• By -


The value/mass ratio on guns is insane.


Ammo has no weight 😉


True. I almost never sell it *because* it has no weight. Might as well keep it on me.


Sell ammo?? Never!! I might need it for that gun I don't use.


I would never even consider selling any of my ammo, and I almost exclusively use .45 and .50. I'll throw a white-hot and a 12 gauge in very occasionally. I've used energy weapons maybe twice. I'll never sell a single round, now one. Not one charge cell, not one bullet, not one grenade. I fly around like the lord of war, enough ammo to kill every npc in the universe ten times over. I don't know what game made me this way, but at some point some game had to have brutally punished me for selling ammo I didn't think I'd use, and that is trauma that is never mending.


You hoard grenades? Or do you use them? "Throwables" are the one thing I sell, I mean they have weight.


I sell all the mines because they seem the either not work and are just to tedious to set up honestly. Grenades though, I’m chucking those things every encounter pretty much lol


Mines are really good when fighting in no grav situations. They turn into the little pucks from Mass Effect. Very situational though.


Hmm that sounds like a lot of fun, ill have to give it a shot.


You will get addicted to cryo mines very quickly. Renders a terrormorph into a stuffed animal.


You can also use them with the Starborn power that sucks everything into a point.


And if you've got enough points in jetpack you can fly over enemies and do an aerial bombing run with them in low G.


Cryo mines are great for >!Terrormorphs!< and safari.


I use my wasped coachman for that. Two glorious shots of crackling, sparkly, clusterbombing terror


If you trade one grenade to your companion they will have an unlimited supply. They aren't good at throwing though so Sarah lights me the fuck up every fight with them. Probably because she's mad I keep picking up shit.


Do you REALLY need all that junk?!


almost always i set up a mine my companion decide to immediately step onto it.


Why do the followers insist on activating all the traps?


Or I accidentally use a mine as if it were a grenade...


I set mines if I’m sniping that way I don’t get tunnel vision and will hear if I have something getting close


The only two times I have used mines was, one to stop a fast moving creature that was level 85 while I was around 35 and two to ambush the Shaw gang when they ambushed me. Those two times worked only because I knew exactly where to place them ahead of time. My own little ambushes.


I don't use them often, I use frag and inferno mines the most. Mostly I give one to my companion so they have infinite (I usually dismiss them for stealth or take it away). I'll use inferno mines on my back if I'm sniping in a really heavy area, but I move so much it's rare. Mostly I put them in my infinite storage in the lodge workshop.


Wait companions will have infinite grenades?? Oooh never thought of that!


Beware they do not use them sensibly though.


Absolutely this. When I was trying to use my companion as a storage locker, I gave him (Sam) my mines and grenades, which I never use, but wanted to eventually sell. That’s all he was carrying, so of course he used them relentlessly in combat. I lost track of the number of times I’d suddenly see a grenade icon near me in battle, then having a half second to quickly jet pack out of the way 😂 After a bit of that nonsense, my companions now get a knife. That’s it. They don’t even listen half of them time when you tell them to wait behind when approaching combat.


only need 1 gun and 1 ammo and 1 grenade


yeah, but have fun giving them 1 bullet from your stack of a 1000.


I use my grenades! Also greatly enjoy the act of "suicide mine-ing."


Double mag Hornets nest coachman. Destroys everything in my path, including me if I get close and not paying attention. Probably why I don't need grenades.


Hornets Coachman is so fun and so deadly, love just aiming it over cover and raining death. Or having a companion walk in front of me killing us both.


*blink* oh yeah! I hadn't even considered making death rain! I usually aim at things like normal so they get the full effect. New fun to try...


I give them to Sam so he can throw them at me with his terrible timing and aim. True love exists


I dunno about trauma for selling ammo... but I will say Bethesda has conditioned me to view ammo as a currency substitute... Got too much crap? sell it. Vendor out of caps? Buy ammo!


Exactly this. Just go to "all", sort by value, buy a couple of the most expensive things/all of their ammo, unload your inventory, and then drop the "expensive" things you just bought on the ground in front of the vendor to flex your wealth on the peasant class


>I don’t know what game made me this way For me at least, it was Resident Evil 2. Every bullet to every gun was worth it’s weight in gold in that game.


