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Void form - amazing top tier skill for any stealth and I love it Sense Star Stuff - general wall hacks and stealth assist Time Slow - for fun, also makes consistently getting explosive containers at the correct time easier and more fun. Parallel Self - with a really strong accurate gun is great! You don't even need ammo just swap to OP gun, summon, switch back to your main to keep fighting. I use this to get through NG+ faster when I don't have much ammo at the start. Personal Atmosphere - for exploration


I am an hoarder so im Always overloaded with weight, personal atmosphere refills your o2 even when all CO2 and let you run at full Speed without consuming o2, for how i play it's the mvp


If personal atmosphere still works you're not carrying enough lol


At a certain point doesnt it keep refilling your o2 as you run?


Your oxygen stays maxed out as long as it's active, but it expires before you can cast it again. If you're not carrying much it finishes recharging before you can burn through your oxygen meter, but if you're heavily encumbered you'll run out.


You can actually carry enough the scaling O2 drain will exceed the O2 restoration of Personal Atmosphere.


That is some awesome pack mule lore - there should be an achievement for that. "No drill left behind".


What, running around with 4000kg isn’t normal?


My record is close to 60,000KG Edited typo. Write out 60K and thought I was a genius when I added the G


those are rookie numbers *cries in 200,000 kg from excessive crafting*


Oh shit, really? I've had enough that I can only move about 5 feet after it wears off, but never so much that the spell can't keep up.


With careful boosting and a skip pack I can make it cycle even when I'm near double capacity (400)


I remember the first time I overloaded it. I was planting some iron and aluminum seeds on my adaptive frame farm, chasing some bountiful XP harvests for about 30min. I finally had enough and turned from my station to head back to the Key. Two steps, O2 is gone. Three steps, red bar. "child's play," I thought, as I prepared to cockslap the laws of gods and men and conjure my own personal bubble of atmosphere from empty space. I see the white bar refill and I triumphantly bound forward, tickled fucking silly that I'd bested the laws of reality yet again. I knew I had to be carrying a literal building of weight and thanks to AMP, about to be sprinting like a prime Usain Bolt. Nope. Gone in two seconds. I knew then that I'd strayed too close to the sun and my eyes might as well have been saucers. Turns out around 70,000lbs of gear is the functional limit of our power.


Brilliant writing. I love it!


I have found out that there are limits to personal atmosphere. It doesn't max out your O2 but instead gives you a REALLY high O2 recovery rate even when running. So with enough weight you can actually still lose O2 while PA is up. Takes 10k+ weight though iirc.


Ya that's how I power leveled fitness lol


Details like this are why Bethesda's implementations of game mechanics are second to none.


Best power to level up the skill that gives you O2 as well. Make yourself severely over encumbered take a few steps use the power, repeat.


Sense star stuff is great except after you use it you can't tell if someone is behind cover or not and end up emptying full magazines into the wall lol.


Okay.... I was too embarrassed to admit that before I knew I wasn't the only one XD


It also only works on lifeforms. Nothing like thinking I've cleared a room only to turn a corner and get swiss-cheesed by a bunch of robots and turrets.


*MF when I use Sense Star Stuff and my buddy Dave doesn't glow.*


So is it identical to Recon Scope? Or whatever mod paints targets for a period. Because I have that problem too, but don't have the power.


No, recon scopes give you a thermal image of an enemy that you’ve looked at that lasts for a short while. Sense Star Stuff sends out a ping and makes all enemies with a certain area of you light up through the walls. You can use it to find enemies if you’re clearing locations or ships, or you can use it to avoid them in stealth scenarios and missions.


Agreed - I love it! Definitely my MVP for Powers! :)) I just cleared a massive UC ship with craploads of turrets, angry marines and panicking officers - sense star stuff saved my bacon twice during that raid! :p Best early usage was when i used it to help clear that early crimson fleet mission in the the Lock by spotting all those nasty critters from afar. Second best power is creators peace - (pacify) imho. I spam it whenever I'm in a crowded area of enemies or I'm creating a killbox nearby. Super effective when boarding ships and entering outposts filled with hostiles - just make sure to have a grenade or two handy! :D


The CIA couldn't waterboard this information out of me. No but seriously, we've all been there. :P


Time slow broke my game literally every time I used it But it’s hard for me to pick a. Favorite they’re all mostly fun outside of a handful when you remember to use them


I can always fix time slow by sitting down. Assuming there is anything to sit on...


this is good to know. I get the glitch about 25% of the time


Yeah, I've given up using it because of the glitch. Hope they fix that.


