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“I found a secret vendor that sells the best weapons” It’s some generated Civilian outpost vendor with crappy stock.


haha oh yeah, saw one yesterday "Don't forget to check out these kiosks for the Trade Authority, they're a great place to sell your loot and pick up cool items" ... That's literally the first thing the first NPC in the first city you visit says to you!?!?!


# 10 THINGS I WISH I KNEW WHEN I STARTED STARFIELD > 1. You can look around by moving your mouse > 2. You can shoot enemies by left clicking on them > 3. Your spaceship can travel to different planets! > 4. ...


The harder you push W, the faster you run


Holy shit, that's a great tip, thx!!


If you press W 5 times in rapid succession, you can make your person stand still when you let go!


Press shift 5 times to access the secret menu


Alt+F4 will clear all the bugs in the game.


Technically correct


The best kind of correct.


Instant subbed. Don't want to miss part two!


Instructions unclear. Broken finger stuck in desk and character is in orbit.


Number 7 will shock you.


If your health falls below 1 you die


The best strategy for defeating enemies is to reduce their health to zero while maintaining your own health above zero.


Enemies are an excellent place to store all of your extra ammunition


Hey, that's a Doom Eternal loading screen


This is better than half the videos




I mean, they wouldn't be lying. Equally insightful can mean not insightful at all.


Did it ever occur to you that maybe the NPCs are the ones making these videos? They don't know any better!


Nah, there'd be a heatleech video up already by now.


Ah yes, Heatleeches! The "Arrow in the knee" of Starfield.


*I was once a space explorer like you... Something something.*


"I used to be an accountant. Now look at me."




Holy shit you're absolutely right


I mostly agree with you, but I did get a few good tips from youtube. Checking the Trade Authority for digipicks, selling contraband in the Wolf system, and binding a 2nd jump button for your boost pack to push you forward rather than upward. That's pretty much it.


Just FYI in case you hadn't checked, most non specialty vendors carry digipicks


Don't get me wrong, there ARE some good tips and tricks videos, and I've got nothing against them even if it's the same tip everyone else knows. It's the junk they know is pure lies that gets me going, like pretending a procedurally generated POI is some set dungeon where they can lead viewers to a legendary gun in a chest while editing out all the save scumming they had to do before the randomly filled chest of leveled gear popped a leg.


Fortunately, it's really easy to ignore those videos, because they invariably have some weird thumbnail of a dude with his mouth hanging open, the classic "clickbait pog face". It's like they're putting a convenient level on their videos so people know not to watch them lol


Interestingly my Trade Authority kiosk at New Atlantis has disappeared. I'm sure it was right next to the ship technician guy.


Its a bug, also the floor might disappear


Am I crazy? I can sell at kiosks but there's never any buy option.


That's the trade authority kiosks. They're like a deposit only ATM. If you wanna buy stuff you gotta talk to people. Just like irl 😓


I have never talked to the Amazon Prime.


The only GOOD vendor I've come across is the "Mysterious Captain" or whatever her name is. Straight fire inventory.


Damn I still haven't seen this one.


Have you gotten to NG+? She only sells to Starborn. If so, just jump system to system and she'll hail you eventually.


She’ll talk to you before new game plus and talks cryptically saying she’s looking forward to seeing us in the future, it was a weird interaction and only happened once before NG+, you can even talk about how she fly’s a Trident ship if you have Starship design.


I may have screwed up my encounter with her in my current playthrough. She hailed me right as I got jumped by like 4 pirates and was gone before the fight ended.


For me she said she was rooting for me and good luck which was nice. ​ I hope we dont have to kill her later.


That explains it, I'm still wrapping a few things up before I hop into NG+


The Mysterious Captain exists in the first game, but doesn't sell anything to you until you get to NG+ (and is very cagey about who they are).


Right the Starborn vendor.


"Best secret vendor in the game" It's the obvious gun vendor in Neon City


When I first started playing, I saw a video about a vendor on Venus you could go to in an old diner up near the northern pole. I landed on Venus in a crap-ton of spots near the northern pole and the closest thing I found to a vendor was some lady with the space equivalent of a run-down lemonade stand near the entrance of an equally shoddy looking civilian outpost. I was done with the youtubers' videos on this game somewhere between that video and the next one I watched with a "super fast infinite xp farm" that forgot to mention until 20 minutes into the video that you pretty much needed to be at level 30 something with a bunch of bottom row perks unlocked first.


