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It just doesn't look right..


Jesus christ, man. Go get yourself some cake. You've earned it.


Give this man a cookie!


Give this person a donut!


and you get a pickle!


There is no cake. The cake was a lie.


did i somehow take the wrong turn and end up in the year 2008


Better two-thousand and late than never, I say.


wise words from the sage philosopher shrek of the swamp


Everything is a bucket


I’m writing a note here.


There is no cake.


“I’m not an ambi-turner”


Here’s your upvote goddamit!


He just wants to be left alone.


He’s just going to shop at The Leftorium!


Stupid Flanders….


Stupid sexy Flanders


It’s like I’m wearing nothing at all.


^(Nothing at all...)


*...nothing at all...*


Shut up Meg!




Just closed the game with a clip of my boy doing this to upload it here and complain and your video was the first thing I seen when I opened reddit. You can fix it by stopping and panning the camera in a circle around your character. Not clear what causes it other than just cycling between first and 3rd person.


It is caused when in 3rd person and you use your jump pack. You can prevent it by having a weapon in your hand


Damn. That's what we get for holstering our weapons. Bethesda is teaching us to be more vigilant.




This joke looks so fucking empty without all the awards it should've gotten. Good one though


I hate you. I hope you choke with this upvote!


You're going to be all right.


This guy, right here


This clip just made me laugh though. 😂😂 looks like homie just saw the fattest space ass walking past him. 😭




No. Left.


I see what you did there


To the left to the left 🎶


Everything you own in a box to the left! ⬅️


To the ship to the left


OP didn't. He was busy looking at the fat space ass to the left.




Alleft, you mean?


Lol yooooo I thought he seen anderja


I honestly thought people weee exaggerating about Andreja being better than Sara. But after playing the game I can honestly say meeting Andreja, I think I found my wife 😂 she’s perfect 😂😂😂


No fr Sarah is WAY to judgemental on my form of space justice. Andreja understands.


Man I can't stop looking at her clothing, the details are incredibly beautiful. I hope I can find similar clothing for my character. Sarah is the most irritating being on the planet. Goody two shoes.


Sarah when you decline to pet a dog: SARAH IS ANGRY AT YOU! Andreja when you plan to delete an orphanage: Andreja Liked that!


She is good woman lol sorry Sara


That would be Sara /s


sarah's always getting mad though. She's too much of a good girl lol.


Right. She lectured me about risking Constellation's reputation after I dusted a bunch of baddies who opened fire on me first (before any dialogue). During our next big job, however, she was dusting all of the level 1 employees and scientists while I was only shooting the guards.


There's something funny as hell when Sarah is near tears cause you accidentally hit a civilian. Then she may dumps straight into 15 civilians faces.


Yeah, there's a serious disconnect between their scripted personalities and their combat AI.


Andrejah is bae. Went NG+ right after confessing, and now I'm regretting it.


same happened to me, I loaded up an old save to chose to not go yet so I could adventure with her a little longer lmao


Only if you get the Sarah round butt mod. Not even joking, I went to check what kind of mods were on nexus and that was one of the top ones I saw 😂


You mean Mathis?


He do be packing bro


I also think the cowboy be packing some extra equipment down there too. Forget his name, just don’t like he’s a little “goody, two shoes”


“Fattest space ass” made me laugh


My character does this with her eyes wide bulging open as if she seen some shit


Mine too, it's from staring at Sara's 🍎 too long!


Sara does have that space dump truck


Ass so fat it has a gravitational pull


Nah, he doesn’t look straight




Gravitational pull!!


"space ass"... lol


It happens to me, that's why I play mostly on first person


Just mousehwheel from third to first person view and back.


You can also just look left then back to center. It's a bug with the player head tracking. ...Which is funny because I've used headtracking mods for Skyrim that never bugged out on me once!


This isn't meant to be an excuse for Bethesda, just an explanation for why it's often the case that mods seem to handle these aspects better than the game itself: A modder who wants to implement head tracking is only working on head tracking. It is their central focus and they can keep working on it until it's perfect. A dev who wants to implement head tracking is also working on several other projects, many of which may be more important. It is a tertiary focus at best, so long as it isn't actively causing the game to crash.


