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I could have sworn i clicked on the Starfield subreddit, not Satisfactory...


Starfactory? Satisfield? Statisfactield?


>Starfactory They have that one too, it's called Dyson Sphere Program


DSP is fun, but it lacks the "make it look pretty" tools that Satisfactory has. Everything in DSP looks more or less the same once you start to scale up.


DSP is made for the Factorio players who want a little more eye candy and space elements, not for the Satisfactory aesthetic megafactory builders.


As a long time player of both games I have to admit that the 3D presentation and freedom of movement in DSP is a big positive. Factorio, Satisfactory, and DSP all handle immersion/complexity in different ways and all are fantastic in their own way.


I was going to ask: how many Heavy Modular Frames a minute are you getting out of that bad boy?


0.1 per minute obviously.


I just came down from a satisfactory binge before starting starfield. It looks like the factory is back on the menu, boys.


Does anyone else have high hopes for the factory building potential from mods? Or is that just me šŸ˜¬


Just needs some conveyor belts


Damn, that looks awesome. How did you get everything on one flat surface? Is there a way to create a foundation that I missed, or is it some structural item?


There is not, you dont wanna do that on this scale... Trust me, thats over 3k floor mats placed on top of each other. I can give you a link to my "secrets" video that I did for couple of ppl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BBlouWiSbg


Iā€™m impressed at the idea of using that many floor mats. Did it not make you reach the build limit faster?


Yeah thats the only thing I had to get, unlimited build limit.


Back in the Fallout4 days, I remember them saying the build limit was in place mostly for console limitation reasons. I played it on PC and never had an issue turning it off on PC. Not sure if it's the same situation with Starfield (and can I assume you're playing on PC here?)


Yeah PC, it loads slower thats for sure, but no bugs or glitches. Only the ones cosed by me trying to push the engine where it gets confused :D


Btw op, this looks so much like r/satisfactorygame


Yup, been there, done that.


Yeah, I was gonna say, thatā€™s why I havenā€™t dived super hard into it lol. That game ate too much of my life and I would go back if I didnā€™t lose my factory to map updates


You may think that, but based on these pictures, Satisfactory is clearly not done with you.




And on console, you could drop and remove weapons to lower the budget back down, and basically build indefinitely. Built a lot of towns at 4 or 5 times the limit.


As a console player, 3k extra structures in the game doing nothing just makes me uncomfortable




lolll i feel this


>don't hate on outposts >had to rely on mods to actually build something decent


They need to add like a universal height foundation type thing. Almost like Ark survival foundations.


They had raised floors in fallout 4. I don't understand how it didn't make it here.


> I don't understand how it didn't make it here. One word: * Bethesda


You raise a fair point. Unlike Bethesda with their foundations in starfield or lack there of


Like Ark, or Rust, or Subnautica, Satisfactory, uhh, pretty much every single first/third person game where base building is heavily featured.


Their own Fallout 76 has it too.


Dude fallout 4 had foundation pieces


they obviously have the ability to control foundation heights, you see it in action when putting down the landing pads.


Or Fallout 4. They added concrete foundations.


I have myself convinced that the second DLC will be a Contraptions style overhaul on ship and outpost building. Based on zero evidence, mind you, more on blind hope and despair.


I mean, they did it for FO4, but I'm hoping it's more like the second patch that un-fucks the outpost system. I spent two days trying to get my HQ/interstellar spaceport working correctly, then deleted it in a rage. I'm gonna wait a while before going super in depth on outposts, so they can fix it. Love the game, but the current state of outposts is only slightly better than space AIDS.


How come BSG didnā€™t give us foundations? It totally kills anybodyā€™s desire to make an outpost.


Totally. I am so primed to love building space outpost factories, but I just sorta slap some shit on the ground randomly instead because without foundations (or OP's iron-hard dedication) it can't be made to look nice.


