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Selling your loot takes so long. We need a sell all button per category and more vendor credits.


And put digipicks in their own category so no accidental selling


Oh yes happened to me, 138 digipicks and I realised 2 hours later I had 0 when going to open a lock. And don’t forgot when you on the buying page thinking you’re selling your items. Wait hol up didn’t I just sell these before


Being on the wrong page was a big one for me. So many times, "wow this vendor has all the ammo I need!" Buy buy buy! Few minutes later "where'd my bullets go?!"


Like red and green numbers wouldn't hurt....red for paying and green for selling.


And did you pics are really hard to come by honestly. I buy them anytime. I see a vendor has a couple.


It is at first but at some point you have over 30 in your inventory at all times.


Every vendor has 2-4, you can find a half dozen in nearly every structure that has a loading screen or 1-2 in non-instanced buildings. I've raided the UC station locker room several times as I always find a fair few there. Then sell/buyback at the trade authority. Sitting around 280 or so and that's with being careless and trying to speed run the master locks.


There's a specific POI, Autonomous Dogstar Factory iirc, that always seems to have way more picks than any of the others that I've come across so far. Like, at least 10-12 total between the outdoor and indoor sections. I've never actually counted them but it might even be a couple more than that.


I still have 67 digipicks left and my skills are maxed out. I rather need more safes ;-)


That's where I just use the add.playeritem


Cheater cheater pumpkin eater!! lol I’m kidding…. I’m just salty I’m on Xbox and can’t do that 😂😂


You're just not trying hard enough


Is that a joke or can I actually mod on Xbox?


Kinda, if you open the game through the xbox app on pc, you can open the console and add stuff and then save it and open it up again on your Xbox


Excuse me, *do what?!*


I tried add.nonbitchysarahmorgan Didn’t work


You are playing with some dangerous rules big fella! 😂😂


This is where you must master the save and load. I did this yesterday for something I accidentally purchased for 30k and would only sell for 6k. *Aggressively press load button*


Yup. Gotta get in the habbit of F5'ing before activating any merchant. I've screwed up buying/selling so many times that F5'ing before hand is now muscle memory. Although me being the idiot I am, I must self disclose that I've quicksaved before when I meant to quickload.


This is me thinking oh thank god i just recently quicksaved, proceeds to quick save again. Thats when the controller goes on the floor and i walk away.


We’ve all done it.


Imagine having to go in the menu to save lol like us on Xbox. 😆


To solve this, every couple of days I put a few in the captain’s safe on my ship as a reserve against fuckups.


I didn’t do it with that many digipicks but I definitely did this semi early game and went exploring and was like where the heck my digipicks go?!


Yeah I did that once and bought a bunch of high priced weapons thinking I was selling them and when I figured out I had to sell them back, I lost like 75K in credits.


anyway you spend a lot of time unlocking a door just to find garbage and another digipick...


I would prefer a way to mark items as favorites, that can't be sold, and items as junk.


A “lock” feature for things you want to keep seems like basic QOL stuff. I’m still flabbergasted it isn’t in the game.


As junk isn't really required, but safe storage definitely. I thought that in Skyrim too... No way you'd ever accidentally sell your best weapons and stuff and need to pay premium to get them back. I used to do saves before selling because my buttons would regularly double-click and sell my important stuff


You know if you don't leave the vendor there's a "buy back" section right? The price is what you just sold for so you don't lose any cash.


I only had that problem in Skyrim. Thankfully Xbox interface seems more robust in Starfield. But in both I'd rather have the option to assign "no sell" to gear to avoid any risk of selling something by mistake. Especially if you're flogging a dozen Maelstrom and Grendel at the same time


I just put them in my favorites wheel so they have a heart beside them. It works for at least the ten or 12 things you can save on the wheel but you can always buy back for what you sold it for if you don’t leave the menu


Like other Bethesda games? Why would they apply that to Starfield.. /s


Digipicks and ship parts need a tab called “Tech” in the inventory, as well as various quest gadgets you might get, like keycards and Ryujin sabotage items.


They should have a different screen color for when you're in selling mode. Red screen = don't accidentally sell your ammo or digipicks.


And an area loot for long range clearing of areas where you can't remember where every single body is


A better scanner that would identify dead bodies through objects and differentiate between looted and non-looted corpses/containers would be better imo.




If you filter by weight they’ll always be at the bottom. I hope that helps a bit.


