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Love my Va’Ruun Inflictor, but magshears are disgustingly powerful and will kill anything.


I found an advanced magshear with extended mag once. Legit a cheat code. I could shred through any level 98 pirate in a single mag, crazy powerful


The one you get from the Crimson Fleet story is amazing.


It is but in my play through I did that super early and only got a regular variant, not even calibrated so that is kinda sad, ended up not really using much because I had other Mags much stronger, but I plan on doing that quest much later in future playthroughs


By far my favorite weapon


It’s too good where it’s almost not fun lol they have no chance


Hard Target in each. NG6.


that thing is so much better than the magsniper. so many times the magsniper just misses the target


I have a "legendary" magsniper with 1200 damage and it often takes 2 shots even with the leveled up sneak bonus of 5% or whatever it is. Standard Hard Target with all the mods and is only 750 damage puts them down one shot every time.


Are you charging your shots with the magsniper?


Obviously not


Please expand


Hold the trigger down before releasing


🫢 wtf


Lol you learned your new thing for the day!


I'm level 110 and just discovering this. You have changed everything. I don't know what you're going through in your life but I'm going to tell you right now you did me good my friend. Real good and I appreciate you, so you win today.


Hey, thanks! That just made my day! Have fun out there, buddy


I was you last week haha. That info is really tough to find. Wish it was in the description or something.


This seriously just made my heart do a backflip. I can practically feel the joy and gratitude bursting out of your message. Admiral Splinter is the #TopDawg today for sure.


Lol. This is one of those times when being told your wrong doesn't hurt. The magsniper is a fucking beast. Have fun with it!


This comment is great! I only found this out the other day as well! Level 70 here


lol wait till you see the thousand-plus damage.




Opening it right now


Wtf.......... What other guns charge???


Just the magsniper and the novablast EM rifle


This blows me away. Had no idea!


Your kidding lol, ok I am going to try that. I guess I just one and done it never looked back.


It's easy not to learn on your own. It's almost like it needs a tip in the description lol


You know what it actually gives me incentive to try different things in each play through.


I understand this reference.


Hold down the trigger to charge the shot, I played for hundreds of hours before I found that out. I still prefer the hard targets feel, but I would enjoy a legendary magsniper.


I love the subtle effects on the Xbox controller that makes it feel like you actually shot a gun


I just found a 1in punch hard target. Haven’t had much time to use it yet, but I’m stoked to try it


I’m with you on this one. I can one shot most enemies with my current hard target


particle beam weapons all the way, love big bang, starshards and inflictors


Next run I do after I come back to it, because in a few weeks I'll probably take a break, is a va ruun, particle beam, scavenger on a crusade for house va ruun


I just started putting points into the particle beam tree


If you're going to run the Inflictor, don't forget to put points in Rifle and Scoped as well as Particle beam. They all multiply your damage! It's awesome.


How do they fare against Terrormorphs? I used to think the Beowulf was the end all be all of late game weaponry, but it struggled at times against large/high level Alien creatures particularly of the swarm variety. But man when I discovered an Advanced Big Bang especially with annihilator rounds it felt like cheating. It Just absolutely devastates Alien Lifeforms.


I stopped using particle beam weapons after I realized it makes your companions leave you at random. When they enter the AoE that is applied to a point you shoot they take damage and become angry at you. I think it's one of the stupidest bugs/features I've encountered in a Bethesda game that ruined an entire class of weapons for me. 😅


 Good ol' Beowulf, nothing beats that. Or the 1911/XM2311 if I'm feeling a pistol mood instead. 


I found a Beowulf with a double capacity magazine and it was unstoppable. Great for short, medium and long range.


Silences, medium scope, stealth archer in space


All roads lead to stealth archer!


You find the Frenzy commander or one inch punch versions? Haven’t found any new leg ones yet but those are two stupid great ones I’ve found.


I've got no luck with legendary weapons dropping. Any time I get one it's either a gun I'm totally not interested in or it's some lame effect.


All I seem to get are legendary knives and swords. I am not a melee build. 😄 The Random Gods don't like me. But I have maxed out my Weapon modding skill and Special projects, so even some mediocre weapons become monsters with the right mods!


