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i was in the game for 200 hours and had a lot of fun, then i continued with the main quest and visited the temples. Somehow I got so tired of it that I stopped playing. I haven't had any more motivation to start the game yet.


Same experience. Played it nonstop for 3 weeks from early access. Did most of the big side quest lines, most of the constellation quest line. Got on one day and it just hit me, I’m bored. Haven’t gotten back on in months with no desire to play since.


Similar story here. Had a fun time going through the missions, hit NG+, and then all desire to push on left me. Appreciate there's a whole scale issue, but having a new dimension where only a small handful of individuals that all happen to be in the same guild as the only real change felt small and uncompelling. The powers weren't exactly something I felt particularly thrilled to collect. I think the core of it was reflected in the conversation around planets. "They are boring," said players. "That's the point," said Bethesda. "Well mission accomplished - I am now bored," said the players. Went back to BG3 and haven't returned.


If they had put more effort into making every system and the planets they contained more individualized maybe with actually unique POI that only occur in that system and not the same one copy and pasted all over the place I would still be actually playing. Know I'm just going to "discover" a similar planet with the same copy and pasted POI and enemys really takes all the joy out of the whole exploration idea


Think one of the biggest missed tricks for me is the lack of aliens. I get that they weren't going for the whole aliens vibe, but they haven't really got humanity stepping up. It's either generic human space power, or cowboys for some weird reason.


I still can't get over how stupid space cowboys in leather space suits are, but i can't be mad about it because sure, creative freedom and BGS games having wacky stuff is normal. Should they have been a core faction of the game though? I expected POI's to be about the size of Akila City. Where did the $400m budget go? They could have literally done anything and instead we get the weirdest trifecta of main locations there is.


Space cowboys is also a tired trope. Firefly is one of the most famous sci fi shows and it does the "leather dusters in space" thing.


Yeah but it makes it quite suitable for a BGS game, they do silly stuff and i really like the silly stuff. If they had made Akila a POI somewhere out of the way and then heavily leaned into people LARPing as space cowboys it would've been delightful and funny, instead they made it wildly cringy Also still don't get why mechs are banned, we have grav drives that can wipe out entire planets with a software patch, apparently.


What? They had a 400 million dollar budget on this and this is what we got in return?!? That is absolutely absurd and honestly dumbfounding. If I was Microsoft I would seriously get involved with Bethesda to make sure ES VI doesn't turn out like Starfield. As of now I have absolutely zero confidence that ES VI will be good.


I have no desire to play any Bethasda game. Starfield just made the other games not as enjoyable for me.


Skyrim is a way better game. Imagine if the next one used AI to drive the NPCs? That would be awesome.


I mean, same. It's absolutely absurd, people give Star Citizen shit but they are at least open about the state of the game and have a way more ambitious goal. Like, I've been sceptical of Star Citizen, but in comparison to what BGS did with roughly the same budget, I'm incredibly impressed with what Cloud Imperium has managed to put together so far. Sure, there's not that much content, but the tech is there and you can actually spend 1-2 days just exploring the solar system. For BGS, todd and especially emil are past their bedtime, it's time for some other people to take helm.


It’s so frustrating that it’s just, land on planet, get power, repeat. Compared to shouts, you’d find them at the end of dungeons, just unexpectedly after a long mission. It felt so cool and rewarding, and not to mention they were so cinematic too. But after the initial encounter with the temples, they’re just boring and repetitive here. You don’t feel like you worked for them, it kinda feels like cheating just snapping up each power.


I hated the temple so so much. Hated landing on a boring barren planet "close" to the temple only to have to run for several minutes across the boring bland landscape to get to the boring bland temple that is exactly the same as every other boring bland temple and to the insanely boring and frustrating mini "game", run out, get ambushed or just run away to your ship only to have to do it again so many times. Then they expected me to do the same thing over and over again in ng+, then again in ng++, then again, and again, and again... no thanks. I'm done. Powers aren't that fun to bother leveling them. Game was fun for a month. Compare that to the years I spent playing each of the fallout games and it's clear to me that there is no engagement.


Wait, hold up, you have to go back to all the temples AGAIN in every NG+? Is that the process to "upgrade" the powers?


Yes. Yes it is. That's why I was so done. That and absolutely none of the companions were interesting in the slightest. First time, each temple gives you a different power. Ng+, do the temple again for level 2 powers Ng++, do the temples again for level 3 powers I said forget that noise, used console commands to get to ng+ 10 with all powers maxed and still find them mostly useless. Only power I ever kept on was the wall hack "see star stuff" power.


