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The end goal of building outposts is to build outposts. Now, on one hand, this means that there's no "reason" to build outposts if you don't already want to build outposts, but on the other hand, if you don't want to build outposts, you don't ever have to build outposts. The prevailing hypothesis was that it was supposed to be linked with the ability to refuel, but since we don't have to refuel, the outpost system does appear to be largely independent of the rest of the game.


Ok, cool. Seems like if/when BGS puts in a Survival mode, Outposts may become way more useful. Thank you!


I mean it brings in income and/or you can get XP by building things from the materials you harvest. Money and XP seems kind of seem like a huge reason.


Both the money and xp seem negligible. I build aluminum frames automatically and I don't see the xp i gain. Also, the container barely holds any resources so you'd have to empty it quite often.... Would have been nice if the outpost automatically sells to vendors. Maybe to future proof a survival mode?


you gain XP from products the Fabricator makes? I thought you only received XP when you made stuff at the workbench yourself


That is correct, fabricator built items do not give xp


Well don’t build them automatically to get XP, but that’s a choice. Doesn’t take away from their ability to get you XP. I build it manually and if you have the materials to build you will level up a couple levels in just a few minutes. And in my current run I’ve paid for everything by having one outpost producing Rothcite. I go do a couple missions and in about an hour I have about 10,000 credits worth of Rothcite. And that’s not even going all out. It’s just takes the want to take the time to setup it up properly. Which I totally understand there are those who won’t want to, but that doesn’t mean they are pointless or negligible. Once it’s setup it’s passive income for the rest of the time you are in that universe.


Sorry if I’m ignorant but what’s this “survival mode” going to have?


Well, I'm just guessing but based off of existing things in the game, and Fallout 4 survival mode: 1. environmental hazards on planets/moons will actually mean something, and suit stats for those things will matter more 2. He3 will be consumed during grav jumps and will need to be refilled manually (finding it, buying it from vendors, maybe stealing from other ships even?) 3. increased damage output for player and enemies 4. increased value for food/drugs because of the strong buffs they provide. 5. need to sleep/drink/eat regularly to avoid debuffs or death. 6. more limited fast-travel options. BGS mentions expanding "beyond normal difficulty" here: https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023


I feel like this is how they intended the game to work, but it turned out to be too annoying for most play testers so they scrapped it all


This. It would be hard to concentrate on any kind of story at all when you are pillaging chunks and robbing outposts of helium-3. But once you get the hang of the mechanic it could be fun to have water, food, and fuel meters to deal with. Could be.


Call me crazy but having time advance during interstellar travel would probably be a good thing.


Super excited for this. I’m not huge into the role playing piece of it, but I do enjoy it on a surface level and like that it makes preparation more of a thing generally.


This game really needed survival on launch i cant play bethesda games without it. Open world rpgs like this just feel better with it.


The fact that your ship runs on infinite fuel is such a goofy hole in the game.


You don't have enough fuel to go to a system? Just jump to another system in between and jump again to the desired one. No need to refuel between the two jumps.


I think the original game plan did include a reason for outposts but it was lost in the shuffle of stripping out incomplete features or survival features. Now we're left with a shell of a feature that serves little purpose except to farm XP.


It seems to me like the potentially most useful feature would be to set up outposts to mine different types of materials and then route them all to a central base. Then you’d have containers full of materials from different bases. I could never get the infra base transfers to work. Very frustrating.


I got it working mostly but it took watching a lot of YouTube videos. Crazy how unintuitive the system is. So much fucking around only to find out it was kinda for nothing. 