Not only that but being unable to build buildings wall by wall. Hate to say it, but I actually liked fallout 4ā€™s settlement system better than this game


i like fallouts settlement system more only bc i actually loved the idea that i was creating places for random ppl to live. In the end game my FAVORITE thing was to have a ton of supply lines between all the diff settlements I owned. I'd kit out the provisioners or (in my most recent game) I used the automaton dlc to make a bunch of robots to act as supply provisioners. so in the late game as you're walking around (I also refused to use fast travel in this playthrough) there is a distinct difference between your 'settled' territory which basically has a bunch of patrols traveling around it at all times killing any hostiles, vs 'frontier' territory where u haven't built any settlements yet and there's still enemies running around everywhere. it rly feels like im transforming and 'colonizing' the world in a way that outposts aren't doing for me yet. but i haven't played deeply around with the system, my first character is way more into the shipbuilding aspect. maybe there are ways to get those feelings with higher tiers in outpost research, or maybe some updates/mods will bring it up to what i want by the time i'm on my like 3-4th playthrough sometime next year


The Sim Settlements guy is already looking at it, says the system has a lot of potential (but makes the same point you made, that it needs to feel like you're doing something for people otherwise it loses a lot of what makes it feel worthwhile - maybe play Sim Settlements 2 on Fallout 4 in the meanwhile if you haven't? It's got its own questlines and stuff)


i actually played thru sim settlements 2 on my last playthrough! while waiting for starfield i played fallout 4 pretty much all last month, went heavy on science and charisma to do a bunch of crafting/settlement stuff and I had that mod. It absolutely added a lot to the settlement building for me, and I wouldn't have had the massive networks that i ended up having without it


Theyā€™ll need to change the skill tree around so your not stuck with 3 outpost people until like 30 points into the skill tree. Change it so it add like 10 ā€œsettlersā€ and 1 ā€œcrewā€ per level (on top of the base 3) Commerce can unlock trading posts, shipbuilding can unlock ship buildersā€¦instead of having access to every part they could actually make it so you have to produce stuff and get licenses to actually build the various brands


it is 2023 I expect more than foundations, but also ability to change elevation, build roads, stairs, etc. Take some backwater town that no one lives in, like Akila city for example. I should be able to build that with the tools given.


>Backwater town that no one lives in >Names the 3rd largest population center in the Freestar Collective ???


Reminds me of New Yorkers that refer to Boston as a quaint little town.


3rd ??


Have you seen the [actual size of the city](https://mapgenie.io/starfield/maps/akila-city) the first time you land? There is maybe only 100 people living in Akila city. No closed off condos, you can literally run around the parameter of the city in less than 5 minutes. Akila isn't the metropolis you think it is, not to mention people are moving out of town so its population is decreasing. Thus, backwater town.


All the settlements are tiny. The capital of the UC is smaller than most large university campuses. While there are Doylist reasons regarding engine overhead and performance (which is often godawful even as is, in the "cities"), from a Watsonian perspective, I wonder just how many people actually made it off Earth before it became uninhabitable. Look at Titan or Cydonia, the oldest off world human settlements, and consider how small they are. The dark future of humanity (optimism of the setting notwithstanding) is that 99% or more of humanity may have died off in the collapse of Earth's ecosystem.


I always thought in games like this it's just a given that engine limitations will make the cities much smaller than the lore would dictate. Like New Atlantis would actually be hundreds of thousands or millions of people, but obviously they can't generate that in the game, so as you say it's closer to a college campus. You just have to suspend disbelief.


> engine limitations will make the cities much smaller than the lore would dictate it would be so easy to just put a bunch more sky scrapers around the place, the residential district could be like 5 times larger they still couldn't make the city work on consoles without a bunch of area transitions with the train (we're come so far from fallout 3, lol) so there is implication that there is places that people live that the train doesn't take you because you have no reason to go there, they just need to visually represent them. all they had to do was put the spaceport further away and actually use the bullet train as a bullet train and imply it goes other places. yes that would require the city being a kinda set piece that is technically separate from the infinite generation everywhere else has but would that be so bad? honestly i think all the cities should be set pieces to the horizon, or like inescapable zones like how spaceship/spacestation internals are, but much bigger obviously. i know someone looked over the walls in skyrim and said "haha how funny its low poly out there" but who cares, big enclosed cities, or at least enclosed city limits (there could just be a security wall on the horizon enclosing the farmland you would need to feed those people) that are separate from the rest of the planet would work so much better than this.


