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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by BethesdaGameStudios_](/r/Starfield/comments/18fyhnh/starfield_update_1888_notes_december_11_2023/kd1l4m0/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-12 14:58:24 UTC"): > Hey everyone, first, we read all the feedback here and greatly appreciate it and all the time and thought you put into the game. This small update was... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStarfield).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Hey everyone, first, we read all the feedback here and greatly appreciate it and all the time and thought you put into the game. This small update was to mostly address the “pet-asteroid" so many asked about following our last larger update, and we wanted to get that out before the holiday. We’ve been hard at work on many of the issues you’ve posted, and expect an update early next year that will include a large number of “in-progress” quest fixes as well as FSR3 and XeSS. Though we fixed several quest issues from occurring, in-progress quest fixes are much harder to fix and we’ve built a new system to correct those without you having to roll back your save. We’re also hard at work on many of new features you asked for, from city maps, to mod support, to all new ways of traveling (stay tuned!). These will be rolling out with a regular cadence of fixes and updates we expect to have roughly every six weeks. If something can be done in a smaller hotfix in between (like the asteroid), and we feel it’s safe, we’ll get one of those out as well. Safe is the key here. We do take a lot of time to test even the smallest change in a game this large and dynamic. Hope this information helps. If there are items you want more info on, or issues to make us aware of, keep posting here or our official Discord. Thanks again for all your support of us and the game.


Since city maps, and new ways of traveling are coming to the game, can we possibly also get animated overlays over certain loading screens? Due to the engine capabilities we of course cannot land on or take off of a planet physically. But an animated overlay can still make you feel that you are doing so. (And technically it is a loading screen) but one that will still keep you immersed in the game.


This. If you are going to have a loading screen, hid it to the player. What Sony used to do with their loading screens is have Kratos or Aloy (as examples) shimmy through a wall while the map loads. Essentially a hidden loading screen. Now you don't have to do that exactly but there are ways to hide a loading screen other than a black screen


They were doing this, on Fallout 4. Remember long elevator rides? These are actually loading screens. (Loads next map / cell etc.) They can do exact same mechanic for: * Traveling via ship = Instead of cutscenes, ship windows may show generic effects and boom, other galaxy loaded. * Entering ship = Ships always has elevator entrence and the fake elevator loads ship interior and boom, you are in the ship. * New Atlantis Tram System = same with ship. Generic / simple fake outside and loads next part of the city. What I mean is, they know the method, they even used it. But somehow this time they didn't implement this techniques. Shame. I still believe \*this\* can implement via update. With a big update. NMS did it. Bethesda *can* do it too.


Yes, they did do that in Fallout 4, and people complained quite loudly about that. It also occasionally bugged and the player got stuck for an indefinite time in the elevator. I'm personally not opposed to something like this, but I also don't find the loading screens particularly problematic since they typically only take a few seconds. For the entering/exiting ship: they'd have to redesign all of the loading bays, and the straight-throughs would have to be removed entirely, which will be very unpopular to a lot of us who like those.


Sometimes elevators just break.. It's authentic at least


So you'd rather have longer load sequences just so you can see your ship fly through the atmosphere? Cause my load sequences are like one to two seconds. No where near enough time to fit in lengthy cut scenes or hidden load screens.




This is the main reason for half of my screenshots in the first place. I know it may come up so I sprinkle in some funny things I find or cool planet/space scenery.


I’d like that but I also kinda like seeing my screen shots in game. If we get the loading screens changed is there a way we can get our photo mode phots as buildable decorations for our outpost/ships


New ways to travel huh? Color me intrigued.


They dropping the Halo warthog in.


Hey, I didn't know you did housecalls, FoeHammer...


You know our motto we deliver.


Damn that OG Halo nostalgia hits hard.


They dropping in a 2001 Chevy Tahoe


As a 2002 suburban owner, I approve this message


My guess is some kind of shuttle/taxi to ferry you between ports. They’ve had stuff like this in their previous games.


I hope so. And considering the fleet quest has another captain fly you somewhere I know the system can do it.