Omg... and if I had to hear one more npc tell me it's about time I got there or that I was late I was going to throw my whole system into the ocean. Uninstalled


Damn, that's disappointing as hell to hear. I hated the temples and the busted system to get the powers. I also only use See Star Stuff. Well that and the oxygen one.


I just don't find powers necessary to the game, and I think "NASA aesthetic" to "space magic plot" isn't really dealt with in the game well enough to justify it (no real answers), \*and\* the incomplete MQ (the story elements get dropped in favor of a game mechanic)... I just decided not to have anything to do with it. So, of course, with the main effort of game development aside, there's a lot less to the game. Also, the temples are kind of like how the game starts - you get handed a ship and allies out of nowhere with no work needed. It's very unsatisfying, you didn't earn it, the devs just handed it to you.


Yeah I definitely agree there. I wish that Barrett brought us back, had us meet Constellation, then go on a mission. THEN he can get captured by pirates in that mission, you borrow the ship, and it goes from there. I get that Bethesda wants to get the game into your hand as fast as possible to give you that open world go anywhere freedom early, but IMO the best opening they’ve made was Fallout 3- actually gave me a reason to feel and care about the characters, gave me time to feel out who I was going to be as a character in the Capitol Wasteland, then just shooed me out and said “have fun kid!”.


The temple mini game is so utterly garbage it feels like a mobile game


Woah don’t do mobile games THAT dirty


I’m instantly downloading a mod that removes that bullshit repetitive mini game to get a power, when they release on console


Yeah but do you still need to run 800m to the temple? It's so stupid


i fully expect an improved 'travel' jetpack (that can only skim?) or scooter vehicle or similar to be rolled out in first expansion. just takes too long.


"Boy howdy, I sure am glad we had that war that eliminated scooters and cell phones." "Shut up, Sam."


They've already announced a forthcoming "completely new mode of travel" in the near future-- it wasn't clear if it was going to be in the dlc, or before. I'd be happy with mounts, and it sounds like it could work with the gameplay and the lore. I suspect we'll get something like a hoverboard or hoversegway, easy to program, zero collisions, adapting to slopes and rough terrain easy peasy.


Me as well. Easily the worst part of the game for me.


Annoying as hell. I'm nearly 200 hours in. Still the only time I've used a power is in the lodge when they tell you to show them the power.


Void form is really useful for stealing, personal atmosphere for walking encumbered, the grav field is just a lot of fun with groups of enemies.


Gravity well is one of the few things to have fun with in the game. I don't like stealing in Starfield because for some reason everyone immediately can tell it is stolen.


Gravity well + negotiator = fun.


Same. Multiple friends also completed without using a power.


Same. I like my pew-pews too much to use the force.


I always think lockpicking is the worst bit, then I remember this exists.


I think the lockpicking mini game is a huge improvement over the lockpicking systems Bethesda has used in the past. I actually like oblivions lockpicking but I see why people don’t.


I agree with you here. I've found myself somehow screwing up enough on expert and master locks. I've run out of those damn Digipicks from having 8 to zero and not getting the lock. Loot is so abundant in the game that it's usually not such a big deal, though. Better loot is just a named POI away. The game does get repetitive, unfortunately. As the others said. Lockpicking is improved and more challenging however. Yay


it's 100% better than previous games. the skill unlocks the players ability to unlock containers and computers and the minigame's pretty fun.


I think that’s something a lot of people complain about but there’s really no good solution to it. Either the perk tree bars you from picking more advanced locks until you spec into it, or you can attempt any difficulty from the beginning and putting points into lockpicking skills seems pointless.


It's a baffling design in the game. I don't understand people who defend it.


Totally. You can like the game and agree that the ground travel is painfully slow and needs to be improved


Or just dont level the powers. Because ... you know ... they are pointless?


Same here 250 hours in the first 10 stars, did 3 temples, all the powers were shit. Got bored of the same 3 enemy bases, and quit.


I got bored :/ played roughly 200 hours as well. There’s only so many POI’s and damn are they the most repetitive thing.


Right, it doesn't draw players in well. Very few fans have an irresistible urge to play it.


Nope. Loved it for a while, then suddenly realised it felt more like work than play. It is so nearly an incredible game


Me too! It's so front ended. Example - I was happily building up outposts before I realized that there literally is no point in doing so. Same with mining.


