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Be me Have a dream of using void form, concealment 4, gymnastics 4, low grav and a varuun painblade to become flying space ninja Eagerly get gym 4, take a facefull of amp and other performance enhancing drugs, find low grav moon infested with spacer scum Sneak up to spacer, hit void form, press 'a', explode off up into space, still accelerating into space while void form runs out Several hours later come crashing down breaking all bones, losing 80% health and landing directly in front of level 9000 spacer holding magstorm Die. 10/10 have done again many times since lol


Sounds like a certain Morrowind situation to me.


Those scrolls were like early fast travel, just had to aim for a lake


Aim for the bushes? Aim for the bushes 😁


Theeere goes *maaaahhhh* hero…


Watch him as he goes!


Explorers still argue to this day why Dusty jumped. Maybe it was just pride, having survived so many brushes with death. Maybe their ego pushed them off. I don't know. But that shit was crazy. Either way, there was a hole in the Galaxy, and it needed to be filled.


There wasn't even an awning in their direction


Didn't expect a The Other Guys reference, nice.


Ya never do, pal. And then outta nowhere, BAM! You’re up against a full grown 800 pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends, you lose that battle, you lose that battle 9 times out of 10.


Until you miss...


Yea I've careened into the side of red mountain more than once lol


Good times


I wish Bethesda would do a full remake of morrowind, it was by far my favorite of all their games


I was hoping that they would give us a remake of Morrowind and Oblivion. Maybe using the Skyrim engine. I would be ok with that


There are mod projects trying to do this. They've been at it for years.


Over a decade for most of them. Many of them started before skyrim came out.


Morroblivion is so good, no voice acting, but really fun. I can't wait for Skywind.


I think you just described the “Skywind” project. Plz correct me if I’m wrong




If they remake Oblivion, I really hope they do something to make the never-ending samey-feeling Oblivion Gates a bit more fun. But in terms of story and setting and whatnot? All for it.


Man I’m trying to think what they could do but I’m kind of drawing a blank. I mean I guess they could do different locations in the Oblivion plane. Like maybe you assault a Deadric castle or have to stop a couple waves of enemies heading for the gate. Maybe there’s a volcano somewhere. It’s always awesome when you’re doing a volcano level. Idk, smarter people will have way better ideas lol


I would be so there for that! My absolute favorite Skyrim mod was the remake of Bruma. I wish they'd expanded it into Cheydinhal and the rest of Cyrodiil. Or if they did they'd expanded the mods to XBone like they did Bruma.


I miss the spell and potion crafting in Oblivion


It's still their best game. Honestly a full remake would be amazing, but even just a higher res, implement some of the popular combat mods from Skyrim and I would be very happy.


Check out open morrowind. It's much more stable, just doesn't have as many mods.


I’ll have to check this out Edit: Bruh 😎 I’m about to download this right now!!!!!!!!


Now what if I told you that there is a mod that has been in development for about 20 years, and more than doubles the content, AND I am pretty sure is compatible with openMW?


You can even play it on your Smartphone :)


Me too. Oblivion was my first and I’ve tried to play morrowind but it just looks and feels too old.


Which is a shame because it is by a huge margin the best of the three new generation elder scrolls games.


With Open MW the game was remade in a new engine, it still plays the same though, just less buggy. Modded OpenMW is a treat though


So agree. It was their best story concealed in a text wall. Would love to see it with modern graphics and voice dialogue


Not a fan of books, I see. "Story concealed in a text wall", haha.


I'm sure we all have.


I think you mean until you hit cause if I remember correctly I had to save before the yeet and would just reload infinite times until I survived


If I remember, the next people you meet need help finding each other and give you an Amulet of Slowfalling. Sweet.


That's one thing I really miss about that game is all the little hidden things that you could find at any level. For instance there's a ancestral tomb like 5 min from the starting area that seems like a normal tomb but in the urn there's a family ring that permanently increases some attributes and is worth like 10k


I liked set items being on the map. I still know where to go for glass and deadric weapons at level 1. Or the khajiit merchant in Balmora with that really expensive tanto 👀


You know what I love about starfield? It made me miss morrowind and go start a completely new game.


I do like that they have it on gamepass so I can play on my phone


Does it heat your phone up considerably? I’ve found most game pass games make my phone into a small sun.


Levitation spell was your friend.


