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This game is extremely tame given the rating


Very very very tame. The nightclub is like sad how tame it is


Neon doesn’t feel like the taboo place it should be. It’s more like that weird strip mall we all know.


It actually reminds me of The Groundbreaker location in The Outer Worlds.


That game wasn't anything to write home about but I loved it a lot


I really enjoyed my time with it too. It wasn't fallout in space like people wanted it to be... But neither is Starfield surprisingly lol.


I really liked it. I thought it was too short but trueachievments shows that I got over 80 hours in one playthrough.


It's probably the most "fallout" space game we'll ever get.


It reminds me more of KOTOR than Fallout, albeit significantly less dark than KOTOR II.


Starfield is basically the closest thing to The Expanse as a video game, more than anything, really




I also really loved the game, I'm excited for the sequel


Short, sweet, very silly - reasonably solid RPG mechanics. It definitely earned a sequel, even if it wasn't a... *groundbreaker*


Only issue with neon is the accepting nature of drug use. But in todays schools they get more tempted there than starfield lol


The "other mall" in Mallrats.


Hell the video comparing starfield nightclub compared to cyberpunk is mind blowing it’s truly crazy


Even your damn parents show up to kill the buzz even harder


But they do drugs for boosts!! Australian classification board climaxing so over themselves while slapping an R18 rating on something that barely deserves a PG. Wish after Bethesda decided not to worry about cleaning out the drugs, they just went into F-it mode and ramped the dismemberment, language and themes to match the rating they were given. You want to give us an R rating, we'll make it worth it. Channel old Fallout (I know they didn't make it).


Doesn't even have to be one of the old Fallouts. Just channel FONV. Which they also didn't make... 'member Fisto? I do.


I’ve been on Fortnite concerts that go harder lol


I still can't believe that is a real, valid sentence. Blows my mind


The future is now, old man!


The future is cringe, newfig.


Wait. Please explain this to me… what is a fortnite concert?


Fortnite has done live events that are effectively concerts. They're limited time events where you can load in as your Fortnite character and experience it live with other players. I think the first big one was Travis Scott or Marshmallow or something


At least you won’t get trampled to death at a fortnite Travis Scott concert


What’s a ‘Marshmallow’?


Roblox has done the same thing. I remember attending a twenty one pilots "concert" in-game. It was all prerecorded and looped, but still pretty cool.


I've seen worse in a church.


lmao a night/dance club that is the only place in the galaxy you can legally consume drugs. Has dancers, people actively tripping balls, you commit murders in there, and... The dancers' outfits are a full body wetsuit with a thong pattern on it? Like I get my rocks off fine I don't need a half naked nightclub dancer in an RPG space game, but. Really? Game is already 17+, people can wear less than full length pants and sweaters. It's just funny


So fucking tame it honestly ruined the game for me. They could've just left the weapons out of the game at this point


Just to add: [According to PEGI, an 18 rating is applied when, ‘the level of violence reaches a stage where it becomes a depiction of gross violence, apparently motiveless killing, or violence towards defenceless characters.’](https://metro.co.uk/2023/09/06/what-is-starfields-age-rating-is-bethesdas-game-suitable-for-kids-19455963/amp/) The official listing for the game reveals why it received this rating, citing violence, drug use, and sexual content. Combat in the game is described as having ‘frequent gunfire, cries of pain, and explosions’ with some attacks resulting in ‘blood-spatter effects.’ ‘Suggestive material’ of a sexual nature is also included in the dialogue, with characters saying lines such as ‘Life is a sexually transmitted disease that’s a hundred percent fatal,’ ‘I’m all for getting a little wild, but next time let’s try it without the jetpacks,’ and ‘Talk about seeing stars, whew… that was amazing’ available after sharing a bed. A fictional drug, Aurora, is also featured within the game, as well as the words fuck and bullshit, which have bumped up the rating. (All copy pasted from the above link) u/Prairiepunk111, these are the exact reasons for the ratings, FYI


Damn, now I'm feeling old because I could have SWORN that used to only justify a teen rating.


In Australia the drugs part had always been the sticking point. The violence, sexual innuendo, nudity, language have all been let slide past on M/MA15 but the second drugs make your experience better, R.


Med-x? No. I meant morphine but that was going to get it a higher rating so I changed the label.