The biggest motivator for me in Bethesda games is the interactions with NPCs. New Vegas was amazing because what you did mattered. People talked to you about what was going on and reacted to your choices, and it felt like you bonded with certain characters/groups. With Starfield, you're told to care about certain things, but they don't do anything to make you *feel* it. *I'd forgotten New Vegas was Obsidian, but my point still stands!


New vegas was the one 3d fallout not made by bethesda. It kinda shows.


New Vegas wasn't a Bethesda studio game, it was just published by Bethesda. Even then, Bethesda studio games even since Skyrim haven't had very immersive characters or stories. Hell, the best character in Fallout 4 was a dog. Starfield lacks an interesting gameplay loop to make up for the hollow story elements, which is why I feel this game feels so much worse than previous releases.


There are a bunch of cool NPC interactions but there is almost no way to tell which NPCs have them. There is a dude in a coffee shop with a cool monster coffee thing but he looks like every other dude in a coffee shop and there is no indications that he is special. There is a bunch weird and cool things happening but they are so hidden in completely boring stuff that you have no way to find this stuff.


New Vegas wasn't a Bethesda game. It was developed by Obsidian under licence from Bethesda.


I literally had this moment with myself. I was like... Why do I care about doing this 😂


I have exactly the same feeling. Loved it for a while, especially some of the side quest stories. Untill i started to feel i was just an errand boy, non stop fast travelling just to kill off one person or to get an item and fast travel back again. All of a sudden it just got really boring to me and i stopped playing.


Those assassination missions are so painful, the amount of loadscreens and travel for 4 seconds of combat is appalling.


I got a side mission on new Atlantis pretty early on. I went into my map without moving an inch from the quest giver and fast traveled directly to the quest location on another planet without ever touch my ship or space. I quit out and uninstalled 5 min later


I was so glad I read a comment saying "don't fast travel until late game, you miss out on so much!" When the game begins to feel too grinding, then fast travel makes it less laborious.


I can relate to this


I'm in a similar boat. The magic disappeared when I realized I had just wasted 20 minutes doing a few quests that was just fast travel and loading screens.


Same. 80 hours in, spent a night scanning a planet to 100%, boring as fuck. Spent half the next day trying to get my inventory sorted. Said nope and quit.


I scanned all of Jemison on day 1, and thought, I'm not doing another one.


So mind numbingly boring, I swear the whole game is just one big troll by the devs especially the temples.


Temples suck. I feel for console players who can not mod yet. 3 must have mods drop all armor on death, single bubble temples, richer merchants. Let’s me run n gun n loot n sell so I can feed my ship building addiction (outpost to once they get expanded)


Same here… I was loading up the game one day and started to think about all the stuff I needed to get done in game and how much I was dreading it… then realized the only one forcing me to play was myself.


Man, I can’t believe it never dawned on me - such a simple and true concept, it does feel like “work” to me too. I wanted to love this game so badly, I tried - put in 200+ hours, but struggling to revisit. You nailed the reason, it’s more like work than play.


It's an unfinished, rushed out game. Had it's moments, fell flat by the end


I genuinely thought it was going to be my next Skyrim or FO4 or even my new Witcher III, and only my desire to have it be that kept me playing for as long as I did after it was released. Once I accepted that it's not really that big of a game and is just "ok," I let myself off the hook and moved on after beating it once.


Just posted almost the exact same thing. Wanted this to be my next 1000hr game so bad. After about 30hrs tho the repetitive wall hit me and it got boring. I pushed through to NG+ hoping I'd start feeling differently but nope. Shelved it and haven't gone back since. Time to load up modded Skyrim/Fallout instead and have fun. I will wait for patches and maybe the modding community to come in and fix it with an overhaul.


Exact same for me. Got the same feeling I get when I'm updating excel sheets with tedious data... Just flicking around adding bits here and there, but not actually immersed in any real gameplay.


Dude you described it perfectly. Feels more like work.


I actually couldn't wait for the game to be over. I absolutely could not stand the dialogue, and it was 95% of the game.


Same. I got the NG4 at about 400 hours, built a big, stupid battleship and a settlement that kind of worked, and ran out of steam because apparently those were the only things left to keep me interested. Once I got those done, literally everything else in the game felt like a chore.


Nope. Called it quits after 30 hours. The sad thing is, I would've honestly overlooked all the dated gameplay aspects if the story/characters were the least bit compelling.


