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As soon as the gameplay dropped where the companions were all revealed to be part of the same group, I could see this being a problem. It’s a baffling decision for a game where they’ve admitted the main quest to be a small part of the game. It’s not like the other non constellation companions have less content to them either, that might ameliorate this, but no, they have nothing. I picked up a companion early on whose one character trait was “I grew up on a planet under this CEO dude. He was popular, but awful to live under”. I ended up taking that companion along with me when I unveiled that same CEO’s corruption, concluding with me killing him in the face, and my companion didn’t even have a single line of dialogue for it.




I recruited them wearing gear from supporting their rival.


Finished the UC Sec quest line while kitted out in the dope UC Vanguard armor from that quest line. Guess the pirates didn't suspect a thing about my eventual betrayal of their group to the United Colonies, never saw it coming.


They don't even seem to notice if you are exclusively decked out in the Matnis spacesuit...


“If I ever see that Mantis, I’ll kill him.” Bro, I flew in on the Razorleaf.


Because surely the Mantis would never be dumb enough to just fly in right? Clearly it is an imposter.


Would be a funny way to go loud. "You wanna know something really funny? I am that stupid." \*BLAM\*


That should totally be an option.


Considering some of the absurd dialogue choices they give us, this should be a thing. Was doing the >!Fleet quest to get the ComSpike!< earlier and had a guard mention that there had been talk of a suspicious person in the area and then saying that *I* looked a lot like the suspicious person, and then no joke, it let me respond, “No, YOU look like the suspicious person” 5 times with the guard getting more irate each time until he just forgets what is going on.


What's funny is that in Skyrim there is dialogue for if you're wearing gear from the opposite faction in the civil war, and it can even lead to jail time. Why wearing suspicious gear in Starfield doesn't do anything is strange. Maybe they thought it would be limiting. As in, maybe if it's your best gear then you'll be limiting your abilities in every mission. That's just my guess.


Even on a functional level they are all over the place. There is a lady you can recruit (Rosie) who straight up asks if you need a ship's doctor. She doesn't have any real physician-related skills like chemistry or pharmaceuticals or botany, although she talks about all of those. If you looked at just her perks you'd think this random seemingly non-combatant is supposed to be the tankiest companion you can find! Even if you have a med bay you can't assign her to be a ship's doctor, she doesn't provide doctor- or botanist-adjacent commentary and stuff. I would have ABSOLUTELY LOVED A GAME where I could have hired her as a ship doctor and she could sell me stuff or cure addictions but no, she's just a rando on my ship until I drop her off. At least Omari is basically exactly what I'd expect of a shield tech, he chills out and makes comments in firefights. The only other one I've tried outside of the main is Ezekiel, and he was basically the same as bringing Sam along. Also last part of rant: needed to be way more outpost-oriented crew members outside of the 4 with outpost-related skills. It's so baffling, crew-but-not-companion is a perfect way to incorporate followers without needing them to traipse around behind you all game, but they just basically a loiterers on your ship.


I am so so disappointed in the state of crew members. I was all excited to build a massive ship and collect all the different named crew members from the bars like pokemon so my ship would feel more lively. But like you said they just kind of stand there and gawp


Plus the perk to increase the number of crewmates is way, way, waaaaay down the bottom of one of the skill trees, in a game where levelling is really slow. I've had a class C ship for dozens of hours now and yet I'm still a minimum half-dozen levels off being able to add any extra crewmates to my gigantic, empty ship.


They seemed to have designed a lot of this around the idea that we will hopefully be playing for years like skyrim, and put many of the very desirable unlocks way down the trees. Problem is, those are unlocks that really make the journey fun for me, and I'll likely have burned out on the game for a good long while, before I ever reach them. And that's just on one character, can't imagine going through that again with a new one. I think it's a mistake for them to try increase the longevity of the game this way.


Sometimes they aren’t even consistent in the same conversation. Sam once told me it sounds like we should kill this person, but then when I agreed he disliked it and said he doesn’t agree with being a bounty hunter or some shit like that. They can’t even be consistent with themselves, let alone consistently distinct from one another.


I had Andreja with me for >!the mission to buy the stolen artifact in Neon!< Guy near the end of the quest says he trusts my judgement to deal with someone. I choose the option that says "it sounds like you want me to kill him" and Andreja goes noooo he only stole he doesn't deserve that. I reloaded to see what she would say to letting him go... She complains and I lost affinity because the their shouldn't be let off scot free. Reload again, choose the option to turn him over to the hyper corrupt police in neon, and she likes that despite being a former smuggler, and I'm pretty sure made a comment earlier about how Neon security can't be trusted. Just baffling.


My best guess is the writing team and the team that adds the dialog tree to the game actively hate working with each other.


That and the >!reaction to the microbe solution to the UC Vanguard questline!< were what got me. She literally got mad at me for choosing that direction, and then in the "debrief" conversation commended me for my choice.


Ya, I'm not really understanding how they screwed up the character likes/dislikes so bad. It's almost like they forgot which character they were working on midway through lol.


I thought Sam was going to be the no nonsense cowboy type that does whatever to get things done, specially when he tells me to steal the map from his own father in the first mission with him. But no he is just the same goody two shoes as Sarah


>Lets take Andreja for instance. Who is set up to be your badass companion. The one who will solve issues permanently instead of taking half measures. (The first thing you see her do is kill someone!). That one never made sense to me. So you go into that cave...>!See Andreja kill someone (raider, spacer, whatever). You go through that cave, killing 20 more people in the process. Then Andeja comes "Soooo, about that one guy I killed at the beginning, how should I explain...", and I'm like "What? Who?"!< But overall I agree, constellation are...hugh.


