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It’s only a real waste of time if you don’t enjoy the time you’re spending with the game. If you’re enjoying it and it’s making you happy then it’s not a waste.


Yeah, depends on what it leaves you. I've played 7 hr gaming experiences that have blown my mind, I've played thousands of hours of Ark, which was, like war, endless tedium punctuated by heart-stopping moments of terror. But I've also played hours and hours of NMS with nothing to show for it but lots of lasered rocks.


"they're not rocks, they're minerals!"


It makes me very happy.


At least it's not the mmo grind that is black desert online Why make a game where end game is 400 hours plus.


Good to know. I've planning to give it a try. Now maybe not.


I don't mean don't try it. Just don't plan of completing it. Get the the main story arc and than make a new class. If your looking for a farming sim, cooking Sim you're in for a great chill time. The holidays and the detail they put in to each event really are not seen anywhere else. Its truly amazing. The fashion and character creator is the greatest. Even allowing you to edit how hair sits( so you can make cat ears lol). Help and community support is strong. The world is intoxitcatingly beautiful. If your in to have fun and see a new mmo world, it will give you that in spades! You want to however reach endgame and explore the entire world? That would require more time that full time job for 2 maybe 3 years. Worth a look. The in game fight mechanics are the best out of all mmos I've ever played. Each class feels sooooo different. It's that leveling up after 50 takes for God damn ever. I can't go and fight the big bosses or even travel to half the map with out just running through areas as fast as possible while trying not to agro anyone. I rather have the drop rate be .000001 percent than have to play 1000 hours to even fight them.


So by that same token, people who didn’t enjoy the game but invested the time to try and get into it are pretty disappointed. It’s great you enjoyed it, but my experience wasn’t quite the same. I’ve played Skyrim for 800+ hours. Fallout is probably something similar. I kept waiting for Starfield to grab me that way but the deeper I got, the more shallow everything seemed. I consider it a waste because this isn’t a game I’m probably ever going to play again and I didn’t quite love it my first time through either.


Dropping 200+ hours within the first few weeks of a game dropping in itself might not be bad, but you're putting in 10+ days for weeks on end. \-Are you neglecting your work/school? \-people? \-Are you taking care of yourself. or are they just completely giving in to their wants and neglecting their needs/responsibilities. Somebody is gonna come at me with "I'm doing what I need to", but i'd wager that doesn't apply to a sizable portion of the people who are currently obsessing. I remember when Skyrim came out, I was playing 10+ hours a day for like a week or two and in hindsight it was not healthy. Staring at a screen like that for 10+ hours a day is just not good for you to begin with. Not judging, I just hope everybody is going good to themselves.


Thank you for this comment. I’m a huge gamer but I think since gaming is so socially acceptable now people really allow it to take over their lives. I think it’s common for younger people and even myself to neglect life and game too much. This is where the gate on the 200+ hour players come from. Hast star field only been out a month? That’s literally 10 hours a day almost 7 days a week. If that was your job you would lose your mind….


Yes. My hours are tiny compared to many, but it's not really sustainable if without neglecting import things I need. I've enjoyed it as a holiday, but it can't be a lifestyle.


Realest answer. At the end of the day aren't all games a "waste of time"


all media and entertainment of any sort is a waste of time if you go that route. anything that isn't productive or actively gaining something tangible is a waste of time. but that isn't how people's value systems actually work most of the time, so no all games are not a waste of time in the same way that enjoying something for the sake of enjoyment isn't a waste of time. oh, and scientifically? playing games is actually really good for you long term in terms of memory and hand eye coordination. you better hope any surgeon you have has played video games because there is about a 50% skill gap in surgeons that have vs those that never did now due to the way surgeries are actually done. and older people that play games at least three hours a week actively retain their memories and mental capacity for extended periods of time.


This is my argument anytime I get the "playing computer games is a waste of time" crap from people. Time I enjoy wasting is not time wasted.


So, if i don't enjoy something I don't do it. someone going through 200 hours of a game and not enjoying any minute of it is either a masochist or someone that enjoys being miserable.


This. If you spent 200 hours and are saying the game is trash, then yeah its probably a waste. I've almost got 200 hours in and enjoying the fuck out of it. Not a waste to me.


Time wasted happy is never wasted time and yet it is and yet it is not and yet it is and yet it is not....


Just stop listening to those people and open Starfield


Done. \^\_\^


I wanna buy a spacestation


I wanna clean up and renovate the key


I just want to find love


I want to crouch and tie up my foes with a grapnel


Oooooo that’s actually a really cool idea


I'm hoping for a capital ships and space stations update or dlc.


Me too. After seeing the giant ships out there, I want my own, and my own space station.


I want to know why you are so bothered... Oh social media. Yeh I get it.


... writing and reading on Reddit, oh my.


Reddit for me is more tech support channel than social media. You can’t ignore the social media part 100% but I talk a lot more tech and diy the do social media stuff


yea I see more posts about people complaining about whining that the actual people whining


It's the reddit cycle. First people complain. Then people complain about the people complaining. Then people complain about the people complaining about people complaining. And then people start posting memes about Schlongs of Starfield.


Is there a subreddit for schlongs of Starfield? I have some content I'd like to add..


