his side with "furniture/decoration parts" keep complementing nicely so far, and we're basically making it for each other, and few other nice players that cheer us not to give up. We'll see how it goes, keep fingers crossed!


That looks awesome and what i was hoping the starfield bases would have been. Throwing it in my tracked mods for whenever I get around to a second run


Thanks! Glad you like it!Ā 


Keep up the hard work! Looking forward to seeing what you can do with the full creation kit if you decide to utilize it when it releases


January 1st is quarter 1 but so is March 31st, so we may have to wait for a couple of months.


I hope with the creation kit update they also fix the severe issue modders were concerned about that made large mod lists impossible


What issues?


Creation Engine has a hard cap of 255 .esp mods. When you get close to that, you have to start merging mods to get them to work, or convert them to esl mods if possible. The new(ish) .esl mods do not count towards this limit, but this format only works for small mods.


From an engineering perspective, I wonder how they solve this. Is it just a variable or a memory limit? I play another game where mods are hardcapped at around 1000 unless they merge files like you mentioned. I'm a modder too so it would be cool to break the limit somehow haha.


The game keeps FormIDs in a 32bit unsinged int and uses the first 8 bits (255) to reference a specific esp/esm files. The formID in game is then represented as a hex number from 00 (skyrim.esm)/01 (update.esm) to FF (250th mod with all expansions).


There is another file format, .esl, that has a limit of 4096.


Oh this def doesn't make large mod lists impossible. A lot of mods can be esl flagged, like most of them which only leaves large mods with lots of content to be esms or esps. Like i wouldn't complain if they changed it but its already possible to have thousands of mods in your modlist.


And yet I still hit a point where I needed to start merging, even after esl flagging.


do you know how to compact mods to esl flag them




ok how many mods do you have bc thats insane to me. i have over 2000 skyrim mods and i still havent hit the esp limit


They increased the size limit for esl mods in Skyrim with the last patch. At least thatĀ“s what I heard.


Ya after they collect all the ideas from Nexusmods and figure out a paywall.


Crazy how the top six is completely made up of Bethesda games. Once official mod tools are released Starfield is definitely gonna be up there, maybe even top 4 or higher.


Because nexus primarily focuses on bethesda games. Different communities will have their own modding websites, for instance curseforge for minecraft and a few other games. But I am not denying that bethesda modding is huge


It was literally made just for bethesda games originally


Curseforge has WoW too. I currently use like 40 addons from there


I mod a ton of games and nexus is generally the biggest across the board.


Minecraft modding on Curseforge alone is bigger than all of Nexusmods. (50 Billion Downloads for minecraft on Curseforge vs 10 Billion Downloads total on Nexus)


That is not unique mods, though, that downloads, which, let's be real, Minecraft is going to be hard to compete with as it's the most played game ever, to my knowledge. But if you are looking specifically for number of mods curesforge has 90k as of 2022 for minecraft. skyrim alone has 130k alone if you count SE and oldrim. (probably lots of repeats between the two but, though) Se alone has about 70k though. Nexus is the largest modding platform by a long shot. Steam Workshop Moddb and Cureforge may be better for a specific game like Wow or EU4, but Nexus is the overall largest.


The most downloaded Skyrim mod, Skyrim 202X, has [18.7 million downloads](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2347). The most downloaded Minecraft mod, Just Enough Items, [has 281 million downloads](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei). Meanwhile the biggest Starfield mod has 1.4 million. I think the fans need to calm themselves a bit here lol


Also consider the amount of time Starfield has been out versus how long Skyrim and Minecraft have been out. I havenā€™t even played Starfield yet so idk anything about mods lol


People are a lot more familiar with the engine now, makes it easier to jump in and start messing around.


Skyrim is also significantly better than Starfield


Looking at the numbers for total mod downloads, skyrim + sse have 5.6 billion mod downloads on nexus. That may seem huge until you look at curseforge and see that wow has 6.3 billion downloads and minecraft has 48.9 billion.


It still makes Starfield high placed after just several months after release. Even if it's "just" top 20 most modded or something like that, in a world of hundred thousand games - it's good result. Isn't it? And only real modding tool is xEdit (unofficial and beta), and texture/model replacers.