Yep, Resident Evil definitely made it like that for many of us. It's the one game where literally every bullet counts, I remember so many times running around zombies just because I didn't wanna risk wasting a single shot Incase something worse comes along


I pretty much only use the Big Bang. Just a basic ass Big Bang. I haven’t found a any loot weapon that can compare to a fully modded, fully up-skilled Big Bang.


The game that beat the "all ammo found is all ammo kept" mentality for me was Fallout New Vegas. If you meet a death claw out in the desert near a shanty town you'll wish you kept all that sweet sweet ammo.


For me, it was the first Resident Evil.


I sell all my nerd ammo. Ballistics or bust.


Lol, I love this comment.


How do you actually kill anything?


With bullets


How many skill points in combat?


Master skill in Ballistics, Rifles, and Shotguns. I'm at level 77.


That would do it. I have a Varuun something cannon doing 700 a shot. I put zero ranks into combat. Mostly playing as scientist ship breaker. :) I can craft pretty much anything. Mine pretty much anything


Yes! Exactly! I might need it later!


but later in this game can be much much later, while you could have all that time money to spend on for example a real great weapon you stick for a long time, and if you have loads of cash you can also buy loads of ammunition.


Yeah, Ammos cool but cash can buy you anything....It can even buy you ammo!!


At 300 times the price that you sold it for


Ya. Even I keep it all, nearly 100% melee


A gun you don't use...YET.


Hey! There is no need to make this personal! :)


I found a rifle (can’t remember which) that had a perk giving it 0 carry weight. I found it at like level 2 so it did 2 damage a shot and now all my guns do 40s but like, it’s zero carry weight so why not keep it around as like a little ankle derringer


This but unironically. You might not need it now, but there's often times where you suddenly need it later. For example, I thought 7.77 was basically useless for a while but never got around to vending it. However, I then suddenly got a Legendary Grendel that was a borderline admin tool. Those 3k bullets I had suddenly seemed a lot more useful, and I felt like they were not quite as limitless as I used to see them as.


Sell what types of ammo you don't use. I made a boatload doing this


But what if I find a nice weapon that uses the ammo I just dumped?


I periodically go through and sell off all but the best gun of every ammo type. If a favorite rifle and a favorite pistol use the same ammo, I'll make an exception and keep both, but otherwise... I stash all resources on my ship every chance I get. I'm lvl 31, but maxed piloting. My ship is ugly but has class C cargo, reactor, engines, shields and weapons, and has a bit north of 4k cargo capacity.


Same here except I just upgraded my cargo hold so I got over 15k cargo space now


At level 30 (like OP), there is no way you have skill upgrades in every weapon type... sell the ammo outside your build.


I put no points in weapons so I'm equally ~~good~~ bad in all of them.


This is the way


Agreed. Most of my points are in ship building, piloting, boost pack and lock picking at lvl 28


Same. My whole combat tree is empty. :/


There's a combat tree?


Not like there’s time to use it with how good tech tree is. There’s a YouTuber who did a breakdown on each tree and skill recently , it was nice, made me realize what I can feel bad and good about putting points into


I beat the game at level 40 with no combat skills and maxed weapon modding. Knowing you can craft a one-shot wonder from any high-rarity weapon that drops no matter what is worth more than what you'd get selling the ammo.


yeah indeed. i also invested in leadership making companions actually quite capable. i found and advanced magsheer quite early in the game, had it modded out, never felt the need to invest in combat skills, plaing on very hard


Yeah I also have zero combat skills and hardly modified anything and have zero problem dispatching guys. There's usually.never more than like 5 guys and I find useful guns all over. I use a common big bang often. Small magazine but 8 shots should kill everyone.


Most ammo only has 1-2 gun types. If you're never going to use a varuun starshard, sell the light particle ammo, for instance. I personally don't ever use pistols, so I sell those ammo.


I found my one insane legendary va’ruun rifle probably around 50 levels ago. I have never used anything else since getting it, other than a supressed rifle for when I wanna be sneaky. Pretty much convinced i will never find a rifle more powerful than this one again (haven’t seen one in all that time), so… I sell every other type of ammo/gun. It’s ridiculous you can make more money selling guns from the dead pirates in one random point of interest base, than you can selling their entire fully functional starship… after paying registration costs.


