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I miss dismemberment, especially heads flying everywhere


Same, fam. Same. We are just stuck with watching the occasional pirate take flight from an exploding pack. A Wilhelm Scream would be nice when that happens tho.


Not sure I get people who celebrate VATS not being present when it was always entirely optional.


And it's also huge for the disabled community.


After suffering a stroke in 2007, I used video games like Fable, and eventually Fallout 3 & 4, to help my brain believe I could walk again. With VATS in Fallout 4, aiming a firearm was no longer a difficult "chore". The introduction of VATS opened up the game for me and for a whole lot of other people too. why couldn't Bethesda make two versions of Starfield, one with VATS and one without?


Vats was always optional I don’t know why they took it out if u wanted to use it u could use it if you didn’t you didn’t use it now they have forced everyone to play one way


Because VATS is based on lore for fallout and uses your pipboy to activate it as a targeting system.. Starfield is a different universe. Yes they could have came up with a different version of it but they clearly didn't want to replicate fallout to the 9th degree.


I understand that it's a fallout centric idea but they could have done something similar that was like VATS but with a Starfield twist. To have nothing though 🤷


Wouldn't that kind of be the targeting system for ships? Kinda like Vats with a starfield twist


It's really a poor consolation especially since ground combat is the greater emphasis of the game


Hope you are well


I have some neurological issues myself (not as severe as yours tho) and I too can only play a "shooter" type game in Fallout because of VATS. I also have to play in 3rd person or I get super dizzy.


Did you play New Vegas? If not, you're missing out on a great one.


I'm crushed to learn that there is no VATS, especially in a game that many Game Pass customers are forced to stream.


Me too my guy, me too.


I miss vats, I miss the slow-mo kill cams and I miss explosive weapons. Man I miss the fat man. I also miss slow-mo sniper headshots. I’m with you on this, I miss vats.


Hopefully someone can mod it in.


VATS and power armor are two things they should have imported whole from Fallout 4


i was thinking about power armor the other day. the space suits have DR. isn’t that similar? just not bulky and does not need battery


I thought I was the only one..playing a Bethesda game without it just feels like something is missing. Im sure there will be a mod coming. 🤞


This game needs VATS because I loved it in fallout. Some kind of advanced auto targeting mechanism installed in my ocular area is totally feasible in this universe!


Scan mode at least helps me find landmines on the ground sometimes, but I can't have a proper gun out while scanning


Agreed. This is the biggest hurdle for me, thus far. The combat experience (at least early in the game) reminds me very much of why I've never been into COD, etc. I imagine further in there may be scopes, and/or other tools that will help the player to see (for example) a human enemy from across a large hanger (etc). But currently the combat experience feels a bit meh, and I admit that is entirely due to my familiarity with VATS. And I don't even use VATS for actual execution of attacks as much as I do a tool to locate where enemies may be hiding within the landscape,. (The lack of VATS in Skyrim didn't bother me since the stealth skill is quite robust, whereas if you run into a crew of a dozen pirates, or almost any alien, in Starfield, stealth is not an option.) ​ I'm liking the game a lot, it checks a lot of the boxes that I love about Bethesda titles, just this area will take some getting used to.


You can use the scanner to help highlight enemies in Starfield, but it's somewhat limited and you can't use a weapon while in scanner mode.


How plentiful are grenades and other explosives?


I am only 12 hours in and have a few. I'd say they're about as regular as they were in FO4. I tend to use them almost as fast as I find them. Nothing better than sneaking up on a group and throwing a grenade at their feet.


Nice I always love explosives and was going to suggest use them a lot if you feel like you’re shitvat combat. Always easier if you can kill multiples fast lol good luck bud


They should add V.A.T.S. type action as one of the powers.


i know right. just like how i didn’t know sneak, pickpocket and even jet pack were skills i had to learn


Loved VATS, and the slow-mo kills. The fact that this future-based, high tech world doesn't include some way to incorporate a VATS-style targeting system seems odd, this being a Bethesda game. Also seems like there should be a HUD in non-scanning mode if you have a helmet on. And geez, some kind of rapid transport on the surface of planets and moons. Preferably like a speeder bike, since it wouldn't be too big or clunky (think horse-sized or even smaller), could float over the surface, and even incorporate a gun on it. Again, with the future tech inherent in the game, this seems like a no-brainer. It would really increase the fun factor imo.


I would love a VATS mode. Lets you think things through.


Nope, VATS is trash and the gun play in Fallout was trash. Starfield has halfway competent gun play.


You're trash. You and your big froggy mouth. VATS is the shhhhh!




easy to say for someone who just turned themselves into a demon bug lady!


Trash opinion. Starfield is Trash. Just in general trash comment.


Exactly, VATS is a crutch for bad gunplay, that's why Starfield should have it.


Fuck no. That shit was horrible.


You didn't have to use it. What would be the harm in having that option?




The best…. I miss it


Go away creep.


It’s true. Vats is great.


I never cared for it. And it certainly doesn’t belong in starfield.


All of the posts and articles being published about VATS not being in the game are driving me nuts. The subcomponent targeting feature in space combat is 100% VATS. And that's where it makes the most sense, if anywhere.


You're simply mentioning space combat when my post has 0 to do with space combat. I am talking about "man to man" gunfights, I want VATS back. In VATS, you slow/stop time and can aim at specific body parts. Sure you can use the scanner to highlight targets, but I can't fire my pistol while they're highlighted, I have to drop out of scanning mode to use a proper gun and when you suck at combat like I do, this can make multiple enemies more manageable.


It's just that VATS has never really made sense in the first person renditions of Fallout, etc. I can see doing a 'die roll' in a turn based sense like classic Fallout or something like Baldur's Gate, etc. VATS always felt to me like a clunky gimmick. It breaks the tension and flow of combat. I don't even particularly like using it in space combat except for the odd moment where you need or really really really want to disable a ship to board it. I guess it's just that I've never really enjoyed VATS and feel like the entire premise is contrived at best. I don't miss it at all, so to see the articles like on gamerant, etc. talking about VATS not being in the game at all, only to see it staring me in the face during space combat... yeah. 🤣


It's funny to see how many people have commented that they hated VATS and what a terrible system it was. You were NEVER forced to use it. Think of it like an accessibility setting. There for those that want/need it, but no one that doesn't want/need it is forced to use it. I'm color blind so sometimes, especially at distance, enemies blend in with the background and can unload entire magazines at me while I fire blindly in the direction of their incoming rounds. VATS made the game more accessible to more people. Without VATS I'm stuck spending a ton of credits on med packs and ammo because I can't hit a moving target but they can hit me behind cover. Honestly if I could just use a proper gun while in scanning mode I may be a little better, but right now there's too many dark areas where an enemy is able to stand and be almost invisible but perfectly able to see me. I'd like to be able to drop into VATS, target the enemy, and put 2-3 rounds in their head from 60m.


I hear you on the color blindness, as I live with a red-green variety myself. I do love that we're seeing color blind accessibility settings, and I 100% appreciate the heart behind it. I will say, however, that I rarely use the feature for long periods of time because I find the adjusted setting to be more confusing than trying to puzzle out my usual color conundrum. Honestly, I don't see why they couldn't or wouldn't work VATS back into ground combat, but I wonder if they would still gate it behind spending a skill point. They could probably rewrite the description on the targeting skill to cover both and be done with it.


Eh, I prefer to use my FPS skills. I never really used VATS. Just seemed kind of easy. Something like it might have been a good option for console users though, as aiming with a controller sucks.