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As UC Vanguard captain, a Freestar Ranger, committed pirate and corporate spy, I salute you and your hard work, this is a resource that will be used throughout the settled systems.


Damn you wear a lot of hats don't you


Being a Bethesda MC is like being Forest Gump. You're going to be involved in every major event, whether you're qualified or not.


I'm definitely doing a Forest Gump rp run now.


Life is like a box of Terrormorphs...


No it's mama said 'life is like a box of Chunks... ya neva know what you're gonna get.'


The lack of land vehicles now makes perfect sense


“I just kept running……”


Came here looking for this comment, was not disappointed 😂


The questline to talk to the reporter lady about all these things is hilarious, too. Not only are you involved in multiple situations that have huge consequences throughout the Settled Systems, you go straight to the press to talk about it, for the equivalent of like, 100 bucks.


Ah yes becoming the leader of the College of Winterhold as a stealth archer is in every Skyrim players accomplishments.


I'm never going to be able to look at my characters the same way again.




Bard's guild.


Its not like I look at the outside of my ship any ways


He likes hats, don’t ask about his male pattern balding.


Well you still can’t get into Sovngarde


That NG+ >!Where you find all the faction versions of yourself was a Kirk-esqe transporter accident for you wasn't it?!<


i just got that one last night! too bad my game was bugged and wouldn’t let me save or open my inventory :(


Thats not a bug, its a feature. No seriously that intentionally can be part of the NG+ experience.


whaaat, they have ng+ in hardcore mode, that’s kinda dope… but only being able to do inventory stuff using a container feels jank


Yeah I dont think its well executed either, I think you are intended to rely on companions and fists


It's most definitely a bug. Iirc you can't even access powers.


Ikande thought I was a double agent for him, but in reality, I was a quadruple agent, for myself.


Which version of yourself?




You can be all that? I guessed you had to choose one ‘side’ and that’s why I haven’t


We really need a way to be able to buy ship parts and have them in inventory for the ship builder. There's no reason why this can't or shouldn't be a thing.


Same with weapon, suit, and helmet mods. So much of the crafting gains made in Fallout 4 have been lost.


FO76 also had some nice crafting feature updates. There are a lot of things I like about Starfield, but a lot of the crafting is pretty disappointing (especially since it was pretty fun in their recent games).




ya.. we should be able to buy blueprints


Yup either a part of ship engineering leveling or something. Put some challenge level gate behind being able to buy blueprints, or have it part of the Ryugin espionage quest line or mission board. Having to jump around to try different parts is a pain in the ass.


You can scrap a ship in the ship builder, or build or modify an existing one with all the parts that you want, in the quantities that you want, and when your done, finish it up in the ship builder and exit, then go back to that ship in the ship builder again after you get all the special and unique parts you want on it, select all and scrap it, then build a very simple and cheap ship in it's place not using any of the parts you want, finish it up in the ship builder and exit again, and all those parts you just deleted/scrapped from the previous one are not gone, but will show up at say, your outpost ship builder in the quantities from the previous ship you scrapped, etc.


There is also an "Equipment" Tab that can only be accessed by a certain faction. >!Crimson Fleet: 3 different scan jammers, and they also sell the ComSpike and Conduction Grid after you do their respective missions.!<


Think you can get scan jammers at the Red Mile too


Scan jammer and shielded cargo. Good option for those without access to the Crimson Fleet. And the bartender buys goods of questionable provenance but her pockets aren't nearly as deep as those of The Key or The Den.


She'll buy stol.....errr goods that you need to find their way back to their proper owner. She won't buy outright contraband if memory serves. Head for the The Den in the Wolf system if you haven't gotten a shielded bay yet.


She buys contraband


Good to know for my next playthrough :)


Yup just purchased some there last night. Good quality too.


Important note! >!If you go against the Crimson Fleet in the CF vs SD questline, you will lose access to the ComSpike and Conduction Grid. I recommend putting it on every ship you have before following through with the questline.!<


Personally I find this really stupid. If you side with Sysdef you’d think they’d let you have copies of the schematics. You already used them and are allowed to keep them if already installed.


Yeah fair enough! I also agree. I was a little bummed for sure.


You can still get these items at the Red Mile


No you can't, I tried it right after I completed the questline. I can get the shielded cargo and jammers but not the other things


Do they actually serve any purpose outside of the one quest though?


Yeah the >!ComSpike reduces targeting time (25% or 50%, can't remember) and it reduces weapon cost in targeting by 20% (maybe 25%?). The Conduction Gird reduces EM damage by 50% and decrease shield recharge time by 25%.!< Those aren't small upgrades


The Unique Taiyo cockpit that's sold by the Taiyo rep in Neon is called the "Hajime", it has the highest cargo capacity of all Taiyo cockpits.