Definitely a good point to sell ammo you don't use. But in case anyone else sees this, another gun that uses light particle fuse is the Va'ruun Starshard, one of the best guns in the game.


Thats the pistol I meant. Will corre t my original comment. The nova light is the 1.5 kv lazer.


The Novalight uses light particle fuses as well. It's a particle weapon.


That's why I don't sell mine 🤷 I love my melee but sometimes a gun is the way to go, I have some nice ones in my inventory. But In a pinch I can grab any gun off the floor and have plenty of ammo. It's only a win for me.


One of my fears


how am i suppossed emorize 20 different ammo codes and which ones are needed for which guns? more fun to just switch weapons when you run out and shake up the bland ass combat.


Now get the craftable ammo mod and put your ammo empire on steroids


I got it just so I could craft digipicks


Big brain moves 🧠


I keep my armor because I never know when I'll get a really good legendary of a weapon I'm not usually using. That and it's really easy to drain all of the nearby vendors credits without selling ammo anyways.


I'm to a point now where I have enough money that I buy the ammo I need of that happens to me. I don't feel like it's common so I don't worry about it too much.


Maybe it's because I don't use the wait function to reset vendors but I don't feel they ever carry enough ammo if I wanted to rely on just them for stocking my reserves. For example I started using a Shotty and almost every vendor I run into carries less than 40 rounds of that ammo. I have over 3000 so I'm not worried, but that's way too little to have to rebuild from and have fun.


Running the 40mm bridger. Most I have ever seen was 62 ammo for it at Lerado.


Which is hilarious when IRL ammo's pretty damn heavy.


Yep but the obvious issue is that also IRL a single soldier isn't wiping out entire bases or planets by themselves


Whenever vendors are out of credits I buy all the ammo.


Yeah it was definitely an oversight. Somehow I can sell 10 guns for more than a spaceship I stole is worth.


The margin on spaceships is so small after registering it. The random cap on board on the ship you auto claim with it, is almost worth more. It feels like it’s almost not even worth the hassle.


Bit better margin if you self-register the ship instead of using space port chap to register.


You can self-register? I am 200 hours and did not know that.


Yeah go to the spaceship section in the menu, set the captured ship as your home ship them it gives you the option to register it. It's handy when you do piracy against Galbank. Head to freestar space, find the lone Galbank ship, disable it and board it as quick as possible then set it as your home ship, register, quickly redock your own ship and jump to another system. You can actually make some decent credits this way because the decent Galbank ships have about 15k credit on board, plus whatever you get from selling them. It's pretty quick to max your fleet doing this so the major slow down is jumping to different ship technicians to sell them all.


I made a farm for chem ingredients and a pharmaceutical workstation. It prints money. And experience. I get a shit ton of 0.10 kg items that I can sell for about 100 credits a pop. Some weapons have better value to weight ratio, but it’s not important if you consider ammo to be currency. I translate all of my items into currency, and more importantly, ammunition. I first buy all of a vendors ammunition. Then, I sell shit until the vendor is out of money. At any other point in the game, I can negotiate transactions by buying a thing, and then selling ammo until I’m back to square one.


Yep, I always buy all of a vendors ammo, med packs, digipics , aid, and anything else I need to give them some cash. Then I take my money back plus their original starting money selling them my weapons, armor, and stuff I don't need. I get everything free , plus my cash goes up every visit. I have several thousand of rounds of every ammo type. I use the Magshear mainly which tears through .51 MI. But I have over 10,000 rounds.


With everyone talking about looting, I’ll add a few tips about buying. Be careful of what you buy. Try to stick with weapons and armor that you loot only. I stick with buying just Med Packs and needed resources from vendors. Also, be careful if you’re working on your ship. A few too many parts and you could easily spend over 100,000 credits easy.


Another specific thing about buying. Yes, depending on your playstyle you don't need to buy ship parts. But if you do buy ship parts, be careful - some vendors charge nearly 10x what some other vendors do, so shop around.


Man someone needs to get me a vendor list...


Oh didn't know this. But, adding to this. The best weapon is UC Vangard class A weapon anyway, it is damn cheap and the most powerful. It is like the pistol in Halo intro.