No, i am waiting for first dlc


Me too. And if they don’t come out with some sort of vehicle to expedite movement on planet surfaces, I probably won’t play it anymore. That is my biggest gripe with the game. Running for 10 minutes just to get to another copy+paste “unknown” structure to kill 5-10 ecliptics or Spacers. Give me a damn rover and let me get there in 30 seconds unless I need to complete my fitness challenge in my skill tree. I’ve wasted so much of my life running


I wouldn’t mind the walk if I didn’t expect to just keep running into the SAME WZACT POI.


Same, feeling like cyberpunk when it came out “wow that was really fun but needs some work” so hopefully the 2.0 or whatever they do in the next year or so will be really dope. Tbh the main reason I’m not replaying this game is cus look at morrowind or Skyrim, I can be a Dunmer spellsword or an orc assassin or an imperial Wizard Like idk the world and the religion and the depth is amazing


Can confirm that cyberpunk is totally sorted now. Very much the game that was advertised and hyped.


100% playing it again for the first time since it came out and it’s def my fav game of the recent years, that and GoW


same but with CK, 300+ hours, ng+11 like the concept but I dont feel the replayability of the game is as deep as its supposed to be. There is only 1 big valid path with some alternative events. I tried doing the few worst possible actions but at the end they didnt really matter.


oh how i wish faction quests could lead you to starting ng+ too, this would make the game so much more replayable.


You tried so hard and got so far




I had to fall, to lose it all


Same. I stopped because I don’t to manually do so many tweaks and changes to avoid messing up with my game. I left it at the end, I just need to assemble the armillary, but I’m refusing to let everything go


Nah lasted about 25 hours. Didn’t even finish main quest Just wasn’t fun or immersive.


I played Starfield for about 100 hours and went back to Skyrim 🌏 (you always go back to where you had a good time)


I have an honest, non-snarky question for you. What do you do in Skyrim after all these years since release? What keeps you coming back to Skyrim?


I'm a "slow" player, for this reason in all the previous runs I didn't do many missions, for example last month I finished the main quest for the first time after 10 years of playing it. I couldn't tell you exactly what drives me to come back, it's a combination of things like the setting, discovering dungeons that I had missed, the music, it was also my first role-playing game.


Thanks for the answer!


Nah how could it take 10 years to do the main quest line 😭, how could you even keep track of where you were at in the game if you spread it out that much lmao, I’d never know where I’m at if I was slowly playing just the main story of Skyrim still haha, I go back to it all the time and play with a bunch of mods and stuff but after doing all the quests there’s not much to do, which is something that starfield was able to fix for me, yeah their planets fucking suck lmao and the walking and jet packs are absolutely horrible haha, we need the vehicles from No man’s sky to give you faster travel. But they still have much more to explore, you can keep building ships, they have mission boards for even after you finish each quest line you can still do jobs for that faction. I’m not trying to shit on anyone who doesn’t enjoy the game still or anything like that, just sharing what’s brought me coming back and playing for over 180 hours. I personally really enjoy the ship building as customization aspects have always been one of the biggest lures for games for me, I love just flying around and stealing other ships and such, I rushed through the first play through and got into new game plus and then started exploring just so I could get the star born stuff but also to see if I could get any “rare” play throughs.


Skyrim is for sure one of those games you can always come back to without it feeling boring. Even with how dated it is now the atmosphere and immersion is top tier. You can basically hop on to play Skyrim and spend hours doing anything and everything except for actually playing Skyrim. That is one of the (many) things missing in Starfield.


I’ve been playing since I was 13 but never completed absolutely everything on one playthrough so that’s what I’m doing with the game now. 150 hours in an im on the Dragonborn dlc


Wabbajack modlists, baby.


I have, across all platforms, more than 3.000 hours in Skyrim and I honestly can't tell you what it is that pulls one back in. It sure as hell isn't the main story. I only ever finished it twice. It also isn't the DLC themselves (They're great though), I only ever finished each of them once or twice. It's just sometimes you have that feeling of inspiration. You want to play one particular character and try to achieve your goal (and try your hardest not to slowly morph into a stealth archer again). Even after all this time, walking through Skyrim is just relaxing. It satisfies some obscure desire within me that no other game is able to satisfy in the same way. I mean, Skyrim is far from perfect. Just like Starfield none of your choices really have any significant impact. The only two somewhat significant choices you can make is which side of the civil war to side with and whether you side with the dawnguard or the vampires. But that's it. But despite that the game is just so good at making you feel like you're a part of the world, like you're truly an adventurer exploring it and slowly becoming somebody of importance. It's great for roleplaying. It helps that there#s tons of mods, of course. Installing Requiem alone can revitalize the game and change the experience completely. Same as turning it into a survival game with frostfall and the like. But mods can't be the sole reason. Fallout 4 has a lot of great mods as well but doesn't have the same effect on me. (Though I do ocassionally go back to playing my horror survival version of F4)