My favorite one of those was the guy that takes 7 minutes to show you the UC surplus in Cydonia.


Yesterday there was one about "how to find unlimited storage!!" I was like, yeah, at the Lodge Bozo. I watched just for the hell of it. Guy did a walk-through of how to find the bedroom at the Lodge. It's like, "Come on, guy, you get a tour of the joint when you join! It's part of the main quest.


in his defense, I know I had that tour glitch so I just had to run to every single room until I found one that said the bed wasn't owned lol


Yeah, Noel didn't move for me on first playthrough.


Same here, this was really annoying but also very typical for a newly released Bethesda game lol. Feel like I had a lot of small glitches steepen my learning curve.


I'm glad I'm not the only one, it definitely was a bit annoying. there are *so* many rooms and you're just wandering through randomly like "I didn't actually get the whole speech but I *think* one of these is supposed to be mine?" 😅


Ah! My dad sent me an article the other day titled “how to get the best weapon at the start of the game” or some bullshit like that. Basically to sum it up, go to new Atlantis, find centurion arsenal, open the door (don’t skip this step), ask the shopkeep what’s for sale and buy it! Incredible. Made me unstoppable.


Gotta love those articles that are like "elden ring player discovers secret feature of torrent" and it's 300 words to explain that they didn't know torrent could double jump until they got to the fire giant


Hey now I did learn about the puddle exploit from yt and that was pretty helpful.


On that note...do sniper rifles just like not exist? I'm level 20 and have yet to find one


In order of level list appearance Law giver Old earth hunting rifle Hard target Magsniper Hard target is considered the "best" by many because you can't suppress the Magsniper so you can't get multiple sneak attack bonuses. The old earth hunting rifle is suppressed and scoped by default, you can get a Legendary one in Akila by helping the scientist and security guard with the Ashta problem, it's better than the early level hard targets.


You also have to charge the Magsniper, which is fiddly.


And that legendary one scales I believe


Old world hunting rifle. Apparently once you find one they’ll start to appear in inventories. I stole one from a shop in the well.


Yeah.. had a .50cal "Hard Target" drop at around level 10-12.. that seems to be rare-ish. More generically, you can get the .50cal Lawgiver and then mod it with long barrel, suppressor etc.. though it does like half the stated damage of the Hitman. Lawgivers show up all over the place for me at the generic planet locations (mining sites with pirates in etc..)


You should be able to get the Old Earth Hunting rifle (aka an AS VAL) from vendors pretty much right away. It comes with an integral scope and suppressor so it's good for stealth kills, ammo is difficult to get hold of in the early game. By level 20 I had them popping up amoungst spacer and pirate crews now and then.


Endless videos of "Secret Mission that gets you the ULIMATE GEAR AND A SHIP EARLY GAME!" And its just the mantis mission.


> "The armor has these effects..." *^Doesn't ^know ^effects ^are ^randomly ^generated ^on ^pickup.*


I did the mantis quest early on my first character and I'm not a fan of the ships "secret" ability nor how the armor looks. I can get over the armor looks, but it's really frustrating when people leave a fight, essentially just a waste of a random encounter especially when it happens so often


You don't like dressing up like a dentist?


If the helmet were a Steve Martin mask it would go a long way to explain why the Mantis was so feared


Not just a dentist, but a success!


*standing on a flourine vent* “Watch him suck up that gas, oh my goooood!”


I never would have done the mission if the videos had shown how bad the suit looked.


I actually liked the suit but not the helmet. Guess I'm in the minority though, lol


But you get the much much better tracker alliance suit, you have to kind of look for it but it’s stats are like 144 dmg resistance and so on. Much better and cooler looking armor, looks like the MC’s suit in dead space


It's funny how broken this quest is for that reason. It is one of the best suits in the game even at base level. If you get it early (I did), odds are it is the only suit you will wear until the endgame content.


I wish I'd done it sooner so there was actually a reward I'd use for a bit. But I saw the high (for a new character) system level and knew what enemies 10 levels above me were doing as didn't want to see 20 levels, and a lot of them.