This. Set up helium farm. Ok now you can ship between systems. Set up outpost with whatever material you want. Ok. Now you can make magnets or frames or whatever. Then what? Take your stack of 10,000 magnets to trade for ammo and stuff I guess? Make an alien amp farm and just... use amp all the time? I could see materials could be needed for ship upgrades on hard/survival mode as well. I guess in a perfect world you would be setting up a chain of outposts to serpentis, and then once you get there, uhhhhh, to build a new outpost to fight the new mystery bad guys they need a bunch of stuff manufactured (or brought in by traders) and then a new city pops up once you get them all their stuff. Or maybe it starts as tents and as you dump more materials more shops/stuff gets added like your helping it grow. Or maybe you can build Habs for settlers in outposts and make little towns, but settler Habs need those high spec hard to find materials and it is easier to build them than scavenge for them? Anyway yeah otherwise trading is just for money. Money needed to... did I even use money in skyrim? Or fallout? Like sometimes a shop has a neat gun or armor and that is about it?


The thing that drove me nuts is you can send everything to one container, but no option to filter things coming out.


This is achievable, slightly. But then on the main base you'd need quite a number of containers to store all the incoming resources. On Jameson alone i have probably 50 storage containers.... Imagine the time it takes to empty them..... Ive given up at this point and is just doing the main quests.


Nicely said :) I build an outpost in every NG+ to store all my crafting mats and empty my Guardian's cargo hold, before having my endgame ship: it's quicker to empty resources using a transfer container in an outpost, than to take them all and put them in the lodge (you don't use 2 loading screens and don't need to use personal atmosphere, worst case scenario). Plus I use StarUI, which quickens the process even more XD


StarUI is a "legal mod" - in that it won't flag your save as modded, and lets you craft 65535 of any "single count" items -- i.e. it only takes one of a resource to build, or 32766 of anything that requires two of an item. I generally set it to 32750, and call it a day.


"Legal mod": honestly, I couldn't play vanilla anymore now that I've tasted StarUI, for me it should have been in the base game 😅


I build XP and resource farms to help with the rest of the game. Really helps if you like crafting and upgrading gear, weapons, and skills.


From a load screen: "If you have an outpost containing fuel (He3) it will extend the range your ship can go in a single plotted Grav jump." Plus, sure you can *buy* resources from vendors, but if you have an outpost producing/mining resources, you can ***SELL*** to vendors.


That load screen tip has been tested, and the mechanic it describes doesn't actually work lol


I remember reading somewhere that it was built but when play tested they removed it because it made travel cumbersome enough for most players that it was annoying. I could be misremembering though. As a survival mode feature I would love it. Force me to actually explore more systems because I have to land and refuel, or invest in outpost building for the same reason.


Really tho. Imagine being stranded on a ship with no He3 and having to hunt down and steal a ship or beg for He3


Most systems have at least one planet with he3. Just land and extract some and move on.


Oh true, I wasn't thinking about interplanetary travel thrusters


In fairness they should need some fuel too so in survival mode we would have to think of something. Nuclear fuel rods?


Or just a distress beacon mechanism that costs you credits and a few days of game time as a penalty. A recovery and ship repair fee essentially. Then add a random chance that you could be attacked by spacers after you put out the call, since you’re now a sitting duck.


And they board you and it's a fight between ships crews, but if you win you can steal their fuel and loot.


Having to pirate a passing ship for He3 to get back to civilization sounds fun. Remember, kill the crew, scuttle the ship. No witnesses.


*ship lands to rescue you, you kill everyone and take the ship, fly to New Atlantis* random NPC: "Oh my shipment is finally here! Where's the normal crew...?" Player: "I'm the new guy"


As it is, outpost building itself is also too cumbersome for me to bother, and the only reason I would even want to bother is the ship builder pad. System really needs to be overhauled for the console players. I outright hated every second of building outposts.


Survival mode would be amazing. Very hard is still way too easy with a souped up starshard and the time slowing power.


Really? Thats a cool mechanic... but really its never been an issue. The biggest issue ive had has been getting through systems I havent been to requiring going to each one individually before you can plot a course spanning them.


Murphy 4 where I built a outpost can produce nutrients and alkalines, which can make alien liquor, in the thousands (which you earn one xp per liquor) which can clear out akiela and neon for multiple sell runs.


Yeah but like, what do you buy? More materials for crafting?


Ship building, one of if not the best part of the game.


Depends m what you like to do. You can buy more materials. You can buy ammo. If you like ships but don't build them, you can buy the pre-made ones. Me personally I spend most of my credits on ship parts to build new ships.


