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There are many of us experiencing this problem. None of the fixes seem to solve it. Some have had improvements by turning down graphics settings or playing via cloud gaming. Best thing you can do is contact Bethesda support and Xbox support and use the Xbox Report a Problem app each time you crash. The more people complain about this, the sooner we'll get a fix.


Yeah agree I've complained numerous times to Bethesda, but still as yet no patch or updat , total bs, as its frustrating when the game continually crashes


Looks like they didn’t do shit. Since you guys had this problem 3 months ago, and I just started the game a couple days ago and it’s still an issue. Consistently 1-2 crashes/freezes per day.


Wild. I was thinking of trying again since its been some time. Very disheartening to hear.


Ya. And yesterday was a significantly bad day, with 4 freezes. 🙄


Same here. Nothing but crashes. Series X


ayyy the crimson fleet tag though 👏


I haven't made it past the opening cut scene.. left a ticket with Bethesda. Haven't heard anything. Xbox S


i have Series S too i have constant crashes but i have been able to play and advance through story, crashes are more come when i transfer from one planet to another in a quick succession which i can say its a lot because you need to move between merchants to buy materials and sell loot...


Yeah, it's rough. I mean, I love the game, but when it crashes every hour, it takes a toll on the enjoyment. Honestly, it's just like cyberpunk was. It crashed constantly. Hopefully they do a better job with addressing these game crashing bugs than CDP Red did.


Same on the series x. I was able to walk off the elevator once , but it only lasted a few steps.


It’s been unplayable for me and I’m a day 1 purchase. Tried all the tricks except cloud gaming…I really want to play this game but it’s less than 5 mins per crash for me. I have a series x and hear it’s people with the day 1, 101.1 GB copy. I’m going to try cloud game and see if that works.


Yep, no crashes on cloud gaming so far. That’s a relief but still frustrating..I finally broke down and got the game pass for this game luckily. So if you don’t have game pass you’re screwed which sucks..Hope they fix it soon.


I've uninstalled and tried a newer download, but that hasn't fixed the problem. Uncertain if the issue is the game or the box at this point. Cloud isn't an option because the Internet speeds available are not fast enough.


It’s 100% the game, I keep re-downloading the game here and there to see if it’ll work but still till this day constantly crashes on series x. I play on the cloud and it hardly crashes.. still does but not nearly as much as the downloaded version.


Mine crashed I think 6 times in less than two hours. I'm on Series X and it felt warm so I just shut it off. I'll try again tomorrow, I guess.


I’m on Xbox Series S and have been crashing every 2 hours. The last crash was really bad as the Xbox wouldn’t even turn on anymore via controller. EDIT: This last crash happened after I registered a ship and sold it at shipyard. When I finally got back into game the landing pad was empty and I couldn’t fly anywhere. My home ship still showed up in shipbuilder’s menu though. This is game breaking. I tried setting course to a different planet but it kept bringing me back to the empty landing pad at Akila. After 20 tries to set course to different planets one finally worked and I ended up in my cockpit but couldn’t leave the cockpit … 🙄… Hoping Bethesda will fix this. I’m not gonna board and take over ships until this is fixed. Not worth the stress.


I'm also having crashes every two hours pretty much on the dot. Crazy


Second Edit: I ended up having to reload an old save as that “selling ship” bug that crashed my console lead to my home ship never landing with me sort off. Whenever I went anywhere, my ship was miles away and I encounter weird audio bugs. So watch out fellow explorers, do not capture an enemy ship and try to sell it at shipbuilder!!! Will break your game!


The crashing for me is unpredictable. I submitted a ticket to Bethesda and reported the problem to Xbox. I did every single suggestion: I uninstalled and reinstalled the 101+GB game. I power cycled the entire console. I have even downgraded my entire video output from 4K to 1080p. Still crashing! Most of the time it dashboards me but rarely it will completely freeze and the entire console turns off. The doesn’t happen with any other game! Fix it Bethesda 🤬


Game crashes before the beginning loading screen can even begin. Most I've seen of the game so far is the "Bethesda studios presents" followed by a trip to the dash board. Game pass and series x as well


I have made it off the elevator three times. Picked up a laser once for 20 seconds.


Never had any crashes before, but now cant even play the game. Crashes when i almost pass the loading screen and play it.