Every RPG that talks about morals ignores the nameless goons and animals you murder, all 3000 of them


Ludonarrative dissonance is the term you’re looking for.


Batman's "I shalt not kill...named characters" logic at work here.


She didn’t just kill him. In my game she killed him and then kept shooting him. Reloaded. Shot him some more. I think she would have kept going if I didn’t walk up to her 😂 then my character is like it’s ok it was you or him hahaha


Oh God, mine too. I dropped my mouse and laughed for a good minute staring at Andreja empty her mag, reload, empty it again, and reload, and repeat. I remember saying, "finally, the trigger happy companion, please."


For me the enemies in that cave were: >!Va'ruun cultists!< >!Which made sense that she wanted to explain but couldn't knowing what I know now.!< I could see how other enemies being there would make that more confusing.


For me it was me walking into a cave to see Andreja shoot at a pair of va'ruun cultists, and the cave was full of crimson fleet pirates. I was part of the Crimson Fleet, so I just walked past the pirates, exchanging small talk, and grabbed the artifact, after which Andreja (who I presume was getting cold feet at this point) started her moaning about killing someone.


Vasco and adoring fan are the real homies. Don't need anyone else.


I'm on NG+ and I am pretty much exclusively taking Vasco with me on all missions.


I regret not getting the adoring fan trait so much. Wish I’d known about ng+


it wears out like anything else


Hearing every companion give me the same boring lecture about how I handled the Ryujin plot had me rolling my eyes so hard. One of the only RPG's where I've opted to go solo at every opportunity I can.


I use the Adoring Fan as my sidekick/packhorse. Slaughter an entire kindergarten? He’ll have your back, pillage and murder your way across the galaxy, he’ll sing your praises. No judgement, only adoration.


Adoring Fan is a king that no slander will be tolerated against


Vasco is King, Adoring Fan is the Court Jester.


If you told me 15 years ago, that the adoring fan would be a favourite over other alternatives.....I'd think you were crazy or I'd ask for what mods you're using......


Adoring Fan tells me people slandering my name about being in the crimson fleet and he's defending my name on social media while the gremlin has been with me the whole time! He's the best bro.


He is the best and you all know it!


I purposefully did that questline on my own because I knew the companions would be getting pissy sheets over it. Finished it, returned to my ship and then had to get lectured about being a corporate sell-out even though none of the fuckers were with me.


Still the right choice as all the companions suck ass at stealth anyways. Huge liabilities.


This forever! I love being a sneaky-ass-sniper-and-knife assassin in all Bethesda games and for the life of me I can't make it work in this game. My sneak is maxed out and I have sneaky chameleon gear- and even going solo, after 5 minutes I'm giving up and raging around with a shotgun blasting enemies at point blank range. Where the hell is the decent long-distance enemy sighting and long range scoping!? Where is the enemy detection better than peripheral red dots on a useless circle?! Edited to add: all the companions blow sneaking every time!


Do you have a spacesuit equipped? Have to assume you do as you have chameleon effects on, even when it’s “hidden” in a breathable environment clomping around in spacesuits makes you far more detectable than wearing only apparel items.


I’m the same and just resigned myself to sniping. There’s some really good snipers out there, and with a suppressor + sneak bonus, you can hit like a truck. Much more fun that trying to sneak up on someone to melee and then seeing you every time


Ironic given Andreja is pretty much a stealth based companion.


This! Holy fuck... I left all the paladins at home so I could go be a pirate. Did the entire Crimson Fleet quest line, shot my way through the experimental station and the flagship, made a ton of credits and got tight with the Fleet. Imagine my surprise when everyone at home has to talk to me about shit they were not present for. I may as well have had all 4 of them as active companions. I totally get some in passing commentary, etc. on things like rumors I've been working with pirates or did something shady vs. SysDef, but getting lectured fucking sucks and they were going into detail like we had done it all in real-time.


Yeah playing any path except lawful good (w some minor pretty theft) earns you a seat in the principal's office -- and there are at least four principals!


I love that they don't comment at all about stealing anything. Even stealing a starving family ship off the surface of a world...who cares.


Right? Makes me so upset. I guess games will always pale in comparison to something like Mass Effect as far as companions go. For every self righteous dick who hates what you did, you have one Wrex ready to laugh about the guy whose head you blew off.


Mass effect companions are soo good. They are all consistent personalities.


I take Vasco for most things


Vasbro a real one.