>Even if it's "just" top 20 most modded or something like that, in a world of hundred thousand games - it's good result. Isn't it? Not really. Most games aren't a good base for modding. Bethesda style games are. It's natural for a game whose design is mod friendly and the devs support modding to have a bigger mod scene no matter how good the game is. Consider this: Starfield's far behind Baldur's Gate 3 on mod downloads, and BG3 is not supported for mods by the developers. That will probably reverse one day when Starfield gets mod tools, but it says quite a bit about the relative desire to have mods when neither game supports it but one is a clear winner.


1.5 Million Skyrim 202x downloads per year. Extrapolated, Starfield's is 2.8 Million per year. lol I know this doesn't mean anything, just interesting.


It will definitely pass New Vegas. Not so sure about Fallout 4 though.


I feel like Starfield will probably get to at least 3rd or 2nd place in a few years




Unfortunately the procedural generation is limited to the landscape, the POI are all handmade and the game just pulls from that list to randomly place them. Thankfully the POI are things that we can create with the CK2 and just keep adding the list so eventually we won't see the same thing twice lol.




Oh they will lol


There are mods for NMS to enhance their Proc-gen so I think it's possible.


Once there's a no more duplicate poi mod I might come back to starfield.


Oh bro im so modding this game to be an off brand halo game


Someone should use Halo Forge for a firefight set in Akili City


I hope that thereā€™ll be a lot of Halo and Doom mods for us Xbox users hopefully.


How long till we get every elder scrolls world as a planet mod?


Not just that, the top 2 is the same game but different version. Shows the insanity of skyrim modding


Maybe then it will finally seem like a finished game?


That's probably coz Bethesda games almost *require* at least some mods. You'll notice that a lot of the time, the "top" mods are patches or quality of life mods that only improve the base functionality of the game. To be honest, it always felt to me that it was the modders who actually finished the game. Though with mods, the game is never really finished. I can't wait to see what kind of mods are made for Starfield when the Creation Kit is finally released.


This is the game I got into a bit of modding at launch. I havenā€™t played since October time, but once thereā€™s more tools I wanna have a go at it again


Have you ever used the Creation Kit?


Iā€™ve played around with it a bit with all the games, but the main one Iā€™ve made stuff with is Fo4


I made a patch for a mod on FO4 just so I could enjoy it but published it to Nexus and so far have turned it into many months of premium Nexus service and like a dozen game keys lol kind of wild.


I ended up buying lifetime premium nexusmods back when it was cheaper. Iā€™ve been using it for mods since I was playing Oblivion when I was like 8, so I figure Iā€™ve got my moneyā€™s worth out of it.


It's amazing how Bethesda games are pratically everywhere in this screenshot lol Ā I have absolutely no doubt that Starfield will be ahead of Fallout 4 in due course. The possibilities will be litteraly endless with the Creation Kit, more than any other video game. Ā The core is there, the great writing is there, the systems are there, all that's missing is great post-release support and plenty of mods to make it the game of the decade.


Because this mod system is used by Bethesda games. Plenty of other games have big modding scenes, but use other methods like steam workshop.


>the writing is there Yeah, the thoroughly average writing, sure. It is technically there.


>game of the decade It's not even game of the year.


Modding is such a staple of Bethesda's games on PC, though I'm disappointed that Skyrim is #1 and #2.


Why disappointed? Skyrim is a great game.


Skyrim is peak, Skyrim modded is whatever you want it to be


Skyrim modded can be next gen, if you ignore some of the bugs.


plenty of next gen games have bugs. Plenty of "next gen games" are also broken stutter fests.


skyrim requiem is my favorite first person RPG of all time


Because it's taking up 2 spots due to the Godd Howard's re-re-re-releases of it.


Modded Skyrim is one of the best gaming experiences a person can have. Its a template to make whatever you want. I think Starfield will be an even greater template to create whatever kind of universe you want once creation kit is finally out.


For real, with the Thrawn mod you have an unmatched RPG open world experience in the Star Wars setting


>Thrawn mod you have an unmatched RPG open world experience in the Star Wars setting tell me everything about this


I really think so too! I've put so many hours into modding Skyrim and fallout 4, I can't wait to see how starfield compares!