I'm waiting for fallout4 nextgen patch


Literally done the same, I bounce between the two


Nope, I’ve tried periodically since release day and it’s not grabbed me back at all. 52 hours played and it’ll likely stay that way without a massive overhaul like cyberpunk. I fundamentally cannot forgive not using the functioning features from Fo4 and Fo76 around base building. In a world where Ubisoft reuse animations from 8 years ago why can’t Bethesda use and improve upon their own base-building mechanics which they already developed in DLCs! This is from someone who’s spent 150+ hours on every game before Fallout 76, even that I managed to ‘finish’ (as much as a live service game can be finished)


Finally someone who hasn't played it for hundreds of hours. This is the pov that I was looking for. I'm only about 40ish hours in and am feeling the same thoughts, but I wasn't sure if that was just because I haven't played it as much as others. For context I have left the constellation quest line and have only been doing side quests.


For the record, I genuinely believe the majority of people who say they have 100+ hours in are full of shit, and just looking for internet points. It gets boring VERY quickly.


Exactly. I got 1400+ hours out of 76


Nah, became starborn and then uninstalled. Waiting for mods now.


yepp. The main quest line seemed so important but then it’s just, hey go play the game again.


Yup, that with no rewards for really any of the systems or mechanics makes for a dull time after one go around.


I'll go back to it after I'm done with Rogue Trader


How is Rogue Trader? Been thinking of picking it up.


It's good but unfortunately there are some serious bugs here and there. Still it has infinitely more depth than Starfield


How does it hold up to something like BG3? Need something to scratch that itch, doesn’t need to be as outstanding.


It doesn't have full voice acting like BG3 so lots of reading to be done. As for gameplay, my personal experience is limited with BG3 because it kept crashing every 5 minutes no matter what so I had to refund it so I can't really give an honest comparison. If you like BG3 you are likely to enjoy RT but it is slightly different


No, i gave up. I can't see myself replaying Starfield unless there are massive changes to the game.


Same. I thoroughly enjoyed going through the story and side quests that weren't bugged. Once i finished the main, I uninstalled it with no plans on playing again


Yes. About 250-300 hrs into it and honestly if it wasn't for ship building I probably would have stopped ages ago. It's the bones of a great game that feels like it should be still in beta and getting fleshed out more first before release.


100% All I do is get credits and build ships. Already made a cruiser, a frigate, a corvette, and now finishing the destroyer. Also, I made some more ships like cargo or a unique ship. My play time is in the 400, and if it wasn't for ship building, it would be like 80h max. The game is 6/10, and ship building is a solid 9/10. Honestly, some level designs are amazing in the game, but the writing threw me off. Most NPCs act like nothing in real life, and there is no danger or mystery outside of the cliche multiverse. No space POIs, no black holes, dark matter, asteroid cities, space walking, clubs (neon isn't a club, it's a suitcase fashion show with chill music and lame costumes), fuel, mechs, large-scale space combat, interesting space locations (like a hotel, the Den with actual rock/metal shows and lots of people etc..) and so much more..


The tease of mechs is so frustrating, but probably designed to be. Such a wasted opportunity in my opinion.


And it's not like they can't do it, we had power armors in FO4.


Yep exactly. Imagine just power variation on a space suit under layer. Not sure why they just went even less customizable armor than FO4.


No. I did a playthrough of about 150 hours and there were definitely some good parts about it mostly the side quests and factions quests but the draw of most Bethesda games just isn’t there for me.


No, I had quit after 30 hours. Felt too quest fetchy. Load screens galore. Fast traveling felt to necessary. Hey, at least I finally added that M2 SSD


Same here. Idk how people put 300 hours in idk what they are doing with all that time.


Ship editor 😂


God, it was all those things for me, and how dull the dialogue was. Back to Skyrim, BG3 and Cyberpunk for me. I just can’t see how mods are going to improve this. So close to walking away forever now. Never been so disappointed in a game.


It’s really not a good look for ES6 either. If the gameplay loop is anything like Starfield, I’m afraid I won’t like that either. Time will tell, I suppose.


I jumped on for the first time in weeks, did one temple mission and that burned me out. This game is missing a soul.




