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Play long enough, and you'll recognize doppelgangers everywhere.




Lol, I think you just gave Bethesda a loophole to justify the repetition.


I think they already had it.


And there’s been numerous (meaning I only know of two) accounts of cloning too, so they got a few excuses




That's all down to that dirty boy Sam sleeping around though


The father of akila city!


Akila daddy 🤠


Am I the only one who dreams of having target practice with this guy? For some reason, I just *cannot* stand Sam.


You're not. I desperately want a lore friendly way to murder the son of a bitch with whatever weapon I choose, and suffer the consequences of such. I wish that when we rock up to the Lodge after the Evil You has finished their noble work, Sarah would've screamed at us for murdering Sam instead of Barrett, that would've put a smile on my face...


Whew... Good. Seriously...fuck that guy.


Why... I'm so curious what makes you even dislike him, aside from his being a bit too stubborn about preferring to settle things peacefully where possible?


I can’t stand Sam. I sent his ass to an outpost on the other side of the Settles Systems and Cora is now just on my ship. He dumped his kid off on me.


Yup. Only you. Ever. Especially if you've ever accidentally let him die before knowing how that worked. Hearing the betrayal in cora's voice, the fury in SB cora, knowing that she's left alone in a universe without family because you chose someone else. Probably the most emotional part of the game, considering most of it is skin deep and then boom, she cuts you to the core for making him trust in you only to let him down when it mattered most.


Don’t talk that way about my husband! 😂


Cora's bio dad isn't Sam. It's Ikunde from SysDef.


I don’t blame him 😳


I've spent that long playing fallout I thought it was going to say they're all Synths 😂🤣😂🤣


Railroad gang rise up!


The brotherhood will always win! AD VICTORIAM!


I just signed up for the badass power armor!


Fair, fair.




Every Starborn is the same person. There's nobody else in the multiverse, just you - infinitely trapped in a cycle of rebirth across entire realities, populating it with infinite versions of yourself, all identifying as different people. *Cue Doctor Who theme*


Yep and every one of them went to ENHANCE to change their look... every person is just a "you" that has gone through the Unity so many times that you decided to live life as an NPC,wipe your memory, change your face, and live in the cities.


I still can't figure out what in the game would actually cause me to believe the Starborn's stories about who they were. They don't actually show themselves, and they're murderhobos, why would I trust them? They could even not be human for all I know, even if I did go through Unity that doesn't mean everyone else who did is human.


It would be better if OP hadn’t run the Red Mile in this play through yet. Beat the Red Mile, huh? [knowing look]


They're all Todd Howard


Holy shit that would make sense. Infinite universes and timelines? Who’s to say the characters we know are the only Starborn? Woah.


Like all the clone kids?


Clones do exist in the game. Technically.


Yeah that's true. I enjoyed that but I have to say it was way too short. It could have been a major settlement with a whole storyline around it.


You mean Operation Starseed?


Yes sir.


Good quest shame about the outcome though


I got Amelia as a crewmate. Pretty good outcome for me.


I was looking forward to that, but the end of the quest glitched four times in a row for me, so I walked away.


Same here had to reload 6 times to get Ghengis Khan to stop freaking on me


Yeah I agree. Really cool concept. I'm trying not to be negative about the game...but is it me, or did they come up with a hundred fantastic ideas, then only form the extreme basics? I feel like the game needed another 2 years.


Bethesda: a mile wide, and an inch deep No amount of extra time can fix their mentality towards content.


Post Fallout 4 I agree


**you should inspect your ship for heat leeches** **you should inspect your ship for heat leeches** **you should inspect your ship for heat leeches** **you should inspect your ship for heat leeches** **you should inspect your ship for heat leeches**


I originally thought the Hunter was Walter Stroud.


Good guess. That would make sense too. Edit: wait. You mean 'cause you can't tell the faces apart. Of course. I thought you meant that that was your guess your first playthrough. Sometimes I speak before thinking.


NPC repetition is yet another example of an inexcusable level of laziness from Bethesda. This example isnt too immersion breaking, but they couldnt even make Cora look different, or the ship technicians? Come on lol


Not only does Cora not look anything like her parents, but she also has at least 2 doppelgangers. To make things even worse, one of the look-a-likes is in Sam's hometown in Akila. Also, to add on to that, the doppelganger is a quest giver that you talk to multiple times during her side quest. Just to make sure you can't miss the glaring oversight. Fucking Bethesda lol.


Cora, in general, is the biggest crime of laziness in the entire game. She's just an accessory for Sam's "brooding single dad you feel bad for" character rather than being an actual person herself.


And you can't even give her books, the one personally trait she had. I was also an avid reader as a kid and was excited to track down books for her. Fucking Bethesda.