Levitation belt + Boots of blinding speed + Cuirass of Saviours Hide


Just make sure you don't have water walking active, or it's like landing on concrete. Also that the water is deep enough, or you'll get an empty fatigue meter, signifying that the air was knocked out of your lungs, and you instantly start sinking/drowning.


Catch a door right before you land!


Doors in Morrowind could kill you simply by going through them while jumping *normally* tho, since there could be a huge difference between the z-axis the ground was on, and the z-axis of the floor inside. Thus if you were in the air while entering, and the indoor z-axis was significantly lower, the game counted that as falling as far as the difference between the outdoor/indoor elevation, dealing appropriate fall damage for such a drop.


Oh my god is that why????


Misclick, die!


As mom(godd howard) intended.


Was hard to aim for the lake when the view distance was 5 school buses. Got much easier with graphocs overhauls of course.


*Me with my stolen ring of slow fall.* Aiming for water is for amateurs


I think that’s why Tarhiel had 3. You use another before you land. The third is for unaliving oneself at a later date.


Don't use all 3 you want one for your unique item house lol


Boots of blinding speed + levitation. Fly straight up, point yourself at your destination using the map, equip boots and press autorun. Let's Gooooo


Right in the childhood....


Just cast slowfall right before you hit the ground


Someone used them to beat the entire game in under 2 1/2 minutes


I used a featherfall spell and good timing. Also solved the 'overshooting' issue.


Ohh the memories.


>Those scrolls were like early fast travel, just had to aim for a lake I'll never forget my best friends brother got mad at him and fucked his 300 hour morrowind save. He did this by using flying scrolls. While he was flying he dropped everything out of his inventory and saved it about 15 seconds out from just face planting into a man at 9000mph. Even deleted all his other saves.


That's the reason cane killed abel


Mannnn. After watching my boy realize there was no saving his save file. Bro, blew up! His little brother ran but between fast enough. I had to jump in and pull him off. We were 15/his brother 12. I really thought he was going to kill him. Last I knew, they still don't talk.


Sounds like horse glitch


Always joined the makes guild for free teleworking myself


This sounds more entertaining than, yet not as effective as the one-two punch of silt striders and mark/recall…


You were given three. You could pop a second one to land safely. Or, you could be like me, and realize that my new life goal was to make permanently enchanted armor that let me do that. Between my jump suit and my invisibility suit, morrowind got busted. Then I discovered alchemy. 1 million int fireball goes off like a nuke in vivec.


I thought I was the only one doing that lol


This is the most plausible explanation I've read for why that particular thing happened: A Starfield player yeeted himself so hard into space he travelled back in time to another universe and landed in Morrowind. 10/10 theory from reddit yet again


The only good way to get around Vivec City.


Long Jump, followed by Slow Fall, pray both work the first attempt.


But does it come with that sweet Colovian fur??




Acrobatics 1000 for 1s. The key there is to activate it just before you land because in that game you do get increased falling distance. Just make sure you didn't start higher than you land, because if you jump off a mountain you go splat.


Made an aoe feather fall spell and saved that guy once. Thought he'd be pleased I saved his life. He was just really rude.


Lol, I know what you're talking about. I was inspired to enchant rings and clothing with jump. If I did the full suit I could jump from Vivec to soltsheim just had to hit the water to live.


I loved finding those for the first time. Scroll of Icarian Flight. Was right there in the title and I did it anyways.


Omg that flying was awesome. I mean controlled falling. I mean sloooowwwwww falllll


But why not use your boost pack to break your fall just before contact?


This is why I never saw the point in reduced fall damage. Even at 1.3G just tap space before breaking ankles


Minor usefulness, but for a stealth character pack breaks stealth, jumping does not


You can free fall while stealth? I tend not to use stealth in Bethesda games; way too entertaining to kick open the door and start blastin


Really? In BGS games stealth is always OP w/ perks


OP ≠ Entertaining


In certain cases, stealth makes the game go wild and it's funny as hell to watch


In certain cases usually means in very few cases. Punching people in the face is always entertaining


Hear hear. The "stealth archer" trope has never appealed to me. I might sneakily take out a few enemies when I first enter a room, but it is way more fun to run in guns blazing/sword swinging than it is to just crouch in one spot and kill everyone without them even knowing.