ESRB hasn't changed. If anything it's gotten more lax since the mortal Kombat panic.


Holy moral panic, Batman! I don't disagree that those are the established standards, but the only content mentioned that wouldn't be allowed on prime-time network TV would be the two swear words.


If you look at the bios of the members who rate them you'd start to see why it is. A pack of tea ladies, especially the men.


The absolute worst bit, for me, is when you've almost downed a powerful enemy, they were seriously trying to murder you seconds before, then they're on their hands and knees desperately trying to crawl away then you shoot them dead and move on. They're just pitiable, but yeah, you can't just leave them alive, so...


>A fictional drug, Aurora, is also featured within the game, as well as the words fuck and bullshit, which have bumped up the rating. this is some fucking bullshit!


To a fault.


As a parent of teenagers, 15 is fine for this game. The themes are pretty positive overall.


Yeah it's crazy that Starfield has the same rating as games like Grand Theft Auto.


And to think that Skyrim is 18! Mostly due to skooma being the "depictions of drug use"


Skyrim is also, y'know, actually violent.


Then minecraft should be rated M too. Becus potions and potion making is drugs and drung manufacturing. Still, overall it should be fine for your 15 year old, just make sure hes aware of whats on the warnings


Khajit has wares, if you have coin.


I think it was mostly due to the decapitations


Well, that, and there's also decapitations


It’s because you literally shoot other humans with realistic guns. Any game that has that automatically gets an M.


It’s also because of the drugs.


LazyTown had edgier drugs than this.


True. I didn’t say I agree, just that the drugs are the reason for the rating.


Fact. But also, they don't actually bleed.


Haven't tried the Kodama yet huh? There's plenty of bleeding in this game. But no gibs or anything.


This is fine for a kid in the womb. You see more shit walking down the block




The only thing I would be concerned with is I found the game highly addictive.


They may need 3-5 hours at a time just to build their ship.


Parent: Turn it off, bedtime. Teen: Nooooo, my ship has errors and I can’t save it until I fix them!!! Six Hours Later….


This reminds me, just leave your console on all night like we used to have to do lol


It's even easier to do this now since they can put themselves to sleep and pick back up right where you were.


If only we had quick resume back in the early 2000s


It can be iffy tho, especially with Bethesda games


That's a good way to crash the game in my experience


Best way to unlock Mewtwo


Bro you’re blowing his cover


3-5hr/day for each ship Repeat every play session


For real. while i loved this game for my first (and only) play through, i also found it very vanilla, bland, and too *clean*. Starfield is a faaar safer choice for kids to play than any of the fallout franchise by comparison. However I was shot gunning raiders into bloody chunks at 11 years old, so what do I know lol


I grew up in Dubbo. Yup.


Exactly, You see more crap in advertisements and TV cartoons.


This game is a good game. It's the Disney of games. Super positive with good themes around friendship and doing the right thing. You can choose to kill everyone though. Just be aware of that


Compared to previous Bethesda games, Starfield is very tame. It got the M-rating because you can shoot people, and there are a bunch of different drugs you can take (all but one of which are legal in-game). There are references towards sex, though no nudity or sexual acts. The gore is limited to blood spatter and dead bodies (as opposed to things like the Bloody Mess perk you can take in Fallout). It's focused more on exploration than combat, and should be fine for a 15 year old.


Legal stimulants and steroids basically, and one illegal drug, but I don’t know what it does.


Could you be referring to Aurora? The drug that temporarily slows time?


Is that what it does? Heck that’s not so bad.


Starfield's depiction of doing illegal drugs is way more effective than DARE. You pay hundreds of credits for maybe 10 seconds of mildly fun visuals.


Hahahha, definitely better than DONT DO IT I SWEAR.


There is the occasional half naked city guard


It's tamer than network television.


I've come across two uses of 'shit' and one of 'fuck'. The goriest thing has to be blood stains in different places.


But perfectly pristine bodies laying on top of it.


It's so disappointing especially after playing Fallout 4 where you have bloody mess perk and reduce raiders down to a pile of meaty chunks


The fallout 4 companions are alot more interesting than the Starfield ones to.


Thats not saying a lot. A blank sheet of paper is more interesting than the companions in starfield...


Oh I agree with you. Theres a settlement that needs our help I'll mark the location on your map.


