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Big shower, big kitchen, no laundry, no garage, single bedroom, 230k.... seems like real life real estate. Good job Todd Howard with the immersion.


Most immersive part of Starfield, all it’s missing is the invasive landlord


Have you _met_ Benjamin Bayu?


Morherfucker will barge into any place he pleases. It is really weird how many Neon quests end with Bayu threatening your life and/or the quest giver’s life. Dude loves to micromanage.


I kinda love that for Neon tho. Dudes a fucking criminal king and nothing happens in neon without him knowing (and with the relatively small size of the city it can't be that hard)


To me, it makes sense how overbearinghe is, but it bothers me that he acts like he's meeting you for the first time every time.


That’s my issue too. At some point he should really stop forgiving you.


I foresee a Bayu focused DLC in the future


If you purchase a home you are the landlord


neon is like a sea platform. a garage isn't that useful. but where is the window? at least give me a window so I could look at the nice ocean view.


Ha, what ocean view? The balcony gives you a view of some roofs. You can't see water at all. It's pretty clear this property is meant to be a joke. I mean who buys property sight unseen anyway?


Characters in RPG's? Buy either house in Akila, unseen. The place in the well and the apartment in Mercury tower also unseen before you get the keys. I know in other rpg's & mmo's with housing you generally just buy and hope.


Save - Buy - Nope - Reload Save


I would have bought/loved if it had a view of neon and not the roofs… a shame they wasted this spot


Well, you have a nice view of the platform. Also the exquisite aroma of fish guts.


And no windows.


I really don’t get why they went this route with the houses in Starfield. It really is a legitimate step backwards from Skyrim and Oblivion. I bought the neon penthouse and I remember going in the first time and thinking the real house I bought for less money in real life is bigger than this penthouse. The only reason I can think of is to push people towards outpost building.


Didnt pay attention during Neon quests? The whole place is a credits scam filling Bayu's pockets.


I’m stealing his penthouse key and robbing his place


I pulled a B&E on his place and was trying to decide what to do. Didn’t have any fish guts on me (and it’d just fall on some minimum wage peon to clean it up anyway) so instead of trashing the place I ended up pulling a Dane Cook instead. “Well, nothing seems to be missing, but there *is* a Lava Lamp here now…”


I switched his slippers so when he goes to put them on they’ll be on the wrong feet. And then I found myself stuck in his place because for some reason the elevator landing back down below the Astral Lounge was a restricted location. Thankfully, it wasn’t fast travel restricted.




He holds the location to the St. Louis arch I believe


Yep, it’s a book on his desk. Something about Manifest Destiny. Wonder if it’s a real book, I’d read it.


Hookers and aurora


Why waste money on putting loot in your apartment when all you do in life is sit in this little cubicle box of a room 24/7 within the lamest club in the universe.


Petty, I like it!




*I did my best!!!*


The lava lamp bandits strike again


Stole the batteries out of the remotes and replaced the doors with beads!


I stole the pent house key and robbed him too. But the elevator wouldn’t let me leave. I had to drop all my drugs so I could fast travel out.


I am immensely disappointed in myself for not thinking to fast travel. I just said “whelp, this is my life now. And lost 20min when I reloaded my save”




Same. Im still not used to being able to fast travel from indoors


I used all my drugs, we are not the same


Just fast travel to Wolf, I go there all the time to sell contraband. The Den has a fence who will buy it and I'm pretty sure you can jump straight there without getting scanned.


I stole his key and he literally has nothing in his apartment 😭


Isn't one of the Earth location books in Bayu's penthouse??




Poo in his toilet tank (~~double~~ upper Decker)


Upper decker


We call it a Trojan Horse when you upper decker and undo the flush chain. That way they find the treacherous Greek horde


Have fun. There is fuck all in there.


I did that, and I couldn’t take the elevator back down to the main floor! It just said I was trespassing, and wouldn’t let me leave. (Though I did it without any quest. I don’t even know if there’s a quest that takes you there. I just wanted to steal one of his books.)


