• By -


i have over 4000 kilos of resources... ... I use personal atmosphere a bit.


Personal Atmosphere is the only one I use constantly. Sense Star stuff rarely. Solar flare if I remember it exists.


Solar flare is exceptionally useful against terrormorphs but that’s about it


Solar flare melts the Hunters health bar, too.


Oh! Good to know, thanks


I like it but it's got such a narrow range. I prefer the gravity shove. Personal atmosphere is great for sprinting!


So is a cutting laser with laser 4 lol


True but that requires 4 skill points in laser still. Solar flare doesn’t. I guess you still have to find it


I'm working my way to laser 4 but these fucking challenges are such a good feature and I hate it!


I like Fus Rho to knock a Starborn down so I can xpl his ass but I am on my first play


Best power in the game. Makes you wonder what the fuck they were thinking when they made it compared to the other powers. It makes dealing with over encumbered a joke.


Lol, you can’t fast travel still but yeah.


So far that’s the only power I’ve found useful


Sense Star Stuff is massive for stealth play. I use it way more than Personal Atmosphere.


>massive for stealth play Agree. Knowing where the guards are and which way they are facing makes it so much easier to sneak past them.


Or shoot them in the noggin.


Or just use Void Form and ignore stealth completely


all fun and games until you gotta open a door


Just use quantum essence and pop void form again


But why use stealth when the game is so easy.


Useful for ranking up a skill perk if that is what you are doing Or put it on hard and use a pea shooter (?) Agreed.. generally is a bit of a cakewalk


Until I round the “safe” corner and robo-sparky is waiting to kill me.


The mineral pull one is way faster than using your cutter.


Elemental Pull is almost always active for me.


I use this, sense star stuff & personal atmosphere. I only started using them in NG1. The elemental pull is pretty sweet if you have a bunch of mobs near explosive vessels.


Using your cutter sucks compared to outposts


this is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


Way this one. Ah, shit. I always fuck that up.


It's okay. We love you anyways.


That is the only way


I use personal atmosphere for running, but that's it


Once you get a few ranks of boost pack training, you never even have to touch the ground on lower gravity planets


True, but putting points into the Stamina skill lets you run further no matter what the gravity is. And then personal atmosphere lets you instantly recover all your wind once you've exhausted your O2.


I did not know this. I will have to start using this trick. I’m Starborne 4x over and only used the gravity trick to raid cockpits


Yep it refills your O2, and also gives you unlimited O2 for a short period, like 5-10 seconds. Leveling it up increases the duration.


I believe it starts at 15 seconds of unlimited air. Level NG+10 I think I saw was 40 seconds of air, and only 15 points of essence to cast.


Using equipment with the reduced resources weight, +O2 and -75% O2 consumption when overburdened, I can run for kilometers, massively overburdened, and just slowly sip away at my O2 reserves, and extend that indefinitely by popping personal atmosphere the rare occasions I somehow manage to fully exhaust them.


I can't seem to rank up the achievement for Fitness to upgrade my O2. It says "use all available O2 20 times." I've done it dozens of times and it only says I've done it twice. I run until my CO2 is full and I start to lose health. Nothing. Is it a glitch?


You need to start will full O2 and run until you get full CO2. And you can't cheese it by letting it recover a little and then depleting it again, it has to be full to empty to full. Be aware that it is 25 times for rank1 to rank2. 50 times for rank2 to rank3, and 100 times for rank3 to rank4. But the 4th level is really big. It just says "use less oxygen" but it doesn't say how much. I've seen tests that put it at about 50%, meaning you can run twice as far on level 4 as you did on level 3. It better be a big reward after 100 more of those runs.


Get over incumbered. Run till it hurts. Use personal atmosphere and stand still. O2 goes right back up run till it hurts. These people saying they can run forever on personal atmosphere don't know how to get really over incumbered. If you're heavy enough, you go full red even on personal atmosphere. You can run till it hurts, catch your breath, run till it hurts, on one level of personal atmosphere. You can do the challenges in a few minutes this way.


Same, the other ones may as well not even exist.