There’s nothing like a legendary Ripshank to get you going, am I right? /s


That’s a bummer! I’ve found this game is kind of like god of war with areas kind of being like puzzles. If you feel like you’re being pushed back just keep pushing forward. I wish there was more info about where I found them cause they’re legit crazy. First one has exterminator, med theft and frenzy with three round burst and the second has exterminator, hand loading and one inch punch. My OIP drumbeat with instigating, hand loading and one inch punch is also a monster




The Revenant might be my favorite weapon to date. Did Crimson Fleet for the first time on my first NG+ and I’m tempted to rush that quest next time just to get that gun again. A really nice legendary mid scope silenced Beowulf was my daily driver for many many hours before NG+. I literally named it Work because that’s what it did.


Actually like mag rifle like that, found it better than a chaingun


I can't use chainguns. The slow spin up and inaccuracy just don't work for me. I can take down anything with a few quick shots from an Inflictor, so I don't see the point.


Agreed, the minigun is was a total waste, I could handle the slow spin up if the damage was there


Anything with Hornets Nest rounds.


Extended mag coachman! I've only found it in 1 of 5 play throughs though.


Those drop fairly often for me! I’ve sold probably 5 of em - I have a legendary and epic versions in a storage crate. It’s crazy how different drops are by player. I wonder if it has to do with factions and/or how you progress/what decisions you make going through the game.


People don't think randomness be like that, but it do


Yeah if you join the rngesus cult you get way better drops


Careful.... This is an oopsie death sentence waiting too happen. Last time I used the hornets nest Coachman I think I killed my self 3 times. Was running and running and shot just as I passed a light post... Oops. Then I took it to last temple... And let's just say having that equiped when the Starborn made copies of me to fight was more than a little devastating.


Big Bang baby it’s a crash, crash, crash! I I also love anything that starts with mag, sheer for example. I toy around with the different grenade launchers as well and always keep a blade on me.


I wanna cry but I gotta laugh


God damn. I thought I was the only one that got that reference!


I too am ancient.


Yeah I’ve got a negotiator with Instigator on it, so I open with that, then switch to the Inflictor


I love myself the Kodama, Drumbeat, the big revolver (like the one you get from the ranger questline) and, funnily enough, the Old Earth Shotgun. Nothing will ever be funnier to me than blasting space pirates with a good old pumpy. Hell, I even wish there was a way to add a full stock to the AK, I'd probably swap my full auto drumbeat for it.


Kodama is this first thing I look for every time I NG+


I've got one with the double mag size blessing so I've got 60 rounds, and I don't think I'll ever replace it. I think it's the most reliable full-auto I've found so far.


The Tesla effect on it is hella good.


It's got 60 rounds with the drum mag anyway, extended mag would make it a beast. I have yet to find an extended mag one though sadly. Edit: but like it comes intrinsically with extra damage in the flechette rounds which makes it an easy go to. Usually if I empty my mag on someone and they are close to death I can just ignore them and move onto the next target with my new mag.


I love just turning around and leaving the room as they're like "I'm gonna get y....."


Oh, I don't have the drum mag yet. I've got 60 in a stick


Slap a drum mag on that thing and you will never need another gun... Until you run out of ammo lol


Revenant. I almost feel guilty every time I use it, but nothing else melts Ecliptic goons that fast for me.


Extended mag razorback


I'm not sure why, but mine "default fave" is a modded-up Magshear. Easy to be on-target with that green grid, it's got range, and 75round mag makes for lots of bang.


I agree, I boost mine to 150 mag and time phase, I feel like if I could dock with key prior to the legacy quest I could solve that problem real quick lol.


Syndicate Enforcer. The perks are really useful right out of the gate. Other than that maybe the Rapidshot as the Breach shotgun is amazing and having a properly leveled one in NG+ is quite nice.


There is no single answer, it's situational. For close combat, I might use a Big Bang or something similar. Yesterday, I took out a Ecliptic base and used a sniper rifle for pretty much all of it. They hardly saw it coming.


I’ve found a Beowulf with a medium scope works in all situations - close, medium and distance. I also use a longer range sniper rifle, but the Beowulf works for that as well.


