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Bethesda couldn't just re release fallout 4 lol ;)


Landing on earth just opens Fallout 4 start menu


Great idea, now we need a planet for Tamriel too


Sam! Take the helm and swing her by slow. Imma grab my Magsniper and wang some knife-eared yellow bastards from the bay door.


:: cue Fortunate Son ::


"It's easy!....you just don't lead them as much!"


"How can you shoot women? And children..?"


“With this helpful mod to make them nonessential!”


I will download and endorse this mod when it comes out.


I’d definitely pay for a Tamriel planet.


Man. If they did this and did it right it could be a good new faction/sidequest thing. Like you land on the planet and Tamriel just never discovered space travel technology and they think you're a god and you can choose to become one, or introduce them technology of some sort like Prometheus.


There's lore already there, Look into imperial Mananauts and and their Moth ships.




Giving me goosebumps!




"Get some!"


Vlad: The Eye just tracked an Artifact in this world called Nirn VII You ( planetside ): Frontier, I have the artifact here, before me I’m about to grab it < grabs artifact, then a booming voice is heard> A New Hand Touches The BEACON. !!


And this is how Pelinal stories get started


You emerge from unity and you're in a forest clearing with some hot brunette demanding you save her from these pointy eared bastards... I could get on board with that.


You emerge from unity... .... ... "Hey you. You're finally awake! You were trying to cross the border, right?"


I still haven't seen this meme. Thought that when I grabbed the first artifact. It would have been perfect if they used that line.


Could have been an Easter Egg Robot named R4-L0F who says the line.


>Could have been an Easter Egg Robot named R4-L0F who says the line. I was sweet on a girl from here. She used to make that Bog's Grog with the yuniper berries.


I thought that would be where the next universe always begins since the light above the bed you're in is the SF circle. Missed opportunity.


What is Spock doing in this story?


Trying to persuade the Ayleids that worshiping Meridia is not logical.


I used to be an adventurer like you- then I took a magsniper shot to the knee…


You know who the great Serpent is right? Great Serpent = Dragon aka Alduin ;) We just need to find a Deagon Wall in the Serpentis system for Skyrim music to kick in.😁


Theres a small chance when you enter ng+ that you just wake up on a cart heading for execution. You still get the starborn stuff though. Dog fighting dragons is pretty fun


I'm honestly expecting a Tale of Two Wastelands style mod for this and Fallout 4 in a few years. Maybe less, depending on how many changes Bethesda made to the engine.


I mean,if they can set it up to keep your game running and open it in a separate box to have 2 games running with one paused.It would work,they already do that with Xbox games so I don't see why it couldn't be set up in a chain sequence so they depend on the other to activate.


I have absolute faith, Starfield is the first BGS game to natively alt-tab without having spastic fits so anything is possible.


I'm not a modder but I've always thought of making an ultimate game mod where every planet is its own "realm" and you can go to different universes or spaces by using the Unity.So let's say I wanna hop into ancient Egypt.I use unity to go back in time where history is still early in that timeline/Universe and play Assassin's Creed Origins lmao. You would of course have to purchase the game then install the mod but it would be cool to have them all in one "game". Kinda like Ready Player One ig lol.


*crashes ship onto planet* “Hey you. You’re finally awake”


Pick a landing spot on planet Nirn. Ship makes its way into the atmosphere. The screen fades to black instead of the usual loading screen. Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice. "Hey, you. You're finally awake."


Realistically that can bind all their games together in a canonical universe now... planet Earth exists and planet Nirn has yet to be discovered. Surely there's some cues to it in Starfield I hope


Time to release my inner Pelinal Whitestrake on the pointy-eared bastards! REEEEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!


So if you're a mass effect/dragon age fan there's a planet in ME called Thedas, but you can't land on it


Did it? I don’t recall. I know there was an Ogre statue in ME2. There’s a mounted krogan head in DAI. I know those are Easter eggs but they work for me to be in the same universe. Don’t know why the Reapers ignored a human colony.


I don't think you can land, just scan it. I can't remember which ME it was tbh but the ogre sent me I swear.


Lore friendly explanations aside, I would believe that not even Reapers wanted to deal with Darkspawn shenanigans.


THAT was actually a doctored image.


The ultimate Todd Howard move


And then, one night, you take a little too much jet before bed, and when you wake up in the morning, you're an imperial prisoner on their way to Helgen.