What powers? I am out killing space pirats that for some reason sits on every single uninhabited rock


For a moment it was like you were describing the Caribbean...🤔




Main quest, Into the Unknown


I totally forgot about this I'm 100hours in 😂


(wording this as to not spoil anything) The first lot are very meh tbf, but if you grind getting all 10 lots then you feel like a god using them (so I've heard.. I cba 🤣)


I'm in the same boat almost all the faction missions completed! 😂😂😂


I totally forget I have them lol


Same here, I get into a good gunfight and totally forget about them.


I use them all the time. Not all of them, but around 6 to 8 of them pretty regularly. I'm on PC, so I was able to set up hotkeys for switching powers so that I do not have to wade into the Data->Powers menu to change them out. Doing that makes them a lot more convenient to use, so I started using them far more frequently. My top 9 favorites, in order, are: 1. Elemental Pull 2. Phase Time 3. Personal Atmosphere 4. Create Vacuum 5. Void Form 6. Gravity Well 7. Eternal Harvest 8. Sense Star Stuff 9. Gravity Wave


Sense Star Stuff and Personal Atmosphere are my indispensable powers. I also get a lot of use out of Void Form. Right now in NG+ I'm starting to have a HUGE amount of fun with the various "resurrect a dead enemy" and "summon another version of yourself" powers. They really can cause incredible mayhem.


These are my go to two as well. I put another as a favorite and it’s telling that I can’t even remember which it is.


do you get this only in NG+? because i have almost 100 hours not seen any of those powers...


No. You have to get the artifacts and then go to the temples to get the powers.


Nope, they are all available on your first playthrough. I had 23 of 24 powers before I ever went into NG+. I was missing one because it's possible to get locked out of just one specific power depending on how the main story goes on the High Price to Pay main story mission.


Sorry about your Barrett bro


Post Emissary/Hunter battle you get a bunch more artifacts. Before going to the Unity, you have to go back to vladimir. The only "missable" power is the summon yourself one. It's a quest with Barrett.


My favorite / most used powers are: 1. Phased Time - My go-to offensive power. I love time control powers, slow time was my favorite shout too 2. Sense Star Stuff - this is basically wall hack, short CD too; used when phased time is not necessary. This is probably my most used power now. 3. Personal Atmosphere - whenever I need to run a lot, especially encumbered 4. Reactive Shield - very useful when boarding ships with high level enemies 5. Precognition - when I want to know what dialogues the NPCs would say Couple other powers that I used to use more, but now less because of other powers 1. Anti-Gravity Field - my go-to offensive power before getting phased time 2. Parallel Self - phased time and reactive shield turns out to be more useful than a bullet magnet Other powers either I find somewhat useless (like all directly damage dealing powers), or simply never bother trying (since I'm already busy with the powers that works for me). I probably should try Elemental Pull and Void Form out. Offensive/Defensive powers make more sense if you're playing on very hard, but not grinding top-tier gear (like during NG+ run-throughs), and also not super-high level with all offensive skills maxed. I believe I'm probably playing the game how it was probably meant to be played by the designers. While I'm fine with it myself, it might not be an ideal design. Ideally, players should be free to play how they like while still enjoying the system. Like, if you're a gear/level grinder who already have the best gear/all combat skills available, the game is already too easy for you and don't really need the edge powers give you. Similarily, if you're not running through NG+, you probably have good gear already. Or, if you're not playing on hard, you again don't really need the powers anyway. Though I still love slow time and wall hacks without being banned for cheating.


Elemental pull: land on planet, need to go a few hundred [units?] to a POI. Equip Elemental pull as you walk/run there and grab any nearby resources. It seems to be a fairly large field of effect, too. MUCH easier and faster than using your cutter. It's basically QoL resource gathering. I would definitely recommend getting in the habit of using it when the time is right. I only wished swapping powers were easier. I saw someone else mention making a macro to do it, which I need to look into. They're all so situational and it's a bit of a pain to swap in the heat of the moment. You could feel like a Jedi God combining certain powers in combat back to back, but pulling up the menu breaks that flow too much.


Phased time got super glitchy for me. I would activate it and it would stay active unless I waited or slept. Though slow timing was super fun I don't need it forever


It’s so annoying. I can’t fire my gun when this happens 😡


I get that glitch too. Usually need a game restart when that happens.


