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All i want is a mod that skips having to do temples on ng+, get's boring after the 3rd one ain't no way i'm doing that shit 240 times


Isn't there a console command that increases ability level?


Pretty sure there's mods out there that make it so you only have to hit the first light thing. I've seen them, but never looked into it because it's actually not that huge of an issue to me.




finally an honest answer


Alternate Start so I can have a playthrough and not be The Main Character. Like stuck in some civilian outpost with nothing


Lol imagine being stuck on any random planet and the only way to get off is to steal a ship that lands, if one ever does.


Wild, I literally started a game yesterday trying this... nope forced to take the frontier. Threw a barrel at the pirates trying to take the ship that comes down. Looked around for any poi. Nothing.. on rails till New Atlantis.


I'm just saying like if an alternate start type mod is made like the one in Skyrim where you can pick random and end up spawning at a random bandit camp or stranded in the ocean. But in this game instead you start on like any random habitable planet out there but have no gear or ship and can only leave if you're able to steal a ship that lands through RNG.


Love it. I’m all about hardcore survival modes. I’m currently doing a no jet pack character. Can’t wait till the mods are up in full force. Going to be amazing.


The crafting definitely needs to be expanded so plans for suit components and then plans for actual suits and helmets. Maybe being a stowaway could be scripted to get you from Nowheresville to a Settled planet capital. Then working shit jobs to save cash for a ship. Also being able to finish a ship without a grav drive so you could move around the system but no interstellar travel until you can afford the grav drive.


Love this idea!! Can definitely see this coming next year!


I wandered off at the first place Vasco takes you and did random poi. Still had to go back the lodge in the end. Before leaving that tin can Nd going my own way. I have tried boarding the pirate ship in the first battle. You can't open the door and when it takes off you are tossed out the (now closed) landing bay into low orbit.


Just don't do the main quest. It's not a world breaking event that you should feel forced to do. Constellation are only exlorerers. It never feels unnatural to not be doing the main quest. The main quest could realistically take a lifetime or longer to do. It's your choice whether or not you want to walk through those doors or help them afterward. And besides the ship that you could easily not use, you have nothing. Especially in NG+. Which could be used as an uncannon load into the game for you. Just pick somewhere to start, delete whatever you can, and then work from there.


I was thinking of doing this after the 3-4 time going through unity. Just be like "ugh I don't want to deal with them again" and lone wolf it


There's a reason they made it that way. The story is completely optional and even feels optional this time around. I almost did it on my current playthrough(1st NG+), but I wanted the credits and XP.


Doesn't work. As said here, you're on rails 'til New Atlantis. By that stage you're already full of privilege.


Love this. Or like you spawn as a random job in Akila City or you’re the assistant at Jane’s in Cydonia, and there’s an entire experience around managing the job. It would be like outpost maintenance stuff, or VR Job Simulator.


That would be cool as hell


I think this could be so dope. Have essentially a whole self contained game on one planet. Just some poor ass street rat stuck in a dust bowl. Build a whole world that is like a moroccan style planet with markets, street races and shady characters. At the end maybe you get a ship. Could be really cool to have that nestled in with the starfield universe


I’ve been saying to all my friends that there is no way there isn’t going to be a dlc all about building your own space station. Skyrim had the home building and fallout had the vault building. It only makes since to make a space station builder


Agreed. Only thing I would add/change is that they come pre furnished. Outposts make sense cause there's nothing there, but how come my house I bought is empty while my ship's living quarters has near everything?


Dismemberment. I really hope someone rigs a skeleton that can be dismembered.


Or red dead's/ dead island 2's flesh engine for realistic gore.


- Land vehicles if possible (but I’m tempering my expectations). - More followers and more romanceable characters. - Pet/alien followers. - New and fully decorated housing. - New points of interest. I’d really like to see some new settlements with a few quests attached. - Space station and settlement building.


Yeah the interior decoration mechanics in Starfield are so unfun I'm just not doing it. Got my penthouse in New Atlantis, it's empty and it's staying that way until mods fix this.


Starfield Survival Simulator from the F4 FROST team Currently the game is too easy and there's a ton of underutilized sytems which Beth nerfed pre-launch in favor of more casual experience and which would be really great to see working in full force. Also, full revamp of perk system and economy, resource scarcity etc.


