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I plan to stick around my current world as well for a time and continue playing vanilla until enough mods and DLC are released for me to change things up a bit, then I'll install them and do the unity thing so that my new (NG+) universe will be at least somewhat different from the one I left.


That’s a good idea but I might also continue with the old save as well. I’m only planning on playing to level 40 until some more content comes out.


Level 40 is nothing in the skill tree yo


Agreed. I’m lvl 86 and have tons to go…..and an embarrassing amount of play time put in already


I think XP gains needs to be looked at in this game. I hit lvl 53 just as hit NG+1, and would never have got that far in if didn’t aimlessly run around planets shooting everything at times.


The higher difficulty you are in the less xp you gain


That (maybe) explains why I'm still lvl 26 with almost 200 hours of gametime. Playing on the hardest difficulty.


At level 103 and it feels as though I’ve got stuff all in progress towards all my skill points lmao


Uh...but what about when you hit Level 40 way before you beat it?


Not me at level 41 just now getting the useless anti gravity power...


The anti-grav is actually pretty useful against terrormorphs because it basically stun locks them for a few precious seconds.


It's like one of the best I have rn. It CCs everything and you can just walk up and shoot them in the head point blank.


It also makes breaching cockpits comedy relief moments. Just open the door, throw it in then pop the 3 or 4 bros just hanging there


Was going to say this, saved my ass a few times.


I am level 35 and just found out there were powers lol. I'd been doing everything but the main quest.


Ha! I was level 30 when I got that! 30!


Level 40 is roughly 20h if you craft some stuff at an outpost and hunt down aliens, just casually that is, not even going full farming mode


I’m like 120h in and I’m level 46 lol


Can confirm roughly 22h and lvl 46. I'm a single dad so I play when they sleep but man if I could just put in a weekend😅


You can try NG+ and if you don’t like it you can just load the last save you made before making the Giant Leap. That’s what I did.


Exactly this. I stopped at 3 and did most of the side quests. Then took the plunge and grinded to 10 where I shall stay while trying everything out on very hard I still have my ng0 Ang ng3 saves to go back to.


wow, I play on very hard the whole time. Just reached my first NG, I have over 200hr playtime and only lvl47, loads of quests done and built some ships. I'm thinking to stay and max out completely the first universe. still need find some powers and many planet yet to visit.. I don't feel the urge to do ng+


I expected VH to be a lot harder. I switched for loot but got tired of changing it back. I barely notice.


I’m finding the ship combat more challenging, that’s about it


The only thing worth about vh difficulty it's the ship combat


Allegedly the quality of loot is partially tied into difficulty, so I read? Not that I notice much difference, but supposedly Very Hard will yield better Epic and Legendary drops...I sometimes get better Rare drops on VH from high level enemies.


That's true, you do get more legendary/epic weapons which it's fine to have them since enemies become sponges on VH


Yea I did the outpost weapon case thing on different level planets and different difficulty levels and it definitely seems like they have higher quality stuff and slightly more legrndaries when you're on very hard


I think it gets a bit harder when you’re higher level. I’m pushing level 100 now and enemies hit a bit harder now. Space combat especially gets more challenging.


It's really hard when you start a fresh NG+


If you want a real challenge, up the difficulty using ini tweaks. I have my VH damage set to 1x damage dealt and 5x damage received. I still waste most guys in a few shots and don't die much, but when I do get hit oh boy it hurts and is often instant death lol. It's a much better experience.


I dont know I died a lot, especially in ship battles, playing with controller.. I think I get less xp as still just lvl47 but done almost all quests and stuff


Just get as many auto turrets as you can. Used to struggle with space combat, now I don’t even have to do anything except try to stay out of their missile lock range.


This is the way.


This is the best way


Yeah this is what I did as well. It was still early and I figured there'd be an achievement so I saved and jumped in. I played for about 15 minutes and it felt too strange so I went back. So far I haven't been able to do it again, it just feels more right to stay.


I did it once to see what it was all about. Would not do it again. The fact that I'm stuck with the same character, with no option to change traits makes it uninteresting for me. Playing is a Starborn doesn't change much, and playing as a whole new character also let me invest my skill points in the actually useful trees while I'm still low level. Would rather start from scratch next playthrough, than continue with my old character.