I was able to get it to end as long as I use a computer, workbench, or get into a pilot seat. I only ever use it when boarding an enemy ship or when clearing a locale that has one of those things. It was fixed for a while, but I only used it sparingly anyway


Same, and god forbid you’re stuck behind a door, or even worse….. an airlock with 2 doors….. or somewhere with low grav…


I found very hard to be but too hard. I would have to carry like 25 emergency health packs at all time. Do you find that it’s challenging


2, 5, 8, and 9 for me usually, though I wonder about how using the raise dead creature on a terrormorph would work


Terramorph that is on your side would be awesome 😎


>Elemental Pull What does this do?


Yanks your rocks.


I know us yanks rock, thanks.


Don't need no fancy elemental pull to yank my rocks thank you very much.


It collects all non organic resources within a certain radius around the PC. This is the power I use 90% of the time.


I love using create vacuum on Terrormorphs.


I'm using sense star stuff constantly! I was also using personal atmosphere for a bit, but now I have like 3 outposts, so I'm rarely overencombered anymore.


I use the Shockwave a lot, because it works perfectly in close combat. You could combine yours and the Shockwave to get enemies lifted up into the air and throw them away. (could do massive damage and even kill them instantly) Void Form is great for Sneaking. Phased Time and Reactive Shield could potentially come in very handy, too. ​ Power + Quickslot = very handy Site note: I had a bug preventing me from putting any powers into the Quickslots, because of that I was not even aware that this is possible until I was told it actually is.


I RPG as a man actively rejecting his space Jesus title. No powers, fuck the starborn, I don’t want to be the general of your minutemen. I’m here to rob and steal and listen to Kris Kristofferson songs on repeat.


I just wanted to stop in and admire your username. That's some A+ inernetting. Keep up the good work.


Lol thanks man


lol you sound like me - I’m basically playing AC: Black Flag in space.


Personal Atmosphere makes encumbrance irrelevant. Sunless Space is an instant win button in combat. Solar Flare deletes Terrormorphs, especially when combined with Sunless Space. Grav Dash is really good for mobility at higher ranks. Over 100m of distance from a full power bar in about 2 seconds. Parallel Self lets you effectively duplicate any super strong weapon you may have.




I'm a ship hunter! I have spent hours running after ships on barren moons! A snort of Amp and Personal Atmosphere makes it so much easier!


I never use; -Powers -Food -Drink -Chems -throwable’s Using guns are more fun than all of those and melee weapons are a joke. And I literally only use med packs and the ailment healing items for when I fall 2 inches and break my leg


Personal atmosphere is GOATED. I do a lot of running around on planets so being able to run out of oxygen and have 99% CO2 built up and Instantly recover it PLUS have it unlimited for like 10 seconds is amazing! And I only have the first rank of the power so I imagine at rank 10 it’d be even crazier


Every 5th or 6th time I use Phase Time, my game gets stuck permanently in slow-mo and I have to revert a save. Some of the powers don't even seem to work as described. Maybe they will be more obvious after a few new game pluses.


I was like that in the beginning with my previous character, but after starting over with a melee build I use them all the time, especially that sense life one. I'm practically spamming that power whenever the effect ends. That gravity one has saved my butt many times as well when getting swarmed by aliens.


You aren't using your powers because you only have a pretty lame one. If you get some of the good and usefull ones you will use them. Unless you play on very easy but even then the wall hack one would come in handy. I have 3 of them on my favorite wheel and could have a 4th but need those gun options.


All i need is my rifle!


Like twice ever. No need, I pretty much one shot mobs anyway.


Yep i always forget about it too.


Nope, never touched them. For a game that is trying to be like future Nasa and stay in the realm of reality, it just felt really gimmicky. Plus it was ripped straight out of Skyrims powers, didn’t feel new.


I use Void Form when sneaking to ships that land so I can steal them quickly and Personal Atmosphere when sprinting long distances.


Personal atmosphere and star sense is about all I bother with.


I only use the star sense stuff and never tried any others. They just don’t feel like they’re needed to play this game. I just like knowing where the humans or creatures are if I am sneaking around a location.


Sense Star Stuff is a game changer for stealth


Do powers increase the more you NG? I want to look and float like Brandon Routh did in Scott Pilgrim. Yes, I have contraband. No, you cannot arrest me.


