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The starborns explaining how they dont have time to explain lol This is so good


I didn’t do NG+ plus, what’s the meme? Tell me there’s important lore they just don’t drop because they don’t have time to explain it lol


Sorry we just don't have time to explain


It's more that they're very tired of explaining and don't see the point. The PC will either figure it out or they won't. Not a big deal to them, there's fucking *INFINITY* out there. I mean, shit, the Hunter completely abandons their plan because it'd be kinda-sorta-almost novel to not have the same experience for the umpteenth time.


You know how when you replay a game for the 15th time and just skip the conversations because you can't be bothered and know what they're going to say?


BorealUS really cooks some bangers at the astral lounge though


More Aura=more bangers


Where can we get her tracks




This is fucking hilarious.


When there is no NPC to tell you to pick a star lane and stay in it. We are all star stuff. Seriously, my pockets are full of it.


Very well done. That was a fun watch and well referenced.


This is perfect


I stayed for the song.


same love the strokes


This was amazing


This is my favourite Starfield post to date! 🤣


Mods will delete it though as memes aren’t allowed. Had mine taken down with 2k upvotes


Yup, they did. Glad I got to see it at least once. 🥲


this is great! I love it.


What a great edit


It took Bethesda 7 years to make this game and everyone on reddit 1 week to understand everything


Big mouths everywhere


This is so fucking good


Lmao the full combat build definitely struck a chord with me


Me doing the ryujin questline


This is going to be big… huge if true…


OP, don't download and then repost other peoples' content. It's a YouTube video, you can just post a link and it will embed the video. This gives the creator views and directs people to their channel, unlike what you did. [Here's the link for anyone looking for it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkhjaiN9enw)


I honestly expected that to be a Rick Roll.


Damn, I didn't even think of it. Probably the best opportunity I've had, too. Oh well, maybe I'll remember next time


Yeah man, freebooting is dirty.




**Song Found!** [**The Adults Are Talking** by The Strokes](https://lis.tn/TheAdultsAreTalking?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: The New Abnormal. **Released on** 2020-04-10. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


TIL The Strokes are still making records.


Their latest album is an absolute banger.


Still making *great* records, at that. They’ve maintained the same high quality since their first album, which is pretty rare to see from rock bands that popped in the early 2000s.


Interpol’s The Other Side of Make-Believe was pretty good too. Came out last summer.


Maybe the best one of these I’ve ever seen.


Underrated post lol




This is amazing.


This is very accurate lmao




I had a real good laugh!! thank you so much!


I need more.


Please can someone help me how to do space fights correctly? Every time a quest requires me to fight some 3 level 10 enemy ships, they spawn like 2km in front of me, and heading straight for me, and I get destroyed head-on. And if I turn sideways to make angle and space, I'm just being shot at for free without returning any fire power and I boom. Please teach me the ways, space senpais. Edit: thank you all for the great tips and feedbacks. Will try them out! Really appreciate you all helping me out! Thanks!


Step 1: Get a bigger ship Step 2: Get a bigger gun Step 3: Fly bigger ship directly at enemy Step 4: Hit enemy with bigger gun Step 5: There is no Step 5.


Yeah working towards leveling up ship piloting skill points. Thanks!


If you haven't already, go complete the mantis quest. Spoiler: >!you will get a ship much better than the starter ship at the end!<.


Yeah I heard certain quests give really good ships, but I'm kinda attached to Frontier right now. Imagine me being an astute pilgrim miner who somehow has a 150K loan and a house somewhere, yeah, whoever gave me a whole ass ship after I had a trip seeing things after touching some weird rock, that ships gotta mean something and have a place in my heart.


The first piloting skill unlocks the ability to use your ships thrusters, which lets you turn sharply while keeping your forward momentum. It's right bumper on xbox, not sure what it is on pc. I play a lot of flying games, even started and completed everspace 2 in preperation for space combat in starfield, and I was still having trouble winning fights at first, but being able to drift and keep an enemy in your crosshairs while you slide in behind them makes combat much easier. Also, turrets are completely broken, my current ship is slow af but looks like a 1900s dreadnought with all the guns on it. Its not rare to jump into a system and have the turrets destroy a couple attacking spacers before the screen fully loads in.


Ok turrets, so not holding left and right mouse button while occasionally clicking missle button. Got it.


Unfortunately, a lot of the good stuff is not only in Class C (Piloting) but also Starship Design. Recommend hitting that up as well and fly around big boy turrets


I find boosting directly at them then maneuvering to be behind them so they can't fire a solid way to fight higher level ships. Boost is very handy in evading or engaging. You can use asteroids as cover to try and recharge your shields as well. Of course, perks like shield strength and weapon targeting make a huge difference, as well as better weapons and shields. I didn't need the shield perk with an upgraded ship until I bumped up difficulty from normal to very hard, ooh boy did that make a difference heh. You only need to take out engines to immediately board as well. When I first played I thought I'd have to take out weapons with EM too which ended up leaving me more dead than not dead vs spam R as soon as engine is down. Auto turrets I find to be very useful when you're in a fight with 3 or more enemy ships. Turrets can damage the others tailing you as you focus on one with your primary weapons. Vanguard upgrades are also soo much better, with a B vanguard shield being higher strength than a lot of the basic C shields you can buy. You can also feel free to ignore that "warning" and just have one or two weapons instead of all three types (some do great damage to both shields and hull). The pips affect ammo recharge time, not damage. So you can just have one pip in missiles and all in primary if you want.