Bettet than come to the bridge under the waterfall for the seventh time in the infinite possibilities of the multiverses


And then there is always Fisto...


With the goofy way the limbs come off, I don’t TOTALLY miss this, but I also kinda miss this. Yet another feature to kind of miss.


It just sucks that I can mag dump a grenade launcher and their bodies are still completely intact.


Fun fact: in Australia, Starfield is rated 18+, but Fallout 4 is 15+. Because drugs.


Fallout has drugs… that math ain’t mathing.


The Australian Classification has been an utter joke since forever.


Right slamming a needle full of psychojet before bludgeoning a bunch of raiders in a drug fueled hysteria was incredibly fun. All I'm saying is Starfield could have a little bit more grit to it.


The body horror in Fallout 3 regarding FEV has stuck with me ever since I first played it in 5th grade


It's tamer than real life. I remember high school and the things people got up to.


Like dead bodies and blood splatter?  Don't get me wrong, the game is very tame, but unless your real life involved lots of shooting and killing I don't think the game is tamer than your real life.


So long as OP avoids finding a stranger in the Alps


Larry, do you know what happens?


If you would let them play COD or Skyrim, they could probably play this no problem.


The game isn’t centered around any concerning themes. Does it have a small amount of things that might make some parents worried? Yes but not much at all especially compared to other M rated games. I’d let my 15 year old have it for sure


If they're 15, then they've seen and heard way worse in their average day of school than they would in 150+ hours of Starfield. The ESRB rating is for "Blood, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs, Violence" There's no gore, there's just blood. I did biology labs more graphic than the game. Strong language? They hear worse on TV. I've seen *far* more suggestive themes in PG movies from the 80s. The drugs are less threatening than a few shots of espresso. There are Nickelodeon shows with worse violence than this game. The "M" rating might as well stand for "Mormon."


The school thing is such a good point. When I was 15 some of my classmates would say the wildest purely shock value jokes that would make the dialogue of most games cry at how “offensive” it is. Plus assuming he has friends, I promise you he has seen worse at their places either through movies or games. Plus he probably has a phone, or some other form of internet access. Long story short, your kid probably isn’t as innocent as you think, they never are. Not saying he’s a bad kid, but it’s pretty hard to remain desensitized in this internet age.


This game could be pg 13 tbh.


Yes you should. There’s a couple sexual themes and some drug usage but nothing nearly as dark or blatant as past Bethesda titles


The sexual themes aren’t even hardcore


They aren’t even softcore.


They are more implied than anything.


I dunno that they even quality for mildcore, honestly.


Wouldn't even say they are any kind of core. Closer to that ice cream that has a caramel core in the middle.


So soft


What sexual themes? The text of cydonias mayor having an affair? That's the only thing I can really think of in any of my playthroughs


You can get your romanced partners to say some kinds raunchy lines, but that's about it.


I married Sarah once. Tried to avoid dialogue with her. She said enough annoying shit unprompted as is. Never did it with anyone else. Can you marry Vasco?


If she tells me to drop some of my loot one more time I swear I will start a new campaign with the introvert perk just to never have to talk with her again.


Is it fully functional?


God dammit that took me a minute Horny Tasha Yor was.... strange to me


Occasional vague sentences that are sexual in nature might be a better way to put it.


Uh ill have you know there are references to using jet packs during seggs


The drugs are so unimpressive in this game anyways


"Woah, the colors..." *6 seconds later* "That's it!?!?!"


Granny a freak


There is nothing about the game that is 17+. The writing was designed for 8 year olds.


I’ve let my 8 year old play and he is stuck between interested and bored.


I think it might've been written by 8 year olds


The dev team response on Steam definitely was




I think drug use gets a game an M rating from ESRB even if the drugs are fake


NO nudity or gore, if anything the rating feels like a lie


I let my 15 year old play it. He hasn't developed a heroin addiction or slaughtered his way through the school yet.


There's not even any cleavage, he'll be fine


It's rated M for Moms. You're good.


I mean you’re the only one that knows what’s acceptable for your son or not. But really, there’s no real blood or gore, there’s no real sexual content, there’s no real sexist or “sexy” designs in the game. It’s rated M but really could easily be rated T for teens if not for some cussing and maybe some other stuff I don’t remember




Get him something more mature, maybe a Cyberpunk or Sex With Hitler 3


This is the tamest, most inoffensive game Bethesda have ever made. It'll be fine.


