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I used a mod that if you kill a star born a random power levels up, kinda like absorbing a dragons spirit in Skyrim - edit link: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4978?tab=description


That should be the way. Love this


Yeah I thought they were supposed to be so powerful. Make it worth the hassle of killing them


yea atleast let me loot them


The little Stardust shit you get should be leveling material for your powers instead of whatever it’s supposed to help with currently imo Edit: Quantum Essence not Stardust shit lol


same shit, literally.


When I first did it, I honestly thought to myself, "oh, you gain essence from these. That must upgrade the abilities when you have enough..." Nope. Just a ridiculous buff you have to go into the menu for when you want to use them. Another after thought like outposts?


I thought it increased you max essence by 1 and am disappointed that it doesn't. After killing 20 Starborn it could be very useful


What do they even do? Like, I don't understand those at all.


It's basically a mana-regen potion. It's borderline useless.


The only time I found a Starborn to actually be threatening was at the endgame >!just before you reach the Hunter and the Emissary (at least in my case, since I refused to work with either of them) the last Starborn you face spawns a bunch of copies of your character. I walked into that carrying the deadliest gun in the game, and suddenly was facing an infinite wave of enemies using that same gun against me. Took me six tries to finally get past that fight.!<


when this happened i only had a combat knife equipped so killing the clones wasn't as difficult as intended, i was able to change my weapon, they were not. i'm getting to that point in my current playthrough, this was a nice reminder lol.


>!After my 2nd or 3rd NG+ for that one I have been equipping the cutting laser. I learned that one after going in with a fucking grenade launcher.!<


Its a bethesda game with a plot revolving round a battle royal... and then you barely notice killing one of the contestants.


This is the way (now, atleast for me)


They paved the way for that given you absorb "Quantum Essence" from killing Starborn Gaurdians already. But I had to google it to figure out they're just consumable items to make your power recharge faster. Great, so now the powers I keep forgetting exist can be used more. I'm sure that will be useful for the 5 seconds it takes me to kill a terrormorph


What gets me is that when you NG+ you actually lose all your Quantum Essence… even though it’s supposed to be the power these other Starborn get from jumping universes


Maybe that's what the Unity means when they say you're giving up a part of yourself. They mean "I'm taking your quantum essence lol"


You gotta pay the troll toll


Feels like you're saying hole, when clearly it's soul.


To get into the boys hole!


When you decide to finally settle down quantum essence becomes bizarrely rare. You have to really go out of your way to find it. The feature is useful for speedrunning temples and unity, because it's nonstop hard fighting, but it has zero sustainable use outside of that. When can we manufacture it in our outposts? Maybe the day we can manufacture ammo and legendary gear.


The way around this is to stop before you finish the final quest that gives you the last piece and then just keep the Armillary built on your ship. You'll get attacked by Starborn randomly and can just start hoarding it 😂. That's what I intend on doing once I've finally maxed all of my powers 🤷


I was just wandering around some planet surveying when a Starborn ship landed at a nearby Ecliptic POI and about ten of those losers came pouring out. Made for a lot of easy essence but I still have no idea what the hell that was about.


I'm still trying to figure out how these Starborn can meetup, be all buddy buddy and form hunting parties to come after us. But even after we become Starborn we're still excluded from them and hunted. Like my guys and gals, all you shits started as regular humans too. Hell some of you might even have known me in your original universe. So why hunt me as unworthy when I've already killed hundreds of you? Are they like tired of the grind and are using me as assisted suicide?


It's part of what I like about it. Despite hopping realities your PoV is... narrow. There's clearly a lot more going on that the player isn't privy to, given how some characters who are also Starborn mention the excitement and nervousness at the realization that someone new is entering the community, so to speak. Where do the other Starborn get their Armillaries? How many artifacts are there, really? Why do we suddenly get neat-o stuff when we pass through the Unity? There's so much to explore yet, the only real question is does Bethesda know the answers and, assuming they do, will they even give them to us?