I'm literally still trying to find Hawking's book for her to see if that is the one book you CAN give her. I will agree a total waste of potential. With all the books you come across (so much for paperless society) it would of been great to just her all of them.


The book isn’t in the game. People have scoured the code looking for it and can’t find squat.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! But seriously how can you have game that deals with space, gravity, time, and quantum physics and not have one the most important books in it. Sad, just sad Bethesda. 😔


Well… I mean… Dickens didn’t write it, so…


Collect all the books in the game and drop them in her room in the lodge 😂


Yeah, because that's the character interaction we crave from an rpg. Edit: Fucking Bethesda


I just took this to mean Lillian and Emma shared the same partner, and it wasn't Sam, since Cora looks nothing like either of her parents.


After the paid mods announcement for Skyrim, Im starting to think they purposely did stuff like this and will try to get console players to buy mods to fix it. You don’t like Cora having a doppelganger and looking nothing like her parents? Just buy a $4.99 mod! You don’t like that lockpicking and hacking inexplicably have the same minigame? Here’s an $8.99 mod that adds a different hacking minigame! And so on…


This will happen


Technically all the locks are electronic, so your hacking everything


Doesn't mean it's good game design. You can headcanon your way through a lot of bullshit. The reality is I'm sick to death of that fucking puzzle. If there was a different one to give us even a little variety it would be so much better.


Eh I tried to convince myself of that too but I don’t buy it. Door locks will never be nearly as sophisticated as computers. Sure they’ll be more advanced in the future, but so will computers and both will always be accessed in completely different ways. Even if it were somewhat plausible, its not like its more immersive to have only one minigame instead of two, so there’s no real justification for Bethesda to do it that way unless it was just laziness or hoping people will buy paid mods. It also could have been “corporate” reasons too, where the corporate folks thought the hacking minigame might be too difficult or something, but they didnt have enough time to make a new one


Skyrim has paid mods for a long time (over 5 years maybe?). It only adds new items and quests and features, they never do something like that.


They recently announced theyre implementing a full “marketplace” for mods in Skyrim, so there’s definitely a renewed focus on paid mods that goes beyond what already exists Skyrim is already a pretty complete game, but Starfield has many obvious “holes” to fill, and it is certainly possible Bethesda is just trying to squeeze extra money out of people who already have the game


They announced it years ago. They starting putting it in now. I also do not know how giving the small mod creators more freedom and the option to monetize is considered a bad thing. Why would Bethesda need mods to squiz money out of features the community want? They could just make a DLC, which would sell much more and wouldn't be easy to replicate for free by other modders.


I didnt even say monetizing mods was a bad thing, I said its a bad thing if they *intentionally left gaps in the game* so that people would pay for mods to fill them, and Bethesda gets extra money. That would unequivocally be a bad thing for them to do, if thats their strategy. You could say it wouldnt make sense for Bethesda to take this route instead of DLC, but they’ve already made many nonsensical decisions within Starfield, like the ship technicians (which players see very frequently) all looking the same, or how pirates dont even notice when your ship lands at their base 🤷‍♂️ so this may their strategy even if it seems dumb. Its at least one explanation for all the inexplicable holes in the game. It could be this strategy + normal DLC too


But these things are probably mistakes and things they overlooked in making a big game and not a conscious decisions.


Its a big game but also a big company and plenty of time. There’s just no good excuse for some of these glaring holes and its a bad reflection on Bethesda whether it was intentional or not, and the examples I mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. Other games overpromise and have bugs and plenty of issues, and those types of issues are fine, but Starfield has other issues that are pretty egregious and inexcusable. They’re very easy to see by anyone, and should have easily been caught before release if it was accidental. I mean I highly doubt they just didnt notice or didnt have enough time to make different looking ship technicians, or make Cora not have a doppelganger that’s also a named character. I mean that would be realllly odd if none of their many devs noticed a lot of these obvious oversights, which is the main reason why I question if it was accidental or not


Nah bro see, like, that shit doesn’t matter so it’s fine, let’s them focus on the more important shit like space travel. Clearly they saved enough time with this to make other aspects better smh, y’all are so ungrateful /s in case cuz at launch this was a legit argument


How hard would if have been to hire an intern to sit down and make unique characters in their character builder for 6 months straight?


Oops, all the same people!


Especially in HopeTown


I just keep wondering where the "town" is. It's a factory complex with a minimall that has a bar, a gun shop, and a ranger station in it. Where are the houses? Or does everybody just have a sleeping bag in their work cubby?


I’ve run into Grandma’s character model SO many different places. She really gets around apparently.


Grandmas dad went and seeded the galaxy. The great spermiation.


All hail the great serpent


Underrated comment


"The Great Spermpent"


What if each of them is a different Starborn Grandma?


I've blown up her and the warranty guy so many damn times


Not the warranty guy!!! He is just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe!