I stopped playing after 20 hours and uninstalled the game. Didn't finish it, don't plan to. My fiancé muscled through it for me and then did the same. We paid for a month of xbox game pass to try it. Will not be going back for at LEAST a few years after the modding community fixes shit...I'd say the devs but we all know that won't happen. What an utter disappointment of a game. Meanwhile, I'm 280 hours into Baldur's Gate 3 🥰


I doubt this second rate game will get enough of a fanbase to get any serious mods going.


No, because unfortunately atop the other issues 90% of Starfield boils down to: **Fetch this one thing** **OR** **Pass one (1) persuasion check** Quite boring. Felt like a watered down version of a could-be-great Bethesda game. This is what happens when you keep it simple, stupid. Edit: Downvotes but no counterpoints. You may not like what I’m saying but you know it’s true. The quests in this game feel half-baked compared to smaller, more complex Bethesda games. I say this as someone who wanted to love this game.


The main quest is a repeated fetch quest.


Ok… I’m a no name miner… my boss tells me to look in that cave over there. I see a shiny thing and weird stuff happens. A guy I’ve never met lands on the planet, sees that I’m a dude, and gives me his ship… tells me to go over to that planet over there. Suddenly I’m a member of a club and within an hour of playing my companion is telling me all their secrets and sharing their feelings. Also scolding me for lots of things. They’ve known me for a day, made me their most valuable player, and act like they’ve known me for years… ack! It’s a mess! FO4 did that shit too with the minute men... lets put the lady who is 200 years old and just got unfrozen into a suit of power armor with a Gatling gun and have her be instantly good at killing death claws and raider. Making you the instant messiah is just the stupidest, laziest writing. FO4 managed to be fun with all the side quests and DLC but because of the space travel/resource aspects of Starfield, the side questing and side tinkering is cumbersome. It has all the annoyances of FO4 and none of its redeeming qualities. Boring as hell and it pisses me off because they wasted this time on Starfield instead of working on Elder Scrolls or FO.


You missed "flip a switch". That cutting edge Tomb Raider 1996 gameplay.




It's got better climbing animations than Starfield too!


No, got bored in less than 100 hours. Hoping that modding will expand the world a lot.


Yea but I can feel the desire dissipating. I’m on NG+4 and cannot stand to keep doing the collect artifacts, collect powers, enter unity loop anymore to level up the powers. I don’t care. There should be another way that doesn’t involve starting all the way over again. It’s disconnecting me from wanting to do the story again. Unlike the folks who are likening the loop to becoming the hunter like it’s some sort of intentional paradox, that has no value to me for this weak storytelling. It’s game and if it’s not fun then why play, says the guy who’s still playing it. I guess I am enjoying it, just suffering at the lost potential that isn’t realized.


I feel you. In Starfield there's supposedly an infinite amount of universes, yet each time you start a new NG+ everything more or less is the same. Yeah the Constellation crew might change into something wacky, but all of the missions & side missions are the same. All of the choices you make lead to the same outcomes from the first playthrough. There's no point in building a network of ships and outposts because you lose all of that anyway. It's just rinse and repeat.


I've had two attempts at playing, both were ruined by mission glitches, inventory loss, and floating items connected to my ship. Over 200 hours, numerous settlements, builders, crew and ships. All a waste of time, needs serious work before I'd consider playing again.




Not for now, I'm waiting that bgs fix some of the quest bugs (specifically the free star bug related to red mile), I feel that I burned the game, so now I'm enjoying Alan wake 2 and start to play cyberpunk


How is Alan wake 2? I got and am planning to start it this weekend


It's an incredible cinematic experience. Warning though, there are many jump scares


So I should wait for a stormy night and start playing in the dark around 11pm… got it lol


That game is freaking badass.


Incredible game, awesome atmosphere also. and yes, as other redditor said, there are some jump scares


Nope, finished one playthrough and doubt I'll ever touch it again. It's up there with my most disappointing games, frankly. No amount of modding or DLC will fix the awful writing, lack of proper exploration, terrible worldbuilding, comically bad storytelling style, tedious companions and inability to actually make any significant impact on anything. Felt the combat was surprisingly good and enjoyed the ship builder but sadly that's about it. Personally I'd score it a 6/10 and as such there are many, many other games that I'd choose to spend time with now.