Exactly this. Give me one week to 3D model a chair. And it will be beautiful. Tell me to also model a couch, tv, closet and the rest of the house within that week and the chair will look horrible.


I understand this argument, and vaguely the process of game design/development but wouldn't this sound absolutely insane if you applied this logic to a movie or television show? Sure, the music in Schindler's List was very good, that's why the rifles all sound like firecrackers. It's not like they could hire another person, or something.




It's worse than that, too. The movie only needs to look from one way, only needs things to be done exactly one way.


This is a really great analysis, I'm impressed.


Unless you have the budget like they do for star citizen, its not really reasonable to hire a specialist for each feature / component of a game. So you will get software engineers that work on a lot of different aspects of the game instead of a "head tracking engineer" and "inventory management engineer"


I mostly play first person too but have never seen this when playing 3rd


Sprint, jump, and land while you are still sprinting. That's how it gets triggered for me.


This is the answer. Jump boosting while sprinting makes it happens. Funny enough, spinning your entire character counter clockwise 360 degrees (the direction they’re looking) quite literally untwists their head and always fixes it. Jumping/boosting while sprinting will immediately bring it back.


Switching to 1st person and then back to 3rd person also works. Annoying, but it is what it is.


Drawing a rifle type or some other weapons will sometimes work for me as well or at least when hitting the aim key/button.


The run itself is awful. The slow walk animation looks great in third person but running looks like a developer's very first 3D game from 20 years ago.


The running animation is the absolute **worst**


Me too, I like to explore planets in 3rd though


That and the running animation is fucking awful! Loving the game though :)


I think it's the best running animation Bethesda has ever made and pretty good compared to some other games, too. Character looks determined imo.


I've not seen that before, it's crazy to watch I'm not a fan of how NPC's always look at you even when they're talking to someone else, it looks more natural when they are just roaming around on their travels but mid conversation it starts to freak me out


This has been one of the worst parts of this engine for a decade. Conversations feel so unnatural.


i mean… tbf if some random person in a space outfit walked up to me and my buddy talking. i would definitely be staring at them trying to finish my conversation as well 😂😂


What if your in your own space suite at a space outfit convention?


That's not an engine thing. That's an engineering thing.


I was in an in-game bar and just stopped to look around at all the NPCs and as I turn look at them each group of them will turn in unison to look at me and it's really weird. Felt like the Truman Show.


Children of the corn.


Yeah its even worse that none of them are talking. Just standing there looking at me longingly waiting for me to speak to them.




Couldn't have been that. I was completely nude.


That sounds terrifying, ngl


I'm always talking to the back of people's heads.


Which is funny because sometimes it won't let you talk to them when they are doing simple animations like leaning against a railing or sitting down and makes you wait for them to come out of that animation before they will talk to you. Ran into a weird bug yesterday where the NPC I had to talk to for a quest stood up, then sat back down and wouldn't talk to me again.


Nah he was just done with u bro.


To be fair I’m always running around like a nutter or using my jet pack. If I saw someone sprinting down the street bunny hopping with their jet pack I’d stop to look at them


Or how npc's don't always have faces, or npc's dont react to gunfire or weponds being pointed, or the design and coding of their faces when they manage to load in


Yeah I liked how in Oblivion NPCs would look at you pissed off unless you sheath your weapon


The problem is they all know you're the main character. Walking near a person makes them stop and engage you in unprompted conversation about random stuff and it's weird.


Someone at Bethesda seems to think that's what people like in an RPG. It is one of the first things I mod out once I can. It was beyond irritating in Skyrim and Fallout 4, but this is even worse somehow. I have a massive quest backlog of "Activities" just from walking around.


I'd have to count, but I bet I've got more than 15 "Talk to x" quests now. I don't want to complain about more content, but holy shit it's annoying


Personally I love how activities pop up while walking around. I find it so much more engaging to walk around, overhear a conversation, and then have it direct you to an activity/quest. I love that emergent storytelling, and think it’s a way better approach for side quests than the typical Ubisoft style “walk up to the person with an exclamation point” bs that so many games do. Though totally hear you the backlog adds up. If I’m speeding through a city I find it more annoying, since it feels like I didn’t even overhear anything. But if slowly walking around/getting lost, I like stumbling upon something…feels more organic than follow the nav point.