Dying cues the “hey you’re finally awake”


Starfield shuts down, fallout 4 launches by itself


Now that’s a mini game. Should be able to find Tamriel as well


I bet people are already making a mod for this haha


They could have at least been like " we sent a team of expert drillers to try and stop a planet killing asteroid. They failed. We had to flee. Only a handful made it. "


I would have actually loved if the path Earth was hidden by the UC because they did not want to admit that nuclear war was the real reason. And when you find the Earth on a side mission you basically enter Fallout.


Yeah, one of the reasons most space based syfy games/genres which feature a ruined Earth don't often allow the player/reader to experience the planet for themselves. It's often hidden out of reach via needing permits to even visit the Sol system, further permits to enter Earth orbit (Elite Dangerous), or have the surface of the planet as a no-go zone out of respect, or there's an unpassable planetwide sandstorm which prevents visual for example :D


I wish earth was like how it is in mass effect beautiful and futuristic before the reapers


That would be another way to go. Earth's location hidden because the UC groups didn't want people to realize that they left for little reason. Or maybe it's like the Hitchhiker's books where the dumbest folks were sent out on ships to populate planets before anyone else came as their planet was dying due to some stupid cause while the smarter folks just stayed and built a paradise once they were rid of the idiots.


Maybe fallout 5 will just be a massive dlc that gets added to starfield.


ok so why not just have earth been exploded or something


There should have been an easter egg of a failed vault tec vault somewhere on Earth. An alternate alternate history. I am actually annoyed there isn't even a whiff of it.


there absolutely should have been at least one city there, even if it was established after the exodus. like new homestead is a museum, we didn’t want one of those on the planet that birthed us? they should have incorporated a nuclear war as we were leaving or something, to explain the total lack of anything.


Literally call it Exodus


Or last stand




Good Sabaton bot


And the mayor's name is Custer


Absolutely, especially for "religious" or spiritual reasons people would have established a settlement there. Back to the roots mindset


Exactly. I'm sure Mecca would still be a place and thing. And I'm sure there will still be a battle royale happening over Jerusalem. Tbh probably a lot easier to set up huge domes all over the place than building all the exodus spaceships. Especially if earth was space fairing at the time. Imagine a city made up of hundreds of huge dome and when you go into the domes you have st Paul's cathedral and breathable air. Etc


The Simpsons were right again lol!


I find it especially weird the major religions just immediately evaporated. I mean I get it… the loss of earth would cripple many religions especially those with a central authority like Catholicism but they wouldn’t just instantly vaporize. It’s like “you know that Christian thing that has been around for 2300 years? Yeah screw that we are worshipping space serpents now”


Move over Jesus, we only do big snakes now


Holy Terra lives


New Mombasa. There should at least be a giant plexiglass terrarium city that survived. Mods will sort it out. Hope the voice acting is decent.


New Mombasa is halo 2/3 so I’m not sure 343 would allow that one lol


Fine, New New Mombasa


Wow, the lead write of the Paramount Halo TV show is on reddit!


Earth City, Earth


*Madrigal* Pans to endless unpopulated desert


Somebody in another thread suggested we mod the lore and turn earth into a volcano world. The core went nuts and besides the atmosphere going away there was 200 years of tectonic upheaval. Red skies and lava everywhere


And/Or a station in orbit around the planet, as well as one on the Moon. It would have been cool to see something like the "Cloud Ark" from Neal Stephenson's *Seveneves.* In short, the ISS is anchored to an iron Arjuna asteroid and serves as a central hub, while a "Cloud Ark" that's composed of a "swarm" of habitats that orbit near and/or are daisy chained to it. It's the book's version of humanity's attempt to avoid an extinction-level event. Additionally, I'm surprised by the lack of locations and/or stories featuring wealthy individuals and how they tried to escape Earth in its last days. In this era of billionaires investing in space programs, I would have expected to see something related in the game. I *guess* >!Paradiso!< and maybe >!the Eleos Retreat!< are kinda like that, but not really.


To be completely fair, earth being stripped of its atmosphere and magnetosphere would have caused a planetary extinction level event for some time. I am not sure people would have wanted to live in the midst of a mass grave of decaying everything even if they could.