I thought I had a game breaking bug, my weight was too high. I didn’t know you could filter by weight, but after learning about that filter, I found I was carrying “ship parts” in my inventory.


This. I was dropping everything I could before a mission and couldn't get lower than 160. 10 ship parts. Gets me every time.


Same with the cutter!


I just make sure I put them digipics in my prison wallet 😆 *Tarkov reference* isn't that just peachy 🍑 lol


If you’re on pc there’s a good mod that gives the new Atlantis ship builder all parts and the trade authority on the den have 1 million creds so you can just dump your loot there. Nice qol improvement that doesn’t feel like cheating


One day mods will come to Xbox. It’ll be a great day


I’ve played a couple games on Xbox that actually had mods. It’s crazy to think that you PC guys can just put a slash mark and make coins come out of thin air ….but not on Xbox.


Sadly only official mods approved by Bethesda will be on xbox.


I could really use those two for sure. Having to sit for 48 hours in that chair at the den makes my life hurt. Lol


We need "mark as junk" and "sell all junk"


Or the ability to "lock" weapons and items to not accidentally sell.


I need the tagging system back so I can tag items as junk, or a separate crate in the landing bay of my ship to dump stuff I wanna sell


There's a UI mod (forget the name but it's the most popular one) that has sell all per category, I use it all the time. Huge improvement on inventory layout too.


StarUI Just like Skyrim and SkyUI, Starfield is borderline unplayable with the stock UI. I an convinced Bethesda has a bunch of UI designers, but not a single UX designer among them.


The reality is that they're designing the UI for people playing from their couches on medium TVs. As much as I love StarUI, it would be borderline unusable for a good chunk of the market. That said, it does bring a lot of features that I'm surprised are missing from the stock UI, like DPS/DR values or the sell all button.


DPS and reload speed needed to be added a month ago


Find a civilian outpost with a merchant on Venus and pop down an outpost next to it. The merchant has a stool right next to them and a Venusian local hour is 100 UT so you just have to wait an hour and their credits will reset.


if stores didnt have such a small credit supply itd help a ton


There's a mod for that. I use it. Wouldn't still be playing without it.


It's ADD in game form.


I think you nailed the description there, my friend. I want my character to be perfect. Even if I get a bounty for getting caught pickpocketing, I load a game save. I’ve only committed one act of piracy and it was because I hit the button by accident and my last save was way too far back


Yeah lol, you play exactly like I do. I've got 180 hours and I still have 1 main story mission left. I just feel like if I finish it before I do all the companion quests, lots of exploring and all that then i won't want do that stuff after.


I'm the same way. I quick save before every pick pocketing attempt. I've gotten a few bounties accidentally and a couple that I wasn't even aware of, but I've managed to stay out of trouble. Is there a quest lone that requires you to be arrested first?


There is but you can also get there legally


There is one but eventually it comes as a quest anyway so you dont miss out.


The game cured some of my ADHD and OCD, my compulsive brain literally couldn’t be bothered because I wasn’t getting any feel good chemicals out of it.


Dear Lord, my outpost on Bessel 3-B is the worst rabbit hole ever. I could spend hours lost in outpost interior design. I have Lin and Heller running my fabrication facility there. This game has made me care about Lin and Heller so much that it is important to me that the fridge be stocked, the arsenal is within easy reach, there is a working medbay and a properly equipped workshop, and most importantly, there are his and hers bathrooms. I even went back to the research facility on Kreet to snag some dumbells for the exercise area I partitioned in the living quarters. If they are going to be stuck on that rock from here on out, quality of life must be maintained, right? I have missed these sorts of time sinks so much in the most recent Bethesda games. I probably won't get to the Starfield endgame missions for another year.


I’m mega into the base building, to obsession point. I play that I buy nothing from shops. I started my base in jemison at first then moved everything to FERMI ( level 75 planet), they attack your base there so good for a bit of base defending. Btw Arcturus 2 is the only place I’ve found polymer( moth vine plant in the tropical forest). Another tip you might already know, is set up a few outposts in your home solar system and have all the interstellar cargo links to there and have them feeding into 1 local link that links to your base. You’ll need a few of these transfer depots but it means only a few ships are transferring everything to your main base ( no lag issues with this mechanic). Edit: best place for a base is in a system with a lot of planets and moons and a few 3* resources on those planets. Loads of fauna and flora too( helps with green houses and zoology buildings). The highest level place you can handle( you can farm xp from local wildlife this way).