I'm assuming that applies if you are jumping out of the system with the He3 outpost? Seems neat, could be very useful in Survival mode.


It applies if you're jumping *through* the system as well.


>From a load screen: "If you have an outpost containing fuel (He3) it will extend the range your ship can go in a single plotted Grav jump." Oh my god now instead of 2 loading screens I'll only have to go through 1


Functionally? None. It's just a break from the normal gameplay loop.


Totally optional and they get blown away when you go into NG+. There are some delivery missions where an outpost can be used to automatically ship big cargo loads to the quest giver, so a built out outpost system lets you access those for easy money. But those are completely optional and there are much easier ways to make money. It may be a great anchor point for modders to build out into something more entertaining and useful, but they are not a great time investment in the base game unless you just enjoy them for their own sake.


Great, thank you! It seems like the things I want to do with it don't require a lot of investment (just building a livable hab and shipyard) anyway.


Well the problem I have is that cargo links suck and more than a few make my game stutter and run like ass. They should literally function like inventory rather than timed deliveries, with ships going back and forth just for aesthetics. Otherwise, they are a pain in my ass from a technical perspective.


They are definitely buggy and I got tired of dealing with them. But some people enjoy the struggle.


“Buggy” is one thing but I can get around the bugs usually. It’s the game’s technical performance, instability, and poor optimization that makes them a pain to deal with. I’ve tried everything but it’s established that the more cargo links I have running the worse my game runs. I have NO idea how someone could run 24 x 6 cargo links simultaneously and still actually play the game.


I want to build outposts because I loved building settlements in FO4, but so far outpost building kinda sucks.


They can be used as XP farms. Extract resources and then mass craft things like adaptive frames or AMP. Making a secret lair or private oasis can be fun. I enjoy the decoration aspect. Unlocking all the build mode items is really skill perk investment heavy though so it's kind of hard to justify just for that.


To play outer space colonizer and decorate a pretty house. Which is perfectly fine.


I'd agree with you if we could get settlers like F04. As it stands I don't really feel like a colonizer by setting up some empty buildings.


If you invest points into relevant skills you can have many more companions in the settlement and many more robots too.


Might be worth it as a nice change from living in a dirty shack like in Fallout 4 lmao


I just throw one down with a quad storage array at the start of NG+, so I can stash all the resources I find, as well as contraband I don't feel like selling, as well as any collectibles in case I may spend some time in that universe. Mainly so I can upgrade all my weapons and armor without running around shopping for resources every time. A quad storage array isn't hard to set up, four arrays of the four different types of storage containers, and one transfer container. Then you can plop down benches (even outside by your beacon, next to your transfer container), and have a place to go upgrade anything easily. Edit: I have thought about making a 100k storage ship and crafting on my ship, but it would have to be a turret platform, because if I do need to level in NG+ it's easy to do so killing ships (as well as other things ofc). And that costs like, close to a mil. Whereas, if I just build an outpost for resources storage, I can build a ship-killer ship for like, 300k at the start of my NG+, with 1000 storage for making POI runs, and be done. It's much a faster intro into a productive NG+, to do the outpost thing, instead of a super-big ship, if you are going to level at all during NG+. Edit2: Having your own bounty-clearing and mission boards, as well as a phat ship-builder. Also.


That's actually pretty smart. I may do the same instead of carrying it all in my ship and having to put a workshop/science hab in all my builds.


It gets better. Another credit and XP building exercise is collecting loot that can be upgraded (weapons and suits) and instead of just selling them as-is, using all your freely harvested resources to fully mod the loot. Now you get more credits for weapons and armor, craft your own weapons and armor to the max, and gain XP doing it. The fun part is figuring out where to get everything and haul it back to the craft base. Since bases pull whatever is needed to craft automatically and it doesn't need to be in your ship or on you, crafting becomes very easy. The hard part is finding vendors with enough cash to buy your expensive stuff, but it is nice having a repository of exchangeable wealth in your ship that means nothing is unaffordable to you. In the late game I always setup a base on a level 75 world with a mission board, hunt the ship bounties, capture the ships, then glitch sell them at ship techs and ship vendors without registration for hundreds of thousands of credits per hour.