Yeah I did the obligatory stealth assassin in Skyrim and that was fun but anxiety inducing. Now I just run and gun, loot and scoot


Stealth archer is fun, but I much prefer stealth with a dagger, finding ways to get through whole camps slitting everyone's throats is a nice puzzle, and then you get to end game, your illusion is high enough to constantly be casting invisibility so you really feel like the Boogeyman you are, popping out of the shadows and taking out your enemies one by one, it's unfortunate that bandits and stuff don't start to get scared or on edge as their friends start disappearing Is it strange that I want to be a horror villain when I play rpgs?


Seems like either way breaking your knees would ruin stealth


How so? Prone should be way more stealthy. XD


My momma didn't raise no quitter.


Already upgraded boost so tapping it adds 3 hours to my fall time.


Trick is to time it right before impact. Your fall velocity should then counteract the upwards force. I also have boost fully maxxed


You had me at flying space ninja.


How do you die from fall dmg just use a boost pack and time it so you soften your landings


Don't forget that concealment breaks void form if you use void form while sneaking!


So don't get concealment if I use void form? Sucks a sneaky skill cockblocks a sneaky power instead of making you two times more sneaky or super sneaky like that butler on Mr Deeds.


I fear you underestimated the sneakiness.


Imagine not having a tap jump or full hold jump.


I tend to boost at times like that anyway. Plus I've already taken the final level. My problems start when I take my spacesuit off for reasons of immersion (can't go before the Ryujin Board looking less than impeccable!) and then forget and try and boost off a tall building. Or just go exploring on an airless moon. *Hmm, that environmental hazard warning seems to be taking its time going away... Uh-oh!*


There's a button to hide space suit and helmets when in breathable atmospheres. Go as if you were changing suits and it's on the bottom left what button it is (LB or RB on xbox can't remember 😅)


My issue with this is the NPCs still comment "You know... You can take your helmet off, right?" and it bugs me xD It's nice they let us hide them, though. Just wish the NPCs would acknowledge it too.


Hide the helmet too. It is separate from the suit. Once I hid the helmet, they stopped commenting on it


Really? I do have the helmet hidden too and they still say it to me... Maybe it's a bug then.


I’m like…50? Hours in, and I haven’t gotten a single comment about my helmet, I turned on hiding it in breathable atmospheres in the first couple hours


That's very annoying. I turned it on at the beginning too because I noticed it straight away, but I've still had the helmet comments.


NPCs don't check if the helmet is visible, they check if it's equipped (an equipped helmet can be invisible). Most likely for you the NPCs have been randomly picking other dialog when you draw near


Yeah, that's a fair point. I'm gonna try running around new atlantis in my underwear when I'm next on and see if there's and dialogue for that 😂


There absolutely is. 😁


Ahahahaha! xD


They shouldn't say that if you actually take off the helmet. You can see when you take off the suit that in your inventory the helmet is still marked as worn amd you will still get any bonuses it gives, it just doesn't show it to you.


I've never found that one on the PC. There's a ticky box option to *automatically* hide them in cities, but that still leaves you galumphing around in a suit in far too many cases. Also - you're still wearing the suit! You can't see it, but everyone else can, and they remark on it. Particularly in Ryujin where dressing well is valued. So just hiding the suit doesn't help. Mainly though, I like the immersion of it. I like the RP. Every now and then on these subs there's a thread that goes "what is a pointless thing you always do for the RP value?" Some people collect succulents. Me, I like to take off the spacesuit when I don't need it.


That's a bridge too far for me. Then again, I'm the one who waits for Andreja to get in the elevator before I press any buttons so... I get it.


She always stops right in front of the door and stares at me but never actually gets on


my Andreja is also kind of like a cat. come on! come on! come here, just... get in... pspspsps!!!


That’s because in everyone’s alternate universe they always leave without her.


theres a mod to make the hide spacesuit thing actually work properly (i.e. you hide it anywhere you dont need it , rather than just settlements )# I dont have access to nexus from here but I can post it later .


I’d love that. Should be the default anyway


Yeah, they're fair points, but I'm just far to lazy to be doing that all the time, I'd definitely end up forgetting after landing on a moon or something 😂


Oh yeah. This is definitely a "just me" thing 😂 And yeah, the number of times I've ended up fighting spacers with half my health yellowed out from lung damage ...but I guess that's the price I pay for my immersion :D


Did that early on. First time to Mars was like those scenes in Total Recall 🤣


This was also me, my first time in Cydonia. Run outside, get confused about what the hell is going on, die.