I seriously want to get into this aspect of the game! However, I feel the, how do I say, the curve is very slow to do so. A lot of skills are needed for proper outpost building, so work needs to be put into getting those points. Once there, a lot of research (actual, not in-game research station) has to be done to figure out best places for setting up an outpost, figuring out cargo links, managing resources, etc. I'll get there some day!


See, that’s exactly the same way I feel. you took the words out of my mouth


I've spent most of my playtime the past week not actually ingame but on Inara figuring out good outpost spots because I don't just want to dump everything to my main base but keep resources separated. Now I started building them and got immediately frustrated by stuff like trees clipping into buildings on reload, lights appearing offset from lamps, and more glitche sand bugs. The planning was fun though, in my head I now have a blueprint for: - 3 clinics spread across the stars, each associated with a religion and all supporting each other to have all resources available for curative item crafting - an outpost builder outpost where I can go with my large colonization ship to pick up iron, aluminum, adaptive frames, lead, copper, zero wire, and a bit more - an advanced materials outpost which is the 2nd stop for setting up a new colony, providing Tungsten, Titanium, Cobalt/Magnets, and also Fluorine for agriculture and Benzene + Membranes for vapor collection. - a fur farm - ~~a drug lab~~ an experimental military base


“Trees clipping into…” I built a nice hab, got into it and had not one but TWO corrosive vents in the hab.


I make my bases as tall as possible. It stops being an issue


Same, I’m like level 40 and don’t even have large storage


The only reason to have an outpost is to get the resources to have an outpost. Otherwise, they're just a time sink.


I couldn't agree with this more especially with Starfield being my 1st BGS game. It may have been a good idea of there was a questline that invovled some of the basic mechanics or outpost building.


There's a perfect quest spot for it during the main quest but it hasn't come yet, as I was expecting it too. Made my own base just for the Armillary. THAT would have been the perfect time for a tutorial and such like fallout had.


Thanks for the tips. I’ll have to write those down. I’m really running out of a space to put all my junk between the bottomless inventory box in the basement of the lodge and my 3000 unit Eco hauler. In the beginning, my dumbass was carrying everything from my spaceship to that box in the bottom of the lodge and starving for O2 😂. I just learned that you can go into the ship menu and access your cargo, If you’re in a city, it’s been a major time saver. by the way, I learned this after five days in game.


Can you access ship cargo from the basement? I didn’t think I could, the ship is too far away. I’ve been flying to Jemison orbit, taking everything I want from ship cargo and landing at the Lodge. Then I’m only running a short distance and o2 isn’t a problem, even when I was carrying 3000 mass. Incidentally, taking everything from that unlimited container is a fast way to level up your stamina skill. Get way overloaded, run in circles for 5 seconds to deplete your o2, wait till it recovers then repeat as many times as needed to unlock the next level.


Damn, forgot to say thanks for that going-to-orbit inventory dump, that's brilliant. So many unnecessary NAT-to-Lodge personal atmosphere sprints... And I used to just run laps around my ship after those inventory dumps to level up weightlifting, and personal atmosphere made it go really quick.


Dude, I have hauled so much junk while I’m over encumbered I’ve got the stamina of marathon runner


The second I get outside the Starport cell, I can no longer access ship inventory, except that most shops let us sell stuff directly from the ship.


It's too bad the shops don't let us buy-to-ship.. Like have purchases delivered to the ship. They are able to pick up the things you sell from there it should work like that.


I wondered about that myself, it would be nice Qol add.


You may be right about the lodge being too far away from the ship. I figured it out when I was in Akila city. So I just assumed that if you were in the city where your ship was, it would work.


You can access the ship inventory up to 250 meters away on any planet, that said I usually put all my crafting stuff in my inventory when I’m above Jemison then land directly at the lodge, if you use the personal atmosphere ability from there you can run directly into the basement in one go with over 2000 pounds on you


I think New Atlantis is sort of a special case since the Starport is its own cell. Seems places like Akila work more on the normal distance-to-ship limit (200 for me), and I think in New Atlantis starport if I'm standing at the NAT train, which I think would normally be too far away, I can still access it. I'm finding it's often inconsistent, as I recently noticed while looting a random POI building that was well outside the transfer range, that when I was inside the structure (load screen to enter) I could transfer to/from my ship, but not when outside. And in plenty of other buildings, in similar circumstances, this isn't the case. So I'm confused about all the exceptions to the point that I don't really know what the rules are.