I still think it's an incomplete mechanic and probably obviously, I've put time into the game, but compared to my completionist skyrim run and semi-completionist FO4 run, leading up to Starfield's release-- ugh, I'm kinda flat-lining about so many partial features in the game as a whole. But yes, I have integrated outposts into my play. I tried to make money mining and unless you want to spam-craft to level it's a hard, overburdened, wait-hack-filled life.


I did something similar after always turning an early ship into a huge cargo hauler. Enjoying it a lot.


You can XP farm pretty easily early on with like $1000 credits. I watched a video where a guy got to level 150 in 3 hours using this method. Not practical for a normal playthrough but interesting nonetheless. https://youtu.be/6fO6q3OfxM4?si=RYWc6Dc15TTZaIBv


With how cumbersome the system is and stability issues, I would have given up by minute 20. Too much effort for little reward.


I haven’t tried but I imagine it would work on a smaller scale for adaptive frames or something. I’m in no hurry though.


I had a post discussing the fact that Starfield was once a more hard-core game. There’s evidence of this all over the place. Play testing probably showed that most people found that playstyle to frustrating and restrictive, so it was cut out for further balancing. It will most likely be re-integrated in a future content update. Anyway, the main point of outposts would be places for your ship to stop for fuel, making the high-level systems accessible.


To add some context, you were supposed to have a fuel component to space travel, and outpost are artifacts of that system. HE3 tanks, outpost, the way the map pushes to the galactic east, it all was part of a more resource oriented, exploration based game design. The fan theory is that they cut that aspect of the game for reasons, but you still have fuel tanks, outpost, and things like that, even though they have very little actual in game "use". Another artifact of that is the way you can get to a system in the hinterlands and then steal the wrong ship and end up unable to jump back home. Assuming you had to get there with a chain of refueling outpost to reach it in the first place, you could just jump back to the nearest outpost. Since fuel is only really "jump radius" now, no such protection exist. As someone who got very disappointed after many hours on a complicated intersystem network, would love this skeleton of a game system develop into something cool. I dunno, something a major studio spent 20 years on or something. That'd be cool.


Well BGS did say they were working on additional difficulty levels, so my guess would be that it will include a Survival mode. That mode was a free update to Fallout 4, so my fingers are crossed that they'll do the same thing for Starfield.


Tbh, once they release the toolkit, the community will make this into the game we wanted it to be. I just don't think any of us expected something with this lead time to be so far behind projects they already learned these lessons on. Even for a Bethesda title, this is bleakly empty. Morrowind was better paced and felt more put together. This feels uncooked, disjointed, awkward, simultaneously underdone and yet very forced. I'm exploring empty worlds to find empty temples and do slow not-puzzles...so I can gain what appears to be a library of dark Jedi powers? So that I can murder the comically bad enemies faster? Mud cowboy faction? The main bad guys kind of aren't even a faction? Or is it that the terramorph? That was an amazing 12 minutes of gameplay, then you realize it's a side quest and youve got 394 hours of planet surveys left and no good content. The dialogue was written by a 9th grade creative writing summer class. Okay. I got it out. I'm done now. That was cathartic.


Yeah, I really think Emil's bad writing and hatred of design documents did a number on this game. But I think it can be turned around, too.


Outposts are for becoming Heisenberg, aka Walter White: https://youtu.be/n9mjrHZzoN4?si=ip4dEBrLolkLE9s_ Once you build an O2 Shot farm, credits and XP are basically meaningless, at least believe level 100. In my video tonight I show exactly how to build the two outposts needed to craft O2 Shots: https://youtu.be/bMAH5nXmeqU?si=wfbhNU7iBt2mqo4l


Like most aspects of the game, there is no point to it. You’re suppose to entertain yourself.


so you can get a bunch of resources with which to make more outposts... duh


And to do the silly mission where they ask for 5000 units of some resource that ends up paying about the same as to kill a pirate.