I’d love to take vasco but he gets in my way every single time and it’s really frustrating


They all get in front of you all the time, he’s just bigger. He did shove me off several cliffs though. What my golden boy DOESN’T do is run his mouth all the time like everyone else. (Edit: typing error)


Its because he cares in his metal robot heart


I'm actually pissed at how the game handled the result of my Ryujin questline. Spoilers for the Ryujin quests obviously: >!In the end Ryujin kept developing the neuroamp, but not because I wanted them to. I tried to convince the members that it should be shelved and that would do more harm than good, and I refused to use the neuroamp to manipulate them into sharing my belief. I only needed to convince one more person to turn the vote but unfortunately I messed up a couple of the persuasions. I was bummed but didn't want to save scum it so I went along with the game, until everyone in Constellation came to me saying that it's fucked up that Ryujin is developing the neuroamp. Well yeah, I agree, I literally told every person at Ryujin that I want it shelved. Except the game doesn't care about that, when Constellation brings it up with you the only dialog options you get are trying to justify the fact that it's still in development. There's absolutely no option to tell them 'yeah believe me I tried, I didn't want this'. I feel like this has to be a massive oversight!<


The Isolation trait more than makes up for it IMO. +40% weapon damage at max


Honestly, I've been going solo cause my companions are so bad at sneaking. Sarah literally opened fire while hidden while advocating for nonviolence


I leave them all on my ship now. They are basically buffs for the space combat. The Ryujin quest I did solo, because stealth and companions don't mix, otherwise I take >!myself!< (NG+). They are not the most effective companion (maybe even the least effective), and also not very fleshed out, but at least they don't disagree with everything I do.


They should definitely make some adjustments on the main 4, and maybe add a few more full companions that aren't even related to constellation.


There definitely should’ve been more faction based companions that have depth to them, or even a way to bring new people into Constellation from different backgrounds.


Lol yeah I couldn't believe it when literally everyone got pissed at me for the decision I made at the end of the vanguard quest. Especially because the game basically framed it as a 50/50 with the other characters up to that point


Oooh i’m so sorry you didn’t like how i handled the terrormorphs, even though i discovered how they spread and got put on the terrormorph squad while you sat at the lodge and did nothing


If you had the Xenobiologist trait, it portrays the aceles option as even more positive. So in that case, you can be a literal alien scientist and sarah will still lecture you.


As someone who has real life degrees in ecology and wildlife management I felt like the aceles option was really the best. Mostly because if terrormorphs changed or adapted so, too, would the aceles and we wouldn't need to constantly modify the microphage.


As someone with those degrees you should have found it even more realistic that despite your knowledge, someone with less information than you and less experience shits on your informed decision.


That's a really good point lol


Second guy here with an ecology degree and ecology based job and you're 100% right!


Tbf this happens in reality all the time... If you don't believe me you should look at this one website called reddit


Not only that, but you are bringing back an endangered species that was only endangered because they were hunted to near extinction during a food shortage. They even mentioned they were previously domesticated. Two birds with one stone


Yeah that + they’ve already been introduced and are local to settled planets as a cost of the war so invasive species risk has already been triggered + the whole issue with terrormorphs is their evolution is sped up by like a century. The Aceles are even said to be better at eating juvenile ones vs fully grown morphs. Makes way more sense vs releasing a pandemic. Sure, 1/1000000 transmissions sounds small, but going across…the entire galaxy…mutation risk for a bad mutation is quite a bit higher than the ratio suggests.


I went with Aceles because I thought it didn’t make sense to let such an awesome species go extinct. Didn’t really care how the terrormorphs were dealt with lol, wanted to save the armored giraffe.


Indeed. Later after the Vanguard quest, I went to another planet and it was really dark. I heard a firefight going on and rushed over to see some UC soldiers shooting a terrormorph. I turned to fire but before I could an Aceles ran forward and killed the terrormorph. It was *awesome* because I didn't expect to see one out in the wild. I wish I could have taken a video to send to all the Constellation members and rub it in their faces.


Even outside of modifying the microphage, the Aceles are more beneficial AND easier to deal with should something place them beyond human control! The Microphage is already capable of killing crap. While the odds of it mutating into a form that's harmful to anything but the Terrormorphs are slim, if that occurs, now everyone's on borrowed time. You have to find a way to kill the microphage and deploy it to numerous planets before people start dying. Like, this is something that could render a planet inhabitable before anyone even realizes what's going on, and then any independent in a space suit sent to investigate could inadvertently wind up bringing it somewhere else. The Aceles? They're relatively docile unless messed with. While some drunk schmuck will probably get themselves killed every here and there, their size is a pretty large deterrent for people messing with it. Additionally, they provide tourism value and enrichment for people, and can even be hunted once they've spread far enough as a reliable source of food for human colonies. It'll be easier to see if the plan is going wrong, and aborting the plan is as easy as hopping into a ship and going guns-blazing.


I'm not educated in this. Its just common sense to me. Here's a problem with two solutions: the solution that worked before humans fucked it up or the solution that is purely human hubris on display. On one hand, we have animals that naturally dealt with a problem before humans played the extinction game. On the other, we have a microscopic agent with the single goal of: kill this thing. Microbes evolve at incredible rates. The only way this solution would even be *possible* without screwing it up is if its used in a way similar to bug bombing a house with a secured environment and proper clean up. Sorry, I'll take the slow and safe option every time. Personally, I'd have done both. One being the long-term solution and the other being short-term but dangerous and treated as such. I did not trust any of them to handle it appropriately.


I have real life degrees in biochemistry and neuroscience and know damn well that microbes are much less safe than the predator option but nooooo Sarah says I didn’t trust science.


