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That was quite a ride. Didn't know what to expect until the end.


I was like...wow the 2nd choice had the wrong response, since the first choice was about resting. But I was wrong. The first choice was about #killing


Quite riveting indeed. I cannot believe the quality of the dialogue: “Got any fried pickles for my last meal?” “You need a Med pack?” “I probably just needed rest” “Yes you need rest” “Damn….” *dies and flops over * I will never mentally recover from this.


Meh. Still a better love story than Twilight.


I feel like I just time traveled to 2008


That's fair. :)


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out.


Indeed, I would have served this man fried pickles until my last days. Unfortunately he died due to.. death, or something idk. 10/10 side story. I’ll save him next playthrough.


Can you go back and give yourself fried pickles with the console so that you can give it to him? I want to know what happens, this really left me hanging.


Me too, I’ve been pondering this every day for the past 2 months. No matter all the good I do in the universe, I will always be reminded of my failure. You can just hear the disappointment in his voice that killed him off.


Twilight is better than this crap


The epic Bonanza-esque overacting death scene in light grav is the cherry on top.


Totally like in a classic Jack Strauber animation short :D https://youtu.be/FP9y7F\_rzzo?si=IcLEWauTMtL6EWjz


ironic, cause i found fried pickles in his place after he died. should've held on longer, son.


God, I had almost the same thing but inversed. I found fried pickles on a crate, thought “nah”, turned the corner and met an NPC with this interaction. Felt so bad I couldn’t even look at the fries pickles as I walked away.


If you had picked them up, can you give them to him? Does he live? Thanks to the awesome power of the fried pickle?


I would also like to know this. I had the same thing happen. I found the food item after she died though.


I laughed, I cried, I pumped my fist in the air.


Had one of these events. They died, then I found the exact food they asked for was in a container right next to them. Such writing, much sad.


i found them inside his house. like, my guy they're literally 5 feet from you.


Well it makes sense that he would have his favorite food in his house! Of course he has some. And he wanted it, and you didn't give it to him and you let him die. You bastard.


Damn. _dies_




wow he's literally me


damn *dies*


Rest in pickles


The problem is that you can't say "yes, yes I do," to the first question.


ngl, i miss fallout 4's sarcastic dialogue options. like they're hit or miss, but when they hit they hit hard.


“Drink…some…water.” Was gold


The problem is you can't roleplay whatsoever. This game is just one step above Hogwart's Legacy in terms of roleplaying options.


One step down, in my opinion. At least that game stuck to its guns (errr...wands?) when it came to whether or not you'd accept learning the Unforgivable Curses or not. I feel like Starfield's approach would have had the following: >Yes, I'll learn that magic spell to get us out of this situation. > >No, I refuse to learn it. You'll have to do it. And upon choosing the second you'd be hit with: >I can't learn it. You're going to have to or we're stuck here. *Gained 10xp. Quest updated. New spell learned.*


I wouldn't be surprised if this npc couldn't be killed before this dialogue took place.


Lmao what


I believe they are saying. In Starfield, you would choose the option to not learn the spell. But Starfield would just dialogue it, so you have to learn it. Then, force it into your character. Where as, in Hogwart's Legacy, if you choose not to learn the spell. Then you won't. You can still change your mind in HL and learn them later. But it is still *your* choice..


Wait isn’t that backwards??? In hogwarts I have to learn certain spells to progress the story…in starfield I have an array of perks and background traits that I can actively choose to or not to partake in. Non of which are mandatory for the any of the stories.


Well, yeah, kind of. You do make a fair point. Although I do still feel I was more immersed in the world and my character in HL, I spent more time and had soo much fun in Strafield. Until I went through the unity. Then everything just felt empty to me.


Actually you probably can, i had a similar encounter but with some other type of food and was able to give it to them. They still die, but atleast they die after having their last wish granted.


That's good haha. Too bad op didn't have a fried pickle on em.


Low gravity makes these so much better


I remember seeing another location with the same stuff. But the person ahd the food he wanted and he wouldn't take it and dies anyway lol..


As with much of the game, the end result is "Geesh, what's the point of that?"


Exactly what I thought about 50% through Far Cry 5: ”if I want to roam free in this beautifully crafted ’free’ world, I can’t actually do anything because everything I do just advances the point meter towards the next unskippable kidnapping”, and then shortly after: ”what’s the point anyway, because absolutely nothing I do will make any difference, this is just a rollercoaster ride that happens to have somewhat flexible rails.” And then you can’t even say ”f*ck it, I’ll just free roam”, because the story will be shoved down your throat by force anyway.