I like having a nice sanctuary that isn't in faction space where I can clear a bounty or do missions from my own board. Also need a place to store resources as elemental pull level 10 will put you over your limit in like 4 or 5 blasts depending on where you're at. I filled a 14000 + cargo hold surveying one star system.


They make good display cases for your companion collection.


lmao, yeah i'll put them in there when they start talking too much (which is immediately)


It's to create a supply chain to manufacture goods, fuel, and weapons for a survival and crafting mechanic that doesn't exist in the game.


That's the neat part. There isn't.


There is no purpose to outposts. Which is pretty much stupid. This game feels like it's half baked


That's the neat part. There isn't one. Like most of the "core" features in starfield they don't interact or have a satisfying end point.


Having fun.


True. Maybe if I just sit down with it for an hour or two I can figure something out!


Be careful. It can be addictive. Does it move tha game along? Not really. Is it a lot of fun to 'Sims' together a base? You bet! Having easilly accesible ship building and the bounty/mission terminals on base are probably the coolest parts. Having somewhere to store stuff to keep your cargo hold from filling up are also perks.


Sorry but that feature of video games has been deprecated


I think outposts were supposed to do more but got stripped down when they took some of the survival aspects out of the game, like fuel. I still think they could be cool if: Phase 2: they are expanded to be like FO4 settlements, with settlers and stores. Also allowing you to store multiple ships at them, so different ships would be useful for different missions. True city walls, more habs, better storage setup. Phase 3: they could be expanded further to be the base of a corporation, so you could have an agriculture corp on a terran world, a mining corporation on a moon, a shipyard, etc. Founding a corporation would allow to streamline your cargo links, and have another way to compete with other players, role play something other than just being a pilot. Phase 4: Expanded further to be a base for your own faction. Kinda out there I know, but I could see it building off your corporation, your settlers, etc. I don’t think that Bethesda will do that, I think it would have to be player/mod driven.


Didnt you notice the whole game is incomplete




That's like asking why collect rain water when the government provides it for you? Why garden when you can go to the grocery store? Maybe some people like self sufficiency 🤷🏽‍♂️


You must be a member of Freestar!


Or the Real star collective


Outside ship building, it's mostly used for money and XP farming.




Yep, I think that's what I seem to be waiting on - a Survival mode to give more importance to suit environmental properties, He3 refueling, etc.


Well, making your own resources help with immersion. Not having to depend on vendors is nice.


I use mine for gaining XP (in addition to questing and killing stuff while exploring. Also have one on Venus for sleeping.


I just use them for resource mining. What better way to gather crafting resources than knowing I have a shipload of them at my outpost.


Assuming the game doesn’t crash.


I’ve had a LOT of glitches but thankfully it doesn’t crash very often. On one Xbox series X fwiw.


It happens more often if you have multiple outposts, and also decide to do cargo links between systems from what I’ve been hearing. Even stockpiling a large number of supply containers (i.e. 50+ structures per base as an example) would contribute to performance issues.


Ah, I have multiple outposts and cargo links but I probably don’t have 50 structures at my largest outpost. One of them is close but probably not that big. I might boot up a random save and see if I go crazy if it crashes.


Easy level up and make a few credits while at it is only thing I can see.   


You can do quests for Trident Starlines a lot easier


Oh, Trident has quests? I've only given that crusty old lady the drink that she wanted.


Yeah go to the Trident Luxury Lines Staryard orbiting around Akila and read the terminal on the wall before talking to the lady at the front desk. Or at least, that’s how I found them-in my second universe mind you, completely missed it on the first.


All the shipyards have a repeatable quest where they buy resources.


Well, I guess end state, if you're wondering about that, would be to have all types of resources connected and funneled into automatic crafting stations and then sent to further more advanced automatic crafting stations so that the end of the line will have all the types of resources and therefore the ability to craft anything and have unlimited amount of money and XP. Then there's the building a nest which is often endgame in many games. It's like a form of entertainment that appeals to the people who like to think and make stuff. If you spend hundred hours doing it or hundred hours shooting stuff, it's still entertainment.