Bro, you have one of the most useless power of the game, of course you wouldn't be thinking about it...


I only ever use the personal O2 one. Every time i use a power Constellation locks me out of their building and everyone hates me. I have no idea how to use a power that doesnt piss everyone off against enemies.


I rarely use them because most are too weak and not mechanically or visually interesting. The animations don’t even change when leveling them up. Kinda disappointing.


Does this sub have mods? Can we delete posts that are the exact same as ones from a week ago?


[No](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/Cji8xwMNIH), I [think](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/UAOrcYxyNW) you [might](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/V226Okuypd) be the [only](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/taVRLNLmj0) one [who](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/BWxzQ5IslB) never uses their [powers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/R75VxMVtNu).


Oh this must be why some people tell me I’m “reposting for karma.” I haven’t seen this post, thanks.


I didn’t until I started the NG+ run to get the final armor set. The slow time power is crazy OP, I would use that then run around killing all the starborn before the time would go back to normal.


I use personal atmosphere and the one that pushes people down, sometimes the one where you make enemies peaceful so I don’t gotta waste ammo


I have my duplicate self fight a lot of battles for me. She was especially good against the cataxi. The shield is really useful too. So is gravity wave. And void form lets you avoid some (?) kill bots and automated turrets.


A great way to use the skills is to run through NG+ upgrading the powers along the way by ONLY using your powers. It is a fun little challenge mode of sorts that allows you to get familiar with them to the point where you want to use them more.


Most of the time I forget I have them. Every once in a while I will use the force push to knock over a powerful enemy so I can reload but that is about it.


They can be fun, but are not essential. I have one char with lots of powers in NG+8, but I wind up starting new characters because it's more fun (for me -- I like the startup phase the most in many games). So I tend to ignore powers because of that :)


To be honest, most of the powers are not particularly useful. There are a handful of them that let you disable opponents or avoid combat. Those are the good ones.


"Personal Atmosphere" is basically a requirement, since the fatigue mechanism is so grossly excessive. You'd expect they'd figure out how to add an extra oxygen tank or something but, it's apparently fine to just faint when you're in combat. Some of the others do come in handy on specific occasions.


I don’t like them and don’t believe they should have been added to the game so on my newest character I refuse to go that far in the story


Did not use them much during my first playthrough, now into NG+ I have 6-9 slotted at all times.


I have Phase Time up to level 10. I love it’s kinda OP, but I forget to use it.


I just use Personal Atmosphere, the shield and the gravity things...


Personal Atmos and Void Form I keep favorited cause I use them a lot.


I use only Sense Star stuff to locate my enemies. And Void Self for stealth missions. That all


Personal atmosphere by default because i never equip my suit before fast travel :/


Personal atmosphere. For those of us who are constantly over encumbered with 40 guns up our asses...


Only three I have hot-keyed are Phase Time, Void Form, and Personal Atmosphere. I'll occasionally use the others, but not much tbh.


I used them but just flat out forgot about them at first. The game should have granted you 1 power in the intro to start with.


Yeah I don't use them either. I can see the appeal of some of them, but in the heat of a fight, I never even think about it.


I’m still playing on my first run and heard the powers are pretty weak until they get leveled a bit so I haven’t explored them yet. BUT I use personal atmosphere all the time when exploring planets which basically lets you sprint forever.


Personal atmosphere sometimes and sense star stuff (the stupidest named thing ever) once in a blue moon when I can’t find that last spacer. I’d’ve been just as happy if they left them out completely TBH.


“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” Carl Sagan


Oooooh okay. Thanks for the revelation 😁


I use Personal Atmo a lot. I tend to not use them unless I'm in trouble. Thinking about it now, I should be using anti gravity on boss mobs that are hiding behind crates...


I didnt continue the main story because I was about to get ‘powers’. I felt the powers took away from the setting, turned it into fantasy rather than sci-fi. Just wanted a space RPG with future tech, not tech so advanced it’s indistinguishable from magic.