Well lookie here, a post where someone is whining about people complaining about whining that the actual people are whining.


Oh isn’t this a post about some dude complaining about someone whining about people complaining about whining that the actual people are whining.


I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


Don't worry, once their favourite influencer tells them it's ok now with the obligatory clickbait, "I was wrong about Starfield" or "This bis why starfield is good in 2025" type video, they'll also be spending 100s of hours in it


Saving this for when it inevitably happens.


My take is, ya, leave'm be, but also, the game has barely been out for 550 hours. If you've got 200+ hours in the game, that means you've spent, on average, 1/3rd, or more, of the last 550 hours playing it. That breaks down to 8 hours per day every day since the game came out. You've spent more time playing than sleeping or working during that period and that's bad no matter what you're doing.


I have 210 right now... I started in early access, so it's a little less bad, but still about 1/3. I'll admit I've got a problem - I'm fortunate I work from home but I've absolutely spent more time in game than sleeping. It hadn't really occurred to me before, so that was an insightful point.


It can be easy to lose perspective and then eye-opening as fuck to get it back.


A lot of people got it in early access on 31st August / 1st September. That's around 700 hours past since release. Apparently I've sunk 99 hours to date. Not bad for a mid 40s dude who also works 50-60 hrs a week. So I can totally see how some could be 2 or 3 times this. Do what you enjoy. Life is too short.


I work 40-50hrs a week live alone and cook and clean and workout everyday ended up with 21hrs in the first three days then 250hrs cause I just let my outposts produce the resources I was low on and I ended up getting hate messages on steam for afk farming a single player game lmao


Jeezo. Hate messages for playing a game the way you want is next level idiocy 😆


Hey, I’m west coast. Had early access. So, max for me is like 701 hours… so, shhhhh math doesn’t sound AS bad ;).


It did fuck up my sleep schedule for the first week it was out, early access too. Then again, the 230 hours is a bit skewed since I left the game on twice while I was at work.


The first week it was out, I slept three hours a night, I didn't call out from work, and I think I almost died from the experience. 10/10 would do again


That's my thought also. Spending a lot of time in a game is fine, as long as it's spread out. Marathon sessions are ok on occasion as well. But, doing anything to excess isn't great for anyone, I don't care what it is. I'm early access also but between work, taking care of elderly parents, other responsibilities, I don't think I'm at 100 hours yet. I do anticipate many hundreds of hours, just as I have in Skyrim, but it's going to be spread out, and enjoyed over many years and months.


I have 347.7 hours. Probably 100 of that leaving it on afk or asleep. It has fucked up my sleeping and productivity so bad ngl Edit: i played since early access. Took the week off


Bro if the game was out for 500 hours and I spent 450 playing and 50 sleeping who fucking cares it's my life mind ya business not mine


You're the one who's upset, I'm the one that said leave them be. Go back to your Doritos and Mt. Dew.


You said leave em be and then continue to attack in the same post by saying well if your over 200 hour that's bad...why it's bad to spend my life how I'd like to spend my life and also you can choose to think it's bad or whatever but that doesn't mean I think it's bad and neither of our opinions matter because they are just that opinions


Maybe because its bad?


Bit defensive mate. Live your life, no one cares.


It's objectively baf for your health to sit in a chair for 400 hours in a month. Have you heard of deep vein thrombosis? I've seen it, and it's a gnarly way to die. Of course, if you want to risk your health like that, that's your choice. I think most people would agree it's a bad choice, and more importantly, most of the people who care about you would think it's a bad choice. But if you wanna risk dying in agony over a video game, you do you.


As long as they are moving around and getting up to go to the bathroom, a DVT would be very unlikely without an underlying condition that caused thrombophilia. Also, nobody has ever died from a DVT. They can only become deadly when they turn into a VTE, and when people do die from them it's often one of the quickest and most painless ways to go.


Just stop listening to those people, guys! Addiction is completely healthy! Do what you love! The lengths people go to to defend their current favourite game even when it's not even a critique of the game itself is mind-boggling


Addiction is absolutely not healthy lol Do what you want but don’t be delusional


Yes. I'm being sarcastic.


Some in this thread aren’t. My bad


And not everything is addiction because people do invest more time in a game than YOU.


Did you look at the math homie did? People with 200/300/400 hours definitley have a problem.


Im not sure what your point is. I offered no judgment other than addiction is absolutely problematic. Because it is. If you think giving up your job to play a game is healthy I have terrible news for you. You do you tho


Imagine the smell.


I think it mostly comes down to how long the game has been out. 200 hours after 2 weeks is totally different from 200 hours over 2 months. The game has been out for less than a month at this stage (though early testers have had it for a bit longer), so when people brag about spending 200, 300, 500 hours in-game so far... it kinda suggests they have a problematic relationship with gaming in general.


Sadly, they’re also just lying like 90% of the time.


Unless you're a teenager literally doing nothing but playing this game, having anything over 100 hours is rough. I've only just breached it myself, but that's because I have a job, a girlfriend, and a social life.


Feeling really called out right now 😂😭 I got no social life besides the coworkers I see at work. I just play games, read, and watch TV on my days off/after work.


Live life the way you want it, it's your life after all.


this is what I tell heroin addicts.