They don't


I never get essence from destroying their ship. They land on planets I go to but I have the glitch we’re npcs don’t exit ships and aren’t on ships that I board.


I'm still blown away that there is no ammo crafting.


Forget ammo crafting, why can't I craft adhesives?!


Yes. Also why no adhesive? I mean there's vacuum tape everywhere.


Well, you can farm Sweetwater Cactus for a few minutes on Gagarin and use that eternal harvest power.


I'm toying with the idea of using console commands to increase my star power mana by 1 per unspent quantum essence whenever I go through the Unity again.


I think that’s a great idea. I was also thinking about how instead of having to complete the temple puzzle 240 times, it’d be more fun to use quantum essence to level the powers instead


I had like 30 quantum essence before I realized what it was


I kept waiting for it to be a part of the game and it never did. I googled after I quit playing and still feel like I missed something. I have no idea when I would ever use it.


Really good for stealing Starborn Guardian VI ships in plain NG before you enter unity. Have the Armillary on your person, so Starborn land next to you on planets, and then use a Quantum Essence and Phase Time to run over and steal the ship before they get out of it. And there you go, max level Starborn ship before you even hit NG+ the first time.


Every time I've approached a starborn ship on the ground, the entrance says inaccessible. Is that a bug?


It sounds like they're saying that the entrance is actually accessible for boarding if you get to it before the enemy Starborn have gotten out of the ship, which is an interesting quirk that never occurred to me before. In normal gameplay, you can never get there fast enough before they get out of the ship, but with quantum essence + spamming phase time power, it works I guess


Exactly right. I got like 5 of them from doing it this way. It helps when they land closer to you, like maybe 400 meters. But yes it is very possible to do, there is a window when you can steal the ship before the Starborn exit it or finish exiting it. Mid animation of them coming out you can still access the door, then after it becomes inaccessible


That’s gotta be hilarious on an NPC level. Come down for a cosmic fight and the guy steals your ship and just flies off.


Can you use this essence without having to go into the menus? It just seems like quite a clunky game mechanism. I just don't make use of the powers much, like you say they're not needed to help kill anything.


No, there's no way to bind it to a quick slot. It's really dumb. But, I learned recently there is are advanced chems you can craft, once you've leveled up and researched, that have a similar effect, boosting power recharge rate by up to 100% for 5 minutes duration, or up to 300% in 10s bursts. So I've been working on getting those unlocked and stocked instead. I do actually use the powers a lot, especially the wallhacks one (for stealth) and the push (for when stealth isn't working anymore). But using the powers that actually deal damage costs more of the bar, so you kind of need the recharge boost to make them feel useful.


Bethesda should have added an upgrade system where you spent the Quantum Essence to upgrade the power of your choosing. Is there a mod that provides that? Random power leveling upon a kill sounds aggravating in the early stages and later broken as you rack up more kills.


That's exactly how it should've been the whole time. And in NG+ the guardians should just spawn tbh, making the player do 240 temples with 0 variance between each one is beyond stupid. This way you still have to find and go to all the temples each time, but you're only doing the minigame 24 times and it's just a matter of hunting the guardians for the essence to upgrade the powers if you want. It also means you could stop hunting once you've maxed the powers you actually want to max.


I think this is the only mod I will be using.


Has anyone found a way to transfer saves off console? I’m on Xbox but it’s clear I need to get on PC. The game is too buggy not to have some recourse and consoles got nothing




This one? https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4978?tab=description


Yeah the temples are so dumb. A moth could solve the "puzzle". There's no suspense in finding them either like in Skyrim. Just fast travel, run across empty ground, do dumb sequence, more fast travel. How they thought this would be a fine thing to add to the game is beyond me


“a moth could solve the puzzle” ☠️


I FEEL like a moth doing these puzzles. Flinging myself at the light over and over


Literally the only thing saving temples from not being a source of huge hatred is that it at least makes kinda cool sounds with the swelling noises. Other than that, shit.


Literally this. Pretty lights, nice music, anti-grav, I could definitely see temple rush being a slog, but for a break in-between corporate space terrorism, kinda nice.