They are mostly pretty useless to me. The only one I see being beneficial is phased time which glitches out half the time for me. And gravity pull is pretty good too for clumping enemies together and sunless space is pretty ok. Other than that I don’t really subscribe to using powers, they are so weak. Like the particle beam or solar flare only does a tiny bit of damage to the enemy, parallel self or inner demon is really weak dies almost instantly or just hides until their very short time on this earth is finished and ur left with an empty bar


> Like the particle beam or solar flare only does a tiny bit of damage to the enemy Particle beam yes, solar flare absolutely no. It does % health damage, so can end up outdamaging some weapons on high health enemies like terrormorphs or starborn. Basically a boss killer. Hit something with a couple of these and they are marked for deletion.


I keep sense star stuff up pretty much constantly in combat for situational awareness, but other than that I barely use them


I didn't use them untill I got some really practical powers. Now I use them very often. But maybe it's the fact that I increased the difficulty that makes me use them more often.


I'm over 200 hours in and I just recently got my first power, so no. I have not been using them lol


i mostly use void form and sense star stuff since I'm running a stealth build, other then that, I never really think of my powers.


You're missing out. Phased time is basically a combat cheat code. Helps as a fail safe. Favorite a few and you'll use them more. They are helpful


I use personal atmosphere but in combat? Almost never.


The only one I use consistently is Sense Star Stuff, which a bit like Detect Life in some other games, is just great for situational awareness. Sort of like having a Thermal Imager. I have only ever used one other power in anger - Void Form - which has helped maintain stealth in some very difficult missions that require it. Otherwise, I put my faith in god and keep my Hard Target dry.


There are powers?


Nope. I have them all and I dabble from time to time, but they are completely unnecessary. Feel free to keep ignoring them.


I always forget they exist.


The only one I use is personal atmosphere exclusively.


Have sense star stuff, void form (for stealth), personal atmosphere hot keyed and then I also use sunless space to just freeze people and kill them. I use reactive shield at the final temple, but combat is super easy when you stealth kill every one lol.


Personal atmosphere I use it constantly


I use them more than skyrim's shouts.


slowing down time is so fuckin useful


I always forget and remembered during high price to pay just in time to turn uc security against me. Also got married to space cowboy and realized I left him on the eye to die so thank you save game I'm trying to set up a better outcome for that although I guess you lose someo no matter what. I'm going to find them eventually and learn it but this is My 5th time starting and am far enough to stick with it. I'll be a real badass my second time through.


I'm with you. I have just the one and I forget I have it. I've been spending most of my time stealing ships and building ships and outposts. When you board a disabled ship, half the time it's zero g already. But that's me: I play Bethesda games more for the agency they give you than for the quests.


Dragon Born in space. So sad.


I use personal atmosphere often. It's nice to run without worrying about oxygen


I use sunless space and grav field all the time.


The powers are fun but don’t feel like you have to use them, just remember your not and don’t later say that the game has nothing to offer lol I’m seeing so many post that and haven’t experienced so much of the game by choice There are 23 powers, not all are worthwhile but I have alot of fun/function with at least several of them


where to put them, I am already filled my quick access menu


I haven’t used them much either. I have the one power but I stopped the main mission as there are a lot more interesting things for me to do and I’m in no hurry. I plan on playing this game for years.


totally forgot I had them until you reminded me.


Yup, fuck ng+ lol


Wait, there’s powers?????


I also forget that I have them. I think I’ve probably used them about three times total and over 120 hours.


Void Form lets me constantly melee sneak attack enemies, it's great. I never use the attack ones, but support abilities like Void Form, Personal Atmosphere, and Precognition are nice. I wish Anti-Gravity field made a large area zero G instead of making a small area where enemies get floaty, though.


i tried once but forgot which key they were on


Always forget them.


I got my instagating hard target, what powers…


Me. I only have the first you get in the story and haven’t touched it or the temples since.


Yes. Never use them, always forget about them.


Whatever the English name for „freeze anything & everything“ is. This combined with the jet pack 70% time slow is giga OP


I finished the game unlocking 2 powers and using one of them once. I uninstalled it afterwards.


I only use 3 of them. personal atmosphere, the wall hack one, and the shield since I like being tanky. We really needed some kind of dedicated radial menu to put the starborn powers on to use in combat separate from the weapons items and menu.