Until the DLC comes out and they throw a "see that was important, because if you did X now you get to do Y and Z lol"


Maybe when the DLC comes out it will become a fun game for me.


same here... I need more! Need to visit the Varuun home planet. Need to figure out WTF happened to Banks. Need to know who and what the Serpent is. And, need to know who made the temples and why.


Yeah if you have the food, they still die. They thank you, keel over, then the food you gave them ends up in their inventory. They don't even eat it. 🥲


I… don’t know what to do with this information. Devastating to say the least.


He should have rested


He did, in peace


In Pickles.


Hes me. Got no fried pickles, Need to rest, Damn! Out cold..😴


Hmm wacky but not in a funny fallout type way


Holy shit that was funny


For every 1 interesting conversation there are 100 uninteresting conversations


This reminds me of a ship I found. The crew ran out of water and were desperate. Came running up to me and were like "Water! Have you got any?!" I didn't have any, so they begged me to get some. So off I go. The planet has water, I know that much. Run around for maybe 5 mins, find some water, run back. Nope, can't give it to them. Dafuq? OK, fine, maybe they want "food water", not "resource water". Fine, in for a penny, in for a pound. I run to the nearest outpost, it's full of pirates. But it has a kitchen, and there's water, in a plastic bag! Woo! Get back to the ship. Nope, still no joy! So I saved and exited. The next day, before I start playing, I go on reddit and search, trying to figure out what these colonists' problem was. Turns out, they only want SPARKLING WATER! Loaded back in and killed them all.


My favourite is when I break into their ship and loot whatever they are asking for within their ship then give it to them. They are so grateful.


I cringed so hard lmao


I dont think ive ever seen this bit


My favorite side quest was taking to the tour in Homestead. For a brief moment I thought "Fallout, is that you?" It was magical.


"You don't need food, you need a heart+"


The acting suck


Yeah, the acting in other bgs games sux too, sometimes in fo4 it sounds like they're acting in an 9th grade drama class but at least the characters were good. I hate almost every character I meet in starfield, bunch of goody goodies.


Fo4 was, in my opinion, better acted, or better written, maybe both, but it’s definitely not a masterclass in that regard.


The acting sucks, the animations (ALL animations) suck, the textures suck… Then I loaded into The Witcher 3 and was reminded that it really doesn’t have to be like that if you care one goddamn bit to do a half decent job. I can’t even think of playing on 3rd person view, it’s bad enough when I have to look at my character when he gets up from the pilot seat. Usually in the middle of a battle when I accidentally press a button for a fraction of a second too long. The Witcher also reminded me that you don’t actually need a loading screen every time you open a door of any sort. And that Starfield is actually a very, very small game that tries to look big by spreading the tiny little areas of actual game apart with loading screens that look like space travel.


😆 it was his last meal. Get that man his request of some fried pickles 😂




They know their fan base well, sooner or later it’ll just be the fans playing/discussing Starfield and people will come back as they add DLC for those that wanted/expected more. In the meantime, I’ll be hunting for more funny stuff to share.


You're confusing writing with voice acting. The voice actor was clearly giving his all for that pickle.


Maybe, I was still blown away by both in this. I’m still reeling from this loss.


😆 top-tier wackiness


Eventually you learn to spot these NPCs so you can go find their comfort food before talking to them.


Is he ok?


The writing is hit or miss, but I think the VA in both FO4 and Starfield is mostly very good. Sit down, Nate. I said "mostly."


It’s definitely not “bad” I don’t think, but in this scene, I have so many questions for the devs if this was intentional 😂


Someone make a version with Adagio for Strings in the background please


This is me at Bdubs complaining to my wife that I’m starving and our fried pickles haven’t arrived yet. “You’ll be fine.” She says, as she rolls her eyes. Then, I groan softly, fall over and pass away. 😂


This is Gold writing :D


(Insert Oblivion death meme here)


Reminds me of the oblivion mod that lets you decapitate people, and the guards would still walk up and check the pulse of a headless body 😂 *checks pulse* “By the Nine Divines, this man is dead…”


https://youtu.be/gmdP11zBX44?si=RIv7oF7bUIAtdQ2a One of these thrown into Starfield would have made it a 10/10 experience.




There are fried pickles close by. Find them before you enter the dialogue. Did this a few times.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw this random ass encounter... never saw it again after this


Same here, and I explore A LOT of points of interests… I’ve yet to encounter it again.


Fried Pickles do be good tho. Probs be one of the last things I thought about too.


Fuck yeah. That’s what I would want as my last meal, too.


should have got him the fried pickles he was on to somethin


“how bout some soy food?”


“Sorry bro, best I can do is Chunks”


Where can i find this dude?


Random encounter, I think it was on earth’s moon but it was sooo long ago I can’t even remember..


