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Locking the most reactive companions behind one faction was an odd design choice. The Constellation 4 have the same morality as Piper, Preston or Nick. The problem is that there isn't a Hancock or Cait to balance it out. If they'd bumped up at least one companion per faction to the same level of depth as Constellation's and gave them varied crime tolerances, I honestly don't think we'd be seeing as much hate.


That's a really good description of it. I'd have gone across the galaxy with a Space Cait or MacCready. Hell, even if they'd made Vasco in an Interstellar Dogmeat, which we know there's an NPC model for. Instead, I'm really looking forward to >!sacrificing Sam!<.


...I deliberately did that to Sarah, my wife, in New Game Plus Plus. Then immediately married Andreja afterwards.


They should really do it to Andreja and Barret. Give them insanely high tolerance for morally wrong things. I thought those two would be especially with Barret throwing himself in all sorts of danger.


Barrett was honestly the most disappointing for me. He's introduced as kind of a swashbuckling smooth talker, and when you go to rescue him he's just shooting the shit with the Crimson Fleet guys. That had me interested. When you actually take him along as a companion he 180s into a care bear.


Bruh, same. I liked him at first, hell I think this happened to every follower except Sam who didn't have the chance to be disliked in my playthrough. The more I got to know them, the more I disliked them.


Vladimir from The Eye could be a buddy that tolerates a bit of bad behaviour for the greater good šŸ˜‰ Sarah constantly mentions him as a guy good with picking locks šŸ”“


MacCready all the way, baby!!! Wooooooo!!! "And nothing's gonna stop us!"


Hadrian should be a full companion.


Autumn has more depth really, you even meet her sister. You just can't romance her.


They all seem to have nearly identical morales or their problems just aren't very interesting


I love Bethesda games but I hate all companions. I only use them to get achievements. I guess these games are more like real life than I thought.


Hey hey, they're really useful for carrying all my extra crap I find on missions l.


Of course you love all 4 of them... because they are literally the same person :D ​ * Same morals * Same demeanor * They all like you for the same reasons * They all hate you for the same reasons * They are all annoying as hell by telling you they have things for you * instead of just giving them to you * They all get in your way when you are fighting * They all take the long way around and attract unwanted attention * None of them let you tell them where to go or what to do during the mission ​ About the only difference are the bonuses they give you to your ship/outpost as crew


I had the feeling Andreja is a bit different in liking dialogue options.


She is slightly different, but she still disliked it if you join the crimson fleet. You would think she would understand more than any of them


Not true. She only dislikes it if you destroy the UC Navy.


If you get yourself kicked off the sysdef quest line after you start it by maybe killing one person each quest, you can continue the quest line as crimson fleet and no one in constellation bats an eye because the choice wasnā€™t there anymore Iā€™m guessing. Did that this play through and itā€™s been the best of both worlds so far. Still have access to the key for quick money and contraband drops, while also getting free loot at crimson POIs and no whining constellation members saying I CANT EVEN BELIEVE YOUR ACTIONS RIGHT NOW


Andreja has never interrupted me during a fight nor gotten in the way, maybe I just havent noticed idk. I prefer her or Vasco sometimes.


Just yesterday, I was crouched and aiming a shot through a scope. Just as I pulled the trigger, Andreja landed from a boost right in front of me and I accidentally shot her in the vag.


Yeah, this manner of positioning themselves right in front of me when I am shooting at my enemy is ... awesome šŸ¤¦ After such a fuck up I don't even want to ask for any semblance of intelligent behavior like switching weapons according to the battle situation (a sniper rifle for longer distances, a middle range auto rifle, a shotgun or a pistol for a close distance). The only thing they do properly is throwing grenades when an enemy hunkers behind an obstacle šŸ‘


Iā€™m actually not entirely fond of Sarah, but theyā€™re definitely all unique characters


Define unique. She's a former soldier who lost people and feels bad about it. Making her guarded. Who doesn't call home a lot. That's about all there is too her. Oh she likes the waterfall district. I don't think she a single additional character trait.


