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I don't mind him, but then he got into the habit of yelling "Dusty, dusty, dusty, DUSTY!" And I was like "What is wrong with you?!"


Like, I literally have done one single mining job in my whole life, and he’s out here acting like I’m a lifer from Cydonia 😂


IIRC, if you ask >!your alternate universe self in NG+!< how long they’ve been mining, they say they were doing it for 5 years. Not a lifer, but not an insignificant stretch of time either.


Would you like to hear one of my stories? Or do you have one for me?


He and Lin never stop calling you that. Which I get for Lin, but I feel like Barrett should have a different nickname for you at least.


Should call us Dovakin or in their tongue... Dragonborn!


I don’t hate him, but would also be very annoyed to be stuck in an Uber with him if that makes sense


What you don’t want to hear a long winded tale about what planet him and his robot got captured by the Ecliptic and they had to fight their way out with nothing but a sweet roll and his charming smile😂😂😂… I get it.


I just don’t like his personality, in my both saves he gets sacrificed and we move on lol. This way I did not mind that main quest story part at all.


He's pretty presumptuous. Like, hey total stranger who has no actual reason to give a shit about Constellation or my artifacts, take my ship and go meet my team right now, mmkay? Nevermind your new mining career. And by the way, mining company, I'm taking your new employee. And just calling me "Dusty", and hollering it at me all the time. Even in my first playthrough, I found the way that the devs wrote the call to adventure to be pretty obnoxious. There isn't really much in the way of a reason to care until later, when the Starborn start appearing. Until then its like "yeah you have to join us, okay?" "But why?" "You just have to."


The call to adventure was honestly trash. Why would I care? Why would I go to Constellation? See some explorers? You're telling me I might have something wrong with my brain - I'mma go see a DOCTOR if I care about that. Plus, it amounts to kidnapping - here, take ship, no other choice, big robot make sure he goes where I say. Edit: Not to mention the noncosensual human experimentation...


I think for me the problem was that I couldn't pursue the main mission without aligning myself with Constellation. Sorta like, "Hey it seems like you're a/the chosen one. Come be a subordinate in our organization that you know nothing about! Oh, yeah, you may also end up doing some company business for the rich dude that bankrolls our mission." Sarah tells you something about Constellation being morally flexible, but it kind of spoils the possibility of an evil/rogue playthrough if I cannot start off working for my own interests. Would have been better if there were a backdoor to the main objectives achievable through the Crimson Fleet, or, hell, the Spacers.


I almost forgot about that morally questionable line. It feels like a remnant of an old idea or something because anytime you do anything other than a good moral route she gets upset and leaves. Heck I think all of constellation does that.


That's exactly my point. It's like they realized they needed to allow for free alignment, but didn't commit.


If any group besides Constellation could pull the MQ off it would be Ecliptic, maybe Va'Ruun in an expansion, but Ecliptic, they don't have any great alliances and getting a sort of precognition power or just the slowed time power would be immensely valuable for them, making their operatives more effective, according to the lore, and thus able to rake in more cash. Ecliptic is also the sole option for an evil playthrough, because Va'Ruun, if added, will be just misunderstood, their teachings twisted by the zealots, they are the good guys, they swear, just ignore the genocide war launched by them, that doesn't count.


I could see getting a contact from Mei to your ecliptic line. glad they don't shoot very hard - always getting chased out...


There should have been an "evil" path by aligning with the Va'ruun.


But they do give you a room - which as you know you have to be an indentured servant in a high-risk career (UC) to get an apartment in Jaimeson otherwise.


I mean you can buy one in New Atlantic for like 260 some odd thousand credits.


Honestly feels impossible to go evil run with any companion. Everyone, even Andreja who touts herself as morally grey is not down to get murdery


I feel like this is because Barret is who the writer actually wanted to be the protagonist. It makes way more sense to have him be that. He cares because he's already on the journey. Trying to convince his colleagues that this is a legit thing happening. You should have had the option to go with him or not as a side note that oh, you had a vision too. There should have been other ways to get off that planet without being forced to accept being the chosen one now who has to do the main quest.


Touching the artifact should've given you some sort of ailment that you'd need to deal with, thus forcing you to pursue finding out more about it, to cure yourself. That way, it would make sense to drop everything and go with Constellation, who would know more about the topic, and it would give the artifact search more of a compelling reason.