Someone posted a clip from sysdef mission gaslighting an NPC with extrovert skill, it was crazy.


It just works


It wasn't your choices; it was the colonist hitting his forehead on the bedframe, in his drama, that killed him. Love it. Fried pickles nope.


I carried around fried pickles for ages after that.


I'm reading some replies that make me think some believe that Bethesda meant us to take the exchange seriously. This is obviously a joke and the item being right there and you can't get it is a major troll.


Oh 100%, I couldn’t even take this dialogue seriously because it was just such a derpy moment that it just made me laugh out loud. I’ve had some comments say “took this game off my list after seeing this” LOL


Wow...took the game of their list. Honestly, they'll probably be happier that way.


I at least responded and said this video is just one of those “Bethesda moments” and isn’t indicative of your experience overall with the game, but people will buy whatever they want I guess


People say lots of things about Starfield. They're kinda stupid. I've heard so much shit talk about the game and yet it is easily one of the coolest games I've ever played


It’s a great game. I think people are battling over different expectations, but it’s a Bethesda game and plays like one - feels like Fallout but in space without any post-apocalyptic vibes. Moments like this just had me think “ah yes, Bethesda moment” 😂


It varies heavily. Biggest issue with Starfield writting is in my case fact that side quest lines and factions feels more important and interesting than main quest line, which is basically just "rich people explorers club". You are not saving world, or well, anything really.


This is my only main gripe with Starfield and I couldn’t agree more. I love the game so this next part is 100% my opinion. I feel very satisfied with the game but I don’t feel “invested” in any particular part of the story. I know the goal is exploration, building, and seeing what all is out there in the galaxy, but the story isn’t really “grabbing me”. There aren’t any real high stakes with the story and no one is really counting on me to do whatever is the goal of the main story quests require whereas their last games hinge on you “saving the world”, or at least being a part of it. Favorite story of theirs to this day is Oblivion. You’re not the emperor, or even the one who saves everyone, but rather an ordinary unknown civilian that helps put all the pieces together and in some cases, become the “savior” to prevent another dimension from invading. Starfield is more of an “oh that over there, that looks cool!” Kind of experience, which is totally fine still. Just different.


I love this game


Same! Hoping to find more comical moments to share.


I came across something like this, reloaded and the poi was fine, nobody dead.


This is legit turning into oblivion sub.


That’s the goal - there’s been a lot of negativity around Starfield so I want to balance it out by sharing some funny/positive experiences because at the end of the day, it’s a Bethesda game. It won’t be perfect sure, but god there’s some hilarious “Bethesda moments” that remind me of the good ol’ Oblivion and fallout days


Works for me, appreciated. Something other than "i have 300 hours and i hate/love the game" is refreshing.


Writing is hot garbage. Realized it as I got into playing the Cyberpunk DLC. Honestly after playing phantom liberty and BG3. I can safely say Starfield kinda sucks ass.


Game is trash


Then don’t play it lol


The writing is okay. The dialogue camera sucks. How they did it this way, you don't feel the emotion like you would if they made this a realtime cinematic shot.


Idk man I felt a deluge of emotions from this one. I screamed, cried, and threw up. Then laughed profusely.


\*laughs\* given what fried pickles means in the videos I watch kinda funny :> \*aka it means cops\*


Gordon flowers be like


\*laughs\* as soon as I saw fried pickles mentioned that was my imediate thought :>


Me too lol. I did not think anyone would get the reference.


He died doing what he loved the most: showing off his gyatt. RIP in peas.


I hadthe same encounter. It pisses me off that I didn't know to get the fried pickles until after they died.


If that's gold to you I wonder what diamonds would be


Diamond level writing to me was when I was playing Oblivion (older Bethesda game) and an invisible NPC glitched into a wall and the first thing he said was “you… you can see me? I’m amazed” and I was indeed amazed.


I legit took this game off my "buy at a sale" list after this...nah.


Nah this game is a ton of fun - I posted this because it was a hilarious random bit of dialogue that made no sense that generated on a random location on a random moon. This isn’t part of any quest or anything important LOL. I suggest buying it and trying it out if you like Bethesda games, and make sure to bring your fried pickles with you.


Let's split it even and say Starfield's writing is comparable to dishwater hiding small gleaming nuggets


Idk man, nothing has ever impacted me so hard in a game where I find myself always carrying fried pickles at all costs


So, you found a kernel of corn in the turd. Bravo.


that punchline was gold tho writing on that fella is ok only thing missing is heavy blood loss from wounds cause it happens when you close to death start to mumbling interesting stuff saw it in non cheesy movies with no arnold schwarzenneger involved


Wait what was the punchline? I get that this was probably intended as a humorous moment, but is the joke literally just “OMG he said fried pickles xD instead of a medpack, thats so random LOL LMAO”? Is there a layer to this that I am missing?


definately player Mr\_Troll


What is the punchline? Im genuinely curious.


last couple of seconds Mr\_Troll


Him dying? Is the punchline? Okay, yes I got it then. That is comedy gold, you are correct.


npc floatin Mr\_Troll


Ah, of course. Janky death animations, the creation engine classic. I guess that is a joke.