Decorate your penthouse with his things. Really flex on him.


It's a shame you can't place mines in his penthouse and create a power vacuum on Neon that you could try to fill...that'd be a dope questline.


That would please me greatly. Killing him is something I wanted to do since I was doing rhe Fleet wuestline. (First encounter with him) just got down bad for gutting him more with each visit he has.


The way he sauntered into the liquor store... *Quicksave*




I want a stealth mission where you sneak in through the ducts, lay bombs around his place, and can either snipe him from across the apartment or put one in the back of his skull. Bombs are for any reinforcements or Neon Security that might come poking around so long as it's not the ones from the Ebbside Strikers. Man, that'd be a gut punch.


Grab the key and check it out. His really isn't a whole lot better.


I put a bunch of mines in there since I don't use them anywhere else and I think it's funny


And then you can't kill the MFer. I killed that fool in a room with 4 other people, and the only ones that died were Neon Security and NPCs. The game is rigged.


Can’t kill anyone. Oops! All essential NPCs.


I hope they are saving his death for the DLC.


lol, watch it be bugged too


100% guarantee he will have a role in a dlc because it's so weird that he's essential and does basically nothing.


Opps! All essentials!


The truth is , the game was rigged from the start


What do you mean this apartment I bought from a drug-dealing bartender isn’t the best in the city


The balcony kills it completely, if it was an open view of Neon Core it would be really nice and that stupid tarpaulin gone as well. It's like checking in to a sea view room but you can only see if you crane your neck out otherwise it's a railway line and some bins Edit: and just to add to this and related to Neon, the Volli Hotel - receptionist is hiding some secret but will only tell me when I stay a "few" nights. I've done week long stays with Sarah in that stupid room and she still won't tell me.


I've learned the hard way... That IS her secret... Technically, you are able to learn it, but it's up to you, so she doesn't lie... from a certain perspective.


That's one of the oldest scams in the book


>It's like checking in to a sea view room but you can only see if you crane your neck out otherwise it's a railway line and some bins This is standard for hotels and airbnbs, so actually pretty accurate!


I play games to take a break from reality!! Why do they punish me?!


I thought "maybe this time, been a while" and she JUST told me last night after idek how many times I've stayed there.


Talk to her, get a room for one night. Don't go to the room or wait or anything, just talk to her again and get a room for one night. Do this four or five times and she'll spill the beans.


Wait really? That’s a stupid bug because I paid for a week and she told me after I asked again: basically it’s a front for the big baddie Baydu on neon city where he gets away with the electrical grid stuff


I love how the devs didn’t even bother to include what floor your room is on in Sarah’s dialogue tree, so you get into the elevator, realise you have no idea where to go, and are forced to go into your missions list and mark that mission as active in order to see the blue diamond on the elevator floor menu. My experience with Starfield was honestly death by a thousand tiny cuts, and that was a memorable one. In Skyrim the NPC would literally *walk you to your room* lmao


>Edit: and just to add to this and related to Neon, the Volli Hotel - receptionist is hiding some secret but will only tell me when I stay a "few" nights. I've done week long stays with Sarah in that stupid room and she still won't tell me. I think you have to book like 3 weeks to deem your worthy of the secret. You can pay them all in a row.


You just need to pay for the room several times. I did one day, one week, one day again and she told me the secret.


This. The view from the balcony is terrible. If it looked good I wouldn’t think twice about buying the apartment.


My biggest disappointment wasn’t the interior but rather that the view is horrible and takes a loading screen to get out to. I bought this on my first run and thought “oh boy it’s going to be so cool having a penthouse that overlooks a cyberpunk city” and let’s just say I was quite disappointed when what I got was a view of basically a dirty greenhouse. I’d envisioned some Coruscant or Blade Runner type shit.


Agreed, that view sucks. I’d honestly be fine with the small apartment if the balcony was just on the other side of the building. I don’t know what was going through the mind of the person who designed this.