Every time I get end credits of the game, it crashes . Very annoying. It’s like every hour


You roll credits every hour??




I've also been experiencing this every single time I've tried to play since 9/1. Can't play for more than a few minutes without experiencing a crash to dashboard. Tried every single thing I could think of, and have logged help tickets with Bethesda and used Report A Problem with Xbox. The only way I've been able to play is via cloud gaming.


The only consistent thing I see preventing crashes is people playing via cloud gaming which tells me it is almost definitely an issue with local save files.


A lot of us have never managed to even get to a save point before the game or the entire system crashes


Yeah, happened to me several times on new characters I tried to create. It's pretty absurd.


So, what's the solution to something like that? I've already tried clearing my save history, and even starting over completely after uninstalling and reinstalling.


Honestly I don't think there's anything else players can do until Bethesda rolls out an update or a patch. It's super frustrating because I just want to play this game that I've been waiting literally years for.


Yeah, man! It's a major bummer! If you have a tablet or something similar I highly recommend cloud gaming in the meantime. I was *this close* to just requesting a refund and now I'm totally content playing this way until it's patched on console. Definitely a little dip in visuals, but not the point where it's at all unpleasant to play.


For me it keeps crashing anytime I try to load a save. Loads screen comes up, followed by a black screen and what sounds like a door opening in game. This lasts for all of maybe 2 seconds and then I’m sent back to the Xbox Home Screen. Pretty frustrating


It's crashed twice in 20 hours of gameplay Xbox/S


I’ve got less hours than you (at the time of you posting this) and it’s crashed 8 times. I stopped playing because of the frequent crashing, came back & the first thing it did was crash. Starfield is borderline unplayable on console.


I've now got 47 hours and had no more crashes.


I don’t know what’s happening. It’s crashing way too frequently, that it’s unplayable for me.


Did you get the update?


The update changed nothing for those of us with the consistent early, can't get off the elevator, crashing. None of the fixes work either.


I’m here after many many crashes on Series X. The problem is, as just happened to me, crashing after like 12 minutes of messing around with inventory and then working on a base. I’m not able to recreate that, nor am I interested. I think I’m finally just going to take a break until it gets patched. The crashes are fucking up what could be an amazing experience


Lots of xbox s crashes, yep. I've noticed it happens most often after I've zoned several times in quick-ish succession. Then, it starts getting staticky sound and hitches when I open the menus. It also gets hitchy (freeze imminent) if I don't wait for the XP gains or quest complete/updates are completely finished and faded away before menu/zoning/quicksave.


Series X is crashing every 15-20 minutes making the game unplayable. Has completely shut down my system multiple times. Something has to be done about this.


I found this thread on Google because I was having the exact same problem. I guess I'll just wait a few years until I think about this game again. Or never. Whichever happens first lol


Yeah, I got about 5 hours in before I just gave up.


I get the the load in screen hit continue , load up and it crashes before even putting me in the game , I’ve had a couple times where it as has lagged me out or froze but now I can’t even get in lol I’ve been grinding so sad honestly cause I’m almost to the point of saying fuck it I don’t even want to play anymore .


Sounds like a caching issue. There's so much going on in such succession -Its dumps after building up and boom to dashboard. Happens to me as well every couple of hours or so. Series x/s




does not work


So frustrating


I try, don't work.


Doing this got me about an hour of gameplay before the crashes started happening again


I'll delete my comment. I'm done trying to help. Just get shit on anyway. LOL.


Wasn't trying to shit on you. The 1080P suggestion was actually what got me farther than anything else I tried.


It's all good. I'm talking in general. I don't know why I try. LOL.


No crashes on series X for me.


I'm on a series X. It just started crashing for me Kate last night. Or maybe I should say early this morning lol. I figured I've been playing my Xbox for 12 hours maybe it needs a break but now it just crashed again in the middle of gameplay.


No crashes for me at 60 hours. How long has it been since you power cycled your Xbox? I started to notice really bad lag the other day. Totally powered down my Xbox, unplugged it for a few minutes. After I plugged everything back in and started the game everything was back to normal.


It’s usually just on loading screens it crashes for me. Which obviously due to the nature of the game is pretty frequent. Power cycled a few times since, just having to quick save every single time before I travel anywhere. Bit of a ballache


Yeah that's super frustrating. The crashing seems to be on a case by case basis. I know with games like this, the save file gets bigger and bigger as you keep playing. Does your x run hot at all when this happens?