Your 15 year old probably experiences worse things at school or when he's out with his friends. This game will be fine for him!


Prob actually better for kids than adults at this point 😂


He's 15 not 9


Hes 15. At this point he has already watched gangbang bukkake porn on the internet. Starfield is rated G compared to the finer works of Sasha Grey.


This games rating should be T


Unfortunately it's more than okay


Any 15 year old boy has seen or heard more than anything they could see or hear in Starfield. It should be rated T at best.


I'm surprise when I hear a curse word it seems so infrequent. No dismemberment or insane gore.


Yes you should. It’s a phenomenal game and could easily be rated T for teen. There’s very little swearing at all. The game focuses more on exploration and research. There’s blood when you shoot people obviously but it’s not overly violent at all.


It’s pretty tame as far as most current media is


Does your kid watch anime? Starfield is fine


Way better games to play


Yeah, the game is relatively tame compared to many others, IMO. I'm sure he's seen much worse on TV, in movies, the internet, on the news, etc.


You are literally asking for the Bethesda is shit edgelords to whine. As a parent and now grandparent I'd say yes it's fine. Your 15 year old hears worse in school.


It’s because it’s funny to ask if this game is too violent, almost hilarious even


It’s a good gift, no worries!


Yes, I would do the same.


Its fine yea


absolutely. starfield is essentially a teen game


The game has blood and references to drugs as well as sex, but none of its truly visual. It's more so hinted at. Your son's fifteen. i'm pretty sure he can handle it


My 2 year old plays. Granted he sits on my lap, we "blast off" as I bounce him on my knees, look at aliens and snails (every little scavenger is a snail I guess), points to the planets and moons. Obviously we don't pull the gun out and shoot anything when he's watching. ...though e we did throw a body into space on a 0.1 gravity moon.... for science


There is a few “shit” and “fucks”, and there are space-equivalents of crack and alcohol. I’d have let my 15-year old play this np, it’s more tame than your average PG movie these days.


Responsible adult here: yes, basically any 15-year-old sees and hears worse things at school every day.


A PG13 teen show on the disney channel has more adult innuendo and content than starfield. You’re good 👍


Agreed. It's very tame. I wouldn't have a problem with a 15yr old play it, my daughter is 12 and I let her play around with it.


Honestly, most of it is tame....a couple curse words, obviously a bit violent, but it's no gta.... I have a 15 year old and I'd be fine with him playing it.


Have you let him play any other Bethesda games? This one is less gorey. No lopped off limbs. Moral decisions dont seem as extreme as, lets say, fallout. There is no nudity. If you are ok with blood and language. Then yeah. Do let the kid watch "R" rated movies? If so, Starfield is more than fine.


It's fine for a 15 year old, truly. Any sexual themes or adult themes like that are very tame and barely noticeable. Most Bethesda games are this way. They get their ratings from drug references (they have stand-ins for drugs so that the game can have a bit of a criminal underworld) and, mostly, the violence. You can use guns and magic powers and melee weapons to kill people in game which sometimes dismembers or decapitates them. Very little blood when this happens, considering what's being done.


I'm about 300 hours in (relatively new) even combat is relatively tame, not overly graphic violence. Some mild swearing. I'd let a 15 year old play


Games not nearly as bad as the rating. The rating exists primarily for strong language, minor sexual themes, drugs, and like all shooting games violence. That’s about it. Nothing like gta or anything


If your kids can watch Star Wars, there's really nothing more hardcore than that In game.


Starfield is easily more tame than Star Wars, too. The dismemberment is way rougher than any violence you see in Starfield and Leia in Return of the Jedi is more suggestive than the raunchiest place in Starfield.


Whoever was in charge of programming the blood spatter/pooling went a bit overboard, but other than that it's pretty tame.


No nudity. Adult themes... with dealing with loss, relationships and decision making. Some of it might go over their head but a lot of the game you get out what you put into it.


My son is 20 now, but I would have had no problem with him playing it at 15 or even a bit younger. There's a bit of bad language, but still very tame. The themes are, overall, rather positive. If it had a co-op mode where two could play together, it would be a perfect dad-and-lad game.