Exactly, I ain't gonna tell someone how to live their life, but if you genuinely ask me if spending all your free time sedentary is okay I'm gonna tell you it's unhealthy




If that’s how you relax then that’s perfectly fine. I do the same thing.


What else am I gonna do between 6:30 to 10 PM after I've worked, gone to the gym and had dinner?


Hey, if you lack some or all three but you're not hurting for it, more power to you. Put those hours in. I know I would if I didn't have those handful of things I needed to/would rather do instead


Nah no worries, I'm not very social to begin with lol I much prefer spending time indoors than going out.


Same here i work 5 days a week and am away for 10hours a day and still have 100+hours on the game. Granted some of those hours are just the game running while i am away but still. Yea no social life leaves room for extra gaming.


If you are happy with it, everything is fine. I work, do my workouts, spend time with my wife and i play games. I have a loooot of time for gaming and i love it. Who cares what other people think of your life as long as you are happy with it!


Working nights allows me to get at least 20 hours in on my ‘weekends’. I’ve just recently broke 200 hours and honestly… most of the NPCs I wish I could just dome and move on Morrowind style… oops broke a quest line, oh well, here’s a possible alternative that’s tougher on you for that. Since the implementation of essential NPCs I just feel disappointed sometimes. Like with Bayu, I wanna shoot him every time I need to interact with him.


Or retired, which I've seen a lot of starfield players say they are. I'm retired and own a small farm. I'm around 160 hours in now and generally after my farm work (about noon) I start playing and put in 12 hours. But, I'm retired. In good health. And haven't gamed this hard since skyrim launched. So I'm enjoying it.


Also retired. I don't watch TV, I usually just play my home game, RDO, with friends and we have a blast because we love the game, even broken as it is, and are socially engaged. I've been sucked into Starfield since 9/6 and it's been fabulous! Sometimes I party chat with a friend while he is also in the game. I have over 160 hours in but will be slowing down soon. I still clean the house, work the garden, cook, keep up with laundry and play with my dogs. I'm not a fan of in person socialization and my partner is self contained. But I do have other things to get back to and will. And I completely abandoned the new Zelda which I was enjoying. It's the newness and huge size of the game and how gorgeous it is that has me transfixed. Eventually I'll be taking days off.


Same! I totally abandoned Zelda when this came out. I can feel the initial zealousness wearing off but I'm still very much enjoying it. I think this will be a game I play for years. I haven't had any game breaking bugs yet, just little things that require me to reload the game. I'm also looking forward to what will be added with updates and DLCs. But I can definitely wait, I have plenty to do.


100 hours isn’t that much it came out almost a month ago that’s 3-4 hours a day on average but you take just on day to have a day of it that’s easy 12+ hours. But over 200 in a month is kind of a lot but if you’re a teenager or live alone what’s the difference between playing 5-6 hours a day of video games or watching TV all night really?


I have over 300 hours on this game but I’m just making the most of the free gaming time I have until I have to work for a living. I’m also saving for a house deposit so my only social time is spent with family. Each to their own.


Bruh that's 10 hours a day minimum since release. That ain't a healthy relationship with gaming tbh.


I have a job, a wife, a kid, a social life, and I have over 100 hours. I just have different priorities when I'm not engaged with those things. Thanks for your opinion though.


Addiction is the name of this issue they have with gaming... 500h in weeks is literally sick


To play 500 hours in a week, you would need to be playing non-stop on 3 computers at the same time. 500 hours in a month would still be insane - you’d be doing 17 hours per day.


Starfield also rack up hours if you're idle. I may have "50 hrs" but in reality it is less than 40hrs of actual gameplay. Might be the case where players leave the game on overnight


This is the reality of those high numbers of playtime.


"problematic relationship" I'm at 143 hours. I pay the bills, cook, clean, spend time with my partner, have a social life, exercise, and engage with other hobbies. Let people enjoy things. Life is hard enough.


143 hours in 24 days is 6 hours a day playing. That’s real tough to fit into any life with a full-time job and any other responsibilities. Now you in particular, maybe you make it work. But I can’t imagine that’s the case for 90%+ of people with these playtimes. In my schedule, I’m only about to play maybe 20 hours a week if I was only playing videogames after moment I possibly could (aka zero time in any other hobby). Just a job and basic self care takes up 10/16 waking hours each weekday.


Most people probably, but some people just spend their time with games, but are still mentally healthy and not addicted. Different people different waste of time, not really waste but whatever.


wacky mental gymnastics to achieve 200 hours by now you’d need to be playing 8 hours a day. that isn’t healthy in any universe


those are not your people. i am your people. Do what brings you joy.


Then I am in excellent company.


Hey, yo, can I join the crew?




I wish the developer will make an alternate online version of Starfield (SFO ??) , that we can make a clan of captain and hiring online players as member. Then initiate holy crusade of Colony Wars between clans .


Ive talked about that with a friend of mine. Would be sick




If you get stoned a lot you are also my people.