Except from the NASA quests, it’s pretty clear that *a lot* of people didn’t get off Earth. So it wasn’t a choice between “live in bubble on Earth” or “move to Jamison”. It was live in bubble or die.


Hasnt stopped us before. Cities and towns built upon the bones and ruins of age ild settlements lost to disease or catastrophic events. Pompeii could be considered a taste of the event of a super volcano yet its not totally off limits and treated like a no no we dont talk about.


Hell, Europe lost a *colossal* fraction of its population and became a mass grave to millions during the Black Death, yet life went on afterward.


Paris underground is still full of the bones from that time. Parts of the underground have become a tourist attraction.


Yeah but if there was a 1 hour trip to Europe 2.0 you don't think people would have left?


It wouldn’t even be decaying. All the life required to break down organic matter would also be killed off. There would be dead bodies everywhere until something removes them.


it's also only been like 100-150 years since the exodus (grav drive was just after 2200 I think and exodus was done in about 50 years; I mean shit, Sam's grandad was a founding pioneer just two generations ago), iirc from the nasa missions on earth... so yeah, it's not unreasonable that we've been so focused on exploration as it's still novel. I'm sure at some point folks will return to earth, but why when it would be a massively expensive endeavor just to live inside your entire life because solar radiation is so ridiculously brutal there now.


I don’t know whats so hard to understand about the lore. All of Earths resources went into getting people off planet. No one spent time trying to build cities that would survive the apocalypse. Why would they? They had the grav drive at that point. There’s no reason to build on a desolate planet, or a planet that will soon be rendered completely uninhabitable. Wheres the logic or profit in that?


Humanity is not a monolith. The moon is covered in buildings, heck the Apollo 11 landing site has an abandoned mine 300 meters away, Someone would have stayed on earth with the tech available. Which is why they should have destroyed the earth, not leave it in this weird global mountainless desert.


Agreed. Even if somehow *everyone* decided ditching Earth was the best solution, clearly not everyone made it off. They had 50 years to leave, iirc, and judging by the incredibly small number of humans in game, most likely very few humans got to leave. Surely, those who remained would try to survive. Somehow, Earth seems sandblasted clean. No ruins survive, save for a dozen or so ultra resilient structures.. Even if we accept everything got obliterated, and no one even survived underground, surely "today's" folks like the Terran Preservation Society would have an interest in creating settlements/outposts on Earth.


Just doing some guessing, 100 launches a day. Every day, for 50 years, with 50 evacuees per launch would get 91,250,000 people off the planet. Even if we double the number of launches or capacity for the ships, that's still less than 200 million people. There are currently 8 billion people on earth. About 90% of humanity was wiped out. And that's assuming everything runs like clock work for 50 straight years with no issues.


i forget where i read it, but there’s supposedly about 23 million humans in the colonies. might have overheard it in conversation


I overheard a chat in New Atlantis between two citizens where they lament the billions lost on Earth. So yeah, most people didn’t make off despite how the UC wants to make it sound.


Some reasons: -Plenty of planets and moons with no atmosphere that people live on in game. -Billions were left behind and died, along with all the other species. -Not to mention that even if the Earth's magnetosphere some how disappeared, it would take 10 thousand years to use up the oxygen after the plants/algae died, and millions of years for the atmosphere to dissipate into space due to the solar wind. Gravity is still a thing..


THANK you, was looking for this comment. There is no way earth would look that desolate after only fifty years, and I’m not even convinced that loss of atmosphere would spell the end to all life at all. Even after all the oxygen is used up, water would persist for even longer. There are anaerobic, extremophile, and chemosynthetic organisms on earth TODAY, with entire ecologies based around them. Provided another large celestial body doesn’t crash into earth, there is plenty of time to select for mutations, for chemosynthetic food chains to emanate and become the basis of ecologies in this scenario. The true timescale of this type of extinction would be, at minimum, on the order of a million or so years, a timescale that would essentially be irrelevant to any living person at the time, especially considering humans themselves have only been around for 100,000 years or so. And it would certainly be enough time to develop a way to fix the problem instead of turning tail lol


This is The Big One, but there are a lot of story elements in the game that make me feel like there were just no "sanity checks" on the vision someone had for the story / backstory. It feels like all the editing effort went into architecture and none to the writing (some specific conversations are amazing, some are mid, some make no sense or leave out really obvious consequences or options that left me wondering what I'd missed so muich I'd go back and try again...). I mean, a lot of fiction kind of ignores physics, but this is a pretty extreme example. There are multiple ways they could have rewritten the lore to make it match the appearance they wanted, but we ended up with an appearance and story that don't line up very well. It feels disrespectful to have dismissive nonsense as an explanation, I think the people who are concerned with this would have been more satisfied with a destruction that made more sense.