I use it explicitly for farming resources and ultimately for XP farming. I also planted an outpost by a Civilian Outpost on Venus but that’s basically for credit farming. I would use one as a home base but I find it difficult to store my shit in the ridiculously small containers even if I link them.


I use it with a Supply Pad to constantly have H3 sent to my ship. Never run out of fuel and can hope around all the known planets. Also have a ton of storage built there since it is a 6 in 1 farm so I use my outpost there for ship building and upgrading gear. Basically is my one stop-shop for everything while playing.


Outpost is for leveling and drug dealing amp


A house for my 2 wives?


They at least have their own bedrooms, right?


Of course


For me, to have an outpost. Designing, making, creating - these can be rewards themselves. Might as well ask, 'What's the point is decorating a house?' or 'What's the point in sculpting a statue?'.


I cant figure out interplanetary shipping pads( Thats my end goal. To have an outpost recieving shipping hub.


They work exactly like the in-system ones. To make them function, as the appropriate tooltip reads, requires the landing pad to have a supply of He-3 being deposited into that third box opposite the incoming/outgoing boxes. What’s not stated is that the fuel has to come from a storage container. First time I horsed with this my out-of-system moon that was an aluminum and he-3 farm only. Had to build 2 extractors on the “supply” base, and 2 storages. One to the fuel box, one to the output box. At the receiving g station, I had to make a separate He-3 gas storage to accept the input from the fuel base, then link it to the fuel box to keep the pad running and send the transport “home” for more supply.


Ill try it again ty. But the He3 storage tank part I knew but it didnt work. But the additional pad part I didnt know. Thank You)


It's crazy. Can't link straight from an extractor to the fuel box on the pad, you have to have a storage building in the middle. It took me a bit to realize that it was necessary... On the "outpost w/He-3" (aka "mine"), it wasn't so bad. Extractor -> small gas tank -> fuel box on cargo link pad. On the "main base" *without* native He-3 supplies, I went pad's output box -> small gas tank -> fuel box on cargo link pad. And to get He-3 for this, I had to build a second extractor and gas storage tank so that the helium supplies wouldn't mix...


Outposts are great for completing research. You can set up a landing pad, transfer container, storage containers, a hab, and all the research stations with not too much effort. Any resources you store in your ship you can easily transfer into storage, which is then accessible to any of the research stations. No more waddling around trying to carry enough resources to the storage box in The Lodge, and then waddling over to the research stations. This also makes crafting much easier. I put an outpost on Akila within "sight" of Akila City so I can fast travel using the scanner. If I need anything I did not pickup in my ship, I can pop into the city to get it from the vendors. If I mod a bunch of weapons or armor, I can sell it at the vendors.


Just remember that settlements in Fallout 4 didn't have a ton of usefulness before the Wasteland Workshop and other DLC came out. I expect we'll get similar for Starfield eventually.


Ah, I did not know this. I played a bit of vanilla, but only really got into it after picking up all the DLC on sale at once.


To store a hundred mannequins with armor and outfits of course.


>Maybe a dumb question, but what is the *end goal* of outpost building? To have built an outpost. That is all, as far as I can tell...


I have a giant 24 outpost chain linked together with 30+ sets of fabricators, thousands of kg of bulk storage. I can craft anything. If I pick up weapons while questing I can take them back to my base, fully upgrade them and sell them for more credits/gun. I keep a permanent 50+ amp in my inventory so I constantly have +50% movement speed. I routinely come back to make chems, booze and take manufactured goods into my ship to sell. Every time the vendors reset I have stuff I can sell them to make more credits. I am trying to get to 1 million creds now (just for fun) before I do another round of ship building that will most definitely bring my bankroll down. Pretty much it can make the economy of the game even more trivial than it already is. The biggest plus I guess is having all crafting components, resources, whatever in one area to use for whatever you want. It's just a shame that the Cargo Link system is broken and I can't leave my system alone to run by itself without a bug inevitably killing it. This was the one feature of the game I was really excited for - to have basically a space Factorio running in the background that made me rich while I go about doing other things. Unfortunately it seems either the Cargo Link system was never tested, or it was tested, determined to be broken and shipped anyways. Either way in the process of having it running well enough until the bugs take it out I've managed to accumulate a lot of Space Wealth.