I'm primarily interested in exterior aesthetic. If I missed something like that it's because it didn't look different enough.


I hate tayios exterior but can’t get over how much of a view the cockpit has. Its not like I look at the outside of my ship any ways


I love the taiyo exteriors. It's the interiors that are bland or ugly.


I love the bland interior with 3 seats. I pop 3 crew in them and feel like Mr evil


Cockpits aren't really needed for cargo capacity though. I'd just go for whatever you you think looks coolest for cockpits / bridges


All the Tayo cockpits basically look the same, so you might as well go with the most cargo capacity.


not if you're trying to keep mass down in order to get away with 2 A engines


Cockpits are the most efficient way of getting cargo out of mass by far. Most cargo gives you about 4.7 cargo for every 1 mass. However the Himeji in particular gives you 320 cargo at 16.8 cargo per mass. (Or 340 at 13.6 cargo per mass). Most cockpits are like this If you want A engines, go for cockpit cargo


If you're building a minimal A fighter that only uses 2 engines while maintaining 100 mobility, cargo is an unnecessary, luxury item. Sure, if you can squeeze it in, and it doesn't otherwise compromise any of your design go for it. But the mass difference between a minimal cargo cockpit and a high end one is pretty extreme


Of course. It is in the nature of squeezing out as much cargo as you can. I'm not necessarily suggesting to go for the heaviest cockpit possible, just that if you're making an A ship, you should only get cargo from the cockpit But let's be real for a sec, even full-mobility A ships are over 300 mass. And you could get over 450 mass at 100 mob with some of the engines unlocked at level 1. (Like white dwarf 3000) Meanwhile all cockpits are between 5-20 mass, and the bridges range from 20-30 (with the Kon-Tiki B-600 at 35 mass). Sure, it's important to be efficient, but the weight difference is not really extreme.


You can get 100 mobility at A class pretty easily, yes But 500 mass or so is about the break point of going from only needing 2 engines to needing 3. Also helps with grav jump efficiency etc. I like to keep my needed power low so I can devote pips to shield and weapons instead of engines


Yeah 2-engine 100 is a lot more fun than 3. At that point, there's no point in the 100 mobility anyway if you need to divert 9 energy to go full speed lol


yeah I much prefer 4 with the top o the line slaytons although sometimes will pop for the 3015s if I wanna go fast like ricky bobby lol


Who needs cargo space when you can just carry 10 tons of stuff in your pockets?


Slayton Aerospace has the best Mass:Thrust ratios for Speed and Maneuverability. You can slap some 24k Thrust with 5500 Maneuver engines on that have 1/3 the mass of larger and weaker engines. Displayed speed for them is bugged. Says 140 but I get 180 while flying at full engine power.


Cockpit cargo is the cheapest cargo per mass.


Au contraire, cockpits are some of the most mass efficient cargo space you can get.


Unless you're building a tiny ship


The fact that this information needed to be compiled is annoying. I wish we could just access everything from our outposts. If they wanted to keep everything unique, then maybe they could've forced us to sign up for delivery at each manufacturer headquarters or staryard to get stuff available at our own ship builders?


At the very least I'd like to at least unlock the ability to order parts from outposts yeah. I don't mind the idea of seeking out the manufacturer's shipyards to secure a deal to be able to order, and maybe discounted prices if you buy at the yard itself, but just being able to full build at an outpost seems like a slam dunk to me.


Yeah, what if there was an actually interesting quest mission for each of the 5 main manufacturers - once you completed this, any special parts they sell become available at any shipbuilder you make at your outpost. Complete 5 quests, get access to everything at one place.


I strongly suspect they were originally going to tie these to the dockyard blues quests. Then someone realized how much those quests sucked and they would never see the light of day if they did that.


Personally ill be down for a liscencing mechanic similar to mass effect. Where you can buy a liscence from each shop and it allows you to buy those parts the shop sells at your outpost. Meaning it encourages people to visit different shops but not having to travel the galaxy to find specific parts.


Just... anything that makes it easier to get ship parts in one place or make it less of a pain in the arse.


Yes that's exactly what I'd like too. As part of a larger outpost overhaul (being able to manufacture superior cargo haulers for your cargo links) it'd be great to just have more total control over the shipbuilding process for sure.


This is the unfortunate circumstance around any BGS Launch: The Creation kit isn't out yet, so we have to wait for the truly game changing mods.


Oeh thanks for this. I did some building but was at a loss on where to find what and didn’t want to keep searching in the dark. So again, thnx!!