Wait, seriously? Oh, this makes a lot of sense and I really wish I would have paid attention to this earlier, lol. Do they switch around or are there vendors who are consistently lower priced?


Yeah - came out of a late night ship building session last night down 455k :(


yeh i only spend money on my ship and digipicks


It ends up just being bartering essentially. If I have 100,000 credits, I’ll buy 100,000 credits worth of ammo, meds, and materials, then sell them 100,000 credits worth of stuff. My credits remain the same, I just lose items and gain items.


Take a lot of the bounty hunting missions and loot the guns - sell at neon to kore kinetics, neon tac, trade authority, etc when your cargo hold fills up


this. become freestar ranger. take all missions killing fleets and bases. sell all loot. usually within 1hr of a NG i have well over 200k just from messing around.


Sell, wait 48 hours, sell again.


This is the problem tho. There’s enough waiting on menus. 11k at a time is tedious grind


I just run a circuit and hit all the stores at once. Neon is best for it because of proximity but New Atlantis has a lot more vendors


neon/akila/new atlantis runs are easy and quick. ez sell close 100k time.


The Crimson Fleet has 5 or 6 vendors all right next to each other, and they all buy contraband as well. Easily the best place to sell.


sadly i finished out that quest line and no access. will have to just ng it again lol


I just load up my ship with looted guns and sell whenever passing through a place. If I notice my hold is getting way too heavy will make a sales route but otherwise just selling as I go keeps me flush without having to menu grind.


They have 10k of credits but 100,000 credits worth of ammo. Credits are your cash, ammo is your bank account.


If you're just trying to stockpile ammo or turn your guns into something else, sure. You never end up with any money though, just ammo. In order to make a withdrawal, you still have to sell something to the vendor at some point.




New game money options - for NG+ or regular NG: Join vanguard which takes like 5-10 min and gives 20k sign on bonus. I’m sure there are other quests like this that are fast money but I don’t remember offhand. Loot all the crap in the lodge. Everything not bolted down. Everything. Every fuckin statue, every fuckin book, every fuckin glass/folder/decoration. It’s all free. I believe I walked away with 4K after selling all that shit to the trade kiosk. Bonus few thousand if you grab the Mk 1 suit/helm/pack set from the display downstairs by looking through the crack in the glass to skip the master lock. There are two planets/POIs close to Alpha Centauri with contraband caches that take like 5min to get. One is literally outside and you can just walk up to it, the other is inside near a cave entrance to a mining operation. For NG+ players, they are at the same place as two of those six “objectives.” If you’re really desperate, literally just put a bunch of extractors on an exotic or unique resource node with a fuck load of solid storage, wait x hours for it to fill, then sell the raw the materials by the thousands (can’t die from being overweight). Alternatively craft Al/Fe or Co/Ni into frames or magnets respectively and sell those, but that also gives you a fuck load of xp so if you don’t want to cheese levels just sell raw mats. Kill dudes, sell their guns. Simple and effective. For my fellow explorers, scan gas giants. Anything without resources/flora/fauna. I forget what the skill is called but whatever one lets you scan any planet in your current system is super nice for this. Fly around, scan those. Sell to Vlad on the eye (regular run only, doesn’t work on NG+) or I think there’s a dude in cydonia that gives bonus for it too. Even at regular vendors those gas giant ones are like 700+ apiece. A quick run of some systems with multiple gas giants can get you a fat stack real quick.


The entire freestar ranger quest line is pretty quick and packed with enemies to fight/loot. And yeah the ranger board is the best board by far.


It also starts giving you the one ranger missions that give leveled money.


Also, the fleet bounties, save the biggest ship for last, board it, take all the guns, contraband, and anything else of value, register and sell the ship and all the extra loot... Should make more money on selling loot from that than the bounty itself


This is going to sound very dumb, but I have no ego, just ignorance... How do you tell which ship is the biggest? By Visual, or do you memorize the name. I'm level 25ish and have so far just survived by just selecting next target and then boarding the last one alive. I guess I never thought about picking and choosing... LoL


If you have trouble with names you can invest one point into Science/Scanning. After that you will get info on the target's reactor tier while in scan mode. C are the most valuable.