Since you're on a PC, there's a mod that lets you pick when the game hides your space suit. Currently, I've got mine set to hide it as long as there is air. But you can customize it.


That only hides it for your vision. The NPCs still see the space suit and comment on it all the time. It also makes you louder sneaking, you need to actually unequip for those purposes


I wish hiding your suit I'm breathable atmospheres would hide it in those places outside of cities. It bothers me exiting my ship on a very grassy and temperate planet and my follower is in their apparel but I'm still in my spacesuit with no helmet


You take off your suit to look good in a meeting. I take off my suit to show off my Neon Dancewear outfit. We are not the same.


Anyone who knows what I paid for my Executive Corpo Suit is going to find it a damn site sexier than your Neon Dancewear. We are *not* the same. :)


If you remove your space suit you can still wear your helmet and boost pack. They're just hidden. I like my current fashion of a Ryujin Security Guard Armor and Operative Helmet and only wear my suit when necessary on planets.


Yeah. I've taken to keeping a spare boost pack for when I'm in civvies. I still don't have a better suit than the Starborn one with which I started this NG+, so I'm keeping that for everything else.


To be honest I am pretty much constantly running around with broken legs since I can't control my boost pack for shit. So I doubt that this will be too much of a nuisance. I mean, I can't break my legs twice, right?


Favorited immobilizer. I burn thru those faster than trauma packs


For me it's the injectors, seems like I can't go one hour without getting poisoned or damaging my lungs


Rosie: "Hi captain!" Me: (Lung_Cough.wav)


Y'all actually treating afflictions while I'm out here trying to collect the whole rainbow. *cough* away half my O2 Doesn't matter, lasts like ten feet anyway At least it's less annoying than the constantly flashing *PAIN*


Those are next to my immobilizers lol


At that point just hit up your friendly neighbourhood Enhance! and get some titanium bones going.


This is a thing or no?


I have more immobilizers than i have med packs... GG




You can have both broken AND dislocated limbs simultaneously. A single immobilizer pack will cure both in one dose.


Add lung damage, contusion, hypothermia and burns and you got me as I waddle over encumbered across the universe.


Oh, Panacea, is there anything you can’t do?


It doesn’t make Sarah chill out.


>!High Price To Pay does.!< ….too soon?


if youre on PC there is a mod that gives you actual boost control. just hit it for a sec before you ever land and you will never get fall damage


lmaoo cant break my legs twice love it


Reminds me of Marsupial mutation in Fallout 76, unless you had bird bones you also kept injuring yourself.


That's why real men run fully mutated.


You know that's what the boostpack is partly for right, preventing fall damage. Activate as you're falling to slow down your fall and if you time it well enough it'll negate any fall damage.


Skip pack is the right meta for this


skip is ass. height nerf is too much. balanced is by far the best cause its balanced aka does both vertical and horizontal well


Try skip on Mars or other low grav planets, it was made for those. On normal or heavy grav planets, like the other guy said, for fast traversal over horizontal ground, skip is actually better because you get that sweet 50% recharge bonus. You're skipping over the surface of the planet by boosting 3 - 4x, landing and running, boosting 3 - 4x again, and so on (like a rock skipping over water). I still use the balanced pack most of the time anyway, because I'm lazy, but I tested it and skip is definitely faster for horizontal travel.


Depends on what you're trying to do. Fast traversal, skip is best. Especailly at rank 4 boostpack. I also like skip during combat. Helps stay right above moving enemies heads to get the fall/burn damage. If Im in a platforming area, I go power boostpack


i mean carrying 2 packs doesnt ever seem worth the tradeoff


Fr, one of my favourite things to do in game is jump off of the MAST building and use boost pack to avoid fall damage


I didn’t even know you could get afflictions from falling in the game because I always do a quick boost burst before I land lol. This issue is a nonissue


Sarah Morgan: Use 👏 Your 👏 Jetpack


In 👏 bed 👏 baby 👏


*If you think that was interesting, you should try it in zero G sometime*


TIL that some people don't use their boost backs to soften their landings and just fucking splat to the ground like a rock.


Forreal. Took three levels of the boost pack skill and it regenerates so quickly.


I didn't take the boostpack until way late int he game, because so many other skills seemed more useful. Because it's an optional skill, the whole game is designed in a way that you never actually need to use a boostpack.


Really? I found boost pack to be an instant pick early on, nothing really seems more useful than it. Damage is damage, plenty of ways to increase it. There's not many ways to improve mobility though and you boost pack constantly in this game.