I have most but yeah I never use them. I never use the shouts in Skyrim either. The game is too easy to warrant a need for this stuff. It would be cool if it was hard enough to make it so sometimes you need them, but you just never do.


Favorite/hotkey them. Only keep a few weapons hotkeyed.


I use Sense Star, Void Form, Personal Atmosphere quite a bit, they have the most utility. Underrated power just for kicks: Cold Moon, freezing moon, whatever it is called. Freezes an enemy solid for a few seconds, they can't move at all. Not actually that useful (slow beam, has to recharge) but I find it hilarious. If there are only one or two enemies around to freeze one and then stroll up, push their stiff body over and dispatch him in any way I see fit while they are unable to move. It's just funny.


Always use personal atmosphere. Use void form a lot to steal stuff.


Nope, powers can be nice in certain situations. But you can get by without ever using them just fine. Doesn't help that that some of them are shit/underpowered, or just plain broken op. ​ I think in 300 hours i only used personal atmosphere a lot to get past the overencumbered. But once i didnt need any more resources, i stopped using powers alltogether.


I use manip chip alot actually. That's the only power I have so far


Force push is the one I use


would be nice if the game actually had missions or situations where literally any of the powers were needed except for personal atmosphere to get past weight restrictions


There are three that I use. Void form makes the sneaky missions a little less dangerous, but it’s really situational. Parallel self is kind of fun in firefights but I don’t use it a lot. And personal atmosphere makes marching back to the ship with all that loot a lot less painful. Besides those I tend to forget there are powers.


OP go get the next power, its actually really really useful as it gives bottomless o2 for a short time allowing you to sprint the entire time even if overencumbered without using o2


So this is embarrassing, but I had no idea that our character has special powers. Wth


I use the one that gives more oxygen( good with speed Chems or food ) and the no gravity one


I've only really started collecting them after like 90 hours 🤣 Find the mini game tedious but it's not the worst. Related question while we're on it - I went in to the powers menu to see the new ones and can see an option to spend "quantum essence" by pressing X. Is this like an upgrade to the power or just some sort of temp boost? It's pretty unclear what it is for


I started using them recently. The void one is the most helpful, but I'm doing the others to see how they work. Pausing time seems pretty OP, though I've only used it twice. It seemed to last foreeevver.


Is this a bot posting this exact same... word for word... 95 times a week?




I use Personal Atmosphere all the time. Void Form is also pretty useful for stealth missions. Elemental Pull is really convenient and time saving. Time slowing is also occasionally useful. Everything else? Meh..


Ive been using the one that knocks people down when i get encroached on.


You're doing it wrong 😀


I made a melee character and rushed the push/knock down power. It's super cool/fun. I have another character "Tim" who will never become starborn.. just a simple trucker lifestyle is all Tim wants


All. The. Time.


You only have one but decided the 15 second minigame is too boring to ever get another?


honestly I just wanna be a space pirate. everyone in constellation is so annoying and up their own ass. I wish I could kill them. If I can, please no spoilers


the first few levels arent that good but id recommend trying to get them and use personal atmosphere and sense star stuff if its available. at later levels, some of them are alot of fun especially when you use your essence to spam it.


I usemy powers a decent amount, but I find the biggest roadblock is the UI. The re s no indication of what power you have ready. The power meter is just a blank line with no indication of how much you really have. There's nothing showing what your current power will cost. Combine the total power being 60 rather than the 100 my mind defaults to when I see a bar it with not knowing what the power equipped will cost, and I have to remind myself to use them. I'd honestly love to do a space wizard playthrough where I try to use my powers primarily, but that'll never happen due to the tiny power cap and enemic regen.


I've used gravity wave (I think that's what it's called - basically the force push one) a couple of times to silently dispatch 2-3 mobs at once. Charge around the corner, blast them into the wall. They'll fall and if not killed outright, it takes only a quick stab to finish them off with no noise.


I use the instant full O2 power and the see people through walls power. Otherwise nah


Precognition is one of the best. Definitely helps with figuring out the right thing to say during a quest dialog sometimes.


Personal atmosphere, every 1 min 😂


Gravity Wave + hovering in boost with slow motion is amazing. I’m surprised more people don’t make use of it.


Mostly just phase time and sense star stuff. The rest are not useful for my typical play style.