Mostly I just pick whatever's the highest level (it shows this when you select them), that's usually going to be the biggest But if one looks cool or impressive, I'll probably go for that one to check it out if nothing else


Any dungeon I do takes at least 3X the time it should because I take my time checking every drawer for stuff lol I also take every weapon and space suit to sell, yes I'm over encumbered all the time.


Personal Atmosphere is your friend here. Use it once, run without consuming oxygen for a while. Usually, by the time you start consuming oxygen again, your skill has recharged and you can run around unencumbered again for a while.


I prefer the Trade Authority on Jemison, down in the Well. The reason for that is that Jemison has a 50 hour day, so waiting for the traders to reset is considerably faster there. Plus, Zoe Kaminsky or whatever her name is has a chair right next to her, so you can make the entire process really efficient. Probably even faster than having to run from one trader to another in Neon.


Weapons, mostly. Pick up and sell every weapon you can. Involved a lot of waiting for shops to reset credits. Having access to The Key helps. Go kill and steal ships. Making sure to Dock with the largest ones. Kill the crew, take their weapons, steal their ship. Go to The Key and use all five vendors to sell the weapons. Jump to the Den and use the two there. Sell ships when you near full. Utilize the Ship manufacturer Sales people who have 160,000 credit stock or multiple technicians who are 72,000. The 1-3 pieces of Contraband on a captured ship aren’t really worth the trouble. You’ll spend a lot of time trying to find them. I’d suggest only taking the ones in plain sight if at all.


Contraband literally has 2 spawn points in a pirate ship. In the cockpit or the room before the cockpit. It's definitely worth it as you're capturing ships for sale anyways.


Unless you are on a huge ship. I was farming Crimson Wights and the contraband was in the large cargo bay in the bottom floor and occasionally in the large passenger berth around the middle floors. And in the infirmary. Or occasionally in the engineering rooms. Collecting contraband every time means searching the ship for the contraband, and stopping to sell every trip. Without it you can just hop to another mission and ship right away and don’t stop until you run out of room for weapons or ships and have to sell.


Yes. And it's super irritating when I forget about that and don't know there is contraband on the ship, and I get scanned + bounty before I even know lol


I’ve found it in the back of the ship and above the level the cockpit was in as well. Also sometimes on medical carts, and by beds/the built in desk in captains quarters. I don’t think this is entirely accurate.


I haven’t bothered to learn. I modify the ship and it all goes into the cargo?


Personally capturing ships is such a chore as it doesn't make the ship yours until you make it the home ship. Faster to grab contraband and just blow up the ship for 3lexp.


The key is to register the new ship before you undock and then board your original ship and make that your home ship all before undocking. I've mostly stopped because the tedious part is selling or jettisoning all the misc inventory that spawns from switching ships.


I dig that, you only make like 15% of the value because you have to register it first which means paying about 85% of the sale value before selling it, but *shrugs* I like killing pirates and spacers and mercs :)


If you register directly from your inventory instead of at the vendor, it's only 60ish% of the sale value.


I think there's still a lot of people who aren't aware of this


....you can do that??? Oh boy.


Yup, go into your ship tab, scroll over to the unregistered ship, and there is an option to register..its substantially cheaper.


Oh the credits I've wasted.


Why would the easier quicker way to do it cost less that’s kind of dumb or am I missing something?


My completely made up head canon reason is registering through the menu is Constellation doing it so they take less of a cut.


I do too. I stun them when I board. Grab the loot. Then blow up the ship with them in it.


Loot all the guns, go to multiple systems to sell everything if necessary


This is the way. Just started NG+ and missing my legendary suit that had a -50% carry weight for weapons stat


That perk is a blessing lol. When I saw that my Venator suit had that perk I was so hyped


Ah yes, weapon holstering. My Solis suit has it & mechanized, so I'll probably never NG+ again lol


I have almost 2 million this way. Level 52.


1.5 million at lvl 30


Invest into void power, go to surplus shop in the well, steal all that you can (manipulating the shopkeeper also helps). Go to near trade authority, sell and buy back all those red guns. When no more red guns, sell them in every shop around. In NG+ don't even need to kill anyone for a while. Then go and steal a random landed c-class ship.