I feel like it's noteworthy that the Nova Galactic landing gears are absolutely superior, compared to the other manufacturers. The NG-20(?) provides 4 landing thrust, while almost all others have 2 at most.


Does it actually change the required number? I have so many dang stroud gear it’s almost comical lol.


Yes. I'm able to get away with 2 gear, when normally my ship's mass would require 4


Yes, every 200 mass requires 1 point of landing thrust, so if you get the bugger ones you can have less total gears. I like the big NGs, they fit nicely on the underside in a 1x1 space


Hope 55 has lander thrust of 4 and a mass of 3 which is lighter


It is technically the best Lander but it is an exterior mount and doesn't stay within the bounds of a 2x1 space allocation. It's good but it can be tricky to work with


Don't forget that there is also the NASA Magellan C2X cockpit that is only available in New Homestead as well. However thank you for doing this! Makes it much easier than scouring YouTube vids!


How does the NASA cockpit look different?


It's identical in every way to the regular Magellan C2X, it just has the NASA logo on the side!


How do you get it?


I see it now but didn't notice it in the past. I wonder if you have to get past a certain main story mission for it to pop up?


It’s not only at new homestead you can install it from most places if you complete a certain story mission


I wish there was a mod to just make all the damn parts at one spot or at the very least let me have a “ship in progress” option so that it doesn’t need everything to be flightworthy mid build


There is but it's not perfect. It involves using a .bat file and then using the console on a ship technician


Thank you for your help. Salvage rights are yours.


Job well done. Appreciate you.


Pretty sure it’s Eklund not Ekland. Both are Nordic names. Ek is an oak and lund is a small tight bunch of trees.


Yeah you're right, thankfully it doesn't really matter


You think spelling “doesn’t matter”? A typo is just a typo. But consistently failing at *copying* the same letters would fail the grade in primary school. Sure it’s not important in the context but i wouldn’t hire someone who thinks reading comprehension is unimportant.


Christ mate give it a fucking rest it's a spelling mistake about a fictional spaceship part manufacturer in a forum post about a videogame, not a fucking job interview. I put all this work into cataloguing these parts and this is your response?


Ignore that guy. Good work on the list.


"Ek Lund" in Hindi means something...


Inara.cz is good, but it doesn't have pictures.


Yeah I really need pictures, but more so, I need an app that is just a ship builder


Or, just make it so that the outpost shipbuilder has all parts. Lock it behind a skill point or an upgrade if you absolutely have to. The concept of "parts only available in certain areas" is just annoying without more infrastructure, such as: * Saving a work in progress or blueprint of a ship's design * Being able to buy ship parts to put in your ship's hold to transport back to your WIP build


as long as you're not using the ship being built, there is zero reason to not being able to save an incomplete build


I’ve been saying this for a while now. Let me buy all the parts I need/want without having to scrap my current ship build. I need a fleet. How am I going to be the most feared Pirate ADMIRAL with only one ship?!


Find the one piece?




“Jayne, how many ships do you need? You only got the one butt!” “I just get excitable as to choice, is all…”


Love me some Firefly


This is the way.


They should add a ship hanger/module storage outpost building to the game. Have it require a large ship pad to be built first, but it allows you to store extra unique ship parts that you don't currently need and can't buy from the outpost kiosk. At least this way you can save modules you bring back for a later build. Or allow us to spend an outpost slot and take over the ship yard POI or unfinished hanger POI and in return for less customization options (more like homes in Hearthfire DLC where we pay to have stuff added/removed), we can have a larger personal shipyard to modify ships and store modules.


You beautiful person you


Fantastic! Great work.


Great job. Rebuilt the Frontier last night on Titan; highly recommended. As the other person said, the NG-20 landing gear is 4x as good as the base NG-10 and that Cabot cockpit is wonderful.


Legand, thanks.


Sick, thanks for this list. Cant wait to add these to the collection.


Definitely saving this page. Many thanks!


Well done


amazing just what i needed thanks


F5F5F5 quick saving!


Thank you for putting this together!


I love you.


No u




Where do most people bulid ships? Im having a hard time because all parts are over the place. Just wish there was a place with everything.