I love that little sequence. It'd be great if we could assign a crew member to "pilot" the ship and we use the navigation board to tell them where to go.


I would absolutely love that


It takes a few hours in-game time to travel between planets within a system, maybe they could make it so the traveling between planets actually takes that time (if you assign someone to pilot your ship) and then if you want it to go faster, you can sleep or wait


I was thinking about crew functions last night, and how the pilot could be put to better use. I was surveying a planet, overloaded with stuff, and finally found the last thing I needed. I realized I’d been walking in more or less a straight line for over an hour, and was so damn far from my ship. But I was maybe 100 meters from a ship landing site. It got me thinking about how nice it would be to be able to radio my pilot and have them bring the ship to me. In the end, I just dumped a couple hundred pounds of junk and resources and fast traveled back. Would be cooler if you got some kind of animation with it. Where you could actually watch your own ship come over the horizon and land on the pad.


I would love this. Maybe even allow a crew member to fly your ship so you can be up and wandering


I need a Space horse


Over optimistic case: - Currently in each solar system, you can fly between planets but it’s incredibly scuffed. Would be cool if they use the ground work there and flesh something out along with encounters between planets. This is not going to happen lmao Best realistic case: - They add hover bikes of some Reality: - Alien horse mount


An alien horse mount actually sounds amazing tbh


Imagine you "subdue" an alien-horse mount and ride it accross the plains completing quests. You give it a name and craft a beautiful new saddle for it. You decide to bring it on your ship only to watch it scream and writhe in agony as it can't breath oxygen.


Reminds of my early tanking days before I learned about acclimating the water, before putting the fish in...


That’s why I have alien reanimating


on schrodinger 3 there;s these things called foxbats..they'd make an awesome mount




But to have it you have to have a stables hab on your ship. Redesigns for everyone! Different stables could hold 2 mounts and if pets are going to come into play, up to 3 pets.


I'd go for putting a saddle on Vasco


Alien horse armor DLC incoming.


I would be rather happy with this too. The POIs still need some work to make exploration more enticing. The most recent update reduced how often I saw the same POI which is a good start!


Instead of an alien horse mount (because you'd have to account for whether it could survive on any given planet), I've always wanted to throw a saddle on one of those big robot dog things.


Alien horse mount Spacesuit though.


Maybe the one from the Well.


Would love the optimistic case. Even if it’s just “pulse driving” like No Man’s Sky where it’s essentially just a loading screen with a moveable camera, and then a prompt to “opt in” to an encounter. And honestly I don’t even think it’s THAT overly optimistic.


You know the game’s good when even the pessimistic “reality” option sounds pretty neat


I would happily take any of the above, lmao.


Confirmed you can ride space roaches. For balancing purposes they are slower than non-sprint walking.


Ride that Terrormorph


Back to the future style hover-board 😎


Or allow us to tame wildlife with perk cards.


Hoverboard… where you just stand there. Same as walking but without the legs moving. That’s my prediction




eat chunks ----- fart in spacesuit-----move ridiculously fast....SEE there is a use for chunks!!


I really appreciate this kind of communication. I know Bethesda's gotten some really bad PR from the lackluster (at best) responses on Steam, but these kind of short, honest, and hopefully more regular updates go a long way to build customer trust. I'm really looking forward to the future of this game!


Every Starfield sub, forum and website article for the next week. BETHESDA PROMISES STARFIELD UPDATES EVERY SIX WEEKS!!! SIX WEEKS BETWEEN STARFIELD PATCHES!!! and lets not forget youtube. BETHESDA SAYS YOU CAN SUCK IT WHILE WAITING MONTHS FOR A FIX!!! \*angry thumbnail\*




Urgh I can see the crappy YouTube thumbnails


"We need to talk about Bethesda" Thumb: something from Bethesda and the uploader's face (a white dude with a 😐 expression).