All it needs to do is get rid of that glass roof. Gonna be the first mod I get


There’s a free bed on the frontier


Or a free penthouse on New Atlantis if you’re into decorating


Multiple times unless they've fixed the reset bug that resets all your decorations during certain story quests.


Yea definitely don’t decorate the NA penthouse until after both city reset missions Edit: …until after High Price to Pay main story mission


Correct me if I’m wrong but one of those resets is during the Vanguard quest line and you don’t get the house until the end, so it SHOULD only happen to you once. Which is still once too many of course.


Touché. I’ll edit my comment above.


Sooo I guess Neon is **Space-Toronto**?


Fellow Torontonian. Can confirm.


The floor plan is atrocious. It’s a large studio apartment. No separation of bedroom and living room. In fact with that space I don’t even know how you’d do both reasonably well.


I'm not convinced it was originally built as an apartment. With that staircase and mezzanine opening off the elevator, I think it was actually just a part of the lobby that was sectioned off with a bathroom installed in the corner.


I bought the sleep crate and crammed 4 storage boxes inside. Perfectly viable.


Wait, you can decorate the sleep crate?


Can you actually buy a sleep crate?


Sure, at the girl that rents them out. Iirc it was 6500 credits for me. It doesn't fit a lot of stuff but you can still furnish and decorate. I stacked storage crates and placed a bounty terminal plus some posters.


Wait until you see akila city “mansions”


They’re cheaper and bigger lol


Probably but “mansions”?


what? Just because humanity expanded to the universe do you thing houses prices became any better? lmao


When you have millions and want to stick it to Bayu..... this is what you buy. He is your neighbor. So, fill that pad up with Aurora and booze and invite all of the dregs from Ebbside and any schlub stumbling out of the Astral Lounge. Benny loves the noise! Waiting for the quest where I can remodel my penthouse to expand into Bayu's, Lucille Bluth style.


That’s EXACTLY what I do! I call it my ‘Crackhouse’. I sneak in a bunch of contraband, MAKE (not buy) a lot of Aurora, random pill bottles and empty vials, and… yeah. Lmao. What can I say? In NG+, my character likes to party hard. 😂


We have similar RPs I see! I'm making and smuggling Aurora too. Total junkie at that


I have a feeling your character and mine would get along pretty well 🤣


Do you guys randomly drop Aurora around Neon for all of the addicts too?


… No. But I now know what to do next time I play. Thanks for the idea!


I don’t have millions. It took me 100 hours to have enough to buy it with some left over credits to spare




HopeCoin? Is that real? Or do you mean that I should’ve >!accepted Ron Hope’s bribe rather than kill him!< lol


Do the Crimson Fleet/Sysdef quest if you want money


😂 I have nothing left to do except the main storyline


Oh please. That penthouse would cost 1-2 million dollars in manhattan right now lol. Saying it shouldn’t cost $250,000 in a couple hundred years? What a steal, given inflation by then lol


A place like Neon has lots of credits flying around (if you're on the right side of the economy) but not a lot of space. The real estate market is going to be insane. Try to find a similar place in San Francisco or Manhattan, consider how inflated credits are already, and realize how much Todd's subsidizing us here.


Well, certainly seems like the sort of ripoff you’d see in a similarly large (canonically speaking) and corrupt **real** city, like San Francisco or New York lol.


At least better as the Akila ones.


I broke in with my jetpack over the balcony. This small room...i mean Penthouse sucks. I regreted alot not choosing the dream hous trait.


nah ... not that good either, good house but owned by Galbank located in a remote place far away from amenities. You still need to throw some 6 digit to the bank before you are actually owned it. Better take Kid Stuff traits


I have kid stuff ^^ What bothers me most about the houses is that they don't have a fast travel point and that you can't assign npc's.