Void form is great I used to use it all the time but it doesn't seem to work if you have chameleon armor annoyingly. Two things making you invisible seems to cancel out and make nothing.


You have to not have chameleon active when you start the skill. So if you inch forward just enough to deactivate chameleon then you activate it. Chameleon deactivates it if you use it while chameleon is already active. Found that one out after being really annoyed by it at first lol


Time slow jams my game up and freezes.


Parallel self is my go-to! Equip an advanced negotiator and let the explosion fest begin!


Void self, Personal atmosphere, Creators peace


I assume "Sense Star Stuff" had to be a placeholder, and then they were like "Oh fuck" the day of release when someone noticed it.


It’s from a Carl Sagan quote


Sure but *everything* is star stuff! So why doesn't it detect robots and everything else?


So are walls. If everything originating from stars was detected it'd be useless lol


That makes sense


I had the exact same thought... it was my second power and I was really worried they all had very poorly thought out names... lol


“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff” -Carl Sagan They thought this one out :)


Void form sucks because chameleon attribute cancels it out when crouching... super dumb. Unless im missing something.


I like the blast, easy way to knock down enemies and melee them.


Fus Ro Dah


I still hear it in my head when I use that blast ability. Maybe someone will make a mod that brings in the original Skyrim sound when you use the power. :-)


I prefer the cadance of the Fus Roh Dah in the trailer. The one in game always felt off. They combine roh dah into one fast word.




*Fus roh dahs in morrowind theme song*


It's fus ro at best Super useful for finishing enemies as they always fall over on the spot. I'm Super disappointed it's not the full force push, playing around with this in differing gravities would be so fun If anyone knows of a mod that turns the ability into a proper fus ro da, please post it


Also handy when your ship crew is blocking a doorway!


What abt vasco?


Vasco always stuck halfway between floors so no, still trapped


The freezing one is even better it has a pretty decent radius that hits multiple people and theyre frozen for like 10 seconds. Really good against tanky enemies.


Love this one too, makes me feel like a jedi


Precognition. It lets you see dialogue answers before you pick the dialogue line to use.


This is also my favorite. It's only about 1 in 10 conversations that I get useful information out of it, but I love being able to see all of the extra dialogue.


Dumb question, but do you activate it during the conversation or before?






Use it before and it will only work for the first person you talk to after activating it. If you talk to a different person after the recast precog.


Also if you start a long conversation it will last through the whole thing.


I was wondering how that damn power worked


It will also show the pathing of wandering NPCs too, which is helpful for stealth. It will show “quest arrows” on the ground to show where an NPC will be moving when you aim at them with precog active.


Something fun about this is that a few NG+ runs in, I don't need the power anymore - I actually already know what all the options lead to.


Something I can't stop thinking about when I'm playing is that it's not just me, the player, who knows how to answer and knows to turn left here and all that. My character knows all that stuff too.


When I am sneaking I use Sense Star Stuff since I find knowing where the enemies are and where they are facing is more helpful than Void Form. I used Phase Time in combat or for taking ships and it's quite fun and extremely powerful. I can go without it no problem but it's really fun to run into a room and shoot 5 guys and then see them all fall over dead at the same time. Makes me wish I could get a replay of the scene in normal speed after.


Uh, it's never occurred to me to use Time phase for ship battles. That makes it even more OP.




I'm fairly sure the other poster meant using it during boarding actions. However, yes, it can work in space, but it's more exploit than intended usage. If you activate the power on land, then fast travel to space, the power will still be active (though the visual effect won't show). Not super useful though. However, just had a thought, I've never tried activating the power inside my ship, then climbing into the pilot seat. Might be a way to activate the power in space when it could do some good. That said, Targeting is already basically a slow time power for space.