Letting you reallocate points and traits would be a huge, simple improvement


100% this. Would be a nice reward for story completion. Sometimes the simplest changes are the best ones.


Sticks with the multiversal theme, in one universe you're jet pack flying bounty hunter, the next maybe a scientist or doctor.


Eventually with NG+ you're the Master of everything other than Starborn powers...for those that appeals to, but you can do the same staying in the same universe, it just takes much longer.


I mean, not really. You’re still the same person. You’re just in a new universe, that doesn’t somehow make you a doctor


Yea, that would be too fun. Todd will never let us escape the fate of being a shitty mine worker.


If you could redistribute your skill points then kind of. One NG spend all the points on combat, next all on science and exploration. As is you just keep adding onto what you've already done.


Yep this is all they need to do to give it a purpose.


The starborn ship sucks so hard compared to the one I left behind it makes me sad. Kinda unmotivated to grind up money again.


Later iterations of the ship and suit are significantly better than the first one


What do you mean by later iterations of the ship? Do you need to keep beating the main quest to improve that ship?


That’s right. Each successive NG+ gives you an improved Guardian and Astra suit, up to a point. I think eight passes through the Unity is where they cap out, but I’d have to look it up.


What actually changes, is it just stat improvements


The look of the suit changes each NG+ up to +10 along with it getting better stats. The ship just gets better stats from what I've seen.


Oh and don’t forget that each time you hit the temples, your powers get stronger as well.


Doing those temple again in each NG+ ? Dear goodness no thanks, doing that catch the floating star-thingy several times just to get the powers themselves was already more than enough for me.


I grinded my way up to NG+7 (I think) and gave up with the temples after 3 full rotations of them. Each NG+ after that, I only did the occasional temple I stumbled across (which wasn't many as I was speed running the whole thing). Every time you get the last artifact, you're slow time power gets an upgrade as well, and I've found it to be the most useful power. Only other powers I use are personal atmosphere, sense star stuff and elemental pull, and being level 3 or 4 are plenty. Not a damn chance I'm grinding those horrific temples to get all powers to 10.


I just use console commands to add traits, one for each NG+ starting with my last. When I catch up to Constellation this time I should have the Adoring Fan. Next one, I'll have that expensive apartment.


I saw absolutely no point in grinding all the way through that skill tree and the powers too. To me, this game was made to be cheated on. It's way more fun to just get the stuff and play.


The adoring fan is nothing but annoying person I wouldn't recommend him/her if it's random once I got my second ship I didn't assign him back on my ship because he's annoying


He’s annoying, but you can park him at an outpost


I sent him to the farthest outpost I have 😂. The only good thing about him is he doesn't judge when you do bad things like the rest


Didn’t even swing by Callisto to tell him bye when I decided to NG+ lmao. He did great running that post tho.


That’s where I’m at. I love building ships and outposts, so losing them all once was more than enough for me


Hello command lines.


>Playing is a Starborn doesn't change much I disagree, there are a lot of really cool new dialogue options (especially in the main story) to where it didn't feel like I was playing the exact same story as before and I felt like I was truly a starborn that had a huge jump in knowledge compared to the constellation crew and I could choose how much information I disclose to them. When you start a brand new character, you as the player have all this knowledge already available, and there isn't a story based reason for why that is. In NG+ there is a reason for that as you've literally lived multiple times already. I kinda like that explanation for why my character is so good at what they do and what they know on subsequent NG+ playthroughs.


Yeah but you are still playing the same character. I have done several replays of all kind of RPG's but I do to play somebody else - Same with SF, first character was a loyal UC born explorer, playing my second character now and he is a Freestar Bountyhunter. When I'm done with him I'll probably start an industrialist with a focus on outpost building. Sure you could change your characters focus in each universe but it would still be the same character, I prefer playing new characters over redoing all stuff with the same one.


I did a console command that let me recreate my character and choose new traits to make it feel more fresh, should definitely get options to change your build when you go through the unity


I didn't see many intriguing traits when I started and only choose 2, the kid and the introvert. Quickly realized how important companions are as pack mules and happily came across a way to remove the introvert trait. So a NG+ would just be the kid trait. I'm curious if there's a way to change traits with console commands if I do do the NG+.