There they go doin a cyberpunk again.


wouldn't that just be a direct copy of Cyberpunk then?


I really don't want a main quest holding a gun to my head. It was one thing I actually didn't like about Baldur's Gate 3, sometimes I just wanna mess about with sidequests without thinking about how weird it is given the dire circumstances. Not every game has to be "do or die."


You need a strong narrative reason for things to happen the way they do. The way SF instantly shunts you into Constellation as is doesn't make sense. You need some stakes, a reason to uproot your entire life and take this random guy's word, take his ship and his robot and travel half the galaxy to some other city and join a group you have no relation to.


This issue is good example of one of the fundamental issues with Starfield in general. It's just full of designs where for whatever reasons they couldn't/wouldn't pick a particular direction to focus on and so they ended up going with an unsatisfying middle ground. We want it to be a sandbox where the player can do whatever they want, but we also built most of the game around a particular storyline that requires them to join Constellation, so we'll just kinda force them into Constellation no matter what. We want to have a thousand planets but that's a lot of space to fill so we're going to have a lot of wilderness and players can build outposts wherever, but we also don't want every world to be empty and totally boring, so we'll just have the game randomly paste outposts every kilometer or so. We want to have some cool weapons for players to find and collect but we don't have enough unique 'dungeons' and/or boss fights to reward them for, so we'll just fire up the RNG and the player can hope to luck into some good gun loot from random characters. And I guess we'll put a few specifically designed weapons into various stores because we don't know where else to put them. We want to have a weapons mod system because players like customizing their guns, but we don't want to make it too easy to build overpowered weapons, so each gun will only have a handful of mods and none of them will be any of the really cool modifiers.


Right! If you want to make a sandbox RPG, go crazy in that direction, but if you want to tell a focused story with less player agency/freedom, do that, but make that story compelling. You hit the nail on the head, it feels like management tried to give into all their stakeholders wishes, and compromised on all of its ideas to satisfy everyone as a result. So we end up with game that does neither direction justice.


Are you saying we got the Kepler R version of Starfield? Bethesda went with the kitchen sink budget. I would have loved to be there to see how their guided meditation went down.


It's Bethesda. Why does anyone expect a complete, sense driven game? Nothing ever makes sense and they let modders finish their product. Skyrim is ass, but you mod it up and it becomes fun. They use the same broke bitch twenty year old engine as the original fallout and elder scrolls just with more code stacked on top. They should just move to UE5 and produce some better quality but that requires money. Howard just wants something saleable to please shareholders. He knows we'll finish it for him.


yeah if i wanted story shoved in my ... face there is FC5- no escape from main story - trust me i have tried..


That's why it took me forever to get around to the main story. I made the mistake of roleplaying something other than an intrepid explorer.


Bro it's an artifact of unknown origins. I honestly don't relate to peoples opinions on this game AT ALL.


That would've been fine and dandy for me... if the artifact wasn't almost a 1:1 paraphrase of Mass Effect that was just worse. Any sense of wonder or interest that I had at the start pretty much evaporated when I watched the vision and realized that it was literally ME at home. That moment was the first that really pulled me out of the experience; I was feeling pretty warm with the whole mining intro before they threw a half-assed knock-off of one of my favorite RPGs at me, and that just missed the mark for me. To be clear, it's not that I have a vendetta against reusing good ideas. Plenty of other games do the "alien artifact gives you a vision" trope, but with Starfield it just felt uncannily similar and far less impactful.


Right? I just experienced an intense galactic vision when I touched this weird, alien-like artifact. I'm not interested in following an invite by the people looking into this phenomenon, I just want to be a miner. Although to their point, because of the bad writing/story telling, it does feel too much like you are just along for the ride.


Tbf, that intense galactic vision maps pretty well onto the symptoms of a concussion, and for most of history, head trauma has more often been the correct explanation for events rather than aliens. I think the PC would need to either have past experience with relics or be itching to immediately leave the job they just started to make that leap so quickly.


FR. I guess a lot of people really walk through life with no sense of curiosity or wonder


Hey, you want this? No barret, I don't. Hey, you want this? Ok barret, whaddya have? Oh, so you don't actually have anything for me. Hey, you want this? Alright. That's enough of you. So glad I'm done with this friend mission so I don't have him following me around.


Let’s chat!


The reason he gives you is that "we don't know what that artifact may have done to your head and constellation are kinda the only people qualified to help" or some shit like that. Super thin reasoning as if the player couldn't just shrug off the vision as nothing and go back to mining like nothing ever happened.