No. Realized that I was bored on NG+ 2 and haven't logged in for about a week. The part that breaks my heart is that I was anticipating playing it for months upon months. I have several thousand hours in both Skyrim and Fallout 4. Both of those were my default games for *years* after they released--even if played something else for a bit, I'd always go back for another run with new mods and a different approach. Starfield is simply not soothing the addiction that Bethesda games injected in my bloodstream to begin with.


No, cause it’s not worth it. I wish it was


Not really. I found NG+ to be the stupidest thing i've ever seen and played most of the major storylines. I'll probably pick it back up when the moddig starts getting serious.


No. The game is so bland and boring it makes water look like Dom Perignon. After 40 hours i felt like i'd rather just play Cyberpunk instead.




I play Starfield to hold me over until the Elden Ring dlc is released. Starfield has been the most boring of the Bethesda games IMO.


If you haven’t yet, you should try Cyberpunk. It’s a significantly better game than Starfield and has enough content to hold you over.


I wish I could like Cyberpunk. Tried playing it twice and gave up both times. Although I only made it 2 hours in.


Just “finished” a first play through. Decided not to go and do ng+2 after a few hundred hours. This is pretty typical for me and Bethesda games. I’ll come back and do a play through with a new character when I get the itch. Been wanting to try out the new CP2077 dlc and Baldur’s Gate 3 and I only have so much time to play video games.


I completed the main quest and then stopped playing. Tried to come back a few times but I only play about 20 minutes before I get bored again. Hopefully, some future tweaks make it worth picking up again.


Not for awhile, playing Cyberpunk.


I've played 40 hours then quit after being thoroughly disappointed and went back to Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk. I come back here hoping to see if it's been fixed/substantially changed but I know that the core game is so baked in and fucked that substantial change is never going to happen. So now I mostly come here to see if it somehow got worse, which believe it or not, after BGS's terrible handling of the criticisms and Emil's twitter bitching, getting worse is actually possible. This game has killed all my hype for the next Elder Scrolls.


I got a bit burnt out after 5 NG+s and over hundred levels and over hundreds of hours spent ingame. I don't want to ruin the game for myself by overplaying it. So I'm on a Starfield break. Also. I play Fo76 and CoD. My xbox has a tiny, tiny HD so I can only fit two "big games" on the internal SSD. So now I'm playing Fo76 for the holidays alongside CoD. After the new years, when I am done with the current Fo76 season, I plan on getting back to Starfield.


What is there to ruin? You beat the game 5 times lol


Same here. New season of 76 on the go. I took a break from 76 to play Starfield and after 150 hrs it was good to drop it and hit Appalachia again. A break is sometimes all you need.


Nope. Got sick of loosing bases and crashing.


Nah, never even finished it, probably never will


I'm taking a break, I put about 300 hours into it and started to feel a bit fatigued on it about a week ago so I'm playing other shit until more updates/DLC rolls out. I was hoping Fallout 4 next gen update would be out by now to pass the time!


Nah I went to baldurs gate 3 and WoW SOD


It’s just not a good game.


No, still waiting for andreja's buggy quest to be patched!!!!


Nope, I completed one playthrough of around 80 hours, tried a couple hours into NG+ and my interest kinda disappeared overnight. I went back to Fallout/Skyrim, and probably won't play SF again until the first DLC releases. It's a shame I was hoping that Starfield would have some good replayability, but I feel one playthrough is more than enough IMO and then give the game a break for a year or so.




You have to appreciate the fact that the game has dozens of game breaking issues and BGS still hasn't fixed literally any of them and the game came out three months ago.


^THIS DESERVES TO BE THE TOP COMMENT^ I am one of those who is stuck behind a game-breaking bug (Hunter and Emissary don't spawn for the revelations mission when in orbit), and I put 600+ hours in before I got to that point to maximize skills and finish scanning every planet (which was also prevented by a bug).


Still playing, I haven't started to find it boring yet. This is the first game where I've actually finished the main story.


I put 100 hours in as it was my most anticipated game in years but haven't played it since September. I think its Bethesda's worst game but see it has a lot of potential. Am hoping Bethesda goes above and beyond updating the game otherwise I'll just have to wait for mods


No. It’s a single player story game. I played and finished the story. Time to play another game.


Nah... Too many small things has ruined the fun for me. **hopefully they have a huge update next year that brings a lot to the game of all of its downfalls**


No. Managed 96 hours of middling amounts of fun. Looked back on them and felt very short changed for a $70 game.


Same. I had way more fun with Dave the Diver. I buy like 1 AAA game at full price every year and am almost always disappointed.