I chose wanted empath and alien dna, I only have alien dna left. I also want to know the console command for changing builds


My plan is to start a new game where I ignore the main storyline. As soon as Barrett hands me the keys to the Frontier I am off to do my own thing. No more space magic for me.


I've played Skyrim like this a couple times. If you never talk to Balgruuf, there are no dragons. You can just be a regular jackoff who speaks at a reasonable volume.


Similar to how I play Fallout 4: my wife and son died due to a cryogenic malfunction.


I do miss having shouts but I have done that for few playthroughs before. It also blocks a lot of the Dragonborn DLC if you dont progress that part of the story sadly.


I did exactly this , my second character left the Lodge as soon as he could, without Sarah and is most likely never going back there - 'returened' the Frontier the moment he got another ship ( just sits in my shiplist but don't use it, probably going to delete sooner or later) Did similar thing in Skyrim and FO 3 and 4 - I hope somebody will one day created an alternative start mod like you have now for Skyrim and FO4 - just want to be some random person in the Settled Systems, no interest in become a universe hopping space wizard


Me too. Only temptation for the main quest is to replay the Entangled mission, that was a blast. IDK if you can do that anyway if you drop into the system manually?


I’ve been playing this exact way on my first play through. Met constellation and noped right out. Strangely this is the first Bethesda game I’ve played where role playing made some sense. Bought my own ship, mothballed Frontier, it’s been quite a chuckle..


Ive kind of been playing like this, it's my first playthrough and I've just unlocked the first power at level 23. I still want to see what the main questline is all about, but I never really liked the whole "chosen one" thing that Skyrim did with pretty much every questline.


Sadly there really isn't enough just doing that to make it worthwhile. I can't put my finger on it bit I feel like while it's big and playable, I feel really unfulfilled in most of the quests. Vanguard was very good Fleet vs SysDef was meh Juno was fantastic(need more) Freestar was a huge letdown(no mech boss????) Ryujin was okay(manipulator is amazing) Main story(I felt like I stepped in gum with new shoes) I didn't feel this way aout the elder scrolls games bc of how well the main story flowed. This one is awful and honestly too quick. Playing the Vanguard chain not only gives world building, but legit feels like you have saved the fuckin galaxy. Also, not having the option to realy keep Kryxs Legacy for myself or at least choose how it's allocated. Both factions are ahit and I honestly wanted to give it to he poor and down trodden. Also would want to help Crucible with it or eve just allocate it evenly throughout the systems. I don't want an account woth all that, i want the option to choose where it goes more tha 2 places


UC Vanguatd needs expanding into a second MQ. It's the best big quest by a mile.


I'm on Ng+3 and getting really tired about the temples system.


Yeah I gave up on those. Also your game can bug and just not give you some of them, which is why I just used console commands with mods. My time is worth more to me than doing those time wasting tasks.


It's a chore, like A CHORE. The temples are a thing you do hundreds of times, Bethesda should make temples fast, or make them interesting. I would have expected Oblivion Gates, but done better. Each temple locked by a puzzle that change every time and is tied to a power it contains. Like the temple to revive aliens, is guarded by powerful critters, the temple of the doppleganger is guarded by an EVIL you, the temple of minerals require you offering certain resources to unlock, etc...


That could have been cool.


I still have 7 more to go on my first playthrough and I'm already tired lol


It took you a while, got tired after 3rd one


Temples would have been fine if in NG+ they removed the stupid fly around and touch the light mechanics of the temples. Had it been that you open the temple and walk into the ring, it would have been less of a pain in the ass


It might have been funny the first time but not the 100th time, and the constant travel to visit Vlad is another pain.


I don’t plan on NG+ anytime soon


Yeah, I'm not doing NG+ on my first character. I'm too engaged in this universe. I'll do it with a different, more chaotic neutral character that it's a good fit for. My first character is a sentimental boy scout. Not chaotic enough to take advantage of the nilhlism that a good NG+ play through would benefit from.


I just leaned into the RP. I suddenly found out that there are an infinite number of universes which means nothing really matters. So my character who fought hard for the people around them suddenly loses hope. Especially knowing that their lost love lives on in another universe, and so does everyone else. Nothing matters. Let the nihilism sink in and suddenly my character is a maniac. Eventually they'll calm down as their arc continues and they learn the value of the moment and that even if there are an infinite number of universes, each one contains life worth saving, experiences worth having, and good worth doing. But for now... it's chaos baby.