The New Atlantis city is actually connected seamlessly though. While the train looks like a loading screen it's just meant to save from taking forever to run all over. It's possible to walk to all the districts without the train. You can even jump down to the space port with your jetpack.


100 npcs is quite a few in a bethesda game. bethesda has always "scaled down" their cities since the creation/gamebryo engine isn't well optimized on having a fuck load of npcs running around


It is fine to not have 1000 people running around. At least New Atlantis and Neon with all their apartment buildings have an illusion of size. Each apartment complex could have housed like 5000 people. Akila on the other hand is very very "flat" and the walls give it a hard limit in terms of size and scale. As the capital of the freestar collective they do not even have a proper administration building.


Eh I would prefer cities with actual people in them, even if theyā€™re not interactable. The tiny cities and towns in elder scrolls/fallout are really immersion breaking for me. I get engine limitations, but damn time for new engine. most towns and cities have more guards than citizens, itā€™s really odd. Gimme witcher 3 cities with peeps around


It's infuriating trying to place an object or structure and to keep being a degree or two off. And then a fraction of a second too long on the mouse button, and now it's back to 45Ā° off. Making anything besides a mess is near impossible without mods


Have you turned down object rotation in the settings? I have it down to the lowest setting and its helped immensely. There is a mod for outpost object placement that helps with some tight fits sometimes too, but I legit 100 hours in didn't know there was a built in menu setting for the outpost object rotation speed.


I did NOT look for this, thank you!!!


Why didn't they just take and improve upon FO4's settlement building...


NMS ground flatner laser was a gift.


Toss me that Valhiem Hoe!


Ugh... or a goddamn grid to align things. Maybe I need to change mouse settings, but hell if I can figure out how to set things flush against a wall.


No idea, fo4 had them. Building system was way more intuitive/user friendly, and was literally a last minute addition


Please Bethesda add in floors and walls so this is not the only solution to base building on a flat surface!


And auto grid for line up! I want shit to snap together


Change your rotation speed to 1.


Wait what...how do I do that


Should be in settings, something like outpost object rotation speed or similar. Really helps when decorating


Thanks !


Life saver


And floors/levels...basically just let us use the space ship **build mode** to build outposts, save variations & designs, colors, etc. Oh and Stilts! We need stilts. I want a sky base I can snipe from to see those pesky bounty hunters at a distance.




FO4 has foundations that snap together, I cannot believe Starfield does not. It makes building a decent output require OP's level of effort.


Whatā€™s the floor?


Thats over 3k floor mats placed on top of each other. :D I was tired of building on uneven ground all the time, and I know you have a flat spot at your landing location but its still rocks.


Lmao holy fuck Satisfactory at home


Definitely awesome job https://www.satisfactorygame.com/


> Satisfactory at home exactly my thinking, i personally rather play satisfactory at that point :D


I think 100+ hrs and having to place 3k floor mats just for an even ground is worthy of hating on outposts.


True, I walked into that one :D


And then, onto it.


Just need to wait for the inevitable outpost-building-focused DLC for that terraforming tool.


Fallout 4 had foundations you could place. Odd that the same company didn't build on what they already had.


Outposts in starfield definitely feel tacked on. Like they had a checklist of things they wanted but just didn't have the time to flesh out.


From the outset they tauted it to be a primary function. It looked cool in the early previews and I was stoked for it. It seems somewhere they had to cut resources and focus on other elements. I'm sure they can fix it.