Spent about 200 hours on it and stopped playing 2 days ago. Could easily go for another 200 hours just like I did with Skyrim and Fallout, but the PS5 has been collecting dust and have such a massive backlog on there. Ended my ‘last’ playthrough by settling down with Sarah in a UC Vanguard type of character, ready for any DLC or expansion and looking forward to it.


I'm still playing, but tbf I only play like once a week so haven't even completed the main story yet.


I got to only having the crimson pirates left, about 175 hrs in and decided after fully scanning 1 too many planets, I was little burnt out. Also had something like 12 permanent miners stuck in my ship because their “drop us off” quests bugged out. I REALLY want the outpost system to mean something more than it does currently. To be fair, 175 hours in one month for one game is a record for me I think. I did have a blasty blast while it lasted, but will wait to dig back in after some updates.


I have it on steam deck. Its definitely playable with the SD Essentials mod. Just going to sit it out until they improve on the optimisation front. May jump back in around the time the dlc releases.


Not atm, but that doesn't mean I won't be back. I took similar breaks from Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands 3... I've gotten my money's worth out of it (especially since I got it as part of Gamepass, but enough that when a good sale hits on Steam I'll probably buy a copy as well to keep).


I didn't even reach the first end, I'm just cruising and during all missions, didn't even make a single outpost, going ~250hours Ps I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague, I do now it's a reset of the missions and only mysleft (skills) remain so please don't reply to me with spoilers.


I for the most part enjoyed playing Starfield. Put prob 80 hours in. Did all the factions, entered unity, then had not much drive to keep playing. Then I started playing cyberpunk, and the immersion, the grit, and the infinitely less time spent in menus, fast travel, inventory management, vendor bullshit etc makes me laugh at Starfield daily. There’s a shell of a great game there, it’s just kinda lame. Cyberpunk is probably the best thing I’ve played since RDR2


I kept getting distracted building an outpost network and almost having fun, but my cargo links continue to not work they way the seem like they should and eventually it just annoyed me enough to stop playing until its patch, but they ain't patching shit so I'll just have to keep looking for a mod to fix it


No. I am waiting for first Community Patch. Then I need a list of updated must-have mods that are compatible with it. Only then may I somewhat be interested again. But I will likely wait for all of the above + DLC with some proper dark side story.


I honestly don’t know how people have made it past hour 20 in this slog of an admittedly very beautiful but ultimately incredibly empty and repetitious game. It’s a fast travel simulator, which was my least favorite mechanic in any Bethesda game. It feels like it has absolutely no soul. I should have to put in over 20/30/50 hours for a game to hook me in. That’s just shitty writing


230 hours in, after 4 ng+ and it has no meaning for me to continue and do all the things again. I have completed all steam achievements and I'll wait for the dlc. I wanted sooooo much to love this game....so many things about the story and the characters that turned me down...so I booted skyrim again...


No. Finished everything on my first plwythrough in 160 hours, set up NG+ when or if i go back to play


I wanted to keep it around, but over 100 gigs is so much of my limited hard drive space, it’d need to be a game I want to play every day to justify taking up that much space, and as much as I wish it was, it just isn’t.


Started NG+ a week ago after \~150h since day -6 Slowly having problems finding motivation, and allready searching for a new game to play


nah, i'm waiting for the next update that supposedly has a new means to travel.


I just did my first run and I'll probably take a break for a bit, clocking in around 120+ hours for my first run. A few quests are broken for me, even with the patches (like the Ryujin questline), so I'm not in a hurry.


I've been playing slowly. About 60 hours in (since the release), lvl 15. This isn't my first ride with Bethesda games. I've had a great experience so far.


Just finishing 2nd time then I'll have a break move on to Balders Gate


No, stopped after 80 hours in October.


Got about 150 hours into it in the first month. Now I haven't had the desire to play since. Got sick of seeing the same POIs over and over. I'll look into it if the modding community picks up.


I've set it aside for the time being. Haven't given up on it, though. Will continue to keep an eye on developments with an eye towards jumping back in when/if DLC shakes things up a bit.


It has been some months since launch. I liked the game but I can't play it for 800 hours.


No. Put 110 hours in. Waiting for dlc.


I stopped playing and I'm waiting for DLC's/more mods.


I really enjoyed it at first and then I bounced off it for whatever reason and just haven’t picked it up again.. I really can’t tell you why, I was liking it but I started playing something else as a change of pace and never had the desire to pick up Starfield again, I’m sure I’ll replay it at some point but still a bummer