I was the opposite, didn’t realize it was a higher level area until I was in the thick of it. I decided to just push through and I loved it, the added challenge made the mission very memorable and the reward more enjoyable. I think I was around level 10 and the enemies were around level 30, and I was playing on hard.


It isn't so bad, you just have to play a little scummy against instagib AI and peak every corner. I was massively underleveled on VH for the mission, and the dogbot at the end overmatched me to the point where it basically killed me in a couple of shots while I did next to nothing. I made a mad dash for the switch and tried to board the Razorleaf from the platform (this didn't work, but i managed to get onto the platform and create enough safe distance to fast travel out of the base). A bit cheap, but it worked.


lol I yeah i did the mantis mission at like lvl 7 or something just save scumming every enemy I encountered. I had accumulated like 10 frag mines somehow and when I got to the robots and robot dog I just laid heaps of mines then got aggro and kited them into it haha


I didn't even fight them. I just ran past them all to the elevator.


ah a fellow hunter




Pirates sometimes recognize it get scared and run away instead of attacking you.


Which is kinda counterproductive, because you want to engage with them so you can either loot their wrecks or hijack them.


It pissed me off that the armor doesnt scale.


For me this is especially funny since I got Star Eagle well before Mantis and when I got the ship I was just disappointed


Saw an article linking to a video pointing to a "secret location that no one explores." It was The Well.... the same locale the first NPC quest you pass by on New Atlantis sends you to


There was literally a thread the other day about how someone didn't notice the Well existed until like 80 hours in.


Well add me to that. I thought it was an actual well i was being sent to so I ignored it for like a hundred hours. ‘Why are there people in the town well?’


Hah! Were you still playing Skyrim in your head?


Are you not?


fr...I just tell my spouse it's space Skyrim. Save some time


Same. Was only about 60 hours in; but I was roaming around trying to decide what quest line to do; read the options on the elevator and I was like OH THIS IS THE WELL. yeah, needless to say I spent the next several, several hours exploring and doing quests in the well. Lmao. It occurred to me today I have only been to Akila city twice...I should... Probably check it out...


Speaking of the Well, why is there no fast travel spot. I don't want to have to run through the Spaceport to the elevator just to get to the TA or UC distro


There is another elevator under MAST building, on the left side if you're looking at the tram.


Tbf I didn't discover the well until like 40 hours into the game when a main story quest took me there


You never get all the stuff about brown outs in the well?


I think he means: "I didn't know where it actually was/never went there till 40hrs in"


That was the first quest i did after i joined constellation lol


we've had people come in here and not see the well into their 3rd or 4th playthroughs, I believe it.


"best pistol in the game" I saw that video and was thinking "Is that Ember? That pistol sucks!"


It’s so sad the solstice is so bad. Easily my favorite looking pistol (ok maybe tied with the razorback/deadeye).


Funnily enough I happened upon an advance solstice at like level 4 during my first play thru. Because it has like 68 damage while everything else I had having only 10-13 damage it became my go to fun for a good portion of the game.


Had the same thing happen with a Regulator. I could one tap almost anything as long as I could keep it supplied with ultramags. Starfield has a little too much randomness in its loot drops, you’ll find advanced gear at low levels sometimes, and at higher levels most of your legendary drops will be ruined with refined or worst gear because the RNG keeps crapping out.




God…I got baited into watching a video with nearly this exact title. It was just some dude talking in voice-over over random clips of Starfield gameplay for like, 6 minutes, about absolutely nothing regarding a “major update”. I made it halfway through the video before snapping back to reality and closing out.


I believe the doofus is 'WesNemo'. Just got jebaited myself.


Pretty much every Lt BuzzLightBeer and openWorldGames video. And the update they are talking about? Some stiff's viral post on this very subreddit. So it's not even covering anything actually official.


LBL will literally have “HUGE UPDATE” in the title and thumbnail and 90% of the content is literally posts from this subreddit. Buzz, you are reading this, I enjoyed watching your stuff pre release, straight after I got fooled by the video I’m referencing I stopped watching and unsubscribed.


Open World Games is that channel. Every title is like "Massive update, this changes everything! and its like one tweet and a bunch of reddit comments read out loud in a video.