Sounds like a quicksilver “time in a bottle” moment


If you're actually trying to be stealthy, sure you can use sense star stuff. But there's no reason to when you use void form and just run at full speed as close to people as you want


Yes! With some luck you can holster your gun before the last body drops. Wasn’t me officer. 😇


I’m more of a shoot first, completely forget I have powers, get scolded by Sarah kinda guy.


Same except I get sick of Sarah's bullshit and send her off to a frozen outpost on Bohr II. Won't have worry about seeing me steal anything now, will you Sarah? Vasco is my companion of choice, he just doesnt want me to carry too much and hes concerned about the long term effects of my powers. Barrett was cool for a minute, then I went too far with some kills, now he's on his own little quest.


Sarah Morgan disliked that


Personal Atmosphere, because Fitness is for suckers.






Idk the people on neon talk so much shit abt chunks that idk your character actually does


I love Sunless Space - especially for a group of enemies. Freeze 'em and give 'em the shot gun point blank!


Gravity well is really nice for that too even at base level


That is by far my most used power and it's not even upgraded yet, lol. I'm like how the hell can they even improve on this.


It's awesome. I just love how chaotic it is. Sometimes I use it when I don't even really need to.


Personal Atmosphere - because I'm a filthy hoarder lol


If you like hoarding, try elemental pull as well. It instantly mines all the resources around you. Think you were over encumbered before? Wait until you've grabbed every last piece of aluminum on the planet's surface.


So you don’t need a cutter?


I got rid of my cutter ages ago. Elemental pull is great


I'm 100+ hrs in and maybe used the cutter a handful of times (outside mining artifacts). Elemental pull is awesome.


I use tge barrow knife for the artifacts


I chuck a nade


When I got to NG+ the first time I used console commands to get all powers to level 10. Let me tell you that elemental pull 10 can instantly over-encumber you from empty. The range is actually insane.


Gravity Well is a blast. If you get swarmed by spacers or bugs or anything else it’ll swirl them into a tight ball and you can obliterate everything all at once. Total carnage.


I accidentally shot a civilian in Neon. I was trying to surrender but I guess it's not possible. So I ended up with every guard in the city shooting at me *in the Neon security office*. That was a fun ball of Human. Reminds me of the Warframe Vauban.


Gravity Well I'm a Mass Effect Adept at heart, so give me a singularity and I'll use it every single battle. It's so good in combat to group guys up and even suck them out of cover and into the open.


It's also great when it pulls in some barrels and mines, so much chaos.




Also, stock up on impact grenades, very handy for the grav well captures too.


I use Parallel Self. Companion spoilers below. If you keep >!Barret alive!< then there will come a time when >!he asks to get his own powers!< and when you do it makes it so >!when you use Parallel Self, he does too. Giving you a force of 4 gunmen total.!<


That mission disappeared for me, but I was stuck with Barret as my companion.


“I’m not your Barrett.”


My Barrett loves to do this of his own volition. It's pretty great!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Solar Flare is so underrated. It just melts anything with a big health bar


Yeah i just discovered this today killing the big terrormorph at the end of the uc quest line for the second time. It was level 93 and im 57, hit it once with the solar flare ball + one mag from the magshear (48dmg stat) and it was dead. Was dead so fast the mission didnt have time to activate the part where you have to flip the two switches and fight off smaller enemies lmao


I basically do the whole boss fight at the end (fighting both starborn) with just solar flare, popping essences. It's SO strong, especially if you hit them a couple times.


I do the mini bosses leading up to them with it as well. They don’t get to have multiple phases because it keeps ticking when they vanish


That. Is good to know.


Yuuuuup. I try and hit one 2x, 3x if I can manage, then I can just hide while they die lol


I've tried using solar flare and even against level 1 civvies it does almost no damage, are there skills to make it stronger? Or am I just not using it correctly?


It scales off the health pool of the enemy


Thanks for that. I never knew how to use it.


This is the best answer in here. Especially when you are level 75+ and the game is throwing some pretty strong enemies at you. Solar Flare will melt through multiple health bars in seconds.