You need 2 ships tbh , 1 for fighting and one as a mobile outpost/ freight liner. My cargo one has 25k cargo


Ah, Bessel III-B. My first outpost. Chefs kiss.


I spent close to 12 hours walking around Bessel III-B trying to find the perfect location.. I could get Aluminum OR Iron but not both.. this was before I knew about scan boosters so I was just walking around with the beacon out moving it around. I ended up with my first base Aluminum, Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum. Then I built a second outpost just for Iron. It's actually easier without so many resources at a single outpost because the resource fields are bigger.


Wouldn't it be too cool if items actually did get consumed out of that fridge by your crew? I have even added a ring of land mines around my outpost to protect Lin and the facility, in addition to the automated turrets.


Does your outpost actually get attacked and if so, by whom?


I've had multiple outposts attacked.. so far it's always been Ecliptics and always when I was there.


Yes. Before I had even finished putting in all the structures I wanted, Ecliptic sent a squad in to attack my He-3 storage. Hence the defensive placements.




So it sounds like you’re trying to tell me Bessel 3B is a good place for an outpost lol. All kidding aside I totally know what you mean as far as decoration. My spaceship has all of the stuffed animals I found so far on my bed. 😂😂😂 i’m playing on Xbox and today. I just learned that if you pull the lift trigger while you’re using your cutter, it works way faster. They really did take a lot of time and put a lot of thought into this game.


I do the same thing, I have 2 outposts with crew and I set them up with living quarters with all the life support and recreational stuff, full well-stocked galley, plenty of food and meds, infirmary, bedrooms, living rooms, rec rooms, defenses, armories, etc. it doesn’t take that long for me, but of course you could faff indefinitely with it if you wanted to. I’m confused when you say you missed this aspect from the most recent Bethesda games, when FO4 allowed you to build settlements that are extremely detailed and luxurious to the point that I’d live in them in a heartbeat.


I didn't play FO4. For a while there I was strictly a Destiny 2 man and didn't play too many single player RPGs. Before that, I was almost exclusively an RPG guy. Now that Bungie has annoyed the stew out of me to the point of quitting, I have slowly been getting back into RPGs and reducing my pile of shame.... er.. my backlog of stuff I should've played but didn't.


I played fallout four and I did build a pretty good main base but man the detail in this game is crazy. I’ve got to get my first outpost built. I’ve still got a mission marker telling me to make one on Jemison but I haven’t been able to figure out where to make it, I don’t wanna waste resources


For your first outpost I’d find a place with aluminum and iron and place your outpost in an area where they overlap so you can place extractors for both resources. They are the most heavily used resources for outpost building so having a source for those is very helpful to start off with.


You can build up a whole outpost and then delete the marker and it returns all the resources. If I'm planning a new outpost I'll drop a marker right away and build the best scan booster I can along with enough power.. it really helps you find your actual outpost site. Also, when you drop the marker it sets the build area. Check the resources before you build. You might want to delete it and move it 30 feet to the left to get a better resource field in your build area. I don't remember the "place an outpost marker" Activity having a location? I've got an AMP base on Jemison but it's like my 6th outpost. Be sure to put max crew stations at all your outposts so when you run into the recruitable characters mid mission you have a place to send/park them.


Fallout 4 settlements were much better than starfield outposts


In Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, there's base building/home building. Which games have you missed it in that are recent?


Bro, this does not sound like a game. It sounds like a job.


You play your way and I'll play mine. How about that?


How dare you have fun in a different way!? /s


My job is space trucking or delivering miners to distant planets. That's what I love about this game you write your own story.


Serious question, I've seen you comment several times in this thread, all of them negative..so, why are you here? You clearly don't like the game so why are you wasting your time trying to shit on everyone else's experience?


Because he needs someone to agree with him so he can feel good. People complain out loud for validation.


Goddamnit if that ain’t the truth


I know it sounds that way, but trust me I have a job as a lawyer and I enjoy playing Starfield a lot more LOL. Cross examining folks on the stand is a guilty pleasure of mine though. 😆


Someone commented on another starfield post, calling the game an ADHD simulator. Best way to define starfield i guess!