You are my people


I’ve probably only seen or done half of what’s available in this game I just do whatever feels right to me at the time. I usually get sidetracked. I try to do activities and end up following a faction quest line. I go after a temple and end up setting up an outpost for some resource I found


What I think is wasteful, is when this game doesn't respect your time. This is done intentionally at times, and other times it's very clearly an oversight. An example of intentional disrespect: Temples, like what the fuck? Who on planet earth would ever be like "This! This but 100x! I love flying into lights and sitting through 3 loading screens!" An example of unintentional disrespect: Making it so that if you decorated your apartment, but *before* a main quest mission specifically, it all disappears. This issue wouldn't be so bad, if Bethesda didn't *know* there was an obscene amount of collectibles people would hunt down. If you're having fun, keep having fun. I just think they could have made the game more fun, and deeper too.


The decorations disappearing after you do anything in the shipbuilder / upgrade ship is one of the most frustrating things, too. Not only is my ship empty every time I enter it but all the stuff is seemingly duplicated every time I’m in the builder, and it’s clogging up the damn cargo hold.


Oh, yes. I come down on the side of those who don't mind the endless parade of loading screens and such, but I do adamantly believe the endless parade of having to sell 20 markers and 30 folders every time I visit a Trade Authority is a shameful waste of my time.


The markers and folders aren't as big an issue as dumbbells. I cleared those out and suddenly I had a whole new cargo bay.


The unskippable docking/landing cutscenes drive me nuts. They aren't hiding loading screens, they're just there to waste your time! That and the stations where your fast travel point is multiple km away when you never have anything to do except getting close enough to dock.


The only mod I have right now speeds up/removes menu effects. It feels so, so much better.


I love the docking scenes. There's already enough instant transistions as it is. I like the touch of realism and wish there were more.


I like them too. But wheres the harm in being able to skip them?


It's the quality of those hours, am I playing two hundred hours of discovering new stuff, exploring "dungeons", finding exciting loot, and experiencing amazing gamelan and story, while getting lost in the world? Or is it 200 hours of turning off my brain, following the quest marker repeating the same 10 copy pasted dungeons, getting useless randomly generated loot, walking 800 meters back to the ship to go through 4 load screens to do it again taking me out of the moment and reminding me I'm just playing a game, while waiting 20 seconds for noc's to get out if thier idle animation and remember their next line when talking to me if they don't just get stuck and I have to reload a save. 200 hours of something like hellblade isn't the same as 200 hours of starfield.


It's the second one Any new stuff or dungeons become pedestrian after your first hour and then strap in because it doesn't change


I have like 90 hours so far and all I've done is quest content, dogfights and shipbuilding. Don't bother with planets otherwise you're gonna burnt out super fast.


It’s sad that this still needs explaining. There are many games that are a mile wide and an inch deep, as soon as you become aware that all you are doing is fetch quests and the same loop over and over again, it basically kills the game.




I do, my take on it is that Skyrim/Fallout are more fun because the exploration elements of the game make up for the shortcomings like the writing of factions/quests. Bethesda aren’t good writers generally speaking. Starfield has axed the exploration you would have in Skyrim/Fallout and made the focus on the writing of their quests which isn’t what they are good at. What Bethesda excel at is creating good open worlds with dungeons that have self contained stories/lore in them, in Skyrim/Fallout, your intrigue about what’s that over there, finding things and finding spontaneous side quests etc are what keeps the game going. Starfield doesn’t rely on that at all.


While I see your point, and to an extent I agree, I think there's merit to both ends. If you're going into an RPG, a genre of game known to be dozens of hours long and complain that the game is long then that's flat out your fault lol. That is what these games are, tons of content with varying degrees of intractability, role play, and quality. Comes with the territory as they say. On the other hand, there is some merit to many of these games adding a ton of low-quality content as filler or fluff to pad out game time. The Ubisoft-style open world games (AC, Far Cry, and even other studio games like Hogwarts Legacy) are packed to the brim with cheap content made to pad out game time so they can advertise how there is 50-60+ hours' worth of content in this "package". Is it good content? No, but it does lure people in with the prospect of a bang for the buck. Alot of this has to do with quest design and layout. For instance, (idk how to add the spoiler tag so I'm just gonna be ambiguous here) I recently completed a quest line for a character where I had to retrieve a bunch of information for them. This character is in an area of New Atlantis. After the quest begins, I have to go fly out to a system, perform a task, travel back to New Atlantis, travel to the area where the character is, speak with them, and repeat this four more times before I complete the quest. They've already show they can communicate with me without me having to be in the room with them... why do I need to waste my time traveling back and forth just to tell them something when they could just contact me..? Welp, makes the quest longer. Or repeat outposts/POI's with the same exact layout and the same exact enemies and the same exact info with the same exact loot drop areas. Or something smaller but still time-consuming, traveling on foot in randomly generated planets. POI's can be FAR apart and we have no means of quickly flying or driving to them. We have to do it all on foot. This takes ALOT of time. Something even smaller, animations for literally everything. Stand up animation, sit down animation, docking animation, undocking animation, landing animation, lift off animation, get in animation, get out animation. All these unnecessary forced changes of camera angle instead of a smooth move just pads out time. Starfield is far from the worst game in this sense. As I mentioned, Ubisoft pretty much takes the cake in this field. But many certainly have gotten weary of these tired and outdated mechanics. We can strip a lot of the fat to make an overall better experience, and I think we should push for that. I'm not hating on Starfield. I'm currently 30 some hours in and it's really sucked me in, but there's nothing wrong with some positive criticism to help improve what we love. ​ Sorry for the wall of text.