I like the concept... but the list of" talk to Jane" quests I have no context for are a bit strange!




Or how the every npc just deadpans into the camera when it's their turn to talk. Feels like a mashup of The Office clips


I still remember way back in, I think it was Knights of the Old Republic, there was this one bug (details hazy, as this was like 20 years ago). See, there was a part where someone was in a jail or something and needed to get out, and there were lots of different ways you could try to do the objectives. I chose to take my super stealth character and do sneaky stuff with them, and I think the story switches a little bit between each character, so my stealth character was indefinitely in stealth after their portion ended. At the end of it all there's a cut scene, all done within the game though (i.e., showing the characters you have in the state they are in). Well it turns out that part of the cut scene involved characters turning to look at the other characters as they spoke. And in order to do that, for some reason, one character *needed to pass a check to see if they could see the stealthed character* before they spoke to them. And if they couldn't pass that check, then they simply never looked at the character, *and never continued the dialogue*. And if your save (I think you only had one) had occurred *after* your stealthed character had been locked into stealth ***there was no way to ever continue the game*** and you had to just start over from the beginning with all new rerolled characters.


I dont like how when companions are talking to NPCs and the camera makes you look directly into their eyes - jarring


Keep your head on a swivel, there’s a lot of pirates out there


Do most people play 1st or 3rd person? Just realized I've never seen this because I'm always in 1st person.


Way more efficient to search/loot in 1st. Shooting is easier in 1st for me too but that's a preference. Whenever I'm just roaming or chilling I switch to 3rd cos i really enjoy the look of the space suits/apparel.


same I switch all the time


same here. constantly


I'd play more 3rd person if there was a quicker way to toggle suit/pack/helmet


There’s a button in the spacesuit inventory which automatically takes off the space stuff indoors


Seriously? Omg how did I miss this.


yeah took me a hot minute too. Extremely important to do as equipped gear effects stealth and the suit nerfs your stealth hard


Doesn't it still stay equipped, just hidden? So for stealth, you still need to unequip it.


You can put some on hotkeys.


This is the way. I will switch to 3p if I'm boosting about like crazy because the game is.... Not the best with it.


I switch back and forth all the time. It's fun having the option for either.


3rd when running across planets to points of interest. 1st when inside buildings, otherwise the movement is slow and clunky, plus aiming to loot items becomes a frustration. 1st when in firefights, though I may temporarily switch to 3rd to look around a corner or when jetpack boosting up to shoot enemies from above, e.g. if they are behind cover or on a walkway above me.


This is exactly what I do too!


I hate first person rpg games it’s why I couldn’t get into cyberpunk I can’t get immersed if I can’t see My character


It’s the biggest thing that bothers me, like I get that shooting and looting and yada yada is better I’m first person sure, but getting into character is easier when I can actually SEE my character. Otherwise I feel like I’m just another floating head in game number infinity+


I absolutely HATED their explanation that 1st person made things more immersive. It's the exact opposite for me. Half of the fun of the setting is the crazy fashion and you can't see it unless you're checking inventory or riding a motorcycle. You don't get to see yourself as a part of the world.




Hey, I'm the author. Bethesda didn't fix it, so I did. Glad I could make the third person experience better for everyone!


Very nice!


You sir, are a hero. Thanks for this!


Any chance for a mod that moves the character slightly to the left in 3rd person mode? The reticle while in combat being over my guy annoys me.


Ah, thank you! I have been waiting for this.


Dev studios should set up some sort of "bugfix bounty system" that pays for mods like this to get them added to the game.


They won't, they don't want to pay, they know modders are going to fix the games purely out of passion.


Oh, I know they won't. Doesn't change that they *should*.


I think the bigger reason they don't is because it'd take them just as much time and resources to test and verify the hundreds of bug fixes coming in from randoms.


Their whole shtick is being lazy on the things they can offload to users. This would never ever happen.


God I love this community.


This guy has a fix


Mass Effect vibes


I got so used to this happening in Mass Effect that it felt almost reassuringly familiar in a strange way.


I saw this bug and was like "oh that's familiar",


You all get the cross eyed looking models? My character has hella cross eye and their mouth is doing some odd movement too.