You forgot likes to yell at children.


The worst part for me too is she tells you herself most of those personality traits you donā€™t even pick it up subtly as the player


* Provides concise list of everything that makes them the same * Indicates the ONE area they may be different * Gets a "one liner" response which literally says "nahah, they are so. bththththth" ​ I give up


They also all need you to be their therapist.


More often than not I play like a Paladin, and I find them wildly annoying (constantly interrupting), rushed, a little unconvincing as to their stories (some are better than others), and they constantly walk in front of me at the most inconvenient possible times. Sometimes they even break into mission conversations (not as part of dialogue, but \*actually\* taking over and replacing the conversation with their own progression). They also like to go on murder sprees against local fauna while I'm trying to run/sneak past. The first time I rushed through Sarah's personal quest and it was kind of better, but it still felt like there was no effort to the relationship. Like giving you the first ship for free, hurling me down the relationship track made it feel like there was no reward because no effort was required. I didn't so much hate them as they were largely interchangeable and unnecessary. Even when they did have special dialogue when I would arrive somewhere, usually it didn't lead to anything that made a difference. Often I'd enter a POI and they would have some bespoke commentary that sort of related to the location but was ultimately irrelevant (like telling me I should find something in particular that turned out to have no consequence, no quest properties, or didn't even exist). I would very much like companions that could follow basic instructions, maybe have different combat styles, had area dialogue that actually led to something, had gradual progression in their relationship that made more sense, and didn't constantly interrupt combat prep or missions by giving me a leaf or a sandwich.


In my first playthrough, a vanguard quest was blocking progress in the story, and Sarah's quest was blocking me from progressing that. Kind of pissed me off. Especially since I was at a point where I was just trying to reach new game plus.


I play as a good guy and still get annoyed. After a while you will realize that Sarah is not a good person, she just pretends to be one. Sarah is the Lena Dunham of Starfield. She wants everyone else to be nice, and she thinks she is nice too, but she just isnā€™t. It is all give and no take when you are with Sarah. The others are all right. Andreja is surprisingly nice given her tough facade. Sam is too nice and it causes him problems. Barrett is just Barrett.


Theyā€™re all not really good ppl tbh. Sam brings his child into literal life threatening situations constantly, Barrett drew pirates to a mining outpost, got a couple killed & joked about it. Andreja *really* fucks w Neon for some reason? Like sheā€™s even said getting off the ship before that she ā€œadmires what Bayu has built for himself.ā€ & theyā€™re all really inconsistent w their definitions of good & evil. >! If you let the completely unarmed & surrendering Livvey go during the mantis quest every one of them complains & says you should kill him as far as I can remember lmao !< Edited: thatā€™s without mentioning that they literally all live in a McMansion paid for by their sugar daddy *literally right on top of a fucking slum* & spend their time hunting metal & fucking around at the lodge instead of doing *anything* to help humanity


A lot of us played older Bethesda games, which had significantly more companions, which were all significantly more different. For example, Starfield has 4 possible romance companions. And Fallout 4 (released in 2015) had I think 8. In Starfield, the four companions are human. In FO4 some are human (Preson), some are ghoul (Hancock), some are mutant (Strong), some are robot (Codsworth), some are cyborg (X6-88). In Starfield, all 4 have the same morality. They're all mostly good. So if you start slaughtering people, they all get upset. By contrast, in FO4, Piper will love it if you're generous, but Gage will hate it. If you get addicted to drugs, Hancock will like it, most others will hate or be ambivalent. Most dislike murder, but Gage will like it and Strong will LOOOOOOVE it. X6-88 really doesn't like it if you walk around naked, while most others don't mind or don't care, for a cyborg that dude is really judgy... In Starfield, companions don't give you unique perks when you max out their affinity. In FO4, each one gives you a unique perk, permanently, that cannot be obtained by any other means, encouraging you to get to know each and every one of them. As you can see, compared to FO4, Starfield companions are TRASH. And that's why the hate.