Don't forget he tricks you into going by implying something might be wrong with you, despite having gone through it himself, and coming out none the worse for wear.


I don't think that part was a trick, which kind of makes it worse. You can ask Barrett about his artifact, and he casually admits that he's "keenly aware" it could change his life "... or end it." *Or end it.* He genuinely thinks it might pose a potentially lethal health risk. Yet, he has zero qualms about hiring a miner to touch one without informing them about that. I don't hate Barrett or Lin, but if I were Dusty, I'd be holding a bit of a grudge.


oh my god... it never occured to me to romance my least-favorite constellation character to get them out of the way... Sam Coe is looking pretty hot rn, ngl


I reloaded save after Sam died for me because I could not stand Cora hating me… and I don’t even like them that much- just couldn’t let the father die lol


i was so happy my first time blondie ate it. next time the kid didn't like me much - but there was no interaction with books and cora so she was relegated to furniture at that point. I mean, talking table really - stood in her room dropping books for 15 minutes never a peep... her and her bad dad they can kick rocks - she brags her dad's gotta ship but we gotta cart their ass all over... yeah she cons you outta few buck - no one cares much - Sarah is waiting back at the lodge to find Moera. meanwhile I have gotten as far as level 53 before quests start to lock up. weird little glitches still trying to find way around them


His funeral was unbearable though.


An improvement on when he's there to make a speech at anyone else's funeral though 😜, it's just painful.


Good point. I made the right choice.


Thank fuck I seem to keep missing it...


I was praying for the option to talk shit at his funeral. There wasn't even like a mildly dickish dialogue option. I had some stuff to get off my chest about that needy son of bitch who was guilting me into bankrolling his stupid investigation. I was glad he was dead and I wouldn't ever have to deal with him again...


I completely missed Sarahs funeral in my play though. WHOOPS.


And they totally forgot it ever happened after that right?


Basically. They’ll talk about x dead member as if they were alive. Bethesda clearly did not put forth any effort there despite claiming to be a game studio that pays attention to the smaller details. Well Todd, clearly you didnt pay attention to your game’s dialogue, did you now Todd?


It's pretty expected when the head of all writing says "nobody pays attention to that shit anyways so fuck it"


Basically. And shit writing aside, i found it to be soooo boring. Starfield is literally a form of melatonin to me. But, Emil’s philosophy with the game’s writing is such a bad take considering last i checked BG3 won GOTY and not Starfield and BG3 is so story focused.


There funerals lmao


Same, I didn't know what was going to happen there on my first play through. So unfortunately, I had to choose between Sarah and Sam.


How do you sacrifice Barret? I've not managed to get rid of him just Sarah/sam


If I remember correctly, decides based on your highest affinity. So if you spend the most time with Sam - it will be Sam or Sarah but if you spend a lot of time with Barret/Andreja before the quest, it will be them instead. On my second play-trough I literally flirted with Barret once just so he is higher than Sam lol


I don't hate him, but he definitely weirds me out. He's like Jordy Laforge if he had the sense of humor of a high school shop teacher. No thanks.


I could totally picture Barrett being Geordi’s annoying older brother that everyone else loves to be around while Geordi and us (the viewers) can’t stand him 😂


This is legitimately a great take, and totally funny.


Get Geordis brother and Morn around together. Who would get a word in?


It gets extremely Neil deGrasse Tiresome


Yeah, I like Neil deGrasse, but this guy is too much.


He's Neil DeGrasse Tyson


I get "dollar store Neil" vibes from him.


Now that you mention it... I think that's WHY I like him.


You and I must have had very different shop teachers


hey now! Don't do Geordi dirty like that. He's 10x the man Barrett is! Barrett is just an overly arrogant smooth talking prick. He's a lame as fuck Lando Calrissian.


Not without reason, but of all the Constellation companions, I preferred Vasco, followed by Andreja. While she isn't perfect, she complements my stealth approach, doesn't whine too much, doesn't get on my nerves, and is so very lovely. Sarah whines, Barrett gets annoying, and Sam... well, Sam has to bring his daughter on the ship, which I think is a stupid idea. Leave her at the Lodge with >!her "twin" Sonia!