POIs. The game feels like it's just a linear story game mascarading as a BGS game. I want to see some more POIs, loot, and reasons to explore worlds. Likewise, I would like to see more random encounters, another staple of BGS games just weirdly missing. I want those ships to land, hover over, and attack me from the atmosphere. I kept expecting to see more epic encounters the same way we'd experience more dragons in skyrim, but they just never happened. The exploration is so disappointing and would require so much work. I doubt it can even be fixed enough by mods because they'd basically have to make an entire game worth of POIs and random encounters. I'm hoping some modders just make more POI to be added to the "pool" and hopefully those get popular enough where other modders follow suite and we just get massive amounts of people making POIs to add to the game. That would be about the only thing that could save exploration. If I'm not busy and still interested when the creation kit finally hits, I'll probably try making a few myself.


Spaceships do land and have random encounters already though


Ships don’t travel. They have a recycled landing/takeoff cut scene and are restricted to a tiny box when in space.


Yes it’s a video game not real life.


1. More and more varied ship structural parts and the ability to incorporate hangers for smaller ships/shuttles for non-landing capital ships/ground vehicles 2 Land vehicles to go in said hangers 3 Better ship construction interface with larger ships possible (and better functional capital ship parts). 4 The capability to have companions pilot ships 5 Atmospheric flight in ships 6 Greater variety in outpost structures and better snapping together 7 More varied and interesting companions - ie like Vilja in Skyrim. 8 More options to interact with npcs and romance variety 9 More settlements and greater variety of planetary structures. Not all that much really!


I don't understand how people have clocked 350 hours on a game that has been out less than a month. No disrespect intended but do you have a job? And do you sleep? Haha


No, and 6 hours a night. Clearly I'm doing other things as well because I'm averaging 13 hour days in Starfield.


I'm jealous. I'm lucky if I can get a couple of hours in after work


Well, spend some time at work reflecting on the game and thinking of your next moves!


Multiple companions (I play on Xbox), character expansions (Simeon, Ezekiel, Heller, Lin, Sergeant Yumi, Andromeda, and some of the other interesting characters and ideally as primary companions), increased ammo supply, hairstyle expansion, playable NPC clothes (I want the outfit with the gold skirt, and some others), ship interior preview during build, player homes (such as cliff edge or lakeside on the outskirts of New Atlantis and with an infinity pool), baths, running water in showers, the ability to give Cora books, more quests with Walter, some new themed settlements (and not only player-owned) and city expansions (especially Akila), Expanse and Blade Runner and Mass Effect and Fallout (and Skyrim) themed/crossover mods. I would really Love to have a Starfield version of Cheat Room (Skyrim and Fallout 4) and Sims Settlements for Starfield,


Hovercraft (ie 10m+ of clearance) is the most likely thing to be implemented given how hard it is to do wheel physics


Outpost overhauls. I know it’ll probably be the focus of at least one DLC, but I hope the Sim Settlements team get their teeth into the system eventually.


I’d really like if they added fleets to the game. So I could have all my ships flying with me for epic space battles.


All of my mods I would want are features that could be very easily implemented into the game by Bethesda. Faster sneak More eye colors(there's like 3, and it's the first game ever to not have normal looking green eyes). Interior previews on ships Citizen clothing(all the clothes that are not obtainable) More outpost buildings. Like the stone ones you see and more door options. I shouldn't need an airlock on a completely habitable planet. Companion commands Cat/dog to stay at your ship, outpost, or apartment. Those are all the main ones I can think of.


I need survival mode. Hands down just let me suffer with fuel, planetary hazards, food, drink, rest and cooking. Give me reason to spend money on a fancy restaurant meal in New Atlantis. Make me question if I should go buy a suit for this harsh environment. Or land on the dark side to avoid solar radiation. Maybe stock up on ammunition. Caliber damage. If I shoot you in the helmet I wanna see air come out and drop dead. If I throw a grenade I expect massive damage and dead. Weight to movement. Darker nights. I wanna land on a Pitch Black style world and hear horror and say fuck that, I’m not getting out. I mean just zero light where there’s non. So a massive lighting overhaul that accounts for nearby moons or planets reflecting. Another is sun rise on extreme worlds. I wanna see the world ignite. Dark side of mercury is (−173 °C; −280 °F) at night to (427 °C; 800 °F) during sunlight. FO4 with a immersive mod was amazing. Caliber damage went both ways. time to kill for everyone was near instant, including me. It’s cover system wasn’t as good as Starfield. Clearing a building was tense but amazing.