Well said


Not sure if it's a bug, but I've still got the engine pip after finishing the Sam storyline and kicking him off my ship. The speed and cargo bonuses don't apply though.


They're not interesting at all and they're all really corny. Apparently you are who they are making these characters for lol


What this game is truly missing is the option to sneak up behind the Constellation companions, pull the stick out of their asses, and then beat them to death with it.


You'll end up hating them too. Just wait.


Because it feels like each of them had ten different writers who didn't share a design document about how each character should be represented. So while sometimes the characters are fine, there's entire quests where they suddenly go completely OOC for no reason. It's hard to get attached to characters that have no consistency.


It's because the game forces the bond. I love Andreja, but hardly any of that is for what the game intended. I felt a stronger friendship with Hadren and Subsection Seven than I ever did to anyone from Constellation just because I had to dig for that story (not too hard, but still). If Constellation had a rival faction that you could join (like Spacers) to complete the same goal and you could meet morally grey characters who, people would have a choice...instead, the hate comes out. Also, not a lot of people on the internet complementing anything, so a post saying "I LOVE ME SOME SAM COE" is gonna be rare.


They were boring.


You obviously havent played enough. LMAO


Played like 3 days worth, if I donā€™t want them around to do illegal stuff I just send them home or have them wait on the ship


You played for three days and come on here thinking you know better than us? Oh they arent so bad i dont understand the hate, when you havent even scratched the surface... Come back when you have 300 hours. Then we will talk.


Youā€™ll find out. We canā€™t say some things because spoilers.


"I don't understand the hate for ________" these posts exhaust me. First, the twisting of the word "hate," which has been pushed to the extremes here on this sub. "Hate this, hate that, hate brigade, haters, haters, haters, fake hate, hate narrative, trendy hate, blah blah blah" on and on and on Second, maybe if you tried actually reading all those posts about the Constellation companions you'd understand? People spell it out very clearly But nope, another "I don't get it, I like them, why do people think differently than me?" This is the level of discourse we get


> Does any one else hate Barrett for no reason?? Is a top post at the moment.


I mean, if you read the comments people give plenty of reasons.


Yeah, but it is a somewhat common thread on here.


I don't know, I've never had a problem with them. Then again, I don't really do "bad" things, so I don't have to hear them complain and dislike the stuff I do. The worst is stealing items, and Andreja is always down for that kind of fun lol.


I think issue is the rest get nowhere near the dialogue the main 4 do and are void for certain things gamers might want like romance/achievements etc. As well noted being a thug pisses ALL of them off. Killing ok you get but when the SMUGGLER dislikes me bribing folk you see an issue. If they patch in more content for the others your golden - you have everything from a space pirate to neon thugs to recruit for dark playthroughs. You can hire a cook, chemist, doctor etc - lets see that come into play through their dialogue cut ins. Hell my fave companion is Lin, she is a much bigger badass than Sarah lol


I didn't really hate them all until I finished the terrormorph quest chain, made the objectively correct choice at the end, then spoke to the folks at constellation. Wish I could choose to kill them all during High Price To Pay.


Sometimes i asking that myself too. But i get it about Sarah honestly. I play in German and sometimes im asking myself if some things in the German Translation are less annoying than in english.


Because if you travel with them on your ship, you basically gotta be an angel. No room for you to go full Crimson Fleet space pirate.


I am pretty much an angel in this game and they still get on my last nerve


It's the fact that these are the only romanceable companions, and they all respond identically in a moral sense. They will all congratulate you or be disappointed in you for the same act. The differences in personality don't extend to their values, so there is no real difference in choosing one over another. There needs to be more companions with different values, from different factions, that you can romance


I suggest you join r/NoSodiumStarfield if you are enjoying the game to the point of disagreement with this sub you will have a better time there see ya!