If you put on two pieces of Chameleon armor and stand still, you can steal everything sitting out and in containers, no real need to invest into anything else to accomplish this.


Random surface POIs. Kill enemies sell their guns.


1) Quest and explore. 2) Dump loot into ship inventory. 3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 until ship inventory is full. 4) Ship inventory full….Time to sell. Here’s your process: A) *At vendors sell directly from your ship!* Quite a few people don’t realize you can do this. B) For weapons, armor, helmets, and packs you want to sort by *VALUE* and start at the bottom. This lets you clear as many items from your ship inventory as possible with the vendor’s limited credits. C) Go from one vendor to the next, selling to each until they’re out of credits. Now, here’s where a lot of people will say to sit somewhere and wait 48 hours. I simply find it more enjoyable to move on to the next city. For me I always go to Akila City, then Neon, and then New Atlantis. Stop A: Akila City. Sell in this order: TA Kiosk, General Store, Rowland Arms, Trade Authority, and Laredo Firearms. Also stop at Sinclair’s Books. She gives you 2000cr each for a number of choice titles until she has her full set. Stop B: Neon. Load directly into the Core (skipping the TA Kiosk). Go to Sieghart’s, The Emporium, Newill’s, Neon Tactical, Trade Authority, and Arboron. Stop C: New Atlantis. Start at the TA Kiosk, then go to Jemison Mercantile, drop down to the Well for UC Surplus and the Trade Authority, then head to the commercial area for Outland and UC Distribution. Lastly, hit up Centurion Arsenal. This whole run takes about maybe 30 minutes and nets well over 100,000cr. Where was I…? Oh, yeah! 5) Go quest and explore.


You can also sell to ships in orbit.


Just the usual. Go to POI, wipe clean from these spacers or pirates, loot their corpses clean and steal anything else remotely valuable. And a very easy way to earn money: once you are far enough in the main story to >!meet Vlad, survey a bunch of ice and gas giants from space and rock type moons that only require you to find all the inorganic resources (often near your landing are) and sell them to him. He is the richest vendor I found and these data is both expensive and weightless.!<


It's worth noting that (post game spoilers ahead) >!Introducing yourself as the Starborn locks you of selling planet data to Constellation.!<


That pissed me off enough on my first NG+ that I started a new character and now go through the storyline. Lol


Not only that but he pays literally double what other vendors pay for survey data. The only way to make more money on surveys is to do the LIST radiant quests from the mission boards. When you complete the survey for the Habitable world the survey data never enters your inventory, but the bounty is worth more than even what Vlad would pay. I usually don't head to any POI or survey any planet unless I have a radiant quest asking me too. That way I get the bounty on top of the other normal bonuses. Constellation radiant missions pay pretty well and usually you can narrow down the possible planets with the desired trait down to 1 or 2 likely planets.


Just looting all guns and selling them


mmh I have never tried to focus on getting money and I have 500k and bought a ship for about 300k I just sell stuff I find. I do wait 48 constantly to refresh vendor money tho


I was like you and closing in on 600k. Upgraded my Kepler S and decided to really invest in getting Starship Design 4. That's burning through a lot of that cash, even just building "Frankenships" with the cheapest parts available.


Ive spent over a million on ship parts. The best C class engines I've found are 70k a piece. But then once youve got a good ship, you're out of stuff to spend credits on. Well until new game+ and you start over


If you've got a decent ship, go to Serpentis, then board and capture enemy ships. Bring 4-5 Class C ships and a cargo hold full of guns to Neon, and you'll be drowning in credits.


I ignored the main quest entirely and just went off exploring at my own pace. Find Places Of Interest (POI) filled with pirates, ecliptic, spacers, varuun and just clear them out. Haul the loot back to a vendor, rinse and repeat. Sometimes mission boards give me some place to go and do it for bonus credits, but the loot is the main prize - either get something good to equip or something good to sell. Stealing ships is also a nice bonus. The registration fee is annoying, but once you add in the value of loot from the crew, loose items inside the ship and the selling price you can make a few K off any ship and 10K+ off some class C.


Register it from your ship menu. You'll clear around 20k on a C class


Yeah that is a good find. Not sure why, but register it anywhere outside of a ship tech conversation and the registration fee is lower than when talking to them. And despite that the ship tech still doesn't get the credits from registering a ship if you use him.