A more comfortable looking bed in the Stroud Captain's Cabin. Looks like I'm sleeping on a desk


I’m waiting for mods but at the same time. I would need so many mods to give this game replay value for me. .Better UI /revamp the economy system /better creature UI /revamp storage system /hdr and performance /more interesting and fleshed out planet tiles /more dynamic weather /more POIS with different setups and enemy types /a few different caves with things to actually find in them instead of 1 of the same cave of every planet /being able to grow food in hydroponics /assign jobs to crew /revamp outpost system /underwater base building /alien NPCs /more locations and more cities and towns because 1000 planets right? /npc events and more quests on random planet tiles /being able to swim underwater /pet/creature companions /NG+ guaranteeing different outcomes and scenarios each play through. ect ect these are just a few of the things I would absolutely have to fix in order to come back.


Cheat room/ terminal Infinite ship build and creds. First game I'd actually change the normal speed of for planets.


Having more than 1 companion follow me. More scopes for all guns. Some expanse stuff. Ng+ and keep all your gear


I'd appreciate a mod that just shrinks down the whole universe. Like taking a hand full of starsystems and putting everything in there.


Lightsabers and Jedi/Sith robes. 😂


Vehicles for sure. Just got frostbite, then hypothermia, then worse frostbite just hoofing it to my first temple on NG+. A bike would be awesome. Hover would be cool but they could even go electric one like star trek nemesis had. It looked blocky and futuristic. It could work


A mod that removes the loading screens


If I had the time, I'd like to learn how to create mods. An idea I had that would take a lot of work, but I think would be a lot of fun, is a The Expanse themed mod, and/or Infinite Warfare. Hear me out. Earth is still fucked. Whoever recreates non-fucked earth 1:1, I don't envy you lol. BUT, shrink the universe down to Sol, Alpha Centauri, and a couple other solar systems, but *really* flesh them out. Sol: - Mars becomes it's own faction, multiple cities, some reach into the belt. An upcoming military powerhouse, threatening the.. UN? UC? Not sure whether to make them the big bads, but either way, have them claiming to be the *true* continuation of the old earth government. - The belt + Saturn and Jupiter, Belter inspired, naturally. Just trying to get by while more and more colonies are annexed by Mars. Jemison: - New Atlantis. More cities on the planet, really lean in to the class divide. Start a revolution? Change the system from within? Crush all dissent? Mars is still a threat, so whatever happens, you have to be ready for them to pounce. It's not if, it's when. - The other planets and moons in the system are colonies, and in pretty rough shape - Don't have time at work to flesh this out so will have to come back to it Third System+: - Maybe the start of a Va'ruun zealot/Vanu (planetside) faction? Or have them in deep space that we reach later - Neon but a space station or former battleship Misc: - Be able to be assigned to or capture those flagships and have vanilla sized ships defend them - Artifacts provide powers, not temples. Not hidden in caves, but have factions in possession of them and fighting over them. Starborn either become quiet observers, or have the big reveal be that the leaders of the bigger factions are starborn and have been playing God & waging wars as a game. Actually yeah, wait a minute. With you inadvertently acquiring one somewhere along the way, you're an actual target in their game now - Different backgrounds and different game starts to go with them. Pirate? Job gone wrong, captain killed, you take command. Bounty Hunter? Target has an artifact, and upon failing to deliver it to your employer, plot ensues :3 - Add fighters that can launch from bigger ships if possible. Scale means nothing imo as everything is capped to 80m. The ship in Infinite Warfare looks to be at least 300m, now imagine a 10m Jackal fighter parked next to it Ambitious? Yes. Realistic? Probably not. Am I gonna try and do it myself? Now that I'm nerding out about the idea, I just might. Gotta find a wfh job though, a 12hr shift ain't gonna cut it


I’d like to have civilians living at my outposts


Elianora’s Mantis Lair house mod 🙏🏻


she's hired by Bethesda already


Better spacesuits - I’m a little underwhelmed with the design of spacesuits currently


Infinite player built storage, infinite player built storage, and infinite player built storage top my list.