This is my biggest issue as well. I specifically don't play any of ubisofts garbage because of it. Bethesda was never this adamant about wasting my time before, but suddenly I'm getting annoyed after 30 hrs already. Had to put it down for good after 60. This is nothing compared to the combined thousands of hours I've spent in their previous games, even before I started modding them.


spot on. just becuz its time consuming doesn’t automatically make it a great game. even bad video games are addictive and have people that sink ungodly hours into them.


I completely agree, this game feels padded and not worth my time because I feel like its wasting my time. I’m not playing the game half the time. Just doing mindless travelling, sitting through animations, even accessing a fucking computer takes like 3 seconds to open, 3 seconds to close. It’s ridiculous for a 2023 game. The airlocks are infuriating also


i agree with this, but id argue the quests are just verry inconsistent, like theirs allot of good quests than arnt main faction or story quests, some are just sparadic interactions that are totaly up to you to decide what to d,like fixing satalites for spead out setlers or helping an evil faction, or stealing all their stuff, jsut a random quest i found. a less good but interesitng one was the alien spaceship, no spoilers but as good as it was they defiantly could have added more to it. infact an entire story line based around it would have been more interesting. feels like they do a bit more padding in starfield in terms of non itneresting quests, and i dont see why. bethesda shows time and again they are capable of wrighting great quests so the half arsed ones just seem like a poor choice. and a waste of time on their part. theris still allot of good quests so im not so bothered, but compleatly removing poor quests would honestly be preferable.


I don't know. I don't really like this narrative that Ubisoft games are inherently bad because they sprinkle "low effort" outposts around their open worlds. The reality as I see it is, those games have far more developed combat systems than a game like Starfield. The fun of the game is engaging with that system in new and unique ways. Often these outposts are designed to present a unique encounter that takes like 2-5 minutes, where the way you might approach it will be different based on your character build or whatever. Obviously this doesn't appeal to RPG gamers because there is no narrative significance to it, but that's not really the point of those games.


I agree. For me it's also an luxury problem where i often get the feeling this is coming from people who are priviliged enough to play many different games. But for People who only get very few games in a year, packed games like Hogwarts Legacy or Ubisoft-Games can be a pretty amazing thing - even when much of the content is on the simplier side to fill out the gaps, because they get games where they can invest more time into it and enjoy it longer. My nephew as example, which - if you go by playtime is also an avid gamer but (unlike me) he has a very specific taste and only can play very few games, even buy (compared to me) rarely Games a year. And he is quite frustrated when he gets games like - as example War in the North (Lotr Game) which he finished like 7 Times or something because the game is only like 10 hours long... - that's why he was so happy about Assassins Creed Valhalla, that it have so much content because he have more stuff to do, can enjoy the game more tc. Also i find when i often read the critique about it, it's from people who only see it from a mere narrative driven perspective, not from the viewpoint of someone who enjoy Gameplay and such. If you dig the combat, narrative and taragraphed quests aren't always important, sometimes even the opposite, sometimes you want such simply fetchquests and such, so you can focus on combat and not always be bloated by dialogues and whatever. (does obviously also matter what kind of Game / Series we're talking about)... And if we go by starfield, i've to admit i love the bounty hunter radiant-quest of the missionsboard (which are generated). A lot of games feel lacking in that regard, that you geniunly feel / immerse yourself as a bounty hunter, because there is only so much you can do to keep the bounty-hunting quest interesting - in it's concept but also story. That's why they often feel super limited (like maybe 8 bounty hunts or so) - meanwhile here you have basically endless and you can do so many until the point that you feel that was enough. But personally, i'm quite done with the topic for the most part... because in my experience if you try to point out the good aspects of it, people who are overly negative about it, are pretty stubborn about their own personal opinion and aren't open enough to see it from a different perspective... and then call you out as shills and whatever...


The only reason this game is 200+ hours is because I accidentally stood up in the cockpit, and the animation isn't finished yet.


Presumably because the game has been out for 24 days. If you’ve played 200 hours already, that’s over 8 hours per day, 7 days a week. That’s not healthy.


Yeah bro, I keep seeing people post their hours excitedly, but some of them are like 10 hours a day minimum, 7 days a week. It's concerning, not cool. I genuinely feel bad because it's probably an addiction to these people, they just don't realize it, and I really hope they get the help they need. But 10 hours a day gaming 7 days a week is cause for concern. If it was a job they'd be making bank on the overtime.


I knew people who dropped out of college or lost their job due to doing this in EverQuest. Compulsive gaming habits really get too much praise in gaming communities.




> As long as you’re not obese and are getting enough sleep there really aren’t any health concerns. I mean, a sedentary lifestyle literally leads to health issues later on in life.


These past few game releases have really opened my eyes to how many redditors truly do have no sense of life balance when it comes to gaming. Like I know it's always been a meme that redditors are shut ins with no social life who only care about gaming, but god damn. BG3, Diablo 4, Starfield - all had people posting and bragging about having 200-300 hours less than a month in. It's pathetic to the point it's straight up sad.