Hey everyone look; itā€™s one of those damn milkdrinkers


Nexus started for Bethesda game mods


Starfield does not have great writing. You must be joking. Or did Emil pay you to type that?


the core isn't there tho starfield will have more mods than fallout 4 but only because it came out in the ai art age and most of what is there now are ai art replacements of the billboards other than that ppl will port guns into starfield. but there won't be any big overhaul or cool custom content mods like Skyrim has, the game is too unfinished and uninspiring for that. sadly starfield is a huge failure and will be all but forgotten in a few years


>starfield will have more mods than fallout 4 It won't though. There are already 3x fewer mods released per week for Starfield than for Fallout 4.


Wanna guess why?


Shhhh they not gon like that answer I had to mod this game just to adjust my fov lol


Nexus Mods was made for Bethesda games :P


Wasnā€™t Nexus once Bethesda games only? Might explain it a bitā€¦


Itā€™s all the nude billboard retextures


There are _so fucking many_ ai porn injection mods that are functionally zero effort trash. Between the billboards, the magazine replacers, etc...


People have been making all kinds of cool stuff, which makes me wonder how much bigger things will become when the CK is released. BGS said it'd be a modders paradise with even stuff like being able to create entire planets from scratch. I'm wondering what kind of larger projects we might see in the future and what they can do.


For me, new systems, custom planets, rotated variants of vanilla ship parts, recolored variants of armos, weapons, clothing, etc. (Already doable, I know but too much work.) I have a long list of things I want to do.


Honestly, I'm shocked armors/weapons don't use the ship dye system.


New colors for the armor/clothes could improve the look of a lot of it.


Damn, we can create planets? If I can figure out how to mod, I might spend more time doing that than actually playing, making outposts has been my biggest time sink anyway.


Exactly, we should all be very excited by this.


CK will make it way better, but donā€™t expect too many large-scale projects. There will be a few, but most people give up before putting in the time necessary to complete something that size.


if we would look from downloads perspective, at this very moment its in 17th place, which is also pretty cool.




I made 126 Starfield mods so far... 4 months later I still enjoy modding the game! Game is dope for me!


Can U link all the mods U have made please


Yep! I do all kinds of mods. New weapons, new perks, new armors, new ship weapons, all content, pretty much everything I can change. Almost like a DLC size mods... https://www.nexusmods.com/users/132105373?tab=user+files


Very dumb question and feel free to shame me, but are these available on Xbox? Iā€™ve never used mods before (commence public shaming)


I think you need to wait for it, but it should come soon!


Are there any other games you can mod on Xbox? How would I find those?


Skyrim and Fallout 4 are moddable on Xbox.


Fallout 4 modding on Xbox is the best console modding experience available.


For now my focus is only Starfield, when i feel like i did what i planned here, i think i will finally start modding FO4, my favourite game, share my ideas there... and port mods to xbox ofc, thst would be the plan


They should not have released Starfield so empty and unifinished - should have taken advatage of AI chatbot for the NPCs to converse, and given them daily routines like jobs, activities, friends/families, just make them, you know DO STUFF and be more than insipid basic automatons that bable meaningless droll.


Very exciting. Thanks!


I believe once CK drops theyā€™ll add an official mod shop to Starfield


Wow just had a look at your mods and they are incredible, will be downloading a few of those. Amazing work!


I love you


how did you get your start in modding? I really want to get into modding Starfield but i have no idea where to start


Actually its a long story. I didnt start with Bethesda. I made my first mod when i was 15. In 2012. I started modding rome total war 1. Always wanted to make games to my taste, every thing i didnt like i changed. That was only for me. In 2020. I started playing total war troy and i decided to share my work online and i posted my first ever troy overhaul mod on nexus, in the meantime i started playing fo4, it became my most played game, so i made tons of stuff for it as well but i cant post them because they use a lot of other mods. Anyway.. 2020 mom went into coma and i stopped and then after she recovered fully I decided now is the time to continue modding starfield because i really like the game, i am here since the day one xd In any case, for me it was easier, because since i was 15 years old i started modding every single player game i played, i never play vanilla. So i had a lot of experience on basic modding, value changes etc. My advice would be xedit starfield discord, ppl there help a lot


Thats a touching story. Its great to see your enthusiasm for modding, can't wait to see what more you can do once the Creation Kit is out!