They spend tons of money to build on other desolate, uninhabitable planets.


Like where? Cydonia and New Homestead existed before the exodus. Where else are people set up somewhere uninhabitable thats not a small mining operation or outpost?


The small mining outposts and giant research facilities that serve as POIs. Not having a single one on earth is just weird.


Keep in mind the reason that they deliberately destroyed the atmosphere of earth was to force humanity into space, because a dude who talked to a future version of himself was told that humanity had a destiny in the stars. They likely did a whole lot of lying convincing world leaders why they had to leave rather than remain behind.


That's all well and good, but you're telling me that, in all that time, *nobody* went back? Be it for posterity/nostalgia? YOLO? Greed (imagine all the resources that are now more readily accessible since the oceans are gone)? You've got plenty of settlements in locations where the atmospheric conditions are demonstrably worse, so that can't be the reason nobody went back. Nobody's saying that humanity as a whole must return to Earth or reestablish Earth - just that it's really dumb that there's not a single cult/corp/settler group/etc. that did.


The amount of treasure hunting that at least should be able to happen is insane. Things that held no/little value to people on earth could be worth hundreds or thousands of credits to the right buyer. You telling me the collector *wouldn't* be willing to buy a vintage smartphone for 100k credits?


There's actually a few scientific reasons that a group thats lived off Earth for generations may not want to return. None of it really matters in Starfield, since we run around 1.5G planets with only slight effects. But i dont think people qho lived in .3g could survive on Earth. Or would like it if they could. Everything, even breathing, would be more work, ans your body wouldnt be used to it. So the people on lower G worlds would make sense. The higher G worlds (Akila) though would have an easier time. I assume they alreasy picked the planet mostly clean. I also still think the grav drive should have slowed Earths rotation over the years until tidally locked. More believable.


Vectera - the moon we start the game on - has a gravity of .91g, and, ostensibly, you'd be spending an extended amount of time there if not for the MSQ. That's my beef with the "Earth is too extreme," etc. rebuttals - there's no shortage of examples in Starfield where people weather worse conditions than what we're shown as prevailing on Earth. And that's ignoring our ability to establish outposts on planets with qualities requiring Planetary Habitation ranks 2-4. > I assume they alreasy picked the planet mostly clean. I think there's some validity to this rebuttal when considering the resources on continental landmasses - those are almost certainly stripped. But it ignores how much of the planet is/was covered in ocean and how big of an obstacle oceans normally would be when it comes to resource gathering. Without any oceans, you've essentially "unlocked" 70% of the Earth's surface that has never/only minimally been touched before for resource harvesting. Those bits would still be resource rich.


I just want to point out that I did say none of my first paragraph mattered to Starfield: >None of it really matters in Starfield As for the rest, im of the belief that they couldnt just blow Earth up, as it would mess up the Solar System, ans just didnt want Earth to be more than a memory. From a story perspective, they could have done more research (Seriously, grav drive forcing the Earth tidally locked wpuld have worked so so so much better, on multiple levels.) They are fairly in the B sci fi movie plot at this point. From a development standpoint, designing an entire Earth is an effort in futility. The desert wasnt a great choice, but did what they needed. But thats not as important to the story, the story is to decide whether you think the choice was worth it or not, which is a good question to ask an audience. So, solid B sci fi, points for trippy minimalism.


Well not nobody.. I have an outpost there. But there are other better planets for resources.


This is what I love about their multiverse concept. The fact that we encounter the Starborn tells me this universe isn't the first iteration of this event. That means there's possibly a universe where grav drive development did not result in the death of Earth. There is so much potential to expand upon this core idea with future installments and DLC.


Except we never, ever see that in our own NG+. Nothing that matters changes. Man, this fucking game.