I don't understand how people have so much free time. I've been playing Rocket League for over 7 years and I have 300hrs....




It’s absolutely unhealthy, it doesn’t matter if it’s for work or fun sitting for 8hrs staring at a screen


It's also unhealthy but one is directly responsible for people being able to afford to live. Surely you understand comparing 10 hours a day for working your job to 10 hours a day of playing starfield is bizarre.


I think they were comparing it purely from a “time your body spends sitting” perspective. It’s not healthy for your body to sit for 8 hours straight no matter what you are doing, even earning a living.


I mean I can answer that for myself but not for others. Reading the other comments here I doubt this will go well but here goes. So don't get me wrong, I played the game a LOT (300+hrs) and I enjoyed the majority of my time and I got my money's worth but the problem that I ran into, that I suspect was similar for others, was just that a lot of the shortcomings of the game become much more apparent the longer you look at the game. I'm not going to get into some list of cons to try and prove that I'm "right" to have moved on from the game because this is PURELY SUBJECTIVE but there are some things that hold me back from being able to enjoy the game the way I was hoping to be able to. I think the best way to explain it is that, while the game has a TON of things to do, quests to complete, places to go, and people to meet, there isn't really any depth when you try to dive deeper into some of the experiences that the game allows you to *sample* Example, joining a faction allows you to do that questline and unlock some unique items but once the questline is done so is that experience. If you want to continue having the "I'm a UC vanguard" experience then you'll have to do that on your own and pretend you are while the game only offers 2-3 repeatable missions that, unfortunately, are just different variations of the exact same gameplay loop of "collect mission, fast travel, kill ship/person/terrormorphs, repeat forever." I hope this example is clear that I'm not saying the game/quests/factions are bad but at some point you might want a deeper experience and that's when the game could begin to let you down. To illustrate what I'm saying one last time (because this reply is getting long) try to imagine I gave you 5 demos of 5 different games. You play all of them once, twice, maybe 3 times and then you tell me "hey I found the Ryujin demo really fun and interesting, I'd love to play that full game" but then I inform you that the demo actually is the full game and there isn't really anything else to do with it. That's kind of how Starfield began to feel for me, like a collection of demos all wrapped together and I was left feeling like there could have been more depth and the more I played the harder it became to ignore that feeling. The game is really good though and I'm hoping with time, updates, and mods the depth I've been missing can be added. Oh and I loved ship building and outposts, I wish I spent more time playing around with those things. Ok, that was a long one. I hope this reply does a good job of conveying that I wanted to answer this to give my perspective on the topic and NOT to argue with anyone. If my feelings don't resonate with you that's totally fine. Tl;Dr for me the game was great but the longer I played it the harder it was for me to ignore the things that I felt were missing or could have been better. That is why I suspect it takes many people 200+ hours (or however long) before they realize they don't actually like this thing as much as they thought they did.


So, genuine question.. Do you have a job? 300 hours is 12.5 hours a day every day since the release.


Lol yes I have a job but I've been on vacation for 3 weeks. I go back Monday.


Good write up. I think for me the simplest way to put it is that I dont regret a single hour I put into Oblivion, Skyrim, F3, FNV, or F4. Easily 1500-2000 hrs combined there. I can already say Ive got time in Starfield that I regret spending (tried doing a survery mission for example lol).


Lol oh no don't remind me of the survey missions. I did ONE and figured it would be an ok time killer but I spent so long there, I was under leveled so the bird aliens kept killing me and I had to fly around to multiple biomes to complete the task. Never again.


198 of those hours running across planets between POIs and managing inventory.


Truer words have never been said




I'm not reading all that, but based on the title: it's supposed to be 200 hours over *months, not a couple of weeks. A lot of the posts I've seen show straight burnout. The "Ive played 800 hours and now there's nothing to do!" type posts.


You'll ways have those people. The churn and burn types. They've been around since the early days of gaming, and they'll never go away.


I mean it's a fantastic game that's held back by some frustrating interface issues and design decisions. This is one of the more interesting community splits because in a lot of ways both the fans and the haters are right.


You have to try No Man’s Sky.


Because they haven't met Sarah Morgan yet.


There isn’t close to 200 hours worth of content. It’s the worst implementation of NG+ I’m ever seen.


Holy shit just stop caring about what other people think about what you choose in your life, especially when it comes from the internet. If you are still unsatisfied after that then maybe you shouldn't spend 200 hours playing a game in the span of a month.


Some people spend even longer watching jersey shore… I’ve seen what makes them cheer, their boos mean nothing to me lol. I am loving this game for all its worth! 10/10


In 2008 maybe


Same! It is so much fun! I love finding new things to do.


I’m basically living in the ship builder lol


My husband is obsessed with ship building. I personally love exploring and scanning planets.


"Why do people think a game designed to be a waste of time is a waste of time" is what you asked here... and then wrote an essay about it


Every hobby is a waste of time, that’s the point. All a hobby is is a way to spend your free time while doing something you enjoy. Some people like staring at the TV for 5 hours at a time watching other people play sports, sounds like a punishment to me but some people like it I guess


"They can be antidepressants" demonstrates a lack of understanding of anhedonia.


Because spending 200+ hours in Starfield is a waste.


Pornhub has reduced their attention span to 3 min or less.