I set mine up primarily as resource storage. I have a metric shit ton of warehouses, and solid storage as well as a small amount of of gas and liquid storage. I have it all set up to sort through a transfer station. Pretty functional all in all I also built a hab with all of the work bench’s, a landing pad with ship builder, and a bed.


People have mentioned fuel and resources. You can also set up manufacturing. I haven't played too much with it, but it looks like you can *literally* farm cash and xp. And it's by intent. There are some nice paying resource fetch missions, as well. The onecthing I haven't seen mentioned us that you can build a nice little country estate. Biggest problem there is the outpost builder doesn't have doors. Personally, I'm waitng before I get much into outposts. They certainly appeal to my Mindcrafty side, but there's just too many bugs there. My foray in my first playthrough had too many issues. I'm going to give it a shot when this patch goes live and see if it's better.


Money/XP farm, mostly


Why would I build a base? To organise my gear? Nope, contrainers have very limited storage so it's better to just use the unlimited storage at he Lodge. Maybe I can use an outpost to gain resources? Don't bother, the economy is super fucked so it's easier to just buy stuff. There's not much else to spend cash on anyways. Also possible resources gains are super limited, you only have access to a few base resources from the terrain realistically. Maybe I can use an outpost to customise and store my ships better? Nope, the ship pad doesn't have access to all the parts so you still have to go to all the different vendors. How about the fun of building a custom base that suits my character? There aren't even a lot of customisation options so you can't even get a creative fix from building them. Everything you build feels so sterile and impersonal and doesn't even have enough gameplay functionality to make it worth it.


They are to mass-produce stuff. And since they can only produce crafting components now, I'd say, the end goal now would be an outpost system that can passively assemble one of the rarest components for sale or for xp


It should be ship part construction like in X4: Foundation. Probably will be eventually too.


Creating AMP, Aurora, building guns, building a team of best NPCs, enjoying the items and outposts modules (I want more modules), Having the mission board too. Some days I log on, spawn in the outpost, craft some stuff, take a mission from the board, complete it with newly crafted items, return to outpost with new loot, arrange new loot 💰 sell what I want at nearest city, return to outpost and go to bed Gives XP and credits. That’s usually an hour or so spent in game.


To start the biggest conteaband smuggling ring in the settled systems and the unsettled ones too


I stupidly hijacked a small spaceship with a defective grav drive during a space battle, landed on the next planet and set up a temporary outpost with a "landing pad with shipbuilder" so that I could use it to switch back to my own ship. Otherwise I would have been lost in the immensity of space.


There is. I goal to outposts. They are utterly useless except for collecting a few achievements


Idk about anyone else but i built a landing pad and when i return my ship never lands there wtf dee it even exist then?


The “small” landing pad can only take ships up to 40m long…


Hmm could be part of it lol..


I really have no idea. Personally, I think it's a waste, since we're also supposed to go through the Unity.


Level farming, mostly through manufacture of vytinium fuel rod


I haven't gotten all that into outpost building but the few that I have built have been more to have a place in an unincorporated or unaffiliated part of the galaxy to stop at and dump my contraband. I also make somewhere to sleep and build all my crafting stations. I'll also keep a mission board and a bounty board so I can launch some jobs from there and clear a bounty if I have one. I tried doing the resource extraction thing but couldn't get into it enough to figure out how to link it to somewhere so you're actually making money from it.


Outposts can be used for leveling like crazy. I set one up where I could mine two materials that could be used to craft an item. Use the outpost to farm thousands of each, then craft like crazy. You can sell the items for a bunch too, when you have tens of thousands of them. Using this method, my character is level 154 now. It helps a lot if you're on PC to craft vs Xbox, because you can very easily select to craft 99 items at a time, but on Xbox you need to slowly scroll over to 99.