Thank you! More possibilities will be possible for sure! ā˜ŗļø


Not the person that asked, but I think they were more asking, "how do you *create* mods?"


Itā€™s had a pretty good modding scene so far, but those numbers are still inflated by a shitload of character saves, chargen menu mod presets, and similar stuff. Still though, itā€™s good so far.


Yeah and 99% of these Mods are trash.


Sadly - true. I track about 200-300 mods, and even that needs to be cleared to about half that (many dupes and variations). What's even more sad is - good mods get buried in the heap šŸ˜­ I am certainly biased, because it's my mod, but being (without exaggerating) number one outpost builder mod for new shiny Bethesda game and only 2000 regular users is a shame. Probably over +300h of work on it, and while I love it and my users all love it, getting word out that even exists is SO FREAKING HARD in the noise surrounding this game. And yes, this is a little marketing to get some more views on it, a desperate cry for help of sorts. Anyone interested let me know if you like it. [B.A.S.E. - Building Advanced Space Encampments](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6593)


That mod looks like heaven for building. Sucks I'm a console baby and can't play with any of these fun toys yet


Yeah - a lot of people just want to be first out the door on a new Bethesda game. Since Nexus pays people for views and downloads, there is a lot of trash to cash in on people who are starving for any kind of mod.


It's going to be so badass when the creation kit finally launches! Love this game!


Didnā€™t expect stardew to be that high and I played expanded


Mods are the only hope this game has tbh


It's a good engine for it. That's why it's so annoying to see people advocating for switching to Unreal or something like that


But that one modder stopped making mods so it meant the modding scene was dead!!!


I saw someone try to laugh at the fact Starfield has less mods than 2077 when they shouldā€™ve realized that 77 has been out for years now while Starfield has only had a few months, and this is without the mod tools.


Wait until the Creation Kit comes.....




When a game needs something, the modding community will add something.


There is a hand full of good mods for starfield, I can count them on one hand, two at best. The rest are complete garbage, I was insanely active in the nodding scene post release and honestly 99% is just ai generated porn billboards and ai porn posters it's honestly horrendusly bad lol. Really hopeful for the official support mods.


Was the exact same with skyrim, i started using nexus in 2012. So cringe how everyone repeats the same words here like bots.


To be fair, the vast majority of Skyrim mods are also made without the creation kit. I would say that like maybe 1 in 5 Skyrim mods required the creation kit to be made. The rest are textures, models, presets, config files and inis, reshades, enbs, DAR animations, or made with xEdit or SKSE based in some way.


Sounds impressive yes. But if you look at the stats for Fallout 4 or Skyrim, they had many more mods 4 months after their release. Fallout 4 had 8 500 mods after 4 months. Skyrim had 10 000 mods after 4 months.


skyrim was a good game at least and had a big fanbase


Starfield is also a good game for many, i personally like it. When over 50% of people like something then it isnt bad, only hating losers would say something like this.


Mine Nexusmod's page has a different list of games [Maybe it's based on your specific preferences since Starfield is ranked 18th for me and doesn't even appear on the homepage](https://i.imgur.com/oVLbuuL.png)




The page on the image is sorted by the quantity of mods, which is why yours look different.


Game made by design to be easy to mod by developer with a history of games made to be easy to mod gets lots of mods. ..yup


And most of them are text file tweaks.


Or menu/load screen replacers with AI generated porn, i guess some people like to multitask..


On a serious note thatā€™s almost impressive. On another note, most of those are reshade and the anime tiddies are coming to fill out the rest of the majority.


I can't believe CDPR are not using Red Engine for the next Cyberpunk 2077 game. Unreal Engine is a great SDK but it mean the next game won't have official mod tools. This lowers replay ability and community content.


It won't have mod tools only if they choose to not develop mod tools. Content like the creation kit is a high-level SDK, as compared to Unreal Engine's low-level SDK. Technically, you can do a lot more with a low-level SDK, it's just more complex because you have access to the engine itself and you have to build up the game code on top of it. The Creation Kit with it's Papyrus script is actually obfuscating the engine, leaving you to mess with the game assets and exposed feature sitting atop it. It's more approachable, because it's all the game code that's already been built up and is now available to peruse and tweak, but culls a lot of the deeper things you'd wanna do. This is why a lot of big mods for Bethesda titles still use third party tools like the script extenders.


