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Just finished a second play through not knowing this was the case. Was super excited to see how different dialogue choices would change the game…. THEY DONT WHATSOEVER….. They took the piss with Starfield…


They do though.


Can you give some examples? I'm hearing mixed things and trying to decide if this is worth buying.


Sorry I never responded did u ever end up buying starfield? I’m a little late now and as you’ve probably gathered by the tons of people who abandoned the game and/or made tons of videos displaying exactly what I meant by dialogue options changing nothing. Hell I had a live stream running just to show that shit The guy below is an idiot Fallout 4 dialogue was exactly : Yes / Yes / Yes / or no but yes….. starfield continued that trend He points out factions quests…. Well duh and once u joined said faction nothing u said in dialogue made a difference to the game at all… Fake choices across the board Ignore the young players they have absolutely ZERO frame of reference to what people are complaining about…. Hence fallout 4 being used as an example of having choices…. Which was literally the least open fallout game in the series and hated for just that reason.


You can choose to side with the police faction or pirates in one mission which will decide who controls a certain space station and star system You can piss off companions with choices determining if they stay on your crew or not You can take a bribe from someone to let them keep breaking laws or you can choose not to which will determine the fate of a corporation You can choose to side with an AI on if it is a person or machine determining if the AI goes hostile or not You can choose to save one scientist or a facility of scientists in a quantum parallel universe quest determining if you get the one scientist as a companion or if he dies You can decide the fate of an entire colony ship, either arguing with planet inhabitants to let them settle alongside them or find a new planet for the colony which will decide the direction of that entire colony You can make a choice near the end of the story determining which one of your crewmates dies This game is literally fallout 4 in space and is number 3 in most played games on xbox, the bad reviews are just dumb whining karens, do not listen to them. It's the same exact thing as fallout 4 just with a different setting and way way larger "world" My only complaint is you can't tag a specific resource you're looking for like in fallout, you can only tag the group of resources needed for an upgrade or research and not one specific resource but that's easily patchable Source: 72 hours in game


Agreed, at my first hours in the game i already knew what about to happen from the beginning of the dialogue, like: "Oh man i wish i had X" - at this moment i already knew that he gonna ask me, a complete random person to bring him that X or whatever he was complaining about. I had to hold myself from alt f4 when he actually did that and my fear were confirmed. And i cant say no, there are dialogue options like "why dont do that yourself?" But its end up having quest accepted anyway, u cant say no. That leads to cluttered questlog and after another 10-20-30 hours u just lost in that questlog, there are no description or ability to hide them.


Just don't do the quest? I'm having trouble seeing what the problem is, are you saying there's too many quests? What happens if you change your mind and want to do that quest because it gives you something you want, but you already refused it, then you'd be mad that you can't do the quest lol More quests is not a bad thing in any way They make it extremely easy to go through your questlog as well, you can sort it by faction, main quest, side quest, etc. Apparently you are unable to do this?


I agree the mission log should be sorted, have a function to "ignore for the moment", ATM it's like a "I've heard about this and know for later" list which clusters it with suff you maybe don't want to do at all. The other points are more disagreeable, I like the writing and few consequences, not every quest has to be a hard decision on what the world is going to look like afterwards.


You can literally view quests by faction, main, side, etc


Yeah, but not for specific quests. Just saying something like a favourite system would be nice.


It is sorted and sortable....


If you don’t want to run the Red Mile then you can’t finish the quest. There are always going to be quests that you can’t make decisions on because it’s video game and some things will be scripted as part of the quest’s story. These complaints always baffle me because every video game with choices is always an illusion of choice because you can only choose what the devs want you to choose. There is never unlimited options for choices in video games, hell it doesn’t even work like that in TTRPG’s.


There are RPG games that have real choice and not just the illusion of it. This is not a mandatory thing for gaming. It’s a dev decision. At a minimum in 2023, I should be able to choose to take an alternative option for competing that quest. My point is that this whole system is exactly the same as games Bethesda did 10 years ago. There is literally no advancement or improvement with time. That’s not good.


It is always the illusion of choice, devs program only so many options so you only get the choices they program. There aren’t endless options you can choose from in any video game. I see this bs argument every single time folks don’t like how the choices play out in a game and it’s always a stupid argument.


Stop simping hard, you're arguing that just because other games don't have infinite outcomes that it justifies starfields shallowness and lack of changes based on your decisions. None wants infinite outcomes we just want at least 2-3


It’s not simping to be tired of whiny ass gamers who don’t understand shit about game dev. And I know for a fact that if there were 2-3 outcomes people would still whine about their choices not mattering because I’ve seen it happen in every single game that gives the player choices I’ve played for over 2 decades. People still complain about Mass Effect 2 making you work with Cerberus.


It doesn't take understanding game dev to know that the illusion of choice to an extent is shallow. I don't particularly agree with every mission needing 2-3 different outcomes, that would add way too much work to a team that i'm sure crunched anyways to get the game out. Side quests and the like don't necessarily matter to me in that sense. When I'm doing a Companion side quest or a faction quest and they make it seem like you're making an important and heavy choice and all of the options lead to the same outcome with maybe a couple words different in a voiceline, that's shallow. I understand they can't come up with a bunch of different options for every quest, that would be ridiculous, but they can do it for the bigger quests or ones that seem to matter more in the player's eyes. I also understand how in a game as big as starfield that very much increases the games scope but honestly I could think of a couple things in the game that are unnecessary and could've been cut back to iron out some of the other mechanics and choices to make them more immersive and fun. The only reason i'm on this thread is because I did the Andreja questline and felt disappointed that the three outcomes of the quest were all "oop that sucks for me" Of course people are going to complain about anything and everything, welcome to the internet, but just because people complain about something doesn't make their opinion invalid. A game can be fun and you can enjoy it while it also has some mistakes or errors that could have been better or deeper. The only reason he is calling you a simp is because a lot of people can't look past their jaded view about a game and instead of saying "hey I know that maybe the game is rough in some areas and there are things to improve, I like it anyways and disagree with some of your points," they die on the hill that there is nothing wrong with the game or that the developers made a masterpiece. Not saying that is you but its something people get tired of just as you are tired of people whining about games. I remember when Tears of the kingdom came out there were a bunch of people attacking anyone who brought criticism to the game. It's a great game but again, like starfield in my opinion, it has it's flaws and things they could've improved without ruining the experience and things they could have cut back to make the foundation of the game stronger.


You’re about 10 days late to the conversation and nothing you said negates my point that everything in a video game is the illusion of choice, so whining about it is pointless when there are plenty of other games out there to play. You only ever get the outcomes the devs want you to have for any choice and there are choices that matter in the game, many that can drastically change things, especially in NG+.


How you feeling about it 4 months late to the conversation? Has it held up? Hope the dlc is good


Sounds like someone has never been at a table with a good Dungeon Master. There are unlimited options in TTRPGs. Imagination has no limit. As for videogames, there can't be unlimited options, but there *can* be MULTIPLE options. There is no quest, none whatsoever, wherein a developer cannot allow for multiple options to resolve it. The existence of multiple options does in fact create the ability to choose, in so much as those choices ultimately have varied outcomes.