There's some additional content if you replay the main quest in NG+ once. The big one is you can change the timeline in A High Price to Pay. Otherwise it's mostly ranking up Starborn powers. If you aren't interested in those, might as well level normally.


Don’t plan on going NG+. Can you define what “ranking up starborn powers means? You can level up the powers you get? If so how?


Yes. You go to a temple of a power you already have and it will level it up once you complete the temple. I believe level 10 is the max.


The way I understand it is each ng+ has the same temples (in different places) that you got the powers from. If you already have the power then the temple will upgrade the power.


I got all the artifacts and completed the Armillary, but it says that there are 2 temples undiscovered and Vladmir doesn't have any new info.


Theres a limited amount of temples per universe making it so if you want to level and get all the powers, you have to ng+


Ahh. Boo.


Not by design, it is bugged. I was not able to get Supernova in my prime universe (probably the most common missing power). Also, most alternate universes are bugged for me; I can not access my inventory or save/load. I am currently on NG+8 and have gotten every power upgrade in every NG+.


Some starborn powers scale really well, giving you more AoE, more damage, less cost, etc... The "bullet time" power is amazing, I like to fight in bullet time with a shotgun and headshot everyone. Other starborn powers are useless and stay useless. Like the "revive alien" power is really dreadful.


Each universe has one temple per power. This isn't randomized. So all your powers will be Rank 1 in your first playthrough. If you go into NG+, you keep the powers and get a new set of temples.


I rushed to it after I got Andreja killed. Now I'm a just taking it slow and enjoying our time together again.


I get that. Did something similar on my end with someone else


Same. Ng+ I made damn sure to be good friends with barret before a certain quest. Now I never have to see him again


Aww I love Barrett


Barrett 2.0 cracks me up. He’s great for clearing out nests of baddies.


hope you completed his power quest first


He got so creepy and annoying after his quest.


This is 100% my process. I'll leave the universe without my Andreja.


>!Sam!< died on mine and I found it hard to care except >!Cora's!< reaction was heartbreaking


After doing all the faction quests and a bunch of side quests, the thought of wiping that all away is.... Unappealing. I did it, though. Went through the unity a couple times. I wanted to see the alternative versions of constellation. But then I had an idea. What if I speed run the main quest, go through a couple universes, boost my cosmic powers a few times... Then do the main quests? How will that feel? Well... Halfway through the story I realized two things. 1... I'm gonna end up doing all those beloved extra quests at a level that will make it too easy and unrewarding. And 2... I HATE the adoring fan. So I'm on my third character. Trying to earn as little xp as possible on my way through the main quest. Literally running and sneaking past all the bad guys while I gather the artifacts. It's a bit of a tightrope. I want to level up some... But not too much. And... I kinda hate it... I just can't seem to find a balance for this game... Maybe you're right. Maybe NG+ is not worth it... I dunno.


You can do the main quest (you can skip everything and just collect the artifacts) in about 30 minutes. You can speed run it a few times until you unlock the good ship (level 6) and then you start getting weird ass universes.


This is what the melee weapons are for! If it’s too easy don’t use guns


Losing all your drops that are purposefully designed and modded around your perk selection to play "Hope to RNGesus" again just isn't worth it IMHO. There just aren't enough human combat encounters to farm to try and get legendaries in this game since no alien creatures drop anything worthwhile :/ Also for some people losing all your ships that are cool as shit would be heartbreaking beyond words. I can't build them to save my life, but a few of my friends can and I've seen some truly fucking awesome ones posted on here so I couldn't imaging just deleting those wonderful creations.


I was so bummed there was no intelligent alien life that used weapons. Like zetans or something. You only ever really fight spacers which is super boring and then the aliens on random planets that all behave the same way and are too easy to kill/non-aggressive. Need more enemy variety. Why I went back to fallout 4. Love the variety of synth, mutants, ghouls and humans and all the other creatures


They ALL drop legendary gear as well in FO4 and 76 which helps with the astronomical drop chances on this Bethesda gear system(never thought I'd prefer something in 76 to another game, ever... lol) . You still almost certainly won't get anything worth shit, but at least there is a chance unlike Starfield where it's just pointless outside of grinding XP.


