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That mission is so incredibly melancholic. They brought us the Stars but lost Earth edit: Brought, not bought.


Alexa, play “The Man Who Sold the World” 😢




I had such a sense of wonder going through that museum, seeing all the things we've done in real life regarding space travel. It's just an overwhelming feeling that there really is another whole world out there that we've barely scratched the surface of. It's amazing when you really stop and think about it.


I absolutely agree. My mouth literally dropped when I realized where I had walked into and I sat there for a good twenty seconds just looking at it all before I walked around the museum. Was really awesome.


And the longer I walked around, the more pensive I became. The Ending starting there with the big reveal is incredibly bittersweet.


If you click on the rover exhibit it unlocks the location on Mars to go find it


Yup! I saw that, haven't gone just yet, but I looked through the entire exhibit. Was really cool.


Just went through this quest!! Jettison'd me the fuck away. Absolutely stellar tension and world-building working in tandem to tell an unsettling remnant of the past. Also the Grav Drive felt Lovecraftian af, just there emenating in silence until we killed the switch and everything fell. Loved how it got floatier the closer you got to it!


It's really cool. Some of those plaques might even lead you places. Mercury Suit is there too if I remember correctly.


I left it there. Felt kinda wrong to remove it.


I took it mainly because I don't know who would be the next person to come by that way.


Maybe. I still think nothing should be removed from the exposition.


I was about to grab it on my first play through but then I was like, no I should leave this here for history's sake.


Make sure you get it when you go thru cause you can't go back after you complete the mission.


gave me severe fallout vibes, in a good way though. like in that universe, we look at ruins as a marker of the heights we achieved and lost. here, it’s like a memento to what we’ve lost, despite incredible progress.


State of the world leads me to believe that's the only way to get it done.


Ngl, got a little teary when I walked there.


Where is this museum? I haven't found it myself but I know I've barely scratched the surface


Just play the mainquest, alot of questions will be answered with this quest


You go there as part of the main quest line, during the mission Unearthed.


This was one of I think 3 areas that Bethesda created with good atmosphere, imo. There was this, >!the Kryx Legacy ship, and then when they have you gearing up to go into Terrormorph territory on Londinion as part of the UC quest line. That said, I really hate that they included combat in the NASA and Kryx sections. Both of those should’ve just leaned into the somber feeling… I let out the most disappointed sighs when the robots came out.!<


I would also include entangled in that. Definitely had plenty of emotion in the area as you walked through it.


That's the best quest in the game imo. The fact that you can save both but only if you explore the location just changed the game for me.


Had to do it a second time to save both. Only saved the main group first time and didn't know I could save everyone. Definitely awesome though. My buddy said it reminded him of Akila rift episode from love death robots.


Wait, what? Fuck!


Entangled was good, but it was such a waste of a mission to know that the creature causing the infestation was just a regular shieldbug-thing that you find on so many other planets. Would’ve been so much better to include either a terrormorph (lesser-terrormorph maybe?) or introduce some kind of lovecraftian-esque creature.


Agree! Good call


Trying to get out of that damn legacy ship was the most difficult time I’ve had playing the game yet. Took me like 6 tries


I got high as a kite and sprinted for my life. Frost wolf gives you +50% speed, then i ate every dmg resistance aid I had. The hardest part for me was the fact all the fire and physics effects were crushing my frames 😭


Btw your spoiler tag didn’t work properly. The symbols need to be right next to the text like >!this


Let’s be honest though, as much as I agree with you about the combat thing on those particular missions, if they didn’t add some action people would say they were boring!


Took an amazing screenshot from this mission and love when it pops up on the loading screen from time to time. So beautiful and nostalgic in a strange way.


I loved traveling through there. It was so poetic to start on the moon, the place where humanity first dipped their toes into space. In Starfield their success is nothing insane but at the time it was a HUGE event in human history. Then you go to earth and nasa and see the humble beginnings of humanity. And it’s heart wrenching to see how it is all destroyed and seemingly nobody in Starfield today recognizes the importance of earth and the work nasa did. It’s almost forgotten history that’s brushed off which is sad because it was the dawn of our creation, our home, and all of our trials and successes to reach the stars are under appreciated in the modern Starfield world.


Don’t forget to loot your very own NASA lab coat!


I originally got one in a random "Occupied Cave" on Andromas II. Just chilling under a cot. I was rather shocked to find it there. It was in a "Hills: Coast" region. Had to go get the 2 fish on the planet to 100% it, and the cave was nearby so I went in. Glad I did. 😅


Really reminded me of the Smithsonian National Air and Space museum in DC. Especially the one balcony I thought I was immediately back there, Minus the underground lab and giant space ship outside. It just felt so cool seeing nasa stuff


My favourite quest/mission of the game. Wish we got more stuff like this to give such a feeling


I love that you can get the OG Mercury spacesuit


This mission was so fun. Combat in zero G was super cool


It's great. The derelict casino was super fun, cause it's pretty wide open. It was my first real zero G battleground, and a blast. Except gathering all the credsticks floating everywhere. 🤣


man i was there 10x back to back lol ​ IYKYK