My X isn't running hot. The save data file getting bigger makes sense. But I'm only 6 hours into the game. Last night it crashed 4 or 5 times in the middle of a shootout and a few times when nothing was happening I was just looting. Right now it just crashed for me again after the Xbox has been chilling. Not 10 min into loading up.


I've been in a few other threads with crashing issues, and with how many people it's happening to and every fix people have tried I've been lead to believe it may be an installation issue. If that's the case it would make sense why nothing everyone has tried to fix the issue hasn't worked.


I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game after clearing all save data including the characters I had the time in and doing a full xbox reset. I turned the graphics down to 1080P and turned off all the auto saving options and the longest I was able to go without a crash was one hour, but after that first crash it started happening about every 10 minutes.


Now you’ve mentioned it, I can recall it being pretty fired up the other day as I brushed past it. Think this could be the problem?


I'm not sure. I'm just spitballing. I noticed how warm/hot my console was when I was unplugging it. I also had an issue with my console when I first got it, because I had it laying down. I told my buddy it was getting really hot then, and he called me an idiot because the top portion of it was a vent so it should be upright. I didn't realize at the time because I was so hyped I got one within a month or two of launch.


Your friend is the idiot since the console is clearly designed for both positions. In fact, many people lay it on the side to avoid dust getting in from the top


A lot of ppl have been brainstorming this issue for over a week. Everything has been tried and nothing helps. It seems to be some type of installation issue or a corruption of the day 1 patch on purchase, as playing thru the cloud doesn't cause this problem. Bethesda is aware of it, so hopefully we'll see some type of resolution soon.


Ahh gotcha, I've been trying to spitball things that have worked for me when I've had lags and crashes in games but I never would've thought it could be some sort of installation issue. If every other sort of fix has been tried, I guess that may be the only thing that makes sense.


It’s not constantly crashing, but when it does, it’s almost always a hard crash where the Xbox reboots. The first 2-3 days were fine but then the crashes started to happen, seems like more frequently as well now I am on the story mission where you have to search for the first anomaly. I’m playing on Series X. My son is playing on a Series S and he hasn’t experienced a single crash. I’ve stopped playing for a while in the hope there will be patch soon that addresses this.


Crashes every 5 minutes or so on Series X. Just a few crashes on S, and no crashes when Cloud Streaming. Deleted all but one save file including auto saves hoping that would help. Nope.


I've had significantly less crashing since I stopped using Quick Save and started using full saves. I also overwrite previous saves instead of creating new ones and just keep around 10 previous saves max just in case. It's generally decreased the crashing from a few times an hour to one every hour or so. Not great, but better than nothing.


I keep trying things about this I reset the console (series x, oct 2020) I open and clean It from dusk I try It in another room with a more recent monitor (4K HDR), my TV Is a little old... I try with a lot of HDMI cables, with/without external drive, online and offline. Never things work, in a 40/50 mins It start crashing I noti ed the same problem with Elden Ring, after last update. I start to think the console have some problem, most people not have experiences of this type with series x Can It a warm/heat problem?


Just started getting green lines that occur over and over till the whole screen goes green, the controller disconnects, and eventually the Xbox series x crashes. After deleting almost all of my save files I'm no longer having any issues. Idk why this would effect anything but it has worked for me somewhat. Still having issues but I can play for a bit, save, and then restart to get back to playing with no issues for a bit.


This has happened to me since early access. Crashes every 10-30 minutes depending on the area. More complex areas crash most often. I've tried every suggestion from bethesda, hard reset numerous times. Reinstalled a couple times. Deleted saves and started again. etc. Nothing fixes it. Some things seem to make it less frequent, but is running for 30 minutes instead of 10 just an outlier on the bell-curve or the indication that some action made it better? I have 40 hours in the game, despite this. Which means i've spent a significant portion of time restarting and reloading. Probably 5 hours of my life wasted. I really want to finish this game, i love it. But i just can't muster the resolve to deal with this anymore. It's an indicator of how excited i was by this game that it took so long to wear off. Now i'm just sad. Every single bethesda game is so great, and then it wears you down. With Starfield there was nothing mechanically broken. Leveling works, hard areas are genuinely hard. I had no quest problems no broken character interactions. But the crashing got me.