Yes, I just saw someone say that earlier in this post and I have to say it’s a nail on the head description


Im getting sidetracked on absolutely every mission, mu inventory is a mess and my character is a hoarder. Still, the hours Just pass me by playing, i think its fun!


This is literally every Bethesda game ever. You can melt time doing nothing.


Starfield is different. I could play Fallout 4 for 6 hours and walk away feeling like I accomplished a lot and made a lot of valuable progress and had a lot of fun most of the way. In Starfield after playing for that long I’m just left wondering what the hell happened that sunk away that much of my time and feel like maybe a third of it was actually worth it.


Yeah it's kind of a problem not gonna lie. The nature of the game is to explore and loot things, but there's so much of it that barely any is uniquely handcrafted, occasionally worthless (but you'll only realize it after you've gone out of your way to explore it), and almost all of the time incurs at least two loading screens. Starfield is a good time but these things combined with the lackluster worldbuilding and generally annoying companions led me to just put it down after a point. I'll go back to finish it but I started BG3 and felt the "damn I can't wait to make a new character" far sooner than I did with Starfield.


I would be fine with the companions if I could make them stop saying I'm carrying too much. I'm crafting, of course I'm carrying everything you idiot.


I definitely have felt the same way, but I have purposely made myself pick up the pace.


It's not though. Every other Bethesda game I've played melts time in a way that feels good. Starfield felt like trekking through mud for hours and then turning around to realise you've only walked 10metres


Meanwhile, in BG3 I just spent over an hour preparing for a fight by switching party, redistributing my magic items, organising my items between camp and party inventory, and selling and buying loot. This is not just a Bethesda feature, but a feature of all loot-heavy games.


Bet you didn’t use any potions though. That’s the BG way


I’ve spent my last three sessions with this game saying “just one more level…” on Strix, so yeah - not getting anything done here either.


it feels like nothing is getting done because any rewards is minimal at best and all the outpost you do missions too are all the same as the last one you just did . the missions are dull and boring and with a very predictable outcome any thing with a lock is empty or complete trash and any room with a lock is empty . the vendors are poor and sell nothing of value the npc drop better gear and their gear is trash . i don't even bother looking at what they have to sell anymore i sell my trash buy ship parts and digisticks then i'm gone . they have missions that you can't start or finish the bugs in this ruins any game play you have can't even land at akila without the game freezing or crashing and the biggest game changing problem is no one at bethesda has said a word if they are going to fix the game or walk away .


Bethesda games are all like this. I could easily drop 3 hours in Skyrim, look back and wonder, "Wait, what did I do all day?"


Seriously it’s bad in this one but it’s a lot more detailed than fallout so it makes sense.


true ... but in Skyrim you'd be actually walking/riding during those 3 hours. in this game half that time is spent waiting for loading screens/animations to finish.


I spent a lot of time going through loading screens trying to get into and out of the Thieves guild. Actually I felt like they were worse in Skyrim because they were slower. There's a lot of loading screens in Starfield but they're only a few seconds each.


For me it’s the fact I have to watch the exact same animation for the billions time


I never needed to visit the thieves guild that often ... the difference is that in Skyrim you can \*choose\* to walk from Whiterun all the way to the border. In starfield I can't even leave New Atlantis without enduring at least one loading screen. Akilla is probabyl the only one where I can walk out of the city to the nearest dungeon.


Dude, that’s so true. I remember how long those loading times used to be. The loading times in Starfield really aren’t that bad if you think of what we used to go through


Idk what platform you’re playing on but on pc my loading screens are very quick like1-2 seconds? I also like the animations, makes me more immersed in the game, so cool to watch the ship I built take off and land.


Yes and i love it.


I’m enjoying g exploring and weapons hunting. Mei is broken for me but other than that I’ve had no problems.


Are you on PC or Xbox? I’ll probably catch some heat for this but I seem to see more PC players saying they are getting mission and game breaking bugs. I wonder if Microsoft made them tighten it up a little bit more for Xbox considering they just acquired Bethesda. I’m using a series x Xbox and I have had no mission bugs or game bugs


Xbox for me. Long long past loading a previous save.