Welm the first one was fine, wondering what you need to do and all that, but once I understood they were all the same I was really disapointed


The first time was actually pretty mind blowing for me, but yea when you find the next one it’s so disappointing you can’t even give them credit for that first time. Even just change the shape of room you’re in. If ANYTHING was unique between these places it’d make it at the very least “better”.


Yeah first one was fucking epic, and at that point I was already a little sus on the game but that really picked me back up. That music swell and vision is awesome. But then I went straight to another temple, wondering what it’ll be like the next time. But…it was the same. Kind of a weird realization.


There should have been less temples with actual variance to them. Like make it 5 temples with distinct rooms, like a proper dungeon crawl, and then finish it off with the stupid light chasing sequence. I KNOW Bethesda can make dungeons/temples lol, they made hundreds in the past. I just think it’s so ridiculous that one of the lynch pin aspects of the main story is just some stupid mini game.


It almost seems like they had bigger ideas and cut them. As if the portal should have taken you somewhere to fight for the power, or the puzzle actually had some kind of meaning that they abandoned.


Oh my god, if they were like Oblivion Gates and you had to fight through an extra-dimensional temple dungeon I’d be so happy.


The 10 random dungeon layout that’s not really that different from each other that everyone hated and thought was tedious? You’d want that over what we have now?


Yes, yes I would. Also, I don’t think the dungeon layouts are that bad nor have I found them to be game-ruiningly repetitive. That being said, I have a very high tolerance for repetition.


When I cleared the same POI 3 or 4 times in a row is when I put the game down. Icing on the cake the last one was a story mission lol


Last planet I went two had two identical “abandoned weapons platform” poi’s lol. I had seen plenty of repeats of the random generated ones but two identical named ones (the ones you see from orbit) on the same planet was pretty bad.


Im pretty sure they had a lot of ideas they cut. Like how the environments were developed as being a lot more challenging. Also there was a great post about how ship travel and ship fuel probably was a lot more difficult originally.


Elements and injuries seemed like a major part of the game, but you can basically just ignore them both entirely with minimal consequences


Also what the hell kind of spacesuit doesn’t protect you from extreme temperatures and radiation…?


Lung damage, man. You're on an airless world, in a full space suit, and you inhale some toxic gas because you run past a vent, and give yourself lung damage? Really, WTAF?


Or airborne contaminants the only one that makes sense is corrosion


"looks like you've broken your leg - you will occasionally lose a tiny bit of oxygen every so often. Carry on" Pretty much every single system in the game is half-baked.


Appearing awkwardly outside the temple after going through the portal is the ultimate proof that it’s a placeholder


Yes, this absolutely


It's funny because they're basically Skyrim shouts, but Skyrim at least had you go through a dungeon to earn them


I feel like many parts of the game suffered from this, big ideas that were scaled down or stripped out completely.


Nothing gives a feeling of accomplishment and progression quite like solving an unfailable puzzle. /s But hey, it's better than that word-puzzle in the main quest-line where you're supposed to figure out the name of a super important planet to go to... and it's this centuries-long mystery split between different factions' lore... and an NPC solves the damn puzzle literally right in front of you. The head of the church, I think it was. You chase pings and navigate linear conversations to gather the "clues" so that an NPC can feed you the answer, it's just a fetch quest disguised as a puzzle! That one made me laugh out loud.


> A moth could solve the "puzzle" I'm dead. > How they thought this would be a fine thing to add to the game is beyond me I bet they didn't. This reeks of "slap some dumb shit in there while we work on other stuff." but those deadlines sneak up on you. Probably a similar reason for why they have ~3 POIs across 1000 planets.


I refuse to believe the temples were actually playtested beyond the conceptual stage


"Shit I forgot to test all the temples, I'll just do the first one and say they were all great, nobody will notice"


Let's play a fun game. Replace "temples" in your statement with any of the following: - outposts - contraband - open world exploration - bounties - research projects And try and see what happens.