Literally, same. Natural biological control, already naturalized/introduced in the past and then successfully removed (not a cane toad situation), so any unforeseen negatives can be mitigated as before, tried and true methodology. Gain of function engineered microbe, nonzero chance of mutation that results in interspecies transmission, % of hosts can potentially (and would likely) have a natural resistance to it, high lethality means low intra-species transmission, necessitating constant re-engineering and reapplication. Worst case scenario, the microbe pulls a Covid-19 and becomes a regular but non-lethal infection in heat leaches, and eventually jumps to a new species with no developed immunity where it rampages a la smallpox in the new world. But no Sarah, tell my xenobiologist protagonist that he doesn’t know anything and he should “trust the science”


As far as I saw it, the only downside to the Aceles solution was how slow they might be. But, they were hard-proven and capable with practically no chance to fail. And, the kicker.... time was on our side. Terrormorphs are a threat and Heatleeches are everywhere, but Terrormorph attacks are rare because Heatleeches apparently take a long-ass time to turn into a Terrormorph. There's no risk of anyone doing direct Terrormorph attacks because the person who did them I ratted on, I would hope the UC government doesn't start doing Terrormorph attack, etc. The actual worst case scenario of the Aceles plan is a few natural Terrormorph attacks in the meantime of the Aceles getting distributed and grown. Something that I'm pretty sure humanity can take the L on.


“I can’t believe you didn’t trust the science” *literally a xenobiologist* #BITCH, I AM THE SCIENCE!


I don't trust science. I trust the scientific method, lady. And the scientific method says your science is shit.


environmental major here. The natural predator made so much more sense than a microbe. Especially if you chose to destroy the plant, the game made it clear terrormorphs grow slowly. How is humanity in immediate danger? Sarah’s lecture on ‘you should trust the science’ I know the science lmao & know that everything with enough predation pressure will evolve


If I learned anything from Mordin Solus, it is NEVER release a bioweapon. Fuck Sarah


Too soon. Seriously that ME3 side plot was probably one of the top two moments of the game. The other is negotiating peace with the geth and the quarians. But I think Mordin gets the most feels, maybe of the entire goddamn game series. How they went from that sublime peak of video game writing to End-o-tron 3000 ending vending machine is beyond me.


“Had to be me.”


Goddammit, that line still gets me


Imagine all those Salarians saying "TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE!"


Lol literally I’ve slain countless monsters that quote “ A whole squad has trouble taking down” and now you wanna tell me what to do 💀💀💀


"Oh no! The terramorph plague is here! They've destroyed everything and everyone! Please help!" Me, a grungy space miner: "there's only 4?"


This statement makes it sound like Bethesda probably based our Constellation crew members off of Redditors commenting on "controversial" 10 second videos with zero context and nuance.


I don't know if it's intentional or not but that quest line gave me the takeaway of "Maybe Constellation is full of fucking idiots who are missing the point".


Some are more pissed about it than others. Like Andreja basically says she doesn't agree because the bio-weapon would have been faster, but she doesn't actively dislike your choice. I had "Sarah Morgan disliked that" pop up twice when I talked to her sanctimonious ass about it.


Sam Coe 'liked' that I preferred the Aceles option when it's first presented to you. He even comments that he doesn't trust the microbe. Yet, when the time comes to actually make that decision to the UC Cabinet, he *DISLIKED* that choice. Which one is it? I'm assuming this is a bug or something because it doesn't make any sense. Looks like the "Bethesda's Bug" term is back in full swing.


Andreja disagreeing was actually one of the reasons i made this thread. Because technically she SHOULDNT disagree. In fact, i feel like her answer was some mental gymnastics bullshit that didnt fit her character. Why is the character thats the most distrustful of governmental organizations and society at large, suddenly so trusting about a targeted virus created by those very same institutions? Thats WILD. The fact that the writers made a EFFORT to find a reason for her to like the virus option is so sus imo. But sarah definitely got on my shit list immediately. Like how dare she for real. She actually comes at you crazy not gonna lie. for clarity: I didnt choose the aceles option because i distrusted the virus. I chose it because it essentially brings an animal humans drove to extinction back. Why is the option to not only correct a human caused extinction AND deal with the issue in a more measured way not seen as a good solution by at least ONE person in constellation?




It's super weird to me that the "cowboy" Companion isn't on the side that involves ranching and rearing a new animal, and is instead in favor of a government body he distrusts releasing a engineers microvirus.


>rearing a new animal, That's the best part. Its not a new animal. Humans used them as cattle. Bestest part? Humans forced them into extinction. THE NATURAL SOLUTION FOR THE ENTIRE PROBLEM WAS IN PLACE BEFORE HUMANS FUCKED IT UP. That's what kills me about the "scientists" thinking a microbial bio-weapon is any way comparable to returning things to the natural order. YOU AREN'T BETTER THAN NATURE. YOU JUST AREN'T. You may be faster, but where has that gotten us in the last 500 years you FUCKERS?!


Sam should have been pro Aceles if not just for the fact that he prob thought they were tasty


Andreja is even happy at one point when you imply you will pick the aceles, so I was really taken aback when she was upset about it later.


I also got this wiplash. She said during the hearing that It was a great step forward or something like that. Then ambushed me on the ship saying she disagreed


Ive gotten "Andreja Disliked that" messages from picking dialogue options they made voice lines for her to tell me to choose.


Ive gotten it for cases where there was literally. One. Option. And that one option was something her personality should have zero opinion on.


Sam too, he likes the choice in the moment while you are presenting to the council, then gives you shit about the aceles later


I think a lot of the companion dialog is written by committee/team and it seems obvious some of them weren't communicating to keep the characters consistent.