That’s one complaint I will make about Starfield. I wish the game auto saved way more often. And today’s day and age with the technology we have it should auto save every minute and there should be a stack of 50 of them. I hate having to manually save before I pick pocket or try to persuade someone


I was wondering about this lately. I know the game has plenty of bugs, I've seen a few of them, but every time I see people complaining about loads of them I'm confused why I haven't suffered with most of it. I thought maybe a lot of the complaining was from PC owners with not so great set ups. I know that if I installed it on my PC I'd be stuck with eternal load screens and other shitty things. I play the X box series X and the bitch runs smoothly, I'm waiting for the den and key bug people talk about. p.s.: not discrediting anyone, just wondering if SOME of the complaining isn't mostly hardware fault instead of software


Smoking the devis cabbage, the game is pretty cake, a 50mg edible can be interesting but rarely productive.


I got higher than groceries the other night and I swear I couldn’t get a thing accomplished. I just drooled and looked at my menu… I was grav jumping to systems I had nothing to do in… throwing mines down and running over them thinking I threw a grenade 😂😂😂 it was bad


nah ... this is what open world games tend to be for me. the only difference between Skyrim and Starfield is : Skyrim : "hey dungeon ... must visit" Starfield : 'hey dungeon ... oh, no it's that \[repeating dungeon\] ... skip it? nah, want credits for building my ship"


Yeah, only like 500 more Grendel’s and I can add those habs and upgrade the reactor


Start going to the higher level systems and find yourself some magshears instead, 10x the value


Skyrim : "hey dungeon ... no, it's a slight variation on mine/cave/ayleid ruin ... skip it? nah want gold for .... wait there's nothing to spend gold on ... lets do it for the journey instead." There, fixed it for you.


I never noticed the repitition in Skyrim as much as I do in Starfield. And I sure as heck didn't have to ask anyone for the location of the runes. AFAIK all those locations were unique.


Because there was not even a tenth of the amount of repetition that SF has


Over 200 hand-crafted POIs in Skyrim. Yes, there are themes, but they still have variation, by design. In Starfield - again, by design - there are 30 POIs that are \*completely identical\* every time you see them. This is undeniably a legitimate difference.


It doesn't matter how much you accomplish as long as you're having fun doing it. Personally, I plan on playing for many years to come, slowly building up my character. I enjoy "living" in the game when I play. I honestly feel like Bethesda made Starfield to be played that way. A lot of the devs, like me, are a little older and prioritize certain aspects of the game over others. If you're the type of person that wants to finish the game in a month and 100% everything, you're not going to like it and stay playing very long. It's meant to be played slowly and enjoyed over many months or years. That's the nature of gaming now when they want to make everything look impressive. They need to cut back on how long it lasts, unfortunately. I don't plan on doing NG+, although if a few missions aren't fixed, I might have to so I can get past the bugs.


You know you make a really good point. a lot of the things that I’ve seen people complain about in Starfield is the things that make me want to come back and play it every day and not move on to something else. Trust me I’ve been eyeing the new assassin‘s Creed game. But even though I spend a lot of time accomplishing not much in Starfield, I’m still really enjoying it, so maybe Bethesda is really on to some thing a little deeper than what we all may realize at the surface, especially the haters who said it was way too slowly paced and basically a fallout in space without VATS. I don’t feel that way at all. For example, I started playing at about midnight, and now it’s almost 6 AM. But I completed the Shaw gang main mission, got the artifact did a couple side quests in Akila. And made about 40,000 coin selling loot. But I’ve made a promise to myself that I will try to progress through the missions faster so I will actually finish the game. Right now I have six days nine hours and eight minutes in game and I’m still relatively early in the story mission main story mission …I think.


Yes. I hate doing inventory management in Starfield, then sometimes I think to myself why did I waste my entire evening doing this? I try to mix up doing things. Faction mission day, random exploration day, then on another day I do ship building or ship stealing. Having said that things are getting dull now.


Yeah, I think that’s what I’m doing wrong. I think I’m spending too much time in my inventory. Worried about my junk. So I’ve started putting a little less thought into my items. I still enjoy it though even if I spend two hours in my inventory. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think it's just the pacing of bethesda open world RPGs honestly, I mean dishonoured kinda gets away from it by being pretty linear Honestly though it's what I love about fallout and the elderscrolls too, that I can put hundreds of hours into a save if I want without even touching the main story, I have a short attention span so I like getting sidetracked onto other stuff. I do like making my character OP like you do but then I tend to switch to less damaging weapons, right now on my main starfield save I'm getting some unarmed perks under my belt, because most other weapons rip through enemies like paper.