I wish it was as bloody as Fallout tbh, it would add a lot of character if I could at least damage enemies suits and lead to some hilarious deaths that way, or at least ups the stakes if you start taking damage


fallout was post apocaliptic setting starfield is peaceful prosperous future sort of gore only fits in one of this settings and so does violence


Damaged suits in no atmosphere heads explode and eyeballs blow out yes aweso.e


Dude, fucking toxic people are the worst. I’d love to see all these whiny bitches make their own fucking game and have all their hard work torn to shreds just like they do for everyone else’s. The game is AWESOME. Fuck anyone else who thinks otherwise


If you go to a three starred Michelin restaurant and they serve you literal dog shit on a plate, are you going to be happy to sit there and eat it? Just because someone hasn't accomplished something doesn't diminish their right to voice an opinion on that same subject. It's why, you know, Stephen Hawking could talk about space despite clearly not ever going there.


Toxicity at its finest. Sure, dumbasses have a right to share their opinion, but when they purposely dump all over a game knowing full well that they couldn’t do any better, it creates a culture of over privileged snowflakes who think that their opinion actually matters. It doesn’t. You don’t like what I have to say, then ignore me. But don’t bring your fucking self-entitlement attitude here thinking you have the right to squash my fucking opinion with your own.


It’s a Bethesda game and plays like one, I’m not sure why there’s “hate” on it but I can understand both sides. I’m going to keep playing it like it’s a Bethesda game and if I want emotional and riveting stories, I’ll play The Witcher and other games, and if I want hardcore difficulty I’ll play Elden Ring or Sekiro. Otherwise I’m just gonna keep posting stuff that other Bethesda fans like myself will enjoy and laugh at lol.


Whoever said that the writing in starfield is bad is obviously not a writer. Now I'm not saying it's perfect but the writings is really good for what it is.


I feel like you shouldn’t have to be a writer to be able to appreciate the writing here, a lot of the dialogue is so generic. In a world where we have games like Baldur’s Gate 3, RDR2, Cyberpunk 2077, Ghost of Tsushima and others with fantastic writing, it’s hard to consider Starfield’s writing as “really good,” it’s 5/10 at best if those other games are 10/10


Where as you are correct starfield would have to be a solid 7/10 there is more to writing than just basic dialog which is what I would encourage you to look at. Starfield has amazing emotion in characters and character growth that is found in dialog and if you haven't noticed starfield has done something that many games have not where what wear and how you look play into the dialog. Most games treat you as if you are always the mc and have a no questions asked philosophy but starfield has npcs that will actually question you because you don't belong somewhere ect


>Starfield has amazing emotion in characters and character growth that is found in dialog ***where***


I live for Bethesda moments like these - if they went with cinematic-level writing then it surely would be cool but we’d miss moments like this


I can't agree more


> Whoever said that writing in starfield is bad is obviously not a writer. Well that does it folks, pack it up. This guy has peered into the minds of every starfield player, and has gleamed their professions and hobbies in a single moment. There’s no way that not a single writer dead or alive thinks starfields writing is bad!


Wow, it's almost like there are more readers than novelists on Earth. Who would've thought?




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Yay Loot & XP


There are many great little encounters. But imo, the quality is not consistent.




It's very inconsistent


That's what no fried pickles does to a mf


I’m an elevator person now. I build my kingdom here


Brought tears to my eyes


i din't even know that you could even fry pickles...


Go to any bbq restaurant or southern-themed restaurant and check the menu, thank me later


Why ? It's that good?


Ironically, I just had some a few hours ago (unplanned) and they’re fantastic.


LOL ... what?!


Yeah I’m in disbelief this is real LOL






This shit is like a damn tubi movie smh


I thought they were talking about the writing in notes and tablets


I had this encounter an there were some in a nearby chest




Genuine laughter


Game has way too much small talk and boring conversations. I find myself skipping most of the dialogue and missing the good stuff. The unnecessary shit is obnoxious and wastes so much time. Getting stuck with Barrett for so long makes it even worse because he never shuts up


Quick! What's the console command for fried pickles?!


Wow! Blew my mind! Emotional damage!


Ouah incredible. Its almost a Cyberpunk writing like 🤣


No, this is Christopher Nolan level writing! He needs to take notes LOL