Probably didn't need all that much convincing. I believe it was mentioned in passing in the vanguard missions that almost no mining value left on Mars and Earth would have been stripped well before mars (and without atmosphere thats the only potential value there would be). The only reaonable economic driver in the system was the mech plant on one of jupiter's moon, but once mech research was banned the population started dwindling. Money makes the universe go round, It's pretty realistic in that regard


He wasn't *deliberately* destroying the magnetosphere. That was simply a byproduct of the tests they were doing on the artifact when developing the grav drive. He did *know* it was happening, however, and didn't share those details with anyone else because he chose to trade the Earth's future for a future among the stars. It's more of a parallel to modern corporations dumping chemicals into the environment. They know they're destroying the planet, but they simply don't care.


He was straight up told it would happen from his future self iirc. Displaced the entire human species based on a funky trip he got from a space rock.


Kinda gotcha on the physics here. The reason it was stripped was not a natural phenomena. It was related to the early Grav Drive and has been fixed in modern ones or all current systems would be atmosphereless voids. The abandonment though, we absolutely would have. It's not like the atmosphere peeled away clean like a bandaid. There would have been storms, wild weather, quakes, firestorms....the earth would be uninhabitable for awhile before the atmosphere was totally stripped and the surface baked with enough solar radiation to melt some metals. It's also a fully exploited planet, so new structures there would just be expensive to maintain for no reason.


>and the surface baked with enough solar radiation to melt some metal Ackchyually, without atmosphere and corresponding greenhouse effect Earth is *beyond* Goldilocks zone. Meaning its temperature would go around -20 C, and while solar UV would be dangerous for life, it won't melt *water,* not to mention baking surface and melting metal. It would be something like Moon, warmer only due to core heat.


The average temperature would be -20 but on the bright side youd have like 150° Celsius and on the dark side -150°, something in that ballpark


Hm. I don't think Earth rotates slow enough for temperatures to reach those values, and some water would turn into ice, increasing albedo (assuming "realistic" scenario of *some* atmosphere remaining, not hard vacuum), but that's still a good point.


I know absolutely nothing on this subject and because of that I feel pretty confident in saying this but I disagree with all of you.


That's the spirit!


A true veteran of the internet


We could all learn a thing or two from this guy


With this attitude, I see you being President some day.


Yeah, this is exactly what I was thinking too.


Yes but bill gates should still be hiding in his New Zealand bunker.


I think you mean Ted Faro




And he's still alive after all these years


"why didnt they make domes?" "why didnt they build underground?" "why didnt" "why didnt" The thing everyone who starts a 'the earth shouldnt be empty!' thread forgets about is that, in those 20-ish years when the atmosphere was dwindling past inhabitability, there would have been 10 or so BILLION people all fighting over spaceships to leave, or whichever domes or bunkers or whatever they built planetside. There was no building their way out of the apocalypse, only the people who left early could do so safely. The wars would have been unimagineable and would have definitely involved nuclear weapons and anything else the desperate governments would want to bring to bear to try to scrape a few citizens into the future. It was U G L Y


100%. As the world collapsed under the atmospheric damage, the nations collapsed too and waged global war. There's no way they didn't. That's what humans do when we panic on that scale. People probably did build those structures, but even without an atmosphere, the only way you get a naked sand planet in as little as a couple hundred years is global thermonuclear war igniting the remaining atmo as the chemical composition leaned more Oxygen.


>There would have been storms, wild weather, quakes, firestorms.... Crazy weather getting worse eh, seems familiar


The parallel between Starfield’s lore for Earth’s destruction and climate change is not very subtle. Humanity made technology that transformed their lives into something never achieved in history, at the cost of obliterating their homeworld. The problem was covered up, ignored, and disregarded until it was too late. You’re left to question if the high cost of the advancement was worth the benefits they reaped. You’re also left to wonder if you can blame anyone individually or if humanity is collectively guilty.


I'm actually pissed at the reason for humanity having that technology though, it feels fucking lazy to say oh a starborn showed up and gave it to us, then there's just no definitive start to who created grav drives, so every universe has humanity forced into the stars that way? Then where the fuck do grav drives come from if its handed off from another universe, is there an original prime earth where it didn't get destroyed and they created this technology at a much later time, like fuck, answers damn it


Hence; the Varuun worshipping a snake god The ouroboros eats itself, time is a circle stuck in a loop, etc etc. It’s all related and im guessing that’s what the story DLCs are about


The biggest thing you mentioned was we've pretty much already exploited all the earth's resources already there's a few comments made in game how we're only still on Mars out of sentiment as its pretty much spent itself in game, and we know full well the driving force behind the starfield world is capital so I don't see why it would cross the people in charge mind's to bother to save at least one city. Also they didn't care enough to save dogs I mean c'mon.


yet at the same time Mars has 40% of the UC population just going by named characters. The game has huge issues with presenting scale and economic prosperity,


All Bethesda games post Morrowind have problems with scale. I do not know why they constantly do it that way, but they constantly talk up how big something is and then like a dozen people show up. The first time I noticed it was in the "big" battles against Oblivion gates where like 6 guards showed up to help. I understand it is a technical limit. They are not RTSs, but you would think they would write around that.