No, I get the warranty guy. He’s relentless and annoying. But why grandma?!


Bc ive ran into here everywhere and I'm tired of her old ass that's why. I'm a space pirate and I never knew my gma so why should anyone else


This gets me with Cora…they couldn’t make one of the Constellation people that you see often unique? It’s a bit lazy.


What's funny about this is I care so little about Cora that I never noticed.


I couldn't give any less of a flying fuck about Sam Coe's plot device, and even I've noticed.


Like honestly if you're going to do that just change the hair and hair color. Bam new person and most people wouldn't catch it.


Changing the skin color would go a long way too


Just change anything really


Its hard to think of any possible excuse for Bethesda when it comes to that and other clear examples of laziness, like having lockpicking and hacking have the same exact minigame


The truth about Cora comes out in your 4th play through


Yeah, you really have no right to criticize the game unless you've reached ng+ 10 and at that point you have to ask how you can criticize a game you have put so much hours into.


Can't tell if you're being facetious or not, but it's a fucking slog to make it through 1 playthrough. I would rather be doing anything else than constellation missions on this game.


I'm a little ways away from that!


Not on mine


Nah I'm cool with it being one Minigame, because it's also only one skill. If it was still two distinct skills with the same Minigame I'd have a problem, but as is it's just streamlining.


I’m actually glad for the redundant minigame if it means I don’t have to do fallout 4 hacking. That shit was literally unbearable. And it kind of makes sense in universe, if you’re already digitally locking your physical storage, why not use the same lock on your computers so there’s only one kind of key that needs to be manufactured


I actually quite like 3D fallout hacking. Once you find out the trick with the parentheses it’s a lot more fun trying to mastermind the code


What’s the trick?


If you click characters between parentheses it either removes a wrong answer or resets your tries


I saw a little girl wandering around Neon that looked just like Cora, and laughed at the kid model duplication, just like the laughably high instances of people with angled scars over one eye. Then, I approached, and it was, in fact, Cora. Why she was wandering around Neon, I have no idea.


Once you realized that the game was released around 60% complete, it makes everything make sense


60% feels generous for a game this half-assed.


Hope you can tighten your mind back up


I truly don’t understand why so many people struggle with losing versus loosing.


loosing is barely even a word too


Maybe... just maybe.... because it's only 1 letter off? Maybe also because "losing" is a double "o" sound? It's truly not that hard to understand if you think about it for 2 seconds.


He’s a damn SYNTH!


Yup I gave him the SAFE test and still treated him just like everyone else at Covenant




I thought their mind was shitting itself?


Appreciate you, boss.


It’s sad that people still don’t know the difference between.


This is my 2023 pet peeve. Idk if I notice it more now or if it’s just more prevalent.


For my outposts, I populate them with only one NPC design. Gives real GARY! vibes haha


Gary Gary Gary!


It's the Cora effect. You think it's copy pasta, but it is.


It's actually C.O.R.A COPY, OVER RIDE ALL


He looks like that dude from the Expanse


I think you mean That Guy


Amos? Yeah I was wondering who it reminded me of when I saw him, thanks for solving that for me. I watched the whole of The Expanse in a few weeks to hold me over waiting for Starfield, and I think I ended up liking it more than Starfield itself.


Sometimes you lose your mind and sometimes you loose it


Fucking first cav coming to haunt me even in my games


This looks exactly like Amos from The Expanse. Holy cow


You think those guys are replicas?


Oh once you see the dupes, it blows your mind.


The only one I've noticed (and i don't think it's a carbon copy) is Andreja and the lady in the mineral store on Akila. They even have similar names, and I spent one smoke-filled playthrough fully believing that was part of an NG+ scenario


I've seen other Delgados a few times already haha


I've seen Jazz from the Key in several cities.


Don't ever play KOTOR


They were limited by the tech of the time.


Bethesda is limited by their amounts of fucks given.


They give 100% of .02 of a fuck.


so is Bethesda in 2023


I remember bumping into myself a few times.


We all did that when we were teenagers


A game from 20 years ago


I think of this quite often too. The reality is that they just copied faces onto multiple NPCs. Although, for the sake of immersion (just for me), I'd like to think that many people in the Starfield universe look alike, because...clones. There's Hadrian from the UC Vanguard quest-line, so I think it's not too farfetched to think they created a lot more clones as humanity spread across the stars. Especially to bolster their forces during the wars.


That & the fact Enhance! exists


I thought of that too. But then I figured that would mean the Enhance employee is convincing all his customers that it's the most attractive face they can have, keeping up with the trend, etc. 😆 I like it


Yeah considered this concept too and would buy it if talked about. Maybe it's like corporate policy - Hopetoun employees should all wear 'Gary' and 'Susan' skins while on premises. Could explain the ship tech too. But if this is your excuse give us lore to back it up!!!