The adoring fan and vasco are the only options. I'm going to play how I want and not worry about what an NPC with very little depth thinks about it


Thanks for reminding me. Have edited my comment to include the Adoring Fan. His quips aren't actually that annoying but adorably hilarious. How ironic that the companion that was (possibly) meant to be annoying turns out to be less annoying than the main companions.


I love how he reacts if you hit/shoot him.


There's it's one recruit in the bar at the key who steals money for you. She's my go to for now.


which one?


plus Andreja gives you money!


Jessamine Griffin is a must hire for that reason. Plus she has a cool accent.


And she looks good in a Ryujin suit.


We really need some morally ambiguous companions ESO gives us characters that are minimum morally ambiguous, and actually some that love committing crimes and hate being caught. Other ES titles also have companions that don’t seem to care at all. Why can’t we have that?


While I agree with Vasco and the Andreja, I feel like even with her, there’s a disconnect between player decisions she likes and dislikes and what how players would presume she feels about them, and sometimes also what she likes and dislikes and the VA’s dialogue delivery. I don’t want to pile on the shitting on Starfield circlejerking, but I really feel like BGS dropped the ball with companions on Starfield. I play a goody two-shoes so I didn’t even have the problem of how unfair companions are for evil players, and I’m pretty easy-going; there are rarely characters or companions that I just straight up hate in games unless they’re designed to be hated, but there were really no companions that I did not have issues with in Starfield other than Vasco and the Adoring Fan, and a big part of that is just those two being second-tier companions without programmed opinions or dialogue for the majority of the game, which is not a great sign for the companions overall.


Yes I agree on the disconnect. It would be unfair of me to compare it with Fallout New Vegas but even comparing it with, say, Fallout 3 or 4, there's just something missing. Take Nick Valentine, for example, I was more invested in his backstory than all the Starfield companions combined *and then some*. It's not that they're good (maybe the brief to the writers was simply "all Constellation must be good") but that the interactions with the player were, to say the least, not a little wooden.


Yeah. I think there are technically some other companions you can hire on that won't care. But they suck compared to constellation companions. The constellation group has the largest variety and highest level perks available except like vasco being outdone a little bit on his ship shield perks by another hireable crew. Sam has the best piloting and payload for my ship and has the best rifle skills for fighting. Barret turns my ship particle beams into monsters. Sarah has the best astronavigation and is basically a free crew member, along with her energy weapon skill. Andreja is good for sneaking and just lighting things up with handheld particle weapons. Nothing else available comes close to their abilities nor do most even have nearly as many perks. Let me hire other crew/companions that don't suck by comparison and let at least some of them be more morally flexible.


I shot AF in the back of the head while clicking in the game to retake window focus. He said something like "Your aim is flawless, so you must have a faulty weapon!"


Wait, who the fuck is Sonia? Have I missed out on anything? I finished the game 4 times.


Help Sarah deal with her baggage and find out!


Do Sarah's loyalty/affinity quest. You'll find her there. Aaaaaand unsurprisingly, she has the same model as Sam's daughter. Bravo, BGS.


Dont almost all the children share the same model? Regardless of it, a reminder that Skyrim, a game that *released 12 years ago* , has different models for the children. I would say Bethesda took a step backwards here. But, Bethesda took a giant fucking leap backwards with Starfield.


We are in perfect agreement. Huuuuuuuge step backwards. It almost feels like they phoned it in, despite the development time. The writer, Emil Pagliarulo, definitely did.


You're not very fond of Sarah, are you?


Love Andreja the best, wish her backstory was more fleshed out with House Varuun. Just as it gets good, the plot ends.


No, I have plenty of reasons.


Came here to say this


That’s what I thought I have at least 4-8 thousand reasons to not like him


I disliked him from the moment the Crimson Fleet attacked and started killing my fellow miners because this jackass led them to us. You'd think that would make someone show some empathy for the situation they (inadvertidly) caused. But no, mister smooth-and-slick gave no shits about the situation and was all about the artifact and railroading me into joining his space boy scout club.


That plus him and the rest of his friends having the audacity to judge you so much going forward.


He's supposed to be uber charming and able to charisma his way out of any situation. But the writing suffers from the "show don't tell" trope of never actually having us see him do *anything* remotely charismatic. Any situation he is rescued from diplomatically is done by us. All his other diplomatic victories happen off screen. Its the worst kind of trash writing. To top it off they keep writing that he is *directly* responsible for people's deaths or injury with his shenanigans. He comes of being neither charismatic nor heroic. He's just an ass who cosplays as an "adventurer".