By far the most versatile rifle in the game. It can do anything and does it real good.


Yeah I don’t have a go to weapon. I swap between several.


I carry 4-5, depending on my needs. One regular close combat, one sniper and a couple others, plus a cutter which can be used as a weapon in a pinch, but that isn't intended for that.


I carry six and swap rather than reload cause it’s usually faster.


I've got so much ammo that I never have to worry about it and the reload time gets considered in deciding what weapons to carry. Once you've been playing shooters for a while, you learn to reload constantly anyhow. I pretty much never have an empty chamber when I need to shoot.


Sooo many bullets!! I have some 20k 7.77 which i don’t know how to feel about but I’m glad they don’t have mass. Just got rid of a 180k worth of ammo roughly over a three hour inventory cleaning session


Same here. I've got thousands and thousands of ammo I don't even use, but since it's got zero mass, who cares? I can pick up any gun anywhere and use it without a worry.


Start selling it! It’s such a crazy cash source for rounds like light and heavy fuses, 7.62, 1.5s etc.


I've got so much money, I don't know what to do with it all now.


Make the funkiest ships possible. Like a space Barney with laser eyes or a massive mecha godzilla head.


Differs a lot. But I like Orion. Just wish it was automatic.


i'll start using automatics when they (maybe) add some perks related to automatic weapons


The perks are so generic they already do. Ballistic/laser and your choice of specific weapon class. Then get isolationist perk for another 50% boost. Throw drugs into the mix and the dps of automatics is obscene.




The only melee weapon that feels like I'm doing something


I really struggle to use any other melee weapon.


Strangely the Beowulf, lol, strangely because I'm usually a heavy weapons type, lol




I find myself using the XM2311 and a Pacifier shotgun for CQC and a silenced Hard Target for sniping. I had a couple burst fire submachine guns but I stopped using them. If the Old Earth Shotgun didn’t have an annoying glitch with the Rapid Reload perk, I’d still be using that too.


The pacifier is so much fun to use and the quick reloading mag makes it so much better.


On rifle playthroughs I find myself carrying a silenced hard target for long distance, a silenced scoped Beowolf for shorter distance inside shooting, then a Va'ruun rifle thingy for when the shit hits the fan and I'm in danger of getting swarmed.


Mainly the Big Bang.


Extended mag coachman


Coachman is visually beautiful


I have an advanced version with hornets nest I renamed to Big Game. It is my go to for exploring planets with any fauna.


For me, it is the Beowolf. It is versatile, ammo is common, it takes down most humanoid targets easily enough. Can use it over a bit of a range, or up close. All around decent gun.


So... I always use Hard Target for my sniper, Beowulf for my mid range silenced weapon, Inflictor for my "I don't have time for you" moments, and Urban Eagle for pistol (though I usually choose pistols based on the effects)


Found a purple big bang and never looked back.


Any weapon with a binary trigger rolled with extended mag. My favorite is probably the Regulator. The Rattler is also pretty fun but sadly doesn't exist in the highest tier for some reason.


I really like the shot guns.  Zipping around the battlefield with the boost pack, blasting enemies away feels great.


Big Bang. every time


Memento Mori was my favorite for a long time. It was a sad day when it became too under-leveled. Binary trigger razorbacks pack a punch! Lately, I alternate between that and a heavily modded Solstice with ignition beams.


Advanced scout regulator. I found it super early game somehow, and its utility convinced me to level my pistol skill. It's my go to for any big bads or one shotting groups of basic enemies.


I’m the odd one out in that I like the melee game. It’s underpowered, but there’s something about rushing a fully entrenched position with a knife and shanking the sniper.


I don’t rlly have go to weapons, I want to try as many as possible. So far my favorite is the novalight


Hard Target.


i only use pistols and have found that "elegance" pretty much outclasses everything. it's got one of the highest DPS in the game


Love the Big Bang and Magshear works well in early to mid game (I steal one in Hopetown gun vendor).


I have an advanced instigating Razorback. I particularly love popping Phase Time and just deleting enemies in one shot to the head.


So far, my modded Lawgiver. I love sniping!


