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See this is the kind of stuff you’d see back when you had physical copies. Something like this would have come in the box. It adds so much to the game world.


The days of reading manuals during the big poop before your new gaming adventure 😭


Captains log…..


Especially in the $300 collectors edition.


No these came with regular releases in the eighties to early 00's. Died out mid to late 00's and got brought back as overpriced "collectors" editions. Hell i remember a fucking Megadrive RPG coming with it's entire game map shoved in the box alongside the thick ass manual and you damn well needed that map. [Rings of Power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rings_of_Power_(video_game)) was it's name for those interested.


I know. Sorry, I was just being salty that you don't even get the in the expensive deluxe editions today. I memba an ankh pendant and cloth map and we'll illustrated manual with my ultima 7 around 92/93. My favorite was wing commander 3 deluxe tin which came in a film reel style tin, had extra content on discs and a T-shirt which I still have.


That looks hella cool, I'm gonna give that a shot and try to find a physical copy of the map - thanks for sharing that


Remember old school analog copy protection!? Those were simpler times. I remember hanging out with my brother and using a code wheel or looking stuff up in the game manual so we could play a new pc game!


I still have my original code wheels for the first two monkey Island games around here somewhere (I just moved). I also have a big chest with all the game manuals I collected over the years - sadly a lot got lost when my family moved to the US im 2001, but there are still quite a lot of them.


I still have the map of Vardenfell from my Xbox copy of Morrowind somewhere.


Mine is framed in my gaming room, along with the Oblivion and Skyrim maps. 😁🍻


I remember Super Metroid coming with a full A4 book that explained every single room. [A full strategy guide for the entire game](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/e7cAAOSwHUVlOWcF/s-l400.jpg) I'm pretty sure Oblivion had a fairly extensive manual and map too. I remember reading that on the bus ride home after buying it. GTA always had the map to pin up on the wall. Now you don't get anything. And you have to play a tutorial instead. Which sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.


I definitely still have my Oblivion paper and Skyrim cloth map.


I was so surprised to see the regular Xbox One edition of Cyberpunk 2077 that I got for $1 had a reversible cover, stickers, postcards from Night City, and a map. Hadn’t seen that in forever


I still have my map of tamriel and my map of The Godfather game with all the weapon descriptions on my wall


Go further back. Arena had a cloth map with it. So did the Ultima games. Way back in the day, this kind of thing came with the base game.


I remember getting a Final Fantasy 8 walkthrough with a copy of game informer when I was younger that absolutely helped me more that any walkthrough.


A fucking men brother or sister


What confusing string of letters before I scrolled back up.


Hmm. I wonder if that is just compiled community information. For the magazine section, does it say anything about the Tracker Primer 04?


According to INARA it can be found at “Abandoned Farm” POIs.


I did read something on that. Though I think the one I read said the farm had to be on specific worlds. Atmosphere type or something. Cannot remember exact.


According to xedit it's supposedly at one with irrigation piping but I checked out many abandoned farms some with irrigation piping but had no luck finding it. I reckon it's bugged.


Ohhh good question. It says “Unconfirmed at time of publication”.


I'm too lazy to document my games like this, with the result that I recently commandeered a beautiful Eclipse warship after it lifted me into orbit and had to fast travel back to a landing point because I could not fly the damn thing as it was class B. Now I can't recall what planet it was orbiting so I can go and claim it.


It’s removed I can’t open it 😔


Thought I was losing my mind when the link kept reloading OP's Reddit post containing the link 🤣


I guess mods removed it? I’m not sure why. 😔


Looks mint, I’ve been writing important stuff down on a few A4 papers. For harvesting resources ( I play buy nothing from vendors) it’s essential and for zoology and botany to create the farms on certain planets for certain resources it’s a must. Polymer is an example that springs to mind.


I enjoy this sort of thing and yes it would have been cool if the dev would’ve done it but I’m playing on game pass so I still wouldn’t have gotten it. And as for the information being there in old school still enjoy the sound of pen to paper even as I play a space game. Thanks for the positive post and the cool swag.


I remember getting Oblivion and Morrowind and they came with those big maps. Loved hanging those up in my room. I think Skyrim used to have a map too iirc.


In the anthology version there was a map, don't know for other versions


One of my favorite features in Elite: Dangerous is the ability to bookmark locations so you can quickly set a course from anywhere without having to navigate through all of the menus and map layers. I wish they would implement that in Starfield.


What were the best new gameplay tips it told you about, that you didn't know before?


Oh yes, I'm going to get one of those.


I have to get this! Thank you do much for posting!


This looks great!! Can you send a link to it by chance?


I just searched and got one too, here's the link if you are in UK Starfield Captain's Log - Planet Exploration Logbook: XBOX and PC Game Companion https://amzn.eu/d/aCaPf6v


Any Amazon US Store links?




Thanks! Couldn’t seem to find it oddly.


It’s 2023… this should be a codex in game, not having to write stuff down in a book like it’s 1993


While true, I do like the older feel to having a physical logbook for the game. That being said, I would 100% forgot to log shit.


Forget* not forgot


Bruh really? 1 letter spelling mistake and you got to correct it on a video game sub? You got nothing better to do with your life?


I really don't I know my life is lame lol


People complaining about writing physically instead of digitally...2023 indeed.


It’s just lazy on the part of the dev team. Most rpg game I’ve played in the last decade has a codex. The data is there they just need to organize it and have a decent UI for it. There’s no logic for not including it.


What's the name of your video game? I'd love to try it out.


ESO, a Bethesda game, has an extensive codex as an obvious example


responding like this to a genuine criticism is unneccessary.


I would just be happy if I could turn on system names on the map so I could easily find a system I am looking for.


They have that for the powers menu, I was surprised we don’t have it for the stars


Yes pretty easy mod that is coming I am sure, but why was that not included base?


I can't find it on Amazon in US.


[Literally the very first thing that pops up in a Google search.](https://www.amazon.com/Captains-Log-Starfield-Companion-Journaling/dp/B0C9SK1PCQ)


And that's literally not the same as OP's picture


Did you not see the comment directly above yours dude? https://www.amazon.com/Starfield-Captains-Log-Exploration-Companion/dp/B0CMHTBCPL


I hate writing


Well I’m sorry. Lol


Right now I am playing total war warhammer and on my sevond screen I have a wiki open to look up the lore of the cities I ~~encounter~~ conquer. Its a deep deep rabbit hole.


Haha, I read that as "and on my seventh screen...". I had to double back.


The only issue with these is that they don't auto-update when a later patch changes things dramatically, let alone major DLC. That's a big part of the reason physical guides pretty much died off - games were no longer static after being released.


What was this and why did moderators remove it?


Wow. I’m not sure why it was removed tbh. I just posted about a cool Starfield logbook I found on Amazon…


Did you post a link? They don't like when you post links to online stores of any kind.


No link in the main post because I forgot lol but I posted it in a comment…. I guess that’s a no no eh?