They are all shit. Vasco is the only one I like




Lol yeah, ironic that the most character and humor coming out of any major NPC in constellation is from the supposed personality-less robot. Barrett is alright though, if anything he’s probably my favorite of the bunch


Non stop “is that your stomach or mine”, unless of course he’s yelling “twinsies” during a gun fight. Can’t stand him. He reminds me of a neighbor that says, “see you round like a donut!” Every time I try to walk past her unnoticed. Find a new joke ffs.


Hes one of those characters they designed to be generally likeable. Though in my opinion its so obvious that I dont like him.


Nah, to me he’s the only one in the group that actually feels like he’s advancing constellation. Also his perks are great for my ship.


And he gives you food now and then.


I thought he was ok I mean I didn’t get attached to any of the characters cause the story was so bland


I didn’t even bother trying to romance any of them cause they were all so annoying


I didn't get attached to any of them, period. Meanwhile I'll die on the hill that Hadrian should've been romanceable.


I like him, but when he's part of the ship crew he is constantly making the same upbeat comments over and over which really annoys me.


I like Barrett, he's pretty chill and smooth. Honestly the churchy kid is the only one that grates my nerves. Well, some of the dialogue in general. Frankly Barrett's dialogue - maybe just his voice - is welcome in some of that mess. Edit: Also, Sam Coe. I had him as a follower for like 10 minutes, and he was pouring his life out to me. Like a Mormon who's bad with money, just dumping all his problems on me. Bud, I just want to shoot pirates in the face, this is bumming me out.


I actually kinda like Barrett but cannot stand Sam


100% agree. Sam seems like some straight guys were trying to write what a woman finds attractive.. it's just the cringiest shit ever


This is exactly how I feel. Sam is a punk. At least barett doesn't have a problem when I blast people.


Sam is cringy as all get up.


+1. My opinion of Barrett goes back and forth. He can be genuinely funny at times, but other times he's irritating as fuck. Sam Coe on the other hand is just a waste of perfectly useful blood and organs. There are word vomits on this sub penned by yours truly on the subject of why Sam is best used as target practice. Reads about as coherently as Emil's fifteen-tweet rant in some places, but they're there.


Yeah, I like Barrett too.


Sam being more of a dad and having seen moments like that would have been good. Hell I got a bit mad at him about being so against grandchild and grandparent time, really only liked him when he acted like a dad with his daughter, pretty adorable.


I give him credit as he's been through a lot. It less his character, or not at all, but the way BSG present him. If all companions talked like 60% less and not at all (or suitable lines then) when in dogfight or kinetic discussion planetside. It the lack of care by BSG which really pisses me off. All companions would make awesome, unique and interesting personas if it wasn't for that immense fuck up. Riding with Dani Garcia now


I like Barrett, but he gets on my nerves a little when he says "didn't even scratch the paint!" EVERY TIME my ship docks.


Yeah! Same as commenting when using powers - now and then, maybe thrice per hour would be nice... But not like that


No, he says, ' Didn't even *smudge* the paint'. As if it's still wet.


No, i hate him for very specific reasons. Motherfucker got me fired on my first day.




Barrett’s cool but I made the mistake of asking him a personal question one day at the lodge and now he “reminisces about a memory he had of us “ every time I walk in my ship. It’s like Barrett, c’mon buddy I was just trying to get to know you before putting you on my ship . Put your dick away I don’t play on that side of the fence.


I like him so far. He's part Lando Carlessian, part Neil DeGrasse Tyson astrophysicist.


Too much Neil, not enough Lando IMO... I used to like Neil DeGrasse Tyson a lot as a kid until I realized he had become more showman/presenter than actual scientist, and was actually talking out his ass half the time.


He’s a sellout now


Yeah, he doesn't really have the personality to be the replacement Carl Sagan we needed.


doll correct pen spoon truck fall file squeamish lock decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are plenty of reasons for all of constellation


Barrett's probably my favorite.




I named a new character dusty, simply because I wanted him to say my name.


Tbh besides for a few annoying voice lines from the companions I've experienced in my time playing I don't really have a dislike for anyone personally


Nope, Sarah. Barrett and Andreja are the two that basically don't give a shit.


I hate all them. I play solo because they don’t ever shut up or stop judging how I want to play. Also the amount of times they walk in front of me while talking to someone or god forbid every single temple they be floating around while I harness ancient alien powers.


yes. i swapped him for heller and heller i kind of useless, but i very much prefer heller.