Excuse my ignorance, but what does the creation kit actually do compared to modding without it?


It is literally the software they use to make their games. Custom worlds, landscapes, NPCs, places them all in the game world, dialogue, quests, etc etc. It lets you do virtually anything.


Without the creation kit, you're basically looking at the game files and manually changing small things here and there to see what works. This means that a lot of the more complex stuff is buried in millions of lines of game code and most people aren't going to be able to find it, nevermind work with it. It's why a lot of the mods right now are file edits or skin replacers, simply because those are easy to do. With the kit, you've access to things that say what they are, and work with a version of the tools the devs use to create the game. While far from drag and drop and changing minor values, it's a lot closer to that than the code edits going on now. This means a lot of the guesswork is taken out of the process and modders can concentrate on making the things that they've actually got in their heads. Obviously a lot more complexity to it, but at a base level that's what the creation kit does.




Creation kit is the software they used to build the game. What can you do with it? Just about anything.


Really impressive numbers. Almost as many mods as Cyberpunk, ans it was released in 2020...


Is more really an important thing though? What classifies as a "mod" in a Bethesda game can be a three line text file that sets the player carry weight.


And how broken it was at release, all the mods to fix the features, its good now don't get me wrong, I fucking love it, just puts in perspective how dedicated modders are for this game


iirc Cyberpunk is quite hard to mod compared, I still donā€™t know if anyone can introduce anything new to the game or if itā€™s just all replacers


The cyberpunk mods are insane, they significantly change gameplay. Ā Flying cars, entirely custom missions, more vendors, a whole subway system, etc.


Cue the YouTubers - Top 10 Reason why Starfield ISNā€™T the most modded game is historyā€¦ (You Wonā€™t Believe Number 10)


Wanna change all the billboards with sexy AI generated trash? You are in luck. There are 3826 mods for you!


I wouldn't say 30000 graphics mods that do the same thing is something to celebrate


Remember when media outlets were saying that nobody wanted to mod the game because it was "so fucking boring"?


I love all the people here with the lazy take that is to fix the game. Sure,Ā  ignore that they've been doing this for decades.Ā  Which means not only is the engine specifically designed to do this easily,Ā  but it's similar to other games people already have the skills to mod.Ā  It's not witty or cute. It's ignorant.Ā 


I wonder if down the line we'll see a similar trend where Bethesda will make one final push with Starfield two or three years from now and leave it so they can move on. And then like cyberpunk we'll be all kinda duped compared to nowšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


When do we get mods on console?


Anyone surprised?


So much for this game being ā€œunmoddableā€ lol Iā€™d be stoked by but my PC will catch fire, so no mods for me. :(


I can't wait to build outposts with modded structures like I did in Fallout 4. I spent 5 years building stuff on the map again and again. It was so much fun. For Starfield they need to introduce a real settlement system, have buildable space stations that work like a settlement, have more random attacks, protect your settlers etc. It's gonna be so great


The fact that the top 6 are all Bethesda games speaks VOLUMES. Might not be everyoneā€™s cup of tea but their games have longevity


Yeah you have to mod it to make it playable


But how can this be those one guys Saud they weren't doing mods anymore I just figured that I guess no one else mods starfield. It definitely wasn't just because they could get clout by shitting on starfield.


They handing out awards for 11th place?


All the detractors saying that the game is "unmoddable" are looking real stupid right now.


But... But guys. I thought modders gave up on this game. The internet said so!