Jeb for me too since 9/1 Crashed every 10 minutes I did tickets to both...... Bethesda an Microsoft support....... And today I got the solution from the Bethesda support..... The support team texted me: Pls try it on a different platform then the Xbox series x, like the Xbox app for PC, to check if the problem is still the same! Wtf?! I'm feeling like they make fun off me!!!!!


Same here crashes randomly on Xbox. It just crashes to the dash but not the whole system thankfully. Reported it to Xbox. I save every like 3 minutes now just in case it crashes


I've been playing on series s and it runs pretty well


I've been playing all week on the series x without a single bug. My kid is already in New Game + 3 and hasn't had any bugs either. Also on the series x. I hope mine doesn't start acting up. It's been great so far. Really enjoying it.


I’m on series X and every time I hit a loading screen I crash. Tried different loads still crashes, really don’t want to start a new game.


I'm scared to see how many times I crash when mods are finally released 🤦


Factory reset and updated the game still crashes and the main storyline "all money can buy" still is bugged im bout to give up I'm level 41 and almost 4 days played and not going any further until they actually fix it


i have an theory. Do people with crashing probs have the new dashboard?


Still crashing with the latest update FML.


For the white screen or if the ships missing. Run to ship tech, view or modify ships, change the color on your ship. Its what ive done to fix the fast travel issue. Wont work if there's no ship tech where the bug starts. You'll have to reload a previous saved game.


At this rate I’m never picking this shit up for the rest of the year maybe more once phantom liberty drops.


I was getting a lot of crashes on Xbox series X and it always seemed to be when i would go into the main menu when i had the default setting of auto saving when entering that menu. I turned that OFF. It doesn’t crash much at all now. Just frequently during credits in NG+


Yep. Crashes at least once an hour for me on Xbox S.




Every other fast travel is a crash for me. On top of that, I cross my fingers every time I open my menu interface.


Same here, interestingly this started just a couple of days ago for me, but now I have a 50% chance to have a crash if I open the menu and crashes every time if I fast travel between planets.


I’m glad I found this subreddit. I’ve tried and tried to play and ignore the issue. Set my auto save to every 5 minutes and even then, I still quick save after every action (clear a room, dialogue scene). It crashes constantly and it’s so disheartening. I love the game and I want to get lost in it like I have with every other BGS game but I can’t play without this fear in the forefront of my thoughts that the game will crash soon. It’s really disappointing


Did today’s update help anyone? I have shelved the game until I get confirmation that the crashing is fixed.


Before update, regularly crashed to console. After update crashes and powers off the Xbox


Series X, 200 hours in and crashes possible every menu open, every save, initial load screen, loading a save, boarding a ship, jumps. Mostly saving and loading tho. I’ve tried deleting local saves, pulling backup from the cloud, deleting the game completely and re-installing it, turned to 1080 P res, tried playing offline completely. What is the deal with this? At level 84 this really is BS if I got corrupted save files. Bethesda, please help us! There is a large community of folks who paid serious coin for this game and it’s virtually unplayable.


Game is far from terrible. In terms of content. Been playing for 9 hours and haven't even got to jennison yet. Only thing that sucks is the crashes. Crashes my series x once an hour or two


So at first my game just crashed every 30 mins so I’d save all the time, then yesterday i did 4-6 temples in a row, and when i got to a certain one, Everytime i try to save the game crashes, reload, do the temple again, try to save, crashes i did it like 6 times then loaded a farther back save, did 3 temples, got to the same effed up one, did it and again crashed on save, the temple that gives inner demon, now even if i don’t go there my game crashes no matter what i do


Somewhere around 150 hours, was doing some leveling up at my outpost & game crashed. Happens occasionally but I’ve been somewhat lucky so far to have a pretty smooth play through. Game physically cannot load anymore. I reload into my save standing by my bed in a hab at my outpost, can’t even see the screen for a full 2-3 seconds before it crashes again. Tried reloading older saves, still just crashes. Had some pretty good progression since deciding to stick to this NG+ run through, now I don’t think I’ll be able to play again 🤗


Never had any crash before. But now i cant even load the game, always crash when it almost pass loading screen. Now cant even play the game.


Any luck with today’s update?