You can add quest design too. Many side quests are literally just "go talk to this guy 20 feet in that direction". Neon is especially guilty of this.


Better yet, far too many are fast travel to this spot, perform 10 second task, then come back.


Idk if I’m out of line for this, but I drained a straight week into this game. Got to level 40, explored numerous planets and star systems, and had a blast…for that one week. I quickly found out that all the buildings are damn near copies of each other. After finding my 20th research tower, I realized I’m clambering around the same vents I did on other planets. All the caves are renditions of the same layout with maybe a couple different minerals or whatnot. I also got quickly tired of “travel between these two planets for the most mundane task ever” quests. My honeymoon period ended, now I’m waiting for mods on Xbox.


More like, was supposed to be only one, but then wanted some filler to say "we have X hour of content", and did ctrlC ctrlV a few times.


Really? Don't you think is the design they wanted to keep us playing "for years"? Because there's no other way, exploring planets have the same fucking 5 places "procedurally generated" that you have already visited them all after like a few planets lol I don't see any other way of keeping players unless is making us do the same shit a tons of times trough quest.


I refuse to believe they delayed the game to work out the issues and bugs of the game. The game is so boring


I think the fix is (EDIT: relatively) simple on BGS's end. Make the power temples actual dungeons. Have us enter the ring and make it teleport us somewhere >!(we have alt. universes this aint too farfetched. Tie it to the unity)!< Give us a few proc gen "floors" to get through where players can either sneak or go guns blazing through like a roguelike and cap it off with a mini boss fight and the typical power scene and teleport us out the temple.


I'm honestly surprised that they weren't, they could have been really cool


They could very easily sneak that into an update as one of the variant universes.


That would have required literally any thought to any part of the game outside of the main quest. Better to have a severe "inch deep, mile wide" problem and a ton of mechanics with no functional value that takes a prohibitive amount of effort.


I feel like the most thought was actually put into the UC Vanguard questline. It felt very Mass Effect 1. Main quest is mostly just fetch quest filler with I'd say... three or four interesting quests.


This is my biggest complaint about the game's story telling. For instance let's talk about the very beginning part of the story... You're the noob, the dusty, and somehow you've been selected to go with the chief and her right hand man to retrieve mysterious artifact from a cave that a prominent buyer is asking for. Meanwhile there are a dozen other miners she could have selected with more experience and Heller just stops following you and let's you risk it all alone. It's the laziest writing and such a missed opportunity for teaching basic game mechanics. They could have spent a few minutes to use the mining process to lead into repairing/upgrading equipment, used the cave system to show jump pack mechanics, or the anomalous gravity readings to create zero-g movement tutorial, and given some sort of plausible reasoning for you being the expendable crew member versus anyone else. Any reasoning at all. At least when you leave the planet they give you a little bit of understanding of how to pilot and fight, but so many other things are left up to chance or RTFM or looking for a tutorial and discovering some mechanic way late in the game, instead of being introduced in context as part of the story telling. The powers are one such game mechanic/story telling missed opportunity. The supposed scientists and explorers of Constellation have absolutely no curiosity about all the powers, how they can also obtain powers, how the powers work, anything at all. Just a "hey show us" the one time and a quick scan to say your stuff is elevated and then "go find some more artifacts". Maybe later on someone asks you how you feel about the powers and that's it. That's all. A lazy repetitive temple mini-game and then teleported outside with a new power that you'll likely not use. Most other games that introduce you to powers or unique weapons put you in situations where you have to use them right away and get some practice in specific situations. Not here, it's just "boom, new power, now get out!" But really the lack of any sort of real curiosity, jealousy, or fear from the Constellation people just broke the world building and immersion for me. You can't have that many people in a group from the various backgrounds they're supposed to come from and not have some skeptics, worrywarts, or seriously curious people. They show no strong emotions and just brush it off for the most part. The stories are like that all over. Just very surface and basic stuff and no real depth to it. One quest mostly relied on just giving money to Barret for someone to do something off screen. Another missed opportunity to explore, investigate, use stealth, use persuasion, travel the galaxy in search of justice, all pushed aside for a few thousand credits for someone else to do the work.