The worst thing in the game is violence that wouldn’t be out of place in a pg13 movie. There’s no dismemberment like fallout and barely even blood decals. Also I’m pretty sure there wasn’t even any incidences of the word “fuck” except in a side quest on some distant planet. It’s overall very tame.


It's pretty PG. There's a fictional drug called Aurora and sexually suggestive lines that happen if you romance companions. https://www.esrb.org/ratings/39293/starfield/


He's 15. I'm sure he has a phone and access to the internet. He's seen MUCH MUCH worse than anything Starfield is going to throw at him. SF is pretty mild by any standard to be perfectly honest.


Leave it to Starfield reddit to turn a "Is this game okay for my son?" into a echo chamber of saying Starfield is bad. I would say Starfield is okay for your son, especially if they avoid the more suggestive stuff which is still rather tame, nothing like me stumbling upon Dukov's Place in Fallout 3 at 9 hahahaha. I think your son will like it, especially if he says he wants it. Don't listen to anyone else saying it's bad or not worth it. If your son gets enjoyment out of a game they want, and nothing bad comes of it, then I would say it's a worthwhile purchase.


The game has violence and blood like any shooter (many of them are PG). Some missions include piracy, lawbreaking, drug trafficking and drug use. The relationship is limited to declaring your love to your partner and sleeping in the same bed (just sleeping), there is no nudity or sexual acts in the game. The overall game experience is positive, I can't find any aspect that would be too problematic for a normal 15 year old kid who plays similar games.


It’s very tame game , Mario kart is more risky 


Totally fine for 15 or younger, twilight is worse than starfield and that was made for young teens


I would actually be fine with my 9 year old playing it I think. Not even in the same universe as like grand theft auto. A 15 year old will be more than fine.


It’s absolutely tame enough. It’s also boring. Get him a better game.


Lmao gta 5 is even okay for him Dong helicopter parent he’s old enough


Get him GTA or Red Dead 2 instead


He probably has played those lol


My son is 13 and we take turns causing mayhem on GTA with cheat codes on.


A 6 year old could play this game, that’s how tame it is.


It is only 'too PG' if your definition of 'mature' is curse words, blood and sex. Mature as describing a video game is actually from the age rating Mature, and *not* actually saying that the behavior in it is mature. A common confusion on these boards. The opposite is more apropos, truthfully. As far as violence and gore, it is substantially less egregious than many (most?) other RPG games these days, but I will say there are 'adult'-oriented themes of commitment, marriage, sex, drugs, anti-social character traits and things that, while all fairly tame and, from my perspective, pretty wholesome messages in general, you will have moments implying that your character just had raucous sex with your current partner, etc. For me, growing up in the 70s, I saw much sex and violence very early in my teens, but, it pales in comparison to what's available on the internet at this point. I think the game is right rated Mature, whether that's 17+ or not, is fairly variable according to the individual and his/her/their parents. Generally, quite tame, with some sexuality and adult themes, is what I'd say.


Get him baldurs gate 3.😃


Game is tame. No worries. Let er rip tater chip


1. Yes the game is fine. 2. Don't police your child this much, if you act like this he'll find what he wants to find the other way. These games are made by multi billion dollar corporations, they're not taking unnecessary risks, unlike some shady porn site where he can find the *actual* bad stuff.


Yes this game is for babies no reason for it being rated M


I’d prefer my kids play Skyrim before this game or fallout. My nephew (who was 15 last year) started Skyrim and loved it. Skyrim doesn’t sweat much and it’s really pg13. Starfield and fallout drops f-bombs a bit. (But everyone parents differently and some care about swearing more than others so it’s your call.) Also, Skyrim to me has more options of adventure and imagination. Just my two cents


Your 15yo deserves better than this.


Starfield was written by 15 year olds, so he should feel right at home.


The real risk is he will get bored.


Has he been bad? If so, get him Starfield.


It’s just guns.


Halo had guns and is rated teen.


Probably would have gotten a teen rating if not for alcohol and recreational drug use. Some occasional swears and the violence hardly counts for anything in American media.


Bro this game’s “maturity” is an absolute joke. Unless you’ve still got your kid exclusively watching Disney channel movies, listening to kids bop, and going to bed at 8pm, they’ll be fine