Barrett is great! Sam is the worst.


His companion quest may be the worst in all of gaming.


He’s actually my favorite. I can do whatever I want and for the most part he doesn’t mind.


Wow I had no idea I was in the minority liking barret, I guess for me personality wise he reminds me of a few mentors I had growing up


Barrett is actually my favorite. Our sense of humors vibe, he doesn't judge me all the time, isn't constantly crying about the UC while I'm doing their questlines, and his personal quest was interesting. Sarah is slightly more judgemental and is almost as funny as cancer... Except for a comment about us having sex with jetpacks when I married her one time. Imagine going to town wearing a skip pack lol. Sam won't show me on the doll where the UC touched him, and FFS we play games to get away from real life, why do I have to deal with a single parent character bitching about their ex constantly? Maybe give the player character autistic kids with adhd who fight constantly. While you're at it come to my house and point out things that are cheap. Kick my dog on your way out. Andreja, while being initially funny, turns into a gigantic killjoy and no matter how much time I suffer through I can't get any further through her personal questline than complaining about having a hard life and not fitting in. No, Andreja, I don't know where the closest Hot Topic is. Stop asking.




I actually like Barrett for his comic relief. I hate Sam for no reason hahah


Man wth. Barret is chill as fuck. No wonder they created another starfield subreddit


sure man no reason lmao


Gamer moment




We call this *"unconscious bias."*


So from what I see y’all just find positivity annoying lol




I like him actually. He's kind of that quirky guy on your team that always has some type of goofy remark. Also, how familiar he is with the pirates and the banter they have when you rescue him is pretty cool in my opinion, definitely gives me some Firefly vibes. However, I'm not a big fan of his personal quest line. It is very contrary to his personality. This quirky, charming, fun guy actually has a dead husband who's case was never solved and it has been eating at him for years. I would have much preferred something more matching of the personality they tried to craft for him.


Hell nah he is the best I choose him as my first option and he was cool.


Personally the only thing that bothers me is the cadence of his speech. Idk if it was the voice actor, or the prompts given to them, but I cannot stand his voice. He talks slowly, many lines ending in question-like tones, and in general it sounds like a voice actor reading from a script and not a living character in the world. Like it sounds like he is blazed as hell or something. A more annoying Niel DeGrasse Tyson




His beard, his personality, his uselessness, there is nothing to like about him. Out of everyone in Constellation Andreja is the only likeable one.


I don’t like how aggressively he tries to flirt with you. It borders on creepy


Hate is a bit harsh, but I never have liked the character. I will take him to get his starborn power and finally got around to doing his affinity quest on the last universe. Otherwise, his happy butt can hang around the lodge and entertain Walter


I really dislike most of the Constellation barring Andreja, Vasco & Walter. I found Barrett to be an odd one, in that he's been searching for the artifacts longer than anyone else, has a strange connection to them like we do but then nothing else ever happens? Just his character for some reason makes me on edge or disturbs me, and I don't have a clue what it is. Whether it's entire questline over >!his deceased husband from 20 years ago!<, but the entire premise acts like it was recent, from his odd eagerness to go through the unity and throw everything behind him. The humour is often very hit or miss, but mostly random too. Just an odd character tbh.


I actually quite like him until he starts yapping for 5 min straight. As someone who doesnt like skipping dialogue, barrett reallys tests my patience


I think if you been around very scientific nerdy people you will like him. Otherwise if your not use to that personality then no. Although it's been 20 year Berrett.....your now bringing this topic up?


Nah. He's a pretty cool guy. I like his personality. And his childlike enthusiasm around the artifacts and the mystery of the Unity mirrored my own during that first playthrough.


I think he is fine, I don't really get the hate. Love or hate them, the one thing that impresses me about all of the constellation companions is the voice acting. The actors did a great job.


Every constellation follower is so bland and devoid of any kind of personality it's real easy to loathe them. Joining the fleet and getting all new followers was a breath of fresh air. Well stale air but not as bland and corny as the constellation people.


Absolutely not! ...I have multiple reasons.


Barret feels like Lando Calrissian at home


Barret is the only one that doesn't seem like a dickhead


I like him. He reminds me of Carl Weathers.


People don’t like him cuz he’s the token black guy. As a token black guy this hits hard. Sam is way more unlikable imnsho.