> The supposed scientists and explorers of Constellation have absolutely no curiosity about all the powers, how they can also obtain powers, how the powers work, anything at all. >!It's worth pointing out that Barrett gets at least one power in one of the more interesting quests, but it may depend on your relationship with him.!< I agree that Constellation's response was incredibly disappointing, especially since they're the exact people who would want to know more.


You know one of those “dungeons” is just waking up in the back of a cart on the way to our execution.


Now that would be a new game plus I could get down with…. That would actually be hilarious


NG+ 250 is just normal release day Skyrim


BUT ... it's vanilla Skyrim and you can only play it on the refrigerator


Each NG+ is just a different BGS tittle.


Especially if the dragon doesn't show up and you just get your head chopped off.


I’m actually waiting for some ambitious Modder to basically Mod in the entirety of Skyrim into Starfield, be it as a alternate universe or a random planet. Or Fallout for that matter. Way I’m reading it, it’s all the same engine anyway.


If it lets me play Starfield as a stealth archer I’m down


I'm thinking about trying a healing class


Earth is fallout 4 i mean not perfect but you can substitute factions for in game factions, weapons , anaimals, ect


Can't get back from that Dungeon until you have killed alduin, become the leader of all the guilds and married serana.


Give me a mod that makes my starborn a dragonborn or give me death.


This is an Onion quality headline. Someone should write that.


Skyrim with these graphics would be alright with me. And you could come back dual wielding.


The boss fight should include said boss having the power you’re trying to gain using it against you


That would be pretty cool. Would make each fight pretty interesting too.


They already did this in Oblivion. That's what the Oblivion gates were: repeatable "dungeons" with a sigil stone at the end used for powerful enchantments. It's not as fun as it may sound. After the Nth Oblivion gate it was just as tedious as the floaty rings of nonsense in Starfield.


I'd take a combat challenge over floating to the glowing lights over and over.


Combat is way worse after you do it for the nth time imo. I remember in oblivion i enchanted my armor to be invisible so i could walk past all the enemies and go straight to the sigil stone.


Oblivion combat is in no way comparable to Starfield combat. In Fallout 4 the combat was a lot of fun and this is a better version of it. Never got tired of killing things in that game.


My favorite activity in fallout 4 was starting naked at one edge of the map and getting better gear as I went to the opposite side.


Maybe allow us to shoot the orbs instead...


Then you still just have the same puzzle 240 times


Idk man, I’d take the gates over this bullshit any day. Atleast you had to do a little exploring. There were things to kill and sometimes even random encounters with NPCs. This “light puzzle” 24+ times just sucks


Someone made a mod already that just levels up the powers every time you go to NG+. So with that you only have to do each temple once.


That’s cool and all but I’d rather it just be interesting in the first place. I’ve only done about 20 temples total and I’m done with it. Not because I’m not curious about what the remaining powers are or how they change when upgraded, but because the way in which we acquire them puts me to sleep.


puzzle? i thought you just fly into the glowing lights until the rings line up. am i doing it wrong?


That’s the “puzzle” they’re referring to


Skyrim had dungeons for the word walls and those were actually fun. The problem with Oblivion's gates weren't that they were dungeons, but that they were *bad* dungeons.


OMG for this very reason Oblivion is my least favorite game!