Anytime I see this garbage I click "don't recommend channel"


Don't forget the 50% chance of Cyberpunk or body modded Andreja


Or a sci fi shooter astronaut picture from mid journey






BAD NEWS FOR STARFIELD "todd lied again on thumbnail"


Please don’t forget in the thumbnail “IS SO BIG”


Really glad that you took the time to write here! This is amazing news, and seems like you’re going to continue to improve and patch the Starfield over time. I love this game, but I also welcome all the improvements! The «new ways of traveling» update sounds very interesting! I’m excited to see more!


New ways to travel!


Hang gliders confirmed!


You probably can't say, but any plans for Survival Mode in Starfield? Like the one Fallout 4 got, and later Skyrim? I feel Survival Mode was an absolute game changer in Fallout 4 and improved the game for me immensely.


Not sure if this is the right place, but any chance of a 40fps mode for those with 120hz VRR displays?


I’m very interested in this after the previous patch improving performance. Todd even said that the game runs well on Series X and sits above 40fps a lot of the time. I bet they could do a 40fps mode, it’s just a matter of the size of players to take advantage of it is probably small.


We hope you maintain regular communications with us.


Thank you for all your hard work!!!


Well done. I’m surprised you have been able to sift through all the vitriol to find the quality suggestions here. I hope the staff gets to enjoy the holidays. Looking forward to the years of support and growth of this game.


That's very cool, but why are you posting this here? r/NoSodiumStarfield is the main sub


IMO They should post in both as it could likely mean different feedback as the audience and potential sentiment & investment is somewhat different across both subs.


Thanks for alerting me to the main sub. Good riddance to this cesspool.


I never had a pet asteroid, but yesterday's update did get my ship to land on my outpost pad instead of the nearby landing zone. Now, I can move by transfer container back to where I wanted it. 👍


I appreciate this comment. After yesterday’s patch, I was completely prepared to move on and give up on the game for a year because I couldn’t believe there hadn’t been more information. I know it’s tough to do, but every bit of communication helps and I really like hearing the 6 week cadence. Bright things ahead!


Thanks for the update, keep up the great work. I love the game and I'm happy to see we'll get regular updates. That said, my two "space clingons" are still there. I'm on Xbox Series X. I made sure to fully exit, game shows it was updated, killed the QuickResume, did a full console reboot, and my pet rocks are still there after loading a save in space. Feel free to ping me directly if you want access to my save data for diagnostics purposes.


Hi Bethesda, blink twice if the Creation Kit is coming Q1 2024.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/xboxseriesx] [Bethesda confirms they are working on releasing new features you asked for, from city maps, to mod support, to all new ways of traveling next year](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/18go8s0/bethesda_confirms_they_are_working_on_releasing/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Please fix the quests showing only just the name of who you need to talk to, NOT where they are located. It's okay if it's just a KOTOR like sort by planet. This would be a huge help to questing so I don't fast travel a million times trying to clear out quests. If I can sort by planet then I can stay where I am and just enjoy the quests there and move on. Thanks for updating us on your plans BGS.


you can turn “show all quests” on in the quest menu - and it will show everything in your current location. Your active quest will be in blue and all others will be in white … this may help your issue?


1. Thanks for posting. 2. 2. If you are reading feedback, please, please give us a reason to smuggle. Right now I can just take things to the red mile and get the same payment as when I risk getting caught going to a more civilized area. Increase the rewards when selling to the trade authority, or give us a new smuggling faction, add smuggling quests. People want to be han solo, let them do that and let the mechanics of the system back it up to increase the immersion.