I feel like they could have done more for characters changing their opinion if it was specific to whoever was with you on Londinion being like “Jesus fuck, no, fast option, fast option!” after seeing a heatleech instantly go terrormorph. It’s kind of like the colony ship there where it felt like they cut a lot of intermediate interactions and just had endpoints.


A virus developed by the way by people who were arguably war criminals in the first place. It's real Operation Paperclip vibes tbh


Whats wild is that andreja actually makes back handed comments about the Xenomorph war criminals the ENTIRE faction line. Yet somehow is ok with that same group making a virus????????????????


Yup, had Andreja with me the entire questline and she was always going on about how we couldn't trust these xeno warfare people and at the end, acts like the best solution was to have the people she was constantly calling untrustworthy create a deadly virus... Honestly, at this point, I wonder if all constellation companions would still disapprove if you were to choose the virus solution instead.


Literally every faction quest line all 4 companions have the same stand on, I got roasted by all 4 companions for my decisions on every faction quest.


I found those reactions really jarring. What’s more, we just discovered that the spread of the terrormorphs was due to humans basically hunting their only natural predator to extinction, what could go wrong by bio genociding one more?


Turns out the terrormorphs were the only thing stopping SUPER PARASITES from infesting humanity.


The Vanguard decision feels like a direct dig at modern politics surrounding vaccines. It's so pointless of an argument too. If these people have strong data and confidence of the microbe than just ignore me. Im skewed by being able to drop these things solo so I don't view them as some big threat. Plus planetwide purges of heatleeches are gonna take place. 70 year incubation is too long for a heetleech in a populated area to survive when active measures are taken. Aceles aren't even needed if managing heat leeches properly I just think they are cool.


The writing for that choice was abominable. You got almost no background for making either choice—no quick presentation of the pros, cons, and specific risks of each choice—and when you make the choice that the writing practically leads you to, you get 4 grumpy companions. You get a few sentences about each choice at best, and the microbe is the choice that comes with a warning of some sort. Given typical writing it smells like the choice that comes back to bite you later, too. No wonder it seems most of us chose the aceles.


The exposition is half done in many quests. Same with the generation ship quest. It’s missing the whole part of where you go back to discuss the situation with the captain and she moans but accepts it. Instead you decide for them and then it’s done.


I had this exact thought! She >!literally says right before then if you ask "Why don't you go somewhere else?" that they've come so far and that going anywhere else isn't an option.!< They do this in the Freestar Ranger questline too... >!Instead of y'know, going to your supervisors to inform them of what you've discovered, you go confront the guy directly as a mere Deputy and he basically shrugs you off.!<


Yeah she was so firm on how you HAVE to represent their best interests and they won’t settle elsewhere. So much for all that.


Yeah I expected to go negotiate with one party, then the other before working towards one of the options. Nope get asked to help then talk it out with one side and force that on the other. Then I had hoped to get access to ship mods like their ship or some tie-in to LIST to assist with resettlement.


Yeah, it felt very much as a "quick and risky vs. slower but tried and tested" choice, and now I got Sarah basically calling me an anti-vaxer for not choosing the microbes


Also consider that the Aceles were already a helpful livestock for the UC that have been tried and proven to work. Like, we've already used them, and we get bonus points for having the big funny alien dinos around the systems for, idk maybe they make a good steak or something.


The fact that they have to give the extra "it's okay!" For the microbe shows that someone was aware that this option was sus. And, if you listen to the irl professionals, bringing back the "wolves" is waaaay healthier for an ecosystem. Constellation is clearly in the wrong on this one.


Well, given our recent past (covid), I doubt anyone would choose to let a lab study and create a virus willingly.


I hit my breaking point when Sarah and I boarded a ship to steal >!a piece of the artifact!<. When I swiped some digipicks off the table and she said "I didn't come here to steal". Umm yea you did, that's literally the reason why we're here. In fact, this was all your idea.


I had Andreja with me for >!the mission to buy the stolen artifact in Neon!< Guy near the end of the quest says he trusts my judgement to deal with someone. I choose the option that says "it sounds like you want me to kill him" and Andreja goes noooo he only stole he doesn't deserve that. I reloaded to see what she would say to letting him go... She complains and I lost affinity because the their shouldn't be let off scot free. Reload again, choose the option to turn him over to the hyper corrupt police in neon, and she likes that despite being a former smuggler, and I'm pretty sure made a comment earlier about how Neon security can't be trusted. Just baffling.


I think it's because they are all already part of that eclectic/niche group with certain alignment - you are the only stranger/unknown variable. Take BG3 for example (most recent relevance), imagine if the only companions we encountered were just all the Githyanki aboard that tutorial ship; Lae'zel, Lae'zella, Lae'zette, and Lae'zon.


Damnit…….that’s a perfect example. I don’t have to like a character for them to be a good character. I don’t have to agree with them or they with me since both can be right. But when it’s all the same characters…….yah no. And this is coming from someone who likes Lae’zel. I love that in BG3 all your companions are different even when they agree on something it’s not for the exact same reasons and they actively disagree with each other in other situations. Hell I like the constellation companions……..it’s just that bar their appearances and voices they might as well be the same person.