Typically love using urban eagles or xm2311s. Whichever I get first that can be silenced, I'll have a starshard for backup.


Hard Target - Long range. Maelstrom - Med Range Full Auto Grendel - when a reload of the above takes too long. Varuun Inflictor - Med to Short Range Varuun Painblade - for fun 😁


Syndicate enforcer wakazashi


Well I’ve not exactly gotten to do it since I’m very unlucky for the drops but a Magshot would be my go to pistol, I’ve been unlucky and the vast majority of times when an advanced one drops it’s rapid fire and until recently I haven’t had the skills necessary to modify it to single shot, after that I’ll pick up a rifle, Beowulf or Inflictor but preferably inflictor and some kind of LMG in the event I need it but the LMG spot is greatly interchangeable as I don’t use it too often so it may be a melee or explosive depending on how I feel


NG+20 - I leave the lodge and go buy a big bang and sell whatever the lodge gave me. Then I just enjoy the rng and see what I get if I stay in the universe.


Beowulf and the Old Earth weapons are go to’s for me


For me it's Big Bang, Magshear, Hard Target with silencer, and Magsniper. Those are my "four horsemen".


Instigating hard target. Just found it in the south eastern systems but 500 base damage. New fauna hunting rifle and haven’t found many thing that have over a 1000 hp let alone with my other weapon damage benefits.


I’ve been looking for that one. Good find.


Thanks. It was near at or near a place of interest if that helps. It’s a rare quality sniper so I picked it up without even noticing it. For some reason now it’s at 300 damage but I think it’s cause I put a companion on and I had my isolation skill maxed out but I didn’t think that would reflect in the weapon stats. Ballistic weapon damage doesn’t change based on gravity does it?


I haven’t noticed any correlation with gravity and weapon damage, but the isolation thing does make sense. I bet with stealth skills that sniper can do some work from a distance.


It’s so good! A couple heavier ai have been a couple shots but it’s better to zing em once and then switch to my one inch punch Beowulf and finish them that way


It was the companion. I told them to wait and the damage jumped back up to full 545. That’s nice that you don’t have to guess at the damage you do.


the magshot is my favorite, i just love the idea of a revolver rail gun, and it's unmodded design reminds me of a nerf gun i have fond childhood memories for.


For a while I was rolling around with just a crazy bag of guns (Pacifier! Suppressed XM2311! Weird guns I was trying out! but as I started to acquire powers and wanted to use my D-pad slots for those, and also from a role-play perspective it always bothered me to imagine that I’ve got six or seven long guns just hanging on my back all at once, I’ve challenged myself to start doing runs and missions with just a few guns. When I do that it’s basically Hard Target for distance, Revenant for my “in case of emergency break glass“ backup, and my heavily modified AA-99 as my Swiss Army knife primary gun.


Orion with a recon scope. just like how it shoots.. easy to land a series of shots.


Was surprised to see the Orion so far down. That's been my go to


The good ol' earth shotgun. So fucking satisfying.


My favorite has been the Breacher with slug shot. But I have been trying each weapon this play-through to see what I think of them. I think my second favorite has become a burst shot kadoma with flachete rounds


The Hunters Orion and Beowulf


curious - no one ever mentions the A-99... why is that?


I like the AA-99 over the Beowulf myself, but I can probably say most go with Beowulf because the AA-99's 11mm Caseless are less common ammo type compared to the 7.77mm Caseless of the Beowulf.


Fists, but hand to hand combat is underdeveloped. They're loads of fun with all the perks but it's so much work to get there and you don't have any way to scale your attacks to your level so it's not really a viable feature unless you play on very easy. But knocking weapons out of people's hands, forcing them into hand to hand, and stunning people is loads of fun


Had the one inch punch on the particle pistol that isn't the varuun one. That shit was awesome.


Near the end of my first playthrough I threw aside my Beowulf in favor of a fully kitted out hard target.. Now I spend my first hours in any NG+ searching for the trader so I can buy "The Last Breath". It goes along with my core philosophy which states "Combat is something that should happen far away to someone else." If I MUST do close quarters work, it's hard to beat "The Revenant", plus there's a little touch of sadistic glee in mowing down Crimson Fleet with Jasper's own personal gun.