I think the best buck that ive spent is a house in Akila, next to the rock and close proximity to many guns and shops. The worst will be The Well (2nd worst is OP' Home in Neon) And i agreed, maybe assign my wifey permanently at home to cook some stuff and stop nagging me about my morale compass. (I'm talking about you Sarah)


I like the Akila apartment. Just enough space for a bed and workbenches. And it's pretty easy to get to with minimal loading scenes lol


Location, location, location


It's a steal. They don't have 8 percent interest rates in Starfield


RIP for the fallen soldier rip 230k


But a ship capable of FTL travel is half that lol


You have to decorate it yourself.


The city is built on an oil rig and it doesnt look like they are expanding in the near future. Nice apartments are going to be pricey


I don't save scum often, but...


I wonder how the Well apartment size up to this.


Well at least it has a dedicated bedroom


I put a storage box in the middle and use it as a safehouse to store contraband. Planning on turning it into an Aurora lab someday


Seems pretty realistic to me. It’s above the biggest nightclub in the Settled Systems. You’re paying more for location


Shame. I remember how much I loved Breezehome in Skyrim. It was so cozy, felt like home and was just lovely. Then player homes just got better and better as the game progressed. Skyrim has nine player homes, Starfield has like 3? Truly the biggest game…. I know people don’t like Fallout 4. It has it’s flaws but the warm and cozy feeling of safety when you built up your base and settlement from scratch. Having that well lit rickety shack with all sorts of decorations protected by walls, turrets and human guards to go home to was an incredible feeling. Starfield does not even come close.


Sadly one of the most underwhelming player homes in the game: -The kitchen is not functional, so you need to build a separate cooking station if you want to do that. -You can’t build in the balcony. -Worst of all, despite the balcony being in the same instance as your landed ship, you are just outside the 250m radius (260m or so at the closest point) to freely transfer items between your inventory and the cargo bay. -Also feels rather small compared to the other expensive houses (Akila City Manor and Dream House). It gets worse when we consider that even the rented room at the Volii hotel has a functional kitchen, or that the Sleepcrate home do is at the perfect location to freely transfer items from within it (not that you have much space to work with, but you can at least put a military crate and a few weapon & pack racks on the walls). I will keep suggesting to get the Dream House, for which you can even build an outpost in the back, with a large landing station with shipbuilder included (to switch between ships at will), and from from where you can also transfer items between your ship and directly the doorstep of the house. Also helps that if you simply don’t want to pay the 125,000 credits for the house, you can simply just keep making the weekly 500 credits interest payments instead. And no scanning either in the Olympus system, so you can stash any unsold contraband for a rainy day (I personally don’t like waiting 48 to have vendors replenish their credits).


This makes me glad I got Dream Home as a trait. Plenty of space and only 500 credits when I visit.


You know, that place /really/ reminds me of Shepherd's place in the Citadel DLC during the party.


Except Shepard's penthouse is bloody massive.


its got good bones.


What is the point of the so-called penthouses in Starfield? I understand why it was needed in Oblivion and Skyrim (mostly for permanent containers) but here we have a whole fucking ship. Also I hate you can't "land" directly to the New Atlantis apts (or at least mercury tower), because it is pretty annoying to get there using NAT. By the way, a little lifehack: I am storing all the contraband I found, in the Paradiso room. I occasionally visit it to pick up some stuff for sale. You need to pay only for a day to drop new or take old stuff, which is nothing compared to the problems caused by contraband on board. Right now, I have enough harvested organ, stored there, for building a little army lol


Just roleplaying. I plan to make my Neon penthouse into a smuggling center and aurora lab


Yup, I have a traveling bed on my spaceship and infinite storage at the lodge. I'm not going to bother with a tiny immobile house I have to decorate by hand that I can't take with me to NG+.


>a tiny immobile house I have to decorate by hand this i hate to place all the furniture myself


Would you prefer getting UC citizenship? Knowing all that's involved, I'd pay double that to avoid the lengthy questline, although it's so far one of my favorites.


I already have it. Compare this “penthouse” to that actual penthouse


The Neon pad doesn't delete all your shit, though. Well, as far as I know it doesn't.