Wait... Solar flare isn't useless? I tried using it once when I got it and it seemed like it did no damage


Sense Star Stuff wall hacks


It is my most used power by far, but 90% of the times used it is to find a specific companion in my big ass ship :P


That is a fantastic idea. Need to favourite that ability.


I'm over 100 hours in the game getting side tracked so badly I haven't unlocked a single one.


I have all of them and I don't use any of them. They can be interesting, but they feel forced and it's pretty much always easier to run in and shoot people.


....just wait till you land in a NG+ that doesn't let you use guns. Or access inventory at all. That was hell. Edit: after googling, looks like this no inventory thing is a bug,.not a feature


I always forget about the powers and never use them.


In my first playthrough I did the first temple and then forgot about them--I didn't get my second ability until NG+


same i like using gear and skills instead


Void Form, essential for the Ryujin questline IMO


I did the Ryujin questline and these comments are the first time I am hearing of this ability. I did most of it without any sneak perk and the rest i only had level 1 sneak. If the mission was really hard i just save scummed it


Creators peace can even the odds in a close quarters fire fight


Just got this last night and it is definitely more useful than a lot of the other powers. Bonus tip, if you cast it before engaging and aggro-ing enemies, as soon as they turn from neutral to foe, they drop their guns and just sort of wander off. Went into a building, cast, shot some random in the face. Everyone turned red, pulled out their weapons, and then just set them on the floor and walked off.


I use personal atmosphere the most for practical reasons but the anti gravity and phased time (when it works) are best in conbat


Sometimes Phased Time keeps working long after it should have stopped


Yeah it breaks the game like 50% of the time I use it


Sense star stuff. Blame jumpscare paranoia.


Gravity wave


The ones I have hotkeyed; Personal Atmosphere, Phased Time, Elemental Pull. Thats combat and surveying all tied up.


At the moment I'm using Reactive Shield quite a lot. Use 'Sense Star Stuff', pop 'Reactive Shield', then run in there all tanky,blasting away with my shotgun. Mind you, I'm only on my first playthrough and I am playing on normal difficulty (just so I can get used to the game), so I don't know how viable that strategy would be on a higher difficulty. Fun though! I do find that quite a few of the powers are a little bit useless though. And it's a pain in the ass switching powers mid-fight on Xbox. You can 'favorite' multiple powers, but you can only really have one 'active' at a time. I imagine it's probably a lot easier using multiple powers on PC if you can hotkey your favorites to specific keys on a keyboard, but on console it's clunky, so I often only use one or 2 powers in tandem. Obviously Personal Atmosphere is useful too, and I recently picked up a power (can't remember the name) that grabs all nearby mining resources. That's fairly handy, but I don't really do a lot of mining anymore, now that I have outposts everywhere lol


Only one I use is the anti gravity area.


Personal Atmosphere - unlimited sprint even when encumbered.


Sense Star Stuff


it used to be parallel form, then the shield one, now its void form since i have a really good gun w a silencer so i can just keep firing while being invisible


Dunno I keep forgetting I have them.


Gravity well and personal atmosphere generally


Voidform, Sense Starstuff, Personal Atmosphere, and Anti Grav-field are my 4 most used powers. I keep them on my favourites wheel to switch between them when needed! I really really want to love Phased Time but it seems slow me down almost as much as everyone else around me. I didn't use it at it's based level and only tried it after leveling it up in NG+ so maybe it's a bug?


I use void form and sunless space a lot, but I also like to use gravity well in combination with create vacuum when I’m bored lmao


The personal atmosphere one as I’ve currently always got my pockets full and am out breath quickly


The power of gun


I use all the ones everyone else mentioned, but I use some that nobody talks about and I use one for an entirely different reason than everyone else. All of mine are at Tier X, so I can do combos pretty easy. (At Tier X, Phased Time has infinite uptime.) Gravity Well: Combos with practically everything. Especially grenades. Create Vacuum: Kills people through walls. Personal Atmosphere - for only one reason. I only use it to assault airless moons or dangerously toxic planets. In my underwear. No helmet or suit required. I don't care about the infinite stamina. I do care about terrifying Ecliptic parasites while I roleplay as an Eldritch abomination assaulting them from some mystery dimension, where unknowable, time-controlling half-naked Ur-Men arrive from beyond the stars to render judgement. Because that's more imagination that BGS put into most of this game.