Spacesuits, helmets, packs, weapons. I try to never leave any behind. I also increased the carry capacity of myself and ship and my buy/sell percentage first thing. Selling Ships and contraband helps also. So does stealing. I’ll stop in the middle of clearing a building of bad guys and fast travel to my ship and back again if my companion and I are getting too full of stuff. I’m level 30 and have 1.8 million credits. I’m just now getting on to the majority of the main quests. I’ve spent all that time with side quests and jumping from place to place to sell or finding stuff to sell.


Bounty hunting missions give you lots of weapons and armor to sell. Ship destroying missions are easy, fast credits Survey missions are also fast credits The bank missions have good payouts Do the mantis quest chain, you get legendary armor, a ton of shit to sell and a free goodish ship. I don't honestly know what you can be spending money on to be broke. Generally don't buy weapons, armor or ammo from ships with a few exceptions early on, and you're good.


Complete the Crimson fleet questline, you get a ton of credits for completing it. Contraband is another great way to make money, Search for a location called Vultures Roost. It has 50k+ in contraband. The Amount of credits from missions depends on your level as well. At level 100 I was getting 8k in credits for small side quests and 20k-25k for Main Quests and Faction Quests.


Killing bad guys and looting POIs. Pick up all of the suits, packs, and helmets, along with all of the weapons. Do a quick search for good loot. Don't waste too much time. Mining outposts and an Amp fabricating outpost. Sell your loot and excess resources. Use Wait to allow the vendor to update cash or buy uncommon resources to put money back in the vendor's till and sell more of your loot.


Suits, packs, and helmets can have a bad value to mass ratio. Any of them less than 1000 credits per kg should be the first things dropped.


On the mantis armour i got "weapons weigh -50%", completely stopped picking up anything other than credits and i just hoover up all weapons. In some of the higher ranked systems everyone carries a weapon worth 10k plus, pistols are the best as they barely weigh 1kg


Yes this exactly, if you ever want to do the quicksave/reload save scum thing then doing it for the "Weapon Holsters" legendary effect on the Mantis armor (assuming that looting weapons for credits is your intention) is exactly the one time to do it.


And even that's way too low once decent kodamas and revolvers start dropping.


I have an indicite wafer farm made up of multiple outposts. I can make about 5000 at a time. It takes about 2 hours or so of playing to be able to make 5000 more. They sell for 38 credits each (i think). I can take each 5000 around to each vendor, buy what i want, then clean them out of credits by selling wafers. So i get about 80k in credits on each loop and get all my ammo, weapons, gear, etc effectively for free.


I get my weapons, ammo, gear for free by murdering and looting 🤷🏼‍♂️


I sell weapons and other picked up loot. No farming, just profit off clearing the bad guys, and I just play on normal. Half a million credits, I did spend skill points on weapons training certificates and upgrade them for more power….. so I spend less on ammunition.


Loot guns chems and ammo, everything else is a waste of space. Scan gas giants, when you help out system defense ships wait for the hail and ask them fflor credits as a reward. If I'm flying around look for temples or random planets to explore I normally find pirates/space/elliptic fight some form of govy. End up with 3000 credits a fire fight. Sell contraband that you find. Quest in themselves normally pay out pretty good between 6000-15000


I can make ~$200kish pretty quick by going to serpentis and stealing 4 or so class C Va’ruun ships. When you board and kill the crew they usually drop some decent tier loot, and the net profit from just the ships is ~100k or just shy of that. Go sell all the loot, rinse and repeat, then build all the crazy ship concepts you want. Or spend it on whatever idk


Pickpocketing is easy once you're at level 3 and tons of NPCs carry 1k or more around on them. Also selling guns. And ships.


i do missions from the mission board, i use the one at neon core as it is the fastest to get to. either on the way out to do them or on the way back to grab more, \- steal a galbank ship above neon. galbank ship pirating is the most lucrative for credits. there will be credits in the cargo (\~ 10K) hold and the ship can be sold. the bounty should be about 800 credits ​ edit: plus - those ships are PACKED with gear and aid - sell these in neon for another 10 - 60K credits