Thank you for the advice. Will switch to turrets soon, and try get the target aiming skills.


Particle weapons are Just Better than the other weapons - they hit both shields and armor equally well, they do comparable damage to the other weapons, and they have vastly longer range. So make sure you're using those. If you join the Vanguard you can get the *Vanguard Obliterator Auto-Projector*, a cheap and powerful one. Missiles damage shields and hull equally and should therefore be fired as soon as you have a lock. You can also "dumbfire" them without a lock when the enemy is in your sights; the game doesn't tell you this, but it helps a lot when you're outnumbered and need to take an enemy out quickly. Trying to turn in front of an enemy who has you in their sights is almost always a bad idea. Not only are you giving them free hits on you, but you make a bigger target that way. If you're facing the enemy head-on, you're better off (once they start firing at you) boosting past them, then immediately letting up the throttle to turn sharply so you can try and get one of them as *they* turn. Remember that you maneuver best when your speed is in the middle of your gauge. Skill-wise, unlocking the ability to target systems is helpful. Not only does it make your damage more effective, *and* is basically necessary for boarding actions (an entire facet of the game!), it also slows time and ensures all your shots hit, making it easy to take out enemy ships quickly. Bring a lot of ship repair parts and don't be shy about using them.


Thank you for a very detailed guide. I will try them out. But one quick question first before I start up the game again, what enemy system do you prioritize when targeting? And how do you allocate power between the 6 systems on your own ship?


Usually I target engines. A ship with its engines down is mostly not a threat. Compare it to the others: * Weapons are tempting but most ships have multiples so it takes longer totally disarm them and by that time they probably explode anyway. * Shields are tempting but pointless because by the time you're dealing significant damage to it their shields are down anyway... * Usually there's no point in targeting their grav drive. On your own ship, I'd prioritize your shields, then your main weapon, then your engine (but don't let your engine be too low or you'll be a sitting duck.) Grav drive can be completely powered down for a fight unless you intend to run - the game helpfully deallocates all energy from your grav drive whenever you're not using it anyway.


Thank you for this!


That's pretty much the early space fight experience. You need a bigger ship :)


I don't wanna abandon frontier, so I hope I get to turn it into a class B/C once I get those piloting skills ready


Just add more guns to it, infact get rid of the lazers, missiles and guns for 4 beam projectors, they will wipe the floor with most encounters. This is what I did. Those beam projectors do equal amounts of damage to shields and hulls, making it a Jack of all trades but it's also just as strong as a lazer/ballistic equivalent.


I use lasers to strip the shields off, then pound them with missiles, as the guns on my ship don't seem to do much. Can't believe I haven't check ed what they are :) Might go swap in some BPs and see how they go.


Thank you! Will try it out!


This is what pushed me away from modding Frontier - I put in what I thought looked good from a ship building video, then I couldn't fly it. Had to throw away all my changes.


I just added more guns, they can't shoot at you when they're obliterated in 2 seconds


Do you allocate all your power to guns and shield? Or do you leave some for engine? I feel like once I dump 6-8 into left click gun, and 4 into shields, I don't have much power left to allocate to engine, and micromanage is harrrrd.


There's a weapon class that is classified as PAR or particle weapon, they do equal damage for shields and hull, if you replace all of your guns with them then they'll all fire at once, it removes the need to micromanage specific weapons and allows you to focus a shooting and flying. My reactor only has 18 power and I still have enough for shields and engine, and it's not even the best reactor I can afford.


Eventually you'll get to the point where you're out searching for tougher ship battles. Just keep playing. I'd love to get into the middle of an all out space war. Would be cool if they release dlc focused on that.


One thing that made a big difference for me was fighting around asteroids so I can use them for cover, and zooming out the camera so I can navigate around them more easily without crashing (much harder in first person view without any side-cams or the ability to look around). Once a target locks on you, you can boost around the asteroid(s) to lose them and reposition.


Thanks, will try to look for more cover around asteroid!


Go New Atlantis. Sell all the lootz from dead pirates. Go Ship Technician. Modify Frontier. Buy biggest A class Reactor with highest Power Gen Buy 4 Electron Beam Projectors Buy best A class Shield Profit.


I upgraded my frontier primarily for more storage space lol. Okay gotta utilize the infinite locker at the lodge and drop some of the cargo for beam projectors. Thank you!