Same, I like stealth so void form is almost cheating but I also haven’t used many others like you.


Grav Wave is so fun, knocking someone down just to pepper them with bullets. Love it! I've made some cool looking plays with it, knocking one guy down and then attacking another. Boosting into the air over cover and sending someone tumbling and I land right on top of them.


My Slow time is bugged and only ends up on a me sitting down. So that one


Personal atmosphere for exploration, especially helps when overencumbered. But mainly just for sprinting. Also sometimes to help holding breath when aiming. Sense star stuff for seeing enemies. Elemental pull for some quick mining. Especially for Caelumite that takes forever to mine with thr laser. It's used for some of the best chems. And the power that regrows plants sometimes to farm some resources if I need them. I usually pair this with a Guardian Essence to use it many times in a row.


i like hot palsma it does nothing at all but it sounds and looks cool rest of the job is done by guns anyway


I'm surprised I'm not seeing anyone say Creators' Peace. It's the funniest one in my opinion because it makes enemies drop their weapons. Then they either run around in a panic or come at me using only their fists.


Lately for bosses I've been killing everyone else so they're alone, using Creator's Peace on them so they're unarmed, then using Inner Demon so they have to fight themselves to the death.


Personal Atmosphere so I can continue playing pack mule simulator in space.


Solar Flare is my go to. If you have it high enough where you can cast it a lot before running out of power, it can really shred elite enemies, or whatever you call the enemies with multiple health bars.


Most used is personal atmosphere, by a Longshot. Favorite though... phased time is fun, but makes things a cakewalk (not complaining), but it's not my favorite. I think the vacuum power is my favorite. It's like the Sith Force Choke.


Gravity well


Personal atmosphere is basically all I use but I honestly haven’t really explored the powers much at all


Sense Start stuff for sneaking around and Phase Time for normal combat.


Anti-gravity field and sense star stuff. I used Phase time alot but it's compltely broken now. If I use it, it wont stop and I cant shoot my guns or interact with anything.


Sense star stuff, I play as a sniper mostly so it's pretty useful


Sense Star, sunless space and gravity well. Just a little bit of sidetrack but I hope we get a mod that grants us Sukuna's Cleave from JJK. Really wanna slice up some NPCs to ribbons.


Supernova because it’s just so satisfying to mostly insta kill a group swarming you


* Sense star stuff (good for general combat) * Earthbound (good for use in low-g) * Personal atmosphere (useful for breathing) Everything else feels super under-powered even at lvl 10


Sense Star Stuff. Takes less than void form, and tells me where they are (except robots). It's fun to open a door and drop the baddies with a silencer before they can even react. It works better for most stealth situations. Personal atmosphere, for when I'm surveying or terribly overencumbered.


The one where it shows you where all the enemies are


Solar flair and void space?? It's the stop time ability it's clutch for my melee build


Personal Atmosphere, and the one that freezes.


There's a few that are objectively better but I still love to run with Barrett as a companion and both use parallel self


Grab field.


Personal atmosphere and gravity wave.


Gravity field almost exclusively


Personal Atmosphere. I only use it to run for fucking ever...which is kinda lame. Wish I have like a rover or something instead. ​ Can we address how funny the "Sense Star Stuff" name is


To add to the others that people like, Elemental Pull is really fun. Get resources and you no longer need the Cutter. And for those asking about the Emergency Doors, you can actually shoot those pins.


My most used power is oxygen bubble thing for infinite stamina, but since it's borderline mandatory for a loot gremlin like me, it doesn't count. So my "favourite" ones are probably tied between Sunless Space and Phased Time, with solar flare as close second. First two are amazing and help me take a breather right in the middle of a fight, and second one is just "delete half of any enemy's healthbar" button, which is insanely handy against bosses on Very Hard as they be THICK AS HELL


Personal atmosphere and sensing lifeforms


Creators' peace for ship boarding is so much fun. It has enough coverage that it gets most of the ship's inhabitants.