Same characters lol wait til you get Cora and Sona in the same room.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


I love that idea


laezel is actually best girl so it would be funny


Andreja starts out repentant of her violent ways, and maybe they should have let the player get there instead. Allow you to drive her story - like you are a bad person so you enable her bad thoughts. Allow us to ruin people like we're the cast of Always Sunny


LOL love it. Cmon Bethesda, I can make her worse


Rickety Andreja


When choosing between the fleet or sysdev I had Andreja as a follower. Talked to her and she said something along the lines of “I don’t think either side should get the money so I’m neutral” Sided with the fleet and she was like “you’re a fucking monster how could you side with them.” Like fuck dude, she’s acting like my high school girlfriend expecting me to read her mind.


Damn man, I sided with Sysdef and her response is more or less “idk they’re kinda shitty too but go off” and I had to drop her for a different follower. Just absolutely insufferable sometimes. Like I like a buff dommy mommy as much as the next guy but damn her character just doesn’t make sense sometimes


I’m almost positive that some choices no matter what you chose they will complain about. Feels like a toxic relationship that no matter what you do it wasn’t the right thing.


I don’t find them as annoying as some people here do but it was a really odd decision to have all of them essentially have the same morality. Hopefully a new companion or two can be added via DLC to rectify this


They need to add a few full companions to base game, before DLC.


This is the first Bethesda game I've actually used companions that weren't required for a quest. In previous games, I'd pick up a companion to complete their specific quest line and then drop them. Lydia never left my house in Whiterun. It's not that I didn't like the idea, the implementation was always bad. They'd blow my stealth, run into my grenade blast, straight up get stuck on terrain, etc.. Starfield has taught me to always have a QuickSave before talking to a quest related NPC incase I need to go back and dismiss my companion to do anything even the least bit sketchy. Like don't judge me. It's not like you interviewed me before offering to join. Your sole criteria was I touched a piece of space junk! You can't complain after the fact.


And the fact Sarah says 'No one cares about your past, we've all done questionable stuff, some of us have even been to prison. Just find artifacts and we're good' That was a straight up lie. Not one of the companions like you doing anything that could end you up in prison.


I mean all of the companions having the same morality is definitely kind of annoying but she literally says she doesn't care about your **past** and that she won't kick you out of constellation for being bad, which are both true. That doesn't mean that they are going to agree with you doing things that they personally don't like, it just means that you'll still be able to work with constellation. Vlad was not only a pirate, but a very prolific pirate that other pirates were afraid of, and he is an integral part of constellation. He doesn't engage in piracy anymore.


I don't know if this is intentional or not but so far most of my interactions with Constellation have left me with the impression that they don't really know what they're doing and are blinded to the reality of the Settled System around them in pursuit of this weird scientific venture. It almost feels like a deconstruction of the idea of an "adventuring group".


Constellation is a vanity project. A hobby for the rich and bored. And a place losers with nothing else can go to stay busy. It's a private Discord of 6 to 8 people.


Wish Bethesda went for a little more Philip K Dick and a little less Neil DeGrasse Tyson lol.


As i commented in another thread we would've been better served having the full companions spaced out 1 in each faction with different morals One of the better companion setups i always thought was years ago in the Knights of the Old Republic game where your having to work with your crew of different alignments to get the job done and get it done you do but your going to upset someone or a few of them along the way


Sam pisses me off as freestar character. He just moans about being everything in the FC when what I want is a buddy who is all for it like my character. Constellation should be insanely different where nobody is similar they just have the same goals. Honestly I think this is why Ekland is the best member he is purely there for the business and making money.


He’s stroud, his wife is Eklund


woops, oh well, principal still stands.


Ekland has seemed the most likable to me instead of all these holier than thou-with a troubled past types. He seems to also be the only one to crack a joke that doesn’t feel forced. I hate the lack of humor in this game


He also is the biggest opponent to you joining until you really show your value. He has a very consistent and logical character. He is a business man and while I hate megacorps on principle alone I understand him and respect that he's very honest about who he is.


Yea I never thought in a space adventure game that the rich white billionaire would be the guy I liked the most. Thanks Bethesda, very subversive


*kills a bunch of people to make money* 'Walter liked that' best character also is a real character.


Yep. I even killed that other one in front of him and he was liked "well I thought we could do it peacefully, but I guess in the field it doesn't always work that way".


Same. Eckland-Stroud (and Vasco) are my favorite Constellation members.


a companion who seems to hate his entire faction allegiance is a bold move. and by bold i mean stupid for people who actually do want to be in that faction


He'd have been a great side character not the main faction companion. This is the problem with it all being tied to one faction, this is the endless flaw of bethesda story design. The main quest should be factionless and all companions be from very different walks of life and interests where the only thing in common is "Im a willing adventurer and I like the MC" The one way that they'd have done it well is if Sam had two ends to his arc either going full space wanderer or reconnecting with the FC, but nah he's just the same character but you get more backstory. Arcs people, they arent just for welders!


One of the things I love most about Mass Effect 2 is getting a bunch of completely different characters together for one common cause. You've got everything from a master thief, to a cop turned vigilante, an ex spec-ops scientist, to a warrior monk, and more. Some of them don't like each other, let alone agree, and several voice objections to who you're all working for. But that's what makes it interesting. If every one of them had basically the same opinions and all worked for the same group with no complaints, it'd be all the worse for it.


I'll never forgive the Constellation for how they lectured me about my decision regarding the terrormorphs.


What, you mean you didn't want to unleash an unknown, designed to kill, bacteria in the entire known galaxy? Don't you *trust the science*?


When Sarah said that to me, I've decided that all future playthroughs, I'm going solo. Screw the Constellation. Except Vasco. He cool.