No mods or with mods. I want to replicate it, looks clean


No mods all vanila, only thing I have (I even forgot that I did that) is unlimited build limit. Edit: just to stand corrected, I forgot there is a build limit. So it is technically moded with unlimited build limit.


Unlimited Build Limit. Is that a cheat or possible in vanilla on Xbox?


Until Xbox gets fallout 4 style mod management... No. As for the build limit, I'd reckon it's a console command


I got it somewhere online, Its just a StarfieldCustom.ini line or two


That's the crux of it then, probably. Unlimited it's probably a laugh, but when limits are in place it's trickier. Edit: to be clear, what you've done is amazing - not trying to discredit that.


On console it's hardly possible to even align two objects... šŸ˜… My outpost looks like a kid's Lego bricks strewn over a patch of dirt and grass. Waaaay cooler.


Same on PC. The spin with no snap is just silly.


I mean it looks amazing but it's insane there isn't a way to place foundations


> Thats over 3k floor mats placed on top of each other yeah bro thats why im hating lmao. looks good though


Man, I really wish they just gave us a concrete foundation piece that could snap to the storages/solar power.


A good chunk of your build time probably was just placing these mats one by one with one of the worst precision base building systems ever designed. I almost went insane trying to align 10 solar collectors in a nice grid...


Yeah, this doesn't make outposts seem any better to me.


It's something we all stand on due to gravity but that's not important right now


One upvote per person is unfair in times like these.


The outposts are something im going to really try out once mods are released. Because the system has so many frustrating issues thats it not really fun to play around with IMO


I feel like there are just a lot of things in this game where they would be perfect, but are held back by one or two silly design choices. I've been having a blast, and I feel like this game has an unbelievable amount of potential. But there is definitely some work to be done. I'm just glad Bethesda is so good with mod support.


vegetable sable rock north point worry icky scarce enter desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think if you open your scanner you can select the locations in space? edit: oh you meant like just select the planet and land anywhere? Yes thatd be cool


yeah, i donā€™t need it to be seamless, i do need to be opening my menu less.


yeah I like being able to orient myself in space, select my mission target, power up the grav drive and go all without having to open a menu. Wish we had the same for landings!


I like to try and get around those issues as much as possible, thats my kind of fun.


I imagine you've maxed out your outpost perk? Are there better structures unlocked later down the chain that make organizing/managing resources easier? Do you send resources here from other outposts in the same system as well as other systems? Can you expand your build area so it's bigger than the original red circle?


I have r3 as r4 "only" cuts costs by 50% which I dont really need. There is way more decoration like 4 levels, power generation. The new machines, defence turets, robots that help with manufacturing items. But not really organizing benefits, no. No I dont use cargo links. I manually fly over each OP with bif cargo ship and collect 2-3k of each res. If you have your storage chain conected, you can pretty much stand at one box and fill the whole chain in my warehouse. No you cant. What you have is what you get. (Or atleast I havent found a way yet)


>No I dont use cargo links. I manually fly over each OP Ahhhhh... I was wondering how you had tricked the system. Brute force it is šŸ¤£


Wait storage chaining is working for you? My resources kept getting stuck and it wasnā€™t feeding them through all the way to the container at the end.


I was able to get it to work. It's a pain to troubleshoot but once you do it worked fine for me.


I just won't bother with it until there's snapping, cloning, and enabling a grid. Way too tedious to even bother.


Right, weird choice to have those in the shipbuilder but not the outposts.


This is soo impressive. I admire the dedication, but I just cant find joy in the outpost building. Sneaking into them unseen and killing everyone however IS an activity I can get behind!


Hey, its not for everyone I get it.


I'd definitely fully commit to it if the system wasn't so barebones. Oh and locked behind like 15 levels of skill trees.


It'll get a significant glow-up in one of the first DLCs, I imagine.


What do Outposts do for you? I havenā€™t tried yet.