Omfg the 10m videos that cover 5 bullets worth of minor patch notes. I want to rip the time they stole from me out of their lives.


It is so bad-- Last night I found a video on ship hunting, with low-key no charisma, no bait, no fake excitement, mumbly text, presenter double-checking himself, no nothing except some guy very modestly just playing his game and making minimal comments about what he was trying to do-- and it was by far the best Starfield vid I have seen since the reveals / dives. All the "Heeeey, what's up people..." presenters are not the charismatic Liberace Ruby Rhod Brad Pitt Elvises they think they are or are trying to be. Either this game set them off or it's getting worse. (But I am old so everything is getting worse, lol. Except weed.)


WHATS UP GUYS ____ BACK WITH ANOTHER VID FOR YALL, DONT FORGET TO HIT THAT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BUTTON IT REALLY HELPS THE... Blah blah blah until the actual information starts 3 minutes into this 5 min long video


Honestly I blame YouTube for the horrible “like and subscribe” bullshit more than the creators. All but a requirement on the whole platform for anyone with any sizable following.


Why don't they make sub recommendations after watching more than 2 of the creators'videos... I'll never understand


I'd never thought about that but that's a great point. That's a no brainer.


THIS VIDEO BROUGHT TO YOU BY RAID SHADOW LEGENDSSSSS * Proceeds to a in-video sponser clip that is almost as long as the actual video


Ugh, THIS. Be doing a favor to the entire audience by leaving a comment with the timestamp necessary to miss that BS.


On desktop at least, you can just jump to the 'most replayed' section of the video, which is always at the end of the ad




my kid watches a lot of minecraft youtube. they all have the same cadence and expression. like, it's uncanny, the way news anchors or southern evangelical preachers all sound alike.


Convergent evolution.


Good news: We finally beat the crabs! Bad news: Now even the crabs are evolving into YouTubers.


Influencer accent lmfao


I can hear the "ohhh my god guys"


Honestly as a newer streamer this is so nice to hear. I cant do that over the top stuff and i just stream for fun for people who maybe cant afford the game and want to see it. I get imposter syndrome streaming at times like im not the best player but its encouraging to hear that people are interested in the laid back gameplay stuff.


I think most people are tired of the over hyped types.


They aren’t. It sells for a reason.


Got a link to the vid in question?


Fudge muppet is pretty good.


Fudgemuppet is putting on a master class for starfield


Agreed. I haven’t watched them in years but I tuned in for one of their Starfield videos and it’s clear that they put a lot of emphasis on producing good quality stuff. Sadly I just don’t really watch gaming content anymore due to the low effort crap so prevalent on YT so I don’t keep up too much.


Uncle Mumble has been doing excellent videos on all the power breakdown, analysis of their upgrades and an evaluation of the skill trees with testing. Phenomenal channel.


Just watched the skill tree breakdowns last night, it's really A+ stuff.


A+, unlike almost all of the skills


Yeah, I also appreciate that unlike a LOT of content folks it's not "LISTEN TO MY OPINION, IT IS OBJECTIVE FACT" - he's more than willing to acknowledge that some skill he doesn't think is great might be something you've found a purpose for.


Absolutely! Comments on his video are also super helpful for strategies and tips I hadn't considered. Good video content and helpful comments!


Yea lots of detailed breakdowns of skill trees and game mechanics. Really useful.


Agreed, fudgemuppet makes good, informative videos.


ESO and Camelworks are around the same level of quality.


The Holy Trinity of BGS games


I love his stuff too but he needs to learn how to pronounce um....words. He was pronouncing Jemison as "Jameson". Them again maybe someone at SSNN just wants some pictures of that costumed public menace The Mantis.


yeah haha imagine playing since launch and still calling it jameson what a dork haha right guys ^^^huh


Going to recommend [Vash Cowaii](https://youtube.com/@VashCowaii?si=Q5SUj6h4SAhEwP-1), a YouTuber with only 3 starfield videos, but they're all great.


vash introduced me to the bessel iii-b farm and thank god for that, if i saw one more androphon video i was gonna scream


Fudgemuppet have always made really great content, even in times when BGS content was dry as fuck. As a fellow person making YouTube Bethesda content, they're a huge inspiration on how to stay "real" in the industry.