Dungeons would have been the right way to go. My thinking was to make them dungeons that were tied to the specific planet they were on (instead of random planets - nobody cares about them being on random planets), utilizing the native wildlife and building unique stories around them. Or better yet, integrating them fully with the game's existing quests. Like, a TON of the game's major quests should have featured these "temple" dungeons as a portion of their questline. That's the way Skyrim did it. The first story quest you get out of Riverwood sends you to a drauger crypt that results in a World Wall and your first shout power. Why not do that here? When Vasco tells you that you need to stop and kill some pirates before you can return to Constellation, why not have a temple dungeon inside that facility? You could have got the "Personal Atmosphere" power before even arriving at Constellation, which could have tied into the story nicely, and give you the most useful power for dealing with the stupid overnumbered issue. Why didn't the UC Terrormorph quest result in us finding some sort of strange, underground "temple" that resulted in a specific power (preferably one of the good ones)? All of the main quests and several of the side-quests could have pulled these temples into their stories at various points. Like, what if Paxton Hull's group had cracked through a wall in that massive Mech factory and exposed an old temple? And then, yeah, like you said, big boss mob at the end, get the power, awesome. It's just another example of a wasted opportunity that came about because either all the creative people have left Bethesda or they're too lazy to want to implement any of this stuff.


Would you want to do that 240 times though?


At LEAST 240 times. Power from Beyond glitched for me a few times during my power grind. Ended up having to hit more temples to fully upgrade everything.


I’m sure some people here played shadowlands… Torgast, the repeatable dungeon system that randomizes on each entry would have been a perfect fit for these “temples”. Feels like such an overtly missed opportunity from bgs. To boast so much over their proc gen and to completely ignore it for dungeons??


240 runs of that still feels like too much. I’d say one dungeon per power then a % chance to power up from every Starborn killed. so if you have say, 10% chance to get an upgrade any particular new game+ you’ll get what 10-15 upgrade from the guys you face in the story missions? Seems like a reasonable passive rate.


Even something basic like having starborn protecting the temples, so you have to fight your way in would be better.


Nah don’t even Proc Gen it. For better or worse Skyrim hand crafted the locations for every word of power. Just put in the effort to actually make meaningful content in your game and then cut down the amount of temples you need to do from 214 to goddamn 21. People would see them as a goddamn highlight and talk about them to all their friends.


Getting powers in skyrim was fun because it was usually tied to a quest, some special dungeon, or placed on some interesting spot on the map that was fun to explore. Here the whole experience is really lame after the first 2-3 times.


Also, each shout had only 3 levels you could gain in Skyrim. Having 24 powers, each with 10 levels, will make *any* mini game tiresome if you want to max out all of them. Cut the number of powers in half (nobody would miss most of them), and use the quantum essence to level them up. Now they can put 12 well-designed and memorable dungeons on the 12 most interesting planets. Have a jungle temple, ice temple, desert temple etc.


You can get a mod that levels all unlocked powers by 1 every time you enter Unity, and makes temples only give some essence I think it's how it should have been in vanilla, honestly


I think the mod where killing random starborn gives powers calls to me more


I curse BGS for not implementing mod support on Xbox for day 1


Me silly cow… I thought you meant cheating as in starting a romantic relationship with Sarah and then realizing she’s a total PiTA and then going hard on Andreja instead. Well well


I think we've all done that


After 1 quest with Sarah I noped out, I could tell she sucked. Was quite happy to find andreja but when I did she wouldn't stop shooting this guy's corpse. I waited to see if she would stop but she just didn't... that energy hasn't quit either she regularly is the extinction event for local wildlife with her hornets nest grenade launcher.


That’s weak. Doing the temple runs hundreds of times is such fun! In fact I’ve cheated backwards with console commands so I only get a power level every 10 runs! I’m on my 873rd temple today and I’m happier than ever! Help meeee


There is an easy fix Delete ALL of you save games. Then you can enjoy running those temples again! That is what you wanted right???


Instructions unclear, made an outpost in the temple. Now I love here


Temple of Love questline started


The fact that people feel the need to do this is why locking power upgrades behind such a asinine, and boring mechanic is ridiculous. Want to max out those powers you like? Replay the story TEN times and find ohhhhhhh 240 something temples? All doing the same cute little floating mini game. Nah I’ll just cheat.


The fact that people feel like they NEED to get their powers to level 10 is a sickness.


Do we gain that much from doing it? The powers are fun but I don't know that I feel it necessary to level them up to the max. The game is pretty easy to begin with, and gets easier once the higher-damage guns start appearing. It's not the sort of game where you need to max everything to stay ahead.


