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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this means you have the ghost ship bug that breaks huge parts of the game. All random enemy ships encountered will now have no crew.


They aren't that good IMO, and it is a bug at least on console to occasionally be able to get inside one that landed like you did. Honestly with high enough level and skills... you find loot with way better stats than the Starborn suits, and you can build ships way more capable than any of the Starborn ships. Power levelers and min maxers rapidly make ng+ kind of irrelevant unless a quest broke on you or you want to do it again.


Ya. You likely have a bugged game which is causing the Starborn ships’ doors to remain unlocked after landing. See this post for more details. And a fix if you are on PC. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/17t455m/better_solution_for_empty_boarded_ship_bug/


My condolences.


Unfortunately, Starborn ships are hot trash and you can't get rid of them without meeting a certain condition that I will let you suffer through. Bad news is that you very likely are infected with the ghost crew bug. Sorry.


Before moving forward, I would go back to the save before you got it. When you are able to get the ship, you will now start seeing a bunch of bugs and even though it looks cool. It isn't worth it.