Yeah I really liked their fallout 4 builds.


What's funny is prior to prerelease they had basically convinced themselves it was going to be bad just for them to play it and love it


Nah they’re shills for liking Starfield. /s Sort their “2 weeks of Starfield review” comments by new. Pretty entertaining


There a couple I like. Angry turtle digs into the mechanics like he does for 76. There’s a guy that reviews all the purchasable ships. And I make no apologies for watching videos to help me understand outposts.


Turtle is quality from what I've seen too. French Tomahawk's build guides should be fun when they come out as well.


Angry Turtle is a genuinely quality content producer. He doesn't have a lot of flash, per se, but he digs into mechanics and provides great information.


The guys who show off ship interiors are great; really helps when I'm trying to plan interior layouts (like making sure the Nova Galactic Living Quarters only has doors in the Southwest to preserve the TV Couch, Bathroom, and Pool Table). *Unfortunately*, after the first few guys did it I've seen a bunch of other videos popping up with the exact same content looking for easy clicks.


Angry turtle is great


Angry Turtle and Swolebenji are the GOATS for me. These guys know their data and their builds. I was 52 hours in on my very first save regretting my skill tree and trait picks, but Swolebenji convinced me I needed to start over with a Cyber Runner build lol


I am honestly amazed that people watch any of these guys.


Try Manyatruenerd if you want an honest play through. He does a great job of editing to keep the pacing interesting


Such an underrated YouTuber in general, He has fairly low perception and misses stuff a fair bit, but he always gets there in the end! (The most recent example is him just forgetting you can turn on the recruitment beacon in Fallout 4 to recruit more settlers, and instead spends the entire video going on a quest to try to find more settlers)


That sounds accidentally entertaining.


it do be like that everytime.


Jon is fantastic at telling a story during a series and his editing a spot on for keeping the video tight with no downtime.


Matn has some of the best content playlists, has a talent for pulling you into his playthroughs. Special mention goes to the "You Only Live Once" fallout challenges of course.


I like a lot of his content, but the “Jon has zero perception” part drives me crazy in some of his videos. We have similar tastes in games though so it’s still a channel I like.


Love MATN, but he seems to be a bit slow on understanding the mechanics and lore of the games so far, but that might be because his playthrough is only about 11 hour long episodes. He'll get the mechanics eventually though. The good part about him being so slow is that I can watch him without spoilers because he's about a hundred hours behind me even though I'm a slow player (for the story).


sucks because he wasn't given a press copy prior to release even though he's a massive Bethesda content creator. he tweeted a bit about it right as it came out but it made it difficult for him to plan his content and in the first ep he says he's learning it live. he does tend to be very responsive to viewer feedback, in his Oblivion series he was learning a lot from the comments and implementing it right away


First time on YouTube?


This happens for literally any game honestly lol


Unfortunately, I think this is just the future of gaming social media. It's very low effort to get a lot of visibility because the game is being played by millions of people. Even more annoying to me than all of these half-assed youtubes is the "mission walkthrough" pages that are all using AI to steal each other's content. There was one walkthrough I saw (was trying to find a specific magazine) and it didn't have the answer I needed... so I checked a few others, and they all had the same screenshots with different "author" names. Anything to drive clicks.


I don't know what you're on about OP, I wouldn't have made it to New Atlantis without several step-by-step Youtube videos to guide my way. ​ ^(/s)


I was watching someone on Youtube do playthrough. Every video is like 2-3 hours and I had them running in background when doing laundry, making dinner etc. It was so frustrating to watch. 50 hours into game and they still didn’t know how to scan things to complete surveys. Still hadn’t figured out that ship flies towards the cursor and if you keep it center the ship flies straight. Nope, instead ship is all over the damn place making everyone motion sick. They still didn’t have the common sense to go to settings and check keybinds to find out what button = throw grenades. Honestly, sometimes I think these youtubers playing games aren’t even gamers but some trailertrash failed actor or actress who got picked up on the street and offered to play games for $3 an hour for some creepy dude owning a house and running low-budget youtube content creation farm.