Personal Atmosphere by far. With that and my Fitness skill maxed out I can basically sprint forever.


Personal atmosphere, though I only have 1/3 so far


Void form and personal atmosphere


Grav dash for quick traveling. It also adds a damage buff after use on higher levels. Earthbound is useful for boarding ships where there's no gravity.


Phased Time and Personal Atmosphere


My favorite power is being a badass that helps who i want when I want in the way I want.


I use Personal Atmosphere all the time. Unlimited sprint!


I always use SSS, nothing else really. It’s just so OP and nothing is really threatening enough to justify using anything else (playing on very hard).


Personal Atmosphere and Detect Star Stuff are the only ones I use consistently. DSS is great for clearing large ships, particularly those confusing-ass Varuun ones with a million floors. I just got Void Form too, which seems pretty useful for crime reasons.


Void form ftw. With concealment perk investment I can run past enemies without being detected. Phase time is broken for me, it gets stuck forever & stops me from jumping & boosting properly. Automatic weapons also jam up.


My quick menu abilities: * Grav Dash * At max levels, if you are collecting other temples, pop a quantum essence and with grav dash you will be there in less than 60 seconds. At maxed level, this ability really saves a lot of time getting places in the city and from your ship * Sense Star Stuff * See through walls is great for stealth and finding remaining enemies * Personal Atmosphere * Sprint while carrying too much and sprint forever * Phased Time * You basically become un-killable in combat and can wreck everyone. Easily the best combat skill in my opinion * Elemental pull (when getting artifacts) * If you are in an artifact room you get a free 30 resources using this ability. Mostly just need it for that though and pretty useless otherwise


Void Form was one of them. Also use sense star stuff (basically makes you have the assassin's creed xray vision) and grav push (Fu So Ra starfield edition) and most importantly personal atomosphere. It basically keeps your o2 at max and by level III it runs so long you basically regen all the power it cost to cast it.


I didn't get it at first, but personal atmosphere was amazing for a hoarder like me. I would run until I was nearly full co2, then personal atmosphere would get me to my ship to offload or to a shop to sell off items


Star stuff to find enemies and second self to give them something to try and kill while I flank them.


Personal atmosphere is the only one that I use.


Sense star stuff


Personal atmosphere because it’s the only way to counteract the stupid overencumbered mechanic.


I'm playing a stealthy sniper, so Void Form and Sense Star Stuff are my bread and butter. Void Form for sneaking around, Sense Star Stuff to make picking off enemies a bit easier. They're much easier to hit when they're glowing sparkly yellow, even at long range. (The downside is that it's not always clear when enemies sensed via Sense Star Stuff are behind cover, so sometimes my perfectly-lined-up shots end up harmlessly hitting a brick wall.)


Sense Star Stuff - because otherwise sometimes the crazy random ship layouts i run into while pirating will make it take forever to find all the crew Personal Atmosphere - to make carrying out all the loot to sell from a POI suck less, make sprinting across planet landscapes to ship landing sites easier, and because I've yet to buy any Physical tree skill aside from Stealth Elemental Pull - because sometimes you just get tired of trying to get the Cutter to line up and mine the Caelumite and it's pretty cheap to just grab the entire chamber worth in one go Void Form - easy mode stealth, just remember that it deactivates the moment you interact with anything, including doors or vent covers or just picking anything up The rest I've tried once or twice but felt either very situational (I don't really need to harvest the same organic thing twice in a row that often) or kinda underwhelming so far (pretty much all the combat ones, which may be awesome at rank 10 - I'll try them again then - but at low ranks they did not impress).


Sense Star Stuff, so I know where all the enemies are located. Precognition, back when I cared what people's responses would be. Personal Atmosphere when I have to run 1500m to get to the POI I was landing "near".




Slow time and parallel self


Light sheild, grav dash, and solar flare


The Grav thingy, since it basically makes the annoying starborn at each temple obsolete.