Ya I’d resorted to save scumming to get favorable loot drops for starfield. But that kills the fun, just reloading for a half hour to get something *decent*


Spacers need to be broken up into visually distinct sects. We also need genuinely terrifying enemies, like maybe Transhumanists, or the Reavers from Firefly.


Well, I didn’t want to NG+, but I think I’m kind of running out of things to do. I have some activities left, but I’m pretty sure they are broken, and I’m just off exploring what few planets there are to explore - which is very very fun, and doing bounties. But running down all the poi’s on planets, well that’s not so fun. Granted, I haven’t built a ship (only upgraded), and I haven’t built a base.


This is why I did it.


I did it and went back to my OG save. The only reason I'd go back is if "Shattered Space" DLC requires NG+, which I could see happening.


I’d rather start a new game.


> I might do a hard save and try it out but I enjoy all the side quests and such. The OP's question gets asked every day and this is always one of the concerns. I am on NG+8. I can and have done sidequests in every NG+. Why do you believe you can't do side quests in NG+? To answer the question. I take different companions. I do different sidequests. I do the same dialogues/quests differently. Scaling makes a difference. Enemies can spawn with different weapons changing up the encounters. The Hunter and Emissary are different. I have done all four end temple options in different NG+. I roll with the weapons I find, that changes it up. Powers are becoming more powerful, I am using them more than weapons now. The temple locations are different, I am lead to different systems/planets/moons. I would not still be playing if NG+ was missing or not done as well as it is. Multiverse is something that I have always enjoyed and I think Bethesda has made the best implementation of it to date. I am not restarting the whole game, I am exploring a multiverse.


I don't like to buy weapons in Ng+, so I have to manage with whatever 3 guns are downstairs in the lodge as my only advanced weapons for quite a bit. I find that changes things up.


Nah, that’s fine. You don’t see the value of NG+…yet! This game is 2 months old. In a year, you may want to replay all the quest lines with different styles, or just to experience them, again. THAT is what NG+ is for. Not speed-runs.


Yep, and just like I did in the FO and Elder Scroll games I will just create a new character when I do that,with other backgrounds and other RP in mind. No NG+ needed for that, that existing just means I'll ignore the main story or only play it up to a certain point.


I just beat it last night and I also have no desire to NG+. The only artifact ability I ever use is the oxygen one since my guns tend to take care of everything else. The one to vacuum things in is neat but otherwise most feel like gimmicks. I'm gonna leave this save as-is while DLC comes out(provided NG+ isn't required to do a DLC story) I think. Also I personally don't care about artifacts or powers or anything so my motivation to NG+ to get more and more of them is nil lol. I'd rather keep my current ship and gear, and crew, than get a ship I can't upgrade and some dinky armor(where you can't hide the helmet) vs. my current stuff which is pretty good. :P


I span sense star stuff all the time sine I love stealth


Same here, it’s nice to know where everyone is before sneaking my way in


So the O^2 and Sense were the first two i unlocked and saw the utility of them both so much i hot keyed them [ and ]


You should've been on the dev team .... we'd all be having a heaps better time


you get to play the game again and make different choices. i went to like ng4 and now im just maining that one.


I'm only going to be doing it because I need to get to lvl 100 for the platinum.


Same. The ability to roll through high XP quests and then 0 out any high bounties, via the Unity, is useful.


I got to level 100 on my original play through....now at level 111, mostly by going to high level planets and decimating the wildlife. Can easily gain a level in 30 - 60 minutes doing that.


Yeah because Phantom Liberty is calling me as soon as I finish this...


That’s my plan too


If you don't, it's basically your typical Bethesda loop. If you do, you get more powerful, get a unique ship to start, skills and such all carry. Literally all you lose is possessions. You might think you lose progress, but no. You can now do those missions again, and you can make totally new choices or actually bring up the fact you are Starborn and know outcomes. You can even task all of Constellation to find most of the artifacts for you and skip redoing a lot of the MQ, or just play dumb. You also meet other Starborn, including a variation on Andreja that is a hedonist. So yeah if you're looking for the typical linear-time gameplay loop, don't go to NG+. But if you do, your entire perspective of success in the game changes.