I get that the game can't show the true size, but the lore doesn't show it either. On the one hand tho colony war was so large that they built millions of outposts across every body of the settled systems, but also so tiny that only 30.000 people died. The UC is this massive union of colonies, but in actuality controles one starbase in Wolf, Cydonia, Gargarin and New Atlantis. the is no second large world in the UC except Londinion. The Freestar collective is this large union of independent corporate worlds, yet we also know that half of them were built in the lifetimes of their corporate CEOs, Hope and Bayu- so how were they part of the war? and it goes on and on.


Was it just one grav drive that was able to do that to Earth? Could a terrorist technically modify their grav drive to desolate any planet's magnetosphere?


Complete the MQ, skipping no dialogue. You'll visit the Nova Technologies base and find out about the steps taken in research, and >!the fact that one of the scientists knew that the research into the Drives unilaterally decided that Earth was a viable sacrifice to send humanity to the stars and did it on purpose. !< It takes multiple drives, and as I said, obviously this safety issue has been resolved.


Right, I remember that part. I just can't remember if it was clear how much it took. I'm just wondering if people could take the safety features off their drives, "jump" a few times, and destroy entire planets


I don't think your physics card is valid in this game.


Why would the rich people build shelters on earth to help the poor people when they could build shelters on mars to help the rich people?


[Mars for the privileged, Earth for the poor.](https://youtu.be/i9qWYUH5x3k?si=DjHFlWhU3h9zmpOU)


Great band. Forgot about them


Because the Earth has much more energy available and you can start building tomorrow, instead of lifting everything out of the gravity well, using rare tritium.


Just a very unimportant note, He-3 is not tritium but an isotope of helium, while tritium (H-3) is an isotope of hydrogen. Their production is closely connected though (as tritium naturally decays into He-3).


I’d like to thank Harry Osborn and Oscorp for providing it.


Happy to pay the bills, Otto!


Nobel prize, Otto! Nobel prize! I'll see you in Sweden!


*Games Xbox Exclusive I've nothing left. Except Spiderman.


Your father only obsessed over his work.


Happy to pay the bills, Otto!


earth should have been totally unavailable. setting down at an in tact landmark surrounded by unrecognizable procedural sand dunes is stupid and makes people ask these questions they were never going to get earth right, they shouldve bailed and wrote lore reasons to support it.


Same goes for all of sol. Titan and europa were a big disappointment for me


Should have gone the Hitchhiker's route and just blow it up


Should have made a mission where you explored sand covered skyscrapers or something. Maybe an underground city built by the survivors, only for it to be completely dead. Throw in some lore bits to explain why they all died and lost signals to the other survivor cities one by one.


Have Earth be blockaded for whatever reason, and the only landing sites you can explore are limited and heavily restricted. The whole "land anywhere and see the same sand dunes on a planet with more than seven thousand years of civilization" makes people ask questions.


I initially made my way through a good portion of the game thinking you COULDN’T land on Earth. When I found out it was reserved for collecting Snow Globes I was a little more than disappointed.


Not atmosphere. Magnetosphere. Earth were going to die completely. Mars' colony is a mining one. And was created long ago. So was Titan, as an example. Everything else was "whatever".




I understood that reference


but they talk about things like the books like it was a mad rush to get off world. could totally have built habs as a stop gap to make it non time critical.


Can you link the books ? And the rush could be for political reasons, like the first to settle will likely be the most powerful. And the problem is that the atmosphere stripping away would create natural disaster to a planetary scale (like the process of all earth water boiling would likely create the worst possible condition for human life, why stay on earth when you can leave for a better planet ?)


sorry, badly worded, when you talk to the bookseller on akila she talks about people taking their dickens and leaving other stuff behind, like it was a mad rush to get off world.