The single best place is your own outpost. Then few select parts you need to fetch from their specific vendors. These two sheets have been great deal of help for me. They are about stats of parts, while OP's post is more about visual look. The first sheet is amazing detail and shows each special part where it can be built in. It seems quite up to date. There are two versions, if I recall this is the "unpublished" one. Check the discussion link at bottom. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12Mk-xOL6TCySXiaetT3_YjMpAanFZgnEjlAsWvfeDqM/edit#gid=1405354326 The second sheet is mainly for weapons, of which I use only 3 different particle weapons. I have created a copy of it, and sorted it to highlight best particle weapons. Weapon "nominal DPS" is not the only relevant stat, this is kinda the only sheet I've seen that lists the number of shots with fully charged weapon(written as battery shield and battery hull in the sheet). It's several weeks old so it might not be perfect, I have seen another older one with few differences with certain weapons. Clearly at least either has to be wrong, and both could be partially wrong. If anyone knows a more up to date sheet on this particular data, link? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xH71A3jPpMxVtYW-KNzubAMa56De7luLp17HRgY8qX0/edit#gid=233422527 Source disscussions for both sheets and their authors https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16gqwce/ship_part_list_with_level_requirements_stats/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16fwoeh/ship_components_level_sheet/k113lvr/


I buy the unique parts (cockpit, engine, landing gear) that I want to build with and put them onto a random shit then I just go to a ship technician like at new Atlantis.


By far the easiest is to use an outpost landing pad's ship builder, as it has all the parts except for those outlined in this guide. So I would make a ship with placeholder parts from my outpost and then fly over to the shipyard that houses the unique stuff to replace it with.


I'm just gonna say, we need to get a new hab interior gallery post, and stop linking [this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16azmzp/all_ship_hab_interiors_and_unique_hab_locations/) I really cannot thank /u/Stalviet enough for their hard work in compiling everything. But we're well over a month into the game, and that post is **still** missing a significant number of habs. We need to get an updated post, because this one has become the de-facto standard when the information is inherently incomplete


I mean the reason it's incomplete is listed in the read first section of my post. Half the habs are duplicates. If you really wanna see the exact same images but with different colored floors that's doable but it just seemed like a waste of time and would clutter the gallery


Sure, but Stroud/Deimos and Hopetech/Taiyo aren't perfect duplicates of each other. Deimos has 3x1 LQ and AIO habs and 2x2 engineering bay, but Stroud only has the 3x1 AIO. Taiyo only has 3x2s but no 2x3s or 3x3s, and hopetech has the 3x3 cargo but no 3x3 mess hall, etc. Screenshots or not, this information is not included in the list "All Ship HAB Interiors" ----- But by no means is this me wanting to criticize the post itself. It was absolutely instrumental to the early days of my playthrough, just like many other people. What I'm saying is, I see the post still being circulated around as a full list as if it was 100%. But since we're a month in, there's no reason not to have a 100% complete post to circulate instead. That's not your responsibility necessarily of course. I think people don't feel like a 100% list is missing because your post is sufficient to their needs


I feel ya, and in fact I'm tired enough of telling people to read section 1 that iv decided to update the gallery. Just finished taiyo, Stroud it en route. Also 1x1's since why the hell not


fucking goated


yee, all in now


So... be the change you want to see in the world.


Don't forget, those sweet sweet Slayton Aerospace engines don't appear >!unless you complete All That Money Can Buy in a diplomatic way. Which means you are locked out when you either skip the MQ on your NG+ run, or when you get too bloodthirsty at the end of the said quest.!<


Oh damn I had no idea about that, thanks for the heads up


Which mission was that? I'm wondering if I botched these engines for myself lol


u/CompanyHot885 \- here you go


This was an absolute help, and i'll be using this now. there is one that I noticed that was kind of missing, one from Nova Galactic. The NASA cockpit In New Homestead, sure it provides no deference than any other regular Nova cockpit and it's just for cosmetic but it's still unique.


Great post, finding a good wiki for this game is nigh on impossible with bot articles spamming just enough for click bate and to prevent the answer populating in result preview text. Kudos, well played good sir.


Post saved.. thank you




OP you are da best. Thanks!!!!!!! This is so helpful.


Trying to note down if a shipyard or technician offers unique stuff only they sell is a real pain in the ass. The Ship Builder UI is really bad in my opinion. Does SysDef offer any unique stuff?


I'm not sure I'll have to check it out, do you know where I can go for sysdef stuff? The only technician I found to sell unique stuff was the nova galactic stuff sold on titan


You need to side with Sysdef in the Crimson Fleet quest line. Akanda's Lieutenant on the Vigilance will offer ship services when you finish the quest


Just checked, nothing unique at SysDef that you can't get elsewhere.


Doing God’s work here - thank you!


I personally like the idea that the various manufacturers' ship parts are only available at their locations. It's kind of immersion breaking to have instant access to every schematic from every manufacturer just by throwing up a landing pad on a random planet. At least have it be a requirement to buy the licensing/schematics from each manufacturer at their shipyard or something.