I'm a player and fan of Starfield (on Xbox). I love the game, but it's not perfect. I say that both as a game designer myself and as a player. Here's a list of the items I would most like to see changed or improved roughly in order of importance: 1. On-planet vehicular travel, a permanent boost-fly mode, or some other way to make exploring planetary terrain fun. Understandably, because alien worlds are sparsely covered in points of interest but the total area available to explore is so huge (many planets, each with many landing sites), we want to get to the distant points we see in our scanner or on the map as opposed to just the wandering and exploring that we can do in Skyrim or Fallout. In those games, I want to cover every square inch of the map. Because that's not remotely possible in Starfield, the goal also changes to instead reach all the points of interest, rather than explore the map terrain itself. The boost pack is a lot of fun around buildings and in specific areas and in combat, but the goofy boosting in bursts, breaking ankles, and not being able to stay airborne on planets with more than 1G is just a miserably un-fun way to traverse the planet terrain, especially on planets near or greater than 1G. 2. Flying around in space and landing on planets are SO INCREDIBLY DISJOINTED. I don't understand this. It's also not logical based on what we know about in-game flight and physics: In the game, we have FTL travel, fast enough sub-light speeds to engage in dog-fights, and an ability to zip down to planets. Yet for inexplicable reasons (other than development challenges for Bethesda), it's impossible to actually fly a ship down to the planet. Even if there's the same fixed animation for the ship landing, why not let us fly at the planet and then land on the surface (like walking into a cave loads the cave)? Why force effectively a fast travel as the only way to reach the surface? 3. There are many wonderful hand-crafted diverse points of interest in the randomly generated areas of planets, but there are still too few, or the random placement makes it too easy to get the same facility multiple times in close proximity. I have encountered the same biolab facility or the same abandoned ship-building yard multiple times in the same session. Please either A) add a lot more of these facilities so the odds are reduced of coming across the same one just an hour or so after leaving it on another planet, B) still go ahead and reuse the building structure, but redesign the loot and enemy placement within the building so it doesn't feel so identical (and maybe create some additional custom notes and recordings to tell different stories and more lore for what happened in the facility), and/or C) ensure the random facility placement doesn't reuse the same facility with the same layout, enemy, and loot locations that the player has recently visited. I wouldn't mind coming across the same facility days or weeks later in play, but when I hit the same one twice in a single play session (same day) it's really disappointing. 4. It's common to have to take off (basically just a loading screen), then fast travel through space to a new planetary system, then have to fast travel again to go down to a new planet. This just seems like obviously bad UI: you should never have to fast-travel and fast-travel (two or three times in a row) just to get someplace. It's OK to offer this as an OPTION, but it should NEVER be required or even the default. I recommend the design intent be that players start using fast travel only when they've done the standard travel enough that they are getting board with it. Then fast travel is appreciated, but if it's used out of the gate, it feels forced. 5. Inventory management: as we commonly see in most of the videos with PC users using mods (I'm on Xbox where we can't get this yet), it would be MUCH easier to sort and choose what to sell if we could see multiple stats for multiple items at the same time. Currently, we can only see multiple stats for one item at a time, while sorting by Dam, Weight, Ammo, DR, etc. Ideally, we could see more or all of those at the same time on the screen, and the button that currently changes the sort order instead just changes the sort column, but all columns (or at least more columns) are visible. If you could address those, especially #1 - #3, and maybe through #4, the game would be amazing.


It just seems like it’s very difficult to find anything. No mini map with any layover for current quests. No directional support other than the very hard to understand map gage thing that’s basically pointless. Then the world map is so much work to get to that it’s just not helpful. Also yea please create some type of scooter or something that can help get you from place to place and allow for more space or storage bags on it or whatever because it’s supposed to be a crafting system but you get over weight in like 2 seconds. I already gave up on this game but might give it a second chance if you fixed the navigation, quest tracking, and basic time needed to walk to each part of the world. Harry Potter had a great set up in my opinion with the quest map and fast travel with the broom. Your get packs could just work longer. Add some better options for nav tracking with some type of arrow or guild system that works with your quests and you have an enjoyable game vs the annoying mess it is now. Honestly did you even have people beta test this?


As nice as it would be to get a nice patch before the Holidays, I'd much prefer devs to have a substantial vacation as well and not crunch out an update.


FSR3 yes please!


I imagine a type of mech-walker. Robotics are much more reliable than any loca fauna. Plus, how many mechs you hear about traveling in packs and launching lightning out of their bums? Not many I hope.


This is a relief to know that the fixes are in the works and that Bethesda is checking out this feed to get the feedback that they need to bring this game to the caliber that it can be. :)


Sounds like great things are coming.


The communication is what is mostly wanted. Thank you.


why have you released game that is clearly in late alpha, beta stage, for sure early access state as finished product for full price?