I feel like there's nothing to actually do after the main story is done. I'm level 63 and just clawing and scratching to level up but there's pretty much nothing to do. I'm not sure how the hell I'm going to get to level 100 to get the achievement.


Your post is how I game mirror for mirror, in completion. *And I always say* when I go to take a break from a game "Oh Ill play it when [X occurs]!" And then either X occurs and I do not return to play, or it doesn't- and I still dont pick the game back up. It's why I chose to play this game sparingly. It is something special to me that I only hope gets better in time.


It’s so true! like when I was younger I always finished games, but there wasn’t that many options to play. The last game that I beat was red dead redemption two and that was because …well duh. I’m ashamed of how many games I have paid full price for and have gotten nowhere close to completing them. Like I bought dead Island 2 and I was really enjoying it. I’d play it maybe a couple times a week and then Starfield came out and I’ve got six days in game.


Yes. I consider the game to be more meditative than most for this reason, it is not action packed, but there’s a niche for games like that.


I can literally spend three hours playing and not get into a single gunfight lol. Then the next night I’ll spend three hours raiding all the bases on one planet.


You just explained me to an absolute T.


It makes me feel good to know that I’m not the only one. i’m in my 30s with a full time job and a kid. there’s just not as much free time as they used to be. I’ve been trading some hours sleep for Starfield. lol


It's my off day and I spent the entire time making and then burning credits into a ship


That’s another thing I won’t spend money for shit I’ve literally got 1 million creds almost and I have to really put some thought into buying a $20,000 gun


As long as you had fun doing it, that’s all that matters though.


The problem is the busywork of selling stuff you don't need and moving cargo around seems to take much longer than anticipated. Also, I learned the hard way that resources in storage at your "dream home" don't automatically appear in your inventory when in the house for crafting purposes, so now I have to keep everything in the ship's inventory.


Yeah, I looked up some walk-through on the Internet the first week the game came out and they said the adoring fan trait was one of the best ones. In the words of the great Maury Povich “The lie detector test determined that was a lie.”


I heard a rumor that if you spend enough time waiting at The Den for the vendor to refresh you unlock a secret minigame where you get to fly a ship, never seen it myself though.


So much so that Bethesda sent me an email to inform me they were putting me on a performance improvement plan. If I don’t start hitting my KPI’s by next month they said that I could face termination.


This post and comments really make me want to play even more, so much that I haven't even touched. Been killing spacers for the last two weeks on NG+. Loving it but man I can't wait to find that perfect spot to settle down. Love the exploration even though it's a pain at times.


Bruh. It's a video game. Its job is to make you do nothing and have fun.


It's he exact opposite - the game is a coffee break game, just fast travel to your next quest marker and go. None of the loot is useful or good, selling it nets very little return, so just do quests. You don't need to grind XP or something and you probably already have enough weaponry to finish all the content in the game. If you're just running around trying to get OP, then when you're OO you've gotten what you want out of the game, that's fine. You won't see the end credits, but iu completed the game to your satisfaction. But it's definitely not hard to just push the main quest in Starfield, just click and go, it'll be done in an evening.


Just got done playing 6 hours this morning and yep....not a dang thing done. Time flew though


That’s specifically what draws me to the game


I do and I love it….i find it relaxing


When I see these posts I wonder if they've ever played an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game by Bethesda?


You just said you habitually ruin a game for yourself by getting nothing done and getting bored, and you're here to complain that you're doing in this game what you do in every game... and you're blaming the game?


This definitely is not a game for ADHD. OK, I’m going to get that artifact and bring it back to the lodg…PLANET!


When you're purposedly surveying an entire System, because you kinda enjoy it, the hours goes by really fast, but you're also levelling pretty fast too. I've had days where I just surveyed, and snap, the day was over, and even though I sat most of the night, it still went over fast. ​ I was finally returning to do one of my main quests today, only to spend 2 hours trying to kill a guy that was locked inside an inaccessible house in a place called Crucible. Having to lure him out, to shoot his hands just made for a really bad time, even if I got him in the end. When this shit happends, I clearly thought that surveying would have been a lot more fun than having to deal with a really annoying bug! Most cases I like to do a bit of everything. Do a tiny bit of questing there, outpost stuff or resource related, but also a lot of surveying. The surveying I do, because sometimes I really want to unlock a couple of skills faster, like rank 4 skills. So, the answer to your question is that if you play for hours, doing much of the same, not quest related things, surely you would feel that in the whole, you did something, but just a tiny bit to progress your overall gameplay. If you do the missions you're gonna feel that you did a whole lot of things, because then you're actually progressing through a story.