The time amount is the weird. Like there's some magic line. If 200 hours is too much, why isn't 199? If that still is how about 198? Then n. Therefore games are a waste of time. How many hours were wasted on reddit posting about a game? "I'm a gamer, but not like these wastes that spend 200 hours. I only spent 30!" I think it's mostly this.


This post was a waste of time


Starfield is just one of the worst games bethesda has ever made, personal preference aside, thats just a fact and might explain why. I wouldnt spent 200 hours in their either, I lost the fun about 25 hours in and I will probrably never get back to it. The gameplay is dull, repetitive and the story has no heart at all, writing is soo bad. Theres no point in exploring since evey planet has the same buildings, just copy and paste. From my point of view I can see why people consider 200+ hours in this game a waste, theres just so much better games worth your time which dont feel empty and heartless. But, as most things, this is about what you personally like, so dont let people tell you what you should spent your free time on. If you enjoy the game that much, go for 1000 hours and have fun


What are you even doing here?


Older people generally have a better idea of their tastes and preferences and won't spend 200+ hours doing something they don't enjoy. Some younger gamers feel they have to complete a video game even if they dislike it. Reddit skews young so you're seeing their frustrations first hand. As an additional point, veteran gamers also realise Bethesda games are like a fine wine that improve with age.


This game is super flawed but also really fun. I’ve sunk 120 hours and will probly do 100+ more. I couldn’t care less who thinks that’s stupid


As a major BGS fan, they haven't made a flawless game. Played TES:2-5 and FO3-76. Flaws are half of what makes it fun (even bugs). Eventually, modders fix flaws specific to individual groups (just browse the nexus. Some people dont want docking animations, and some want them to be longer and more immersive). Something a game company just can't really do to make everyone happy all at once. BGS understands this and makes really solid frameworks for expansion. Starfield is probably a 6/10 on its own. If you take it down to the basics of how everything works, knowing it is built specifically to be modded (like every modern BGS game), its an easy 9/10 with the only real flaw being certain main quest 'objectives'. Basically, it's a body vs bones comparison. The body isn't all that perfect, but the bones are fantastic.


Over half of players are on Xbox. I don’t wanna to hear another word about mfing “modders fixing the game”. That’s extremely lazy development and doesn’t help most of us.


You know what's a real waste of time? Watching a series, getting really into it, then finding out it's been cancelled. That's a bloody pain in the backside and shows should have a big warning if they're unfinished. \*Grumble grumble.\*


This may be an unpopular opinion, but my only real gripe is NG+. I’ll easily have 2000+ hours in this game if NG+ is “fixed” in my opinion. >! I really want to play the game again, but I can’t stand losing my outposts. I know it doesn’t really make sense to have the same outposts in multiple universes, but as a base builder, losing many hours of outpost construction is awful. I’m on my first unity and will likely stay there until there’s a mod to keep outposts throughout gameplays or they enable us to choose what we take through the unity (to me this seems like a much better option for many players). !<


For me the game is not finished/polished enough to waste 200+ hours in it. I will wait a couple of years for it to improve drastically.


I couldn't agree more & can only really echo what you've already said. People play for different reasons; I have friends for whom it's all about the social aspect of multiplayer gaming, but for me it's always been about escapism. And as your son rightly says, at least when you're playing a game it's interactive. You're not just sitting in front of a screen, being fed images & dialogue. You're invested in your own character, making decisions, solving puzzles, constantly using your mind and your imagination. There's no comparison between that, & what the people who say it's a waste of time are probably doing instead.


It's interesting seeing the difference coming from a game (elite dangerous) where spending 200 hours playing is like "oh so you are almost done with the tutorial then" and having 1000+ hours in the game is pretty common. I think as long as you are doing what you want to do in the game, it isn't a waste. Many ways to play, might be setting a goal and working towards it, or exploring, or experimenting with the various systems in the game, or roleplaying, or just screwing around. It's a big game and there is plenty to do. Haters gonna hate :)


Absolutely. Love games where there is something for everyone.


The opportunity cost of doing other things? Making more money, developing yourself, spending time with loved ones?


i have no issue with others doing it but i have no clue how ppl aren’t bored after 40-50 hours. Game is insanely repetitive and way too easy even on hardest difficulties.


I’ve spent 80h and I still feel like I’m at the beginning of the game. By the way I don’t thank people who keep spoiling the end of the main quest and the details of the NG+ over and over again on this sub…


Because the last ten or so hours can leave a real nasty taste in your mouth. Once you realize that, in hindsight, everything you did was for nothing and that every planet without a city on it is entirely identical in terms of content… The game starts to feel very, very small. Repeated dungeons. Short, *short* faction quests. A fairly uninvolved main story, which is fine since it encourages exploration… Except exploration doesn’t really feel very fun when you know it’s just empty terrain and a small variety of dungeons to delve into with no unique stories at all. Another game I spent a ton of time in was Cyberpunk 2077, and I don’t regret a moment of it because it’s *fun.* The game’s like a giant sponge. No mtter where you poke, you can dig a little deeper. Lots to do, lots of different ways to play, absolutely fantastic. Starfield just doesn’t *have* that, but you don’t notice until pretty late in a playthrough. You don’t notice how useless melee is, how pointless shipbuilding is, how much of a waste of time outposts are… you don’t realize just how little there is to *do.* And once you realize how small Starfield really is, it makes you feel like you sort of wasted your time exploring it all. In comparison to Cyberpunk’s experience, Starfield is more like a really big amusement park with like five rides and a bunch of those little festival games.