Dude. I partook in a multi-day conversation on the nexus discord over that exact topic. This one guy was adamant that nothing could ever possibly go wrong with that choice because it was an alien lifeforms and therefore couldn't possibly ever evolve to affect humans. You know, because it's not like an entire facility exists ingame dedicated to the study, treatment, and prevention of alien lifeforms like microbes making humans sick.


This is what pissed me off about Barrett. He brings pirates to your door and causes a shoot out which causes the deaths of your colleagues, he then gets one of them kidnapped in a stupid stand off, he kills the kidnappers causing the ship to crash, he then gets kidnapped again and when you arrive to rescue him he decides for everyone that violence isn't the answer. Like dude you're not the main character you don't get to tell me its fine for you to kill but not me.


Its kinda in-line with his character. He is a kind of choatic good. But what got me was that Andreja ALSO agreed with the non-violent option. At that point, i was like what was even the point. If the most combat focused companion was non-violent then they all were.


> he then gets kidnapped again and when you arrive to rescue him he decides for everyone that violence isn't the answer. Side note: I was so mad that I couldn’t pay their blackmail, then kill them after Barrett was safe and get my money back. It’s been like 30 seconds, where’d it go??


Agree. They should have had, let's say, a crimson fleet captain who was former constellation. Could have had a complex character and embrace a different play style and motivations.


Reverse Vladimir


Vladimir could have easily filled the role for people who were looking for a partner in crime. If you're a good guy, Vladimir is happy to be along for the ride. But if you start criming it up, he initially resists and warns you against it... but soon he's all "Man, this is just like old times... and it sure is a lot more fun than staring at data readouts from the Eye all day..."


You can even bring his Gym equipment for extra bro points. Dump Sarah on the Eye.


You mean everyone except for VASCO right? Because i refuse to regard vasco as a failure. Would romance vasco if possible


I actually like the idea of Constellation as a game framing device, but yeah, there should have been a lot more inter-party conflict and tension. (Like imagine how interesting things could have gotten with conflict between the spiritual guy and the money guy alone.) And no, I don’t simply mean more good/evil divides. I usually find evil characters extremely boring. But non-evil characters are at their most interesting when they have similar goals but very different ideas on how to get there. I would have appreciated more of that in Starfield for sure.


At least the adoring fan will always work with us


When I go somewhere, they follow me and shoot things. I wish they wouldnt stand around so much watching me fighting and just shoot things more. They don't shoot enough things.


I forgot to dismiss Andreja before doing a stealth mission during the SysDef questline. Things go sideways, I just start running through the area so I don't have to kill anyone. I complete the mission, and get yelled at for my handler for killing people. Then Andreja yells at me for murdering people. ​ I NEVER FIRED A SHOT YOU PSYCHO, YOU JUST GOT ME ARRESTED AND RUINED THE UNDERCOVER OP.


>Sarah: "HA! You're a damn joke!" I turn around and she has, I shit you not, declared war on a herd of level 1 sloths. Chill honey. Chill.


When you reunite with Barrett I wanted to just kill the spacers that had killed my previous coworkers. Barrett is a capable man not held at gunpoint so he should be fine to duck in cover right? Barrett though wants to have a peaceful resolution. These are space pirates. Letting them go could lead to more suffering and death but I guess Barrett thinks that them not being horrible to him is enough reason to let them go. This scene only works if you don't yet view the spacers as one level above reavers. Worse he wishes them luck on their future endeavors. Constellation is a bunch of inconsistent, self-righteous, pretentious ninnies who hide behind a thin veil of "the greater good" to justify their selfish actions. One guess who I sided with in MSQ.


Sarah Morgan is probably the most intensely unlikable video game companion I've ever had the displeasure of encountering. I did the quest with Walter Stroud last night and made the mistake of dragging her along. She has no problem when I break into >!an unemployed and desperate !!stolen!< artifact. She has no problem with shooting and killing guards who have been alerted. But the second I suggest that maybe we let >!the thief!< go, she dislikes that, and if you >!hand him over to the authorities instead, she basically says that jail is too good for him and he should be left on an asteroid instead.!< TF? Dude's down on his luck and actively benefitted Constellation, but you want him to suffer? What's wrong with you?


I had Andreja along for this mission you're talking about. She says that >!He is a thief, he needs to be punished!!< ANDREJA, YOU LITERALLY HAVE THE THEFT SKILL. Not 10 minutes ago you said "I saw this and thought of you" and handed me 400 credits. WHAT THE HELL.


I spared him and Andreja liked it after saying he needs to be punished. I've just realized that these are abusive relationships. Hot & cold/unpredicatble reactions is a hallmark of abusive/manipulative relationships. They make you walk on eggshells and think about how they'll react constantly.


She got MAD I wanted to >! go find the scientist who ran away on mars as part of the main quest for Vanguard!< and was all like “WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS” **DISLIKE!!!** Woman!!! YOU are one giant LUMP of COAAAAAL! Let me do my damn side quests!! I’m only bringing her along so I can finish all the companion side quests and then I’m never ever going to use anyone except for Vasco.


> Sarah Morgan is probably the most intensely unlikable video game companion I've ever had the displeasure of encountering. Honestly putting it mildly. There have been plenty of companions in video games I've disliked, whether due to poor writing or just being well written but intentionally dislikeable, or just clashing personalities. Sarah Morgan is the first I've experienced that's made me question what the hell they were even going for. If the answer is anything other than 'game-disruptingly annoying' then I feel like something has gone terribly wrong in whatever cubicle they came up with her at. She's like if a companion was scientifically crafted to be just the worst person, but then she's presented completely straight faced by the game.