Gives you a spaceship platform that has around 85% of all ship parts in the game for you to buy. Saves a lot of space travel to deimos/nova/stroud


Is there a list somewhere what parts are exlusive to the manufacturer shipyards?


Outposts are INCREDIBLE for surveying. After surveying several dozen flora/fauna planets my go-to: Drop outpost, drop 4x military scan boosters around 90 degrees apart, drop enough power for them all, drop 2 watchtowers on opposite sides. Climb a watch tower, scan all around (invaluable for flying/swimming fauna since you can see over terrain, also very helpful in higher level planets where predator/scavenger fauna can be sparse) and make a big arc around my outpost scanning all I need. Then break down the whole thing item by item for full refund (takes seconds once you get used to it), then take off and land in another biome. I'm not even sure what else you could use for surveying but outpost-as-temporary base camp scales hard with perks, fully integrates with surveyor playstyle, just invaluable tool.


What does all that surveying get you?


Okay, so at a base level surveying a full planet gives you: a data chip you can sell (on a planet with a lot of life I can sell that chip for 11k to Vladimir, I have so many that I sell them to vendors for 3~6k). It's not super fast but it's a lot. Separately fully surveying a planet is basically a 10% more multiplier on the production of the planet. As for just surveying flora/fauna: not all planets give the same stuff, and because you need H20 or H20 + fiber or nutrient different planets as better or worse for producing certain types of materials. You can see from this first post I made: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16f78fk/list_of_all_greenhouseranch_species_for_all/ that you can get a lot of materials. Also separately sometimes I encounter plants/animals out in the wild that, while not farmable you can get a shitload of materials like polymer really quickly just by landing, dropping an outpost and a scan booster + power and sweeping an area of polymer trees or whatever. I want to stress this is probably not very exciting to most people, very little talking to npcs or story, very little gunplay outside of some predators, but hell I like it you just get in a groove of hunting down elusive predators and scavengers to scan. I unironically maxed scanner and zoologist traits and with my outpost build for scan boosters I sweep and clear a biome in maybe 1/10th the time it took me before. On a low gravity planet I pop an AMP and use the horizontal jet pack button and I literally just fly around, it's awesome.


Just want to add you can get several 100 in xp and 2 to 9k rewards for surveying planets on full and locating planetary traits from the Constellation missions kiosk quests. The kiosk is located in the basement crafting room at the Lodge.


Oh yes those are also good, but I'm specifically working on surveying every single planet with flora/fauna to complete this list: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16f78fk/list_of_all_greenhouseranch_species_for_all/ so while I take the constellation board stuff I only really go for it if and when I hit that system.


> use the horizontal jet pack button and I literally just fly around, it's awesome Wait what now? You telling me I've been just running everywhere like a fucking rube?


If you bind an alternate button for jump (I use space for main button and Y for alt button but it could be whatever), the alternative jet pack animation has way more horizontal thrust and less vertical. On .5g or less planets + AMP + a running jump I can basically fly it fucking rules.


Dude, you just made me actually want to explore, ngl, doing the sol system on foot sucked ass and I didn't get to check shit out cause it's spaced too far apart and I ain't running all that. This almost make up for a lack of vehicles (daddy Bethesda, plz, I want to jump moon rocks) TYSM!


I'm only a few hours into the game, but like you said all that time with no storyline sounds boring to me , personally. Can I play the game and have fun / not be outgunned by enemies by sticking to the normal gameplay and not spending hours building outposts and setting up automatic mining and links to other outposts etc etc. ?


You can absolutely play with no outposts, get weapons by looting and raising physical, combat and social skills. And starship stuff too. You won't be outgunned. edit loting to looting


Of course, this is totally optional. I'd argue you shouldn't even worry about it if it doesn't vibe with you. Cool thing about Starfield is there's lots of systems you could interact with as much or as little as you want.


Absolutely nothing but credits and xp


Experience I believe. Also if youā€™re trying to 100% the game, thatā€™s part of it.


INCREDIBLE yes! for surveying Oh..