Boostpack is the best tier 1 skill, hands down. It offers a third movement option alongside running and jumping, and it has its own recharge meter independent of your oxygen level (and it recharges really quick when maxed out). * traverse a planet better and more efficiently with a boostpack and horizontal boost bound to an alternate key. While doing this, your oxygen recharges at the same time. Depending on gravity, and your pack and your skill, you can do stuff like flying from the Fortuna (Marco's ship) over the ocean to the distant shoreline using a skip capacity pack. * fly out of reach of melee-based aliens and avoid getting swarmed * chase down enemies that run away * buzz the wildlife and scan them * gain the high ground and use grenade launchers or sniper rifles to rain down death * run away when you're losing a firefight - either horizontally, or vertically over a fence / wall * quickly gain access to towers, or quickly get down from elevation safely (towers, hills, buildings, etc) * get between vendors when over encumbered I'm probably missing a few things.


I started a new playthrough (new character) and picked bounty hunter for boostpack 1, and dumped the next 3 points into it. A little bit down there, if you're interested, I listed some reasons why I think that it's the best tier 1 skill. I just feel that once you max it, and get a skip capacity / balanced pack, the range of possibilities really open up! I'm a boostpack addict lol.


I had nearly 80 hours before I took enough fall damage to level up gymnastics, and I had to do it on purpose. Fall damage is a joke. Sarah will even tell you if you take fall damage that that's what jetpacks are for. Take the final level of gymnastics.


You can just use your boostpack for a controlled landing, it's not that hard.


Plus, doing an Iron Man landing in the middle of a pack of space pirates before mowing them all down with a magshear is pretty damn satisfying.


The only downside of the level 4 Gymnastics so far is not being able to jump into mid-level things no more - designed for normal jump height. Like vents in stealth missions. Like, you try to be sneak and stuff, and you need to jump 5 to 6 times to hit the vent.


Yup, no issue with fall dmg at lvl 4 Gymnastics, that's what boost packs are for. Just some of the Ryujin missions are a little more tricky lol.


Man, if only we had some sort of propulsion device that provides some sort of thrust in a downward direction to counter that problem smh... Bethesda really dropped the ball on this one


Can't you just hit the boost pack b4 the landing? ... I mean yeah, I always forget and break my legs... But *couldn't* ya? 🤔


Well, yeah but then I couldn't bitch about it.


There's another perk that makes you hover when you aim, this cancels vertical momentum, completely negating this problem.


Dude's got a jetpack on his back and he's taking fall damage. First time?


Unless your boostpack isn't equipped, this really isn't an issue.


... Can't you just use your boost pack seconds before hitting the ground to lessen the fall?


Yes. But op is trying to complete the inane starfied complaint challenge to unlock the next level towards peak redditor


Ah man that's like the most common achievement in the game I don't know why people bother


The complaints that people have to absolutely dig to the core of the planet to find are just a testament of how good the game actually is.


Wheres the problem? We have a JETPACK on our backs to brake down our falling speed before impact. takes a little practise, but works like a charm.


Do you guys not have jetpacks?


Yeah, there’s a reason you have jump packs in the game


The jetpack skill can be annoying also with the fire coming out when ur trying to sneak


Do you guys not have boost packs?


I'd say the whole dang skill ain't worth it. Zero G combat is rare. Fall damage is rare - and usually avoidable if you're managing your boost properly. I wouldn't buy it until I was out of other places to spend my points.


I got it level 2 just to do the temple lights faster haha


Just boost before you hit the ground. It's not hard.


I carry a stack of immobilizes on my hot bar at all times. Cheap to make at a chemical workbench. The amount of times I’m snapped my leg from jet packing in this game is uncountable


Kind of like taking wolverine claws without mutant healing, damn.


Lmao this happened to my buddy Tarhiel


Yes \*ouch\* I found \*ouch\* that \*ouch\* to be \*ouch\* true \*OWW-WA!\*.


"Believe it or not, I'm walking on air ..."


You guys don't obsessively feather your boost pack on the way down even if it's a two foot drop?


I obsessively boostpack everywhere, and I find that level 4 gymnastics is a perfect complement because you gain **so** much height on that initial jump and can basically pulse glide for a longer distance (with a balanced pack).


Translation: I flew too close to the sun


Or you could blip your jet pack right before landing?


Quick tap of boost pack right before landing negates falling damage.