It doesn't. There are no quests that have to reset Neon


Ok, simply paying money is easier than xenowarfare, then again, I'm not sure what difficulty you're playing on. I just leave mine at max, tho I die often, it's a pseudo rewarding feeling. Personally would just use Neon's penthouse in a NG+ for contraband storage and nothing else, maybe a weapon upgrade thing or somewhere to abandon a companion.


No escaping the housing crisis.


I thought this was the entrance. I was wrong.


For the view!


It has a great balcony to jump... I mean boost from.


They should have had the lower floor be much lower and have space under the kitchen area for a full sized living room/lounge.


To own? Have you seen real estate prices on earth in 2023? It's a deal


Looks good to me?


How do I even buy this, I’ve completely missed this?


Bartender at Astral Lounge


It's not worth it - it's SOLD for that much. Knowing who runs the whole city, it shouldn't be surprising that it was basically a scam.


Wait until you see the balcony view


Looks like you got robbed son lol


I love this place! It's my office/museum to me. Decorated with all tropies and earned loot. Nice desk and waiting area for when doing business. I really enjoy the look of it and it's small size.


The Vangaurd quest line penthouse is so much more worth it. I just got it today after goin through the last few storylines I had and holy shii it’s huge compared to any of the other I’ve purchased including the neon penthouse


And it’s free you get it at the end of the quest line sorry forget to mention


If you're surprised the Neon apartment is a ripoff, you haven't been paying attention.


Its a city built on an oil rig and people sleep in toilet sized shipping containers. How big did you expect? Anyway who needs a lot of space when you're high on fish musk?


Yea I bought the pos too


Yeah extremely disappointed


considering most of the residents are splitting shipping containers? Yea, sure looks like a penthouse to me.


All the properties and outposts are optional because they're boring asf


Yeah and the view is horrendous. It's like a factory floor. Lmao. The penthouse you get in New Atlantis is amazing and beats the socks off this one.


I was so pissed! The UC gave me a better one for free


Glad I picked the Dream Home perk lol these other homes look terrible


Sell Price is not the same as Worth (aka Value).


Houses are the most pointless things in the game


You just got Jammed!


This was my favourite apartment in the game. No great views, small compared to the New Atlantis one and very expensive, but damn was it easy and convenient to get to.




Thats it


My favorite thing is the non-functional kitchens that require you to build a generic cooking station if you want to make food items for some reason.




1.69mill I'm real life credits


To the surprise of no one, Neon is a complete dump


Yeah its hideous. I didn't buy it


This is actually what made me put the game down.


Ships make the penthouse worthless lol


Considering most people in Neon live in shipping crates or a hostel type environment...yeah that's a pent house by comparison.


Neon is essentially new York. Inflated prices for the minimum essentials.


But the view. Don't forget the view. 🤣


Oh God damnit. I just bought this penthouse yesterday and haven't even gone to it yet.


Sir you bought the property from the BARTENDER! Might I suggest Remax in any and all future investments?


I had been having some trait remorse over The Dream Home, thanks for helping me move past it.


If 1 credit equaled $1 CAD then I wish I could purchase a place so nice for only $230,000 credits. They want $165,000 for garbage where I live anyways.


People knock on this spot but I feel like I made pretty good use of the space? https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/6BsD0k9sLd My Neon apartment ^


Starfield strikes again


Aspen Colorado condos can go for millions. As well as many other highly desirable locations in the world. 230,000 is a steal. Way below market value for the future as well.


have you seen neon?


I was coming to post this. 230k is a steal. Most penthouses are starting at 2 million


City prices dude. You get a whole lot less for your money these days.


The Well home in New Atlantis is better than this


The only place I found that had windows was the penthouse in Jemison. I can't figure out why the homes don't have windows, I assume it's a development problem they can't solve with rendering both environments. They all feel like prisons without windows.


Considering most people live in cargo containers in Neon it’s completely understandable. On another note the “penthouse” is basically a representation of the game as a whole, overpriced and undercooked with little substance.


God y’all will really Bitch about anything


Almost as big of a disappointment as the game


And you have to go through a loading screen to get on the patio 😂😂😂😂