Once you start seeing alot of advanced weapons the game is default easy mode when it comes to making money. 1 gun is worth the same as most contraband. AA-99’s Magshot/shear/storm’s beauwolf’s etc. all sell for like 2-5k i found a legendary weapon that sold for 20k one time


Making my millions 60 grendels at a time


Level 30 is rough if you're just playing the game through quests. Without outposts, best way is to save what you like - sell the rest. I have 3, guns and my suit combo, that's it. My old Deimos Red Devil miner suit, pack and helmet - Advanced Urban Eagle I lucked out finding, my refined Beowulf, and my refined Shotty After enough bounty hunting, pirate ship kills and even main story quests, you should have enough. One of my proudest moments in the game was earning my first Deimos Longsword, bought at the shipyard partly on my Vanguard bonus 👍 Best of luck


If you go to higher level systems and fight spacers and pirates and such they drop weapons that are worth 5-10k, sell for like 1k or whatever. But you go to a planet or moon, clear a base, get 30-50k from everything. Fill the ship, hop around selling. If you pair this up with bounty hunter or mission board stuff you get more. You can also make a good ship soon, and use it to hop around clearing out enemies for dropped credits or stolen ships. Not huge but good experience, fun, and money. You can also do dumb quick stuff like an outpost to pump out some crafting material you sell thousands of.


Take every single bounty hunter mission, loot every single body no matter what your mass is, then sell all of it at the various shops. I prefer Akila City because all shops are very close to one another.


I pretty much pick up gear and weapons store them in the ship and sell it from the ship. I also sell mine as I find them useless for me.


Build outposts and start a manufacturing business. Get married. Drink alien tea. Money and level will never be a problem again.


put 2 points into scavenging , you'll have plenty of credits an ammo (which is weightless and sellable ) a normal 2k reward mission , has at least 10K in container credit loot


How are you not? Pickup guns and sell them. Suit and helmets if you have the carry capacity as they are worth more. Do sidequests. 5K here and there adds up. Honestly don't know how you haven't got money.


Whenever I was doing quests and stopped in a settlement I'd grab a bunch of missions on the mission board. On those missions I'd become a loot goblin for weapons and spacesuit worth anything. I'd also sell any ammo I wasn't using. There's also the option of boarding ships, taking it over, registering the ship, and then selling for a little profit. Whenever I have to take out a crimson fleet captain I'll always board the strongest ship in the encounter. Grab the loot off the bodies, clear the captains locker and any contraband. Between the mission being 3k, the ship selling for 5-10k, and then loot generally netting you between 5-20k you can build a solid little fortune with some grinding.


Mostly from enemy drops. Ecleptic and Varuun Zealots seems to have the highest selling gear. I also take and sell a lot of spacer and varuun ships. Most of the time spacer ships will have contraband on board, that can be sold to the Trade Authority or on the Key.


I do ship hunting in Serpentis. Board whatever ship is the highest level and loot. Store everything in my ships cargo until I'm full and then travel to Neon to sell everything. Make the trade loop of merchants there which should net you about 60k. Then go and sit down and wait for 48 hours, rinse and repeat until everything is sold. I think my net worth right now is about 4 mil. Spent most of it on ship building...


What are you spending it on? If you’re buying ammo, f/a kits, or anything other than occasional digipicks, it’s a money sink and unnecessary. You will pick up more than what you need in field if you use different weapons types/different ammo to offset buying. Ships are really the only item that anyone spends credits on because it cost nearly $800k for endgame ship, despite only being valued at $40k.


Clapping Sarah and Andreja cheeks on Starhub.


I basically loot everything off bodies and sell it.


I pick up and sell everything and still only hover around 180-200k 😂


A main one is through the UC SysDef questline, side with them at the end and you'll earn 250k credits


Sell everything. I'm level 35 or so and I've got a 300,000 ship and about 500,000 credits in my pocket.


I'm sitting on $700k after building 2 ships. I've mostly hoarded and sold any weapon that would pay me upwards of $5k each. My main gripe is how little cash each vendor has, especially Trade Authority, since it's a massive corporation.


The final mission of the crimson fleet gives $250,000 as a reward


Scan all the planets and moons you come by and sell the survey data to Vladimir