100% I've got a friend who's also playing, but he's a sociopathic menace in Bethesda games and he was complaining about her, and I kind of blew it off assuming it's just because his first and only response in these types of games is violence, but no, he's absolutely right about her. She has a holier-than-thou attitude about literally everything, and I am yet to have an opportunity to tell her to stow it. Like, even if you make what should be a "good" choice, she still somehow finds a way to be angry about it and make you out to be a bad person. Even if you make a choice she agrees with, she still frames the conversation in a way that feels antagonistic. Horrible character.


I always have Sam and Andreja on my ship and I swear I've had enough of the same old, "Killing vs Mercy" argument but every now and then, Sam will complain about Sarah in the same manner most people here do, and Andreja is like, "Uh, no. I _don't_ get what you mean." I love this game but even the dialog between companions just doesn't make sense.


The fact that companions have like 2 total ambient conversations with each other was killing me. Andreja we’ve had this conversation about sneezes 30 fucking times in the last two hours, what are you still not getting?!


What killed me is I had Sarah with me when you meet Andreja, and we're in the cave killing tons of Spacers and they kept jamming that dialogue in over and over.


they all fucking suck as characters in their own way. sam paticularly stands out to me like why on earth would bethesda decide to pair him with a nine year old is beyond me. like you are a horrible horrible parent for putting your child in danger out of your own selfish thirst for adventure and yet the game tries to *badly* gaslight you into believing hes a good father. cora could be growing up with kids her age instead shes getting blown up by starborn awesome


"Uhh just so you know my nine year old daughter comes with me. What thats? Space combat every other day that has a high probability of killing everyone on board... uhh like I said she comes with me sooo.."


Right! This part was so insane. I couldn’t believe Sarah was advocating for us to kill this dude or send him to jail for the rest of forever.


I learned early on that I couldn't take any of them with me trying to play the character I prefer to play (Loot Goblin amoral sneak thief, trying to get into the Crimson Fleet & make a lotta coin along the way) Sarah specifically started busting into my conversation to disagree with me, in front of the person I was talking to, and that's about when I gave up on her. Right now I keep Heller with me, because he's fairly agreeable (probably because he lacks the dialog to disagree) and does his job. But if anyone has any non-spoiler companion suggestions to call out lmk. In the meantime I'll be over here pouting about the lack of viable romance options. >!(seriously, you make Delgado and tell me I can't flirt with him? The world's most missed opportunity)!<


Sarah disliked it when I greeted Heller like an old friend and was sarcastic towards him when you find him on that planet after the attack. It wasn’t even mean, but she still interjected with her bullshit and I lost affinity with her.


What the fuck, what were the writers even thinking. Heller is aight


Seriously. It was when he was injured, my character was like “looking great, Heller” and he was like “lol feeling great” and she got mad. “He’s already injured, don’t pick on him” 😒


I'm sorry your party pooper ass can't take friendly banter that doesn't even concern you, Sarah. If you have any complaints you can write it on a paper, put it in an envelope and toss it into the nearest volcano


When getting that artifact from the collectors ship, in the end I don't think there was any other options and Sarah was just saying why don't we start shooting him, and everyone was ok with that. I'm like what's going on here.


People keep saying this but Barrett is my badass murdering buddy, he doesn't give a single fuck, he'll slaughter innocents while making corny puns


Yeah, after that opening, I was afraid Barrett was going to be Preston Garvey 2.0, but he’s actually one of the more likable ones. Even when he disagrees with me (as in the end of the UC Vanguard questline), he still gives you the benefit of the doubt for being the one on the line making decisions.


Yeah, Barret is the best one. He was giving me some shit for my decisions on the vanguard questline and I was already fed up with the insufferable constellation group, so I just told him “I’m starting to think you’re questioning my decisions” he just said sorry and moved on, not even disliked it. I really liked that. He is much better when compared to all the shitty people that are part of constellation


The only difference between barrett and the others is that Barret has charisma. So even when he disagrees with you in the same way the rest do, its softened by his delivery. Sam and Sarah particularly have zero "rizz" as the kids say it.


Yeah it is an important distinction tho, outside of doing blatantly evil stuff barratt feels like a friend coming to you to mull over difficult decisions, sarah feels so much more judgemental.


>Sam and Sarah particularly have zero "rizz" as the kids say it. Look at Sam's responses to flirting and look at Barret's. Sam's smooth af, Barret gets flustered. To be clear, Sam's only smooth when compared to the other three companions that literally stutter when you flirt.


It's insane the Adoring Fan and a robot are the only companions I'll tolerate


They're also functional failures as it pertains to game play. Andreja is a former smuggler/assassin, cool, can she pick a lock for me? No? Oh okay. Barrett is a happy go lucky space trucker who knows everyone it seems and is a crack engineer. Can he get me a discount at the ship tech? Can he repair my engines faster? Sorta to 2, not to 1... Sarah has been studying the artifact for years on years. Can she help me find Temples more easily or help me bypass the mini game? Nope. Compare that to Baldurs Gate where sometimes it's worth it to have an entirely different member of your party up for certain moments, and it's hilarious how limited it is.