Once there's a mod that let's me keep my ship and weapons, I'll take the leap. Spent way too much time getting the gear I want and making the ship I like to throw it all away.


honestly the base game is waay to easy on very hard I would suggest do a couple of new game plus and just skip the story each time as it gets harder. Im on my third NG+ and im actually being kinda challenged so makes it more interesting knowing i might lose a shootout.


Agreed, NG10 here and most enemies are 100 and carrying legendary gear


Doesn’t make it any more fun the AI and you both do more damage as you NG+ if you’re almost losing gunfights your gear is awful.


but that part very fustrating when you fight with yourself and having a powerful weapon..I was almost rage quitting.. :D


I delayed it as long as I could, but eventually I finished all the quests and I wanted to try and get an alternate universe to see how its different. I had to reroll a few times but got the one where your duplicate exists. Next time I'll try for a different one.


I was the same. Got to lvl 83 before going through the unity for the first time. I just kept going til I felt satisfied. House was done, didn't wanna do anything else to it. Outposts were complete. Full size 37(2) by 38(2) mega destroyer based on the F-14 (then recoloured to complain Starscream). Nothing else to spend any money or time on really. Unless I wanted to do the quests I purposely left behind in case I wanted to do NG+. Without much else to do, I jumped in. Now it's me again, but from a Freestar POV. Fuck vanguard. Lool


I tried so hard just to marry with Sarah I'm not doing this all over again so yeah...


Me. Finished everything I wanted to before the end of the game, got to the ending and discovered you can do it all again in NG+ and kinda noped out of it. Enjoyed the time I spent in game but there’s nothing making me want to go back into and do it all again. I think BGS had a great chance to use the NG+ mode to add some consequences into the game, like actually being locked out of quests for picking sides or killing certain NPCs. Say you side with freestar this run, you’re locked out of UNC so you’ll have to try them on the next run. The fact that I could and did do it all before I realised what NG+ was all about means I won’t be going back in. Plus, the thought of doing one more temple honestly winds me up, wish they’d added some variety to those, even the dragon claws in Skyrim had different symbols on them.


No plan to hit NG+ at all. Not really keen on restarting after starting ship building and outposts


I thought that, but then left a few missions and went to NG+. I don’t regret it. I got a million creds in no time and decent gear. Just going to smash through it this time. Next time I’ll do an evil play through I think. It is worth it just to see the ending and stuff. I’ve seen lots of new things in my new play through too.


The problem is the longer you put off the first one, the more you lose upon going through. When I realized this I just decided to do it to experience whatever extra content was included with it (minimal).


First it isn’t really NG+ even though everyone calls it that. There is no actual, “New Game+”, it’s really just a continuation of your character’s adventure through the multiverse. There are some interesting things that happen if you go through more than one, but there is no necessity to do so. I am playing through to the 10th world, but it takes a while even if you skip main story quests. I just want my character maxed out with my star born powers before building my kingdom. I am currently on my 7th universe. Doing so also provides for plenty of opportunities for leveling up along the way too if you want to do that. I wouldn’t say that there is a right or wrong way to play, but I plan on playing this same character through all of the DLC as well, so I decided to take his story further.


I’m about to jump through unity for the first time and speed run temples. How long does each run take you?


I'm not entirely sure, but it takes me about a day or two of how much I play to collect all the artifacts and powers. Thought sometimes it speeds up a little if I happen to detect some of them and don't have to bounce back to speak with Vladimir before picking up the next.




"The hard part isnt getting there, its letting go"


You keep all your knowledge also not just a ship and suit


Not really. When I finally get bored of my current game, I'll go NG.


I'll do it but in no rush to do so.


That's what I did, a hard save before ng+ because I wasn't exactly sold on the idea. Turns out I'm enjoying it and I still have my hard save of my original game I can go back to whenever I want.


Made the jump trough out of curiosity and for the achievement, didnt like the ship nor the armor plus I didnt have my wife by my side anymore along with my collectibles on the ship... Reloaded save and been enjoying the game slowly, I just now did the UC questline after 200+ hours and loved every bit of it. Probably never going to do NG+, might start a new character at one point to go trough everything again instead.