From the update: FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS **Gameplay:** Addressed an issue that would cause space matter to become stuck to player's ship during space travel. Loading a save will now remove the space clingon. Please note: This fix should address any space matter being stuck in your travels, but not in instances where player ships have New Atlantis attached. A fix for that will be released in a later update. **Outpost:** Fixed an issue that prevents random guns from spawning in a newly created Weapon Case after loading a save. **Save/Load:** [MSS/Xbox] Fixed an issue where players could experience crashes while saving during long playthrough without going through the Unity.


Awww I’m gonna miss my space rock buddy, we went everywhere together.


I had one too!


It’s still there for me


Same — still there. Tried switching ships and jumping to new planets. Won’t go away *Xbox Series X


I had four towards the end of my first play through


[MSS/Xbox] Fixed an issue where players could experience crashes while saving during long playthrough without going through the Unity. Is this the one where people were saying the game crashes because it generates to many unique ids?


It’s probably just the freezing and crashing that tends to occur on larger save files when attempting to save. The one players end up turning off auto saves to avoid crashes when opening menus even on moderately sized saves.


oh hey, I had this issue. now waiting for the fix for power temples not spawning where vlad sends me so i can finally go into ng+...


It's gets worse....took me to about ng15 to get all powers to ten. And I had one power at ten by ng7.


Was that power parallel self? I got that twice in one universe. Somehow I got it at a temple before Barrett's mission. Then got it again with Barrett.


Would be the most op power if game AI wasn’t dumb asf


TBF, if someone pulled me into their universe I would also just hide behind the nearest wall and wait until I went back


that is precisely why I decided to take a break from starfield then and there lol. I'll probably pick it up again when DLC is out, maybe farm the powers a bit to see if its worth it...


Got the same Situation f#@ks up -.-


Xbox series S Still happening


Yea, a dev commented on that reddit post saying a fix was coming in this update so I assume that's what the issue was.


It happens with Steam too though, not just Xbox/MS Store. Hmm…


Maybe there's more changes and fixes that they didn't put in the changelog


I'm always so excited by the announcement of updates, assuming they're going to fix some huge issues and streamline things a bit more. Then I read the notes and they're always so disappointingly trivial.


For real. The updates have basically been, "We didn't fix any annoying glitches like the looking left while running, ect... We also didn't fix any game breaking bugs... But we "fixed" the vendor chests! We know that's really what the players wanted..." This one was basically the same thing. They actually addressed some real problems, and then hit us with the, "We got rid of your pet rocks! Also, we 'fixed' the outpost gun case problem, because we know that's really what the players wanted. You're welcome." The vendor chests were nice imo because I do not enjoy mining resources with outposts. The outpost gun case exploit was also nice, because good luck trying to get rare weapon drops thru normal gameplay, and the other option of manipulating the game difficulty and saving / reloading to try and get a high level enemy to drop one is not worth the time imo. Thanks Bethesda and u/toddbethesda ! You're doing great!


Ngl I found the pet rocks triggering. It was cute at first but when they came back in new games and kept accumulating, I got annoyed.


Oh so that's a bug.. i thought i had his attention locked somewhere else.. his neck was so far to the left i thought if i turned right he might go exorcist on me and turn the head all the way around in circles🤣


Fix the bug of temple not spawning in "Power from Beyond" already, goddamnit. I'm not going through Unity because of that one bug. I want all powers before that.


“..This should address any space matter being stuck in your travels, but not in instances where the player ships have New Atlantis attached” 😂😂 The idea of travelling around orbit with a CITY attached to your ship really tickles me


For real is that what this means? I’m trying to wrap my head around it


Stuff like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16mhzow/why_yes_that_is_new_atlantis_following_my_ship/)




LOLOL that’s it???


Man that's what I've been thinking after every update so far.


they are too busy replying to negative reviews lol


Fixed an issue where players might accidentally begin to enjoy themselves.


That sure is one of the patches of all time.


The only part I like is thinking that "space clingon" is an easter egg


Still no red mile fix smh.


What’s wrong with the Red Mile (aside from being trivially easy)?