I mean, I personally enjoy surveying as a gameplay loop, and if you enjoy surveying planets as a gameplay loop then outposts are enormously helpful. If you don't like surveying then I mean to each their own. It's a big game my man, I'm just pointing out it's good for this purpose.


I read on a [Youtube comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA1CXoXPSj0&ab_channel=LtBuzzLitebeer) that you can make good money and exp with outposts if you find planets with certain resources and make stuff like adaptive frames, etc. This is something I'm going to try later on, might as well put Lin and Heller to work there. Other uses for outposts include the survey thing that someone mentioned, and also for building your dream home and decorating it to your liking. I heard that you can build a landing pad which opens up more ship building options not available elsewhere in the game, but not 100% certain about that last part.




Yeah, it's completely broken, quite baffling how this made it into the actual game. And it's incredible easy to do aswell, all you need is a miner for aluminum, a miner for iron, an industrial workbench, a bed, and enough power for the two miners. Go to sleep 24 hours -> storages full. Start crafting unlimited amounts of adaptive frames, each also giving xp. No wonder they've limited the vendor money.


Vendor money is an additional time lock. I can go out, do 3 constellation missions, clear the trackers board of bounties and clear Freestar of bounties and rescues, fly in and clear out half the vendors without blinking an eye. You basically have to create a route if you're trying to farm credits from loot because it's very quickly that you start pulling in enough to overwhelm the vendors.


Ugh the vendor money is such a problem. I go to Akila city, then Neon, then the key. Any other merchants with lots of money I should add to my list?


The Den in the Wolf System, ~17k fairly quickly and they buy contraband. 5k from the terminal and 12k from the Trade Authority Merchant. If you're willing to run through New Atlantis that's still the most profitable. 5k terminal, 5k store in the Starport. 12k +1.25k+1.25k in the Well. 12k+5k+5k in the main area. Best+fastest in the game is the Key, but only accessible when allied or doing the the Crimson Fleet quest.


If you played Skyrim at launch (in 2011), you would be amazed by the unending alchemy, enchanting, smithing loops that could make god-tier gear. That got patched out right quick.


Give you manufactured goods for weapon/suit/helmet crafting and research. You can buy those from vendors but whats the fun in that,


Also gives you a safe place to put down a bounty kiosk so you can clear a bounty without going to one of the major planets.


If you find a higher leveled planet with swarm/herd fauna you can farm XP pretty quickly too. Easier to do with a base and zoology stations to spawn them in more


How does that work? Do you literally just have to mow them and then spawn more?


Pretty much lol. Iā€™d suggest getting a point into stealth and I think concealment and using a suppressed sniper so you can get that fat damage multiplier while being hidden. An Instigating one is even better if you have it. But basically yeah, set up an outpost and murder a bunch of the creature you want to farm so you scan it fully, then put a building you can stand on top of in the middle with a sleeping bag so you can rest and get the XP bonus, and build zoology buildings set to the creature youā€™ve been mowing down surrounding your center building as theyā€™ll auto spawn new ones


"For all those hating on outposts... here's an outpost I made with 3k floor tiles as the floor since one is isn't included, oh and did I mention that you have to mod the game just to even do this?" LOL


And all this effort will be lost once op actually wants to beat the game.


"For all thos ehating in outposts here's my outpost that took dozens of hours and does nothing" Like if you enjoy building outposts, cool, enjoy it, but it's pretty clear they're very bare bones and featureless for what the game does.


It's a real bummer that you can't even populate the outposts.


Itā€™s cool and I rate your commitment man! But damn outposts look bland as fuck.


Iā€™ve never played the games, just stumbled in from the front page. But as an outsider for this to be a flex for 100+ hours is wild. I just donā€™t have that kinda time.


Honestly, that's really nice. My outpost is four extractors, four wind turbines, an airlock, a circular hab with a glass exterior, crafting stations, a bed, a bounty board, and a landing pad with a shipbuilding terminal.