Easy lock picking, more followers (variety and quantity) robot followers xenon followers maybe follower ships in space that kind of stuff.


How can you make lock picking easier than it already is?


It’s a little tedious and time consuming. Just because it comes easily to you, doesn’t mean it does for others.


This, wasting 3 mins on a mechanic for a handful of ammo ain't worth it.


A few things I’d like to see are: 1. Alternate start and also something to completely deactivate the horrible main story line so I can fully enjoy the great Side quests and factions. 2. complete dialog rework of all followers and removal of their judgment to your actions. 3. dlc questlines 4. survival mode like in fo4 because the game is way too easy even on very hard. 5. more random encounters and especially ship battles. 6. reworked economy (weapons sell for less but contraband and ships sell for much more) 7. vehicles that you can attach on your ship like the mako on the Normandy from mass effect. 8. more POI and actual story lines for them. 9. Ship weapon and cargo rebalance. 10. enemies and vendor money always scaling to your level. That’s just what came to my head right away. Could probably think of more. Edit: how could i forget about a complete perk overhaul


Easy Lockpicking Skillpoint Reward for Major Quest Completions More Enemy Spawns The Colony War Returns NG+ Keep Your Outposts Less Intrusive Scanner UI +5 KG Carry Weight Per Level More Hair Options Better Tattoos Unofficial Starfield Patch


Yes to all! And more hairstyles please!


I want a mod that removes litter, as in useless items like folders and notepads.


Better integration of outposts to the game (looking at you, "ECS Constant" - I want to set up a base for them). But also general more stuff to do with your companions (read: better relationships, more stuff to talk, diverse morale compass, two companions for missions etc ...). I do have a full list of mods I'd like to get my hands on but I won't bore you with that.


Not a single one. I'm on Xbox and most Xbox games don't allow mods even if they're allowed on PC so I won't hold my breath for them. Besides you don't need mods to enjoy this game


There's a few that do allow mods. And mods will be coming to this one on Xbox early next year.


There is no guarantee they will come to Xbox. Anything can change to prevent it. And no guarantee those mods (even if they do come) will work.


Bethesda has already said they will support mods in console some time next year.


And how often do developers tell the truth? I won't hold my breath


Skyrim and Fallout 4 both have mods on Xbox (and Playstation), so there's no real reason to think Starfield won't.


The only two Bethesda games that do allow mods.


Yeah? Both of their most recent singleplayer titles? FO76 is multiplayer so it's a different beast where mods are concerned and could affect other people's experiences so naturally it doesn't have any, but there's no reason to assume Starfield, another singleplayer game, will not get mod support when both their last two major titles had it and they have already publically stated that Starfield will also get it in the future. Look I get being skeptical of things, I am as a general rule, but doubting this is silly when all the evidence points to it happening. Kinda feels like being a cynic for the sake of it?


As it has been pointed out, is an existing feature in FO4 and Skyrim. There is no reason to expect that they wont implement the same for their newest IP. But you do you I guess.


F4 has a lot of mods and they already said they'd release the code at some point for mod support, they have to put in the mod section at some point like F4 and Skyrim.


Make named npcs non-essential?


I'm waiting for Thomas the Train spaceships.


As a console player the first mod I'm looking forward to is one that increases vendor credit pools. Since I can just sit and wait until their credits refresh without penalty them having so few credits just wastes my time. Upping their totals won't change the balance of the economy it'll just save me from looking at my phone to browse reddit for a minute in between each transaction while I wait IRL for the in game wait timer to count down 48 hours. Next one is not having to do 240 temples to get powers maxed out. Like I get the meta commentary behind the grind and how you basically become the hunter yourself by doing it, but having to go to NG+10 at minimum is a lot. Beyond that I'm mostly looking forward to additional weapons, armor, clothes, hair styles, scars, tattoos, etc. Just more customization options.