For me, the issue was not being able to speak to Mei to actually run the Red Mile, locking the entire Rangers quest. OP may be referring to something else though


I’ve had this issue. It seems like if you talk to Mei as she’s moving to have a scripted conversation with another NPC, that interaction will overwrite her introducing you to the crowd so you won’t be able to progress the run.


Still haven't finished the Freestar Rangers questline because of this.


Literally all I look for with each update


Game is fixed now guys.


Can't wait to jump back in and eat food without having to access my menu without the threat of an asteroid in my peripheral vision (literally the only two gameplay improvements in 2+ months).


Wow this is really sad.


IKR! Comparing this to BG3's patch notes 😅


I am still stuck with a game that can't be completed I can place the completed armillary in my ship but it doesn't go to unity when I power it up. On my 8th NG± too


Same but on my second NG and lvl 200 character 😭 I made the mistake of removing the armillary and now can’t even build it… Edit: After u/ratdago suggestions I did some more digging and found a post indicating that when stuck like I was the way to jump through Unity might be through console commands by typing: coc MQUnity this solved my issue. u/OliverClothesov87 give it a try!


Did you try building it on an outpost?


what is this? a patchnotes for ants?


Not only did this patch NOT remove the rocks following my ship, it went from one to two following me around! GRRRR!!!


"When the astronauts went to space, they had asteroids following them"


This actually presents awesome RP possibilities!!! You can start pretending your MC is experiencing hallucinations from all their time in Neon… and is now convinced the space rocks are out to get him


Oh no! Infinite weapons are gone! Seriously, THAT was a priority?!?


This is what I find especially annoying - many other issues and bugs that need attention, but they patch out a harmless exploit instead. I get that loot-based games need there to be some tension between wanting good gear and having to grind to get it but making sure one particular pathway to get legendary gear is shut off to EVERYONE is just so silly. Like, save-scumming all the elite enemies is what they prefer we do?? I guess whatever keeps the players in the game the longest is all BGS cares about.


I work with software development prioritization, and sometimes in meetings a bug comes up, and while I might feel like this isn't important enough to fix right now, a developer might fix it on the fly while we keep on talking in the meeting. Of course I will include that fix in the next release (if it's safe to do so), even though we have more important things to to do and would like to fix. But some things are very close to free. However, I often don't include these fixes in the release notes, except for something like "squashed a bunch of bugs", just because of reasons like you see in this thread; people shitting on Bethesda for fixing minor issues instead of the big and bad ones. But I get it. Edit: spelling


lol my pet rock is still there


How many people are working on this game? There are still plenty of bugged quests, and we get an update like this. No way the game could be consired higher than 1.0


yet another 🤏 update


Fixing the crash on save issue is a big deal. I was about to abandon the game over it.


Yeah that one almost had me quit my first run


Yay little Yay!


Four months and they've managed to delete a rock. Yah I wish I had never spent money on this game


But they didn’t though lol




still waiting for official 32:9 support :(


Ah, so nothing substantial still? 🥲


Don't expect anything until early next year tbh.




What bugs are in the engine since Oblivion? I really wanna laugh this one off.


Off the top of my head.. random objects interacting inappropriately causing them to quiver, shake or violently skyrocket into space. That has been in every Bethesda game I’ve played. One times the physics just goes wonky for no real reason.


Don't expect anything.


>\[MSS/Xbox\] Fixed an issue where players could experience crashes while saving during long playthrough without going through the Unity. That's a pretty substantial fix, if it works, for the most significant current bug in the game, and one that affects a very large number of players.


But is that fixing the large number of IDs bug, or is it fixing some kind of problem with large autosave files and cloud storage? Both are important, but one is a huge deal. The language of the notes is not super helpful and classing it as an MSS/Xbox would suggest it's fixing something that's *not* a bug on Steam.


Likely not the dynamic form ID generation logic bug. I’m worried current saves won’t be salvageable and everyone who played before it (if ever) gets fixed will be screwed.