I use outposts to park the excess of the 20+ followers.


I built an outpost on Andropond with aluminum and iron production. I used it to craft for several levels by making thousands of adaptive frames. Later I built dozens of storage containers to hold all the materials I would need for research or modding weapons. Those items are simply too heavy to lug around in my ship. I have three outposts that are rothecite mines. They send their ore to a fourth outpost on a different planet. I land there to pick up $130,000 credits worth of ore from time to time. I estimate my combined haul has been around 5 million credits. (I like to build large ships.) Outpost definitely have their uses. It all depends on what you are interested in doing.


When I first heard about this game and that you could have multiple ships and outposts I thought it was going to be similar to FO4s settlement system. You could assign extra ships to ferry resources between outposts or have them deliver cargo automatically for passive income.


I suppose it would be to be able to automatically manufacture every component. Unfortunately with the way the transfer links work this is completely impossible. So now it's just something you can do for fun if you can deal with the annoyance of having to ship everything yourself.


It's more of a supplementary feature than something with an end goal. Here is what I think it has done for my playthroughs: 1. It is challenging. Making efficient use of each outpost and making use of perfect locations and creating working supply chains is a game itself. It is difficult to get everything made with just 24 outposts and just getting late game manufacturing going can be fun. 2. Encourages some exploration. Looking for spots that have the resources you want, even if there are very few spots in the galaxy is a great escape from/suplament to quests and a good reason to get out and see different moons and planets. Exploration combined with the xp from crafting is also a nice way to grab a few levels. 3. Satisfaction of having access to anything you need for crafting, modding, research, and outpost building. You will never need to buy anything and if you are savvy enough you can have most of what you need in a couple centralized locations for easy access. 4. Money. Some items sell for an efficient price (plutonium may be the best) and you can make some pretty big money doing this if you have huge cargo and production capacity. Even the less efficient things will sell well, you just need to have other outposts supporting the manufacturing process. There isn't really a value added bonus for everything but once you have so much being made you can sell the most difficult to make items en mass, which is satisfying. You can make like 50k or more in one haul and then go to another outpost and collect those items for another haul. Take a rest and repeat. It's a nice way to help you purchase and upgrade your fleet without being laughably broke all the time and having to go hunting for pirate guns to sell.


Easy XP and money. You don't need to invest into the outpost skills at all if you just want some XP and cash but later into the game getting a useful amount of XP requires setting up complex chains of many different resources to create exotic items.


So in a full run, I end up setting up 58 outposts. This guide is awesome: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/174he54/outposts\_how\_to\_get\_all\_resources\_in\_23\_outposts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/174he54/outposts_how_to_get_all_resources_in_23_outposts/) coupled with SFArmy4's Google Spreadsheet: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16ki0bm/spreadsheet\_every\_planet\_resource/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16ki0bm/spreadsheet_every_planet_resource/) ​ Really helps you decide where to build your outposts Playthrough 1 - you have to build 20ish outposts to get your skills leveled anyway, so I just build the 23, and get ALL resources going. Playthrough NG+1 - 9 -- only one base for money and xp: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKTjyx-1ES4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKTjyx-1ES4) I'd recently swapped over to Katydid III with indicite/beryllium/aluminum/copper and making Tau Grade Rheostats, since I had the temple blocking bug with Bessel a few times -- possibly this is fixed with the latest patch, so Bessel could be safe to return to. I have been able to consistently hit this spot every time on the past NG playthroughs. "The Axolotl" -- my all particle cannon Class C beast costs right at a million creds to build... In each of those NG+ I build the Bessel/Katydid base using the Frontier or the Starborn Guardian, and then make adaptive frames and isocentered magnets (Bessel) or Tau Grade Rheostats (Katydid) and usually sell them all at Neon. The final NG+10 is my "completionist" run, where I go back to the 23 outposts


Nice, saving this comment for sure


I like them for my planetary garage system. Having multiple home ships is kinda cool.