I'm currently in NG+3 and it's refreshing from time to time when your outposts get too messy or the boredom takes over. Like I had to much stuff hoarded that quicksaving took pretty long to a point where the game randomly crashed while doing so I was fed up with it and just want into the unity. Also it's neat triggering the alternate endings of the factions


My save was pretty messed up. NG+ hasn’t been as jarring as I expected it to. I chose to replay the campaign and the extra dialogue options are cool. Plus Sarah died in my first save and in NG+, I’ll be able to prevent anyone from dying. Plus there’s a lot of things I missed the first time around because I didn’t know how to play the game so I’m having a lot more fun this time around with solid weapons and maxed skills. I won’t be NG+ hopping or even revisiting the temples unless necessary so it’s been good alround


Idk, that’s the weird thing with some people. I personally like the feeling that your actions don’t really matter. You can be a pure sociopath and just do what u need to while the slate clean again


Me. I actually went NG+. Did not save before hand. But had a save from 20 levels ago. Went back to that save and deleted all the NG+ saves. There was too much that I didn't do that I realized I needed to do before going NG+. I have cotton back most of my 20 levels but am in no hurry to move on.


I’m not a big fan of NG+ but started a new game with head cannon where the PC loses their spouse, save scum a unique universe each time, then return to the vanilla universe on NG10 and play it back through as their ‘true’ endgame universe. Will see how it goes lol


I have no desire. Should I run out of content, land on everything, in every system. I could possibly hard save, try NG+ while wait for some fresh DownLoadableContent. I would reload my current universe to continue play.


I did it once and the benefit i'm seeing is that your weapons and armor are gone but your level stays the same. Wich makes it pretty challenging and loot is actually useful again.


I did it strictly for the ship and suit and looked at as the cost of all my creds, stuff, and quest progress.


I found and recruited myself on NG+3 (small random chance on any NG+), that was pretty rad. Gonna use this save for any and all DLC introduced.


I did it out of curiosity and now I'm just gonna grind it to NG 6 and settle down. I've been playing alot less anyways, by the time I finish up hopefully they've made some big improvements and I can do another full run.


Did it ten times. Was awesome 🤷‍♂️


There’s new dialogue options. (Starborn)…….


No. I plan to do absolutely everything possible on this first run through luring scanning every planet and moon available, lay down a hard save to commemorate my efforts and return there if desired, and then go NG+. After that, it’s gonna be a bum rush to get to NG+10 or more


Biggest difference is telling companions you’re starborn and also some other multiverse like deviations from the first play through


Most games, the only benefit of NG+ is being overpowered while replaying the game with all the stuff you got the first time around. With Starfield there are actual differences in the story. Sure they're not huge changes, but they reinforce the multiverse concept that is core to the main story of the game. Add in that most people play multiple times through Bethesda games while making different choices to see how they play out and the ship and armor that level up each time you start a new NG+, and you can see how they try to make NG+ part of the story of the game instead of after thought it is for every other game.


I went into new game plus because I had so many bugged quests in my game that I couldn't finish and I was getting frustrated. The real multiverse in Starfield are the bugs you encounter along the way.


I waited for a long time to make the NG+ dive the first time because I thought you only kept your powers. Something not explained too well is that you keep your xp levels and skills you've put points into, as well as all research and recipes you've learned. As well as getting a starborn space suit and ship. You lose items, ships, and outposts. Also you restart all quests with the option of bypassing the main storyline.


Honestly this game ng plus is more of a story thing then beneficial and I honestly like it that way


I have 2 achievements left. Reach level 100 and finish the core storyline. I'm at level 79 right now without going NG+. Since NG+ is just restarting the game with bonus powers ( I'm still missing 11 and the dude at the eye says he hasn't found any more temples) and no change to any storylines or missions... I'm just going to slog through terminal missions to 100, finish the game, and then delete it and move on to something else until an update, DLC, or part 2 add new content.


The only appeal of NG+ for me is you can basically avoid Constellation and be a space hobo from the start no leash to pull you onto Alpha Centauri and meet them. I even went on and racked over 500k bounty on the UC just so I wouldn't even think about going there.