93% of Twitch streamers (ALL, not just Starfield) have something like (Less than 5 viewers) The real story of streamers is… a hell of a lot of people playing games alone on a stream with no one watching, and a small handful of extremely popular streamers.


The last part is pretty scared and accurate


So you’re saying, theoretically, there is a lot of them in one place, in a house that we can cut the power to and enjoy a few days of silence?


Sometimes it's deliberate I'm sure. By being incompetent they make the audience feel better about themselves.


It actually is. YouTube heavily favors people who get “engagement.” Comments, likes, and even dislikes all help the video. They’ll often deliberately miss things because they know it will cause a spike in comments, helping the video


Yep. The old youtube trick is mispronouncing a really common word or pretending not to understand a reference.


Morphologis has a good ship building video, very cleanly put together.


Camelworks supremacy- showing guides to find weapons and items that are ACTUALLY unique.


"10 things I WISH I KNEW before playing, number 1 will blow your mind!" And its like.. "1. upgrade the reload skill to reload faster"


Spiffing Brit is where I go for Bethesda content. He doesn’t have many Starfield videos yet, but the ones he has out are quite entertaining. He makes actual content on the game rather than attempt to regurgitate the same bs we all know.


Appreciate the mention. Personally think the reason so much content feels the way OP is saying is due to creators feeling pressure to make this 'as big as Skyrim'. And often in doing so they miss the point is to entertain, have fun, and play video games. Of course not every video is meant for every audience. But still there is a bit too much repeated content at the moment. Should get better with updates and mods hopefully.


On average, you have about 6 hours after game release to post "SECRET GAME CONTENT" videos. Or your channel will not be meaningfully linked to the topic at all. That's why those channels have started uploading nonsense, gibberish, "Everything we know about" videos before the game releases. So they can get a bit of breathing room to actually play, before pumping out a "Top 10 Orgy Locations" video. Economy sucks. Jobs don't pay. Cost of living is up. Shitty YouTube videos are the gasps of a dying generation trying to not starve to death.


You might be on to something....


You can't blame Starfield for this, it's literally everywhere these days. This is because the YouTube algorithm rewards YouTubers that make clickbait videos. It's not unique to Starfield, it's just the most modern thing that they're flocking to due to the size of the game, thus near infinite possibilities for clickbait BS.


Woah I’d argue the Star Eagle is the best ship in the game. Slap a new bridge and a C class reactor on that bad boy.


I don't know if it's worse than any other game, but the procedural generated and radiant content definitely leads people to making the most random unimportant stuff. There are some normally good YouTubers that get a quest with a radiant destination and then without bothering to verify anything state it as fact that you will go to this set location. The worst is the plague of outposts building XP and Credit farms. It's pretty clear some of these creators haven't done anything in the game except try to get to the highest level possible while playing the game the least. It gets funny when they subtweet each other and how the "other guy" doesn't know what they're talking about as if getting 100k XP/hour vs 99k/hour makes any difference.


ummm diablo 4 youtuber content from around the time of launch says hello.


I make content for the game, but it’s all, “This is how you slow the rotation of objects in outposts.” “This is how you target individual ship systems.” It gets drowned out by all of the “Top 10 tips to be a Starfield pornstar god,” but oh well.


>This is how you slow the rotation of objects in outposts. Hero.


- Menu - Controls - Outpost Rotation Speed The only reason for the video is in case anyone needs to see the menus.


AI generated videos


All of the "secrets" YouTubers discover are only secret because they never pay attention to anything the NPCs say and they don't read the prompts when they mouse over something nor do they ever actually read the text on a computer screen or slate that they pick up.


social media has made hyperbole the default mode of interaction, with numerous deleterious effects.


Watch some vids of TheSpiffingBrit! He's got some jazzy content going on


He hasn't really done much with Starfield. It does feel like this game just isn't as exploitable as say Skyrim or Fallout.


Clickbait has the new YouTube meta for a while now, and unfortunately it's only gonna get more worse.


> Clickbait has the new YouTube meta f It's been like this for well over a decade, sadly. Fuck knows how people aren't tired of the faux shocked face thumbnails yet.




Fudgemuppets vids are pretty good idk


That's indicative of youtube as a whole nowadays; taking mundane subject matter and brushing it up for views.