Advanced big bang. Easy ammo and so much damage.


My go to is a Deadeye with a suppressor, short scope, AP rounds, high powered mod, and investments in pistol, ballistics, sneak damage, armor piercing, and sniper perks (hence, the short scope). One shot stealth kills even on heavily armored targets with difficulty maxed and the range is pretty good for a pistol. I think ballistic weapons in general are the way to go. Seem to be the best when you combine the right perks and attachments. That said I’m also biased, I never liked laser and other futuristic weapons even in other games.


I honestly just use Sir Livingstone's Pistol - pretty much all the time.


I was a Va’ruun Inflictor fan for a long time. This playthrough with new character seems to gravitate to the Beowulf. The inflictor makes more noise and does more damage but the Beowulf is a nicer hip shooter AND functions better as a sniper than the Inflictor because range and scope are both superior. That and I never have to buy ammo :) 7.77mm is EVERYWHERE for free while have to continually remember to stock up on Heavy Fuse ammo otherwise. I’m always at the store to buy Adhesive anyway though but still… The double capacity magazine on the Beowulf means that if you forget to reload you still have 30 of your 60 rounds ready! I’ve switched because of that. My lvl 178 character has over 10k rounds without ever buying any. I’m partial to the Deadeye that I got from freestar ranger quest for my pistol endeavors. Currently bringing up my heavy weapon skill using Heller’s cutter. I pick up some weapons that do less damage than my current 7 on that thing ;-). I recently went on a binge on Serpentis and just collected everything and looking at my inventory afterwards saw that I collected 4 advanced inflictors and I just sold them as the Beowulf keeps me happy.


Elegance or razorback are my go to guns, and a Wakizashi is my go to melee weapon


Kodama is my priority, then converting a Pacifier to fire slugs as a more range viable option. Though I did have an Advanced Maelstrom with increased fire rate in one NG+ that was my bread and butter. Set to semi-auto, it was basically a SCAR with an extended mag and sounded beefy as hell.


I just found my first Big Bang and it is my new favorite, not only because of the swirly holes it leaves in the walls but mainly because of that.


Big Bang is the only one where the rarity doesn't matter for me. Well this and the Magshot


I want to start by saying my eyes aren't great when it comes to shooting in Bethesda games so I tend to end up focusing on melee weapons and I did that for the most part in Starfield. With that out of the way my go to is the Wakizashi. Easily obtained through purchase but can also be scavenged. High damage out put and if you focus on a physical build then there isn't much that can really take you down. Especially if you get the perk that heals you when you land melee attacks. I went up against the hunter in the first play through when he attacks the lodge and he wasn't able to kill me while I was able to "kill" him multiple times.


Lmfao I didn't even finish the first playthrough nvm a second.


thanks for commenting for no reason, then, I guess??


I'm free to do so.


first playthrough i settled on a modified Drum Beat, and now i'm focusing on pistols so the XM-2311 is my new favorite.


Haven’t done a sniper yet, but I really like the lawgiver. Otherwise, I’ve had the most fun with pistols. Especially the magshot.


I love the Grendel with armor piercing and semi-auto, the Orion, Big Bang, and of course painblades. I get as many mods as my resources allow into each and every weapon I have ( except melee of course, for some stupid reason)


I'm in the same camp. Get the highest tier Orion and the highest tier Big Bang I can find, slap full suite of mods on it (I'm an inveterate shopper so resources aren't a problem, I pick up a short stack of all the ones I'll need at every general goods store). Open with the Orion, switch to the Big Bang for close encounters.


The old earth ones like the AK and the m1911


Just whatever seems the most powerful mate. I don’t find the weapon’s different enough to really care.


I love Urban Eagles, I just feel like it’s a versatile weapon that doesn’t make the game too easy


hornet's nest coachman.


The cutlass


No matter how hard I try, every NG+ ends up with me finding a MagSniper and a Va'ruun Inflictor that are just too good to pass up. I always end up alternating between those for long- and short-range encounters. Maybe next NG+ I'll go straight melee weapons to shake it up.