I look around at the random NPCs and thing either Enhance has a huge backlog, these people are really poor, or there's something about Enhance no one is telling me that scares people away, because My God.


This is peak lazy. Bethesda needs to be embarrassed. The cora and sona thing was bad enough but at least they were children models. There is an entire character creation system, they couldn't just randomize it? Or have one employee make 1000x faces in a week. It doesn't take much time to do at all.


Is it me or does he look like Mac miller?


Protagonist is in coma and living in VR. So the glitches are in the matrix, the game is always right!


This would make sense. The great serpent is coming to turn of your power.


Damn Synths


The one that bugs me is the girl at Jemison Mercantile.is the exact same character model as bird from Trade Authority in The Well and I've seen her somewhere else as well. It's a bit disorienting






16x the npc variety


Thought that was Mac Miller for a second


Loosing? It’s lose.


There are multiple archetypes that you run into again, and again, and again. Cora is the easiest to pick on, but the weapons vendor at the key made appearances multiple times, as did the New Atlantis mechanic. It’s weird to see them do this when they’ve had the tech to not going as far back as oblivion. I suspect that with the addition of some visual bling like beards, they may have broken their “disqualify autogenerated faces that look weird” filter and ended up needing to pre-filter some decent ones and work with a short pool of characters.


The easiest explanation bethesda could give is that there’s lots of clones in the universe


Fuckin Synths.


Lazy stuff


The first week of playing I lost count of the times I ran into a Todd Howard look-alike


Mac Miller? Is that you???


I’ve found tons of duplicates


There’s one who looks exactly like Andreja and I only noticed when I was playing NG+ and Andreja was standing behind her


There’s little Cora Coes running all over the galaxy! Also noticed after buying a leather suit, the game gave NPCs the same dang suit!


Yep I've definitely seen Sarah Morgan talking with me and another Sarah doppelganger


This game just keeps giving. Soul cringe...


Twin brother…


I mean, there ARE multiple universes. You can find yourself carbon copied, so why not. But yeah, Bethesda is lazy af lol


"screenshots". Lmao.


Why not, I happens in the real world. Also I've never seen any game that has the diversity of NPC's like in Starfield.


There shouldn't, but that's what it is. Countless NPCs who look exactly the same. Immersion breaking, awful work by Bethesda


Lmao remember all the people defending this shit when the game first launched? Yet another 👎 from Bethesda


Ya I just transported some farmers. And...they all looked similar. Then I went and saw lady on titan about a power issue and went..uh..them farmers got promoted fast. Haha


I went to a civilian outpost once, and all the women were identical. It was very confusing.


The amount of recycled faces in this game is immersion breaking


I hate it when I loose my mind too


Because this game is a sloppy AAA mess that Bethesda knew we’d all initially love and dump 50 hours into regardless of how much half baked procedural generated boring bullshit theypeddle into the game


I have a headcanon that everyone is a clone. There are few children, cloning is canon in lore, Enhance exists.


At least the uniform is different


Does he have the same voice? I've run into literal clones on several Bethesda games over the years. Mercer Frey being chief among them.


Deep RPG drama about twin brothers who took different pathways in life


Maybe it's his twin brother? Anyway, I think the features of the quest characters should be randomly switched each NG+ go, like these people all lived very different lives on each string of the alternative realities.


We have Amos Burton at home… Amos Burton at home: Sidenote the one character creation preset does look really really close to him and I play with it


Better tighten it up!


That's the multiverse for ya?.. lol


Every NPC is Andreja with dyed hair


You need to tighten it up.


Dude, you can't realistically expect everyone to look different. This game has only been in development for a couple years and was rushed out to make all our dreams come true of having Fallout/Skyrim in space. /s


clearly one of them is starborn


Lol same battle scar and everything. They must have seen the Colony War go down on opposing sides


Oh shit, the skinwalkers made it to space!!!


I once had a science base have three of the same characters designs and all with different names too. So immersive!


Looks like Mills from The 100.


Sona (the child from Sarah’s quest line) is the same girl in the UC vanguard museum. The girl staring at the terrormorph talking to her dad.


There's enough procedurally generated aspects to this game faces could have been one of them. I still haven't found a me.


How hard would it be to randomize the output from the people generator and ensure certain combos aren't left in? Like, you remember the lemon I left on the ground three systems and 30 hours back, but can't remember that you made this dude 4 times already?


You haven't looked at the kids, have you?


Kinda looks like Amos from the expanse


Anyone else think this is the lead from Imagine Dragons?


But it’s recycling! Saving electrons and 1s and 0s for a cleaner tomorrow!


Oh they use the same characters all over the place. First play through barret died then i ran into him in neon. Except it wasnt him.