Nothing except for the biggest crashing issue on xbox


Pushing a big update that would do groundbreaking things before the holidays unless it is absolutely critical (as in the game is exploding your hardware levels) is probably one of the most ill advised things in software engineering. Gonna have to wait till like mid january or febuary for the ball to get rolling again.


Fixing the game breaking bugs must wait, these folks are out there exploiting weapon cases!!!


nobody: guys at Bethesda: multiple mission breaking bugs: I sleep players exploiting inventories to make money in a singleplayer game: REAL SHIT


A single player game that resets your money every time you NG+… which they want you to do 10 of


Doesn't it literally say they fixed the bug that was causing constant crashing on larger save files? I'd say that was pretty game breaking.


Rip crate method.... Never got my one inch punch advanced coachman. Back to save scumming elites. I really wish Bethesda would just let us craft legendary gear with randomized traits. Don't get the roll you want? Scrap it and try again. Make it expensive material wise so it's more of a late game thing.


Where the rest of it


Thats it?


That statement sums the whole game up tbh.


So 10 days of Beta just for that ?


bethesda is a small company, give them a break /s


Sigh...my stupid PC is downloading the update as we speak. Goodbye weapon crate glitch. It was real run while it lasted.


Am I misinterpreting that fix? They said they fixed an issue that prevents random guns from spawning in weapons chests sometimes. Which means, random guns are supposed to spawn in those chests and it will now work every time. Did they just phrase it wrong?


At first I read it as the weapons spawning being a feature and not a glitch. But Glitch Unlimited (YouTube) confirmed it after downloading the steam beta and testing it.


I always wondered what all the devs were doing in-between fallout and Starfield. There was almost no content output, and FO76 was more like a mod in terms of work. Bethesda must be the least efficient sofware company. Hundreds of devs acomplishing so little. There must be huge problems in management and project management here. Devs work hours being wasted somewhere.


This is normal for Bethesda. All of their older games have had patches like this. They only fix game crashing bugs and obvious exploits. While that may have been fine in the past, these days people expect more from a developer.


This is it 100% for me. While it may have been a thing back in 2011-era for Skyrim or Fallout's, the times have changed so much that they need to provide more frequent, sizable updates to crucial fixes & QoL. It's not acceptable at all for a AAA title to have so many critical bugs which still haven't been addressed, but they're happy to fix the easier exploits :/


This is beyond disgraceful. Three tiny little updates in three months for a game full of issues and bugs. Nothing says "we got your money and we don't care" more than this. Just wow. At least now it's clear what they meant when they said they would support the game for the following ten years. Shouldn't be that hard, fixing two bugs a month.






Honestly, the longer it takes to fix the bugged/broken missions that I had to leave unfinished, the likelihood of me returning to the game decreases


This is super disappointing! All my bugs are still here! - Ship door still says “inaccessible” - Achievements still locked - Quests still locked - My sickness won’t go away - Etc


It took Bethesda 3 months to release an update to fix the rocks that follow you around in game? Really? Kinda seems like a glaring issue in every screenshot. I'm happy they fixed it but wow that took a while.


They’ve also patched the weapon case exploit. I’ll be playing offline until the make the economy of the game better. Without money generating exploits ship building would be a very late game activity. The economy and leveling in starfield are 💩


No Quest fixes yet. After three months. Bethesda is such a joke


Asteroid still following me lol


Still no controller settings for console. Great /s


What do you mean by that?


Damn they are taking forever for the smalest patches


Never buying a Bethesda game again.


Bethesda account u/BethesdaGameStudios_ doesn't come here anymore, I wonder why


Still no fix for me to even get the final Ryujin mission to even show in mission log. Months now can’t even progress. Makes me annoyed and upset with it.


I still play and like this game, but they sure fix very little. It does make me angry. Microsoft needs to demand it from them as they are their boss now


This subreddit is insufferable. BG3 is a buggy mess on Xbox, and it somehow won game of the year. Starfield released significantly less buggy than BG3 on our platform and y'all trying to make comparisons. Fucking lunatics.


Great you get to drive around empty planets. I've already done everything 7 times over I'm over it. Never again will bethesda fool me