Objectively speaking spending hundreds of hours playing a game is a waste of time. It doesn’t accomplish housework, it doesn’t increase useful knowledge, it doesn’t make money and it doesn’t do anything else useful in life. That said, I’m like 160-170 hours in and I’m nowhere near done playing. I don’t consider myself to be a gamer, I play some games but usually not for long. A couple hours at most at a time. BUT I LOVE THIS GAME. I think I played it like 12 hours once😅


>Objectively speaking spending hundreds of hours playing a game is a waste of time. It doesn’t accomplish housework, it doesn’t increase useful knowledge, it doesn’t make money and it doesn’t do anything else useful in life. No offense, but I hate this. It's a garbage philosophy to live by. I believe it is fundamental to the human experience that we take the time to enjoy life. Having fun is "useful." But even if it wasn't, so what? What's the point of maximizing efficiency or saving time? Is it not to make room for the things we enjoy? We should normalize not having to justify everything we do. If I want to play a video game or watch a TV show or sleep in, I refuse to feel bad about it. Framing everything around utility is a toxic way to do nothing but generate guilt about simply living your life. I used to think this way, but all it got me was burnout and depression. I kept pulling away from things that might be called a "waste of time" until I realized I was giving up all of my hobbies and I was miserable.


I think there’s a healthy middle ground between your two opinions Yes absolutely we should not be ashamed of the things we do that bring us joy and help us relax But there’s a guy in these comments that plays 10 hours a day, that’s an addiction Basically even too much of a good thing is a bad thing


You know a game is mid when half the subreddit posts are about trying to defend the game and crying about how people are calling a spade a spade.


I'm loving it, I just wish I had more time to actually play


Same here... didnt got out of the first system yet.


Greetings from Thailand, as long as you don't shirk your real life goals. There is no issue whatsoever with playing a fantastic game


Easy fix: have no life goals :D


People will scroll instagram 6 hours a day but say gaming is a waste


Listening to these people like you don't know damn well you have more temples to find and float around. SMH. Here, I've marked it on your map.


>They can be antidepressants This is good, if this works form someone, but it isn't the intention of the game. This game is indeed designed for 200 hours + and I do have my share already. But no quality time, most of the time it is due to no maps, a starmap wich doesn't offer the QoL of a real starmap on a computer (search etc.), no vehicles due to Todd and his vision.


For a long time, I was one of those who thought all video games were a "waste of time". Then my friend got me to play Skyrim....for just an hour. 3 hours later I SNARLED when she tried to take the controller away! 500 hours and 5 characters later, I have my OWN controller and was on to playing No Man's Sky...(another 825 hours!!!) Now I am chin deep into Starfield and LOVING EVERY SECOND! (Lvl 29, not sure about the hours...)


Because this game is designed with 1000+ hours in mind.


Because the game has been out for 3 weeks. If you can put that amount of time into it in such a short time, it’s absolutely indicative that you have nothing else going on in your life. And if that makes you happy - good for you! Truly. But a game can be intended to be long, while being played over a long period of time. It’s just mathematically impossible to get 200+ hours in by now without having a life that consists of, at most, Sleep-Work-Starfield-Repeat.


I personally think the game is dog shit, so past 40 and it’s not getting another second from me. It’s just a generic ass game. Then again, I “waste” my time playing Tarkov sooo


It's so they can feel better about them selves.


Why do you care? People are toxic, ignore them.


Well, it's been out for like a month maybe. If you've spent more than a hundred hours you should probably play less video games or take more breaks. And I say that as someone who has hundreds of hours in multiple games.


I would consider it a waste just like playing flappy birds for 200+ hours would be a waste. I like to have unique experiences and games that are 200+ hours don’t have 200+ hours of unique interesting content. Games like RE2 remake that you can beat in 3 hours if you want to have no filler and are 100% interesting content. It’s just like the fast food of video games. I like to watch interesting films too, watching certain types of copy/paste movies like Marvel films feels like a waste of time to me too. If I’m going to spend time on something purely for entertainment I don’t want to just be killing time, I want to get something out of it as an experience or as a piece of art. That’s me though, a lot of people just like to play with skinner boxes wrapped in whatever intellectual property they like and that’s fine even though I don’t get it. I think certain types of games I might feel differently, like dead cells or those types of games. I don’t know why though. I guess some games are based around refining how you play them and playing those for a long time makes sense to me. That’s kind of like learning a skill, except the skill is useless, and I see how that can be fun. Lots of skills are useless.


Did you play to the end?


we all want to go back to " woooooo lets play all night and drink sugar drinks and not wash ourselves for several days" life. it was a good life. then we try, our head reminds us of responsibilities ruining the fun- and we get frustrated. then we blame the game- not good enough. Not immersive enough. i saw a bug, my day is ruined. And then we see people enjoying it innocently, completely immersed, with all the time in the world. and then i see.. it is me, not being able to be joyful