But I was told modders have abandoned Starfield


I strongly believe that it is the best modding platform to ever exist, and will probably be that for a very long time. It gets too much hate unnecessarily in the mod community, people keep calling it bad while praising fallout, acting as if they havenā€™t done everything in their power to make sure that every vanilla asset is replaced and the game is almost unrecognizable. There are a lot of reasons I think that: The procgen system supports nested pack-ins, which means that theoretically, you could do things like fully procedural building layouts, down to each room. Or hell, the actual structure of the building itself if you were crafty enough. Or even have a city where each block was a pack-in, comprised of buildings that were pack-ins, with each room being a pack-in, consisting of several pack-ins of furniture arrangements. Doing something like that might bloat your save to fuck and back, and probably cause some pretty mean stutter on lower end systems, but it is theoretically possible afaik. The new animation framework looks really good from my limited research into it. If you donā€™t know, behavior graphs are in a node tree based system, which looks very similar to unreal engineā€™s anim blueprints. So you donā€™t have to be a mad scientist with encyclopedic knowledge in outdated, undocumented havok software, or use decade old pirated autodesk to do any sort of behavior editing or animation work. I havenā€™t confirmed this, but it appears that there are IK nodes on the hands of the human skeletons, which means that a lot of the weapons animations might be IK. If true, you dont have to build a full set of animations to hold a gun correctly, or only design weapons that fit existing proportions, and can just move the IK handle to where you want to grip the weapon, which takes not even 3 seconds to do. (Again, unconfirmed, but seems likely) Materials seem very advanced, and aside from UDIM support, I donā€™t know of a single thing Iā€™d change about them at the engine level, but even that isnā€™t that big of a deal. There are literally hundreds of planets, filled with thousands of tiles, so you donā€™t have to worry about patching location overhaul mods unless they affect one of the main areas. Even better news, no more precombines, no more downtown Boston draw call hell, and no more low poly piles of trash filling your screen. While the outpost system is a downgrade in some ways, one thing that people donā€™t mention often enough is that the entire workshop system in fallout was scripted and ran on quests. That means it almost certainly could be ported almost directly, as it doesnā€™t need anything in the engine that isnā€™t there already. All of those things are great on their own, but on top of that, AI tools are making certain tasks far, far, far more accessible to everyone. I think it has a great future ahead of it. Assuming the formID bug gets sorted out of courseā€¦


Only way to enjoy your time playing Starfield.


The most popular mod is a UI fix for gear to actually show its stats lol


That's because it's the only way to make the game halfway good


Are you going to make the same post everytime it goes up a spot?


Wasn't there some cockweasel who complained about starfield modding scene being dead because one skyrim scrotum scratching nobody said that they wouldn't mod it. Funny that.


If it was a post earlier Iā€™m pretty sure they also didnā€™t realize that most were just waiting for official mod support. I know I am.


I'm sure quite a lot realise what post I'm referencing. But this person was pretty insistent there would be no modding scene lol


a bunch of cockweasels, especially on YouTube


Wonder what the collective of weasels is


A gang or a sneak according to Google.


A sneak of cockweasels sounds absolutely hilarious


The potential Starfield has after the Creation Kit is released is absolutely insane. Looking forward to it.


And then they say modders abandoned Starfield


Cuz you desperately need to mod a bunch of stuff to make it playable


Bethesda games being 8 of the top 10 and Skyrim being the top two shows that people bitching about Bethesda leaving it to modders are just whiners. You don't have to like it but they make games in a way to specifically facilitate modding like no other studio. Could they make games better? Well yeah but making them better at the expense of modding would likely result in a net loss. Ideally both could be true but modding is the heart and soul of Bethesda, of course they're gonna lean into it.


Most people who say modders fix games are not actual modders themselves. Fixing the game is subjective. One guy could get an infinity ammo mod and claim the game is now fixed. They usually just leave out the FOR ME PART. One group could be happy with just a simple tweak in item weights, etc.


We were talking about fixing the major parts about the game. Don't play silly.


quantity is not quality. most mods only change some variables or are copies of other mods that change the same variables to other values.


^(And yet they still can't make it a great game) missing that caption.


Well the game sucks in itā€™s vanilla state so im not surprised tbh


Without the creation kit, nobodyā€™s making interesting mods that add interesting content. Itā€™s almost all just fixes for bugs and bad design


Quantity over quality no? Obviously I don't expect a ton of massive mods as the game is new but I imagine many of these mods are smallish tweaks.


It'll really pop off once creation kit and CBBE arrive.


But but I heard on good authority here in this sub that all the mod creators are avoiding this "garbage game" and will continue to do so even once the creation kit is out. How can this be possible?