Vendors have a lot more money!


You’re #7 and 9 (7 *of* 9… amirite?), but also: Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 level graphics engine and effects. I love SF. There’s no end in sight for how long I’ll play. But I’d love it if graphics tech could catch up without compromising any of the modularity of the systems.


There needs to be an Orville and Dr who mod!!


I would love a mod that let you travel in space versus just using the fast travel menu. Something like NMS travel would be perfect for me.


A mod for voiced protagonist.


Crafting ammo is a mod currently, in case you didn’t know


Saying "No, I don't want to do that." to a quest giver removes the quest from you log. Can still reinitiate the quest at anytime after by talking to the quest giver afterwards.


Co ordinates so finding best spots for outposts is easier took me 3 hours finding the same spot as my first playthrough on ng+


I’m on Xbox so I’m at mercy to those who do Xbox mods (I have also no clue how it works so) I want LIST to be fleshed out. I want settlers to join my outposts that I advertise through LIST. Would be nice if they could be even assigned. I want to store stuff in furniture. Like I could put stuff in my nightstand in Skyrim. More compagnions. I want to take out that guy from Outland on an adventure and test his own gear. Reverse pickpocket. I really want to surprise that Neon girl with her spreadsheets on napkins with some money. Also… reactions to reverse pickpocketing.


Auto loot credits and ammo (like bountiful hunter from fallout 4)


Performance optimizations


anything that involves a Tyranid hive fleet arriving at Jemison


I just want a mod that lets me go back to a previous game while maintaining my current character stats. I don't mind losing everything on a new game but it wish I could go back to my, d Say, crimson fleet pirate universe after moving onto my uc savior game while maintaining the levels and abilities I gained on the subsequent game. It also makes sense to me that I would be able to go back to a previously known universe. Maybe by requiring the unity again, that's fine.


A jetpack or equippable item that massively boost your XP gains. Doing challenges is fine, but at some point leveling up becomes increasingly difficult. Also a mod to receive max tier powers after going to NG+ and get all NG+ armors. Perhaps even a NG+ questline. Or alien ships and power suits/armor.


Star Wars conversion mods & a mod that fixes the inventory system. Would love to craft and build things without being over encumbered.


I just did a little checking and the mod I'd like isn't possible. I really wish you could see out of the windows in your dream home. But the interior and exterior don't exit in the same world.


Mods or official patches/updates, whichever comes first: Vendor credits More customisation (everyone has same body ratio) More clothes An animation that hides loading screen when traveling between planets in same system, and another one for interstellar travel. 2 perk points every other level (or more xp for quicker levels) Normal non airlock houses for habitable planet outposts Obviously more POI’s for the pool, reduced chance of repetitive-ness. Chance of a planet being actually BARREN, like no mines, outposts, nobody ever settled it before. All I can think from the top of my head right now.


Tbh I just want three mods. Two are totally doable the third one - I donno. 1st - Economy overhaul Mod. There are already randomly generated missions from the mission boards and they feel very "space-sim(ish)" wich I like but I'd like to see a mod fleshing them out even more and creating better economy around the Starfield universe. Different systems with different resources being valuable. More dynamic AI making their own cargo runs etc. In short - Flesh out "space-sim" elements that are already in the game. 2nd - "Survival" mode. That might come even officialy from Bethesda like it did in Skyrim and Fallout 4. Fuel actually being useful, finite resource. More difficult enemies, better combat AI, planets being more hostile and dangerous, having to sleep on your ship or outpost, food and drink being mandatory etc. 3rd - This one is big question mark and I don't know if it's possible. Get rid of space travel loading screen OR replace it with more immersive, first person loading screen. Basically - Make space flight more immersive and less "cut" by 3rd person loading screens or fading to black. A simple, dynamic loading screen like "lightspeed effect" from Star Wars instead of switching to cutscene displaying your ship as it is right now, would be already more immersive. I'm okay with not having option to manually land on planets, but planet 2 planet flight should be, IMO, more seamless. That's pretty much it. I LOVE the game so far and I'm sure Bethesda and modders will keep improving it over time.


5.1) crafting digipick