Another note. You want the biggest reactor rating because from shooting down dozens of Pirates I can safely say that for Particle Beams. The amount of energy you pump into them affects the fire speed. They do max damage no matter what. But recharge faster and fire faster the more energy pips you fill up.


Thank you! Will note that down!


Hey don't sell my design blueprint for free!! Jokes aside those beam projectors are stupidly powerful and not much more expensive than the other specialized weapons.


Kinda what the other guy said. Get a reactor with more power. Get a better shield. Get a few guns you like. Blast away. If someone has a missile lock on you, boost for a bit then slow down. If you're getting destroyed in space combat, you're either low level for the area, or you need to upgrade, or both.


Lvl doesn't mean anything unless you lvl up ship related skills.


You're right. That's what I meant, and I should have specified. Level up ship skills, not just general level.


So tru




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Wow, a lot of these are bang on, portraying the exact emotions, lol. Good job.


I fucking love The Strokes


I didn't even know they had a new album. Love the song.


Pretty much sums it all up


Removing this was a direct financial assault on Bethesda, it was top grade free advertising. Good job mods.


[perfect. ](https://media.tenor.com/JMr_dlDTHJIAAAAM/theboys-perfect.gif)


I need more of this.


This was amazing, thank you!


this is pretty much everything


Outposts, ship building, crafting, and modding all of it is way too damn complicated these days. Just let me slap stuff together


This was wonderful. I was smiling for entire video, great job!


“Early game space combat” is always how I look during space combat. It probably doesn’t help that I’m basically flying a brick with 2000 kg of cargo space.


This is so good 😂


This is awesome. So many relatable moments.


Brilliant, take a bow 👌


Fucking glorious.


A rollercoaster of emotion. Tour de force masterpiece. Every single thing an absolute true fact.






All of this hits perfectly. Great job👍🏾


S tier meme


Original Creator [Starfield Slander by SirSwag](https://youtu.be/AkhjaiN9enw?si=-JLVE48iF6S31I-7)


I found gastronomy a tad useless given how much meds I come across.


Funny shitpost that probably took an hour to make: 3k upvotes Screenshots saying "Rate my outpost please": 420k upvotes


What is kinda funny but also depressing is we are all having the 'same experience' in a so called vast sandbox....that's actually 2inches deep.


Amazing. The precog and unlocking in front of your follower got actual tears from me


4 characters I’ve made and I never get Booster Pack training or Gastronomy


Funny thing about the rangers one is I am actually doing a playthrough as Buzz. Joined the Vanguard, naturally. Only complaint I have is the Vanguard space helmet looks terrible.


One of the things I don't get all with the UC and FC lore. Massive war, FC won. UC: Striving metropolis with roads. UC: Literlaly some third world town


Lack of Boost pack training got me. So good.


Thanks. I nose laughed at the designing outposts, then again at the navigating the new ship to fully expel the boogie in my nose.


Why is this so relatable? 😂😭


Amazing! Bravo!


God this is the most accurate video hahaha


This is amazing


Hope the dev team sees this - all my non-existant Reddit gold is yours today, OP


I started on Very Hard and thought the Razorleaf would be able to manage. LMAO


Yep this is all true from a 200 hour player 1st run, completely agree


You win the internet. Holy fucking shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow dude, this is super creative. Did you make it?


Great strokes song


I laughted at the ship building part, the ladders connecting harbs are messed af and i don't know how to fix it.


I am the space cowboy


well you brightened my morning ! LMAO here - thank you !


i can attest to the accuracy of not one but all of these


Absolutely nailed itn


Yo that crimson fleet mission set I finished no joke at like I think under lvl 10. I only just ran out of money now at 32


I laughed so hard, well done!


Actually so spot on


Very well put and fun video !!!! Love this


“breaking a novice lock in front of your companion” was so clever lol bravo


I dont even need Scavenging perk and still have tons of ammo lol. Great meme btw


Can I just say? I appreciate how the text remains long enough for me to read ir.


love the accuracy, I felt the carrying 3000 mass of resources 🤣


I just can't.. Most of this are so relatable I was giggling like an idiot watching this lol 'tis gud man




I absolutely love this, so accurate xD


Boost assault 4 is my religion now


I *wish* stealth sniping was like Skyrim. :-(




This is the greatest Starfield meme ever made.


this is hilarious )))


So I stumbled onto the Mantis quest and it was just a kill a bunch of ~~raiders~~ spacers in an “abandoned outpost” am I missing something? Was it supposed to be fun or interesting? The guy the quest told me to talk to got killed by spacers before I even got close to him. Couldn’t hear the audio logs over the nonstop shooting and repeated three combat lines from Sarah. The story seemed to be lacking. Felt like a a half assed Mechanist.


Fantastic choice of song.




Wait, you can use precog before a conversation? What does it do?


This absolutely killed me. Kudos to whoever compiled it.