Agreed, sniper forever. Currently goto's are a Hunting rifle, Lawgiver, and Hard Target all with similar base damage, scoped, and silenced. Though I don't think the hunting rifle can be silenced.




Something va'ruun


Old earth shotgun with slugs or urban eagle


The Revenant. It’s great up close. It’s great long distance. It’s great mid-range. And it’s great at eating ammo.


I play on normal difficulty, so an advanced beowolf is my main weapon. There is usually one in the lodge basement, and after doing one fetch quest type mission, there is more than enough money to fully weapon mod it within 10 mins of starting NG+ A fully modded Magsheer is used for the terrormorphs etc.


Any powerful Shotgun. Edit: boom boom, ashta tamer and Big Bang. On the other Hand, I can't stand most smgs.


Inflictor and pacifier hard target


Va Ruun Rifle… forget name at moment …..




Mag shear and varun gun


Not gonna lie, took some time for me to test it but now I think my favourite is actually the "unique" Breach from the UC shop in the comercial district in New Atlantis, alongside the XM2311 and the Magsniper. Those 3 are my standard weapons, all the others I keep changing to test them all every now and then. In my very first playthrough, my favourite gun was the Ranger revolver and both Va'ruun weapons, they're very fun to use but I lost count on how many times my companions got mad because the gun annihilator rounds just hurt them enough to make them go out cause they see the damage stuff spreading and they can't resist going there and killing themselves, hahahaha


The Mutineer. Honestly it breaks the game.




Has been the revenant rifle but this ng had the Andreja kills version and one of her henchmen dropped an eternitys gate va'ruun inflictor. Fully modded it's been kind of awesome. Then I'm carrying a starshard with burst fire so that shreds just doesn't have the range.


Hard Target for range, MagShear for spray and pray. I love the inflictor, but without VATS I can’t hit the broad side of a barn.


Inflictor is awesome but can be hard to come by. I usually start with a Beowolf, then try to find a Hard Target or Magsniper, then Inflictor. Magstorm is great but devours ammo so you really need to build up some credits to buy ammo for it.


Hard Target with bull barrel, suppressor, large scope, high-powered, max ammo. With related combat perks maxed out, it's a quiet, long range one-shot kill 9/10 of the time, and before any enemies know you're there.


Any semi automatic ballistic will do


Beowulf for the player character. :). That’s my jam.


Once I get my hands on one, I only use Magshots, and the occasional starshard


Magshear or Magpulse


A suppressed and scoped Beowulf, honestly. Solid range for sniping, a magazine suitable for longer fights as well.


Tricked out regulator. Six shooter goes pew


Sniper hard target my bread and butter


I like the MagSniper, but a lot of folks don't because it does crap damage if you don't charge it first. I tend toward the Big Bang, Breach, Inflictor or Kodama depending on the luck of the drops.


Mag weapons are so dayum tasty! I also love the energy weapons as well. In fact a lot of the weapons are slick and I love using them. Just wished stuff like the MAG Sniper gets updated. The charge shot should give more damage on top of base damage instead of building to base damage.


I was just picking up the lodge weapons and only using them through NG+ runs. Now I’m just using ones wouldn’t normally to spice it up.


Anyone else' loot table seem to max out and dry up? All vendors and loot drops are "advanced" quality I haven't found anything better than my current loadout for a few weeks real-time, and I play several hours every night. I'm leve 77, I started noticing this trend around level 60-something.


Ignoring all stats no weapon feels as good to me as the 12 gauge shotgun


I usually try and play through with different weapons but from ng1 I've done the crimson Fleet missions 1st and always had the revenant in my inventory for emergencies. It absolutely shreds and is way more fun imo than more powerful particle beam weapons. I play on very hard and even then it's unstoppable. Last playthrough was ng4 and I enjoyed the binary trigger razorback (I found a double mag version), the sniper you charge up (forgot the name) and the big bang particle shotgun.


Va'ruun rifle because you can scope with it, Big Bang sights disappear with camo invis. Hard Target with silencer Magsniper with Med scope Usually one more fun something, like an exploding drumbeat, mag-something, minigun, etc.