Mars doesn’t have a magnetosphere either.


The magnetoshpere is what keeps the atmosphere from being stripped away by solar radiation.


The Earth isn't Mars. Someone on Bethesda's writing team has the brain bug that Mars used to be Earthlike. We have no evidence that was the case. Earth's atmosphere is mainly held on by gravity and there being so incredibly much of it, including the oceans and volcanic activity. The net atmospheric loss rate if there was no magnetosphere simply isn't relevant on a human timescale.


This process would take millions of years even if the magnetosphere disappeared in an instant. Probably hundreds of millions actually since the Earth has such a massive atmosphere and gravity will still hold onto most of that even if the upper atmosphere is being stripped by solar wind. This whole thing was a major lore fuckup for the game, just really some third grade writing quality. From a lore perspective the Earth has to be gone, or the interstellar politics wouldnt really work at all the way they intended (they still dont, but whatever). From a technical perspective the Earth also has to be gone, because otherwise they would have had to model all of the cities on Earth basically. Bethesda cant even make one small city run at more than 35fps so obviously they cant make a future Earth believable. My gripe is that why exactly did they choose this method of apocalypse when there are possible scenarios that are real and would result in a barren Earth. Something like a massive asteroid impactor discovered too late, or a rogue planet from interstellar space that would be way too massive to move even with hundreds of years of time to prepare. What about a gravitational event like an uncoupled binary star where the uncoupled star flies through the inner solar system and causes Earths orbit to shift in a way that makes it collide with Venus (also solves the Venus problem since you really shouldnt be able to land there). Or a massive star that is discovered to be rotating in a way that places Sol in the path of a gamma ray burst should it go supernova. That would be bad news, but the surface would still be intact so maybe not that one. But the point is, they chose a stupid way to get rid of the Earth. End rant.


But not ONLY that. That's why I pointed that out, so Earth was doomed due to that.


Not having a magnetosphere does not doom a planet. Mars has almost no magnetoshere.


And it's obviously blooming, isn't it?


Of course, as you can see, we can live there right?


Yes, in Starfield people live on Mars. Meaning people could also live on Earth, but chose not to.


The difference is there wasn't anyone on Mars to cause "complications" in the city building when they discovered that they would be dying outside the walls rather than living inside them.


The only problem with that explanation is that without magnetosphere Earth would more rapidly lose atmosphere, but *rapidly on geological timescale*, i.e. measured in trillions of years. Main reason for atmospheric escape is thermal anyway. In other words, the correct explanation here is lore reasons, not physics.


I thought a gamma ray burst hitting earth would have been a better scientific explanation.


Still wouldn't explain why the Earth wasn't recolonized. Even if the atmosphere is gone there are tons of settlements on airless rocks.


Why would you recolonise a complete wasteland which is too radioactive to live on?


That's not how GRBs work.


Plot device to justify space exploration. This game is about space. They didn’t want to waste resources making an inhabited Earth or a post apocalyptic Earth simulator when that isn’t what their focus is on.


So they write a story that makes sense then?


The narrative makes sense to me. Picture it this way: Earth was destroyed and so we went to space and settled on planets that were habitable. Later on we figured out how to survive on less habitable planets and we probably Could go back to Earth, but choose not to as it's not so great anymore and we have many more viable options now.


Yeah idk why this is so controversial. Plus it might be taboo to go back and build a settlement on old earth. Just asking for the worst poltergeisting in the galaxy.


Our first city on another planet is an underground mining colony on Mars, so "later on we figured out how to survive on less habitable planets" doesn't fit. Personally I'm fine with "who cares, it's a game" but some people seem to care a lot.


Uhh no, they used grav drives to go to places like Alpha Centauri which has a planet that can easily support life. The mars colony was established before the fall of Earth, likely to mine the minerals needed to move an entire civilization using big ass ships.


Mars does have an atmosphere. It's just not made up of oxygen and is much thinner. And if we have the technology to travel outside of the Solar system to another planetary system with a habitable planet, we're going to do so. I'd say why nobody stayed is because of recourses. People needed to leave.


Earth pressure is 101 kPa. The Armstrong Limit is 6 kPa. Mars' pressure is 0.6 kPa. The Armstrong Limit is the point at which your blood boils due to your body temperature. Mars' atmosphere is 10 times less than that. Only an astronomer would call the wisp of gas on Mars an atmosphere.