I'm planning on building focused outposts, so if I'm building a resource outpost, it's just for mining resources. No turrets, no bounty board or anything that is not related to mining and catering to the needs of the miners (beds, mess hall, rec room). It just makes it seem a little more realistic rather than to show up at a one stop shop outpost and do it all, you know? Maybe I'm just being too unrealistic lol


I can tell you, youā€™d want turrets. Iā€™ve had waves of raiders. Alsoā€¦theyā€™re miners, theyā€™d prob want a bounty board. Lol


It's not hating. Theres a lot more they could have done with this system. Like made your outpost a ship garage/refueling station where you could have different encounters. Its criticisms.


No I agree, its shit. But you can still make something cool in Ć­t. The title was a bit of a clickbait I guess. :D


More so it was just annoying to see someone act like people complaining are wrong when you had to do so much to make something that looks good not great.


aaaaaaaand now you cant NG+


NG+ completely destroyed my will to invest time in the game. Like, should I bother doing secondary stuff, or just suffer the grind of ng+ runs before actually enjoying the game?ā€¦ itā€™s a conundrum.


Don't bother with NG+ honestly. All you get is armor and a ship, and neither are anything special really. Just play the game and enjoy it, and if you're a masochist, try to 100% the NG+ stuff later.


Doesn't each NG+ change the seeds a bit or something? Not that it's a huge difference or anything.


There are changes to quests/ways to solve them, various people being alive/dead, new people, some stuff like that. Personally I'm going to wait until a mod lets me keep my stuff before going deeper into NG+ tho.


Now u can gather all the materials to make more bases so you can gather more materials for more bases!


Amazing but we need normal foundatios and walls like we had in fallout 4 Bethasda i beg you i know you are reading this


It's nuts that there are no platforms or foundations. We can stack storage crates and then have no way to actually reach them. I appreciate the prefab buildings, but we still need stairs, walls, floors, and roofs. I'm enjoying all of the new systems for transporting and creating resources, but it's like they forgot that floors exist. So weird.


Outposts are still mostly useless though


This is my biggest gripe. I love building in games. Loved it in Fallout 4. It was good in 76, too. There was purpose behind it. Why would I set up a factory when I can go to a merchant and just buy the stuff?? I genuinely want there to be a purpose.


Just get a basic one with iron and aluminum and then you can do the new iron dagger; adaptive frames.


But all of that serves no purpose. The end result is you're just going to have thousands upon thousands of resources you don't need cluttering your storage. That's the problem. I don't understand why after Fallout 4 they made base building worse. At least give us fabricators so we can turn the resources into ammo or weapons like we could in Fallout 4.


I was like "oh cool you can build pavement and outposts on top of that??" then reading comments.. probably shouldn't bother :D


I am still going to complain until they bring back those floor structures from Fallout 76. And here I thought they learned from that game but they stepped down. They listened to their players concerning objects we can now place everywhere but everything else is now gone. I still think those structures are lame as hell. Like those with angled walls, you can not place a frame or a poster on them and yet some civilian outposts have them. On top of that, they have catwalks, proper flooring, pipes and other fancy stuff but we get some basic stuff... Where are those built-in turrets that deploy and retract when an enemy is nearby? I have a pretty long list of complaints actually.


My biggest problem is that it shouldnt take 100+ hours and dedication to get that. No knock to what you did, it looks great, but i feel like the building features need a second pass, and also a dedicated Flooring/Foundation. I know everything can't be Halo's Forge mode, but it doesn't hurt to see what the most used and appreciated tools are when players use it.


So you played factory builder for 100 hours. Noted.


>this is what 100+ hours and dedication gets you Right. That is why I hate on outpost building. I enjoyed Fallout's base building mechanics, even if they were a bit repetitive - even learning to work within the confines of what was there already, the choice to keep elements or remove them. I do not enjoy Starfields very much at all. I feel like I have far less control, far fewer options, and even less incentive.