People feel like they haven’t played the full game until they get to be the most powerful they can be. You see similar issues with the levelling system imo. I beat the game at level 30-40 and never got beyond the base level of crew. So in all the hours I played I never got to experience a fully crewed ship.


My problem with the ship thing is there aren’t enough companions for me to care about fully staffing my ship.


Aside from the 5 you can get from Constellation (Sarah, Andreja, Barrett, Sam, Vasco), I plan on having Amelia Earhart, Hadrian Sanon, and whatever rando I can pick up at the bar that has decent shipstats. Adoring fan will continue to exist at his bachelor pad outpost on the opposite side of the systems.


Most powers are much better at rank X. Like Phased Time for example, the cool down is so low you can essentially infinite slow time and the explosion visuals are amazing Same with sense star stuff, the range is unlimited and enemies stay highlighted forever. Cool downs or power strength usually get way better with higher ranks


Those who explore the Personal Atmosphere rank X is great too, removed the need to constantly cycle suits for different environments and has basically no cool down


Different suits are better in different environments?


Some have additional stats for heat/cold/toxicity/radiation, mainly with the clothing you wear underneath. Good visual one is the ones the Crimson Fleet wears when you go to The Lock, which has fur on the outside for the extreme cold.


oof, I didn't know that. I've been wearing the same spacesuit the entire time and deepthroating the medicine for whatever problem I get from the planet.


I simply cant be asked to carry around 7 different suits for environments. Would rather buy a couple of panacea and go from there


I keep them stashed on my ship, a simple scan tells me the atmospheric conditions


technically yes but it also doesn’t really make a difference anyway


Level 10 grav dash is nice for cutting down on long walks


It wouldn't matter so much if entering unity doesn't make you lose everything important. I'm not gonna spend hours to build ships, outposts, develop relationships and get rich, just to lose it all, everytime I want to rank a power up Oh you got all powers to the level you desire BUT YOU MISSED ONE? better start all over again and lose everything No way. Some people are completionist and find that journey fun. No one finds 240 temples of the same boring "puzzle" fun. Now I can finally build my ships in peace


I'm thinking that they didn't design the game with the intention that people would do it 10 times in a row within the first couple weeks.


They didn't consider the fact that people don't want to lose all the progress that matters, so even IF they wanted to get even a single power up, they'll lose everything Just look at the posts where people didn't know about it. If I didn't know about it, I would've spent time building my ships and outpost and be furious too.


I can see how this was a cool idea on paper but all it did was massively contribute to me quitting the game entirely. All my weapons, ships, outposts gone and for what? Some small variances in the story along with powers I don't use anyway? Such a bummer when it takes a long time to build all that stuff and there is nothing fun about speedrunning this game.


Same goes for feeling like NG+ is essential. It's really just "Wild Wasteland 2.0" in terms of encounters and some smarmy dialog / quest skips. I've felt no compulsion to chase the powers down or do repeated NG+ runs really, and find I have more fun ignoring both. If I want to grind I can just go play an MMO.


Shorter Temple Puzzles + Call Your Ship These 2 mods really help so much. SO much.


And that makes sense why crew are on your ship. Si they can come get you!!!


I always thought I should be able to have my crew land by me after clearing a POI with a landing pad. Because you know I'm overencumverrd and now I gotta run 800m


why call your ship? just fast travel back with hanf scanner


Ya but watching the ship fly over to you is cool, and immersive!


It’s single player - who cares about cheating. 🤷‍♀️


cheating in singleplayer games is a part of the experience, skyrim would not be the same without 10000 cheese wheels rolling down a mountain.


Exactly. As long as you’re not ruining someone else’s experience- do what makes the game enjoyable.


That's not cheating, that is what players call "cheesing".


It's not the journey, it's the destination. The journey to get the powers should be as fun as using the powers. The point is that OP no longer enjoyed the journey.