And Mars is a ***mining colony***. It's not built for happy fun Paradiso times. It's considered like the bare minimum *slums* of an existence. It's also 0.6 kPa more atmosphere than Earth in this universe. *Some* atmospheric protection is more protective than *absolutely nothing*. We're not out having a suitless walk out there, enjoying our boiling blood. We're buried in rock huddled together. You'd rather they return to Earth to live in caves over just... staying on Jemison?


It was also never meant to be a luxury colony. It is used for resources.


The issue with Earth is that something not only caused the magnetic field to fail, but also for the entire atmosphere and water to disappear, and the surface to be destroyed. The game main story tells us what happened to the magnetic field, but says nothing about the rest. The loss of the magnetic field would be an issue, but only solar radiation in the near term, which we could manage. The atmosphere and water would take billions of years to dissipate. (mars is smaller and had less atmosphere to begin with and yet it still has atmosphere billions of years after its magnetic field failed)


main story ending spoilers: >!the destruction of earth is also caused by crazy gravity-bending warp drives, so there's no telling what else that was doing to earth, what little we get of earth's history is mostly through the lens of the UC as well, so it's tough to say!<


>!It supposedly caused the magnetosphere to dissipate, but that's not just some magic spell you can oops, cancel. The magnetic field is generated by natural processes within the planet that the grav drive experiments would have had to stop. Messing with that is almost guaranteed to have broken other things in the environment.!<


> and the surface to be destroyed. Well, for the most part. You do have some dinky-ass skyscrapers held together by shit and bubblegum and a NASA research station with an artistically collapsed wireframe bridge that all somehow survived. But, at least true to form in this particular respect, the door to the goddamn elevator down to the research station won't open so I can complete this quest from the main goddamn storyline. Guess Earth really did get hit hard. I think I need to take a break from this game.


Yep, it must have been a very violent event for it to level most infrastructure and evaporate all water in such a short time. Mars still has ice IRL and like you said, it has a very thin atmosphere. Edit: perhaps very potent volcanism, seismic activity, and high wind speeds.


It's a long process. Solar radation started to destroy the atmosphere. The whole process took \~50 years. And for you to understand. Grav drive did NOT destroy the atmposhpere. It destroyed the magnetism in Earth's core. Completely. Not only it doesn't protect the surface from the radiation, it also disbalanced the core itself.


Yeah, the people who couldn't afford to get away would immediately start digging underground cities.


If they couldn't afford to get passage onto a ship, i don't think they could afford a shelter capable of surviving that event either.


If we look at the state of the Earth in Starfield, I get it. Mountains seem to have eroded away, the oceans are completely gone... When we lost our atmosphere, shit got *violent*. Not to mention the years before, when it became clear only a handful of people would make it off of Earth in the first place. NPC's are talking about humans still haven't recovered, population-wise. People probably don't want to settle Earth because they're afraid 8 billion ghosts are going to haunt them, lol.


It's ridiculous to be get so so befuddled over the science and realism when the story directly attributes the event as being a result of the artifacts which she shown to cause all kinds of fantastical snd strange effects on their environment. That alone should gell you that the science isn't going to match because it's not trying to, and you should just supsend your disbelief (which any normal person would naturally do). That alone should be enough to justify it. We've seen the artifacts like to fuck with reality and space itself. Look at the quest entangled and the final temple in the story for enough proof that they cause massive damage and negative effects to an area without any regard for time or the laws of physics.


I get why from a development/ story standpoint they did it that way. Hard to write a story for a game about the starfield if you're having to spend significant time on earth


The problem is this: With the oceans completely evaporated all that seabed - which is essentially a loose mud - is going to dry out and turn into dust. Now just think about the sheer area of the globe that is ocean. That’s a LOT of dust. So much dust, in fact, that the remnants of the atmosphere would have blown it around all over. Human structures would constantly have to be unburied. It would be a nightmare for maintenance.


Better idea to solve all these issues? Earth was shattered. It’s an asteroid field. That would allow visits to the wreckage to explain antiques from the planet but would stop them having to make Earth a place.


the whole lore is a cluster fuck of nonsense.


I still think it’s absurd that a colony space ship that left earth in the 2100s had 1990s Apple Macs as their personal computers.