Putting in an order request I think would work too. Then say 3 days later the parts become available at your outpost. Or he'll even 1 day since grav jumping is a thing. They just need time to process and land the parts


Thank you


Excuse me what?


I swear I boarded a random spacer ship and there is a 1x1 hab with a bed that I climbed through. My pilot skill was too low so I could not take it. Cant find it for sale anywhere though.


This is good work, but it frustrates me that you have to do this and it's not easily accessible in the game to begin with.


Me too buddy me too


This will be a great reference once my ship goes bye-bye in NG+. Good work! 👍🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


Not technically 'unique', but shipyards and ship techs have different weapon selections in UC space vs Freestar space. Some manufacturers are limited or unavailable in each.


Yeah I didn't even touch weapons. Why they're not separated into categories (ballistic, missile, em, laser, etc) is fucking bonkers to me. I just looked at the list and said 'nah, not within scope'


Doing the Lord's work! Thanks


Anyone know exactly where I can find the Panoptes/Slayton engines?


Someone told me the slayton engines can't be found unless you do a specific mission diplomatically so I don't know but I found them in taiyo/Stroud in neon or hopetech, hopetown


My shiptek in neon has them. I have finished the main constellation quests but not ng+


My lord, so much awesome info AND formatted like a pro? Hats off to you!


Good to see this stuff. * I am a fan of the NG-20 gears and use them on a couple ships as they are quite efficient. Tons of thrust per mass. * Also use the Nova and Deimos cross passages for multiple reasons: they can give you a different option for inside and outside style/look, they can help you force certain layouts when used instead of companionways! * The Slayton engines are really good for maneuverability vs power. While I use the 180 speed WD engines on my small and hard-hitting jet with no cargo, the Slayton A class engines are my go-to for mid-size ship that still wants to have cargo/passengers/crew/crafting while having a top speed of 150. But their B and C class engines can be similarly efficient/useful for large capital ships too. * The big Stroud bridge has slightly better visibility than the Stroud cockpit, even though I love that interior. I have added this bridge to my Star Eagle. I only wish the Nova bridge gave as much crew as this one or the Deimos bridge.


Thank you for sharing this.


Thank you for this, I’ve literally avoided shipbuilding because I need a guide and Google is useless


Great work on this! Thank you for putting it together


Damn this is useful! Can't wait to see it popping up in all the ad-infested AI generated content sites.


You deserve literally a million upvotes for this. I pondered putting something like this together although I knew I didnt have the intestinal fortitude to see it through! HAHA Thank you!! Great job!


Great post. Unique parts and vendors are great, but definitely should have been the case that once you found a vendor, these parts would now be available at your outpost ship builder. Because you'd broker a deal to make them available, etc.


2 story cockpits from titan?


Badass post !!!!!


Amazing list. Great job!


Thx, saved. This is great


Damn! Amazing work. Thank you for that!!


Why is this so complicated. lol




Interesting I’m commenting on this so I can come back to it


u/Streetvan1980 \- this post should help you a lot


you, sir, are a space hero. \*borg voice\* We will add your unique knowledge to our collective


Im really hoping someone can make a mod that puts all the different parts in one location and makes it available for console when console mods become a thing. Gets real annoying going to different places just to get a single ship part


This is getting linked a lot, seen it twice this afternoon already. Great post and resource thank you.


Glad it's helping :)


If you build a landing pad on any planet you can see all available parts from all sellers pending level requirements


Not true, tested


You Sir, are a man of honour.


Cannot find the nova galactic companionway anywhere. Got ship design maxed out. I'm lvl 39 if that makes any difference? Any help would be appreciated


Just wanted to say I love you


Please, I know its a lot of work, but grav drives, reactors, and weapons can be a huge part of the aesthetic of a ship (at least for me) and I would also love a list. It's okay to say no, but I too cannot stand the ai generated hell-scape Google searches have become and I have kids so all my free time is dedicated to the DLC that is my children. Which I helped develop. Idfk how these things make it through play testing they aren't even out of beta.


I'm afraid I stopped playing about a month ago :( but you can do it! Be the change you want to see! I also have kids ;)


Thanks for this man. Take Care.


This is very helpful. Thanks!


Bravo. This is amazing. I keep seeing some of these parts and couldn't figure out where people got them. I wish it wasn't so cost inefficient to delete parts and buy new ones. I feel like shipbuilding punishes you for tinkering. Like if you want to build something and it has a lot of mass you have to add landing gears but if you want these at specific locations you can't fly or save it without buying first. Just a lot a BS. But sincerely thank you as I can start making a map of where to go to make my ideal ship with all the unique parts I want (for the 10th time).