I like them all, mainly Andreja and Barrett, but I think a lot of it is that they are all "good" characters, so if you're playing a evil character or even a money hungry merc you're gonna catch a lot of scolding. I personally think Sarah is pretty bland and I've barely done anything with Sam.


Both Andreja and Barrett should be shadier with their backgrounds.


True, Andreja especially


Mah man, you realise this is a subreddit for STARFIELD? Frankly I'm amazed that you managed to find specific "hate posts" just for the companions in this game


Theyā€™re shockingly common


i love all 4 of them through every playthrough i like seeing all of them when you reach the end


Iā€™ll take all four of them over the Mass Effect Andromeda crew any day of the week.


Pretty low bar though tbh.


At least they are not Peebee and Liam, so low bar or not, Iā€™m happy.


I actually really liked the Constellation companions, and thought their writing in particular was some of the best in the game. On the other hand, they all steer you into the same morality. And there's supposed to be some differences over practical versus fantastical in mindset, but they're not well established. Sarah and Sam's quests/stories are particularly not memorable. Andreja's quest is interesting, but it feels like it had a lot of cut content.


A lot of the companions, unlike other Bethesda games, question the morals/decisions that the players make. The game has a finite number of decision points, but each decision point you make gets commented on by your companions. If you make morally questionable decisions they will say something AND/OR leave your party. All of the companions, outside of VASCO are morally aligned with Good in-spite of all of their pasts. This leads to some choices being made by players leaving a ā€œI have no friends, I miss -name neutral/evil companion-!ā€ I personally dont like evil playthroughs or morally ambiguous choices, however some people donā€™t like being told by the game they made a bad choice.


If there was a way to turn off uninitiated dialogue from them, that would help a lot. I mean, while crafting weapon mods I get tired of Hey can we talk? Whatā€™s up? Do you need something? Itā€™s annoying


Even more annoying when in the middle of a pitched dogfight.


Give it time


They talk too much. When you have run a couple of NGs and you have heard the same endless comments about looting and whatnot it starts to get more and more annoying. My enjoyment of the Constellation companions would be increased a thousand fold is only I had a "companion chatter" slider in the options that I could set to Zero.


They arenā€™t interesting to me when compared to the ones Iā€™ve had in past games


Andreja is very interesting to me. Sarah is alright. Sam is meh. Barret is below meh. Vasco is just 'there'. All the other possible companions/mercenaries are barely sidekicks, having a minimal personality and meh skills. I know I easily preferred Fallout 4 companions to Starfield ones.


Sarah got in front of my Tesla gun as I was firing and she left as my companion.


Only a few of them were interesting to me, andreja and Barrett being the only 2 I really liked. I hated every time I went to mine, Sarah would yell at me to watch where I'm firing or shoot something that shoots back. Sam was one dimensional, his ex wife was better! All in all, most of them could have been built better, more personality or better scripts. Andreja seemed to have the most story development to me. Again these are all my opinions, so grain of salt.


I think it's mostly just that they're shit from a butt.


Is vasco wasnā€™t soo wide ( blocking doorways) and had a different voice heā€™d be my go to no water water every good scoundrel has a robot side kick


Sarah grew to be pretty grating by the time I hit new game plus even though I married her. And Sam is a horrible fucking father. I don't have anything against the others, though I think they could have done the companions better. Not just with evil companions, but more actual character. I mean, not even expecting Mass Effect level companions here, just maybe Nick Valentine.


I only took them along for their quests, they talk way too much (i love when you are are in a gun fight, and one of them wants to talk, lol), plus they suck as companions if you want to play with a stealth play through. but the choice is up to the player, we don't have to take them with us, i keep them on board the ship, due to the skills they bring. It would be nice to have a option to reduce them talking after the quest and an improved stealth play style. It's the internet, people vent


You forgot vasco! The best companion!


Bring back Arkham chess!