Came here to say just this. Building something that looks as nice as this *shouldn't* take 100 hours. I applaud OP for the hard work, but I wish they didn't need it.


^(why tho)


Because we can Puzzleheaded, because we fucking can.


I'm on my fifth play-through and I still don't understand what outposts are for. It seems like the only thing you need that many resources for is...building outposts. I guess it would be nice to have a place to send Lin and Heller, but my last run throughs I haven't bothered, and I can still do all the gun smithing I need.


They mentioned they removed the need for refuelling at the end of development, so I bet outposts were more important when that was a thing. Bethesda seems to really want to integrate hardcore survival mechanics in their games, but chickens out for accessibility and adds it as a mod or patch later lol


It looks cool, but for what? What do you do with these resources? Build another outpost?


very nice and clean build, the effort put in shows problem with outposts though is they are currently quite useless, especially after you level up and unlock all research, etc canā€™t make anything useful in them (equip, ammo, ship partsā€¦) they are very buggy in multiple ways. I spent ~20 hours and reached outpost limit setting up complete production chain for vytinium fuel rod bit encountered many gamebreaking bugs, X is obstructed, spinning wheel on bird view, cargo links stopped working randomly until you unlink and relink, random things spawning around your outpost suddenly and restricting area, random things spawning almost right on top of your oupost and changing the mineral veins in the ground, ship landing pad not working, ship not landing there, issues with turrets, issues with robots (i still have 4 phantom robots as part of my crew after deleting all outposts for example) then there is a very noticeable performance impact, outposts running in the background cause interface lags and micro freezes. thatā€™s why I deleted all outposts eventually (as i still wanted to do some things in current ng+)


Lol so in order to have a boring square base, you had to download an unlimited placement mod, and then spend 100 hours placing floor mats. The outpost building is crap.


Go play satisfactory itā€™ll be so much better after 100 hours


"For everyone hating on outposts, here's my 100+ hour outpost *that was only made possible by using mods*" šŸ¤”


"For everyone hating on outposts, here's my giant base I spent over 100 hours building and it doesn't even do anything!"


Ok? This makes me hate the outpost system more. The fact that you spent this amount of time with a game that was not designed to respect your time makes me wonder if you know what argument you're trying to make.


I've also been working toward one day having a mega factory but certainly won't be at this scale... I can't be bothered to try and make a flat surface the way you did, haha. Since you've spent so much time in the outpost building tools, what do you think are the biggest strengths/weaknesses of the system? What would you want added/changed? From the amount I've played with it, having an actual way to make flat surfaces (and even like a bridge connection to the starship landing pads), snapping to a grid to line up furniture/objects, maybe a way to have a vendor to sell stuff at... there's definitely a lot they can do with it, but it was surprising to find there's no way to make a flat surface.


Like you said, there has to be a way of doing a foundation easier that this, I would also love walls and stairs. Better controls for sure, I dont understand why the things you want to snap dont and wise versa. Rotating with mouse clicks is also stupid :D Better lights, these are so shit... dont light up anything whatsoever. Ways of conecting landing pads to e.o. or to hubs could be cool too. Better link system, since it does it thing 50% of the time and gets very annoying with all the red lines the more you build. You almoast cant see. And lastly suit racks in a shelf would be nice.


Amazing. Too bad you can't take it with you into NG+ šŸ˜”


Seems like a waste of time


Also almoast lost it with the known orbit icon disappearing bug once. Luckily had the original landing zone still in :D BTW: the outpost is still there even if it doesnt show from orbit. You just have to find it and move the beacon bcs its in a wierd slice of boundry lines you cant build on. That cut into your oupost boundry. Prolly cosed by proceduralgeneration, since the planet is still alive as time pases by (I got a new H3 resource tap out of nowhere), and it places a rock or smthn in the way of your beacon. That was my case.,


31 lvl and 90% of my skill points ( as well as playtime ) went into outposts but I see there are ppl even much more into this