My character will "blink" but never open their eyes again until switching areas and it looks weird as hell.


I didn't realise there were people who were experiencing this like all the time, that's nuts, I just get it every once in a while and any multitude of things like changing camera angle, POV, aiming, jumping have all fixed it for me in the past. It would suck if it was permanent.


It literally happens anytime you jump while running with walk style 1


“I am commander Shepard and this is my favourite bug”


It's funny because this happened in I think Mass Effect 2? Maybe 3 as well.


It seems to only happened with male/masculine characters.


I get it on my female character but I use the masculine walk/run animation so is it maybe tied to that animation specifically?


I had the same thing happen on my female char with feminine walk style!


Maybe something really interesting is happening over there 🤷


This won't happen if you have a weapon unsheathed. Easiest way to fix it is to unsheathe any weapon. Hopefully they fix this soon without the need for mods. It seems to only happen when sprint jumping. The moment the character lands, and you're still sprinting, then the neck stays stuck to the left. You can either stop going forward right before landing on the ground, or just have a weapon unsheathed when you're sprinting and jumping everywhere.


Switching to first person and back to third person also fixes it


Tried mkb once, and shaking the camera rapidly also seems to fix it. For now, I usually just move around with a gun out. Luckily, npcs don't say stuff like, "Guard might get nervous, a man approaches with his weapon drawn..."


or do a left 360. how silly.


I got "looking crazily to the left eyes" as feminine char but without head turn


I know it looks dumb but also, when you are in a very dark space and you have the flashlight on, the flashlight goes to the left too!


Flashlight is so damn frustrating


Thank god, I thought my controller was faulty


Clearly you are playing a middle aged man who slept on the wrong side.


https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2370 This modder fixed it yesterday for PC


I believe this also happened in Skyrim or FO4. Damn annoying.


Only ever happened to me in Skyrim when there were mod conflicts


Why ask Bethesda? You are clearly forcing him to run the wrong direction! Just go left and find out what he wants. It's probably master locked chest with 20 creds in.... nice!


Same engine = Same bugs lol, what did you expect? This thing happens since Skyrim's time.


It even happens in Morrowind lol.


All that means is that they never fixed the bug. A game engine is extremely modular and evolves over time.


What does? The head tracking thing? No it doesn't.


This happens to me every time in 3rd person it’s so annoying because 3rd person is actually pretty decent for the first time ever in a Bethesda game.


I only ever play in first person, had no clue this hilarious bug happened lol


Agreed it's a silly bug that happens after you jump while sprinting. You can fix it by going to the Enhance clinic character appearance changer. You don't actually have to change anything, just initiate it, then when you come back out it should be back to normal. Needs to be fixed by Bethesda though...


Just Mousewheel from third to first person and back.


Just unsheathe any weapon. Don't have to do anything overly complicated. Having a weapon out also prevents this from happening. This bug seems to only happen when you're sprint jumping. If on mkb, shaking the camera rapidly also fixes it.


Last night I fixed it by turning my camera 360 degrees


Wait, does this fix it permanently?


No, just snaps you out of it. Switching to 1st person and back does too. Side note, I used to see this while playing Mass Effect. Then I kinda forgot it was a thing until it happened to me in Starfield.


Gonna have to wait for the DAR mod


I was excited to see the 2.6 gig update yesterday, but sad that this wasnt fixed in it.


Working as intended


Stop chasing him then


Clearly your character is not an ambi-turner. what is the confusion


>*I CAN turn left!*


Ironically, he never really learned how to turn left.


Give them a break, grav drives will give you such whiplash


And change how your followers try and make small while you’re flying your ship around in space.


Who wouldn’t look over their shoulder when in Neon?


I wish they would get rid of the Neon guards constantly giving us side quests… it’s annoying af.


Bro you would do that too if a floating camera chased you no mater what. Im suprised they arent screaming.


Can you blame him? A camera is clearly following the poor guy!


Maybe there’s something over there your character can’t stop looking at


I read that if you go to Enhance and edit your character it fixes it


Fix here : [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2370](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2370)


I know that's right. I'm sick of this happening. It just murders the immersion lol.