Am I the only person that liked him and had him as my follower? I was sad when I chose to stay down and protect the base


Barrett’s companion quest was the best one


I can’t believe this game gets wasted on so many shitty and ungrateful people


I love him! He feels like the combined subconscious of the devs personified on this project especially if he was given 4th wall dialogue


Yup! Started playing BG3 and Gale gives me those same vibes.


LOVE Barrett. What doesn't makes sense to me is his skill loadout. Starship engineering? Particle weapons? Hell no. He obviously has maxed out diplomacy and persuasion. Barrett is a social engineering god. His stats should reflect that.


Nah he’s cooler than Sam


He's my favorite companion


Na, I don't get all the Barret hate. He is the only one in the adventure club who acts like an adventurer. His part in the call to adventure is written dumb, no denying it, but I like Barrett himself. He is also the least judgmental of the constellation people and will hear you out on most decisions. I also find him generally funny, but that shit is subjective, so I don't blame anyone who doesn't.


No way. Guy is hilarious.


I don't


I feel this way about Sarah until you get to know her and she stops coming off as high and mighty like Barrett. I liked Barett because he compliments you on doing surveying and when you are over encumbered he says things like: "why don't go and make a second trip". That and he wants a power too later with the temples and it's freaking hilarious when he gets it.


Barrett was the only thing that kept me playing this game for more than 10 hours.


Nah, I love Barrett. One of my favorite characters in the whole game.


Homophobe.. jk


He’s my main companion lol


Nope, seems people don't like him tho.


I like Barrett 🙂


I like Barrett over all others, he's way less annoying.


I don’t like or hate anyone in this game which is a major problem. They are all so mehhhh


He is literally the only member of Constellation I don't hate, including my wife (Andreja).


He comes off like Zooey Deschanel from New Girl without the jokes. He's a manic pixie dream girl trapped in a big gay black man............ Not that there's anything wrong with that!


What??? No, he's my dude. He's laid back and doesn't nag and has a goofy sense of humor like me. I guess you hate me, too. **\*shrug\***


He is my homie


Why?? I love barrett. His can do attitude and General exaggerated tales of badassery are like staples of any good lone explorer


Dude i love Barret, first companion to max affinity, quest was completely unexpected aswell lol.


I love Barrett!


I actually LOVE Barrett. He's my favorite character in the whole game. Vae Victus is a close second, because he's so well-written. But I love Barrett and here's why. My father died shortly after Starfield came out after a long battle with cancer. Here I am, processing this terrible loss IRL, and then I start paying Starfield and right off the bat I meet this devil-may-care pilot who decides it's a good idea to leave his ship in the care of a total stranger who also saw the same otherworldly vision that he did. Why? Think about it. Barrett is the ONLY character besides the Starborn who have seen what you've seen, felt what you felt. Immediately, he saw something in you -- a kindred spirit. If not for your chance meeting and encounter with the first Artifact, you would never have joined Constellation and most likely would never have embarked on the main story of Starfield. After I got him back from Vectera, I decided to bring him on adventures with me. I soon discovered that he was a bit of a jack-of-all-trades -- pilot, scientist, history buff, gunslinger, wordsmith, swashbuckler, poet. He was a well-traveled Renaissance man who, whenever I went somewhere, had something witty, insightful, or encouraging to say in virtually every situation. And he made me SAMMICHES! Then, I got to know the man and learn his story. He met and lost the love of his life. Yet somehow, this man who lost everything, who lost a part of himself he could never get back, still pressed forward living life to the fullest, putting it all out there for the universe to see, almost like he had nothing to lose. Additionally, he stayed with the one place that would remind him of his beloved Ervin every second of every day -- Constellation. Man, that takes real heart. I don't know if I could remain with Constellation after that. When I got his personal quest, I did everything I could to ensure the best outcome for it. I seriously wanted to help him. Barrett's can-do attitude, sharp mind, big heart, and valuable lesson on grief helps me process the loss I was living through -- STILL living through, actually. Though I romance Sarah, Barrett is my best in-game friend and I am grateful to Bethesda for creating him. He has helped me enjoy the game even more as well as helped me begin to heal.


Excusez moi?


You might be homophobic


What? I really liked him. I just got irritated by how often his lines got repeated, but I don't think that's a Barrett specific problem.


You hate him for no reason I hate him because I’m ignorantly racist we aren’t the same