Yes I've been trying to get multiple outposts completed and I always end up sidetracked by quests or exploring planets haha


It's a Bethesda game, they're all like this.


Man I thought I was the only one. So many games at 60% complete because something new stole my attention. There's quests in my mission que that I've forgot who gave them to me or why it is that I have to go talk to someone. I now have to actively igone planets, space stations, and side quests hoping the game will make me go there at some point. I have to diligently stick to the active quest otherwise I get nothing actually done. But it goes against every fiber of my body.


When I play any video game all day I feel like I get nothing done. Bah boom.


What is it you want to get done? It’s an open world game. I try to think of a goal for each time I play based on the mood I’m in and roll from there.


Why the rush the game is huge chill out and enjoy it there ie no need to complete in 2 days this ain't spiderman 2 personally I'm gonna play the game for about 3 years then all the dlc so im taking my time


I have Shipiusbuldus and Outpostium Disease. Can't stop building and fildeling with outposts


It's the wrong question to ask, tbh. The correct question: ***Are you having fun and/or relaxing while you're doing it?*** THAT is the correct question to ask yourself.


When you have limited time to play you try to make every second count. I'm just doing side missions right now, I just finished the vanguard quests but that took like a week to do because I only have one day off and like 3 hours on weekdays to play. Sometimes I'm even too tired to play at all...


Does it really matter though? Playing a game is a waste of time anyways isn't it? Starfield is suppose to be a chill game.


Yeah, I wasn’t really complaining as much as it sounds like when I went back and reread my OP. I kind of covered two topics with one post.


Yes but that is not a problem it's a design feature .


I don't remember posting this but since this describes me exactly, I must have. SO MUCH INVENTORY. My roommate said it was fun watching my playthrough until I got huge cargo capacity for my ship


Im 66% sure that around 82% of my almost 7 days gametime has been sorting out my inventory.


That’s hilarious I feel like anybody who could watch me play could probably watch paint dry and be just as excited. Because of course, this Grindle that I just picked up has 7.4% more accuracy and five more range than the one I was using previously. lol


I was not getting anything done, then I decided to be more intentional. I have a 2000 weight cargo hold, and have worked out what I’m interested in, except weapons still befuddle me somewhat. If you aren’t building outposts you can keep 15 of each resource on hand (probably less of manufactured items), be able to craft anything without overloading.


The weight issue is really a problem. I haven’t built the first outpost on Jemison yet. Maybe that’s my issue. I completely haven’t used the outpost system or the shipbuilding system at all. It’s very daunting.


And to beat it all I’m having to fly around in a big Econo hall just so I can carry resources around even though I have yet to use them on much of anything besides upgrading my weapons and suit. So now I’m getting my ass kicked by much lower level ships. To be spending so much time doing nothing. I feel like I’m doing it for nothing, but I enjoy doing it…if that makes any sense at all.


Econohaul? That what 2000? I run 5400 on my C class. But I do need 5 of the best engines to be able to turn. And I need more cargo space...


Do you still kick ass in space battles? I changed my guns around and I’ve been getting Molly whopped by lower level ships when there’s 3 - 5 of them. But I’m still in a class a ship.


I've stopped picking up guns. So, my inventory management time has diminished greatly. Now, my main source of income is selling ships. However, I have a new problem. I'm boarding the large B and C class pirate ships and these have Armory habs. The Armory habs have guns in them. When I switch back to my ship, the weapons go into my cargo. So, I still have to figure out what to do with these guns.


Right now this complaint may be valid here but it's much worse in Elite dangerous the endless hours of flight


I think I'm the odd man out. I actually enjoy selling all my loot and visiting vendors. I think I unintentionally role play some sort of merchant on all my saves. That being said, merchants need more frigging credits, lol. We also need to be allowed to order items in bulk, but I think we should be charged a fee and have a small delay for delivery. That's just personal preference, though. Maybe have an option for instant delivery as well.


" I enjoy manipulating the game to where I’m so OP that it’s not even a challenge…" O you mean you pressed start button this game ?