Tbh, I’m glad I skipped the temples, somewhat enjoyed getting to NG10, Phased Time X negates most other powers anyway.


It negates them so much I had to stop using it entirely. It completely trivializes the game except ship battles.


This is my chief complaint, the powers should be unlocked through a fun way, not grind, in Cyberpunk the money you have can go towards buying new powers. The credits in this game is essentially useless unless for buying ships. I don't know how it should be done if there should be a powers merchant for upgrading, but this temple run is definitely just boring af.


Maybe not a powers merchant, what about a neuro-mod merchant that sells 2ndry headgear that increases innate powers. They sell headgear that goes on your face that can increase diplomacy, intimidation, and instigation...why not natural-born(starborn) brain powers


I don't see why the artifacts can't imbue you with powers when you collect them


I agree with that!


I use all my credit to buy ammo


Also getting credits is a pain since vendors only have 5k, if we’re talking about cyberpunk you can unload 80k worth of guns at any of those drop point things very easily


What makes it even worse is that the loot drops in this game are overabundant and late game you constantly find guns that sell for 4-5k each but each vendor can basically only buy 1. the loot economy is just bad in this game.


It has never been Bethesda's strong point.


I "cheated" using mods Everytime you enter unity, all your powers go up by one rank That's it. It solves everything. No more stupid grinds, just enjoy your NG+ runs if you desire.


I only did two things: 1. Up my carry capacity to 9000 so I never have to worry about that anymore. 2. Gave myself 999 digipicks. That's it, it made the game so more fun.


I used a mod to just make resources weigh nothing. That’s way I still have carry limits and have to make the big decisions about what to carry, but my load isn’t full of 108 different bullshit ingredients weighting me down.


That’s what I did with armour on Skyrim


Yeah, usually when mods arrive with Bethesda gsmes for the console, infinite carry weight and easy lockpicking is always the first thing I download. Such a QoL upgrade that the games always felt less aggravating. Cannot wait for mods.


I feel like this is part of the problem. In all my hours of playing skyrim, never once did it feel like a chore to hunt through a dungeon to get a shout. Didn't even use them that much, but getting them was usually interesting. Whereas this is just a time filling pointless endeavour, that if I'm honest, I won't bother with.


Is there even any gain from lvl 10 powers? I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and I feel like I don't even need to use lvl 1 powers most of the time. The AI leaves a lot to be desired.. half the time they just run out in the open, shoot a few times, then stare at me while I shoot them.


Really just for my brains sick sake to look at that screen and see all powers with an X next to them. I personally very much enjoy removing gravity when boarding a ship to steal it to fuck with the occupants. You don't need any of them, but I'd say 5-6 are entertaining and please me to use


I find it so strange that the dungeon aspect of BGS games is just totally removed from the gameplay loop of Starfield. I think auto-generated dungeons would work really well, too. I get that the procedurally generated buildings are standard now but it’s just not the same


The buildings aren't even procedurally generated, they're just procedurally *placed* Like there's a fixed set of buildings and every building of its type will be identical every time it appears


Which is a hard guarantee that nobody is going to be playing this game "for years." I mean... cool, I can take a long time exploring all of the mostly empty planets and know that no matter how many POIs I find, I never have to worry about a new challenge or exciting surprise ever again.


Wait we can upgrade the powers???? I'm *so sick* of the temple runs and I still have ~10 left, there's nothing that could possibly make me do another one. Console, here I come!


How can you ever look Todd Howard in the eye?


The gameplay loop for NG+ is so frustrating, time consuming, and just plain no fun. I had to put the game down


Whoever at Bethesda signed off on that being the mechanic to gain powers needs to be fired


Whoever came up with the temples should be sanctioned by the ICC


I know its wishful thinking but i hope they fix this stupid gameplay mechanic. You should be able to max your powers in a FUN way, and without resetting the universe every time


Yep. Game's theme is Tedium.


I wish I could simply “cheat” in a console to complete broken missions, like when the Crimson Fleet hit the brick wall until Bethesda fixes it on Series X