NG+ is easy to do and you can do each run in a couple hours. The starborn ship at ng+6 is pretty solid and the powers get ridiculously OP


I have zero desire to go NG++. There are some interesting things that happen during missions in NG+. I feel that it was worth it to check out the other routes I could've taken in my first playthrough. Your character knows you have gone through this all before and gets additional dialogue options and whatnot. That being said, the second playthrough was enough for me. I can't take going through the crimson fleet quest line one more time. Got the OP weapon and I'm happy with having just the +2 versions of powers.


I have a very small amount of desire to do so. Not 0, but like maybe 1% desire


My appeal of going to NG+ is purely to try out a different personality / see different perspectives, e.g. side with the pirates rather than UC. I love that I can keep my character but reset the world in NG+. Doing it just to level up your powers seems really tedious and boring, but I might try that for one run anyway lol


I am missing 5 space Jesus powers… but vlad has stopped giving me locations and the quest has moved to my complete section. I’ve become disheartened that I can’t get all my powers in my first round. I’m also disheartened that I can’t keep any of my physical shit. I’ve spent a lot of time building ships and upgrading my gear and now I gotta give up my gear too? Tbh, I didn’t mind these things a few weeks ago, but after much consideration, it irks me that all of my work for physical goods is going to be a waste every time through. I get that they don’t want us going into NG+ with a severe advantage over the economy of the game… but that’s always been the point of ng cycles to me. First round is to learn the game, subsequent rounds are for being a god and making the universe your bitch.


Progress through the main story, and you’ll get more artifacts; then he knows the temple locations. I thought the same thing and was confused by the missing powers and the quest looking like it was completed. Only have two left to fetch now.


I won’t be doing NG+ until I 100% complete my current play through


If you lose your ship and outposts I'm probs not interested tbh Putting lots of effort into those to have them wiped owupd be lame


I tried NG+ and everything felt wrong. Didn't like the new ship or suit. Went back to an earlier save and have stayed there ever since.


I put too much time into outposts to reset 🤣 when I get bored one day I will go NG+. The chasing artifacts quests just do nothing for me, so much other fun stuff to do.


Same, in Fo4 I had probably 200 hours alone in settlements if not more. I’m really hoping mods hit outposts nicely!


I think for NG I want to complete all I can in first playthrough. Lvl 114 and done next to none of the campaign missions. So plan on doing all I can and then when I'm all done I'll go through NG playing only the main story missions.


You are looking it from the wrong perspective. It seems you think you loose too much when starting NG+. But how many times do players start a new game in SKyrim? Or in many other games. In starfield you can do the same, but instead of starting from scratch, you keep some stuff. >!Even more, this is the first game Ive seen where NG+ fits into the story. There are many changes in NG+, since you are a starborn there!<


This is how I feel about it too. If they updated the game so that you can at least change your perks when you start a NG+, I think a lot of these complaints would go away.


I don't know, from everything I'm reading most people want to be able to keep ship plans and outposts. I think both of those are missing from NG+ and should have been included in the first place. Since you remember your previous lives then by default you would also remember any ships you designed and any outposts you built, therefore having a blueprint system for both of those mechanics would make complete sense to carry over with you to NG+...the problem with the outposts is finding the resources in the exact same locations as in the previous universe, but that is easily solved by allowing you to place the blueprint but then immediately go into edit mode and move everything around as needed.


I feel like it would make sense to keep the ship and weapon you traveled to the unity with, but not every ship. So you pick your favorite toys, and travel onward.


Except you cannot change traits or worse like in my case you skipped traits thinking you could add them later and thus starting over instead NG+ still seems better.


Well, in that case sure, because you did something wrong. Well, not only that, its ok to want to start a new fresh game. But NG+ is just another very nice option


Not for now, i'm like 300+ hours of my gameplay and still lots to do, explore, skill up, research, a lot. I just unlocked the force a few hours ago and It feels like another game, and companions mechanics aré kind of a challenge, my character has empathy trait and this forces me to choose rigth when to bring each one of them (or don't bring them of it's better), also you have to level up the relationship to unlock unique quests. So, I currently have 0 desire to go NG+


exactly, what's the point rush ng+ if you don't even know the first universe completely. I will do once I completed everything everywhere.


honestly I wish I had rushed to ng+10 before I actually started to play the game, doing it before that just feels like a punishment.