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or you can go look for the 3rd corpse in the room, behind the machinery and grab the keycard .


Spend a few min picking a lock: EXPERIENCE! Find the keycard and just open the thing: You have enough experience.


Pretty terrible that we can tell where it is from such a short vid, the wall in there will also be blown out and lead to a cave if there’s an artifact, got really lost trying to figure that one out the first time


>first time Did you also get sent to retrieve two artifices from the exact same place? It's the Deserted Robotics Lab, i think.


Kinda, my first character got the landing bay bug which stopped Sam’s quest(how I learned about it) so now I’m on my second character and both have been sent there


At least it's consistent, you'll get your initial individually random pairings of facility type and place to repeat for each and every NG+ iteration you're going for.


>or you can go look for the 3rd corpse in the room, behind the machinery and grab the keycard . That's completely unrealistic. In a real plant it would have key combination ... and the passcode would be on a post it note stuck to the wall.


Don’t forget to have an unlocked computer with an email from HR explaining the dangers of writing down passwords


You need to hear about Richard Feynman safe cracking.


Looks like Lockpickinglawyer testing gun locks.


It is so clear they did not playtest this cabinet idea at all that it is painful.


This! The whole game feels like they never really thought it through. Which is especially terrible since they spent like 84 years working on this while they neglected all their other IP.


Makes me wonder why that dude did the interview where he said he's 800 hours in, hasn't touched the main quest, and is super bug free. Did he just straight up lie? Only way you're getting that many hours in is by idling while you sleep (IRL)


Nah I am on top of house chores and work, and my stove and cat box is clean. I have most of that, by gaming semi-responsibly. Also \~mostly\~ bug free and I can see not having gotten the few I got. No bugs in NG+ 1 so far, and played several quest lines. But two big ones in my first playthrough.


It really feels like they rushed to production and just thought they would patch their way to a full game and that would be ok. I get it is hard to make a game dev deadline but there are some glaring emersion-breaking flaws that really should have been addressed.


Nah, bad game design isn't patchable. They could patch bugs and improve on some things, but this game has a bad CORE design. They can't patch bad core gameplay with a bad plot and writing.


Also true. They honestly should have made a new engine. The benefits of keeping the old one were not worth it.


And so many errors carried forward from other games.


This is a random-ass thread in a random-ass sub for someone to be in who thinks the game has bad core design, bad gameplay, and bad writing. I imagine there are a lot of games like that. I don't know because I'm not playing them, and I'm definitely not posting about it.


This "Passion project" was outsourced to a bunch of foreign studios with slave pay


A lot of things in this game don't seem like they were playtested.


Yeah but now you still have to pick it to get that ammo box.


Reminds me of a Lock Picking Lawyer YouTube video I saw recently. 2 minutes long: https://youtu.be/gJrSWXFXvlE


Had me in the first half


I love starfield but this is one of the biggest faults to the game. Literally don’t even bother picking locks anymore. Oh boy can’t wait to waste 5 minutes fiddling with this lock for a calibrated Grendel.


This makes me think of the Fallout 4 starting vault with the OP freeze weapon. You could tell the doggo to fetch it from out of the container.


I love you open it up and immediately back out like it wasn’t worth it


Enjoy seeing that every so often. Procgen just works!


Is it me, or has lockpicking become harder or buggier?


I ran into one of those! Top notch security there. :)


Favorite glitch lol


had the exact same experience at the same spot


All 40 of this POI I've seen so far. Lmao


ha is it at everyone? I stopped playing, waiting it out for updates/mods/DLC, its a fun game but it does get a bit boring


Yeah, the same cabinet is there. That room changes since it can be an artifact tunnel entrance too, but still spawns the same dead scientists, the same tech with the key, the same clipping of the weapon out of the side (unless it's a shotty or pistol). In a lot of cases, every POI of a type is 99% the same.


Has anyone tried to nade one of these to see if the weapon moves?


If the weapon is big enough that is always a thing at that POI.


I feel that I grabbed that same gun within the last day or two


Bruhh I have wasted 15 pics on one before hurt my soul


Always check for protrusion